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 as much as I`d like to help
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Tue 8 Mar 16:47

short story is they want you to email your money to an address in Russia !! lina_smilehealthclinic@mail.ru

how convenient ;o))

Help save children in ukraine (Посміхнись Childrens clinic)

I am writing to you on behalf of Посміхнись Childrens clinic here in Zharkiv, which was destroyed as a result of the Russian Invasion, which has been ongoing for few days now.

We are seeking assistance to help care and relocate the children and other staff. We are asking for donations to help the sick and wounded children and the kids of the Посміхнись Clinic`s Orphanage Home.

As we continue to defend our territories from these ungodly tragedy, we need food items, and other relief materials are welcomed.

for further enquiries contact
Svitolina M,
Medical Director, Посміхнись Children"s clinic,
Zharkiv, Ukraine.
Call: +380 7537 16736
Svitolina M
linkedin: Maxim Aronov

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 Re: as much as I`d like to help
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Tue 8 Mar 17:14

Several bona fide organisations in Scotland will accept monetary donations that will go to help these unfortunate folks in Ukraine.

I donated through Rotary, and SCIAF are also in the forefront.

Rather than Olga from the Volga via her email scam.
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 Re: as much as I`d like to help
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Tue 8 Mar 17:40

We donated £30 through the high school donation scheme

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: as much as I`d like to help
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Tue 8 Mar 17:59

great stuff.
I used the British Red Cross but any know orgnaisation is good.

I don`t think anybody will fall for these scams :o)

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