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 Dog poo
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 14 Mar 14:59

No, not a reflection on the lack of white dog poo...what I`m wondering is when poo bags became a thing. I remember when their was a fair amount of dog poo on the streets so poo bags are great. The problem is the lazy sods who bag it and then drop it, which is even worse as you then had a poo festering in a bag for years rather than ones that will wash away in the rain.
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 Re: Dog poo
Topic Originator: parfection  
Date:   Mon 14 Mar 16:17

I have to agree. My wife and I keep a dog (an Airedale) and I’m constantly upset at this odd phenomenon of people bagging poo and then discarding the whole lot on a footpath. There are plenty of bins around these days and such behaviour is utterly inexcusable.

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 Re: Dog poo
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 14 Mar 17:05

It`s really bad at Blairadam. They could do with more bins but it`s hardly a challenge to hold onto a bag for a wee bit. Seemingly some people leave them to pick up on their way back.
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 Re: Dog poo
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Mon 14 Mar 20:26

We take the dogs up a farm track, it’s a straight line up and then back. Dogs invariably poo early so it’s bagged and left at the side for collecting on the way back rather than carrying a couple poos for a couple of miles. We use nappy bags as they are yellow and stand out (and are cheaper).

Always pick them up and the only time when I’ve forgot and realised back at the house I went back out to retrieve it.

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 Re: Dog poo
Topic Originator: doctordandruff  
Date:   Tue 15 Mar 11:19

We are guilty of the leave the bag and get it on the way back. Had an old woman going nuts at the `idiots leaving bags` when we had to say `erm, it`s ours and we are just picking it up`.

Blairadam is a nightmare. There must be better options than 1 single bin at the start of what is a several mile walk for a lot of people. Its forrestry commision so they clearly have the vehicles to pick up and empty. There could be `composting bins` or something, but that could get rank pretty quickly.

Calais woods is great as volunteers have pinned binbags to trees and then come and collect them.
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 Re: Dog poo
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 15 Mar 17:45

The single bin is a nonsense but the issue is probably emptying bins. They`d be filled within a day at Blairadam and it`s quite a large and extensive walk. The bin at the entrance is regularly overflowing. Not exactly the best welcome!
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