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 email a Russian ?
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Fri 18 Mar 07:54

how about letting them know about the war, seems a good idea to combat the propaganda


I tried it since yesterday. I used a new Yahoo email and on a VPN to go through that website.

it uses your email account tp send emails, hence why I setup a new yahoo email completely separate from my own mail accounts.

I noticed last week that a guy called Fabion (seen on BBC News) had setup something, I`m not sure if this is the same link.

I noticed this morning some mail.ru are returned as Spam. others seem to get through, but I`m waiting for my first reply ;o)


Post Edited (Fri 18 Mar 17:03)
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 Re: email a Russian ?
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Sat 19 Mar 09:34

I had one reply so far:

"I support the decision of our President VV Putin!
If something is going on there that is not legal, contact the Prosecutor`s Office of the Russian Federation."

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 Re: email a Russian ?
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Sat 19 Mar 10:55

I responded (by copying text from the Russain War Crimes wikipedia page) and again received another reply, Rusians are being brainwashed by their own propoganda:

"you are mistaken, and I advise you not to spread false information. I`m not ashamed that I`m Russian. Nazism is not.
Don`t write to me anymore."

I did a final reply to say that we are also not ashamed of russian people.

Post Edited (Sat 19 Mar 10:57)
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 Re: email a Russian ?
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sat 19 Mar 19:08


brian, Sat 19 Mar 10:55

I responded (by copying text from the Russain War Crimes wikipedia page) and again received another reply, Rusians are being brainwashed by their own propoganda:

"you are mistaken, and I advise you not to spread false information. I`m not ashamed that I`m Russian. Nazism is not.
Don`t write to me anymore."

I did a final reply to say that we are also not ashamed of russian people.

I would imagine it`s difficult for them to reply in any other way. Probably think their emails are monitored.
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 Re: email a Russian ?
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Sat 19 Mar 20:30

I would agree with you on that, I`m sure they know.
However, they are the people that can help us get out of it

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 Re: email a Russian ?
Topic Originator: DBA  
Date:   Sat 19 Mar 23:31

Sorry if I`m misunderstanding, but is this just a function to email a random Russian email address?
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 Re: email a Russian ?
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Sun 20 Mar 07:52

Yes, someone collated Russian addresses and thought it would be good to email them the real facts on the war.

Rather than they emailing everybody thought that emails would get through if they also came from random people round the world

However, the reality is the people are too scared to reply with their feelings in case their emails are monitored

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 Re: email a Russian ?
Topic Originator: parsmad68  
Date:   Sun 27 Mar 21:53

It is an interesting concept. I wonder where the trigger of change will happen in Russia? Universities, religious, social media or from outside Russian borders. If it happens it will be very messy. Much worse than we see now.
A Russian once said to me “being Russian is a state of mind”. I didn’t know what to make of that statement when I spoke to him years ago but I am thinking I am starting to understand now.
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