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 Union leaders
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 09:23

Bit weird seeing someone with £143k salary on the telly complaining about how much others are paid today. Is it jealousy?
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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 09:42

Who are you referring to? Is the union leader on 143k or the person criticising the union leader?

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 09:46

The union leader. Dave Ward from the CWU was on the telly this morning.
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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: Bandy  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 10:30

I certainly couldn`t do his job. If the CWU are happy with that salary then who am I to complain?

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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 10:47

Pales into insignificance when the head of one of the water boards in England gets paid £2 million a year!

She also picked up a £75K bonus for dumping all the sewage in the rivers.
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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 11:42

RMT are led by Marxists and a Putin fan. Anyone who shut down the Moscow underground would end up at the bottom of the Volga…

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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 13:12

So because one person at the top gets paid a lot, everyone below isn`t entitled to have their wages capped with inflation?

This is classic whitabootery. It`s up to each group whether they`re rail workers, waste workers, nurses, doctors or whoever to decide to go on strike. The public don`t pick and choose who "deserves" a pay rise. Everyone is entitled to strike if their members do not feel they are being adequately paid.
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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 13:51

Just who are they the RMT negatively affecting ?

The wealthy? Nope. Senior polticians with their government cars? ditto. Their bosses? Fat chance.

Just Joe Soap who relies on the train to get to and from his work, those lower paid shift workers in the hospitals, leisure industries, hospitality, hotels etc etc. The ones earning a lot less than the ones on the picket lines

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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 15:33

The ‘Union Barons’ argument is, as you might imagine, a piece of hogwash in a country which merrily hands out earldoms, knighthoods and the like to its retainers. If a member of the Trade Union bureaucracy is being highly paid then it is hardly in his interests to rock the boat by organising strike action. He can only be sanctioning this due to pressure from his members, who are presumably well aware of what he earns.

Anyone who uses ‘marxist’ as a term of rebuke really gives the game away. A trade union official who did not adopt a Marxist outlook would be less than useless to his membership whether his own politics were Labour, Social Democratic or Communist. In fact any trade union official who did not believe that workers are entitled to the fruits of their labour would be something of a traitor to his own cause.

There has never been a strike on the Moscow metro, partly because the drivers have always been relatively well paid. This is a hangover from the USSR where steelworkers or coalminers could make much the same wages as a doctor or lawyer. Rather like working in the NHS in Britain, working in the Moscow metro is seen as a great public service; the difference is the metro system is well funded and has expanded considerably in the last decade.

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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 17:19

So the said leader of the CWU earns £140K , meanwhile BT made £1,300,000,000 in profit, handed shareholders £75,000,000 and paid their CEO £3,500,000.

The workers deserve everything they can get, by the way they have opened food banks at some BT sites for their workers!
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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 17:29

It`s not just the workers being screwed here. Privatisation was done in part to make savings/efficiencies by having competition. The reality in many cases is we`re seeing the providers of basic needs (transport, energy, water etc.) making massive profits whilst claiming they can`t drop prices. All too often we`ve seen the taxpayer bailing out private businesses that gave all the cash to the shareholders whilst times were good and left nothing in the pot to cover bad times. It`s a joke.

As Joe Public we get screwed twice - we pay over the odds for services and then cough up to cover things like pensions when firms fail.

We see it locally too when these bloody house builders come in with deals that they`ll build schools and community centres as part of getting permission to build houses. They then conveniently disappear when the hand comes out for the money to build them.

This country is rotten to the core.
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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 18:45

Meanwhile a bunch of footballers continue to get paid obscene amounts of money weekly - and two of the so called celebrity wives take a personal spat to the High Court costing an arm and a leg to contest a civil action.

An ill divided world ?

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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 20:56


Parboiled, Fri 29 Jul 13:51

Just who are they the RMT negatively affecting ?

The wealthy? Nope. Senior polticians with their government cars? ditto. Their bosses? Fat chance.

Just Joe Soap who relies on the train to get to and from his work, those lower paid shift workers in the hospitals, leisure industries, hospitality, hotels etc etc. The ones earning a lot less than the ones on the picket lines

No real surprise you`re against Union strikes. I`m sure you`d be a seething mess if Nurses took similar action for the desperately needed pay rise they need. Standard right wing distraction tactics, not actually looking at the real issues
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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: parsmad68  
Date:   Sat 30 Jul 06:04


veteraneastender, Fri 29 Jul 18:45

Meanwhile a bunch of footballers continue to get paid obscene amounts of money weekly - and two of the so called celebrity wives take a personal spat to the High Court costing an arm and a leg to contest a civil action.

An ill divided world ?

That got me as well VEE, what a pair they are. Spend millions on a wee argument to prove a point and people cannot afford to hear their homes or fuel their cars properly. Gets my back up. If only there was more negative commentary on this.
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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: DA-go Par Adonis  
Date:   Sat 30 Jul 08:56

To be fair, it was one celebrity wife who took the case to court. The other didn`t have a choice.

I love it when we go sell Kevin Nisbet,
He's gonna pay for everyone this season.
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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Sat 30 Jul 09:10


DA-go Par Adonis, Sat 30 Jul 08:56

To be fair, it was one celebrity wife who took the case to court. The other didn`t have a choice.

Presumably it only went to court because both parties chose to do so ?

If uncontested it would not have done so - weren’t there offers to settle out of court ?

The only beneficiaries of this sorry mess were the lawyers, as usual, and the press.

Post Edited (Sat 30 Jul 10:00)
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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Sat 30 Jul 10:06

Rooney offered to settle but Vardy declined.
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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Sat 30 Jul 11:35

I don`t know why footballers always get dragged into these discussions.

Most of the players earning top money are working class guys that have worked their mamaries off to get to the top of their profession and have made boat loads of sacrafices along the way. The money they get paid is only a fraction of the revenue they generate or provide the product that money is generated from.

The vast majority are well entitled to what they get. Its completely irrelevant to any discussions about the salaries for those providing public services. If you want to earn the salaries that footballers do, get yourself up to their standard and do it.
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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sat 30 Jul 11:45

And the cast majority of footballers earn little during their career and have a career that is lucky if it lasts 20 years.
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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: DA-go Par Adonis  
Date:   Sat 30 Jul 12:24

Vardy sued Rooney for libel. I very much doubt Rooney wanted any part of being in a court and having to defend herself - especially as it seemed a fairly spurious case.

I love it when we go sell Kevin Nisbet,
He's gonna pay for everyone this season.
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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: Milos Drizzle  
Date:   Sat 30 Jul 23:31


jake89, Fri 29 Jul 17:29The reality in many cases is we`re seeing the providers of basic needs (transport, energy, water etc.) making massive profits whilst claiming they can`t drop prices. All too often we`ve seen the taxpayer bailing out private businesses that gave all the cash to the shareholders whilst times were good and left nothing in the pot to cover bad times. It`s a joke..

This, this and this again. I heard the other day that Heathrow made a modest loss the first half of 2022. Yet when they reported that they didn’t mention the profits of the last 20 years.

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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Tue 2 Aug 16:17

Most workers have not had a real pay rise for years and years, ever since dodgy Dave and Osbourne took the political decision to inflict austerity on the country under the guise of running the country`s economy as a household budget.

Inflation is now rampant and workers have had enough as they have less and less disposable income as every year passes yet the gap between rich and poor increases as every year passes. Its disgusting.

Workers have never been given anything tangible ever by asking nicely.

If it was not for workers fighting for their rights and the people demonstrating for their rights we would still be working 60plus hours a week and women would still not be allowed to vote and anyone who had the audacity to withdraw their labour would be languishing in jail.

A few people being inconvenience by train strikes is a small price to pay.

Make no mistake about it, if the CWU,RMT and the rest don`t get even close to what they are asking for it will be carte blanche for the Tories to bring in even more stringent laws and screw the working man and the country over even more as they laugh all the way to the bank at our expense.

The Tories have been in power for 12 years and the country is on its knees. They have failed, they are incompetent, they are economically illiterate, they are liars. Five more years of this mob and workers rights will be set back 40 years.
I am just wondering when the tipping point will come? It surely will and when it does it will be very very messy. It could be avoided if we had a government that genuinely understood what people are going through. Instead we have a gov that does not give a fig.
Keeping people cowed, frightened and in debt is what they want.

It s called " Taking back control "

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.
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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 2 Aug 17:18

Most people HAVE had pay rises but not ones that match inflation (or the other thing I can`t remember the name of).

Like any group, unions need to ensure they are accurately representing their members. We see a lot nowadays where groups/organisations take their own views that may not reflect the views of their members. Unions can`t really do that. Strikes are balloted, as are pay rises.

I`m not sure it was any better under Labour, but I`ve never known this country to appear so corrupt and inward looking as it is today. Austerity was a joke from the start. I believe it WAS necessary to balance the books but 1. Austerity wasn`t the way to achieve this 2. It made things WORSE in many ways.

The Tories used to be as their name suggests - Conservative. Nowadays they`re more "self-serving".
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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 2 Aug 17:47

Goodness knows what Truss was thinking of when she said she would have regional pay councils so that public services wages in different parts of the UK would be related to the cost of living in different areas. How would that be compatible with the much-vaunted `levelling-up`?

She seems to be an outright opportunist who will say anything she thinks a particular audience wants to hear with no regard for the repercussions elsewhere. This u-turn and her comments about Nicola Sturgeon have maybe given her potential supporters pause for thought and it seems already that Sunak`s campaign has benefited. Neither of them will be acting in the best interests of working people.

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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Tue 2 Aug 18:51

Two nasty pieces of work wee eck .. who will say anything and do anything to get the Job .. More u-turns than Burntisland dodgems .. no interest in the public in general .. but trying to woo the donors and multi-millionaires by pondering and saying what they want to hear .. a 4p tax cut WOW .. it means nixie nowt to Joe public but what about the mega rich .. Jings they might be tempted to bank their money back in this Country :-))

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh  
Date:   Tue 2 Aug 22:32

A 4% cut to the base rate of income tax means that

- the lowest earners will gain absolutely nothing
- someone on the average wage will gain about 500 quid a year
- the highest earners will gain about 1500 a year
- there would be a 20-30 billion pound hole in government finances that would no doubt be taken away from hospitals or schools

I can`t work out if Tory voters are stupid or just selfish. Maybe they are both.

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 Re: Union leaders
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Wed 3 Aug 20:07

The mega-rich don’t pay income tax though.

No one has any idea what the optimal rate of income tax is to maximise government revenue or even if that would be a good idea.

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