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 Tesco bams (Victor Meldrew post)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 9 Sep 18:48

Has Duloch Tesco become bam central since the McDonalds opened? I`d been avoiding since a couple of experiences with kids racing trolleys up and down the car park and wondering how long until one hit my car. Needless to say that a quiet word suggesting they be mindful of parked cars was met with a less than polite response!

Up there tonight and there`s a group of young lads running up and down the shop, climbing in the bed display and then walking into the staff area at the back of the shop. Same kids then outside climbing on top of the cash machines then over to McDonalds to cause bother.

Am I just unlucky, or is the place now a meeting spot for Dunfermline`s eejits? I`ll be back to Aldi next door instead!
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 Re: Tesco bams (Victor Meldrew post)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Fri 9 Sep 19:18

Water cannon the little fockers

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Tesco bams (Victor Meldrew post)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 9 Sep 19:59

Surprised they didn`t get a smack off the wee woman in Tesco tbh 😂
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 Re: Tesco bams (Victor Meldrew post)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Sat 10 Sep 08:23

I Don`t Believe It !!

Post Edited (Sat 10 Sep 09:40)
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 Re: Tesco bams (Victor Meldrew post)
Topic Originator: twin par  
Date:   Sat 10 Sep 12:35

Friend of mine works in Aberdour Road tesco.The amount of shop lifting and abuse the staff get,is unbelievable. Doesn`t help,in the fact they don`t have security guards.If they catch someone, they can`t do a thing to them.
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 Re: Tesco bams (Victor Meldrew post)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sat 10 Sep 13:00

All these shops have cameras. Should be easy enough to print them in the Press each week. The kids will be local.
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 Re: Tesco bams (Victor Meldrew post)
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Sat 10 Sep 17:15

Cant do that these days.

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 Re: Tesco bams (Victor Meldrew post)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Sat 10 Sep 18:49

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Tesco bams (Victor Meldrew post)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Sun 11 Sep 14:01


twin par, Sat 10 Sept 12:35

Friend of mine works in Aberdour Road tesco.The amount of shop lifting and abuse the staff get,is unbelievable. Doesn`t help,in the fact they don`t have security guards.If they catch someone, they can`t do a thing to them.

They could keep a hold of them and call the police but I don`t blame them for not fancying the aggro. They won`t be getting paid enough to deal with that crap or have any training.
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 Re: Tesco bams (Victor Meldrew post)
Topic Originator: General Zod  
Date:   Sun 11 Sep 14:22

If I worked in a shop and some bams were stealing stuff then I’d just let them. It’s not me they’re stealing from. You’re not paid to potentially die for your employer. You never know which wee coward has a knife on them.

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 Re: Tesco bams (Victor Meldrew post)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Sun 11 Sep 15:00

Yeah I used to work as a security guard and if I`d been one of the shop workers I wouldn`t have got involved in any of that stuff.
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 Re: Tesco bams (Victor Meldrew post)
Topic Originator: kozmasrightfoot  
Date:   Sun 11 Sep 15:25

Get them told `This is a local shop for local people, we`ll have no trouble hearh`.

A bonus 37.2 points for the first person to get the reference.

Pars fan.
Magpies fan.
Mens tennis fan.
Alternative rock fan.
Not a fan of much else.
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 Re: Tesco bams (Victor Meldrew post)
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Sun 11 Sep 16:36

League of gentlemen.... Easy min

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 Re: Tesco bams (Victor Meldrew post)
Topic Originator: Berkey  
Date:   Sun 11 Sep 18:18

‘We didn’t burn him’

The post below replying to me is by one of .nets finest champions of mediocrity!
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 Re: Tesco bams (Victor Meldrew post)
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Sun 11 Sep 19:06

Does the winner get to stroke your greenback?
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 Re: Tesco bams (Victor Meldrew post)
Topic Originator: Playup_Pompey  
Date:   Mon 12 Sep 14:59

certainly in on a downward slope. McDonalds last weekend was full of wee @rseholes abusing the staff and other customers. Cursing and swearing when kids are around.

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 Re: Tesco bams (Victor Meldrew post)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 12 Sep 16:13

A classic Fife Council farce. They claimed it was approved as the Scottish Government would simply approve the appeal. Around the same time there were similar plans for Musselburgh Tesco. The council refused and the appeal went in. Also refused. That McDonalds was also approved by councillors in places like Leven!

McDonalds are supposed to have litter pickers out twice a day covering a 100m radius. I think we know that`s not happening!
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