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 Winter Fuel Payment
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Sun 23 Oct 14:11

Being an auld bit ( born before 25/09/1956) I`ve been getting a fuel allowance of £200 for a few years now.

I`ve recently received a letter informing me that for this year, my winter fuel payment will be £500. While this is very welcome, I feel a bit like one of "the workers in the vineyard" parable, which Paralex can explain to anyone not familiar with it. 🙂

I thought every householder was going to receive a flat rate of £600. I even read that Rishi Sunak will pocket around £12k because he has a fair few houses. (The money apparently goes to the house owner, not the tenants.) The letter explains that I qualify for £500 because I was born before the date above and because there`s no one else living with me who qualifies. My wife is a younger auld git, born after the cut off date.

I`m curious to know if a household consisting of two or more people born before 25/09/1956 qualifies for a larger payment. It`s no skin off my nose if they do, but I`d argue it doesn`t cost any more to heat a house for 2 than it does for 1, unless they sleep in and heat different bedrooms.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Winter Fuel Payment
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sun 23 Oct 14:50

Do you feel like you are one of the vineyard workers hired at the start of the day or on the afternoon GG? I don`t really get that parable,i feel the workers would have greatly benefited from sting union representarion.
Anyway GG I`m pretty certain, and I may be wrong, that it is per household and not per person.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Winter Fuel Payment
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sun 23 Oct 16:02

All these discounts are a bit of a joke tbh. All they do is mask the real problems.
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 Re: Winter Fuel Payment
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Sun 23 Oct 16:24

I would take it and keep shtum G.G.

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Winter Fuel Payment
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Sun 23 Oct 16:29


The One Who Knocks, Sun 23 Oct 14:50

Do you feel like you are one of the vineyard workers hired at the start of the day or on the afternoon GG? I don`t really get that parable,i feel the workers would have greatly benefited from sting union representarion.
Anyway GG I`m pretty certain, and I may be wrong, that it is per household and not per person.

I certainly don`t feel like one of those hired at 6 am, who put in a 12 hr shift and got the same dollar as those Johnny-come-latelys who turned up at 5 pm and didn`t even break sweat, TOWK. 😃 They would understandably have been 😭😤 😨

I think the point of the parable is that the workers were asked if they were happy with the daily rate (and they were) but then felt pissed off because those who worked less hours got the same. What skin was that off their nose? Why did they agree at the start of the day? Maybe because it was the going rate? And why should they be upset because the employer chose to be generous with his own money? Miserable gits!

"I`m pretty certain but I may be wrong." Bit of a paradoxical statement, no? 🤔

Not your average Sunday League player.

Post Edited (Sun 23 Oct 17:11)
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 Re: Winter Fuel Payment
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Sun 23 Oct 16:32


We are forever shaped by the Children we once were

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Winter Fuel Payment
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sun 23 Oct 16:43

GG, Liz Truss was pretty certain about her suitability to be PM but she was certainly wrong! I was just hedging my language in the highly unlikely event anyone would take information from me as gospel when dealing with personal finances.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Winter Fuel Payment
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Sun 23 Oct 17:00


GG Riva, Sun 23 Oct 14:11

I thought every householder was going to receive a flat rate of £600. I even read that Rishi Sunak will pocket around £12k because he has a fair few houses. (The money apparently goes to the house owner, not the tenants.)

The £400 flat rate everyone gets is applied to energy bills (£66 in oct

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 Re: Winter Fuel Payment
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Sun 23 Oct 17:13


P, Sun 23 Oct 17:00


GG Riva, Sun 23 Oct 14:11

I thought every householder was going to receive a flat rate of £600. I even read that Rishi Sunak will pocket around £12k because he has a fair few houses. (The money apparently goes to the house owner, not the tenants.)

The £400 flat rate everyone gets is applied to energy bills (£66 in oct

Ah cheers, P. I was conflating the 2 payments.

Thanks for the link above, BPP.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Winter Fuel Payment
Topic Originator: PARrot  
Date:   Sun 23 Oct 22:10


GG Riva, Sun 23 Oct 16:29


The One Who Knocks, Sun 23 Oct 14:50

Do you feel like you are one of the vineyard workers hired at the start of the day or on the afternoon GG? I don`t really get that parable,i feel the workers would have greatly benefited from sting union representarion.
Anyway GG I`m pretty certain, and I may be wrong, that it is per household and not per person.

I certainly don`t feel like one of those hired at 6 am, who put in a 12 hr shift and got the same dollar as those Johnny-come-latelys who turned up at 5 pm and didn`t even break sweat, TOWK. 😃 They would understandably have been 😭😤 😨

I think the point of the parable is that the workers were asked if they were happy with the daily rate (and they were) but then felt pissed off because those who worked less hours got the same. What skin was that off their nose? Why did they agree at the start of the day? Maybe because it was the going rate? And why should they be upset because the employer chose to be generous with his own money? Miserable gits!

"I`m pretty certain but I may be wrong." Bit of a paradoxical statement, no? 🤔

Jings min its about getting intae heaven. Doesnt matter if you got the picture early doors or at the clog popping stage. As long as you get the picture you get the key.
Some folk think thats not fair but thats the difference between grace and graft.

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 Re: Winter Fuel Payment
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Sun 23 Oct 22:49


PARrot, Sun 23 Oct 22:10

Jings min its about getting intae heaven. Doesnt matter if you got the picture early doors or at the clog popping stage. As long as you get the picture you get the key.
Some folk think thats not fair but thats the difference between grace and graft.

And that`s a major issue I have with it.
By this metric Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, Adolf Hitler and countless paedophile priests will be lording it up in heaven.
Whereas I will be tortured for eternity because I don`t believe based on the lack of evidence.
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 Re: Winter Fuel Payment
Topic Originator: PARrot  
Date:   Mon 24 Oct 01:34


sadindiefreak, Sun 23 Oct 22:49


PARrot, Sun 23 Oct 22:10

Jings min its about getting intae heaven. Doesnt matter if you got the picture early doors or at the clog popping stage. As long as you get the picture you get the key.
Some folk think thats not fair but thats the difference between grace and graft.

And that`s a major issue I have with it.
By this metric Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, Adolf Hitler and countless paedophile priests will be lording it up in heaven.
Whereas I will be tortured for eternity because I don`t believe based on the lack of evidence.

There is no lack of evidence. Just no proof.
Not just quite as simple as that either Sif.
I dont think it means you can just say oh aye I believe and kerching!

Think of it this way (pretty controversial but here goes. Tin hat on),
"Our battle isn’t against flesh and blood but against the principalities of darkness."
We are all God`s children.
Some of us fall into darkness
Some of those who fall into darkness have their eyes opened and trully repent, feeling great remorse.

It is hard to imagine someone like Hitler falling into the latter category but lets be a bit less extreme.

If your child was brainwashed by radical political theology and commited some atrocities, then realised the evil within, fought it and won his battle, becoming truly remorseful and repentant.
You would still despise what he was and what he did but you might rejoice at his transformation

Not the same as just saying sorry because he wants his inheritance.

Also... I dont believe you wont go to heaven because of your doubts. Neither do I believe everyone who gives lip service to a confession of faith is "Saved". We will all be judged and those who claim to believe will actually be judged more harshly as by their confession they should be more accountable for their acts.

God knows every hair on your head and every thought in it too. If you think the compassion you show to others will result in damnation because you struggle with faith yet consistantly demonstrate the very attributes Christ taught, while those who profess faith but do evil, you need to find a new bible study group.

Read the parrable of the two sons.

Post Edited (Mon 24 Oct 01:58)
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 Re: Winter Fuel Payment
Topic Originator: onandupthepars  
Date:   Mon 24 Oct 22:43

Hi Parrot,


"If you think the compassion you show to others will result in damnation because you struggle with faith yet consistently demonstrate the very attributes Christ taught, while those who profess faith but do evil, you need to find a new bible study group."

It seems like you`re trying to encourage those who struggle with faith, even to the extent of suggesting that those who "demonstrate the attributes Christ taught" may enter heaven without believing in the tenets of Christianity (as listed below.)

But it`s not possible for a heathen to enter heaven is it - you HAVE to believe that:

1. Jesus (a first century preacher from Judea) is God.
2. Everyone is a born sinner, on account of inheriting sin from Adam and Eve.
3. Jesus died (had himself killed and resurrected himself) to atone for all sins.
4. If you don`t believe those things you`re dead for eternity.
5. The only way to survive death, is to believe 1-4 above, plus redemption, i.e. you have to ask Jesus to save you.

The parable of the two sons is really about repentance, it doesn`t say that being humane and compassionate can get you to heaven, only that you have to repent and comply with the religious tenets.

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 Re: Winter Fuel Payment
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 25 Oct 10:13

What I`ve never understood about heaven is what age you would be. I don`t think I`d fancy living on if I had dementia. Similarly, would a baby remain a baby forevermore?

Is there a limit on how many can live in heaven? Is there a time limit like Logan`s Run?
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 Re: Winter Fuel Payment
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Tue 25 Oct 10:57


jake89, Tue 25 Oct 10:13

What I`ve never understood about heaven is what age you would be. I don`t think I`d fancy living on if I had dementia. Similarly, would a baby remain a baby forevermore?

Is there a limit on how many can live in heaven? Is there a time limit like Logan`s Run?

There is a limit to how many can live in heaven.
That limit is zero because it doesn`t exist.
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 Re: Winter Fuel Payment
Topic Originator: onandupthepars  
Date:   Tue 25 Oct 11:05

Re Parrot

What I`m getting at is that, I can see that you`re trying to correct the assertion made by Sadindiefreak, but you also seem to be making out that Christianity is easy-going and inclusive, e.g. quote: `I dont believe you won`t go to heaven because of your doubts.`

I think you only mean that in respect of committed Christians.

It`s an odd thing to say to Sadindie though, because he says he`s a non-believer. God`s not gonna overlook that is he? however well-reasoned, or heartfelt his objections are.

So what are you saying - don`t worry, whatever your objections are, chuck them - just accept it all anyway, on faith? I suppose that might partly explain why an intelligent friend of mine is a believer, because he feels he`s being humble by submitting to it.

There are many facts in the Bible, but the tenets are clearly not facts, they are part of the overall scheme of Christianity.

Christianity attempts to explain how and why we came into being, what happens to us after we die etc. with stories such as Adam and Eve and original sin. They are attempts to plug gaps in knowledge and understanding long before methods of scientific enquiry were applied to those gaps; I think of them as theories which are unfortunately promoted by many as facts.

Post Edited (Tue 25 Oct 11:56)
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 Re: Winter Fuel Payment
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 25 Oct 13:29


sadindiefreak, Tue 25 Oct 10:57


jake89, Tue 25 Oct 10:13

What I`ve never understood about heaven is what age you would be. I don`t think I`d fancy living on if I had dementia. Similarly, would a baby remain a baby forevermore?

Is there a limit on how many can live in heaven? Is there a time limit like Logan`s Run?

There is a limit to how many can live in heaven.
That limit is zero because it doesn`t exist.

That`s just an opinion. Assuming it does exist, what are the rules? At what point pre-death does it rewind to?

I learned little through church and religious education but have always viewed Christianity and other religions as mainly being about having some basic morals like don`t be mean or kill people.
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 Re: Winter Fuel Payment
Topic Originator: onandupthepars  
Date:   Tue 25 Oct 21:08

Ah yes - Christianity and morality, such as `Old Testament mass killings` - e.g. God`s command that the Israelites annihilate the Canaanites.

Ah but!

Apparently the murder of Canaanite children was not the worst judgement that could have befallen them. In fact God acted lovingly! Yes indeed, the great mind that created the Universe and everything in it, concluded that the best solution to the Canaanite problem was to order his chosen people to bump them off. (And no silly miracle such as gathering the children to safety first.) It`s all here:

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 Re: Winter Fuel Payment
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Wed 26 Oct 08:17

What has any of this religious psh got to do with winter fuel payments?

Maybe a new ‘magical wishing man’ thread for such nonsense.

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 Re: Winter Fuel Payment
Topic Originator: onandupthepars  
Date:   Wed 26 Oct 18:22

Refr: P
Wed 26 Oct 08:17

"What has any of this religious psh got to do with winter fuel payments?"


Seems tae have warmed you up a bit, P. 😀

More `religious psh` and it`ll keep the heatin` bills doon!

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