Topic Originator: onandupthepars
Date: Tue 29 Nov 17:00
.... and curios related to West Fife, Dunfermline or DAFC. (Please give sources if you can)
a cricket term, when the bowler takes five or more wickets in an innings. (Also known as a `Five-for`.)(1)
(NB nickname:a familiar or humorous name given to a person or thing instead o,f or as well as, the real name.)
Post Edited (Tue 29 Nov 17:17)
Topic Originator: onandupthepars
Date: Tue 29 Nov 17:42
Some folk think `PARS` came from the meaning of being on a par with other teams.
We do have some French words in our language, and I was wondering if `Par excellence` was ever shortened to `Par`, keeping the same meaning. That is, did the word `Par` once mean, not `average` as I think it does now, but `excellent.`?
(After some googling: Doubt it.)
But just on the subject of French words, my gran said that her dad (about 1910) sometimes (the worse for drink) shouted to the ice-cream seller - `Hi Gooly-ammy!` `The boy `ud be lookin` at `um,` she said.
Eventually I realised, he was shouting, `Hi - Wullie!` (just like we say Hi Jimmy! now)
The old French word for `William` being `Guillaume.`(1)
I also think that our `aye` for yes, came from our way of saying `oui`. (No doubt that`ll get a few hackles up.)
"Where does the expression Aye come from?
Appears suddenly about 1575, and is exceedingly common about 1600. Probably from use of aye (“ever, always”) as expression of agreement or affirmation, or from Middle English a ye (“oh yes”), or synthesis of both. More at oh, yea." (2)
I`d say it`s not from `always`, because that`s a different sound. (English folk maybe don`t know, we say that `always` word, not like `eye` but like the `ui` in `guide.`)
It`s nothing like `a ye` either.
From the French, I believe. (Published sources not always the best.)
(2) https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/aye#:~:text=%22Appears%
Post Edited (Wed 30 Nov 00:16)