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 New City House
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 16 Apr 20:26

To be converted into flats. No great surprise but I bet the residents will be dreading the thought of it given the limited parking. Old council offices on New Row/High Street also seeking to be converted into flats. Shame we can`t completely get rid of Fife Council in Dunfermline.
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 Re: New City House
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Tue 16 Apr 20:52

Will be converted then cost astronomical prices like the ones in the linen quarter……meanwhile the normal working person will be priced out like everywhere else.

Post Edited (Tue 16 Apr 21:58)
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 Re: New City House
Topic Originator: buffy  
Date:   Tue 16 Apr 21:21

Didn’t realise fife council had moved out of it Jake. Are they all now in the new offices in Glenrothes?

”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”
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 Re: New City House
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 16 Apr 21:24

They`re all over, Buffy. Some in City Chambers, some in Lynebank and some deported to Rothes House. I believe Fife Council had already emptied the place and made it a glorified call centre anyway. Slowly but surely moving towards centralising all services to Glenrothes.

Dave, they`re to be "affordable" flats though I`d suggest they`d be at a premium given central location beside the station.
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 Re: New City House
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Tue 16 Apr 21:42

I wonder which developer will get sold the property, and if it will be at the normal knock down prices
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 Re: New City House
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Tue 16 Apr 21:59


jake89, Tue 16 Apr 21:24

They`re all over, Buffy. Some in City Chambers, some in Lynebank and some deported to Rothes House. I believe Fife Council had already emptied the place and made it a glorified call centre anyway. Slowly but surely moving towards centralising all services to Glenrothes.

Dave, they`re to be "affordable" flats though I`d suggest they`d be at a premium given central location beside the station.

We all know that “affordable housing” isn’t really affordable to those on minimum wage incomes though 😂
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 Re: New City House
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 16 Apr 22:37


red-star-par, Tue 16 Apr 21:42

I wonder which developer will get sold the property, and if it will be at the normal knock down prices

It was only ever leased (same with the New Row offices) so it can`t be sold off for a pittance to the usual suspect. I think it`s a pension fund which own it so they`ll be seeking to offload asap rather than leave it to rot.

On a serious note, it`s only a matter of time before the council will need to intervene on one of their old properties on Abbott Street. Maybe the Khushi`s can drag the scaffolding over the road as the Registrar`s. Given what happened to the India Buildings in Glasgow I`m surprised it`s not been checked. Same applies to the old Cafe Continental in Bruce Street. Someone may need to give directions to the "local" safety officers.
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 Re: New City House
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Wed 17 Apr 08:35

What happened to the India Buildings in Glasgow?

I worked in the India Buildings in Edinburgh from 1965 to 1968, Dept Agriculture and Fisheries. Shared it with registry office.

Lovely building, featured a domed roof over most impressive hallway. We ended up decanted to a concrete and glass monstrosity away in Chesser!

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 Re: New City House
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 17 Apr 12:55

They were left to the point the building essentially began to collapse. Council has had to begin demolition. It looks like they saved the carved sandstone from the top of it.

The word on the Registrar`s is the roof trusses and floors are rotted to the point of being covered in mushrooms. There`s a sign up but last I heard the guy who owns the pub in Kelty bought it and it was going to be a beauty salon. That was before COVID though and I imagine it`s fallen through. It`s quite an awkward building as it`s wide but shallow. It could make for a cracking home or group of flats but if the roof and floors are gone then it`s probably expensive to convert for any use.

The building that saddens me the most is the St.Margarets work. This is still owned by a "local property developer" who complained about the Pilmuir Works development despite him being the previous owner before the bank took it and him having similar development plans for it! It would have been good to see them developed together but I`d imagine the price was much higher than the bank got at auction for the Pilmuir Works. The warehouse part seems like a pretty straightforward development for new flats and/or houses but the main building is listed and I`ll guess is an absolute state.
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 Re: New City House
Topic Originator: LEGEND85  
Date:   Wed 17 Apr 13:13


jake89, Tue 16 Apr 20:26

To be converted into flats. No great surprise but I bet the residents will be dreading the thought of it given the limited parking. Old council offices on New Row/High Street also seeking to be converted into flats. Shame we can`t completely get rid of Fife Council in Dunfermline.

Jaken89 i think the residents are more concerned by what the property is being converted into rather than the parking
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