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 Fanzone question
Topic Originator: RMGpar  
Date:   Mon 22 Apr 16:05

Quick question RE the fanzone for the scotland games, not seen it asked anywhere. Will drink be only in the bars or will drink be allowed I. The stand during the game being on? Not sure on the licence law when the games not actually on the pitch?

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: DBP  
Date:   Mon 22 Apr 17:52

Also, are the tickets ready to be collected from the shop now?
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Mon 22 Apr 18:13


RMGpar, Mon 22 Apr 16:05

Quick question RE the fanzone for the scotland games, not seen it asked anywhere. Will drink be only in the bars or will drink be allowed I. The stand during the game being on? Not sure on the licence law when the games not actually on the pitch?

Surely you can drink in the stand whilst watching? Your effectively going to a “concert” type event rather than a football match.
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 22 Apr 18:44

So long as the licensing is in place.
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Jeffery  
Date:   Mon 22 Apr 20:48

Hope licensing allows. Feeling like a wrong `un sitting drinking a pint is part of the appeal!
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Ormiston_Par  
Date:   Wed 24 Apr 17:57

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Alf  
Date:   Wed 24 Apr 20:18


Ormiston_Par, Wed 24 Apr 17:57

Any further word on the size of the screens?

The artist`s impression made it look like they were literally going to stick a couple of living-room size TVs in front of the Norrie stand and for me, that was very much a deal breaker considering the price they`re charging.

If someone can reassure me that this in fact won`t be completely tin-pot however, I may reconsider....

Here`s an idea, why not contact the organisers
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Ormiston_Par  
Date:   Wed 24 Apr 20:37

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: JTH123  
Date:   Wed 24 Apr 20:38

I`m pretty sure Drew (Kaiser Chief) answered that question on the original thread.
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Wed 24 Apr 20:40


JTH123, Wed 24 Apr 20:38

I`m pretty sure Drew (Kaiser Chief) answered that question on the original thread.

He did.

I can`t quite believe folk thought they`d stick two 50" plasma tellies in front of a crowd of 1000s.

Wait.....I can

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Ormiston_Par  
Date:   Wed 24 Apr 20:43

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Wed 24 Apr 20:55

Theres still questions to be answered to be fair….

Can you drink in the stand?
Is this an all day thing where all games that day will be shown?
If so, is it just Stephens on offer for food or is there other external vendors?
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: LEGEND85  
Date:   Wed 24 Apr 21:07


Dave_1885, Wed 24 Apr 20:55

Theres still questions to be answered to be fair….

Can you drink in the stand?
Is this an all day thing where all games that day will be shown?
If so, is it just Stephens on offer for food or is there other external vendors?

I seen on Facebook recently I think it was fife foodies and it was an advertisement for food outlets to appear at East End so that would suggest festival type food rather than Stephens
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Wed 24 Apr 21:40


Ormiston_Par, Wed 24 Apr 20:43

I can`t quite believe folk thought they`d stick two 50" plasma tellies in front of a crowd of 1000s.

Given that`s exactly what the artist`s impression depicted, I`d contest that people might be forgiven for drawing such a conclusion.

This water-tight, cast iron assurance from Drew changes everything however - or at least it did once I remembered who he is and what his role is, such is the profile he maintains. I`ve always had nothing but the utmost confidence in him.

It`s hard to tell whether you`re being sarcastic or not.

Just don`t go.

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Fri 26 Apr 08:59

Why is asking on the screen size not a perfectly reasonable question ?

Presumably the organisers are in a position to clarify ?
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 26 Apr 09:35

The provider may not have been picked yet. There are a few and they offer various sizes.
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Fri 26 Apr 11:28


veteraneastender, Fri 26 Apr 08:59

Why is asking on the screen size not a perfectly reasonable question ?

It is a perfectly reasonable question. If its asked in a reasonable manner without buckets of sarcasm and not mentioning the word "tinpot" then maybe a reasonable answer would have been given.

Sometimes it`s not what you say, it`s how you say it that matters.....

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: alwaysaPar  
Date:   Fri 26 Apr 12:14


da_no_1, Fri 26 Apr 11:28


veteraneastender, Fri 26 Apr 08:59

Why is asking on the screen size not a perfectly reasonable question ?

It is a perfectly reasonable question. If its asked in a reasonable manner without buckets of sarcasm and not mentioning the word "tinpot" then maybe a reasonable answer would have been given.

Sometimes it`s not what you say, it`s how you say it that matters.....

Nah , I don`t think you are capable of giving Ormiston a reasonable answer anytime , not in your nature 🤣🤣
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: nazpar  
Date:   Fri 26 Apr 14:00

I noticed that the Falkirk Fan Zone is open from 6pm to 3am .
What time does the Dunfermline Zone Zone close at ?

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: LEGEND85  
Date:   Fri 26 Apr 15:14


nazpar, Fri 26 Apr 14:00

I noticed that the Falkirk Fan Zone is open from 6pm to 3am .
What time does the Dunfermline Zone Zone close at ?

I think the Falkirk fanzone is a nightclub not a football stadium
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Ormiston_Par  
Date:   Fri 26 Apr 17:52

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Ormiston_Par  
Date:   Fri 26 Apr 17:54

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Gaz3822  
Date:   Fri 26 Apr 18:10

Come on Ormiston, you do know you`re dealing with the king of sarcasm 😊

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Fri 26 Apr 19:07


Ormiston_Par, Fri 26 Apr 17:52


da_no_1, Fri 26 Apr 11:28


veteraneastender, Fri 26 Apr 08:59

Why is asking on the screen size not a perfectly reasonable question ?

It is a perfectly reasonable question. If its asked in a reasonable manner without buckets of sarcasm and not mentioning the word "tinpot" then maybe a reasonable answer would have been given.

Sometimes it`s not what you say, it`s how you say it that matters.....

Christ, you really are an a**ehole aren`t you? 😂

Yip. I can also spot a total arsehole a mile off. Its a gift.😏

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"

Post Edited (Fri 26 Apr 19:12)
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Kaiser Chief  
Date:   Fri 26 Apr 19:32


Ormiston_Par, Fri 26 Apr 17:54

Incidentally, I have contacted the organisers to confirm the screen size and they haven`t even acknowledged my email, much less answered the question. Go figure.

Can I ask which email address you used?
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Ormiston_Par  
Date:   Fri 26 Apr 19:35

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Fri 26 Apr 20:17


Ormiston_Par, Fri 26 Apr 19:35


Kaiser Chief, Fri 26 Apr 19:32


Ormiston_Par, Fri 26 Apr 17:54

Incidentally, I have contacted the organisers to confirm the screen size and they haven`t even acknowledged my email, much less answered the question. Go figure.

Can I ask which email address you used?


That lack of response suggests they either don’t know - or don’t want to go public in case it doesn’t meet perceived expectations ?

Hopefully this straightforward enquiry can be answered soonest.
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Kaiser Chief  
Date:   Fri 26 Apr 20:44

Or maybe everyone`s just a bit busy and haven`t got round to it yet. I`m sure it`ll be answered soon.
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Fri 26 Apr 20:51


Kaiser Chief, Fri 26 Apr 20:44

Or maybe everyone`s just a bit busy and haven`t got round to it yet. I`m sure it`ll be answered soon.

Im sorry, but thats just not a good enough excuse to be honest. You’re trying to sell tickets for an event for a fair price, but cant put in the effort to respond to fair questions?

If you are running an event thats meant to be the biggest in the country, you shouldn’t be waiting weeks to respond to questions about the event……
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Kaiser Chief  
Date:   Fri 26 Apr 21:19

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Fri 26 Apr 21:34


Kaiser Chief, Fri 26 Apr 21:19


Yes. That question has been posed on here weeks ago. It shouldn`t be too difficult to answer
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Ormiston_Par  
Date:   Fri 26 Apr 21:35

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Fri 26 Apr 21:37


Ormiston_Par, Fri 26 Apr 21:35

"Maybe everyone`s a bit busy".

Aye, very good Drew. Go **** yourself.

Dearie me

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 26 Apr 21:41

Post Edited (Fri 26 Apr 21:43)
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Alter Ego  
Date:   Fri 26 Apr 21:49

Fans have already bought tickets and the club can’t answer questions(that shouldn’t really be needed to ask) 🤷🤷🤷

Mon the Pars!
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Fri 26 Apr 23:06

Isn`t the size of screen an absolute fundemental aspect and should have been identified as a priority at the planning and preparation stage ?

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Back_oh_the_net  
Date:   Sat 27 Apr 01:16

This has got total farce written all over it and before you chime in with any pearls of wisdom da no 1 shut yer whole
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Sat 27 Apr 01:45


Back_oh_the_net, Sat 27 Apr 01:16

This has got total farce written all over it and before you chime in with any pearls of wisdom da no 1 shut yer whole


"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: RMGpar  
Date:   Sat 27 Apr 09:54

I’m guessing there’s no answer to my original question haha! I also emailed
Last week and not heard anything back

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Milos Drizzle  
Date:   Sat 27 Apr 10:02

Customer support is so important with these things. As soon as they went public with the event and made the email address public, they should have been in position to respond promptly. Would have been the easiest thing in the world to respond along the lines “That hasn’t been finalised yet, but we can assure you the size will be fit for purpose”. Then again, maybe Ormiston’s spam filter has gobbled up the response?

This is my signature
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Sat 27 Apr 10:27


Milos Drizzle, Sat 27 Apr 10:02

Customer support is so important with these things. As soon as they went public with the event and made the email address public, they should have been in position to respond promptly. Would have been the easiest thing in the world to respond along the lines “That hasn’t been finalised yet, but we can assure you the size will be fit for purpose”. Then again, maybe Ormiston’s spam filter has gobbled up the response?

Its really poor tbh…..questions have even been posed in here and been ignored/left unanswered 🤷🏻‍♂️ this could he a great event, but for such a big thing then there really needs to be proper and precise communications. It doesn’t look like thats going to happen though meaning pub is most likely outcome.
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: neilholland999  
Date:   Sat 27 Apr 10:49

Why would questions on here need to be answered by the organisers? This is not an official site.
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Sat 27 Apr 11:16


neilholland999, Sat 27 Apr 10:49

Why would questions on here need to be answered by the organisers? This is not an official site.

So where do we go to get this information ?
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: neilholland999  
Date:   Sat 27 Apr 11:24

All the official information and contact details are here:

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sat 27 Apr 11:29

COWS says queries should be directed to hello@dunfermlinecityfanzone.com

It always amuses me that a lot of fans seem to think dafc.net is the fount of all knowledge relating to the Pars, whether it`s club shop opening times, ticket prices, kit sizes, etc!

Post Edited (Sat 27 Apr 11:34)
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Sat 27 Apr 11:30

Which doesn`t give details of the screen.

Nor have enquiries from other fans received a response.

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sat 27 Apr 11:38

Well, if you can`t get an answer from them, you`re not going to get an authoritative one here! COWS does say the screens will be `massive` though!

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: DBP  
Date:   Sat 27 Apr 12:28

I’ve bought 8 tickets for Germany match and bringing non pars supporting friends…

I’ve been going on about how cool it’s going to be, but the lack of response on such a fundamental element of the whole event is getting me a bit concerned TBH.

Is there a timetable for the event, opening times, closing times, what’s on, food options for veggies etc?
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Sat 27 Apr 12:34

The most important thing is, has the booze licensing been approved by the council yet? I heard the application is in, but if there is no booze I`ll not be going and I`ll be wanting my money back
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Angus_W  
Date:   Sat 27 Apr 12:38

Post Edited (Sat 27 Apr 12:46)
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: alwaysaPar  
Date:   Sat 27 Apr 12:39


wee eck, Sat 27 Apr 11:29

COWS says queries should be directed to hello@dunfermlinecityfanzone.com

It always amuses me that a lot of fans seem to think dafc.net is the fount of all knowledge relating to the Pars, whether it`s club shop opening times, ticket prices, kit sizes, etc!

Says the DAFC.net question master 🤣🤣
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Sat 27 Apr 12:46


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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sat 27 Apr 12:47

I`m usually seeking opinions rather than facts. I understand fans` frustration at a lack of info drives them here but a lot of the time there is a reliable source elsewhere.
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Sat 27 Apr 14:21

To be fair it shouldn`t be a hard question to answer you`d think the screens were the first thing sources when planning the event. So the size must be known by now.

When you`re asking fans to pay money emails really shouldn`t be left (weeks according to folk on here ) to be actioned.

c'mon the pars

Post Edited (Sat 27 Apr 14:22)
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Ormiston_Par  
Date:   Mon 29 Apr 00:13

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Mon 29 Apr 00:22

I don`t know what you are complaining about. I watched the 1978 FA Cup Final between Ipswich and Arsenal on a 4 inch black and white TV screen...


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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Mon 29 Apr 07:03


Ormiston_Par, Mon 29 Apr 00:13

I have now received a response to my query :

"Thanks for your enquiry around the Fan Zone.

Full information on the screens, sound, event schedule, live acts/Dj`s etc will be announced on the Fan Zone website and official club channels next week."

Hopefully Drew went ahead and ****** himself.

Disgraceful comment. We`re all Pars fans here. Take a step back for a bit.

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Kaiser Chief  
Date:   Mon 29 Apr 07:10


Ormiston_Par, Mon 29 Apr 00:13

I have now received a response to my query :

"Thanks for your enquiry around the Fan Zone.

Full information on the screens, sound, event schedule, live acts/Dj`s etc will be announced on the Fan Zone website and official club channels next week."

Hopefully Drew went ahead and ****** himself.

Glad you got a response.
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: EastEndTales  
Date:   Mon 29 Apr 08:59


Ormiston_Par, Mon 29 Apr 00:13

I have now received a response to my query :

"Thanks for your enquiry around the Fan Zone.

Full information on the screens, sound, event schedule, live acts/Dj`s etc will be announced on the Fan Zone website and official club channels next week."

Hopefully Drew went ahead and ****** himself.

I hope your pally with him as that looks a bit grim.

Ep.17 of East End Tales is out now with Andrius Skerla

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Mon 29 Apr 11:29


Ormiston_Par, Mon 29 Apr 00:13

I have now received a response to my query :

"Thanks for your enquiry around the Fan Zone.

Full information on the screens, sound, event schedule, live acts/Dj`s etc will be announced on the Fan Zone website and official club channels next week."

Hopefully Drew went ahead and ****** himself.

Which appears to suggest they don’t know details at this time.

Strange way to promote an event without having specific key elements in place before going public.
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Mon 29 Apr 11:43

Have they not already sold a huge number of tickets for this? 🤔

Hope the announcements make it clearer and it doesn’t turn into Dunfermline’s version of Fyre Festival……
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend  
Date:   Mon 29 Apr 11:46

It does sound like they have jumped the gun?

It would have been wiser to announce their intention, but add a holding statement to say full details to be confirmed by first week of May?

Post Edited (Mon 29 Apr 11:46)
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: EastEndTales  
Date:   Mon 29 Apr 11:52


Raymie the Legend, Mon 29 Apr 11:46

It does sound like they have jumped the gun?

It would have been wiser to announce their intention, but add a holding statement to say full details to be confirmed by first week of May?

That would have been reasonable.
Some of the responses on here though are nothing short of pig headed.

Ep.17 of East End Tales is out now with Andrius Skerla

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Mon 29 Apr 11:54

It`s six weeks until the first match. It will make little difference even if the information is held off until a couple of weeks before Germany plays Scotland. Get a grip, Ormiston Par. Stop being such a drama queen with your faux and performative outrage.

And bloody well apologise to Kaiser Chief for your lowlife abuse.

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Mon 29 Apr 11:56


EastEndTales, Mon 29 Apr 11:52


Raymie the Legend, Mon 29 Apr 11:46

It does sound like they have jumped the gun?

It would have been wiser to announce their intention, but add a holding statement to say full details to be confirmed by first week of May?

That would have been reasonable.
Some of the responses on here though are nothing short of pig headed.

I hope that you don’t mean my quick wit regarding Fyre Festival 😂
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: EastEndTales  
Date:   Mon 29 Apr 12:50


Dave_1885, Mon 29 Apr 11:56


EastEndTales, Mon 29 Apr 11:52


Raymie the Legend, Mon 29 Apr 11:46

It does sound like they have jumped the gun?

It would have been wiser to announce their intention, but add a holding statement to say full details to be confirmed by first week of May?

That would have been reasonable.
Some of the responses on here though are nothing short of pig headed.

I hope that you don’t mean my quick wit regarding Fyre Festival 😂

Nah I liked that!

Ep.17 of East End Tales is out now with Andrius Skerla

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: SharpPar  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 10:54


da_no_1, Mon 29 Apr 07:03


Ormiston_Par, Mon 29 Apr 00:13

I have now received a response to my query :

"Thanks for your enquiry around the Fan Zone.

Full information on the screens, sound, event schedule, live acts/Dj`s etc will be announced on the Fan Zone website and official club channels next week."

Hopefully Drew went ahead and ****** himself.

Disgraceful comment. We`re all Pars fans here. Take a step back for a bit.

Totally agree. That’s a shocking response from the poster. You’ve embarrassed yourself.
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 11:02

Got a reply this morning from emailed enquiry to address flagged up above.

Same response - wait out until next week.

Fair enough.

Good that the club replied, concerns appear to have been acknowledged.
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 11:55

Maybe I`m being daft here, but I assumed this is being run by a third party with EEP being the venue only?
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Kaiser  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 12:15

They will be waiting to see the number of tickets sold before making any decisions. Whether the event will be profitable or not will be the deciding factor.

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: JamesAndrew74  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 12:52


jake89, Tue 30 Apr 11:55

Maybe I`m being daft here, but I assumed this is being run by a third party with EEP being the venue only?

No, run by DAFC solely.
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 13:03


Kaiser, Tue 30 Apr 12:15

They will be waiting to see the number of tickets sold before making any decisions. Whether the event will be profitable or not will be the deciding factor.

So, by that logic, the size of screens will depend on the number of tickets sold ?
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: DBP  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 13:06


Kaiser, Tue 30 Apr 12:15

They will be waiting to see the number of tickets sold before making any decisions. Whether the event will be profitable or not will be the deciding factor.

I wonder what the menu items vs ticket sales is?

…and could you imagine if other entertainment events took that approach!?
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 17:53


Kaiser, Tue 30 Apr 12:15

They will be waiting to see the number of tickets sold before making any decisions. Whether the event will be profitable or not will be the deciding factor.

Surely you wont know if its profitable until after the event? 🤔 could sell 400 tickets but they sell out the food/drinks vendors or sell 2000 tickets and they buy nothing…..
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Kaiser Chief  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 19:23

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Rusty Shackleford  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 19:23

Just announced on twitter that it`s two, 28 square meter screens. So I guess we`ll all have to find something else to fret about.
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 19:33

Yeah, but will there be doner kebabs? Disgraceful that they don`t know this already.
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: EastEndTales  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 19:34


JamesAndrew74, Tue 30 Apr 12:52


jake89, Tue 30 Apr 11:55

Maybe I`m being daft here, but I assumed this is being run by a third party with EEP being the venue only?

No, run by DAFC solely.

Absolutely nowhere does it say its being run by the football club.

Ep.17 of East End Tales is out now with Andrius Skerla

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: JamesAndrew74  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 19:38


EastEndTales, Tue 30 Apr 19:34


JamesAndrew74, Tue 30 Apr 12:52


jake89, Tue 30 Apr 11:55

Maybe I`m being daft here, but I assumed this is being run by a third party with EEP being the venue only?

No, run by DAFC solely.

Absolutely nowhere does it say its being run by the football club.

Ask the question of Drew? I’ve already had the conversation with Alister Burn who is organising the whole thing. It’s pretty clear. Nobody else is running the event except DAFC, that’s a fact.
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 20:10


JamesAndrew74, Tue 30 Apr 19:38


EastEndTales, Tue 30 Apr 19:34


JamesAndrew74, Tue 30 Apr 12:52


jake89, Tue 30 Apr 11:55

Maybe I`m being daft here, but I assumed this is being run by a third party with EEP being the venue only?

No, run by DAFC solely.

Absolutely nowhere does it say its being run by the football club.

Ask the question of Drew? I’ve already had the conversation with Alister Burn who is organising the whole thing. It’s pretty clear. Nobody else is running the event except DAFC, that’s a fact.

Is that a problem?

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: JamesAndrew74  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 20:27


da_no_1, Tue 30 Apr 20:10


JamesAndrew74, Tue 30 Apr 19:38


EastEndTales, Tue 30 Apr 19:34


JamesAndrew74, Tue 30 Apr 12:52


jake89, Tue 30 Apr 11:55

Maybe I`m being daft here, but I assumed this is being run by a third party with EEP being the venue only?

No, run by DAFC solely.

Absolutely nowhere does it say its being run by the football club.

Ask the question of Drew? I’ve already had the conversation with Alister Burn who is organising the whole thing. It’s pretty clear. Nobody else is running the event except DAFC, that’s a fact.

Is that a problem?

Question was asked on who was running the event, I answered. Where does it state that’s a problem?
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Ormiston_Par  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 20:59

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Kaiser Chief  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 21:21

Actually, Ormiston_Par it did bother me. As a volunteer at our club who spends hours a day dealing with a whole range of stuff, I found both your `playground insults` concerning me quite offensive. No wonder trying to recruit more volunteers at the club can prove difficult.
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Paralex  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 21:27

On a lighter note and completely irrelevant to the thread, I remember watching le coup de monde finale on a large screen in a park in Amiens. It was France v Italy. Sadly, for most of the spectators France lost after Zinedane Zidane got une carte rouge but the screen was plenty large enough for the 300 or so spectators.

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 22:08

Apologies if my question came across as rude. It was a genuine one as it doesn`t say anything about the Pars on the website and has another company listed as the event partner so I thought maybe they`d be dealing with things like screens, stages, catering etc.

Good size of screen. I wasn`t sure about having people in the stands rather than putting a floor over the pitch but I suppose it reduces the risk of a big fella standing in front of you like always happens at gigs.
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 22:55

"Oh come on, get a grip. The first rule of this (or indeed, any) forum is not to take anything written on it remotely seriously. Anyone that does needs their head examined."

Didn`t you get all hot and bothered when I mentioned a nickname for a fellow Catholic a few months back ?

Or were you not being remotely serious when you took (feigned ?) offense ?

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Ormiston_Par  
Date:   Wed 1 May 01:12

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Wed 1 May 01:41

What is wrong with you, OP? Can you not just apologise like a normal, civilised human being? I used to enjoy your contributions to dotnet. What the hell has happened to you?

Post Edited (Wed 01 May 02:09)
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: theparsman1885  
Date:   Wed 1 May 02:15

There is disgraceful abuse of Drew in this thread. Admin should be piling out the cards and deleting all of that and banning the troll responsible. To pass it off as light hearted and not to be taken seriously after the event, is lowest form possible.

Drew, I, like many on here really appreciate your hard work as our fans rep on the board. You’ve always taken time to respond when asked (maybe not right away as, like you pointed out, you’re a volunteer), but you do always reply. In person, you’ve always had time for folk. Please don’t take this idiots comments to heart - it’s bang out of order.

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Stanza  
Date:   Wed 1 May 02:43

Anyone who has even the slightest knowledge of how much work Drew has done (and continues to do) for this club and its supporters should be appalled that a so-called Pars fan thinks it`s ok, not only to post that sort of infantile and disgusting
comment, but then to laugh it off as though it`s Drew`s fault to be offended.

The behaviour of some Pars fans towards him drove Ross McArthur to the exit door - is that really what Pars fans want to happen to everyone who tries to do something for this club?


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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Berry  
Date:   Wed 1 May 07:41

FFS…what an absolute meltdown on this thread man.

People will genuinely find a reason to moan about anything.

If the tickets have been released prior to all information coming out that you need to know and you’re that precious about it…then don’t buy one. It’s not sold out yet.

If you choose to buy earlier then thats on you, the event will just be wanting to allow as much time to try and sell out.

There will be many that just want to go for the experience, especially for us having something like this on our door step, they won’t be sitting refreshing their laptop every ten mins to see if there is an update on screen size first.

Organisers of these things aren’t stupid, they’re not going to host an event that can take a few thousand and not have the right tellies, especially for such an occasion.

The club also posted that they’re hosting a public consultation on 8th May to get views on how to better enhance the experience. Go and contribute.

People sometimes can be so drenched in their negativity about things I wonder why people actually bother trying to put on events and try new stuff.
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: SharpPar  
Date:   Wed 1 May 08:07

Admin - Why is OP still being allowed to post on here?
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Wed 1 May 08:45

Couldn`t have put it better myself Berry. Well said.

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Wed 1 May 09:02


OzPar, Wed 1 May 01:41

What is wrong with you, OP? Can you not just apologise like a normal, civilised human being? I used to enjoy your contributions to dotnet. What the hell has happened to you?

I echo this view. Years ago Slim Hoolie/ KGB used to be one of the best posters on here, always bringing some entertainment with his witty banter.

Then, a few years ago, something changed. There was suddenly a real nastiness in his comments, some pretty distasteful personal trolling. Disturbing. I thought it seemed out of character at the time, and it`s not been so bad lately but has slipped out again.

I do wonder what happened to make him like that
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Wed 1 May 10:26

"No VEE, I was rightly calling you out for using bigoted language. Language that incidentally, in light of recent legislation would now qualify as hate speech. Careful now."

I`ll turn myself in !!!

Getting back to the subject - those screens look good (no pun intended) for purpose.

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Thu 2 May 22:03

The Headliners have been announced for the bands, Definitely Oasis, should get the crowd jumping
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: DBP  
Date:   Fri 3 May 05:53

Where does it say that red star?
Just looked on the fanzone website to see bands for Germany game and it just says live music?
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Rusty Shackleford  
Date:   Fri 3 May 06:22


DBP, Fri 3 May 05:53

Where does it say that red star?
Just looked on the fanzone website to see bands for Germany game and it just says live music?

Was on the Pars Twitter yesterday.
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: DBP  
Date:   Fri 3 May 06:25

Ah ok - hopefully they announce it on the website for those of us who avoid social media platforms
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: Kaiser Chief  
Date:   Fri 3 May 07:29

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Fri 3 May 08:44

This strikes me as a very well-organised event. Indeed, if I lived nearby, I`d be well up for that! It`s a great initiative by the Pars commercial team. Good luck, everyone!

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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Fri 3 May 08:51


Kaiser Chief, Fri 3 May 07:29


THE “seekers of things to moan about” team will need to reconvene once again
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Fri 3 May 09:11


P, Fri 3 May 08:51


Kaiser Chief, Fri 3 May 07:29


THE “seekers of things to moan about” team will need to reconvene once again

"I can`t believe they are putting on an Oasis Tribute Act, as a committed Blur fan it`s left me feeling alienated"
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Fri 3 May 09:22


red-star-par, Fri 3 May 09:11


P, Fri 3 May 08:51


Kaiser Chief, Fri 3 May 07:29


THE “seekers of things to moan about” team will need to reconvene once again

"I can`t believe they are putting on an Oasis Tribute Act, as a committed Blur fan it`s left me feeling alienated"

Only a Charmless Man would complain.....

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 3 May 12:40

Oasis aren`t up my street but I`ve always heard good things about Definitely Oasis and probably a safe choice as everyone knows an Oasis song. Hopefully get some local bands on the stage too. It`s a bit off topic but it feels like loads of bands in Dunfermline are splitting up, which is really disappointing to see.
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 Re: Fanzone question
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Sun 19 May 14:15

Still plenty of tickets available for this. Thought more would have been sold by now tbh. Looks like maybe 1/3 sold so far. Plenty of time of course.

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