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Topic Originator: RMGpar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 17:24

Didn’t look happy at full time, no clapping etc

I think it’s a massive decision tomorrow, either he goes or Mcpake .. something needs to give

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Topic Originator: Par  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 17:28

I think some of the local directors and sponsors are not happy and may walk also, no one is happy with the German ownership.

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Topic Originator: NMCmassive  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 17:30


Par, Sat 10 Aug 17:28

I think some of the local directors and sponsors are not happy and may walk also, no one is happy with the German ownership.

I think local directors and sponsors are more than unhappy.

McPake will get it first but Cook will be out the door soon I think. We’ve burned money for a “training complex” and forgot we need a team to put in it

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Topic Originator: RMGpar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 17:32

There’s no way Cook is justifying his salary…

I noticed a few fans in the Main Stand unhappy with him “,
It must be bad

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Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 17:33

Mate sitting in main stand stated that he was receiving some dog’s abuse from a fan who had to be dragged away……sounds familiar to our previous board. Think when it gets to that toxicity you really need to go 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Topic Originator: Berkey  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 17:34

It depends on whether cook is brining in enough money to make him worthwhile.

I’d argue even if cook leaves, mcpake has still botched it enough that he won’t be far behind even if given more cash, it’s not like he’ll suddenly spend it on players to make us a more attractive and effective team to watch.

The post below replying to me is by one of .nets finest champions of mediocrity!
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Topic Originator: Bannockburn Par  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 17:35

The axe should fall on him tonight, mcpake as well. Its an utter shambles on and off the field. We are in free fall with no plan to get out of it.
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Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 17:44

MCpake squandered the limited resources given to him and overall poor management over the years. Cook apart from an astro and a few porta cabins has offered very little given his extensive experience at higher level clubs. Time is up for the 2 of them.

c'mon the pars
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Topic Originator: OorWullie  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 17:46

Another vote for Cook out. He’s presided over massive losses for 2 years whilst being handsomely remunerated.
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Topic Originator: Par4ages  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 17:57

Apart from the salary he is being paid which could be two players I don’t think he’s anything but a puppet for the German consortium that own us. I don’t think he has any say on the squad budget it’s the owners that hold the purse strings. My opinion first out the door has to be the manager he is the one that lumbered us with 1st div players on contracts and kept telling us and obviously the board that we will be up challenging if everyone stays fit which is clearly a lot of rubbish. McPake has to go immediately to give a replacement a week or two to sign a few, like every team that change the manager funds will suddenly be found.

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Topic Originator: Parfect69  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 18:03

And he can take his commercial manager with him.
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Topic Originator: SharpPar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 18:03

Anyone who runs to shout abuse at another human being over a football match needs to have a long word with themselves. What a state to get into.
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Topic Originator: RMGpar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 18:07

MCPAKE to leave tomorrow

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Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 18:12

The so-called commercial manager can grab his jacket as well.

c'mon the pars
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Topic Originator: RMGpar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 18:15

But but her organised a fan zone and kids movie night 👀

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Topic Originator: PARrot  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 18:22

There is no point saying anyone under contract should go now, unless you can explain how we are going to pay the compensation as well as a new management team, then have more cash for new signings.

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Topic Originator: Rigger Al  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 18:23

I`m like many on here and don`t really know what Cooks remit is and what he`s brought to the table since joining

Thinking he`s like the manager and the board /German contingent not providing funds ,

But we are seriously in a bad place
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Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 18:27


PARrot, Sat 10 Aug 18:22

There is no point saying anyone under contract should go now, unless you can explain how we are going to pay the compensation as well as a new management team, then have more cash for new signings.

The board will have to fund mcpakes payoff, the new managers signing on bonus/transfer kitty or their investment will be in league 1 and part time before they know it.
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Topic Originator: parsfan97  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 18:27

Anyone watching their football club getting rinsed and don’t except people to get angry about it need to have a word. Mind when folk wanted us to sit back and say **** all the last time? Nearly killed us

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Topic Originator: Parfect69  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 18:31

Transfer kitty? now there’s a f@kin laugh. Off to the fringe for you.
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Topic Originator: RMGpar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 18:32

It’s their job as owners of the club it’s down to them to find it?

Or should we just keep clapping and hope it’s gets better? Even mcpake is basically calling them out

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Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 18:35


Parfect69, Sat 10 Aug 18:31

Transfer kitty? now there’s a f@kin laugh. Off to the fringe for you.

If they do not put their hands in their pocket its off to league 1 we go. Plain and simple.
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Topic Originator: Parfect69  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 18:36


weemike, Sat 10 Aug 18:35


Parfect69, Sat 10 Aug 18:31

Transfer kitty? now there’s a f@kin laugh. Off to the fringe for you.

If they do not put their hands in their pocket its off to league 1 we go. Plain and simple.

Indeed, by Christmas
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Topic Originator: k76  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 18:39

McPake will have a contract that will have a notice period, that could be 1 month or full contract period. Who knows….

Don’t think the days of paying up the remaining period of a contract still exist but that depends on the contract.

It should be no different to most employer/employee contracts (1 month for most of us).

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Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 18:44


PARrot, Sat 10 Aug 18:22

There is no point saying anyone under contract should go now, unless you can explain how we are going to pay the compensation as well as a new management team, then have more cash for new signings.

See you in League One next season 👍🏻 oh no wait, I wont, because I ain’t paying £22 for League One football 😂
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Topic Originator: Higgys Mohawk  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 18:46

Two or three fans laying into him (verbally) at full time. Something has to give with the current situation.

The manager may be the one to go, but given the recent statement about better communication from the club I think that we need to hear from the owners because the atmosphere is becoming more toxic by the week.
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Topic Originator: Berkey  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 18:48

As far as I know cook is supposed to bring money into the club via his contacts.

When he first joined I think his first game the match was sponsored by carling which might have been his show of the contacts he has.

I don’t know if he’s still doing these types of commercial deals to continue bringing money in but it’s not easy to bring 200k on top of the usual sponsors etc just to break even.

I’ve no idea what the other 2 managers he’s brought in do? Prob just the politics of trying to build your own empire in the role rather than actively brining investment in.

The post below replying to me is by one of .nets finest champions of mediocrity!
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Topic Originator: OorWullie  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 18:53

He’s empire building. Hardly ever there. Employed two people on good money to do his job. Swans about on a Saturday.
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Topic Originator: Back_oh_the_net  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 18:54


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 18:03

Anyone who runs to shout abuse at another human being over a football match needs to have a long word with themselves. What a state to get into.

Hiya David
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Topic Originator: Never10yairds  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 18:57

Something needs to give here. The situation is becoming unbearable. Give it a few more weeks and this will get dialled up to 11 on the toxicity meter.

I’d love to see a fans meeting with Meggle and Cook this week.

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Topic Originator: 2004Par  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:05

Saw Ross Mcarthur at the game today wonder what he’s thinking about the situation?, can he do better than what the Germans have done .o

Post Edited (Sat 10 Aug 19:05)
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Topic Originator: 1985Par  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:07

I haven’t a clue what’s going on at boardroom level or how much money we’ve got or what we do have gets spent on. But I get the impression that the Germans are prudent investors whereas what a club needs to get out of this league isn’t prudence and a long term vision, but someone who’s happy to lose a few quid?
Again I could be talking sh&te but I guess that whoever’s backing Ayr and Rovers is pumping in a heap of cash which they know they’re unlikely to see again?? 🤷‍♂️

Post Edited (Sat 10 Aug 19:08)
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Topic Originator: Bannockburn Par  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:09

Lose 250k on wages or lose another million on relegation. We need players in on loan and fast, if the the Germans can’t see the crisis we are in then they are not fit to own our club. Personally whatever happens I want them out….
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Topic Originator: NW 1966  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:11

Get him to Falkirk out our club.

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Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:11

Can someone with an idea of accounting advise what it would take to get the German consortium out? Would they walk away, or would they be expecting money?
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Topic Originator: SharpPar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:17


Back_oh_the_net, Sat 10 Aug 18:54


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 18:03

Anyone who runs to shout abuse at another human being over a football match needs to have a long word with themselves. What a state to get into.

Hiya David

Get a grip. Because I won’t condone grown adults shouting abuse at an individual (who cannot respond). Fool
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Topic Originator: RMGpar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:18

He could respond, and probably should

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Topic Originator: Never10yairds  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:18

I’m pretty sure they’d expect to be bought out Jake. When someone loves the club they are sometimes willing to walk if they think the incomers will be a better custodian of the club, when they have no emotional attachment they are likely to ask for something for their stake in the club.

We will likely find out over the next couple of years.

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Topic Originator: SharpPar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:19


2004Par, Sat 10 Aug 19:05

Saw Ross Mcarthur at the game today wonder what he’s thinking about the situation?, can he do better than what the Germans have done .o

He couldn’t, that’s why the investors are here. The club wasn’t sustainable without an investment
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Topic Originator: SharpPar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:20


RMGpar, Sat 10 Aug 19:18

He could respond, and probably should

I know how I’d respond if someone spoke to me like that, but I wouldn’t have a job to go back to.
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Topic Originator: RMGpar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:21

Would have done us a favour then

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Topic Originator: OorWullie  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:22


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 19:19


2004Par, Sat 10 Aug 19:05

Saw Ross Mcarthur at the game today wonder what he’s thinking about the situation?, can he do better than what the Germans have done .o

He couldn’t, that’s why the investors are here. The club wasn’t sustainable without an investment

Losing a million a year so hardly sustainable now ?
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Topic Originator: Swifty  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:23

It’s obvious to me and many fans that our CEO is not paying his way? Not counting him I think we had 2 Directors in our box today, alongside a big Falkirk contingent. If our Directors cannot turn up for a Falkirk game what chance do we have going forward. There is something obviously wrong at Board level. A massive fall out ?

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Topic Originator: NW 1966  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:23

"I know how I’d respond if someone spoke to me like that, but I wouldn’t have a job to go back to"

Diddums, get him out our club.

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Topic Originator: Back_oh_the_net  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:24


2004Par, Sat 10 Aug 19:05

Saw Ross Mcarthur at the game today wonder what he’s thinking about the situation?, can he do better than what the Germans have done .o

Simple answer yes he could infact he was doing better turned a profit 3 years on the bounce under Ross before these charlatans came In and it’s been lose after lose
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Topic Originator: SharpPar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:25

That’s the spirit.

Let’s verbally abuse the football club staff because we are ‘fans’ and can say what we like.
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Topic Originator: NW 1966  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:26

"He couldn’t, that’s why the investors are here. The club wasn’t sustainable without" .....blah blah"

Ross McArthur was the best thing to happen to this club.
Give yourself a hoover ffs

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Topic Originator: SharpPar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:27

I agree. He was.
But our ‘fans’ ran him out too with the abuse he got.
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Topic Originator: NW 1966  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:28

"Let’s verbally abuse the football club staff because we are ‘fans’ and can say what we like"

I`m not abusing him, I just want him out our club.

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Topic Originator: RMGpar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:28

The we have 2 weeks of silence coming up anyway

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Topic Originator: The Boss  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:31


NW 1966, Sat 10 Aug 19:26

"He couldn’t, that’s why the investors are here. The club wasn’t sustainable without" .....blah blah"

Ross McArthur was the best thing to happen to this club.
Give yourself a hoover ffs

Was he aye? He brought the Germans in for christ sake. He should take a share of the blame.

I like black and white (dreaming of black and white)
You like black and white
Run run away

Post Edited (Sat 10 Aug 19:33)
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Topic Originator: morvenpar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:33

This thread is a disgrace tbh.

The guy’s proven himself at Everton, Celtic, Etihad/City group, Forest, and you all think that all of a sudden he doesn’t know what he’s doing? Some absolute wallopers on here honestly.

You’ll hound him out the club that he loves and has taken a massive pay cut to come home to, because you don’t have a f&£@;ing clue what you’re on about.

Peak .net 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Topic Originator: Back_oh_the_net  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:34


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 19:17


Back_oh_the_net, Sat 10 Aug 18:54


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 18:03

Anyone who runs to shout abuse at another human being over a football match needs to have a long word with themselves. What a state to get into.

Hiya David

Get a grip. Because I won’t condone grown adults shouting abuse at an individual (who cannot respond). Fool

He can respond by tendering his resignation or maybe by justifying the 160k he takes as a wage that might be a better start
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Topic Originator: SharpPar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:36


morvenpar, Sat 10 Aug 19:33

This thread is a disgrace tbh.

The guy’s proven himself at Everton, Celtic, Etihad/City group, Forest, and you all think that all of a sudden he doesn’t know what he’s doing? Some absolute wallopers on here honestly.

You’ll hound him out the club that he loves and has taken a massive pay cut to come home to, because you don’t have a f
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Topic Originator: SharpPar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:37


Back_oh_the_net, Sat 10 Aug 19:34


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 19:17


Back_oh_the_net, Sat 10 Aug 18:54


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 18:03

Anyone who runs to shout abuse at another human being over a football match needs to have a long word with themselves. What a state to get into.

Hiya David

Get a grip. Because I won’t condone grown adults shouting abuse at an individual (who cannot respond). Fool

He can respond by tendering his resignation or maybe by justifying the 160k he takes as a wage that might be a better start

How do you know that’s his salary?
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Topic Originator: Back_oh_the_net  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:39

Post Edited (Sat 10 Aug 19:40)
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Topic Originator: Back_oh_the_net  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:39


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 19:37


Back_oh_the_net, Sat 10 Aug 19:34


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 19:17


Back_oh_the_net, Sat 10 Aug 18:54


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 18:03

Anyone who runs to shout abuse at another human being over a football match needs to have a long word with themselves. What a state to get into.

Hiya David

Get a grip. Because I won’t condone grown adults shouting abuse at an individual (who cannot respond). Fool

He can respond by tendering his resignation or maybe by justifying the 160k he takes as a wage that might be a better start

How do you know that’s his salary?

Do your homework and ask around son
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Topic Originator: JamesAndrew74  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:41


morvenpar, Sat 10 Aug 19:33

This thread is a disgrace tbh.

The guy’s proven himself at Everton, Celtic, Etihad/City group, Forest, and you all think that all of a sudden he doesn’t know what he’s doing? Some absolute wallopers on here honestly.

You’ll hound him out the club that he loves and has taken a massive pay cut to come home to, because you don’t have a f
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Topic Originator: SharpPar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:41


Back_oh_the_net, Sat 10 Aug 19:39


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 19:37


Back_oh_the_net, Sat 10 Aug 19:34


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 19:17


Back_oh_the_net, Sat 10 Aug 18:54


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 18:03

Anyone who runs to shout abuse at another human being over a football match needs to have a long word with themselves. What a state to get into.

Hiya David

Get a grip. Because I won’t condone grown adults shouting abuse at an individual (who cannot respond). Fool

He can respond by tendering his resignation or maybe by justifying the 160k he takes as a wage that might be a better start

How do you know that’s his salary?

Do your homework and ask around son

Stop believing cr*p you hear in the pub son.
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Topic Originator: RMGpar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:41

He was never a ceo and a chairman .. his jobs were very different.

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Topic Originator: summeragent  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:42


1985Par, Sat 10 Aug 19:07

I haven’t a clue what’s going on at boardroom level or how much money we’ve got or what we do have gets spent on. But I get the impression that the Germans are prudent investors whereas what a club needs to get out of this league isn’t prudence and a long term vision, but someone who’s happy to lose a few quid?
Again I could be talking sh&te but I guess that whoever’s backing Ayr and Rovers is pumping in a heap of cash which they know they’re unlikely to see again?? 🤷‍♂️

Post Edited (Sat 10 Aug 19:08)

How can they be prudent when we lost a £m last year?????
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Topic Originator: rikaka  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 19:43


morvenpar, Sat 10 Aug 19:33

This thread is a disgrace tbh.

The guy’s proven himself at Everton, Celtic, Etihad/City group, Forest, and you all think that all of a sudden he doesn’t know what he’s doing? Some absolute wallopers on here honestly.

You’ll hound him out the club that he loves and has taken a massive pay cut to come home to, because you don’t have a f&£@;ing clue what you’re on about.

Peak .net 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Proven himself in what way? He wasn`t the CEO of any of these clubs. Could have been running the club shop for all we know. The reason we don`t have a """"""" clue is no one is talking. We have what looks like the smallest playing budget in the division and our proven CEO hasn't communicated at all why that is.

Post Edited (Sat 10 Aug 19:44)
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Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 20:02


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 19:27

I agree. He was.
But our ‘fans’ ran him out too with the abuse he got.

A minority of fans abused him. A majority wanted him to step down for footballing reasons. I don’t think anybody suggested he should leave the club from a financial stand point.

Ross McArthur should have remained on the board as the financier of the club. Understandably, from the abuse from a minority he received, he felt it better to step away completely. The abuse he suffered has clearly not deterred him from attending games either, which may mean a lack of animosity now.

On the point about fans not being entitled to ask for a person to be sacked - of course they are 😂 we are paying good money for a dreadful product. Football isn’t like a normal job that your average joe does. People pay for entertainment and currently thats not happening at EEP.
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Topic Originator: OorWullie  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 20:10

Post Edited (Sat 10 Aug 20:10)
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Topic Originator: OorWullie  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 20:11

Loves the Pars, my bottom . Loves the money.

Ask the staff and volunteers about him, morvenpar
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Topic Originator: Alter Ego  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 20:28

Come on now FFS…surely Mr Cook has to go to the Germans now and say “I think we have a bit of a problem now”😅 Jesus enough is enough… either they fix it or it’s going to be a long season watching dross week in/out?

Mon the Pars!
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Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 20:33

The problem for me is where to start:

1. A board who seem reluctant to invest any money. We have the largest fan base in the league but appear to have the lowest budget. If they don`t want to invest then sell up now.

2. Players seem out their depth and are struggling. We did okay last season despite injuries but what`s happened? We can`t even beat teams in leagues below us now.

3. Manager and coach just don`t seem to have any ideas. Is it the lack of funds, the players being rubbish, or is it down to ooor recruitment and crap coaching?

Personally, I`d start at the bottom. Get rid of McPake. Problem is who could step in realistically?

Then need to pray to get through this season and get rid of some of the team.

Finally, I have real doubts about the current board. However, I don`t see who could step in.
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Topic Originator: Big G Ball  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 20:38

We need a clear out but we haven’t money to buy a goalkeeper or anyone else so how on earth can we afford to sack mcpake and cook and pay them off…….we haven’t the money to exit them without further impacting our ability to strengthen a squad that is thread bare and heading for the first division unless the players start to take some responsibility……todays team on paper should be good enough to compete so whilst mcpake is culpable there are many people taking a wage under false pretences

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Topic Originator: Parfect69  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 21:02

Thing is I think we have money it’s just all put it into a pipe dream which is not sustainable
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Topic Originator: NMCmassive  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 21:02


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 19:19


2004Par, Sat 10 Aug 19:05

Saw Ross Mcarthur at the game today wonder what he’s thinking about the situation?, can he do better than what the Germans have done .o

He couldn’t, that’s why the investors are here. The club wasn’t sustainable without an investment

I thought we were making money? Wasn’t that one of the reasons we were seen as a good investment?

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Topic Originator: NMCmassive  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 21:12

I don’t think it’s us that has no clue.

Clubs been going backwards since his arrival.

If he was that well proven he’d still be there but he’s no. He’s here and now we’re loosing money and struggling to put out a first team


Post Edited (Sat 10 Aug 21:15)
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Topic Originator: Indiapar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 21:17

I think the intent of the directors was set out early on. There would be no huge sums to be invested in players. The money was going to go into development. Rightly or wrongly that seems to be the approach. I don`t see the manager going anywhere. He has to work within those constraints. It`s a spinning plates scenario I.e. how do you invest in development whilst keeping the team in the championship. From JM`s interview today it`s not lost on him the squad is not good enough to be challenging for promotion. We need 2 or 3 good loan players to come in but it appears there are challenges around that. Hopefully those challenges can be overcome in the next few weeks.
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Topic Originator: SharpPar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 21:27


NMCmassive, Sat 10 Aug 21:02


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 19:19


2004Par, Sat 10 Aug 19:05

Saw Ross Mcarthur at the game today wonder what he’s thinking about the situation?, can he do better than what the Germans have done .o

He couldn’t, that’s why the investors are here. The club wasn’t sustainable without an investment

I thought we were making money? Wasn’t that one of the reasons we were seen as a good investment?

We made small profits because of cup ties (Rangers) and selling Nisbet. We were also relying on loans from some of the board. Thats why external investment was sought by the club. It was all covered at SC meetings
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Topic Originator: Rigger Al  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 21:40


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 21:27


NMCmassive, Sat 10 Aug 21:02


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 19:19


2004Par, Sat 10 Aug 19:05

Saw Ross Mcarthur at the game today wonder what he’s thinking about the situation?, can he do better than what the Germans have done .o

He couldn’t, that’s why the investors are here. The club wasn’t sustainable without an investment

I thought we were making money? Wasn’t that one of the reasons we were seen as a good investment?

We made small profits because of cup ties (Rangers) and selling Nisbet. We were also relying on loans from some of the board. Thats why external investment was sought by the club. It was all covered at SC meetings

Not defending Cook or attacking him ,no one knows his salary or the remit for his position .He may well be meeting all the requirements of his job description , when hired
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Topic Originator: SharpPar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 21:47


NMCmassive, Sat 10 Aug 21:02


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 19:19


2004Par, Sat 10 Aug 19:05

Saw Ross Mcarthur at the game today wonder what he’s thinking about the situation?, can he do better than what the Germans have done .o

He couldn’t, that’s why the investors are here. The club wasn’t sustainable without an investment

I thought we were making money? Wasn’t that one of the reasons we were seen as a good investment?

I agree Rigger Al. Who’s to say the investors have set the budget and not the CEO? He may want more to support the manager and isn’t getting it? Our structure is such that we could genuinely have that scenario. We don’t have a paid board of directors so not sure the CEO even has a ‘deputy’ who works at the club. To me, that leaves a massive remit with a small staff. I’m not sure I could say that I don’t think Mr Cook is getting all the decisions right when I don’t know what decisions he has the power to make.

What is certain is that something has to change as we are not good enough on the pitch. Where I can’t decide is if an increased budget should go to the current manager or not.
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Topic Originator: NMCmassive  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 21:48


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 21:27


NMCmassive, Sat 10 Aug 21:02


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 19:19


2004Par, Sat 10 Aug 19:05

Saw Ross Mcarthur at the game today wonder what he’s thinking about the situation?, can he do better than what the Germans have done .o

He couldn’t, that’s why the investors are here. The club wasn’t sustainable without an investment

I thought we were making money? Wasn’t that one of the reasons we were seen as a good investment?

We made small profits because of cup ties (Rangers) and selling Nisbet. We were also relying on loans from some of the board. Thats why external investment was sought by the club. It was all covered at SC meetings

So we’ve went from small profit from player sales and cup ties to loosing a million a year and hardly being able to scrape a full squad of professionals together now that we’ve got investment?

Absolutely none of it makes sense.

How many adult season tickets do you think we sold? 2000? At 300 each that’s 600,000 the prize money from last season takes us up to around 1 million in the clubs coffers over the summer and doesn’t take into consideration the 97000 for Edward’s that I heard and the money from the fan zone.

We shouldn’t have the squad we’ve got. If the clubs overheads are that big we can hardly put a team out then surely the overheads need addressing

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Topic Originator: Alter Ego  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 21:49

Oh Mr Cook…..where are you?

Mon the Pars!
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Topic Originator: SharpPar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 21:54

NMCMassive - I absolutely agree with you. Why the money isn’t being invested sits with the owners
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Topic Originator: OorWullie  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 21:57


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 21:54

NMCMassive - I absolutely agree with you. Why the money isn’t being invested sits with the owners

Because they don’t want to lose another million quid, so they pulled the rug on more spending until they figure out what’s been going on. That’s why the new CFO is in

Post Edited (Sat 10 Aug 21:58)
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Topic Originator: SharpPar  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 22:22

Not spending could cost another £1m ..
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Topic Originator: summeragent  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 22:25


OorWullie, Sat 10 Aug 21:57


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 21:54

NMCMassive - I absolutely agree with you. Why the money isn’t being invested sits with the owners

Because they don’t want to lose another million quid, so they pulled the rug on more spending until they figure out what’s been going on. That’s why the new CFO is in

Post Edited (Sat 10 Aug 21:58)

How they don’t know what’s going on month to month is baffling! You don’t just wait until the end of the year and find out you have lost a £m and don’t know where it has gone.

Think there is totally naivety and that is a huge risk to our club as a going concern!
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Topic Originator: NMCmassive  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 22:30


OorWullie, Sat 10 Aug 21:57


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 21:54

NMCMassive - I absolutely agree with you. Why the money isn’t being invested sits with the owners

Because they don’t want to lose another million quid, so they pulled the rug on more spending until they figure out what’s been going on. That’s why the new CFO is in

1 of 2 things are happening

1 someone is fiddling the books


2 they know exactly where the money is going but have made a bum move and ended up sh177ing the bed. Mr Billionaire found out, kicked up a stink and sent his man across

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Topic Originator: summeragent  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 22:36


NMCmassive, Sat 10 Aug 22:30


OorWullie, Sat 10 Aug 21:57


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 21:54

NMCMassive - I absolutely agree with you. Why the money isn’t being invested sits with the owners

Because they don’t want to lose another million quid, so they pulled the rug on more spending until they figure out what’s been going on. That’s why the new CFO is in

1 of 2 things are happening

1 someone is fiddling the books


2 they know exactly where the money is going but have made a bum move and ended up sh177ing the bed. Mr Billionaire found out, kicked up a stink and sent his man across

It’s weird! Who is in charge of the finances? I’m assuming the owners set the budgets and the CEO manages them. In which case Cook should be sacked now!

I think the owners have invested in the academy at the expense of the team and the fans and they should admit it. It’s a total sh** show!

As a comparison, Ayr broke even, have a great manager and have built a great team. They will be earning income from that. We are losing money from lost cup competitions, poor league positions and inevitably lose of support.

I’m depressed about it and can imagine every Pars fan is. This is the worst situation bar Administration!
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Topic Originator: NW 1966  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 23:43

"Not defending Cook or attacking him ,no one knows his salary or the remit for his position .He may well be meeting all the requirements of his job description , when hired"

Aye, seriously, you actually believe that jive?
The hemorrhaging of cash is under scrutiny right now, step forward Friedrich Lass-Henneman.
Chief Executive, I`d imagine there`s scope to manage the club with a degree of freedom to ensure we prosper. We`re not doing that just now.
Let`s stop making excuses for this present situation, we`re in a hole and to suggest otherwise is utter codswallop.
If the Board don`t arrest this situation soon then there`s a storm coming their way going by what I heard and witnessed today.
Ken whit, when you`re at the top, you have to produce, there`s no hiding.

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Topic Originator: Rigger Al  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 23:50


NW 1966, Sat 10 Aug 23:43

"Not defending Cook or attacking him ,no one knows his salary or the remit for his position .He may well be meeting all the requirements of his job description , when hired"

Aye, seriously, you actually believe that jive?
The hemorrhaging of cash is under scrutiny right now, step forward Friedrich Lass-Henneman.
Chief Executive, I`d imagine there`s scope to manage the club with a degree of freedom to ensure we prosper. We`re not doing that just now.
Let`s stop making excuses for this present situation, we`re in a hole and to suggest otherwise is utter codswallop.
If the Board don`t arrest this situation soon then there`s a storm coming their way going by what I heard and witnessed today.
Ken whit, when you`re at the top, you have to produce, there`s no hiding.

Now I think your talking out your Ass

If you do not know the remit / contractual obligations of Mr Cook how can you determine if he is failing in duties ,he has been given ,you are simply speculating
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Topic Originator: OorWullie  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 23:59


Rigger Al, Sat 10 Aug 23:50


NW 1966, Sat 10 Aug 23:43

"Not defending Cook or attacking him ,no one knows his salary or the remit for his position .He may well be meeting all the requirements of his job description , when hired"

Aye, seriously, you actually believe that jive?
The hemorrhaging of cash is under scrutiny right now, step forward Friedrich Lass-Henneman.
Chief Executive, I`d imagine there`s scope to manage the club with a degree of freedom to ensure we prosper. We`re not doing that just now.
Let`s stop making excuses for this present situation, we`re in a hole and to suggest otherwise is utter codswallop.
If the Board don`t arrest this situation soon then there`s a storm coming their way going by what I heard and witnessed today.
Ken whit, when you`re at the top, you have to produce, there`s no hiding.

Now I think your talking out your Ass

If you do not know the remit / contractual obligations of Mr Cook how can you determine if he is failing in duties ,he has been given ,you are simply speculating

Rigger, ask yourself why has the brakes been put on any more spending ?
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Topic Originator: NW 1966  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 00:03

Are we in a good situation right now?

If we are, please enlighten me.

If we`re not be honest and acknowledge something needs to change.

I never said I knew any level of detail of David Cooks contract, tbh I don`t care what it is. Bottom line is we`re faltering and underachieving, we deserve better, and that`s not self entitlement, it`s care for our club.

Incidentally I don`t talk out my *** as you so eloquently put it.

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Topic Originator: NMCmassive  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 00:13

That’s how I would have thought it works Summeragent but the fact we’ve got 17 players in the squad just doesn’t bode well.

Did we blow a load gettin everyone in last season to cover for injuries? I honestly don’t know what is happening

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Topic Originator: PARrot  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 01:36


NMCmassive, Sun 11 Aug 00:13

That’s how I would have thought it works Summeragent but the fact we’ve got 17 players in the squad just doesn’t bode well.

Did we blow a load gettin everyone in last season to cover for injuries? I honestly don’t know what is happening

I think you hit the nail on the head.
A year in div1, paying off two managers, last year`s hospital bills, and extra wages for replacements.
All of that has contributed to our current problem.

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Topic Originator: DNCH  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 05:54

I`ve tended never to pay attention to senior officials in our club because, in theory, if they`re effective we should be more or less unaware of them.

The headscratcher for me was a month ago when he released an apologetic statement acknowledging that he was unfamiliar with the rules of player registration. I found that alarming for the following reasons: 1) Why is our CEO so involved in the process? 2) How was he appointed to the head position of our club without anyone establishing his knowledge of these things? 3) How does that reflect on our club?

The sum of all those parts at least result in a red flag and you don`t need to exist in the inner workings of the club to spot it. I`m not saying "Cook out" because I genuinely don`t know what the scope of his role is but at the very least, with the money we all put in, he ought to clear up our position. If the reality is there is no player budget because it`s been invested in the training facility, then that`s alright. At least we know. At the moment we don`t.

Also another topic on this forum accused me repeatedly of being David Cook so hopefully this clarifies I`m not... Or am I?

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Topic Originator: OorWullie  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 05:59


PARrot, Sun 11 Aug 01:36


NMCmassive, Sun 11 Aug 00:13

That’s how I would have thought it works Summeragent but the fact we’ve got 17 players in the squad just doesn’t bode well.

Did we blow a load gettin everyone in last season to cover for injuries? I honestly don’t know what is happening

I think you hit the nail on the head.
A year in div1, paying off two managers, last year`s hospital bills, and extra wages for replacements.
All of that has contributed to our current problem.

Yet the manager payoffs occurred in FY23

We lost a million in FY24 and and another in FY25 ( accounts due Feb26)

See the thread about supporter meetings
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Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 07:26


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 19:19


2004Par, Sat 10 Aug 19:05

Saw Ross Mcarthur at the game today wonder what he’s thinking about the situation?, can he do better than what the Germans have done .o

He couldn’t, that’s why the investors are here. The club wasn’t sustainable without an investment

Let`s not forget Ross mccarthur hired the 2 managers who ended up getting us relegated to league 1 he also brought these guys in.

c'mon the pars
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Topic Originator: fcda  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 08:53


OorWullie, Sun 11 Aug 05:59

Yet the manager payoffs occurred in FY23

We lost a million in FY24 and and another in FY25 ( accounts due Feb26)

See the thread about supporter meetings

See my reply about the knock-on effect and possible payment arrangements.

Truth is, without a full set of accounts, or inside knowledge, we`re all guessing.
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Topic Originator: OorWullie  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 09:04


fcda, Sun 11 Aug 08:53


OorWullie, Sun 11 Aug 05:59

Yet the manager payoffs occurred in FY23

We lost a million in FY24 and and another in FY25 ( accounts due Feb26)

See the thread about supporter meetings

See my reply about the knock-on effect and possible payment arrangements.

Truth is, without a full set of accounts, or inside knowledge, we`re all guessing.

I take your point, but why were manager payoffs not included as reasons for the huge losses ?

I still maintain Hughes resigned

Post Edited (Sun 11 Aug 09:05)
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Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 09:05

Accounts for FY24 haven`t been issued yet and we`re only 3 months into FY25. I`m used to folk just making stuff up on here but Mystic Meg would find this a challenge.
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Topic Originator: OorWullie  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 09:11


wee eck, Sun 11 Aug 09:05

Accounts for FY24 haven`t been issued yet and we`re only 3 months into FY25. I`m used to folk just making stuff up on here but Mystic Meg would find this a challenge.

Let’s not be naive. Info gets leaked all the time in various organisations. We have history on that score. Let’s come back to this in Feb, shall we ?
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Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 09:26

I thought the new CFO was brought in to stem the losses? Surely he can have an effect before May 25?

How do we know what leaked info to believe? This time last week we were told Administration was imminent. Can we take it we're now going to survive to at least next May?

Post Edited (Sun 11 Aug 09:29)
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Topic Originator: OorWullie  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 09:32


wee eck, Sun 11 Aug 09:26

I thought the new CFO was brought in to stem the losses? Surely he can have an effect before May 25?

How do we know what leaked info to believe? This time last week we were told Administration was imminent. Can we take it we`re now going to survive to at least next May?

Admin talk is nonsense.

Post Edited (Sun 11 Aug 09:32)
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Topic Originator: Rusty Shackleford  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 10:01

Shared responsibility and underperformance all over the place. Board, previous board, players and management. We`re in a spiral.
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Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 11:40


OorWullie, Sun 11 Aug 09:32


wee eck, Sun 11 Aug 09:26

I thought the new CFO was brought in to stem the losses? Surely he can have an effect before May 25?

How do we know what leaked info to believe? This time last week we were told Administration was imminent. Can we take it we`re now going to survive to at least next May?

Admin talk is nonsense.

Surely can`t be far away if we go down considering we are having to look as far as cutting down pars TV to save costs. If/ when we lose the money from the rovers and Falkirk games we surely will have to make more cuts. If we are that far down the list it suggests to me we can`t have much more to cut.

c'mon the pars
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Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 11:52

Administration will be on the table if going down if only as a way of clearing out some of the dead wood. The problem is that many local businesses got burnt the last time and won`t risk it again. The board are a complete joke. I usually laugh when people demand statements from the board but it`s desperately needed. And I mean a proper statement, not a "We`re aware people are unhappy". We`re not unhappy, we`re absolutely fuming.
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Topic Originator: Indiapar  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 12:03

If there is that much of a concern, the only thing would be a statement tomanage the expectation of the supporters. I think the expectation of tge supporters this season was to make the playoffs. I am sure that is tge target but a narrative around the challenges would perhaps temper the frustrations of a section if the supporters. It`s important to have everyone pulling in the same direction. At the end of the day, the fans are the customer base so it`s important to keep them on board and set out the vision.
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Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 13:02


cammypar 1995, Sun 11 Aug 07:26


SharpPar, Sat 10 Aug 19:19


2004Par, Sat 10 Aug 19:05

Saw Ross Mcarthur at the game today wonder what he’s thinking about the situation?, can he do better than what the Germans have done .o

He couldn’t, that’s why the investors are here. The club wasn’t sustainable without an investment

Let`s not forget Ross mccarthur hired the 2 managers who ended up getting us relegated to league 1 he also brought these guys in.

Cammy, I can assure you Ross was not involved in any way in the appointment of John Hughes, though he was involved in appointing Peter Grant.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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Topic Originator: PARrot  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 13:27


OorWullie, Sun 11 Aug 09:32


wee eck, Sun 11 Aug 09:26

I thought the new CFO was brought in to stem the losses? Surely he can have an effect before May 25?

How do we know what leaked info to believe? This time last week we were told Administration was imminent. Can we take it we`re now going to survive to at least next May?

Admin talk is nonsense.

Most of the talk on here is absolute nonsense. Folk working themselves into a frenzy and suggesting solutions to problems that are pure speculation.

I get complaints about lack of entertainment value, but most everything else is unfounded codswallop.
It starts with a wee bit gossip, then unqualified speculation followed by outrage based on assumed facts. Then it just gets toxic.

There may well be serious problems, but we don`t know. It seems to most of us that the board could alleviate our concerns by being more open.
We have no idea what they are dealing with, though. Maybe they are restricted in what they can say for valid reasons.
All I know for a fact is that the fans are not happy with the quality of the end product. This appears to be affected by a lack of funds. The board does not appear to be panicking, not selling off assets.

It is natural to be concerned when we do not know what is happening, but we are currently getting seriously toxic reactions based on pure speculation.

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Topic Originator: parathletic  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 13:32

It`s not difficult to reach a conclusion when the managers is coming out and saying that we don`t have a squad to compete, it`s unlikely anyone will come in and we can`t even field a proper bench.
I recall Cook saying fairly recently that communication to the supporters could have been better-it doesn`t seem much has changed in that regard?
Outside of Otoo, I don't think we have many sellable assets?

Post Edited (Sun 11 Aug 13:39)
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Topic Originator: Berkey  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 14:15

We might not have the squad to compete as we are paying too much money to our current first teamers. Witherspoon and Kane will be on top end money too.

For example of we hadn’t signed wotherspoon maybe we could have got 2 players in? Theres an element of trying to find a gem or giving someone from the lower leagues a chance rather than going for a player the manager knows but is on the wane.

I wouldn’t think our budget is much behind other clubs in the division.

The post below replying to me is by one of .nets finest champions of mediocrity!
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Topic Originator: summeragent  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 14:44


NMCmassive, Sun 11 Aug 00:13

That’s how I would have thought it works Summeragent but the fact we’ve got 17 players in the squad just doesn’t bode well.

Did we blow a load gettin everyone in last season to cover for injuries? I honestly don’t know what is happening

Also I’m not sure paying off previous managers would have come into the £m since the cost would have been written off in the year it occurred.

Honestly think the money has been diverted into the academy, in some shape or form, although I am not sure what we are seeing for it. Also the cost for the officials is probably well over £200k I would estimate (under estimate).
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Topic Originator: NMCmassive  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 16:42


summeragent, Sun 11 Aug 14:44


NMCmassive, Sun 11 Aug 00:13

That’s how I would have thought it works Summeragent but the fact we’ve got 17 players in the squad just doesn’t bode well.

Did we blow a load gettin everyone in last season to cover for injuries? I honestly don’t know what is happening

Also I’m not sure paying off previous managers would have come into the £m since the cost would have been written off in the year it occurred.

Honestly think the money has been diverted into the academy, in some shape or form, although I am not sure what we are seeing for it. Also the cost for the officials is probably well over £200k I would estimate (under estimate).

You’re about right from what I’m hearing. I believe between cook and the financial team they’re earning around that amount yearly. I’m sure manager and coaches will come out of a footballing budget. It does make me wonder what our daily/weekly/monthly spend is to just run the club. We probably only take in around three million a year in so that could disappear rather quickly. That three million being a roughly roughly finger in the air guesstimate btw

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