Topic Originator: msgribbin
Date: Sun 15 Dec 19:20
I live down South and generally get to 4 or 5 Pars games a year. The last 3 were 0—5 v Morton, 0-3 v Queens Park and 0-2 v Falkirk. Performances were very poor, as you all know. Worse still, at no time did I see any obvious effort to entertain the crowd. Managers can say `we`re here to win games and sometimes you have to play ugly` - although that`s a better argument if you actually do win - but I can say `that`s smashing, rock on, I`ll save my time and keep my money`
Last couple of times I`ve been up I just haven`t bothered with the Pars. Not interested in robbing myself by paying money for no entertainment value at all. At home in Hampshire, I go to a National League or National League South match most weeks - it`s usually cheaper for higher quality, almost always a good watch. Duff games happen but rare to have no entertainment at all. As for the Pars, well things don`t seem to be improving. Very few contented fans on this board.
So, serious question, why on earth do you keep on going ? Would you pay into the cinema to watch the sequel to a film that stank ? Would you go back to a restaurant that served you garbage food ? Would you re-book next year`s holiday on the Voyage of the Damned ?
Assuming not, why keep on paying to watch consistently eye-wateringly dreadful football matches ? In the freezing cold. For little apparent appreciation from the club. Who quite honestly seem perfectly content just to exploit the loyalty of the fans - knowing they don`t have to pay more than lip service because the fans will put up with any old garbage and hand over their money week in, week out regardless.
Anticipating folk will say `We`re supporters, we follow through thick and thin.` I`m just intrigued to try and understand why folk do. What do you get out of it ? Is it the social side ? Just the habit ? Sunk cost for the season ticket ?
The club obviously won`t care less about losing my occasional money - even with various extras, they don`t make more than maybe £250 a season out of me - but losing the proper hardcore support would be a different matter. I`m not suggesting a mass boycott of home games - even if that would be the single best way to get the club`s attention - more asking why you all keep on doing this to yourselves ?
Anyhow really not having a dig - each to their own, I`m just puzzled by it is all. For me, I won`t be back until this changes - would genuinely rather watch Cowden. They`re at least grateful for the custom, welcoming as a club and a reasonable game of football breaks out every now and then !
Mark G
Topic Originator: PARadise
Date: Sun 15 Dec 19:28
Always have always will. I`ll concede this season has been as hard as ever to motivate myself to with the total apathy and no one to direct frustration to. but the pars is woven into my family and a large part of my life revolves around it. I think covid highlighted how boring my life is without the football so as bad as it gets I`ll still be there.
Topic Originator: Dandy Warhol
Date: Sun 15 Dec 19:33
I have no idea now, it`s becoming increasingly hard to care, it`s not the money, it`s the time, time is important, valuable, I don`t want to waste it on an entity that has no respect for my time.
I don`t wanna go down like disco.
Topic Originator: Dave_1885
Date: Sun 15 Dec 19:41
Ive certainly reduced my game - one due to more family time wanted and another because the value for money isn’t there.
£24 spent for yesterday and saw two shots and a team that barely tries anymore. And daft enough to buy my Falkirk ticket before yesterday’s game 🙄 lose our next two and probably wont be back for rest of season as nearly lost all interest - will try get Scotland tickets instead
Topic Originator: The Boss
Date: Sun 15 Dec 19:59
Still going to home games as I’m a season ticket holder but have given up on away games. I applaud the fans that are backing the team away just now.
I said I wouldn’t go to another away game until McPake was sacked but I attended yesterday stupidly. I thought maybe there was a chance the team would show up and give us fans something to shout about. I don’t know why I fell for it. Out of pocket and having to endure that kind of performance really isn’t on! I just can’t understand why the management and the players think that was acceptable.
The whole club absolutely stinks! I mean where is Cook? Is he actually still employed? No communication at all. Even if he would just come out and say the performance’s have been unacceptable.
I like black and white (dreaming of black and white)
You like black and white
Run run away
Topic Originator: desparado
Date: Sun 15 Dec 20:01
Personally I am done until the clown show is removed..
What an opportunity we missed in 2014.
Topic Originator: Rigger Al
Date: Sun 15 Dec 20:05
desparado, Sun 15 Dec 20:01
Personally I am done until the clown show is removed..
me to
Topic Originator: JTH123
Date: Sun 15 Dec 20:18
I go with my 13 year old daughter. It`s our time and our thing and she`s mad keen.
I don`t understand why Cook matters to people. It`s almost like they would like him wheeled out to throw things at when things are going badly. Personally I`m not interested in administrators. I`d just like to see something entertaining on the park.
Actually looking forward to seeing Nat Wedderburn in the cup game. Always used to guarantee you a trick in every game.
Topic Originator: Buster_Brown
Date: Sun 15 Dec 20:28
I was unable to attend over the last 6 years, and between that and the Covid times, it made me realise how much I need football in my life, and how much it gives me.
I have a 13…soon to be 14, year old son who is also football daft and loves nothing more than coming to games with me, he’s fallen in love with the club and dreams of playing for us one day, which reminds me of the dreams I had when I was young, and it’s great father and son time. We go to watch other teams as well, we love going to football that much.
With all that, it keeps me coming back to support the team. It’s just what I do on a Saturday, and although I do think “why do I bother”, I know I’m lost without it
Topic Originator: helensburghpar
Date: Sun 15 Dec 20:58
Go to every home game as got a season ticket. Go to every away as try and make it a day out. Pub, catch up with mates and sometimes make a night of it when I get home. It`s certainly not for the silky exciting football. Had a great day/night out at Ayr ruined by the football. Same with Edinburgh away. No redeeming factors yesterday however. Will be at Morton next week hoping for the best but whatever the result beers will be sunk.
So in answer to the question more about the day out than the football on display.
Post Edited (Sun 15 Dec 21:02)
Topic Originator: DBP
Date: Sun 15 Dec 21:01
I`m going to home games as got season ticket... Used to go to about 5 - 10 away games but knocked that on the head
I do watch it and often think i`d see just as good a game going to local amatuer team - and not get fleeced for the pleasure!
Topic Originator: P
Date: Sun 15 Dec 21:01
I’m out until things improve. I am time poor and can’t throw it away on something I do not enjoy
Topic Originator: Big T Par
Date: Sun 15 Dec 21:16
Dave_1885, Sun 15 Dec 19:41
Ive certainly reduced my game - one due to more family time wanted and another because the value for money isn’t there.
£24 spent for yesterday and saw two shots and a team that barely tries anymore. And daft enough to buy my Falkirk ticket before yesterday’s game 🙄 lose our next two and probably wont be back for rest of season as nearly lost all interest - will try get Scotland tickets instead
Cost me €18 to see BMG v BVB last week
Topic Originator: steaua
Date: Sun 15 Dec 21:46
I will still be at all the home games. Benn following the PARS since I was six years old and
Topic Originator: steaua
Date: Sun 15 Dec 21:50
I will still be at all the home games. Been following the PARS since I was six years old and I am now 81 years old. So, why change the habit of a lifetime, I love going to the football. There will always be changes at football clubs, so if you don`t like what it is like watching the team, who knows what might be round the corner. Please keep the faith folks, I know it is a bit difficult at the moment , but
Topic Originator: steaua
Date: Sun 15 Dec 21:52
I will still be at all the home games. Been following the PARS since I was six years old and I am now 81 years old. So, why change the habit of a lifetime, I love going to the football. There will always be changes at football clubs, so if you don`t like watching the team JUST NOW, who knows what might be round the corner. Please keep the faith folks, I know it is a bit difficult at the moment , but
************BUT, WE ARE THE PARS.*********************
Topic Originator: Dave_1885
Date: Sun 15 Dec 22:10
Big T Par, Sun 15 Dec 21:16
Dave_1885, Sun 15 Dec 19:41
Ive certainly reduced my game - one due to more family time wanted and another because the value for money isn’t there.
£24 spent for yesterday and saw two shots and a team that barely tries anymore. And daft enough to buy my Falkirk ticket before yesterday’s game 🙄 lose our next two and probably wont be back for rest of season as nearly lost all interest - will try get Scotland tickets instead
Cost me €18 to see BMG v BVB last week
Yup, it just shows how far behind Scottish football is below the top 3/4 clubs in the country - and even their prices are ridiculous.
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Sun 15 Dec 22:26
If you trawl through other clubs forums most fans are moaning about their club/team/manager etc.
The Pars are my team. I`ll never not go, wherever they end up.
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe
Date: Sun 15 Dec 22:43
The performances are really disheartening this season.
Incredibly boring football in the main in a league where we are more than capable of a top 4 finish.
I’m done with James McPake tbh
I would rather lose and have a real fight in games than surrender meekly as we did on Saturday in a derby and countless other games.
Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
Topic Originator: msgribbin
Date: Sun 15 Dec 22:48
da_no_1 wrote:
> If you trawl through other clubs forums most fans are moaning
> about their club/team/manager etc.
> The Pars are my team. I`ll never not go, wherever they end up.
> Mark G
Aye, you`re not wrong - at any one time there`ll be more fans disappointed than happy. Just for me, it`s a matter of degree. One thing if results aren`t great but the team give it a good go. Something different when what`s on display is negative anti-football with no attempt to entertain. The longer that carries on, the more it seems like fans aren`t respected at all. Clubs take advantage of people`s loyalty too often, fans just get rinsed and disrespected
Few posters have said it`s about spending time with family or friends - definitely get that. Time`s not for the wasting but time with family can be more fleeting than we know....
Mark G
Topic Originator: CitizenPar
Date: Sun 15 Dec 22:56
I`ve regularly gone to home and away games from Cumbria, Ayrshire and now Edinburgh. I go, quite simply, because they are the Pars and in my blood. Some of the football I watched during the 70s in particular was absolutely woeful, but I`d always turn up.
Topic Originator: gordi-b
Date: Sun 15 Dec 23:07
Been going all my life, my late dad worked at EEP during the Jock Stein era , still go home and away not going to stop now even though we are an abysmal team with an abysmal B.O.D. and an abysmal coaching dept, things can only get better . COYP
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Sun 15 Dec 23:36
msgribbin, Sun 15 Dec 22:48Few posters have said it`s about spending time with family or friends - definitely get that. Time`s not for the wasting but time with family can be more fleeting than we know....
It`s this for me. My dad passed away in June. My eldest started going in 2003 aged 4. He saw 3 cup finals in 3 years. My youngests` first game was when we won league 1 v QOTS. He`s now 21 and absolutely addicted. We all went on Saturday. We knew it would probably end badly and it did.
I don`t think they know how much it means that they want to go to the Pars with me, even though we`re sh1te most weeks. This might not last forever but while it does I`ll be making the most of it.
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: buffy
Date: Sun 15 Dec 23:41
I’m sorry for your loss, DA x
”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”
Topic Originator: msgribbin
Date: Mon 16 Dec 00:24
Really sorry for your loss, fella
To go to one more game with my Dad....
Through your own boys, you know how much it meant to your Dad to go the game with you.
This is the stuff that matters
Mark G
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Mon 16 Dec 07:02
I think as humans, we like to have a routine, whether that`s going to bed at a set time, starting the day with a coffee, etc. Going to a football match is a bit like going to a church service on a Sunday. Many folk don`t really know why they do it - they just do it out of habit, knowing full well it`s unlikely to be hugely enjoyable or entertaining.
I saw my first Pars game, a 4-0 win v St Johnstone in 1963, and that was me hooked. Easy to see why as the Pars were going through the most successful spell in their entire history, but their are plenty of other Pars fans who started going when the team was absolute mince - step forward my younger brothers, who still go.
I remember first asking myself why I was still going when my two kids were at primary school and the games were often dire. Admission was £10 and I`d leave thinking I`d have felt much better if I`d given them a fiver each that morning. I`ve been a match day volunteer now for about 20 years, so I get along to EEP for every home game. I used to go to many away games too, but now I just go to the occasional one. This season, I haven`t been to any, and that stat is unlikely to change unless performances improve dramatically.
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: Dandy Warhol
Date: Mon 16 Dec 07:55
da_no_1, Sun 15 Dec 23:36
msgribbin, Sun 15 Dec 22:48Few posters have said it`s about spending time with family or friends - definitely get that. Time`s not for the wasting but time with family can be more fleeting than we know....
It`s this for me. My dad passed away in June. My eldest started going in 2003 aged 4. He saw 3 cup finals in 3 years. My youngests` first game was when we won league 1 v QOTS. He`s now 21 and absolutely addicted. We all went on Saturday. We knew it would probably end badly and it did.
I don`t think they know how much it means that they want to go to the Pars with me, even though we`re sh1te most weeks. This might not last forever but while it does I`ll be making the most of it.
My condolences to you, I lost my father last year, I can relate.
For me it led me away from EEP as family commitments and interests are elsewhere a lot of the time, I`m glad you have a shared interest with your lad.
I don`t wanna go down like disco.
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Mon 16 Dec 08:06
First match was season 59/60 my dad took me and we were pretty gash then, till the great messiah arrived (JS)
Exciting times in the 60`s , probably never to happen again, but that`s life.
Season Ticket holder so will still be going!
COYP 🏁🏁🏁🤞
Topic Originator: DJAS
Date: Mon 16 Dec 08:15
Habit and the fact my sons want to go. If they said they weren’t going I would probably stop at this present moment. Get zero enjoyment out of it currently.
Predictor league winner 2012/2013
Topic Originator: Buster_Brown
Date: Mon 16 Dec 11:25
da_no_1, Sun 15 Dec 23:36
msgribbin, Sun 15 Dec 22:48Few posters have said it`s about spending time with family or friends - definitely get that. Time`s not for the wasting but time with family can be more fleeting than we know....
It`s this for me. My dad passed away in June. My eldest started going in 2003 aged 4. He saw 3 cup finals in 3 years. My youngests` first game was when we won league 1 v QOTS. He`s now 21 and absolutely addicted. We all went on Saturday. We knew it would probably end badly and it did.
I don`t think they know how much it means that they want to go to the Pars with me, even though we`re sh1te most weeks. This might not last forever but while it does I`ll be making the most of it.
Totally get this mate. My Dad is still alive and I love him dearly, but we have never had a football relationship other than heading down to West Brom games from time to time. When he moved up here, he hated Scottish Football and still has no time for it.
However, as a football fan, I was absolutely buzzing when my son showed an interest and it means everything to me having that time with him and all these shared experiences. I wouldn’t give it up for anything, and unless he ends up playing himself (he’ll be 14 this month and dreams of pulling on the black & white), I swear it’s something we’ll do together until my final days. It means everything to me, like it does with you.
Totally get it 👍🏻
Topic Originator: Berkey
Date: Mon 16 Dec 16:50
It’s the hope that gets you, the blind hope.
And the law of averages.
The post below replying to me is by one of .nets finest champions of mediocrity!
Topic Originator: The Roy Barry Fan Club
Date: Mon 16 Dec 21:36
As Stanza has gone for Hope, then I`ll grab Faith and Charity.
I don`t think anything about supporting a football team is rational. That`s certainly the case in Scotland. Otherwise we`d all be supporting the Old Firm.
Topic Originator: Jeffery
Date: Mon 16 Dec 22:19
I blame the exciting players from when I was young. Had I been entertained as little then (as my own kids are now) I might not have caught the bug and be trudging along in fainter and fainter hope now. 😂
Topic Originator: buffy
Date: Mon 16 Dec 22:23
Sammy the Tammy double biscuits and the macaroni pies, and occasional football.
”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”
Topic Originator: sammy_shuffle
Date: Mon 16 Dec 22:48
I`ll go as long as I am able. Started attending before I was at school which was the late 50`s. My father took me.
That was before jock stein was manager and the current main stand was built.
It`s in my blood. My mum was from Falkirk so thank god my dad was from Dunfermline. Lucky escape there.lol
Wherever I`ve been I`ve always been proud to tell anyone I`m a pars fan.
Down south they think you support one of the 2 ugly sisters.
I`ve seen the highs and the lows.
Football has got me through many a long depressing Scottish winter.
Saturday meet ups, catch ups and beer. It`s a social thing and a way to come together and let off steam.
During COVID my really down days were a Saturday .
This season I paid a small fortune to sample international rugby at Murrayfield so I didn`t get a season ticket as
I would miss to many home games.
I still go to all the home games I can and some away games.
I can never imagine not going as long as I`m able and it wouldn`t matter what league we are in.
Yes I want the best outcome for the pars but it`s football and **** happens.
Hopefully things get turned round for the better soon.
When big leish was sacked some people never ever went back again.
I decided then despite my misgivings that as long as there is a Dafc I`ll be there supporting them on and off the park.
In the modern era you can change almost anything but one thing will never change my love for Dafc.
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend
Date: Mon 16 Dec 23:58
Good post, Sammy 💪
It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Tue 17 Dec 00:34
Gid lad Sammy 👍👍
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: Paralex
Date: Tue 17 Dec 01:26
I was thinking of my dad last Saturday at Starks Park. He was a Burntisland man who took us to live in Glasgow when we were kids. I drove him through to Kirkcaldy for a Raith/Dunfermline game, some years ago. When we reached the ground, he tried to lead me to the home stand. If you`re going there, you`ll go yourself, I told him. He always made out that he was a Dunfermline supporter but he showed that day where his true loyalty lay. But I held my ground and he came with me to the away end.
Supporting the Pars has been with me through good times and bad. Why stop now? I`m positive that good days will come again, and a day out in Dunfermline is always enjoyable but definitely better when we win.
Topic Originator: SeasonedPar
Date: Tue 17 Dec 08:17
We were spoiled with that 60’s adventure. Cup wins, runs to the semi final of the then Fair Cities European competition.
In the early 70’s, I moved away but still saw the Pars as my team. I still do. I’ve brought Hibs and Hearts pals to the game. Partick and Airdrie pals, and good friends from England and Holland. (How they struggled with big Leish’s accent!). attending Burns Suppers and hospitality.
It’s always a roller coaster supporting the Pars, and I’ll always buy my season ticket, pay my Centenary membership, and I volunteer with the club. Match day can be a chore, but it’s a chance to catch up with school pals and some good friends I’ve made over the years at the game. Often that’s been more important than the games.
Currently sad rather than angry about performances and results, but you have to be optimistic the upcoming (when??) Board changes will generate a fresh wave of enthusiasm and better football.
Topic Originator: Rusty Shackleford
Date: Tue 17 Dec 12:40
I don`t get to attend in person as much as I`d like due to family commitments and whatnot but the Pars are on my mind each and every day, as they have been since the late 80s.
For me it`s all about connection. To my past, growing up not far from the ground and going every week as a ritual. To my parents, as it`s what we`ve bonded over above anything else. And to my kids, who I`ve inflicted on as an act of teaching them how the world works! And to the wider community I guess. I`m not religious and never will be in the organised sense but it`s a bit like going to a gig or theatre or whatever, it connects you to other people and give life a bit more meaning than the humdrum of other aspects of life.
The results are largely incidental a lot of the time. I hate how bad we are but there`s always next year.
Same with the owners. They`ll soon be gone and replaced by someone else, who will also probably be gone in 5 to 10 years or so. But we`ll still be here. You`re never *really* the owner of something like a football club, more a custodian of a community asset. That`s why it needs to be treated with respect.
Topic Originator: 87Par
Date: Fri 20 Dec 00:04
Shall chuck in my wee 10p to this now I have time. Born 87 (username might throw you) My dad took me from day dot. First memories were Scott Leitch he was my favourite player. Was 4 at the Skol Cup final but my dad decided it was best to go without the kids 😂.
Then I mind Bert Paton coming along, Valley boy. Which is where i come from. The terracing at the norrie stand side. I used to run in...i couldnt wait to see the Pars. Picked the spot for me and my dad. Usually mid way. Not too close to the front and not too far back Those red bannisters ( or metal frames). Was absolutely hooked. Went to all the insignificant away games, my dad and I thought nothing of jumping in the motor to ***** holes like Brockville haha. In terms of players I jumped from Leitch to Andy Smith. I cannot think of an in-between hero. Although always rated David Bingham. Im a diehard. Always will be. Norries passing still gets me. And I was only 8 when it happened.
And just as a wee side note. RIP Alec Edwards. 🏁
Topic Originator: 87Par
Date: Fri 20 Dec 00:11
87Par, Fri 20 Dec 00:04
Shall chuck in my wee 10p to this now I have time. Born 87 (username might throw you) My dad took me from day dot. First memories were Scott Leitch he was my favourite player. Was 4 at the Skol Cup final but my dad decided it was best to go without the kids 😂.
Then I mind Bert Paton coming along, Valley boy. Which is where i come from. The terracing at the norrie stand side. I used to run in...i couldnt wait to see the Pars. Picked the spot for me and my dad. Usually mid way. Not too close to the front and not too far back Those red bannisters ( or metal frames). Was absolutely hooked. Went to all the insignificant away games, my dad and I thought nothing of jumping in the motor to ***** holes like Brockville haha. In terms of players I jumped from Leitch to Andy Smith. I cannot think of an in-between hero. Although always rated David Bingham. Im a diehard. Always will be. Norries passing still gets me. And I was only 8 when it happened.
And just as a wee side note. RIP Alec Edwards. 🏁
On reading back what I`ve written. I`ve mentioned nothing of the Jimmy C era. Which was absolutely fantastic. Cup finals all over the place. A real successful period for the club, certainly since the 60s.
I was a late teen and we were bloody brilliant. Bring it back.
Topic Originator: Back_oh_the_net
Date: Fri 20 Dec 06:19
Sorry for your loss da_no_1 I lost my dad in October and I’m still going to games even though we are brutal to watch as a promise I made to him that I’d still go when he was no longer here
Aye the product on offer might not be value for money but the banter and beers with the friends we made over the years when we started using the lizzy bus then later the pars your group bus more than makes up for it
Topic Originator: buffy
Date: Fri 20 Dec 11:52
I hope it’s ok to hijack this thread but I’ve noticed a few posters saying they’ve lost someone close recently and I just wanted to say you’re welcome to a hug from yours truly anytime. I’m going through delayed grief at the moment and I know most of you will have family and friends helping you through it; you’re not alone and if anyone wants to meet up for a chat and a coffee please get in touch with me. X
”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”
Topic Originator: pacifist
Date: Sat 21 Dec 15:06
Welcome to the ups and down of supporting teams like Dunfermline. Always have, always will,
Topic Originator: NMCmassive
Date: Sat 21 Dec 16:00
Sorry for your loss DA and everyone that’s commented in a similar position.
It does say something tho, my dad took me, now I take my kids. Long may it continue
Topic Originator: AndyBird
Date: Sat 21 Dec 17:18
Topic Originator: Angus_W
Date: Sat 21 Dec 18:51
No more away games for me.
I’m way past the angry stage it’s just a lost cause.
Club is in chaos at the moment from the boardroom to the pitch.
Can’t see anything changing in the near future.
“.........it ain’t over till the Pars score!”
Topic Originator: John-Boy
Date: Sat 21 Dec 23:48
My Dad took me - that’s what started it.
But the strong community spirit built on a supporters bus that used to go to all home and some away games kept me going. Was amazing.
I’m one of the hundreds (thousand ?) who will now prioritise other things given the current brutal level of entertainment and the economic climate.
And that means weighing up watching the manky mob turn us over against spending the money elsewhere. And currently the choice is simple.
Waste of money, time, effort and emotional energy. Actually makes me unhappy watching them.
Do you think I'm the man?
A) Yes, B) A or C) B
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995
Date: Sun 22 Dec 06:20
John-Boy, Sat 21 Dec 23:48
My Dad took me - that’s what started it.
But the strong community spirit built on a supporters bus that used to go to all home and some away games kept me going. Was amazing.
I’m one of the hundreds (thousand ?) who will now prioritise other things given the current brutal level of entertainment and the economic climate.
And that means weighing up watching the manky mob turn us over against spending the money elsewhere. And currently the choice is simple.
Waste of money, time, effort and emotional energy. Actually makes me unhappy watching them.
100 percent this. When it looks like everyone has downed tools why should fans keep turning up.
c'mon the pars
Topic Originator: wizzo
Date: Sun 22 Dec 09:48
NOT GOING !!! Had enough last season went from a season ticket holder to not been to one game so far.
Seems like a good choice, not the only one of our group of four only one of us has been to one game so far all season ticket holder in previous seasons
That`s the McPake effect how much money is his he costing the club by dwindling attendances ?
Derek Hynd
Topic Originator: msgribbin
Date: Sat 28 Dec 01:18
A quick line to say thanks for so many good replies on this one - more decent, thoughtful responses than maybe a question from a stranger online really deserved. Much appreciated. Also very genuine thoughts and best wishes to those dealing with family losses - if I could buy you all a drink and raise a toast I would
Anyhow I hope everyone who went came away happy with the spirit the team showed tonight - I think your point is proven !
Mark G
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Sat 28 Dec 01:24
Cheers man. Me and the boy and my cousin sat together tonight. Will remember it for decades.
My dad would`ve loved it
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"