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 Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Tue 19 Nov 20:54

More of the same s**t.....Vote SNP.........
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Tue 19 Nov 20:58

Not going to watch it desparado..... hope ye noticed ah got yer name right :-)
I suspect Boris the Liar will be too sharp for JC.... hope I'm wrong ....Aye vote SNP lets get away from all this guff
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: Bandy  
Date:   Tue 19 Nov 21:07

Can't vote SNP.

Johnson's 'Brexit Brexit Brexit' strategy may well have backfired - it's was becoming comedic by the end. Wouldn't vote Tory anyway.

I'm a staunch remainer but even I think revoking Article 50 is a step too far, so I can't vote Lib Dem.

Labour have, by far, the most sensible Brexit policy - that probably gives them my vote.
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Wed 20 Nov 07:44

Swinson v Sturgeon on the supporting bill.
Wouldn’t need to throw a boot at the telly, 10 minutes of that hectoring pair of self righteous screechers would see the screen implode.
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Wed 20 Nov 10:00

The Tories hit a new low renaming their Press Office twitter account 'factcheckUK' during the debate. They are absolutely shameless.
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: Captain Desmond Fancey  
Date:   Wed 20 Nov 10:44

"Labour have, by far, the most sensible Brexit policy - that probably gives them my vote. "

Negotiate a new deal (which Brussels have already said is not an option) and then hold a referendum and campaign against said deal ?

Only Labour could come up with something as ridiculous as that.

The best thing - for the Labour party at least - from this election is that it should see the end of Corbyn and his comrades once and for all, and then it can try and get back in touch with the man in the street again.
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: Bandy  
Date:   Wed 20 Nov 11:47

Alternatively - a policy that gives the public a clear choice between two well defined options. Other than the fact that that's what should have happened in the first place, what on earth is wrong with that?

The side labour would campaign for is irrelevant to the principle.
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: Captain Desmond Fancey  
Date:   Wed 20 Nov 11:51

What part of Brussels won't negotiate a new deal don't you get ?

The "policy" is dead in the water before it even begins.

And the principle is completely flawed too. Why would/should the electorate trust them to (hypothetically of course given the facts) negotiate a 'good' deal when, regardless, they are going to campaign against it?

It reeks of cowardice and, much like their "free broadband for all" and "4 day working week", utter fantasy.

It's like they know they can say what they want as they haven't got a snowballs chance in hell of forming the next government.
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Wed 20 Nov 12:06

As opposed to the monumentally succesful way the Conservatives have handled Brexit?
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Wed 20 Nov 12:57

Why is nationalising the broadband infrastructure fantasy then CDF?

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: Captain Desmond Fancey  
Date:   Wed 20 Nov 13:14

"As opposed to the monumentally succesful way the Conservatives have handled Brexit?"

You've come up with far more convincing replies than that in the past. Disappointing !

Think we've got Parliament to thank, rather than the Conservatives, for the Brexit mess to be honest. Although if I was going to throw some blame in their direction it would be at May for her horrendous 2017 election campaign.

Fortunately, so far at least, polls would seem to indicate Boris isn't repeating her mistakes and maybe it'll finally happen in January.

Unless of course you think a few more months of uncertainty would be a good thing ?
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Wed 20 Nov 13:21

Tories were in government and it was their job to bring parliament an acceptable option. Blaming parliament is a copout.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Wed 20 Nov 13:35

It's hilarious watching the Tories campaigning against their own austerity policies but - surprise, surprise - the media don't point out the irony of it.
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: Bandy  
Date:   Wed 20 Nov 14:14

Ok. Brussels won't negotiate a new deal. Fine.

Why not have a binding (rather than advisory) referendum on that deal vs. Remain?

It's the principle of allow the voting public to choose between clear choices that I'm on board with, not the specifics of the 'Leave' part of the choice.

As an aside - this a lesson for the impending IndyRef. There needs to be some 'Scexit' principles agreed first up, so the public can base their choice on what's likely to happen, rather than what people hope to happen.
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: Belizepar  
Date:   Wed 20 Nov 16:15

In 2016, it was Leave the EU - Yes or No - a clear choice and NOT ADVISORY.
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: Bandy  
Date:   Wed 20 Nov 16:51


Fake news. Legally the referendum was advisory. Parliament was under no obligation to enact the outcome of the vote.

It's also abundantly clear that while "leave" is clear simple word, the act of leaving the EU is neither clear nor simple, and that's before we get to any kind of future Trade agreements with the remainder of the EU, and other States.

Many of our problems can be traced back to our desire for things to be 'simple' when in reality, they are not. Instead of embracing complexity and trying to understand the detail we decide to oversimplify and in so doing, the meaning gets distorted.

Look at Philip Hammond - pilloried in the media as 'Spreadsheet Phil' for having the temerity to analyse and quantify the impact of budgetary decisions.

Soundbyte Politics is a race to the bottom.
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Wed 20 Nov 18:08


Captain Desmond Fancey, Wed 20 Nov 13:14

"As opposed to the monumentally succesful way the Conservatives have handled Brexit?"

You've come up with far more convincing replies than that in the past. Disappointing !

Think we've got Parliament to thank, rather than the Conservatives, for the Brexit mess to be honest. Although if I was going to throw some blame in their direction it would be at May for her horrendous 2017 election campaign.

Fortunately, so far at least, polls would seem to indicate Boris isn't repeating her mistakes and maybe it'll finally happen in January.

Unless of course you think a few more months of uncertainty would be a good thing ?

Think it's David Cameron, remember him, to thank. This all came about because of the tory fear of the Ukip party. No one else is to blame
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 20 Nov 18:32

The Tories are great at pointing the finger and blaming others. Surely it's time they took a look in the mirror and accepted they are enormous hypocrites who are running this country into the ground (whilst their pals make millions).
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Wed 20 Nov 18:35

Quote :-
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Wed 20 Nov 18:32

The Tories are great at pointing the finger and blaming others. Surely it's time they took a look in the mirror and accepted they are enormous hypocrites who are running this country into the ground (whilst their pals make millions).

You aint seen nothin yet jake89 just wait and see what happens if Dominic gets his fabulous new deal through
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Wed 20 Nov 18:38

It's also worth pointing out that the opposition parties offered to take part in the negotiations but the Tories refused. Perhaps having all interested parties in the negotiations might have helped achieve a deal which parliament could accept?

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Wed 20 Nov 18:44

Quote :-
Topic Originator: Wotsit
Date: Wed 20 Nov 18:38

It's also worth pointing out that the opposition parties offered to take part in the negotiations but the Tories refused. Perhaps having all interested parties in the negotiations might have helped achieve a deal which parliament could accept?

Nail on the head Wotsit It should have been a cross party discussion and decision but the Tory's took it upon themselves to get a deal
Remember when May came back with the first deal and they refused to publish the legal facts as it was not in the publics interests... She was held in contempt of parliament and low and behold the legal implications included the back stop
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: Captain Desmond Fancey  
Date:   Wed 20 Nov 18:57

Jake, by what definition exactly are they "running the county into the ground" ?

Genuinely curious.
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Wed 20 Nov 19:03

by what definition exactly are they "running the county into the ground" ?

By the definition of any ethics committee for a start.
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Thu 21 Nov 00:42

A cross party committee was a great idea. Unfortunately you couldn't get them to agree on anything as the last few years have clearly shown so it was a complete non starter

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Thu 21 Nov 17:30

Then at least it would have given us that information earlier and we could have looked to break the deadlock.

Just repeating the same failed action over and over then blaming others is a bit pointless and silly.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Mon 25 Nov 20:18

Sir Rocco Forte was interviewed on an Italian news channel (RAI which is Italy's BBC) and he was asked about Corbyn and Johnson.

"Corbyn is a Marxist" he said. "He thinks Communism has been a success wherever it has been adopted."

"Johnson is the most intelligent man I've ever known."


Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Mon 25 Nov 20:24

Scared to pay some tax Rocco? :(

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: Johnson v Corbyn
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Mon 25 Nov 20:29

I think he is one of the Captains pen pals :-)
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