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 Trump-exit right, extreme right.
Topic Originator: Jbob  
Date:   Mon 18 Jan 22:01

Well hes about leave office and I suspect that he will leave with as malice as he can muster.
A self deluding narcissist empowered by men and women who either did nothing or massaged his ego . Many should be ashamed.

Let`s hope that no more folk are killed over the next few days.

Bobs of the world unite
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 Re: Trump-exit right, extreme right.
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Wed 20 Jan 01:59

According to cnn and the beeb he leaves office with an approval rating of 34%, a record low for a departing president.

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 Re: Trump-exit right, extreme right.
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Wed 20 Jan 11:25

Even Mitch McConnell is turning in him now.

I hope Biden doesn't pardon him.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: Trump-exit right, extreme right.
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Wed 20 Jan 13:13

leaving in complete disgrace

pardoning a whole bunch of criminals, surely he can only go further downwards now ?

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 Re: Trump-exit right, extreme right.
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Wed 20 Jan 13:21

He's yesterdays news... But like a petulant little child he's throwing a tantrum before he gets put to bed 🤣

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 Re: Trump-exit right, extreme right.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Wed 20 Jan 13:25

I think he will be chuffed with 34% :)

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Trump-exit right, extreme right.
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Wed 20 Jan 14:02


Buspasspar, Wed 20 Jan 13:25

I think he will be chuffed with 34% :)

Just sort of our Boris at 38%
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 Re: Trump-exit right, extreme right.
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Wed 20 Jan 15:09

Dander-Par paid out his bets yet?

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 Re: Trump-exit right, extreme right.
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Wed 20 Jan 15:20

I`m sure I saw a statistic yesterday that over 50% of Republican voters still think the election was rigged in Biden`s favour which shows the malevolent influence Trump has had on US politics.

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 Re: Trump-exit right, extreme right.
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Wed 20 Jan 16:38


wee eck, Wed 20 Jan 15:20

I`m sure I saw a statistic yesterday that over 50% of Republican voters still think the election was rigged in Biden`s favour which shows the malevolent influence Trump has had on US politics.

I wouldn't put it beyond Trump to try and run again in 2024. He's already got 70+ million votes, so he wouldn't need to add too many more to win next time.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Trump-exit right, extreme right.
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Wed 20 Jan 17:03

Surely the American people will learn from this experience.
Leave politics to the politicians.

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 Re: Trump-exit right, extreme right.
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Wed 20 Jan 17:18

Dander Par can`t be at the ceremony because they are all masked up. Watching on TV the inauguration looks to me more like a funeral than rebirth of a nation.

Biden will be the last POTUS old enough to remember the Presidency of JFK and it looks the dying breath of an era. Seeing septuagenarians like Trump, Biden, Clinton and Saunders angling for high office is reminiscent of the dying days of the USSR under Brezhnev, Andropov and Chernenko.

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 Re: Trump-exit right, extreme right.
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Wed 20 Jan 17:43


GG Riva, Wed 20 Jan 16:38


wee eck, Wed 20 Jan 15:20

I`m sure I saw a statistic yesterday that over 50% of Republican voters still think the election was rigged in Biden`s favour which shows the malevolent influence Trump has had on US politics.

I wouldn't put it beyond Trump to try and run again in 2024. He's already got 70+ million votes, so he wouldn't need to add too many more to win next time.

That makes the assumption he would retain that 70million votes which seems unlikely

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 Re: Trump-exit right, extreme right.
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Wed 20 Jan 17:43


P, Wed 20 Jan 15:09

Dander-Par paid out his bets yet?

Not likely
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 Re: Trump-exit right, extreme right.
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Wed 20 Jan 18:08

The main reason the Democrats were keen to impeach him a second time was that they hope he will be found guilty and thus disqualified from standing again.

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 Re: Trump-exit right, extreme right.
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Wed 20 Jan 18:48

It is probably worth pointing out that 70 million is less than 29% of eligible voters in America. The support for Trump was never as big as it was made out to be.

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 Re: Trump-exit right, extreme right.
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh  
Date:   Wed 20 Jan 19:12

Unfortunately it was enough to get him elected once.

It looks like he is going to come back with his Patriot Party in 2024. I`m not sure what he hopes to gain from that, apart from punishing the republican `traitors` that didn`t support him in the last few weeks.

In the end 2024 could be crazier 2020. If it is a three horse race and Trump manages to do better than previous 3rd party candidates, then it is possible that no candidate will get the 270 electoral college votes that they need to win. If I understand the strange US rules, if this happens then the house of representatives gets to choose the winner!

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 Re: Trump-exit right, extreme right.
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe  
Date:   Wed 20 Jan 20:09

Can't see Trump returning tbh.
He's lost all ability to communicate via social media.
He's alienated most MSM news stations who won't give him the time of day, bar Fox News perhaps.
The people behind him pulling the strings though won't go away and no doubt they will groom a successor to challenge in 2024.
Biden has a huge job on his hands to heal that nation.

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
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 Re: Trump-exit right, extreme right.
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Wed 20 Jan 20:32

I imagine all he would do is split the republican vote and if anything drive republicans to democrat. Can’t see why many of the 80m that voted democrat would switch to what would effectively be a split republican party

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 Re: Trump-exit right, extreme right.
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh  
Date:   Wed 20 Jan 21:13

I wish I shared your optimism!

If you had told me in 2012 that Trump would win the 2016 election I would have laughed, so I`m not making any predictions about 2024. At least they will get 4 years of not-Trump while we have 4 more years of Johnson.

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 Re: Trump-exit right, extreme right.
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Wed 20 Jan 22:01

If Trump died tomorrow he would be replaced. And maybe by someone more effective than he turned out out be. Dander Par perhaps.

The latent fascism in the USA has been brewing since the time of Reagan and cannot be curtailed by the removal of one man. The imperial wars of aggression, not curtailed, have resulted in imperial blowback so that the actual inauguration of a US President is now taking place in a military cleansed zone. Not much of an advert for democracy.

Worship your military at your cost as Orwell warned in 1984; their purpose might be closer to home. All the weapons you gave them to fight some faraway enemy might be turned upon you.

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 Re: Trump-exit right, extreme right.
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Fri 22 Jan 15:57

That`s the blessing I think Sammer - this time the Fascist was incompetent.

The next one might be as smart as Trump claimed to be, which would be dangerous.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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