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 Health strikes
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Tue 20 Dec 18:57

What, with both the nurses and ambulance staff being on strike today and tomorrow, I cannot see how the English services will unfortunately manage to get through that period without people losing their lives in completely unavoidable circumstances.

It seems crazy to run these risks without agreeing to bring forward some of the pay rise for next year to take place now and reflect a reduced increase next year. With the 4% being based on pre energy rises it seems a bit tight not moving on this a bit. Particularly as the service is running somewhere between 50k and 133k short of resources.

I`d call it political suicide but it`s not their own lives they are risking.
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Tue 20 Dec 19:43

Rishi Sunak has insisted he will not back down against striking workers, as nurses walked out in England, Northern Ireland and Wales for a second day.

Nurses` union boss Pat Cullen has urged the prime minister to resolve the crisis before Christmas.

Who will be the next PM ?

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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Tue 20 Dec 20:45

They can always find the millions of taxpayers money to pour in to Tory Donors offshore Bank accounts for useless PPE and suchlike but when it comes to ensuring our essential workers are correctly renumerated, somehow, it cant be done.
Strikes are one thing but I think the people need to start moving things up a gear
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Tue 20 Dec 21:10

This has been a deliberate Tory ploy
Run it down into the ground and replace it with private medical health care
Now then I wonder who would be the beneficiaries

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Tue 20 Dec 21:17

It`s rumoured that MP`s are in line for a 15% pay rise, along with being allowed to put Christmas parties on their expenses, the divide between them and us is growing!🤬🎅
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Tue 20 Dec 21:22

That`s what I thought too Buspasspar but the movement of Spire Health and Ramsey health share prices doesn`t suggest they are getting much benefit out of this either.

If they are trying to break the system to gain elsewhere they are being rather ineffective. Probably more likely that some of them are making a fortune out of locums. Someone is.
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: parathletic  
Date:   Tue 20 Dec 21:45


LochgellyAlbert, Tue 20 Dec 21:17

It`s rumoured that MP`s are in line for a 15% pay rise, along with being allowed to put Christmas parties on their expenses, the divide between them and us is growing!🤬🎅

IPSA won`t confirm MP`s pay rises until the new year and 2.9% is the figure I heard being banded about.
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Wed 21 Dec 12:13

Nurses in Scotland to strike in the new year now too

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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Wed 21 Dec 12:21

So RCN going on strike, Unison and Unite accepted pay offer, don`t know how that`s going to work?
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Wed 21 Dec 14:41


LochgellyAlbert, Tue 20 Dec 21:17

It`s rumoured that MP`s are in line for a 15% pay rise, along with being allowed to put Christmas parties on their expenses, the divide between them and us is growing!🤬🎅

Hopefully the "decent" MPs refuse this. We`ll soon see.

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 21 Dec 19:34


LochgellyAlbert, Wed 21 Dec 12:21

So RCN going on strike, Unison and Unite accepted pay offer, don`t know how that`s going to work?

The ones registered with the RCN will strike. Most nurses will be RCN. Unison and Unite are more likely to be back office people working in admin and for special boards.
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Wed 21 Dec 22:22


jake89, Wed 21 Dec 19:34


LochgellyAlbert, Wed 21 Dec 12:21

So RCN going on strike, Unison and Unite accepted pay offer, don`t know how that`s going to work?

The ones registered with the RCN will strike. Most nurses will be RCN. Unison and Unite are more likely to be back office people working in admin and for special boards.

Unison and Unite are the unions that cover Ambulance staff in Scotland, accepting 7.5%

I read at the weekend about the GMB rejecting a deal, their leader is the wife of the former Labour Party leader Richard Leonard.
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Fri 23 Dec 17:17

The Scottish government is now threatening to "impose" their preferred pay deal on nurses. What difference will that even make? I can`t imagine the unions will just say "ach weel, we gave it a go so best not make a scene"

I`d immediately leave any union pathetic enough to see that as anything other than insulting.

Nurses are absolutely essential and we can`t do without them, simple as, so to offer them a real-terms cut just after they went through the covid nightmare with such dignity is utterly appalling and shameful.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Fri 23 Dec 17:21

BBC change the narrative again, "Implement" was the word that was in the SG statement!

Not like the BBC news?🤔🤬🤬🤬

Post Edited (Fri 23 Dec 17:23)
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 23 Dec 17:45

`Impose` is the word being used by the unions, eagerly taken up by the two main opposition parties, neither of which has offered a solution as to how a higher offer could be financed.

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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: thenatural  
Date:   Fri 23 Dec 20:02

If you google STUC Landman report, you’ll get a detailed proposal on how fair pay rises in the public sector can be funded. For a government that aspires to Nordic social democracy, it should be straightforward enough to implement using the powers they have.
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Fri 23 Dec 21:16


da_no_1, Wed 21 Dec 14:41

Hopefully the "decent" MPs refuse this. We`ll soon see.

There`s "decent" MPs ???
When did this happen???🤔

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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Sat 24 Dec 10:11

Does what is happening not fall under the definition of the word "impose?"

Or does everyone have to use the SG`s designated word before their blinkered fans will even address the topic in question?

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Sat 24 Dec 12:35

So what people are complaining about is an increase being given in January while the union pursues a larger amount. Is the preference that they do not get any increase at all until they reach a settlement at an undetermined time in the possibility distant future? How does that help the nurses?

Post Edited (Sat 24 Dec 12:35)
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Sat 24 Dec 12:45


thenatural, Fri 23 Dec 20:02

If you google STUC Landman report, you’ll get a detailed proposal on how fair pay rises in the public sector can be funded. For a government that aspires to Nordic social democracy, it should be straightforward enough to implement using the powers they have.

So in short increase tax - so for people in other professions receiving pay rises far less than the nurses have been offered they should also take on the tax burden to pay for it. Oh and the nurses will also be taxed more to pay for their own pay rise. This will then fuel the need for future pay rises and in turn drive further inflation.

Sounds magic 👍🏼

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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sat 24 Dec 13:21

Remember that 2 of the largest unions voted to accept the pay deal.
Why should they wait for their increase and back payment just because others don`t agree?
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sat 24 Dec 13:30

There will also be plenty of people who have quit the NHS since April 2022 and no doubt waiting for their backdated pay too.
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Sat 24 Dec 13:31

Remember when SNP fans didn`t parrot Thatcherite soundbites?

Remember when they knew that taxing the highest earners more was a valid way to fund increases for hard working public servants?

Remember when the same people who are now being slandered and undermined by SNP fans as they fight to maintain their very basic standard of living literally saved this society from the brink of collapse as a virulent disease ravaged the population? How some of them slept in caravans, tents and garages after 18hr shifts in covid wards in order to protect their families?

Remember when people didn`t argue that those people deserve a below-inflation pay rise?

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: thenatural  
Date:   Sat 24 Dec 15:48

A fair and progressive system of taxation is how you get the services we all want and public sector workers get the wages they deserve. Neoliberal orthodoxy of the last forty years has brought us to this desperate state. Time to be realistic.
Merry Christmas everyone!
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sat 24 Dec 15:52

Isn`t the trade unions that are rejecting the offer the unions that represent those higher up the pay ladder, some of whom will be paying more tax now and so need bigger pay rises to offset the higher taxes they are now paying?

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Sat 24 Dec 19:38

Two top posts from Wotsit further up on this thread,

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Sun 25 Dec 13:58

It`s a shoddy pay increase for the woefully underpaid nurse I work with. With the training and responsibility they have over me, coming away with an extra £200 a month over me is a joke and the pay increases primarily benefit those on a lower pay band than nurses
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: Superally  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 20:38

It is correct that the two largest health based unions have taken a mandate to accept the pay offer from the Scottish Government. In terms of Nursing the largest union by far for qualified Nurses the RCN have had a 84% Mandate to refuse this pay offer. Therefor strikes in Scotland by RCN Nurses will be announced and will go ahead. The Scottish Government can chose to Implement/Impose their offer should they choose - However this will be regarded as a interim offer subject to further discussion and will not be accepted unless there is a mandate from the RCN Nursing membership to do so. ATM I sense the mood amongst Nurses is that they unlikely to accept unless there is a improvement of the current offer.

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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: Superally  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 20:43

Post Edited (Fri 30 Dec 21:49)
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Sat 31 Dec 09:38

Good luck to all the nurses and everyone else who has to strike to get a better standard of living.

Remember the tories look after their own.Ask Michelle (money bags ) Mone .

On another matter I`ve just seen a graph showing the amount that households in other countries in Europe are paying for their energy with the cost averaging out at around £500 a year with Poland the cheapest under £200, and the UK at £2500. Where has it all gone wrong ? Scotland the most energy rich of the lot of them...
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sat 31 Dec 10:08

I`d be interested in seeing that graph. Would be amazed if the average energy bill in Poland is 17 quid per month.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Sat 31 Dec 10:19

STV news leads with the crisis in the NHS and A&E being overrun, meanwhile national news gives no mention of NHS, surely there`s no strike going on!

Having had this respiratory bug in the last week I can say it was worse than the Covid I had pre-vaccination!
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Thu 12 Jan 10:39

So the current government want more productivity in the health service to achieve a pay rise!

Given that nurses are out on their feet and doctors are working round the clock, where are the extra hours going to be fitted in?

Perhaps if we mention the B word we might understand why the NHS is short staffed, but according to Sunak we have increased numbers of dentists!🤔🤥💩
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 Re: Health strikes
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 12 Jan 20:32

I expect Sunak is perhaps referencing all the fat that exists in the back office work. The NHS needs massive reform but not the type that involves giving all the money to Deloitte to develop masterplans!
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