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 Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Sun 9 Jun 13:44

Caught red handed fiddling his expenses…….again.

He simply has to resign.

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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sun 9 Jun 18:05

No, because, yeah, but...no...
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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sun 9 Jun 20:10

Isn`t this an old story that has been resurrected by a Tory official who is unhappy about how David Duguid MP was `deselected`? I don`t understand what Ross`s motivation would be. The allegation seems to be that he charged Westminster for expenses incurred in travelling to refereeing assignments. Shouldn`t he have charged them to the SFA or UEFA in which case it is these organisations that have benefited at WM`s expense? Or has he allegedly claimed them twice?

Post Edited (Mon 10 Jun 08:21)
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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: DBP  
Date:   Mon 10 Jun 05:40

I think you’re correct, he should have charged the expenses to the soccer bodies to pay, and charging them to Westminster seems an admin error to me… (and just to be clear, the public purse that has suffered as we’ve all chipped in for a Bill we shouldn’t have paid)…
I personally have two thoughts:
1. like the iPad thing, this pales into insignificance compared to the fraudulent PPE handouts and dodgy contracts (ferry contracts to people with no experience or even access to shipbuilding yards and guess what, no ferries arrived)
So for me it, should need nothing more than a - sort it out (admin) and take care next time… however

2. Given the high standard used to measure everybody and everything done in the Scottish Parliament (read SNP), and the general baying for blood (including by Ross himself) when that very high bar isn’t met (even when that bar isn’t nearly met in any other u k parliament)… I think it’ll be funny to see Ross stew in his own juice for a while

Post Edited (Mon 10 Jun 05:41)
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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Mon 10 Jun 06:37

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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 10 Jun 07:27

People in glass houses etc.

Agree though that it`s a disgrace that Mone appears to be off the hook whilst in Scotland we`ve had Murrell and Matheson investigated. The Westminster corruption is off the scale.
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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Mon 10 Jun 08:17

Desperate whitabootery.
iPad expenses fiddles, lies , ring fenced Indy fund robbed ….Swinney says Ross is quick out of the stable to make accusations, yet the SNP stables are knee deep in manure!

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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Mon 10 Jun 08:37

It was a Tory worker, disgusted by the treatment of David Duguid, who broke this story, was it not?
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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Mon 10 Jun 09:29

Topic Originator: Parboiled
Date: Mon 10 Jun 08:17

Desperate whitabootery.
iPad expenses fiddles, lies , ring fenced Indy fund robbed ….Swinney says Ross is quick out of the stable to make accusations, yet the SNP stables are knee deep in manure!

All Governments and political party’s will have those who fall foul of the standards expected, whether by accident, carelessness, arrogance, stupidity, self entitlement or downright greed.

Unionist parties are way ahead of SNP in this regard. We are talking billions of £’s unaccounted for. We have been told there are investigations ongoing regarding COVID procurement payments, Michele Mone’s being the highest profile one……….and silence. Corruption is off the scale in WM.

So Parboiled there is no desperate whitabootery, Dross has been claiming expenses he should not have claimed from the public purse. He has form of course when he forgot about his earnings from football related matters recently. Of course he never lied now did he? He just forgot and apologised and that was that eh? Pfft….only after getting caught of course….

It was a disgruntled Tory that grassed him up. He is a backstabbing , obnoxious toad after all.

If this had been an SNP politician it would be getting reported by every newspaper in the U.K. , and you would be shouting from the rooftops for his or her head.

Strange that you are defending a Tory, especially the slimiest one of all……unless you are one of course..

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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Mon 10 Jun 10:14


desparado, Mon 10 Jun 09:29

Topic Originator: Parboiled
Date: Mon 10 Jun 08:17

Desperate whitabootery.
iPad expenses fiddles, lies , ring fenced Indy fund robbed ….Swinney says Ross is quick out of the stable to make accusations, yet the SNP stables are knee deep in manure!

All Governments and political party’s will have those who fall foul of the standards expected, whether by accident, carelessness, arrogance, stupidity, self entitlement or downright greed.

Unionist parties are way ahead of SNP in this regard. We are talking billions of £’s unaccounted for. We have been told there are investigations ongoing regarding COVID procurement payments, Michele Mone’s being the highest profile one……….and silence. Corruption is off the scale in WM.

So Parboiled there is no desperate whitabootery, Dross has been claiming expenses he should not have claimed from the public purse. He has form of course when he forgot about his earnings from football related matters recently. Of course he never lied now did he? He just forgot and apologised and that was that eh? Pfft….only after getting caught of course….

It was a disgruntled Tory that grassed him up. He is a backstabbing , obnoxious toad after all.

If this had been an SNP politician it would be getting reported by every newspaper in the U.K. , and you would be shouting from the rooftops for his or her head.

Strange that you are defending a Tory, especially the slimiest one of all……unless you are one of course..

Its not just COVID mismanagement either though - look at the billions pissed up the wall for a rail link to get from London to Manchester 20 minutes faster thats been well over budget, over timeline and now altered and changed to not even include huge swathes of it………
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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Mon 10 Jun 10:23

He`s announced that he`s standing down as leader after the election.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Mon 10 Jun 10:38

He`ll also stand down as an MSP if he wins the Westminster seat.

Nice turn of phrase from Alex Salmond - Alba leader Alex Salmond said it was the "first case of a rat deserting a sinking ship while simultaneously trying to clamber aboard a gravy train".

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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 10 Jun 11:24

What nation within the UK is performing best economically? I wonder if the BBC will report it?
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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Mon 10 Jun 11:53

I doubt it. That would portray Scotland flourishing in the union.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Mon 10 Jun 12:08

None of the unfavourable stuff they report is attributed to being part of the Union.

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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Mon 10 Jun 13:27

Can`t get BBC Scotland out here in Tenerife but the report on DROSS is absolute bollocks on the national news!

Talk about skirting round the issue!
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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Mon 10 Jun 18:46

I`ve just seen a clip of an interview with him by Sky News. It lasted over 5 minutes and was virtually a Party Political Broadcast. I lost count of the number of times he said it would be an `honour` to serve the constituency at Westminster and how his party was the only opposition to the SNP and their `obsession` with independence. He wasn`t asked why it had taken him until now to realise that, to serve his prospective constituents best, he would have to give up his seat at Holyrood.

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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 10 Jun 19:25

His "local" constituents who live 60 miles away?
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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Mon 10 Jun 23:19

He`s lining himself up for Viceroy Jack`s job!
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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Mon 10 Jun 23:40

Can`t see Starmer giving that job to a Tory MP.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Mon 10 Jun 23:58

It seems he isn`t that popular with his party`s MSPs at Holyrood.

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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Tue 11 Jun 19:43

Just seen him on the Tories party political broadcast! Awful stuff. Lucky that`s not a drinking game where you have to knock back a shot every time he says "Beat the SNP". You would be getting your stomach pumped by the time The One Show was underway. No real mention of their policies (unsurprisingly, since those policies have crippled the UK), nothing about Labour, just constantly repeating the line "Beat the SNP". Probably some kind of psychological technique that is used for influencing the easily led, a bit like the stuff Boris Johnston repeated that made folk using food banks vote for the Tories
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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 11 Jun 19:54

Scottish leaders` debate is about to start on BBC1 Scotland. Dougie will no doubt get a hard time from the others.
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 Re: Wee Dougie Ross
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 14 Jun 19:06

Cleared by the parliamentary watchdog of any wrongdoing. The damage has been done though by the biased MSM in reporting of this non indiscretion during an election campaign. I mean that`s nonsense but that`s how it would be portrayed if it was an MP of another party that was wrongly accused.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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