Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Thu 26 Jul 14:57
$109Bn wiped off company value on opening as lots of users have left following Cambridge Analytica scandal.
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Thu 26 Jul 15:03
A mere drop in the ocean to Facebook most likely.
They probably have that kinda money doon the back o their couch 😂
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Fri 27 Jul 07:16
109 billion quid???? How is it even worth that? Most of it is just a giant Asda notice board with sh*te holiday photos.
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Fri 27 Jul 07:17
Ah no. It's only 109 billion dollars. It makes sense now..
Topic Originator: onlytakes
Date: Fri 27 Jul 07:19
Surprised anyone still uses it.
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Fri 27 Jul 08:31
I asked my 13-year-old if Facebook is just a site for old people like me.
He said no, it's for even older (retired) people to post pictures of themselves in their gardens and on holiday.
It will probably die a hideous death one day, but it probably has a few more years to go...
Topic Originator: richie5401
Date: Fri 27 Jul 17:21
Add twitter to the sell-off down 20%.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Fri 27 Jul 19:55
Facebook is now worth what it was worth away back in...... May.
Facebook is worth more than BMW, Volkswagen, Boeing and BP combined.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: DRFC_no1
Date: Fri 27 Jul 21:36
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Fri 27 Jul 21:43
$882Bn for Amazon and $507Bn for Facebook.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Fri 27 Jul 22:11
Apple still hold the crown for world's most valuable company. Microsoft making big head way though towards the one trillion bench mark. Both Amazon and Microsoft are making huge profits from cloud computing services. No matter how much Amazon make I doubt they'll stop treating their staff like trash.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: calpar
Date: Wed 1 Aug 23:27
Cloud computing? Amazon? Pft, pie in the sky
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Thu 2 Aug 00:02
The sooner Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. get brought into line and get treated in legal terms as "publishers" the better. Currently they get away with stuff no other publisher would dream of.
It has to happen one day and when it does, you will see the whole landscape change. Like other websites, newspapers, magazines, books, they will as publishers become liable for the material that appears on their sites.
That will wipe billions off their value as they are forced to employ thousands of lawyers and professionally-trained journalists who understand libel law in every country in order to protect their output.
The internet is a wonderful thing, but there has to be a day of reckoning for companies like these.
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Thu 2 Aug 11:07
It's all very odd. I think if I had studied economics it would probably make more sense.
Facebook has annual revenues similar to the company I work for. My company (I don't own it, unfortunately) is worth about 100 billion dollars but Facebook is worth 5 times that
I guess Facebook has a bigger net income since they don't actually manufacture anything, and I suppose they can fiddle the books to put their income in low tax countries, but even with all that I guess most of their value is just speculators hoping for more year-on-year increases.
When the poo hits the fan it's going to make one hell of a mess.