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 What's the strangest thing you've had in your living room?
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Wed 12 Sep 18:26

My wife called me down to show me a frog hopping around our living room today.

I've no idea how it got in.

There's bound to be some stories on here about weird things appearing in houses......
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 Re: What's the strangest thing you've had in your living room?
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Wed 12 Sep 18:38

A seagull.
One of the cats dragged it in through the open window... Then proceeded to realise that maybe it was a bit big for him to tackle.. So wandered off.... Leaving us with an unharmed and very cheesed off seagull flapping aboot the living room.... Wife screaming her heid aff... Me laughing ma heid aff..
Took 5 mins to get it oot the windae.

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 Re: What's the strangest thing you've had in your living room?
Topic Originator: average white par  
Date:   Wed 12 Sep 18:50

My mother

Had a pigeon in London and a raccoon in US...raccoons might look bonny but they're nasty little beasts... had to batter it out with a broom...

When I lived in Thailand the guy next door found a king cobra in his room... that would have been enough for me, like...

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 Re: What's the strangest thing you've had in your living room?
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Wed 12 Sep 19:58

A baby rabbit. The cat brought it back. I had to take it back to the nearest rabbit hole- no idea if it was the right one. He brings back allsorts, birds, bats, mice etc. When it's a bit damp outside and he has been sleeping in hedgerows it has the unfortunate outcome of slugs sticking to him and so often I stand on slugs on the living room floor, which is rather unpleasant
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 Re: What's the strangest thing you've had in your living room?
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe  
Date:   Wed 12 Sep 20:08

A girl who looked great after 8 pints

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
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 Re: What's the strangest thing you've had in your living room?
Topic Originator: Parplod  
Date:   Wed 12 Sep 20:12

Many years ago attended a call in Clydebank (that well known wildlife sanctuary) where a member of the public was reporting an aardvark in his living room. On arrival, unsurprisingly, we found that he had consumed a few lucozades. A rabid brown cushion was ejected from the house.
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 Re: What's the strangest thing you've had in your living room?
Topic Originator: OomPar  
Date:   Wed 12 Sep 20:42

Andy Rhodes. Truth be told, not mine, but my mate's living room.
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 Re: What's the strangest thing you've had in your living room?
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Wed 12 Sep 20:56

Praying Mantis and quite a few lizzards.
When I lived in Cyprus.
Also had a hornets nest in the cistern of the toilet, they were coming in through the overflow pipe.
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 Re: What's the strangest thing you've had in your living room?
Topic Originator: donj  
Date:   Wed 12 Sep 21:32

Wife s reamed one night that a massive slug was in living room.I came down and put our Japanese weather loach back in the tank.He had decided to go for a walk.Unfortunately his next wee excursion I was away and found his dried out body under the unit.
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 Re: What's the strangest thing you've had in your living room?
Topic Originator: Big T Par  
Date:   Wed 12 Sep 21:37


AdamAntsParsStripe, Wed 12 Sep 20:08

A girl who looked great after 8 pints

You wish 😉

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 Re: What's the strangest thing you've had in your living room?
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe  
Date:   Wed 12 Sep 22:06


Big T Par, Wed 12 Sep 21:37


AdamAntsParsStripe, Wed 12 Sep 20:08

A girl who looked great after 8 pints

You wish 😉

Yep. The morning after sobered me up :)

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
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 Re: What's the strangest thing you've had in your living room?
Topic Originator: Sierra Nevada  
Date:   Wed 12 Sep 22:13

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 Re: What's the strangest thing you've had in your living room?
Topic Originator: PARrot  
Date:   Wed 12 Sep 22:24

A giant parrot

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 Re: What's the strangest thing you've had in your living room?
Topic Originator: Big T Par  
Date:   Wed 12 Sep 23:19


AdamAntsParsStripe, Wed 12 Sep 22:06


Big T Par, Wed 12 Sep 21:37


AdamAntsParsStripe, Wed 12 Sep 20:08

A girl who looked great after 8 pints

You wish 😉

Yep. The morning after sobered me up :)


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 Re: What's the strangest thing you've had in your living room?
Topic Originator: GG741  
Date:   Thu 13 Sep 02:27

We had a bat enter via the chimney (open fireplace).
It wasn't large, and flew in circles around the room for ages until I was able to snag it in a towel, and then released it outside.
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 Re: What's the strangest thing you've had in your living room?
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Thu 13 Sep 03:26

A six-foot-long eastern brown snake... it was actually in the dining room, but that's a small detail. I rushed out of the room, closed the door, placed a towel along the bottom of the door followed by a heavy plank of wood. Called the Wildlife Rescue and two hours later the snake was taken away, but not before half the neighbourhood had gathered to watch the fun, emptying my fridge of beer in the process.

That was more than 20 years ago, but it taught me a very important lesson; In Australia, always keep your exterior doors closed. Otherwise, who knows what will turn up inside!

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 Re: What's the strangest thing you've had in your living room?
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Thu 13 Sep 07:29

Lol Oz. Yes, it sounds like keeping your exterior doors closed is the only way to protect your tinnies 😃
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 Re: What's the strangest thing you've had in your living room?
Topic Originator: RhinoPars  
Date:   Thu 13 Sep 11:13

Had a spotted hyena come in to a sitting room dining room area at Mpila camp in iMfolozi once (when we had a neice visiting). We had left a door open to let a bat out and the hyena used to the tourist camp obviously liked the smell of our mince curry!. Fortunately it left after I stood up to make myself as big as possible and aggressively took a step towards it shouting at it to go away.

Not quite the living room, but my partner Keryn once shut part of a pride of lions in our garden when she closed the gate to our garden we lived in Hluhluwe. We had to go out and open the gate and use vehicles as sheep dogs to herd the lions out through the gate. Also had buffalo and zebra (Pars fan?) coming into the same garden and once almost jumped into a white rhino cow and calf that had opened the gate into the garden to graze our nice short grassland. They were just on other side of the verandah and I only noticed them when I was in mid air jumping down from our verandah en route to the edge of our garden to have a pee (as a conservation measure because water was limited). Not sure who got the bigger fright as I landed probably 2m from her. On landing I sprinted to the fence in case I had to dive over it, but fortunately she was a placid individual and quickly calmed.

Had a Chiromantis (foam nesting tree frog) hibernate in a window-sill one year in our sitting room when we lived in Pilanesberg NP. Left it alone for months and it eventually left just as the first summer rains came.

Not sitting room but also had a black necked spitting cobra on my verandah when I lived in iMfolozi. Also caught one in a live rat trap in our kitchen in Hluhluwe (it had gone into the trap to get a rat caught in the trap and got trapped itself.
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 Re: What's the strangest thing you've had in your living room?
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Thu 13 Sep 11:33

Me...closely followed by Alf.

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 Re: What's the strangest thing you've had in your living room?
Topic Originator: General Zod  
Date:   Thu 13 Sep 13:36

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 Re: What's the strangest thing you've had in your living room?
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Thu 13 Sep 13:46

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 Re: What's the strangest thing you've had in your living room?
Topic Originator: PARrot  
Date:   Thu 13 Sep 14:45

Rhino wins.

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