Topic Originator: Shakey
Date: Tue 29 Jan 15:05
Topic Originator: red-star-par
Date: Tue 29 Jan 16:47
It's an interesting theory. When you look at autism rates over even just the past 15 years, the increase is incredible. I suppose there will be more awareness and diagnosis which will explain some of the increase. There certainly seems to be something else at work though.
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Tue 29 Jan 17:08
Shakey, Tue 29 Jan 15:05
It's an interesting hoax. Even Facebook users never fell for that one.
A hoax website published an unfounded story claiming that a former doctor for Bill Gates said the philanthropist refused to vaccinate his own children. Gates and his wife, Melinda, have invested billions of dollars to research, develop and deliver vaccines around the world to help reduce child mortality.
"Bill Gates’ former doctor says billionaire ‘refused to vaccinate his children,’" said the headline on a Feb. 7 post on yournewswire.com.
Yournewswire.com’s story does not identify the purported doctor and says the information was divulged privately at a "medical symposium in Seattle," without naming the symposium or a date.
The story claimed "the comments caused a stir among physicians at the symposium with claims he was breaking doctor-patient confidentiality, according to reports. However as he was speaking to other physicians, he was not breaking the industry code of conduct."
Facebook users flagged the post as being potentially fabricated, as part of the social media network’s efforts to combat online hoaxes. (Check out all yournewswire.com’s posts debunked by PunditFact.)
Topic Originator: veteraneastender
Date: Tue 29 Jan 18:18
Bill Gates matches Rotary International dollar for dollar fund raising to eliminate Polio across the world - a collaboration with a hugely effective success rate.
Stories saying he won’t vaccinate his own family are hard to give credence to.
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Tue 29 Jan 20:55
Ahhh Shakey, you are at it again. Just give up mate. We're on to you.
Topic Originator: kelty_par
Date: Tue 29 Jan 21:01
Anyone who posts, supports or even thinks for a second about spreading anti-vaccination messages is at the very least a total genius who should be educated and at the worst a dangerous member of society who should be stopped.
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Tue 29 Jan 21:03
Yeah I gave it a quick Google and apparently this is an old hoax that's followed Gates around for a while now.
I'm disappointed with you Shakey... You need to up your game.
You've let yourself down...
Youve let us all down...
#makeshakeygreatagain 😂
Topic Originator: richie5401
Date: Tue 29 Jan 23:50
MSGA hats all round.
Topic Originator: kelty_par
Date: Wed 30 Jan 10:54
Seriously, more-on gets changed to genius?
Topic Originator: Shakey
Date: Wed 30 Jan 11:17