Topic Originator: Jbob
Date: Thu 21 Feb 19:27
Give me strength!
Absolute nonsense.
Bobs of the world unite
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Thu 21 Feb 19:29
Jbob, Thu 21 Feb 19:27
Give me strength!
Absolute nonsense.
Especially when a real sport like squash fails to get in.
Topic Originator: londonparsclub
Date: Thu 21 Feb 19:53
Canny beat a bit of break dancing the technique involves is phenomenal and it takes a huge amount of skill.
I’d say it’s more skilful than the 100m
Topic Originator: Berry
Date: Thu 21 Feb 20:05
Just a load of pansies rolling about on the floor.
Few pints in me and i could be in with a shout for a silver medal.
Post Edited (Thu 21 Feb 20:06)
Topic Originator: twin par
Date: Thu 21 Feb 22:26
What next,morris dancing? God forbid.
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Thu 21 Feb 23:18
Apparently it came down to a vote between break dancing, grand national, and kerby...
Gutted min 😂
Topic Originator: wetherby
Date: Thu 21 Feb 23:29
Farce, what next .
Topic Originator: richie5401
Date: Thu 21 Feb 23:49
Genuine lol Berry.
Topic Originator: londonparsclub
Date: Fri 22 Feb 03:00
I must be in wi a shout of gold if Berry is going to flaunt the rules and a possible dope test failure.
Do you have to bring yer ain wireless?
Topic Originator: GG741
Date: Fri 22 Feb 03:39
Surely it is only in the one Olympics as a demonstration "sport"? Perhaps I could look forward to resurrecting my disco dancing routines in anticipation of some other future Games.
I had a look at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic listing, and it shows 'new sports' for Baseball/Softball, Karate, Skateboarding, Sport Climbing, and Surfing.
Topic Originator: Berry
Date: Fri 22 Feb 08:30
londonparsclub, Fri 22 Feb 03:00
I must be in wi a shout of gold if Berry is going to flaunt the rules and a possible dope test failure.
Do you have to bring yer ain wireless?
One thinks we should have a DAFC.net 'break off' with the winner getting to represent the forum at the Olympics...
I'll just book my flights now shall I?
Topic Originator: Turps
Date: Fri 22 Feb 09:37
Suppose you could say it's similar to a gymnastic floor routine.
Topic Originator: londonparsclub
Date: Fri 22 Feb 15:59
Get them booked berry and mind bring a wireless wi some classic breakys on it.
Where’s it being held ?
Might have to do some altitude or heat training to get match fit.
Best o 3 surely
Topic Originator: average white par
Date: Fri 22 Feb 17:55
I find this to be a shocking announcement which has forced me to contact the Olympic Gaffers in order to present my suggestions for other culturally based sports which have little to do with anyone else outside North America...
My suggestions for local and culturally significant Olympic sports are as follows -
SYNCHRONISED SPEWING - Participants must first partake in a pre match preparation session in Raffles before imbibing a minimum of 2 bottles of Buckfast and a 2 litre bottle of Frosty Jack. The competition will take place at the historic Glen Gates in Dunfermline, gifted to the town by Andrew Carnegie, who himself was partial to a swift hauf in Raffles. Vomiting will be timed by independent, professional and highly skilled judges from Cowdenbeath. Dry heaving, dry boaking and any other pathetic attempts at producing a bilious substance will be penalised to the point where you puke.
THE GUILDHALL STREET KNEECAP MARATHON - Participants must have previously competed in Synchronised Spewing and, having careened like a pinball twixt The Bruce, Tappies and Old Inn must acquire a 50 quid bill, and 43 knockbacks in Lorenzos
The Olympic Gaffers decree that the participant reach the Mercat Cross on his knees within one hour. Participants shall not fall in front of a taxi. This forfeits the contest immediately. Participants will not slow down in front of the kilt shop and start greeting about their long lost granny from Hoochtenshoogle. Participants may briefly refresh their ravaged and blood stained knees at the splendid Turkish restaurant up the street. Pathetic attempts at being dragged will result in instant disqualification.
What do you think?
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Fri 22 Feb 18:28
It was going great right up until you sullied the good town of Hoochtenshoogle 😂
Topic Originator: average white par
Date: Fri 22 Feb 18:34
It's not Hoochtenshoogle's fault... it was just an unfortunate coincidence...
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Fri 22 Feb 18:40
I'm afraid it's too late.... Word on the street is the Hoochtenshoogle mafia have sanctioned a hit on you.
Keep yer heid doon min 😂
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Fri 22 Feb 23:09
If golf can be included as a sport in the Olympics then break dancing certainly can.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed