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 Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: DayMan  
Date:   Mon 15 Apr 18:58

It's finally back!
I've just finished watching episode 1 and really enjoyed it.
I fully expect sh*t to hit the fan next week.

A few questions for those in the know:

Is that the 1st that Jamie & Bran have seen each other since season 1 episode 1?

Also, what happened to the rest of the Umbers? Have I missed/forgot something?

Also, loved the Rob Mcelhenny cameo :)

Is your cat making too much noise all the time?

Post Edited (Mon 15 Apr 18:59)
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: Berkey  
Date:   Tue 16 Apr 08:53

Was good, didn’t string out the reunions but I guess they only have 6 episodes to wrap it all up. Suprised they didn’t bump a main character right from the off though!

Was thinking the same, that’s defo the first time Jamie has seen him since the start!

The post below replying to me is by one of .nets finest champions of mediocrity!
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: General Zod  
Date:   Tue 16 Apr 18:23

Bran and the night king are the same entity. Bran is the key to it all. Jon snow and all the rest of them are meaningless. It’s all about bran and winterfell. Maybe the dragons under kings landing might be important...
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 19 Apr 22:02

It's Bran that made the Mad King go mad. Anyway bit of a slow episode. I'm really just wanting them to get on with it and break out the nunchuks. Be amazed if both Jon Snow and Daenerys make it to the end without breaking bad and then getting killed.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 19 Apr 22:06

By the way if anyone could answer my question on the tv/movie forum I'd be much obliged.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

Post Edited (Fri 19 Apr 22:07)
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe  
Date:   Mon 22 Apr 19:22

Episode 2 clearly a filler episode to tie up a few loose ends and set the tone for an epic battle.
With 4 episodes to go, it will be interesting how they pan this out with the war imminent.
The confrontation with the dragons will play a crucial factor in the outcome.

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Mon 22 Apr 20:58


The One Who Knocks, Fri 19 Apr 22:06

By the way if anyone could answer my question on the tv/movie forum I'd be much obliged.


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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: RossF  
Date:   Mon 29 Apr 20:41

Wow!! What an ending! The scene with the Dothraki flames going out in the distance one by one was brilliant and made the situation very eerie. The part with the Night King brushing Jon Snow aside making him look totally irrelevant was superb too. Easily the best programme ever. Only slight cop out tonight was that so many of the main character made it when it looked doubtful. I don’t think that would have happened a few seasons ago.

I seriously thought at one point however that the white walkers were going to win! I couldn’t see any way past it until Arya saved the day!

Post Edited (Mon 29 Apr 20:56)
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: DayMan  
Date:   Mon 29 Apr 21:55

I'm with you there Ross.
The stakes seemed to get higher and higher to the point where I couldn't see a way out of it.

I was so tense the whole episode. What a show!

Is your cat making too much noise all the time?
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: MikeyLeonard  
Date:   Mon 29 Apr 21:58

Aye, I thoroughly enjoyed the last episode (especially the Dothraki extermination). Agree with Ross re the cop outs with most of the main characters surviving and also how Arya managed to even get near the night king when he was surrounded with white walkers ?? Did they not see her ? If she was disguised in some way fair enough but that wasn't apparent in the scene.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: Big T Par  
Date:   Mon 29 Apr 22:05

Watching it at the moment and the fact that you can hardly see anything, as it's so dark, totally ruined it. Sounded good though.

Brilliant ending though. I even cheered

Post Edited (Mon 29 Apr 22:19)
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Mon 29 Apr 22:44

Agreed.....might be my telly set up but it grinds my gears when it is so dark. Shouldn't have scrimped on the lighting crew.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Mon 29 Apr 22:54

My Samsung has some Eco system that dims the light and I thought that had kicked in and i hadn't noticed it happen. I was going to have a look at changing the defaults for the picture but it sounds like I wasnt the only one that thought it was too dark.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Mon 29 Apr 23:04

I mucked around with mine and took it off eco. Didn't make much difference.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe  
Date:   Mon 29 Apr 23:24

Whilst very impressive, I too thought it totally unrealistic to expect most of the main characters to survive.
At one point it looked like Jamie and the other two were fighting hundreds for what seemed like half an hour stranded against the wall.
Thoroughly enjoyable nonsense all the same but exhausting just watching it!

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Mon 29 Apr 23:43


ipswichpar, Mon 29 Apr 23:04

I mucked around with mine and took it off eco. Didn't make much difference.

Thanks for the heads up.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 01:43

That was spectacular and would have been a fitting finale but we still have three episodes to go.
On reflection I think they pulled a masterstroke by getting the big showdown out of the way because if not that would have hung over the season if it were left to the very end. As it is what is left now is the fight for the Iron Throne and all the twists and turns that go with that. Fully expect some characters to betray others r and break bad in the final hours of the show.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

Post Edited (Tue 30 Apr 01:52)
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 01:44

I actually watched it on a tablet and didn't see any problems with the lighting.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 13:32

It seems that the complaint about darkness was a common concern...

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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: General Zod  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 14:42

I still think bran and the night king are the same thing. Mind you, loads of theories are now well shafted.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 15:28

I think there has to be a lot more to come from Bran's story line as outside of filling in some of the historic gaps such as John's background; his part has been relatively light on substance compared to almost all of the other main characters.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 15:31

The darkness was brutal, couldn’t see a thing or tell who was alive. Couldn’t even tell which dragon was which and whether there are now one or two alive.
Thought Arya was great and fitted with the character journey but leaves you wondering what the point of Bran is. The wee lassie and the giant was tremendous too. The Dothraki bit was fantastic, really original and every but it does leave Daenerys a bit exposed and clears the pathway for a resolution for Jon Snow to become the true king a bit too neatly.

Shows lost its edge last two seasons since it overtook the books but be happy to be proven wrong

The hopelessness of the situation dragged on far too long though to the extent that it moved past tense to pointless but least the ending redeemed it.

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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: DBP  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 15:38

I liked the dark bit, negated the dragons as that would have made the battle pretty quick and I also imagine not really knowing what is going on was probably quite realistic.. agree they let some battles go on too long with one or two folk seemingly surrounded for ages... But the ending was immense (loved the wee bit of wind in the hair as every one focused on the on what was going to happen with bran)

As for being in the books, I wonder how much was Martin's stuff? He may not have finished/published the rest of the story but he will have had some work done and ideas plotted out?

Post Edited (Tue 30 Apr 15:40)
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: General Zod  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 17:05

We still dont even know who the night king was or what he wanted. There’s still plenty to come.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 18:10

Zero chance of John Snow getting the Iron Throne.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 18:41

Yeah it doesn't seem like the kind of show that would allow the rightful heir to end up with a happily ever after.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: General Zod  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 18:55

Nobody’s getting the iron throne I reckon. They’re all going to either die or the seven kingdoms will rule themselves. I dunno
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Tue 30 Apr 19:05

Good beat evil last night, so I reckon we have Cersei winning the throne to redress the balance a wee bit.

And the mountain vs the hound at some point.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: Big T Par  
Date:   Wed 1 May 13:46

Rewatched it on cyberflix. Much, much better, Re the darkness. Reckon it must have been Sky Atlantic that was the problem. Even mare awesome when you can actually see what's happening.

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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: Lesley  
Date:   Thu 2 May 09:53

It was an amazing episode. By far the best thing on TV.

Like some of you, I expected more 'main' characters to go in the battle. With Brienne being knighted the week before I was pretty sure her story was over and she'd be gone (although I'm glad she's not!). Tormund would appear to be indestructible after all the battles he's been through.

Being a girl, Theon's death really upset me. He's had one hell of a story with us loving/hating/pitying/empathising with him over the years.

The Hound has to have one last battle with The Mountain surely. It wouldn't surprise me if Jon and Dany both died before the end and I half expect to see Sansa on the throne with Arya as her hand.

Bronne still has to make an appearance too!
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Fri 3 May 17:53

Watched episode late and well...what on earth was that? The show really has just lost the plot and gone for 'Spectacle over compelling storytelling'. 8 seasons of Dothraki and White Walker build up, gone after 1 hour... 4 character deaths....the battle for Hogwarts had more character deaths ffs. Sam, Brienne, Jamie should all have died along with Dany.

One of those wow this is so cool and nervewracking episodes I've ever seen...and then you think about it and just laugh as how stupid the series has gotten over crapping over character development and build up.

Show had 3 episodes left and honestly, I feel we're going to get a daft, fan service happily ever after plot. :(

Post Edited (Fri 03 May 17:53)
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Fri 3 May 22:13

What if the Night King just wanted to give the Stark boy a loan of his natty wee sword?

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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: General Zod  
Date:   Fri 3 May 22:31

How cool is the night king though eh? His make up and costume is awesome. I bet he’d make a good tattoo.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 3 May 22:43

What would be a fan service ending? The show has millions of fans who would all be happiest seeing a whole range of different ending. As it is I'd me amazed if the season finished with John Snow and/or Deny alive.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Fri 3 May 23:03

Fan service being all the fan favourites surviving miraculous situations (Last episode was shocking in that respect). Frankly, if anyone sits on the throne by the end I'm done, the show went to absolute buggery in season 4 when they started producing their own dialogue and jumping the stories about. Never seen a series drop in quality quite as much from the books as A Song of Ice and Fire. Bring me back to quality battles like Blackwater and Hard home. 2 brilliant battle scenes in the show that aren't the terribly directed etc...
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 3 May 23:22

The Battle of Blackwater when fan favourite Tyrion was miraculously saved from assassination by Podrick!?
Sorry but the direction of the latest episode was masterful. Some of the visual set pieces were masterful.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Sat 4 May 23:38

Pod saves Tyrion in the books I believe? I'd say Podrick backstabbing the drunken, more useless Kingsguard in the back is far FAR more believable than main characters surviving being in the front lines of a literal wave of undead.

Episode 3 was visually stunning, absolutely stinking from a tactical point of view. 13yr old me playing Rome: Total war knew headlong light cavalry charges, front-line artillery, minimal wall defenders and spearwalls infront of defensive structures (Fire pits) were hilariously bad decisions.

Suppose that's what you get from the directors who brought you Ghost vanishing, then reappearing 2 seasons later almost half the size and romantic dragon flights...
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: General Zod  
Date:   Sun 5 May 16:19

Why watch a programme about dragons and the army of the dead then get upset about military tactics not being realistic?
Anyway, I doubt the books will be that relevant to the ending as 90% of the audience haven’t read the books so it wouldn’t make sense to the majority of viewers.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: parforthecourse  
Date:   Sun 5 May 20:29


General Zod, Sun 5 May 16:19

Why watch a programme about dragons and the army of the dead then get upset about military tactics not being realistic.

Correct. It's not a documentary.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Sun 5 May 21:23


ipswichpar, Mon 29 Apr 23:04

I mucked around with mine and took it off eco. Didn't make much difference.

I googled what the best settings were for my model of Samsung and after playing around with the settings I've managed to improve the picture balance quite a bit.

Watched the episode again and it made a huge difference as you can actually make out the bits I think the producers intended you to be able to see. The downside is that although the HD picture has improved quite a bit it seems to have made the standard def pictures quite a bit worse.

Seemed to be increasing the backlight setting and adjusting the contrast and sharpness that helped the most although I think it varies by model.

Also changed the sound setting from standard to music and I couldn't believe the difference in quality. The standard setting leaves the sound quite muffled and we have to turn the volume up a lot whereas the music setting really clears up voices and seems to separate speech from noise and background music on a program. Surprising the improvement it made.

Might be worth a fiddle if you can be bothered.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe  
Date:   Sun 5 May 21:27


parforthecourse, Sun 5 May 20:29


General Zod, Sun 5 May 16:19

Why watch a programme about dragons and the army of the dead then get upset about military tactics not being realistic.

Correct. It's not a documentary.

I think it's more to do with popular characters getting unexpectedly killed off in the earlier series and then seeing more popular characters surviving impossible odds including one with only one hand.
The series is ending at the right time before it becomes just a fandom thing.
Just hope the original author of the books has an input into the ending as to how he envisaged it.

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Mon 6 May 00:28

Exactly, look at the quality of writing and dialogue and how it drops off a vertical cliff around season 3/4. Never had an issue with dragons, giants, krakens etc either. What I have a problem with is how the show built up this massive threat, and then they're gone...like that. Seriously can't see George finishing the story as bizarrely as the show is
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Tue 7 May 06:24

Shows ending is meant to match how the books will end according to the author although he expects they will change and add stuff on the way

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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Tue 7 May 19:02


P, Tue 7 May 06:24

Shows ending is meant to match how the books will end according to the author although he expects they will change and add stuff on the way

That's interesting. Which of his endings will they choose. He has in the past teased several endings... Quite frankly he better hurry it along. He ain't getting any younger.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Wed 8 May 00:40

'Shows ending is meant to match how the books will end according to the author although he expects they will change and add stuff on the way'

Dunno where you've gotten that from P as he's come out recently to state that they should diverge quite significantly, maybe not in the ultimate ending, but in how the story gets there

Honestly, I just hope he gets the books finished and the show doesn't become the Canon ending. Get your ass in gear George, please

Post Edited (Wed 08 May 01:28)
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Wed 8 May 05:45

Pretty much what I said Andrew. Read it in a few places over a period of time but he gave an interview couple weeks ago where he’s quite clear on the matter. (I doubt in reality he will ever get round to ending it anyway tbh)


Martin adds that the show being “a different version” of the books is “true of every adaptation.” In fact, when asked about whether he worries people will have the show’s ending in mind before the books, he makes it clear there’s not that much of a difference after all: “I don’t think Dan and Dave’s ending is gonna be that different from my ending, because of the conversations we did have,” he says, decisively putting many rumors to rest. “But on certain secondary characters there may be big differences.”

Unless for you discussion of “the ending” heavily involves the resolution of secondary characters whose path has diverged significantly (say, Bronn) or who don’t even feature in the show (say, Arianne), Martin has now confirmed the show’s “ending” will be essentially his own, at least as it relates to the main characters and the world.

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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: EastEndBoy  
Date:   Sat 11 May 13:43


Andrew283, Wed 8 May 00:40

'Shows ending is meant to match how the books will end according to the author although he expects they will change and add stuff on the way'

Dunno where you've gotten that from P as he's come out recently to state that they should diverge quite significantly, maybe not in the ultimate ending, but in how the story gets there

Honestly, I just hope he gets the books finished and the show doesn't become the Canon ending. Get your ass in gear George, please

At least you're not upset that it isn't as good as you want it to be.

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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Sun 12 May 02:44

Edit...alcohol induced salt..

Post Edited (Sun 12 May 12:18)
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: doctordandruff  
Date:   Sun 12 May 19:20

Series never really recovered from the loss of Joffre.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe  
Date:   Mon 13 May 12:48

Who would have seen that coming? The mad queen is unleashed with devastating effect on Kings Landing!
All predictions up in the air after that episode!

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: parforthecourse  
Date:   Mon 13 May 13:14

Seems a bit obvious now for Jon to win. Wonder if we've seen the last of Sansa?
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Mon 13 May 19:04

If only John Snuh hadn't been a simpering wee ratbag....
It's the North vs Dragon bird now.
Arya to drop her using Snuh's face.

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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: StevenPar77  
Date:   Tue 14 May 07:30

Decent episode last night. Always helps when you can see what is going on!

Are we to assume Jamie and Cersei are confined to history?

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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Tue 14 May 07:40

If The Hound has gone I'm done with it.

This series has got a bit daft.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe  
Date:   Tue 14 May 10:24


ipswichpar, Tue 14 May 07:40

If The Hound has gone I'm done with it.

This series has got a bit daft.

You'd be as well sticking with it as only one more episode to go :)

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: General Zod  
Date:   Tue 14 May 11:15

After a lot of thought I too have concluded that it’s all got a bit naff. Mindless killing offs of characters has ersed it. So we’ll never find out who the voice in the flame was that spoke to varys when he was a child? The clever characters have become dumb. The writers have obviously struggled since the source material ran out. What a let down
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: DBP  
Date:   Tue 14 May 12:42

Feels like they're trying to put a Hollywood ending in it with all the threads tied off...
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Tue 14 May 14:04

Did they actually forget the defining point of Cersei's character? That she was told be a witch of a prophecy that ends with her basically being strangled by one she loves/family I.e. Jamie/Tyrion. I couldn't stop laughing at Grey Worm and Dany's 'I'm angry because I've sh1t myself' faces too hahaha.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Tue 14 May 15:27

Did Cersei and Jamie definitely die in the collapsing rubble?

My biggest beef with this season is it feels like they've taken a story that's so big and has taken 7 seasons to build and decided to try and pack too much into this final season and some of the story lines dont feel like they've been closed down as well as they could have.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Tue 14 May 16:27

Pretty much, book readers know that the show and book will very likely finish the same way, but the journey there couldn't be more different. Dany going from Save the world in E3 to burning 1 million innocents in E5? I could have understood if they had avoided killing Raegal in such a stupid manner in E4 and instead have him be shot by one of the ballista during the siege, ideally by accident once the bells had begun to ring and the siege was essentially over.

Would love nothing more than for Disney to be monitoring the situation, see what a mess D&D have made and remove them from the Star wars trilogy they are supposed to be directing.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Tue 14 May 17:39


AdamAntsParsStripe, Tue 14 May 10:24


ipswichpar, Tue 14 May 07:40

If The Hound has gone I'm done with it.

This series has got a bit daft.

You'd be as well sticking with it as only one more episode to go :)

I might boycott it out of principle.

I'll miss the title music and the feeling of excitement that it generated every single week.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: dave67  
Date:   Mon 20 May 08:36

Who's Bran Stark ?

Is he related to Iron Man
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe  
Date:   Mon 20 May 11:42

Quite a flat final episode which was clearly set up for several spin off series. $$$$

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Mon 20 May 11:55

That was my exact thought as well AAPS. I still stand by my earlier post about trying to cram too much into one final series.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: General Zod  
Date:   Mon 20 May 13:29

Weak ending to a great series. I found myself actually wanting to end halfway through the final episode. Tarnished forever.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Mon 20 May 13:46

Yeah the last 20 mins really plodded along.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: PARrot  
Date:   Mon 20 May 14:20

I think I must be the only person in the world who has never seen an episode of this.

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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: bowie  
Date:   Mon 20 May 15:19

Definitely not, there's thousands of other folk out there that feel the need to point out that they haven't watched a single episode, like it's some sort of obscure badge of honour, there's even meme's about it.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Mon 20 May 20:39

In terms of tying up last week's messy acceleration...it did well imo...admittedly there are some more invested than I.

Pivotal was the the decision the Dragon made....

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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Mon 20 May 21:13

Best we could have hoped for with the car crash of a season they've written sadly I guess? Glad I never need to see Grey worm looking like he's sh1t himself anymore, absolutely terrible acting
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: PARrot  
Date:   Mon 20 May 22:29


bowie, Mon 20 May 15:19

Definitely not, there's thousands of other folk out there that feel the need to point out that they haven't watched a single episode, like it's some sort of obscure badge of honour, there's even meme's about it.

What a weird response.
...and it would be ..there are even memes about it ok. Now go ram your badge of honour up your kyber smartass.

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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: bowie  
Date:   Wed 22 May 08:50

The fact that you felt the need to chime in to tell people you don't know anything about the topic of conversation is the weird response, there's lots of things that I'm not interested in, so I just leave them to it, I certainly don't feel the need to join in.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Wed 22 May 09:24

I often like the Daily Mash


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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Wed 22 May 09:27

On point thought the finish was ok and not worth some of the over reaction there has been. Whole thing has undoubtedly been rushed which is the biggest fault and with more time would have been better executed and more satisfying.

Weirdly it was the show runners Weiss & Benioff who wanted the short season. HBO said they could have as much time as they want

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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Wed 22 May 09:58

They've got Star Wars films to get into.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Wed 22 May 10:38

Let's hope the Mouse does the same as its response to fan backlash over how stinking the Last Jedi was and punting RJ. Would be the most poetic justice watching them ruin the show only to lose something like Star Wars
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: PARrot  
Date:   Wed 22 May 13:55


bowie, Wed 22 May 08:50

The fact that you felt the need to chime in to tell people you don't know anything about the topic of conversation is the weird response, there's lots of things that I'm not interested in, so I just leave them to it, I certainly don't feel the need to join in.

Good for you bud. We are all different. No need for the smartass comment though.

I think probably the reason I posted was because Im actually surprised I haven't watched any of it. Im pretty sure I would like it.
Problem is I would start it then spend many sleepless nights and unproductive days catching up.

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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: NeilPhilp  
Date:   Sat 25 May 15:24

"Let's hope the Mouse does the same as its response to fan backlash over how stinking the Last Jedi was and punting RJ. Would be the most poetic justice watching them ruin the show only to lose something like Star Wars"

The Last Jedi was an abysmal film. Absolutely toxic piece of far left propaganda disguised as a Star Wars film.
I haven't seen S8 yet, but it seems like the showrunners totally Rian Johnson'd Game of Thrones. It's a pity, because S1-7 were brilliant.
Star Wars is pretty much dead these days anyway. And if they bring their Season 8 form to SW, that might be the final deathblow for the franchise.
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: DBP  
Date:   Sat 25 May 15:42

i quite liked rouge one (if that's the one where they got the plans of the death star but all died)... thought it was the best of all the news ones (anything after the original 3 films i'm classing as new)
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 Re: Game of Thrones S8 **SPOILERS OBV**
Topic Originator: NeilPhilp  
Date:   Sat 25 May 15:57

Rogue One was quality. Best of the new bunch by a mile.
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