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 Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Wed 1 May 13:01

BBC News - Beavers given protected status in Scotlandhttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-tayside-central-48106147

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 Re: Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: General Zod  
Date:   Wed 1 May 13:07

Nae beaver is safe fae me 😏
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 Re: Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: richie5401  
Date:   Wed 1 May 13:19

^^ Casanova isnae deid.
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 Re: Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: Frank Butchers LoveHandles  
Date:   Wed 1 May 20:30


General Zod, Wed 1 May 13:07

Nae beaver is safe fae me 😏


Awight Pat!
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 Re: Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: renegade master  
Date:   Wed 1 May 21:37

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 Re: Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Wed 1 May 21:52


renegade master, Wed 1 May 21:37

Worst decision ever!

As if our scant Salmon stocks needed any other impact on their spawning grounds!

SNP again showing no knowledge of our wildlife!

Other than that this has been recommended by wildlife experts.
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 Re: Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Thu 2 May 11:56

I have always thought of beavers as a North American animal. It was this thread that got me to google it and subsequently discover that it has been reintroduced into Scotland in recent years from Eastern European stock, which I didn't know even existed.

I can't say I favour this idea, to be honest.

I remember a few years ago there were calls to reintroduce lynx, wild boar and wolves. I don't know whatever happened to those plans, but I suspect that those species could cause all sorts of havoc in the Highlands as the likelihood of interaction with humans is much greater today than when they roamed wild in centuries past.

Beavers make a hell of a mess of river beds. I am sure the Perthshire farmers would love to see their crops destroyed when rivers and burns are diverted and overflow into their fields as a result of beaver dams.
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 Re: Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend  
Date:   Thu 2 May 13:29


It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
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 Re: Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Thu 2 May 14:18

Have spoken to my local MSP about this.

It will be illegal to remove dams and kill beavers "without a permit."

This means farmers whose land is effected will be able to get a permit to remove them.
Dams on rivers where salmon breed can and will be removed under permit.

It is just a way to ensure these creatures are not being killed needlessly.

Where they are creating problems permits to deal with the problem will be issued.
It also gives the opportunity for them to be relocated to somewhere they will not be a problem rather than killed, if possible.
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 Re: Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: average white par  
Date:   Thu 2 May 16:30

The first person to post "Beavers are fuds" is a true erse... I'm just glad it wasn't me...

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 Re: Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: RhinoPars  
Date:   Sat 4 May 21:49

There are two species of beavers and the European beaver used to be widespread in UK but were wiped out in 16th century. This is simply a case of reintroducing a species that was indigenous to the UK.
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 Re: Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Mon 6 May 01:55

Trust someone to come in and change the topic to "SNP baaaaaaad!!!1!!!!"
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 Re: Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: MDCCCLXXXV  
Date:   Tue 7 May 08:46

True Rhino but the next animal they are talking about Re-introducing are wolves, yes they roamed these shores in the 1800s but farmers didnt keep live stock in the numbers they do now.
These animals are extinct in Britain because they didnt work with modern living

East End Park is a symbol of all that is DAFC.
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 Re: Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Tue 7 May 08:58

I think the wolves idea is to keep the deer population in check. last article I read about this, they were talking about vast fenced enclosures.
The idea has been boosted by the successful introduction of wolves to yellowstone.

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 Re: Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: Athletico  
Date:   Tue 7 May 09:00

So if animals don't work with modern living, they're fair game then?

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 Re: Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: renegade master  
Date:   Tue 7 May 09:37

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 Re: Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Tue 7 May 10:27


renegade master, Tue 7 May 09:37

It's political because it has been taken without a full due diligence process on the effect of the ecology impacts this will cause.

Beavers damns cause flooding, reroute watercourses and deny Salmon and Sea Trout access to their required spawning beds.

The effects like everything is long term and as numbers rise especially in non managed waterways and public areas where no one will apply for a licence due to public backlash the damage will be done.

The consultation has been rushed through and appeals to the fluffy urban voters that now see/think the SNP are introducing fluffy beavers back into Scotland. They have been here for years and have been managed very well in the shadows by gamekeepers, landowners and ghillies with no decline and allowed to continue in areas where no environmental impact will be caused.

The continual decisions made over our rural land (where the SNP has very few supporters) is not in the best interests for it but it continues.

The recent announcement on emissions made by the SNP is very good also but this is being helped by landowners who already have massive private investors funding huge tree planting operations across Scotland meaning our carbon capture was already going to be massive in the coming years. Once again done by a private rural economy with no support from the Scottish Government but now jumped on as a vote winner for the local populist eco voters.

What they don't tell you that apart from the eco benefits of these trees and the return on harvesting they will be used for game shooting and game shooting to enhance sporting estates in some cases.

How did those poor trout and salmon manage for hundreds of years before the beaver became extinct I wonder.
Nature seems able to cope. It's the interference of man that causes the problems not the animals.

Post Edited (Tue 07 May 10:29)
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 Re: Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: renegade master  
Date:   Tue 7 May 11:24

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 Re: Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Tue 7 May 11:53


renegade master, Tue 7 May 11:24

easy moviescot

Before 1981 we could control, seals, otters, cormorants, mergansers and gooseanders. We didn't have all the released mink either that the do-gooders released all persecuting our native Salmon stocks.

I'm in the pest control business pest control works throughout our eco system to maintain a balance not just because people don't want rats in their house or wasps stinging them in summer.

More pests need controlled to grow organic crops than any other form of farming but they don't like hearing that do they.

Nothing to do with the Scottish Government I know, but currently far to many decisions are being made to win votes not for the best of our future ecology.

I don't honestly believe much about climate change as we've had far hotter summers historically and if you look at the facts freak weather spikes have been historic since records began and NASA recently recorded more Ice at both poles than 40 years ago but that was never picked up.

I think the UK is undergoing a political focus to woo voters by saying vote for us we can do this to save the planet vote for us, and everyone has jumped on the bandwagon.

If however you think a tiny country like the UK can effect the planets destiny by ditching fossil fuel power stations. Changing to electric cars which require rain forests to be chopped down to mine the battery components in the cars is false thinking surely. Where is the electric coming from to charge all these cars? The huge carbon footprint installing millions of charging points? Look at the developing countries spewing out toxic mass to survive worldwide?

We are living in scary times going forward for our planet and the way we are being conditioned. The eco protesters should be in China, India, Africa where nothing is getting done and very unlikely to be anytime soon.

I really don't think the SNP releasing beavers is going make me vote for them. That's just not an issue. I also don't think the SNP have the expertise to decide if it's correct to release beavers. As was said earlier in the thread they took expert advice. I'm not an expert and you don't sound like one either.
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 Re: Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: renegade master  
Date:   Tue 7 May 23:40

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 Re: Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sun 12 May 19:14


renegade master, Tue 7 May 23:40

Qualified in Woodland Management and Wildlife Conservation Thank You.

So in your expert opinion what is the current most important threat to salmon?
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 Re: Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Tue 14 May 16:36


moviescot, Sun 12 May 19:14


renegade master, Tue 7 May 23:40

Qualified in Woodland Management and Wildlife Conservation Thank You.

So in your expert opinion what is the current most important threat to salmon?

Not gonna lie, probably me hahaha
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 Re: Beavers 🤭
Topic Originator: renegade master  
Date:   Wed 15 May 12:42

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