Topic Originator: wetherby
Date: Fri 31 Jan 09:43
First cases in U.K. Just been confirmed.
Topic Originator: parsmad68
Date: Fri 31 Jan 10:24
I spoke to Singapore and the important day set in the Asian calendar is next week 6th February for countries outside China as this gives the real indication of the status of the virus, 2 weeks after the shutdown in Wuhan. Keep your fingers crossed that the reaction time was quick enough
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Fri 31 Jan 13:55
I flew out of Bangkok on Wednesday and just about everyone in the very busy airport (including myself) was wearing a mask. I don't know how effective they are, but anyone who coughed was met with many questioning stares. It is easy to grasp how quickly mob panic could ensue from such a virus.
Glad to be home in Oz, despite the temperature being 42C today.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Fri 31 Jan 14:06
Worth noting that most masks don't keep germs from getting in, they are designed to stop germs getting out.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: parsmad68
Date: Fri 31 Jan 15:21
Also added to the fact that nobody knows how this is transmitted. It reduces the potential risk but that is all.
Topic Originator: Rastapari
Date: Fri 31 Jan 15:28
Don't worry, like all the other life ending diseases over the last 40 years it will disappear without a trace....
Topic Originator: Grant
Date: Fri 31 Jan 15:48
Not everything is a conspiracy Rasta.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Fri 31 Jan 16:20
I'm actually intrigued as to what Rasta's theory is behind the Chinese Communist Party exaggerating the risk.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: Jose_Mourinho
Date: Fri 31 Jan 17:21
How are they going to stop it spreading? Ban all flights, no travel and everyone has to stay home? They won't do that, although I've heard that Hong Kong have closed all schools till March. Meant to be going to Thailand in 6 weeks for a wedding, better buy a hazmat suit!
Topic Originator: Rastapari
Date: Fri 31 Jan 17:30
Grant, Fri 31 Jan 15:48
Not everything is a conspiracy Rasta.
Not saying it is...in any way shape or form.
How many diseases have been going to wipe us all out world wide pandemic style in the last 40 years?
Quite the list and yet we have scientists talking population control....
Topic Originator: Wotsit
Date: Fri 31 Jan 17:50
The other diseases didn't wipe us out because they were taken seriously and didn't spread. They might well have if the world didn't stop them.
It's a bit like the Millennium Bug - because the preventative work was done well nothing appeared to happen and loads of folk took that to mean there was no issue to begin with.
The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
Topic Originator: Rastapari
Date: Fri 31 Jan 17:56
Wotsit, Fri 31 Jan 17:50
The other diseases didn't wipe us out because they were taken seriously and didn't spread. They might well have if the world didn't stop them.
It's a bit like the Millennium Bug - because the preventative work was done well nothing appeared to happen and loads of folk took that to mean there was no issue to begin with.
Regardless, it will disappear like the rest of them.
No need for all the hysteria.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Fri 31 Jan 18:04
Think Rasta has a wee point here Chinese deaths 213 Chinese population 1.4 Billion !!....Also most of these types of virus tend to kill people with underlying health problems .... Heart, Respiratory etc .... I would still hope the UK medical team are prepared and confident that the Virus will not spread and kill the most vulnerable...... Time will tell
Topic Originator: DBP
Date: Fri 31 Jan 18:08
My son lives and works in China so while we're all worried, spoke to him yesterday and he seemed quite relaxed about the whole thing.
Post Edited (Fri 31 Jan 18:09)
Topic Originator: allparone
Date: Fri 31 Jan 18:16
I’m with Rasta as well. Bird flu, swine flu, sars etc have had the media whipping the hysteria in recent years. The boy who cried Wolf springs to mind though. One of these times we’ll be in trouble but we’ll be that immune to the warnings we won’t give a monkeys.
Topic Originator: JTH123
Date: Fri 31 Jan 18:29
I sincerely hope so. I sat next to a guy on a flight from Schipol to Denmark last week who was wearing a face mask.
It was very disconcerting.
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Fri 31 Jan 19:23
You might notice that is isn't really the scientists making the fuss.
It's mostly coming from governments and the media.
Governments don't want to be criticised for not doing enough, and the media want to sell papers and get clicks.
One of two things is likely to happen in the coming months. Either the methods of control stop it from spreading and it starts to disappear, or it spreads everywhere and joins the list of common cold and flu viruses that circulate every year.
I think the latter is the most likely, and once we start to get more data we will probably realise that the case/fatality ratio is nowhere near as bad as it looks at the moment.
Topic Originator: allparone
Date: Fri 31 Jan 19:27
As said above, these surgical masks won’t stop you from catching anything. They’ll stop fluids escaping into the atmosphere from your own nose or mouth but that’s about it. A lot of infections/viruses aren’t caught by breathing them in anyway. If anyone has been through a face fitting course for things as simple as dust masks you’ll realise how useless these hankies on elastic actually are.
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak
Date: Sat 1 Feb 02:42
This virus has a fatality rate of around 2%.
So it is fairly serious.
The Spanish Flu outbreak in 1918 resulted in the death of between 50 and 100 million people. The fatality rate for that was only slightly higher than Coronavirus.
It's not one we want spreading everywhere.
On a brighter note SARS had a fatality rate of 11% but only 774 people died from it due to the control measures that limited the numbers catching it.
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Sat 1 Feb 15:43
Surprising how flippant some folk can be about so many lost lives. Glad governments are taking it seriously.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sat 1 Feb 16:10
Don't think anyone is being flippant just realistic. More people have died from malaria worldwide since the game kicked off just over an hour ago than have died from the corona virus ever. Doesn't quite get the same media coverage though when it's thousands dying everyday. It just becomes the norm.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: Andrew283
Date: Sat 1 Feb 16:20
The symptoms are literally the same as what you would experience after catching Influenza. Deaths have pretty much exclusively been older people or those whose immune system would already be compromised. Not worried in the slightest.
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Sat 1 Feb 23:43
Andrew283, Sat 1 Feb 16:20
The symptoms are literally the same as what you would experience after catching Influenza. Deaths have pretty much exclusively been older people or those whose immune system would already be compromised. Not worried in the slightest.
Good for you.
I know lots of wonderful old folk and vulnerable folk and Whenever there is anything like this going round. I worry for them.
Im guessing you don't have anyone in those categories in your immediate circle.
Topic Originator: Andrew283
Date: Sat 1 Feb 23:48
How is that different than flu season twice per year? Weather changes, old people get ill and don't have the immunoresponse to deal with it and die. Tragic but it happens every year and nobody panics about Influenza which most people contract atleast once a year.
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Sun 2 Feb 00:07
Yep. I worry about the flu every year too and Im getting closer to that vulnerable category every year. This virus will be a further threat but hey ho if you aren't, "Concerned in the slightest"eh! Nice.
Topic Originator: Thaipar
Date: Sun 2 Feb 00:08
Andrew283, Sat 1 Feb 23:48
How is that different than flu season twice per year? Weather changes, old people get ill and don't have the immunoresponse to deal with it and die. Tragic but it happens every year and nobody panics about Influenza which most people contract atleast once a year.
I certainly worry when flu is about. I am in the vulnerable category and although I get my jab every year it is still a worry when stuff like this comes close to your door. In Thailand here a normally fit taxi driver caught it from a passenger and during a recent trip last week I read a hotel receptionist caught the virus too.
Maybe when you yourself have an underlying issue you will be wary of where you go etc.
Topic Originator: DulochConvert
Date: Sun 2 Feb 00:57
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak like | nolike
Date: Sat 1 Feb 02:42
This virus has a fatality rate of around 2%.
So it is fairly serious.
The Spanish Flu outbreak in 1918 resulted in the death of between 50 and 100 million people. The fatality rate for that was only slightly higher than Coronavirus.
It's not one we want spreading everywhere.
Your maths are a bit off, the correct rate was between 15-25% depending on the country.
2% at 100m would be 5billion infectious, that’s everyone in the planet getting it at least twice.
The main reason for the high rate was the second wave which was particularly bad but also corespondent with huge troop movements, which had the opposite effect of normal infectious. Normally as the disease evolves it effects less people as when it becomes more deadly it is therefore transferred to less people.
Personally I think this is just all scaremongering, I went to Hong Kong during the SARS, probably safer than crossing the road in India.
Topic Originator: General Zod
Date: Sun 2 Feb 06:28
Have they stopped rioting in Hong Kong yet? No hearing much about that anymore...
Topic Originator: Rastapari
Date: Sun 2 Feb 08:36
Yeah sorry, just not buying into the usual "We're all gonna die better get your untested vaccine " bull that gets spewed out by the media.
And I'll tell you what's flippant, all those deaths from regular flu every year, no thread got them eh, no just those that get the hysterical foreign virus....
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Sun 2 Feb 14:44
In total, the CDC estimates that up to 42.9 million people got sick during the 2018-2019 flu season, 647,000 people were hospitalized and 61,200 died.20 Jun 2019
Coronavirus is a spit in the ocean compared to the above stats.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sun 2 Feb 15:11
I guess concern is what would happen if 42 million people contracted the corona virus.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: Jose_Mourinho
Date: Sun 2 Feb 15:46
Apparently someone in China has bird flu as well, good start to 2020 this...
Topic Originator: Rastapari
Date: Sun 2 Feb 15:59
The One Who Knocks, Sun 2 Feb 15:11
I guess concern is what would happen if 42 million people contracted the corona virus.
Not an awful lot given most cases are very treatable.
Put the hysteria down.
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak
Date: Sun 2 Feb 16:15
Rastapari, Sun 2 Feb 15:59
The One Who Knocks, Sun 2 Feb 15:11
I guess concern is what would happen if 42 million people contracted the corona virus.
Not an awful lot given most cases are very treatable.
Put the hysteria down.
2% of people are dying from it.
I would consider 840000 people dead pretty worrying.
Hopefully the "hysteria" means it ends up being contained and we don't see this number of people getting it.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Sun 2 Feb 16:31
And treating 42 million would prove to be a logistical challenge.
Topic Originator: Berry
Date: Sun 2 Feb 17:11
Hysteria? Again more nonsense, let’s just not give the Coronavirus any thought or serious attention even though its just turned into a global emergency.
Sorry but I’d rather we err on the side of caution and potentially overreact than not bother our xxxxx at all.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Sun 2 Feb 17:29
Two Beechams powders and its gone according to the BMB
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Sun 2 Feb 18:09
The 2% should be taken with a pinch of salt at the moment.
It is based on the number of confirmed cases at the moment, but no-one knows how many people have unconfirmed cases (i.e. those who stay at home with two Chinese Beechams powders and wait until it passes).
I wouldn't be surprised if the real number of cases is 10 times higher.
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Mon 3 Feb 05:59
Which hysteria is worse. Being hysterical about catching it or about governments just doing whats expected of them and trying to prevent it spreading.
Topic Originator: Rastapari
Date: Tue 4 Feb 16:08
PARrot, Mon 3 Feb 05:59
Which hysteria is worse. Being hysterical about catching it or about governments just doing whats expected of them and trying to prevent it spreading.
By far the hysteria by media, that's the hysteria that makes people take an untested vaccine and believe the government cares for you....
Topic Originator: Andrew283
Date: Tue 4 Feb 16:14
I find that doubtful. I've never had a single vaccination in my life outside of MMR and other compulsory vaccinations as a child. Only people if one does get manufactured that will get it is the young and old. Happy to believe some conspiracies but vaccination rumours are just complete tosh with 0 backing anywhere.
Topic Originator: Wotsit
Date: Tue 4 Feb 16:29
I regularly get the flu vaccine to stop me from giving the flu to half of edinburgh's homeless population and frontline staff and the only side-effect I've had is a wee sniffle the day after.
Those vaccinations are essential in managing the risk of critical care services from being thrown into chaos for a fortnight or longer by flu.
The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Tue 4 Feb 17:23
Vaccinations are vital in some cases. A great example is HPV. This has been found to help protect males too so high school aged boys will now be receiving the HPV vaccine.
Got a pal in China (Beijing). It seems business as usual for him. He's mentioned it but it doesn't come across as being a big deal.
Topic Originator: onandupthepars
Date: Tue 4 Feb 20:46
Talking about vaccines. I never used to have the flu jab because I thought I heard somebody say it gave them the flu. My reasoning was that the vaccine is a wee bit of the flu bug that fires your immune system into action to boost it up so it's easily mobilised any time you get a bigger dose of infection.
WRONG, according to my Pharmacist. She said you can't get flu from having the flu jab because the stuff they give you is dead - it's a mixture of the three most prevalent or virulent? virus strains that are circulating and it's dead virus material so it can't infect you.
So I got my jab for the first time this year. I was lucky. Felt nothing at the time and no after effects. My wife had a sore arm. (Not from my jab her own!)
Post Edited (Tue 04 Feb 20:48)
Topic Originator: Andrew283
Date: Tue 4 Feb 20:52
Vaccines are generally the shell of the virus where the vRna has basically been destroyed so your white blood cells will consume the innate cells, and form antibodies to deal with them in the future. The reason you can get symptoms from the vaccine is that often the symptoms are based on your body fighting off the virus rather than the virus causing the symptoms directly
Topic Originator: onandupthepars
Date: Tue 4 Feb 21:05
ref: Andrew283
Tue 4 Feb 20:52
<<< the symptoms are based on your body fighting off the virus rather than the virus causing the symptoms directly>>>
Sorry Andrew, I'm not sure what you mean there. D'you mean you might get symptoms from your white blood cells consuming the dead cells?
Minor symptoms such as the 'wee sniffle the day after', referred to by Wotsit (at 16:29 above)?
Post Edited (Tue 04 Feb 21:09)
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Wed 5 Feb 07:05
Flu vaccine 100% will not give you flu. Google "flu facts" and check the NHS Inform site.
Topic Originator: Andrew283
Date: Wed 5 Feb 15:19
Exactly right onandupthepars. Your cells cause an immoresponse based solely on the reaction to antibodies reacting to the shell of any virus. This means increasing and fluctuating body temperatures etc as a mechanism for destroying the virus.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Thu 6 Feb 09:30
Got to feel for those quarantined on the cruise ship. Confined to quarters for 14 days is going to be a bit different from their dream holiday...
Topic Originator: wetherby
Date: Thu 6 Feb 20:50
Sad to read that the Doctor who first raised the concerns has died of the virus.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Fri 7 Feb 15:11
Before he died though the Chinese government forced him to sign a 'confession' for spreading false information.
Now he is dead; theirs is the future.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: Andrew283
Date: Fri 7 Feb 19:39
China is the literal worst place any new pathogen can arise (And with their population, diet and government probably one of the most likely for it it arise). The whole place is a ticking timebomb
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Mon 10 Feb 08:22
Breaking News on the Beeb
The UK government has declared coronavirus a "serious and imminent threat" to public health, as it announced new powers to fight its spread.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Mon 10 Feb 10:05
Unbolted stable doors spring to mind here.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: Rastapari
Date: Mon 10 Feb 10:54
Ah the old "new powers" being rolled out, took them a while this time.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Mon 10 Feb 12:39
Maybe they have seen the tactics the Chinese are using and thought 'we'll have some of that'.
Though it's probably just a sensible precaution to try and prevent a outbreak that will be fatal to many.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Mon 10 Feb 15:05
The One Who Knocks, Mon 10 Feb 12:39
Maybe they have seen the tactics the Chinese are using and thought 'we'll have some of that'.
Though it's probably just a sensible precaution to try and prevent a outbreak that will be fatal to many.
Mortality rate currently running under the normal winter flu virus level.
Let's have these extra powers every year.....
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Mon 10 Feb 15:58
Those extra powers wouldn't help to contain the flu virus though. How many hundreds of thousands of people in this country got a flu vaccination because the flu could kill them or at least make them very ill. Those people aren't guarded in anyway against this virus. If as many people in this country contract the corona virus as contract the flu how well do you think the NHS will cope?
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Mon 10 Feb 16:29
I've just spent 5 hours at the Western General with my Daughter who has been ill since before Christmas
The did a swab test blood test chest and heart x-ray
They thought it was pneumonia at first but it is the full blown flu virus not nice and can see why it could be fatal so the less healthy
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Mon 10 Feb 16:56
Indeed Buspass and I hope she makes a speedy recovery. I think a lot of people think the flu is something they get every few years when in fact you'd be unlucky to get the proper influenza more than twice in your lifetime and probably not even that much.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Mon 10 Feb 17:11
Many thanks Towk I had the flu one Christmas a few years back and I NEVER want to catch it again
Topic Originator: Grant
Date: Mon 10 Feb 21:29
I don't think I've ever had it.
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Tue 11 Feb 08:26
Buspasspar, Mon 10 Feb 17:11
Many thanks Towk I had the flu one Christmas a few years back and I NEVER want to catch it again
I had the proper flu in February 86. Each morning for 5 nights, we had to change the bedding as everything was completely soaked in sweat ( too much info, I know) and I felt like someone had given me a right good going over with a baseball bat.
Many people who have a bad cold mistakenly think they've got the flu.
Not your average Sunday League player.
Post Edited (Tue 11 Feb 08:27)
Topic Originator: Rastapari
Date: Tue 11 Feb 08:52
GG Riva, Tue 11 Feb 08:26
Buspasspar, Mon 10 Feb 17:11
Many thanks Towk I had the flu one Christmas a few years back and I NEVER want to catch it again
I had the proper flu in February 86. Each morning for 5 nights, we had to change the bedding as everything was completely soaked in sweat ( too much info, I know) and I felt like someone had given me a right good going over with a baseball bat.
Many people who have a bad cold mistakenly think they've got the flu.
Same a few weeks ago, easy 5 days of the same....and a lot of pain.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Tue 11 Feb 09:47
Topic Originator: GG Riva like | nolike
Date: Tue 11 Feb 08:26
Buspasspar, Mon 10 Feb 17:11
Many thanks Towk I had the flu one Christmas a few years back and I NEVER want to catch it again
I had the proper flu in February 86. Each morning for 5 nights, we had to change the bedding as everything was completely soaked in sweat ( too much info, I know) and I felt like someone had given me a right good going over with a baseball bat.
Many people who have a bad cold mistakenly think they've got the flu.
That was the same here G.G. Also during the sweats if I moved less than half an inch in bed than I started to shiver uncontrollably I was a Postie back then and got up boxing day to go to work but my wife and son put me back into bed
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sun 23 Feb 01:34
Three matches in Serie A postponed over fears of corona virus after two elderly people die from the illness in Italy.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Tue 25 Feb 22:22
Apparently spreading through Europe now so not good news at all.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Wed 26 Feb 12:22
I'm in Canary Wharf this week just in time for it to kick off here apparently. Chevron have had one of their employees test positive and they've closed the office and sent everyone home.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Wed 26 Feb 12:36
Actually could just be the flu apparently 😂
Topic Originator: Andrew283
Date: Wed 26 Feb 21:10
Mild shock...
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Thu 27 Feb 05:30
I am booked to go back to Thailand next month, but I think I might postpone that for a little while until the picture becomes a bit clearer.
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Thu 27 Feb 06:51
I'm booked to fly to Naples for 10 days at the end of March, so I googled to check whether there's any talk of flights to Italy being cancelled.
I found a report in the Sun (I know, I know) where passengers are slamming Ryanair and Easyjet for refusing to refund them their fares because they're frightened of flying to Italy now. One woman said "They would rather have as fly to Italy and risk our lives and spread the disease than refund our money."
Eh? Dinnae go then, missus!
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Fri 28 Feb 11:35
I went to see my GP for my annual check up this morning. He reckons the Coronavirus outbreak will be declared a national pandemic in the coming days and that Scotland's first cases are "imminent."
He also said it's not just people with underlying health problems who are at risk, either. Men over 40 are also at higher than average risk.
That'll be a concern for some of us then.......
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: parsmad68
Date: Fri 28 Feb 11:52
Hi GG do you mean a higher risk of death as opposed to a higher risk of infection.
I thought the infection rates across age groups was the same but the death rate is different
Post Edited (Fri 28 Feb 11:53)
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Fri 28 Feb 12:03
parsmad68, Fri 28 Feb 11:52
Hi GG do you mean a higher risk of death as opposed to a higher risk of infection.
I thought the infection rates across age groups was the same but the death rate is different
I'm not sure what he meant and I didn't press - sometimes it's better not to know. 🙂
He did say good hand hygiene is important.
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Fri 28 Feb 12:12
Think there is an element of luck in it. Some people are supposedly getting it and suffering mild to no symptoms at all. A lot being said about how it's no worse than the flu but even a healthy person is going to be knocked onto their backside for the best part of a fortnight if not longer if they catch the flu. That's why hundreds of thousands of people in this country get the flu jab. Not just the vulnerable groups but also front line health workers. Imagine if an epidemic of covid 19 sweeps the country and 10% of NHS staff are unable to go to work because of it? I don't actually think the media are hyping this up. They are only reporting the measures seperate governments around the world are taking and while these governments and agencies may perhaps be erring on the side of caution I for one rather they did that than being complacent.
A decade ago we had the H1N1 (swine flu) pandemic which started in California/Mexico. H1N1 is now just considered another strain of the flu virus but by the time the initial pandemic had run its course in 2010 over half a million people had died from it. That's well more than double the toll of the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami. Or a little more than the number killed in the decade long Syrian civil war.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Fri 28 Feb 16:26
I agree with all this.
The media aren't hyping this up any more. There case-fatality ratio might still be overestimated but it looks like the infection rate is so high and immunity is non-existent, so even a tiny ratio will result in a lot of deaths and a lot of stress on health systems.
Our major hope now is that the peak hits most of the northern hemisphere during the summer months where hospitals will have at least half a chance of coping with it. The flu season usually slows down by mid-April so hopefully the disease can be kept in check for at least a few more weeks.
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Fri 28 Feb 16:36
The Italian media have been ordered by ministers to tone down the manner of reporting, but it's too late, the nation is practically paralysed with fear. I saw pictures of a teacher giving her class a lesson on line from the safety of her own home - she was wearing a surgical mask.
With the benefit of hindsight, Scotland should not have played Italy in Rome last week. Some Italian fans will almost certainly have caught the virus, without knowing it and passed it on to their Scottish counterparts, who in turn will have brought it back to Scotland.
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Fri 28 Feb 17:12
Horrible story on R4 this morning about an aged Italian lady who needed hospital tests for other conditions. Some of it sounded urgent. But everything is now cancelled. Poor lady must be going through the mill.
Topic Originator: DBP
Date: Sat 29 Feb 07:28
Chatting to folk from china yesterday (guangdong province) and they were saying its starting to return back to normal, no news cases for a few days now and things are starting to open again (like restaurants etc)
There's still limits on travel around the country but apart from the original source location, situation defo getting better.
My son also in guangdong province was saying that they expect it to burn out soon as the weather is starting to get warm... But he can't return home (to Beijing) yet as he'd have to go into a quarantine hotel for 2 weeks - so staying put for now but thinks that will change in the next couple of months and he can get back
Topic Originator: Rastapari
Date: Sat 29 Feb 08:00
Tory policies are still more deadly.
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Sat 29 Feb 12:57
Rastapari, Sat 29 Feb 08:00
Tory policies are still more deadly.
Yes still kill more people than anything else bar possibly a bad flu year
Topic Originator: Rastapari
Date: Sun 1 Mar 09:54
Lysol has been killing this virus since before it appeared it seems....
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sun 1 Mar 10:35
Aye bleach disinfectants kills 99.9% of germs and viruses. Corona virus isn't one of the 0.01%
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: Rastapari
Date: Sun 1 Mar 16:10
The One Who Knocks, Sun 1 Mar 10:35
Aye bleach disinfectants kills 99.9% of germs and viruses. Corona virus isn't one of the 0.01%
It's been listed on the bottle for long enough...
Post Edited (Sun 01 Mar 16:12)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sun 1 Mar 16:42
Yeah the common cold is a corona virus. A whole load of virus belong to the corona family of viruses.
Eta, the variant of corona virus that is currently getting the headlines is covid-19.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Post Edited (Sun 01 Mar 16:45)
Topic Originator: twin par
Date: Mon 2 Mar 22:25
You don't need any where near 99 per cent kill on bacteria. It's all about down to a safe level,as is with any bacteria.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Mon 2 Mar 23:06
Well actually it's believed that bleach kills all bacteria but it's impossible to prove so they have to say 99.9%.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: Rastapari
Date: Tue 3 Mar 11:32
Mandatory vaccinations being considered....how will that be enforced?
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Tue 3 Mar 11:46
Could maybe see that happening in China but not in UK. We don't even force people to protect their children from harmful diseases in this country. Also by the time a vaccine is created for better or worse this crisis will be over.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: Rastapari
Date: Tue 3 Mar 12:17
The One Who Knocks, Tue 3 Mar 11:46
Could maybe see that happening in China but not in UK. We don't even force people to protect their children from harmful diseases in this country. Also by the time a vaccine is created for better or worse this crisis will be over.
On the "news" it's being considered, they can bolt.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Tue 3 Mar 12:24
Must have missed that bit on the news.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: dafc
Date: Tue 3 Mar 13:10
Said on TV a vaccination is 9 months to a year away minimum
Topic Originator: Andrew283
Date: Tue 3 Mar 14:26
I'd say that's unlikely too. Identifying a vaccine, producing it, testing, mass production etc is unlikely to happen within 12 months I'd say.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Tue 3 Mar 16:31
I'm getting American visitors on the 25th of this month They will be arriving at Edinburgh Airport and I am picking them up ......ooer mrs
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Tue 3 Mar 17:21
Flying to Chicago via Dublin in 4 weeks for my son's wedding!🙏🙏🙏
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Tue 3 Mar 22:27
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Tue 3 Mar 22:51
I'd be a tad more worried about this 'flu bug' than you seem to be EEP.The wee Spanish flu bug killed between 50 and 100 million people when those wee bugs didn't have the access to travel they have now.
Until a vaccine is out then there is every chance most of us will get it and older people are a lot more at risk.
Topic Originator: Thaipar
Date: Tue 3 Mar 22:53
[Post Deleted] - Deliberately provoking fellow DAFC.net poster(s)
Topic Originator: Andrew283
Date: Wed 4 Mar 00:04
donj, Tue 3 Mar 22:51
I'd be a tad more worried about this 'flu bug' than you seem to be EEP.The wee Spanish flu bug killed between 50 and 100 million people when those wee bugs didn't have the access to travel they have now.
Until a vaccine is out then there is every chance most of us will get it and older people are a lot more at risk.
Not really a great comparison. Spanish flu was in a time with little to no hygiene, exceeding low life expectancies, general ignorance of infections and how to cure them etc.
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Wed 4 Mar 08:14
donj, Tue 3 Mar 22:51
I'd be a tad more worried about this 'flu bug' than you seem to be EEP.The wee Spanish flu bug killed between 50 and 100 million people when those wee bugs didn't have the access to travel they have now.
Until a vaccine is out then there is every chance most of us will get it and older people are a lot more at risk.
Considering it was during and just after ww1 there was a lot of travel going on. There is was also little or no knowledge of infection control.
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Wed 4 Mar 15:57
Feeling the pinch already. Folks seem to be staying at home and airport hires are well down. Takings well down. Pretty worrying.
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Wed 4 Mar 22:12
I don't get these people stocking up on bottled water. Are we expecting Coronavirus to come through our taps or there to be a sudden shortage of water? Same with toilet roll. Is diarrhea a symptom?
I'm not underestimating things, and we shouldn't underestimate things, but I think people are getting a bit daft with it.
Topic Originator: parforthecourse
Date: Wed 4 Mar 22:22
Appears covid 19 has killed off another weak patient - flybe.
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Wed 4 Mar 22:28
My point was that this is not just normal flu and real pandemics kill a lot.Not a thing to just brush off as the same as lots have had.
I'm lucky in never getting the flu ever,well maybe with what I called bad colds which did not down me.Apparently some do just brush it off without really getting badly ill.
My wife did get flu and ended up in intensive care with double pneumonia so not nice.
This one is worse than normal flu and I very much doubt they have enough IC beds to cope when it really strikes.
Topic Originator: twin par
Date: Wed 4 Mar 22:58
This is getting really, really silly.
Post Edited (Wed 04 Mar 22:58)
Topic Originator: wetherby
Date: Thu 5 Mar 12:09
Well Phase 1 of the Government's plan didn't last long !!
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Thu 5 Mar 12:35
That was a very strange exchange.....
Hunt Are we in phase ii yet?
Whitty Well what you have to understand is that phase I and phase ii share actions.
Hunt Have we started doing some of the phase ii stuff yet?
Whitty Aye.
Me Right, so if we are doing some phase ii stuff we are clearly in phase ii....if that's the case then just say so.
If phase i was about containing it (to outside the uk) then it appears to be rather ineffective. Most of the uk cases have been brought back from other countries who have big outbreaks.
I hope they get phase ii more right than their phase I effort.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Thu 5 Mar 12:42
Phase 1 was always going to be a hopeless task.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Thu 5 Mar 12:43
The One Who Knocks, Thu 5 Mar 12:42
Phase 1 was always going to be a hopeless task.
Run like that it was.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Thu 5 Mar 12:45
Nah, don't see any other examples across Europe of any other government doing anything better.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Thu 5 Mar 12:51
Their own stated objective was to contain it. They had no chance of doing that. They would have been better calling it the Musical Chairs stage as it was only a matter of time.
It isn't really a case of comparing what we are doing against what others are doing, it is about being honest about if we are doing as much as we should be doing.
I suspect theyll be behind the curve and fail to delay things sufficiently now.
Topic Originator: Alf
Date: Thu 5 Mar 16:40
Wouldn't surprise me if games are postponed over the next couple of weeks
Topic Originator: davepars
Date: Fri 6 Mar 12:09
2 in Dunfermline. Being transferred to Edinburgh. Unconfirmed as yet.
Wash yer hands!
Topic Originator: ParCrombie
Date: Fri 6 Mar 13:18
Where are you hearing this davepars?
Topic Originator: EastEndBoy
Date: Fri 6 Mar 13:22
Sharing unconfirmed rumors is absolutely the right thing to do in the current climate, right enough.
Topic Originator: Frank Butchers LoveHandles
Date: Fri 6 Mar 14:32
I saw 2 were confirmed in Fife not sure where though.
Awight Pat!
Topic Originator: davepars
Date: Fri 6 Mar 14:49
That's the 2. Sure they dont release the exact whereabouts for at least 24 hours. Just be cautious and have good personal hygiene.
Topic Originator: BigJPar
Date: Fri 6 Mar 14:51
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Fri 6 Mar 15:07
It wouldn't be a surprise if you have already been in contact with someone who has the virus. Fleeting contact alone isn't likely enough for transmission and as said practice good hygiene. Best just to be extra careful when visiting or interacting with elderly relatives or other at risk groups.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: wetherby
Date: Fri 6 Mar 21:55
Scotland Women's Rugby team member has tested positive.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Fri 6 Mar 22:02
There are a lot of folk who are still infected but not yet recovered. Fair proportion critical
Topic Originator: Boomer
Date: Fri 6 Mar 22:32
Friend of mine works for NHS, Doctor who specialises with viral illnesses reminds me of the number of people in UK who sadly die of influenza or pneumonia every year we are talking about thousands, so maybe a wee reality check needed in comparison.
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Sat 7 Mar 11:45
Media reporting in Italy was bordering on the hysterical from day 1 and as a result, many citizens have been driven to panic measures, emptying supermarkets of food and certain products such as bleach and hand wash bottles.
Ironically, now that thousands of people have been infected, the reporting is much more calm and rational, partly because government ministers have slammed the media for its sensational stance.
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sat 7 Mar 12:15
I don't know GG, with 200 dead in the space of a fortnight were they being hysterical? Yeah they probably still were being alarmist because by the time they started to report on it the virus had probably already taken hold so it was perhaps too late for the hysteria.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Sat 7 Mar 12:55
You know it's bad when Cowdenbeath is out of handwash and soap. Reports of looting in Falkirk, but that's normal.
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Sat 7 Mar 13:14
Big Asda was out of hand sanitizer and only had a couple of hand wash soaps on Thursday.
Just back from Tesco Rosyth and they've no hand soap or sanitizer.
Plenty of essentials though.. Bread, milk, etc.. Which is what I was there for... So it's not quite "end of days" just yet.
Topic Originator: twin par
Date: Sat 7 Mar 18:22
Some folks,really need to get a grip.Good old .soap and hot water, job done.As for stocking up on bog roll and the rest,they have truly lost the plot.Some sad folks going about.
Post Edited (Sat 07 Mar 18:25)
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Sat 7 Mar 18:26
What's pathetic is that all this stockpiling means that those in genuine need of these items aren't getting them. Been in 3 shops today and all cleared out of hand wash and soaps apart from the posher ones. No hand gel anywhere.
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Sat 7 Mar 18:59
In my office they wrote the company name on all the bottles. Clearly someone didn't realise that the contents of the bottle will wipe that writing off in seconds 😂
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sat 7 Mar 19:01
Bottles of what Jake?
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Sat 7 Mar 19:09
Alcohol gel. The name was written in marker on the bottle. We had 7 big bottles and it looks like 2 have gone missing.
Topic Originator: twin par
Date: Sat 7 Mar 19:39
People wearing masks are kidding themselves on.The virus is smaller than the fibres in the mask so gets through. Also,it's a virus not a bacteria,a huge difference.
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Sat 7 Mar 20:26
I think although some pantwetters are stocking up there are lots of folk buying extra essentials because they know supplies will be short due to stockpilers. I have bought a bit extra for that reason alone.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sat 7 Mar 20:52
I'll start buying extra because I know there might me shortages because some people are buying extra because they think there might be shortages because of those who are stockpiling.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: twin par
Date: Sat 7 Mar 21:23
I will say it again,get a grip you selfish people!
Topic Originator: Grant
Date: Sat 7 Mar 22:54
I've not had the need to go out and buy soap because we already had it in the house.
****** terrifying the amount of people that obviously don't wash there hands, clatty bast*rds.
Post Edited (Sat 07 Mar 22:55)
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Sat 7 Mar 23:01
I did notice,unusually,all guys leaving the toilet in the pub actually washed their hands tonight.At least it is improving hygiene I suppose.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sat 7 Mar 23:24
Italy goes into lock down. The Lombardy region will be sealed off execp to emergency services as Italy responds to the WHOs plea to make containment every nations top priority.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: wee eck
Date: Sun 8 Mar 00:17
''I did notice,unusually,all guys leaving the toilet in the pub actually washed their hands tonight.At least it is improving hygiene I suppose.''
But did they sing 'Happy Birthday' (twice)? That's the important bit.😊😊😊
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Sun 8 Mar 00:45
Hate that word
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sun 8 Mar 01:23
Lockdown is defined as a state of isolation or restricted access instituted as a security measure.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: Wotsit
Date: Sun 8 Mar 14:55
People have been stealing handwash from hospitals for years - it's 90% alcohol and some people are quite partial to consuming alcohol.
The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Sun 8 Mar 22:17
Coronavirus - what are the symptoms?
Most people who are infected by coronavirus feel like they have a common cold.
The most common symptoms are fever, sore throat, dry cough and fatigue but some also have headaches, nasal congestion or a runny nose.
Diarrhea and nausea have also been reported but are less common.
Symptoms will generally appear three to four days after exposure to the virus but can be up to 14 days later.
In serious cases, the symptoms will be similar to influenza.
Some might get pneumonia.
Some, at the much more severe end, will need to go to an intensive care unit (ICU) but that is a very small percentage.
Although it is less likely, some people who contract COVID-19 don't develop any symptoms or feel unwell in any way.
About 80 per cent of people recover from the disease without any special treatment.
Most people with minor symptoms will be told to quarantine themselves at home, keep up fluids and take paracetamol to control their temperature.
Patients have generally recovered in about four weeks.
The people who suffer more severe symptoms may require hospital admission, where they will be cared for in a negative pressure ward and might be given intravenous fluids or oxygen in more serious cases.
Some may develop an infection in their lower respiratory tract which could lead to pneumonia.
These patients would be treated in an ICU where high-flow oxygen may be administered or they may be intubated.
Severe pneumonia can lead to respiratory failure, which is the leading cause of death from coronavirus.
Post Edited (Sun 08 Mar 22:25)
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Sun 8 Mar 22:34
Topic Originator: twin par
Date: Sun 8 Mar 22:39
Just wash ,yet hands in hot soapy water ya minger 😀!
Topic Originator: Stanza
Date: Sun 8 Mar 23:30
Current UK figures (8 March) are 273 cases confirmed, and 4 deaths.
Italy on 25 February had 323 cases confirmed, and 11 deaths.
Italy now (8 March) has 7375 cases confirmed, and 366 deaths.
On that basis, the UK timeline is about a fortnight behind that of Italy.
I cannot see this football season lasting much longer in its current format. It will (at best) be played behind closed doors, provided teams can field a full complement of players. More probably, I think it will be suspended.
Support Dunfermline Athletic Disabled Supporters` Club (DADSC) when you shop online with one of 8000 firms: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/dadsc[
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Mon 9 Mar 08:24
If that happens clubs will go bust.
Topic Originator: Andrew283
Date: Mon 9 Mar 13:06
130 new deaths confirmed in Italy today. Here's an image that I've yet to see for the virus in terms of the age of the deceased which paints a pretty clear picture that like the general flu, it's the young and old that are far more at risk.
Edit. Actually, it looks like a bit of a viral anomaly. Might just be the sample size but no fatalities of anyone under 40? Thats incredibly weird
http://i.imgur.com/VYWdjEI.png[ /img]
Post Edited (Mon 09 Mar 13:09)
Topic Originator: wetherby
Date: Mon 9 Mar 13:15
I dont understand why flights arriving back in the UK from the north of Italy are not tested - passengers just passing through Arrivals as usual. Seems a very casual approach by our government.Reminds me a bit of that Gov Minister force feeding his daughter beefburgers at the height of the BSE crisis.
Topic Originator: sammer
Date: Mon 9 Mar 15:01
Do we know how many of these 4 deaths in the UK were of healthy adults over 40 years of age? The tabloids are whipping up frenzy and the supermarkets can’t believe their luck, but is it not most likely that the severe form of flu called coronavirus is fatal only for elderly people with underlying health problems? That doesn’t make it any more palatable for the victims but we know that elderly people do die from the effects of influenza at this time of year, coronavirus or not.
A number of us are old enough to have survived the Asian flu pandemic of 1968/69 which claimed around 33,000 deaths in the UK but I doubt any of us can remember much about it since once again it struck down people over 65. That was of limited interest to the Baby Boomers then, but now we are the ones over 65 we are dashing around like Corporal Jones from Dad’s Army.
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Mon 9 Mar 15:25
It has more to do with underlying problems than age although older people tend to have those underlying problems. Anyone with respiratory illnesses is at greater risk as it affectsthe alviolis, preventing oxygen getting to the bloodstream.
Topic Originator: sammer
Date: Mon 9 Mar 17:36
Not a very plausible theory. For almost 40 years China imposed a one child policy to prevent food shortages and they could do so again if required.
If they were going to concoct a virus they would surely come up with something a bit more lethal. These kind of theories circulated when AIDS and SAARS hit the news. The historical reality is that we are as only good as our immune system which wanes with age; or in certain situations we have failed to develop an effective immune system against certain viruses as happened when the native population of the Americas was decimated.
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Mon 9 Mar 19:07
Given how secretive China is, they could just kill the people and noone would find out.
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Mon 9 Mar 19:21
Was in wee asda about an hour ago... No sanitizer, hand soap, or bog roll on the shelves.
Wur doooooommmmmmed.
Doomed ah tell ye 🤣
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Mon 9 Mar 19:23
^^^^ LOL
Topic Originator: BigJPar
Date: Mon 9 Mar 19:56
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Mon 9 Mar 20:04
Met couple tonight £1500 down as they were supposed to be enjoying Italy just now but decided safer not to go.Unfortunate that FCO advice came too late or they would get paid back.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Mon 9 Mar 20:15
A bottle of Aldi vodka is more effective than hand sanitiser says Boris
Topic Originator: Bandy
Date: Mon 9 Mar 20:46
Andrew283 - I'm fairly sure the Chinese doctor/whistleblower who died was 34, so it 'can' hit younger people, although not in Italy so it would seem.
That said, I'm not sure he died of coronavirus. To paraphrase Blackadder it's more likely that he accidentally, brutally, cut his own head off whilst shaving.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Mon 9 Mar 21:23
The whole of Italy now subject to travel restrictions.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Mon 9 Mar 21:40
Bandy, Mon 9 Mar 20:46
That said, I'm not sure he died of coronavirus. To paraphrase Blackadder it's more likely that he accidentally, brutally, cut his own head off whilst shaving.
The italian ICU doctors have noted that the more recent admittees have been younger (40s).
Until we know more I think it is best that we're all careful....for our own sakes and others.
Topic Originator: Big T Par
Date: Mon 9 Mar 21:42
Really don't know how to feel about this. My own circumstances are that, I'm a Stage four melanoma patient, with metastases to my lungs and liver. I've been in this situation for nearly five years, and my last scan showed that I'm NED (No Evidence of Disease). Obviously, that's amazing, but I obviously have underlying health issues. I feel fine and have done for years, despite being classed as terminal.
My immune system was recharged, so to speak, with the treatment that I received to fight the cancer, so I don't think I'm immunosuppressed. Really confused and a tad concerned. Think I may need to get in touch with my oncologist.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Mon 9 Mar 22:00
That's the best approach Big T....they can give you a line that you should follow and even if you want to be a bit more risk averse, that'll be ok too.
For me, the issue is that we don't understand this enough yet, but as usual a lot of the debate is the two extreme positions of "you're being too risk averse" vs "the end of the world is nigh".
With more time and more data we will all form better opinions.
You and yours must have been through the wringer over the past few years. It is great to read your news 🤘
Topic Originator: Big T Par
Date: Mon 9 Mar 22:06
Thank you sir. Aye, hell would be pretty close to what has happened, but hey ho, I'm still here and feel beyond blessed to be able to say that. Thanks again mate 🤘🤘
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Mon 9 Mar 22:33
Travel insurance - the simple truth is that you are unlikely to have coverage for coronavirus...
Key points:
Many travellers are confused about what their insurance will cover if they contract the illness overseas. Consumer group Choice says if you don't already have travel insurance, cover for coronavirus is unlikely.
Carefully read your policy's product disclosure statement, many policies do not provide cover for infectious disease.
Some insurance underwriters have already defined the coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic. Epidemic and pandemic-related costs are excluded from many policies, even if the policy was taken out before a pandemic was declared.
According to the insurance industry, the only way to be assured of coverage for cancellation, no matter what, is to buy "cancel-for-any-reason" policies.
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Mon 9 Mar 22:35
Keep on keeping on, Big T Par!
Topic Originator: Big T Par
Date: Mon 9 Mar 22:42
OzPar, Mon 9 Mar 22:35
Keep on keeping on, Big T Par!
I surely will Oz. Thank you 👍
Post Edited (Mon 09 Mar 22:43)
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Mon 9 Mar 22:55
OZ I believe if the advice from the foreign office is not to travel to an area then insurances pay out.I might find out as we have a rather expensive holiday to Mexico late May.
Also take care Big T and hopefully this will soon be over.
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Tue 10 Mar 01:33
Buspasspar, Mon 9 Mar 20:15
A bottle of Aldi vodka is more effective than hand sanitiser says Boris
Hes probably right but id love to see the look on an officers face after someone reported me for reeking of vodka in the taxi. Aye offisher a jist washed ma hauns wi it hic!
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Tue 10 Mar 02:49
PARrot, Tue 10 Mar 01:33
Buspasspar, Mon 9 Mar 20:15
A bottle of Aldi vodka is more effective than hand sanitiser says Boris
Hes probably right but id love to see the look on an officers face after someone reported me for reeking of vodka in the taxi. Aye offisher a jist washed ma hauns wi it hic!
Apparently you can make your own hand gel simply by adding alcohol to a bottle of normal hand wash. Mind you, you would need hand wash in the first place. It is slightly easier to get than hand gel though.
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Tue 10 Mar 06:12
Big T Par, Mon 9 Mar 22:06
Thank you sir. Aye, hell would be pretty close to what has happened, but hey ho, I'm still here and feel beyond blessed to be able to say that. Thanks again mate 🤘🤘
You're one helluva gutsy individual, Big T and a shining example to us all. What a brilliant mindset you have. It must be a greàt help to you and to all who have to battle this horrible disease.
Lang may your mum reek. 😊
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Tue 10 Mar 07:04
Family is off limits GG!😃
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Tue 10 Mar 08:22
Thinking about you Big T Par hope all goes well fella
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Tue 10 Mar 08:40
ipswichpar, Tue 10 Mar 07:04
Family is off limits GG!😃
Indeed, Ipswich. We were due to fly over to Naples and head south for 10 days at the end of this month, but will follow the advice issued by the Foreign Office yesterday.
It would be nice if Easyjet were to offer us a refund, or credit towards a future flight.
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Tue 10 Mar 09:35
GG Riva, Tue 10 Mar 08:40
ipswichpar, Tue 10 Mar 07:04
Family is off limits GG!😃
Indeed, Ipswich. We were due to fly over to Naples and head south for 10 days at the end of this month, but will follow the advice issued by the Foreign Office yesterday.
It would be nice if Easyjet were to offer us a refund, or credit towards a future flight.
Really sorry to hear that you cant get back. Hopefully Easyjet will see sense and make you right (given the FO advice I cant see how they can reasonably maintain that position).
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Tue 10 Mar 09:40
Flights booked for April to USA, had an email from airline company saying I can reschedule free of charge.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Tue 10 Mar 13:41
That's good of them. I'm in a similar position to GG. Booked a holiday to Venice for my parents Christmas present but havent heard anything back about potential refunds. Ryanair (yeah I spoiled them) have cancelled the original flight they were booked on but lastminute haven't updated us after the change to the FCO advice.
Topic Originator: Big T Par
Date: Tue 10 Mar 14:18
Thanks for the thoughts guys. Appreciate them all 🖤🖤
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Tue 10 Mar 14:51
Sorry I forgot to add stay safe to my message too!
Topic Originator: DBP
Date: Tue 10 Mar 15:59
I think if you're flight is cancelled (or even delayed over 4 hours then you can claim a refund)
If they do cancel them next time book is with easy jet. Ryan Air don't fly anywhere near Venice whereas easy jet go straight into Venice Airport
Post Edited (Tue 10 Mar 16:00)
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Tue 10 Mar 16:14
Lpf, I think most of the lastminute.com stuff is atol or abta covered. If not hopefully your credit card provider will cover it.
Post Edited (Tue 10 Mar 16:19)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Tue 10 Mar 19:15
< >
Topic Originator: BigJPar
Date: Tue 10 Mar 19:43
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Tue 10 Mar 20:26
ipswichpar, Tue 10 Mar 16:14
Lpf, I think most of the lastminute.com stuff is atol or abta covered. If not hopefully your credit card provider will cover it.
Thanks buddy but I think that only covers you if the travel company goes paps up. I made the school boy error of booking with my debit card so I cant do a section 75 either.
It looks like they've kept the flight code and changed the times so the flight hasn't officially been cancelled it's been rescheduled although they might do it at a later time. I'm going to see if my insurance will cover it if we cancel but not sure if it will.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Tue 10 Mar 20:27
DBP, Tue 10 Mar 15:59
I think if you're flight is cancelled (or even delayed over 4 hours then you can claim a refund)
If they do cancel them next time book is with easy jet. Ryan Air don't fly anywhere near Venice whereas easy jet go straight into Venice Airport
Treviso isnt too bad although Marco Polo is obviously better. I was doing it on the cheap as it was that or something smaller.
Topic Originator: SAP PAR
Date: Tue 10 Mar 21:55
If you’re a heavy smoker you should be worried no matter what your age.
Topic Originator: Scottn4312
Date: Tue 10 Mar 22:05
Joe Rogan has released his latest podcast which happened to be with an infectious diseases expert. It's a long listen but the first 10 minutes will give you an idea of what we are dealing with.
I've been pretty relaxed about this up until now, but this has dramatically changed my thoughts.
Post Edited (Wed 11 Mar 13:43)
Topic Originator: wetherby
Date: Tue 10 Mar 22:39
Health Minister and Tory MP Nadine Dorries has tested positive for the virus.
Post Edited (Tue 10 Mar 22:46)
Topic Originator: Stanza
Date: Wed 11 Mar 01:55
londonparsfan, Tue 10 Mar 20:26
ipswichpar, Tue 10 Mar 16:14
Lpf, I think most of the lastminute.com stuff is atol or abta covered. If not hopefully your credit card provider will cover it.
Thanks buddy but I think that only covers you if the travel company goes paps up. I made the school boy error of booking with my debit card so I cant do a section 75 either.
Not sure if your specific circumstances will qualify, but remember that a debit card also carries a discretionary "chargeback" procedure whereby you might get your money back.
Support Dunfermline Athletic Disabled Supporters` Club (DADSC) when you shop online with one of 8000 firms: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/dadsc[
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Wed 11 Mar 03:12
The Joe Rogan interview is well worth listening to. A very comprehensive overview of the situation. Thanks for the link, Scottn4312.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Wed 11 Mar 08:24
You could not make this up :- The HEALTH minister has tested positive
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Wed 11 Mar 08:32
It is no great surprise....she's someone who routinely meets a lot of people. Handwashing helps but sometimes you just cant control things.....like the overly friendly delivery driver who got a bit too close to me last night or the muppet who coughed right in my face in the doctor surgery car park a few weeks ago. The Joe Rogan podcast expert makes you think.....
Hopefully Ms Dorries will be fine (sounds like she's ok) and she hasnt passed it on to her 84 year old maw who is staying with her.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Wed 11 Mar 09:24
Cheers Stanza I'll keep that in mind!
Topic Originator: Stoo
Date: Wed 11 Mar 10:16
That Joe Rogan podcast is good. Assuming he knows what he's talking about and I personally trusts he does then its concerning but also liberating to know facts.
No hearsay and things that politicians are saying.
The long and short is, be as healthy as you can and ride it out, its going to be around for a long time.
Topic Originator: Playup_Pompey
Date: Wed 11 Mar 13:01
Norway vs Serbia behind closed doors following ban on gatherings of over 500 people in Norway. Meaning should Norway prevail the nations league Final will be behind closed doors in Oslo with Scotland or Israel as the opponents.
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Wed 11 Mar 18:17
Playup_Pompey, Wed 11 Mar 13:01
Norway vs Serbia behind closed doors following ban on gatherings of over 500 people in Norway.
At least if they introduce something similar in Scotland, Cowdenbeath games will remain unaffected.
Topic Originator: Stoo
Date: Wed 11 Mar 22:22
Was looking forward to a trip to Romania on April 1st. Their government had Italy, China and Korea in a "red zone" which meant people coming from those countries were placed in quarantine for 14 days and have just added Spain, Germany and France to that list so can't see that trip being viable now or especially by April.
I assume these measures are, generally, for Romanians coming home and not for daft wide eyed tourists and flights from Red Zone areas are being rapidly cancelled anyway.
Only losing a couple hundred on flights so if and when Ryanair cancel those I'd be interested to see their policy, being money grabbing basturts at the best of times.
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Thu 12 Mar 00:41
Given that the coronavirus has now officially been designated a pandemic, the odds are very short that pretty soon we will all be following the path that Italy has taken with a 'lockdown'.
I have just been reading a first-hand account of what the lockdown in Italy actually entails and it really does give you pause to consider the seriousness of all this.
You might just want to make some preparations ahead of any formal announcement.
Here, the writer outlines the direct impact of some of the measures that have been adopted...
"It caused a little bit of a panic I think amongst a lot of people. I was one of those who was at the doorstep at 8:30am this morning to the supermarket to be greeted by extra staff, security … as we entered the supermarket.
"There were 10 people allowed in at a time. We had to wear gloves to touch all produce, whether it be fresh or packaged, as well as [keep a ] 1-metre distance from the cashier and other people who are working around the supermarket."
The usually bustling streets of Turin, nestled in the foothills of the Italian Alps, are eerily quiet.
"Since last night, it's been a really big shift as far as a lot of small businesses are closed. Bars, cafes, restaurants, pubs have been asked if they do operate that it's between 7:00am in the morning and 6:00pm in the afternoon. It's quite a depressing mood at the moment".
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Thu 12 Mar 06:09
With the US having closed the door to Europe (though not the UK so far), Australia is now considering doing the same.
Looks like international travel may well be coming to a standstill worldwide within the next few weeks and it could be like that for a very long time to come.
Topic Originator: parsmad68
Date: Thu 12 Mar 06:36
Ant and Dec’s “You’ve got a place on the Plane-er-maybe” might not be happening.
Also how does the USA deal with Shenghen people who transit into them through the UK? Is it the passport that forces the exclusion or the flights country of origin
Post Edited (Thu 12 Mar 06:37)
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Thu 12 Mar 07:23
Supposed to be on our way to New York next Friday......totally undecided as to what to do.
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Thu 12 Mar 08:14
OzPar, Thu 12 Mar 06:09
With the US having closed the door to Europe (though not the UK so far), Australia is now considering doing the same.
Looks like international travel may well be coming to a standstill worldwide within the next few weeks and it could be like that for a very long time to come.
Aye, well done, Mr President. He was quite casual and dismissive of the coronavirus only a few days ago.
What's to stop any European flying to Lòndon and then to the USA?
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Thu 12 Mar 08:15
US immigration officials...suspect anyone trying that will just get punted straight back.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Thu 12 Mar 08:25
Moving on to delay stage from containment today
Topic Originator: Stoo
Date: Thu 12 Mar 08:39
da_no_1 wrote:
> Supposed to be on our way to New York next Friday......totally undecided as to what to do.
With the speed the situation is changing I could see that decision being made for you by next Friday. Personally, I wouldn't want to get stuck anywhere.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Thu 12 Mar 08:46
Stoo, Thu 12 Mar 08:39
da_no_1 wrote:
> Supposed to be on our way to New York next Friday......totally undecided as to what to do.
With the speed the situation is changing I could see that decision being made for you by next Friday. Personally, I wouldn't want to get stuck anywhere.
That's the approach I would take too. I wouldn't enjoy a break with that hanging over me. The UK government are expecting a spike in cases during that window, and it would be consistent for the US to then ban UK travellers (I'm sure it'll be a lot easier to get out than in, though).
I'd definitely be looking to delay until I could travel at a time when it would be more enjoyable.
But you might have different risk thresholds to me.
Sleep on it....I think itll become obvious what's the best decision for you in a couple of days. Good luck.
Topic Originator: DAFC23
Date: Thu 12 Mar 09:39
Also been watching the daily you tube updates by Dr John Campbell some are a bit long at 20mins but he's quite good at explaining things in easy to understand terms.
Think a lot of people are still underestimating the effect this could have if a lot of people get ill at same time.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Thu 12 Mar 10:41
I absolutely don't want to be flippant about the virus as its obviously serious but if you did have to get stranded somewhere..
Topic Originator: saltonsgonagetu
Date: Thu 12 Mar 12:42
Nicola Sturgeon tells FMQs that gatherings of 500+ people likely to be stopped in Scotland from Monday but current advice is NOT to close schools and universities
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Thu 12 Mar 12:58
Mental. Stop crowds gathering outside but allow equally sized crowds inside in an air conditioned building with air circulating. It makes no sense to me whatsoever.
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Thu 12 Mar 14:16
Italian news channels last night reported that a man waiting to be tested in a Naples hospital, took his frustration out on a doctor and nurse who were carrying out the procedure, by spitting in their faces. They were immediately sent home and quarantined for 2 weeks.
That will be very helpful to those involved in trying to help the coronavirus victims.
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: Frank Butchers LoveHandles
Date: Thu 12 Mar 14:48
Got my honeymoon a week on Sunday. Carribean cruise. The thought of being quarantined in a cabin for weeks on end gives me the fear.
Awight Pat!
Topic Originator: Scottn4312
Date: Thu 12 Mar 16:19
saltonsgonagetu, Thu 12 Mar 12:42
Nicola Sturgeon tells FMQs that gatherings of 500+ people likely to be stopped in Scotland from Monday but current advice is NOT to close schools and universities
Madness. Stop events of that size yet my office that has thousands in it every day will carry on as normal. Theres just no consistency or clarity here.
Topic Originator: wee eck
Date: Thu 12 Mar 16:25
The ban on public gatherings is to ease the pressure on the emergency services which might be involved in such events.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Thu 12 Mar 17:40
My American visitors due 25th this month have cancelled with a full refund
Topic Originator: Big T Par
Date: Thu 12 Mar 18:58
**** got real 😔. Been told that as I have had my immune system "tweaked" to deal with the cancer, I may be at higher risk of complications, if I come down with this. FVCK SAKE
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Thu 12 Mar 19:07
Stay safe bud, and dont be embarrassed about getting others around you telt to do so too. It is all about managing risk rather anything definitive. I just wish our policymakers were paying more attention....
Topic Originator: Big T Par
Date: Thu 12 Mar 19:15
ipswichpar, Thu 12 Mar 19:07
Stay safe bud, and dont be embarrassed about getting others around you telt to do so too. It is all about managing risk rather anything definitive. I just wish our policymakers were paying more attention....
Will do bud. Cheers. There are many worried professionals at the centre, just now, very worried at how this is gonna play out 😢😢
Post Edited (Thu 12 Mar 19:19)
Topic Originator: JTH123
Date: Thu 12 Mar 19:35
Just listened to Jeremy Hunt on channel 4 news. He said that if 5% of the public get the virus and 5% of them end up in intensive care that would mean 150,000 intensive care beds required. We have 4000.
Topic Originator: BigJPar
Date: Thu 12 Mar 19:53
Topic Originator: Mr Mac
Date: Thu 12 Mar 20:02
I think for once in his life he has been honest when he talked about many more people/ families being affected.
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Thu 12 Mar 20:18
Big T Par, Thu 12 Mar 18:58
**** got real 😔. Been told that as I have had my immune system "tweaked" to deal with the cancer, I may be at higher risk of complications, if I come down with this. FVCK SAKE
That explains why some people who are fighting another illness/disease are more at risk than healthy folk of the same age.
Look after yourself as much as you can, mate. You've got more than enough on your plate, without having any extra $h!t to deal with.
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Thu 12 Mar 22:36
Topic Originator: Big T Par
Date: Thu 12 Mar 22:41
GG Riva, Thu 12 Mar 20:18
Big T Par, Thu 12 Mar 18:58
**** got real 😔. Been told that as I have had my immune system "tweaked" to deal with the cancer, I may be at higher risk of complications, if I come down with this. FVCK SAKE
That explains why some people who are fighting another illness/disease are more at risk than healthy folk of the same age.
Look after yourself as much as you can, mate. You've got more than enough on your plate, without having any extra $h!t to deal with.
I will indeed GG. Thank you
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Thu 12 Mar 22:42
It is being suggested that it is no coincidence that Britain was excluded from the Europe-wide travel ban to the USA as Trump owns golf resorts in the UK and Ireland.
Given Trump’s preoccupation with his investments throughout his time in office, it is as plausible an explanation as any for an otherwise pointless decision.
Topic Originator: red-star-par
Date: Thu 12 Mar 23:15
OzPar, Thu 12 Mar 22:42
It is being suggested that it is no coincidence that Britain was excluded from the Europe-wide travel ban to the USA as Trump owns golf resorts in the UK and Ireland.
Given Trump’s preoccupation with his j investments throughout his time in office, it is as plausible an explanation as any for an otherwise pointless decision.
I was at Trumps Balmedie Course today, and there was about 20 people there. Wouldn't think those sort of numbers are worth keeping us out of a travel ban
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Fri 13 Mar 00:04
OzPar, Thu 12 Mar 22:42
It is being suggested that it is no coincidence that Britain was excluded from the Europe-wide travel ban to the USA as Trump owns golf resorts in the UK and Ireland.
Given Trump’s preoccupation with his investments throughout his time in office, it is as plausible an explanation as any for an otherwise pointless decision.
Don't be stupid
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Fri 13 Mar 00:26
I am quoting from two separate articles in The Guardian. Not always the most reliable source, but generally better than most (Mail, Express, Sun, etc). Simple logic would dictate that the UK and Ireland should have been included in the ban. This has Trump's fingerprints all over it.
Topic Originator: DulochConvert
Date: Fri 13 Mar 00:48
The trump hotels can’t be so close to failing that 2 extra weeks will save them! Silly, just silly.
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Fri 13 Mar 10:37
DulochConvert, Fri 13 Mar 00:48
The trump hotels can’t be so close to failing that 2 extra weeks will save them! Silly, just silly.
It is silly indeed but we are talking about the stupidest most corrupt politician on earth. I really wouldn't put it past him. He gets all his military and other trvelling personell to go through Prestwick and stay at his resort at inflated prices. It isnt just local golf income, and all of his resorts are losing money on a grand scale.
Topic Originator: dave67
Date: Fri 13 Mar 11:46
Seems that the TSB in rosyth has closed for 7 days due to coronavirus
Topic Originator: BigJPar
Date: Fri 13 Mar 12:37
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Fri 13 Mar 14:40
<<It is silly indeed but we are talking about the stupidest most corrupt politician on earth. I really wouldn't put it past him. He gets all his military and other trvelling personell to go through Prestwick and stay at his resort at inflated prices. It isnt just local golf income, and all of his resorts are losing money on a grand scale.>>
Indeed true. Trump also insisted that his VP, Mike Pence, and his entourage stay at his golf resort in the west of Ireland while visiting Dublin. That's the equivalent of staying in Fort William or Oban while holding meetings in Aberdeen.
This man is driven by his personal gain in everything he says and does. The golf resort angle on the UK exemption is now being pretty widely reported. Wouldn't it be poetic justice if he himself were to be infected with the virus!
TRUMP: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."
We've known for long enough that this emperor has no clothes.
Topic Originator: wetherby
Date: Fri 13 Mar 20:45
Been watching Trump's press conference, good grief what a disaster , does he believe his own s@@t. He makes Johnson look in command of his brief and the situation and that's something I never thought I would say.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Fri 13 Mar 21:03
"Nasty question"...lol. Hopefully will be gone soon (I mean not reelected rather than dead).
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Fri 13 Mar 22:00
Trump apparently saying not his fault that testing etc poor.Liked this comment below.
Harry S. Truman, January 19, 1953: "The President has to decide. He can't pass the buck to anybody. No one else can do the deciding for him. That's his job."
Donald J. Trump, March 13, 2020: "I don't take responsibility at all."
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Fri 13 Mar 23:11
With the mortality rate and the lack of critical care in thisn country, the herd approach seems like an unnecessary gamble for a lot of our compatriots......they dont even really understand this virus well enough IMO. I think we need to heed the lessons from Lombardy and China.....this could easily get out of hand. And there are reports of longer term lung damage it might not be as easy as 4 days then all is forgotten....
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Fri 13 Mar 23:29
renegade master, Fri 13 Mar 21:58
Herd Immunity is where we should now be looking at to get this over with.
Same as children Chicken Pox parties.
Aslong as these <60 people then self isolate it allows us to get on and continue.
The 1st case in Scotland spoke on Radio Scotland tonight he was mildly ill for 4 days! Job Done!
No evidence you can catch it twice!
No it's not. Would you be prepared to sacrifice some of your family? The virus has already mutated once since it broke in China and there's a fair chance people can catch any future strands of it.
The best thing we could have done would have been to have copied South Korea's response and all the other countries that got hammered by SARS but we've probably missed the boat for that.
We weren't even testing people that had the symptoms unless they've been to a high risk location or come into contact with a confirmed case. The whole response has been done on the on the cheap.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Fri 13 Mar 23:44
Lpf, be fair. Nobody can say with any degree of certainty what the 'best thing to do' is.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Sat 14 Mar 00:32
I did make a mistake above I mistook South Korea for Taiwan at stopping the spread - apologies.
Topic Originator: P
Date: Sat 14 Mar 06:08
I’m amazed some folk are still actually peddling the “flu is worse” line despite all the evidence to the contrary.
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Sat 14 Mar 06:20
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced new restrictions requiring travellers to be quarantined for 14 days upon entry into the country in an attempt to stop the spread of coronavirus.
Jacinda Ardern calls the restrictions the "toughest border restrictions of any country in the world". All cruise ships are banned from going to New Zealand until June 30
The restrictions apply to all countries except for Pacific nations and will come into effect at midnight on Sunday. It also includes any New Zealand citizens or residents returning to the country.
New Zealand has six confirmed cases and no recorded deaths.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Sat 14 Mar 09:52
Unless I'm missing something it looks like all the horse racing is going ahead ?
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sat 14 Mar 09:57
Let's face it horse racing gets most of its money from the bookies and only 10% of bets are placed at the track so they can just do the racing behind closed doors.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Sat 14 Mar 10:09
Dafc.net never ceases to amazes me. Last month many of us revealed ourselves as being expert engineers after the Queensferry Crossing closed. Now we find we've dozens of infectious disease experts. The Pars surely have the best qualified fans on the planet.
Topic Originator: wee eck
Date: Sat 14 Mar 10:51
Yes, jake. Some of us also think we know something about football!
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Sat 14 Mar 11:37
wee eck, Sat 14 Mar 10:51
Yes, jake. Some of us also think we know something about football!
And most of us know more about quantum physics than we do about football 🥴
Topic Originator: Thaipar
Date: Sat 14 Mar 11:40
Jet 2 flights turned back mid air as all flight now to Spain cancelled with immediate effect.
Any body arriving in New Zealand will be quarantined for 14 days including NZ citizens.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Sat 14 Mar 12:23
jake89, Sat 14 Mar 10:09
Dafc.net never ceases to amazes me. Last month many of us revealed ourselves as being expert engineers after the Queensferry Crossing closed. Now we find we've dozens of infectious disease experts. The Pars surely have the best qualified fans on the planet.
I get where you are coming from Jake and I certainly no not profess to be an expert but I don't think you have to be to recognise that if countries that border China (therefore having an exponentially larger exposure to travel/risk with China than the UK) currently have "stats" that look like:
Hong Kong
No of infections: 131 No of Deaths: 3
No of infections: 50 No of Deaths: 1
And compare them to us:
No of infections: 798 No of Deaths: 11
And then consider that both Hong Kong and Taiwan have stabilised the number of new cases and are believed to be on top of it whereas we are expecting our cases/deaths to rise significantly over the coming weeks then you can't help but think they might just have had a better plan to deal with it than we did.
Taiwan was onto this in December apparently. The people in Taiwan have been that impressed with the Governments handling of the crisis that their approval rating has just gone up in the middle of a global pandemic.
If you look at this herd immunity stuff and take the numbers in this Sky article:
Its interesting that its use of numbers stop short of quite a key number: how many people will die.
Apparently we will need 60% of 66.4 million people to be infected which comes out at 40 odd million and using % from other countries it looks like 8 million will then need hospital treatment. Bizarrely (or not when you consider the source) the article doesn't actually mention that we can't even come close to handling an extra 8 million hospital cases and in countries where the health system has been over whelmed the death rate rises to between 3 and 5%.
3% of 40 million is 1.2 million.
5% of 40 million is 2 million.
1% of 40 million is 400,000
0.2% of 40 million is 80,000 (this is the mortality rate for the age demographics that they hope the virus will neatly package itself into according to the article below)
Any one of those figures is nuts.
Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore have all spent a fortune implementing control measures to keep people alive. You don't need any medical qualification IMO to see that they've been way more successful than us in handling this. It's also interesting that nobody has come out and said how many people the UK is prepared to lose if we go down this herd immunity plan.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Sat 14 Mar 13:16
jake89, Sat 14 Mar 10:09
Dafc.net never ceases to amazes me. Last month many of us revealed ourselves as being expert engineers after the Queensferry Crossing closed. Now we find we've dozens of infectious disease experts. The Pars surely have the best qualified fans on the planet.
Things are much easier to understand when you dont have your head in the sand.
As per lpf's post, it really is as simple that all other countries are doing it differently and we are being led by a self-interested liar.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Sat 14 Mar 14:37
Number of UK deaths now at 21.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sat 14 Mar 14:58
How are they doing it differently in Germany and France?
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Sat 14 Mar 15:00
Surely even the more brainless .net posters can put party politics to one side for a few months. The buffoon has no say in how we as a country handles this. I'd bet you my house if the "measures" implemented by other countries had been mirrored here there would be blood on the streets
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Sat 14 Mar 15:16
I assume you have not been "stupid" and taken that trip to New York?
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Sat 14 Mar 15:33
OzPar, Sat 14 Mar 15:16
I assume you have not been "stupid" and taken that trip to New York?
Not meant to go til Friday. Will lose £800 for the hotel but hopefully get a credit note for UA flights.
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Sat 14 Mar 15:39
da_no_1, Sat 14 Mar 15:00
Surely even the more brainless .net posters can put party politics to one side for a few months. The buffoon has no say in how we as a country handles this. I'd bet you my house if the "measures" implemented by other countries had been mirrored here there would be blood on the streets
Are you serious? The Prime Minsiter of the
UK doesn't control the UK's response to this and your calling other people brainless?
What measures implemented by Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan or even South Korea as an example of a country where it blew up and was reigned back in would cause blood on the streets? Did you write the SFA civil unrest quote?
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Sat 14 Mar 15:49
londonparsfan, Sat 14 Mar 15:39
da_no_1, Sat 14 Mar 15:00
Surely even the more brainless .net posters can put party politics to one side for a few months. The buffoon has no say in how we as a country handles this. I'd bet you my house if the "measures" implemented by other countries had been mirrored here there would be blood on the streets
Are you serious? The Prime Minsiter of the
UK doesn't control the UK's response to this and your calling other people brainless?
What measures implemented by Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan or even South Korea as an example of a country where it blew up and was reigned back in would cause blood on the streets? Did you write the SFA civil unrest quote?
So you think Boris is a leading expert on deadly viruses and how to deal with them? Or do you think he takes expert advice from scientists and others far better qualified?
Would Corbyn have done anything differently?
Put your hatred for the Tories in the bin FFS
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Post Edited (Sat 14 Mar 15:50)
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Sat 14 Mar 16:10
da_no_1, Sat 14 Mar 15:49
londonparsfan, Sat 14 Mar 15:39
da_no_1, Sat 14 Mar 15:00
Surely even the more brainless .net posters can put party politics to one side for a few months. The buffoon has no say in how we as a country handles this. I'd bet you my house if the "measures" implemented by other countries had been mirrored here there would be blood on the streets
Are you serious? The Prime Minsiter of the
UK doesn't control the UK's response to this and your calling other people brainless?
What measures implemented by Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan or even South Korea as an example of a country where it blew up and was reigned back in would cause blood on the streets? Did you write the SFA civil unrest quote?
So you think Boris is a leading expert on deadly viruses and how to deal with them? Or do you think he takes expert advice from scientists and others far better qualified?
Would Corbyn have done anything differently?
Put your hatred for the Tories in the bin FFS
Can you help me by pointing out where someone has posted something anti Tory?
Corbyn would still be setting up a working party to assess the possible impact and options we could consider. Assessing anything by asking "am i doing a better job than Corbyn?" is a low bar indeed.
Boris and his crew didn't need experts recently, now they do.....I cant help but think with their actions that someone has a spreadsheet somewhere comparing human vs economic cost, as this current approach is going to cost lives.
And you dont need to take my word for it, listen to the WHO and many independent professors.
Topic Originator: sammer
Date: Sat 14 Mar 16:37
The government ‘experts’ like Cummings will be doing daily calculations to answer LPF’s question: what is an acceptable number of deaths? I mentioned previously the Hong Kong flu from 1969 which barely registered with anyone here, including myself, and the death toll then was estimated at 30,000 -50,000 so presumably that would be considered acceptable. However 500,000 deaths would be higher than the casualties suffered by Britain in WW2 and is presumably unacceptable, therefore if that projection comes on to the radar more stringent measures would be required.
As LPF indicated, the deaths won’t be such a political problem if they are largely confined to the ill or elderly. The bigger issue is presumably providing medical care for the numbers who are badly affected and require treatment.
Corbyn should be grateful he lost the last election otherwise he would be appearing in tabloids as the Grim Reaper, cutting down swathes of elderly Tory voters as part of some plot hatched in China. ‘Herd Immunity? Stop treating us like cattle, you socialist swine!’ He’s well out of it.
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Sat 14 Mar 16:52
I never understand this mad rush to close schools. How will this help?
All the parents with then have to arrange childcare or time off work. Childcare would probably fall to grandparents. Now there is a recipe for deaths. What about all the health workers with children. What do they do? Not go to work or leave their children alone or get their parents to look after them.
Unless loads of teachers go off sick keep the schools open.
So what are the benefits in closing schools?
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Sat 14 Mar 17:02
Having seen a bunch of kids coughing in each others' faces yesterday (not maliciously they were only 5!) and with secondary school kids sitting next to 5 or 10 different kids each day and travelling into school, often on public transport, it strikes me that they are the most efficient mode of transmission we actually have.
I agree that the solution isnt easy. Even keeping schools open for those that wish to attend clearly walks straight into a have vs have nots, as not everyone can afford to keep their kids at home. On the plus side, fewer kids would allow them to increase the distance between children and reduce transmission.
Either way, I have a newly heightened respect for teachers and our front line medical staff.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sat 14 Mar 17:24
For it to be effective experts say schools would need to close for 16 weeks.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Sat 14 Mar 17:27
Well, that's not much of a price to pay in my book. I think we should try and find a new normal for a while.
Better than cracking on, watching the body bags piling up and hoping we build some immunity.
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Sat 14 Mar 18:29
ipswichpar, Sat 14 Mar 17:02
Having seen a bunch of kids coughing in each others' faces yesterday (not maliciously they were only 5!) and with secondary school kids sitting next to 5 or 10 different kids each day and travelling into school, often on public transport, it strikes me that they are the most efficient mode of transmission we actually have.
Either way, I have a newly heightened respect for teachers and our front line medical staff.
So would you think that taking them out of school and letting their grand parents look after them is a viable solution. After all kids do not show any symptoms. They could already be infected.
Or let their parents look after them so they can't go to work.
I heard that at least 33% of health workers have young children. Can we afford to have them at home watching their kids?
Post Edited (Sat 14 Mar 18:30)
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Sat 14 Mar 19:01
moviescot, Sat 14 Mar 18:29
ipswichpar, Sat 14 Mar 17:02
Having seen a bunch of kids coughing in each others' faces yesterday (not maliciously they were only 5!) and with secondary school kids sitting next to 5 or 10 different kids each day and travelling into school, often on public transport, it strikes me that they are the most efficient mode of transmission we actually have.
Either way, I have a newly heightened respect for teachers and our front line medical staff.
So would you think that taking them out of school and letting their grand parents look after them is a viable solution. After all kids do not show any symptoms. They could already be infected.
Or let their parents look after them so they can't go to work.
I heard that at least 33% of health workers have young children. Can we afford to have them at home watching their kids?
The debate about parents or grandparents ignores lots of other options, one being continuing school for only those kids and others staying at home to create more space. Clearly putting them with grandparents is completely inappropriate.
This is an abnormal situation and we will need some innovative solutions. The childcare will need to be state-led IMO. Everybody sorting their own won't work for everybody.
And those that make the biggest sacrifices need that to be recognised.
Topic Originator: dafc
Date: Sat 14 Mar 19:18
If child care is to be state led, why close the schools at all then? No point closing schools and sending the kids to where? The school for child care?
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Sat 14 Mar 19:27
There will be fewer of them there, which will delay transmission, which is their stated objective.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Sat 14 Mar 19:30
Fear not Dominic has the situation well under control
My next door neighbour is a Paramedic and we were discussing the virus today
I said I had heard that if you have fluid as in mucus ..snotters.. et al then you have nothing to worry about as the corona virus is a dry virus
Jim said we get daily updates at work and up untill today no one has a fekin clue
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Sat 14 Mar 20:49
The One Who Knocks, Sat 14 Mar 17:24
For it to be effective experts say schools would need to close for 16 weeks.
Arlene Foster must have consulted the same "eperts" you allude to, TOWK. Schools in N. Ireland have closed for a minimum of 16 weeks according to her.
On a side note, it was reported that in Italy all shops are closed apart from those selling food and pharmacies. Not strictly true. Tobacconists are also allowed to open, apparently.
Maybe tobacco smoke kills the virus?
Not your average Sunday League player.
Post Edited (Sun 15 Mar 10:47)
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Sat 14 Mar 21:03
LochgellyAlbert, Tue 3 Mar 17:21
Flying to Chicago via Dublin in 4 weeks for my son's wedding!🙏🙏🙏
Ah well that's that f*cked!!😡😥💔
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Sat 14 Mar 21:05
Buspasspar, Sat 14 Mar 19:30
Fear not Dominic has the situation well under control
My next door neighbour is a Paramedic and we were discussing the virus today
I said I had heard that if you have fluid as in mucus ..snotters.. et al then you have nothing to worry about as the corona virus is a dry virus
Jim said we get daily updates at work and up untill today no one has a fekin clue
So all the medical expert advice is wrong? I'm eternally gratefully for .nets updates from Jim the paramedic
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sat 14 Mar 21:09
Indee GG. The government is predicting the infection rate will peak in 10 weeks. Just in time for the NI schools going back. And then we'll get a double peak no doubt.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: JTH123
Date: Sat 14 Mar 21:30
According to the BBC Arlene Foster said their schools will be shut at least 16 weeks.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sat 14 Mar 21:54
I'm guessing GG meant 16 weeks in his post and not 6! That's makes more sense now.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Sat 14 Mar 22:29
Quote da no 1 :-
So all the medical expert advice is wrong? I'm eternally gratefully for .nets updates from Jim the paramedic
da no 1 with the greatest respect that you don't deserve Jim is at the front line he gets updates on the situation daily and according to him the NHS do not have a clue to what is happening
This is for various reasons but in the main it would appear that the UK Government is ill prepared and has poor communication with the people who will ultimately be responsible if you live or die
Nothing to do with Jim he is not on .net but he has highlighted the confusion that is prevalent within our preparations
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Sat 14 Mar 22:40
Vladimir Putin seems to be keeping very quiet at the moment.
Given that Russia has borders with China, Korea and Europe, there's got to be an awful lot going on there that we are not hearing about.
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Sat 14 Mar 23:01
Buspasspar, Sat 14 Mar 22:29
Quote da no 1 :-
So all the medical expert advice is wrong? I'm eternally gratefully for .nets updates from Jim the paramedic
da no 1 with the greatest respect that you don't deserve Jim is at the front line he gets updates on the situation daily and according to him the NHS do not have a clue to what is happening
This is for various reasons but in the main it would appear that the UK Government is ill prepared and has poor communication with the people who will ultimately be responsible if you live or die
Nothing to do with Jim he is not on .net but he has highlighted the confusion that is prevalent within our preparations
Fair enough and respect to Jim. What's to be gained by you highlighting this on .net though? And I wonder if Jim is glad you did?
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: Big T Par
Date: Sat 14 Mar 23:06
OzPar, Sat 14 Mar 22:40
Vladimir Putin seems to be keeping very quiet at the moment.
Given that Russia has borders with China, Korea and Europe, there's got to be an awful lot going on there that we are not hearing about.
That's a great point Oz. Not heard a single thing about how it's affecting them.
Topic Originator: ParsAreTheLoveOfMyLife
Date: Sat 14 Mar 23:30
To be fair to Boris, he's never tried to be an expert, and he's always referred to the advice he's been given. He has advisors who are supposed to know what they're doing.
For the record, I hate Boris.
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Sun 15 Mar 00:33
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Sun 15 Mar 02:15
As expected, the USA has added the UK and Ireland to the travel ban.
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Sun 15 Mar 02:44
OzPar, Sun 15 Mar 02:15
As expected, the USA has added the UK and Ireland to the travel ban.
I should be disappointed but I must admit to feeling quite relieved the decision was made for us.
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: Thaipar
Date: Sun 15 Mar 06:34
renegade master, Fri 13 Mar 21:58
Herd Immunity is where we should now be looking at to get this over with.
Same as children Chicken Pox parties.
Aslong as these <60 people then self isolate it allows us to get on and continue.
The 1st case in Scotland spoke on Radio Scotland tonight he was mildly ill for 4 days! Job Done!
No evidence you can catch it twice!
This has been confirmed since early March.
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Sun 15 Mar 06:40
<<I should be disappointed but I must admit to feeling quite relieved the decision was made for us.>>
Yes, I fully understand where you are coming from there. It's certainly a bad hit to your pocket, but the consequences of getting stuck over there could have been so much more costly.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if all international travel is brought to a standstill pretty soon.
Australia has just joined New Zealand in banning cruise ships and all overseas visitors to Australia are to be quarantined in self-isolation for two weeks after their arrival in the country.
Surely, we have never seen anything like this in our lives. It is like a movie where the world goes into shut down...
Goodness knows what life will be like after the worst of this passes. Governments around the world could use this pandemic as an excuse to bring in all sorts of draconian security measures.
We all remember how September 11 radically changed the way we led our lives.
Doubtless, time will tell, but I can't help but think that Covid-19 is going to have a marked effect on our freedom of movement and freedom to gather in the future.
Post Edited (Sun 15 Mar 06:42)
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Sun 15 Mar 10:48
The One Who Knocks, Sat 14 Mar 21:54
I'm guessing GG meant 16 weeks in his post and not 6! That's makes more sense now.
I did. Have edited it now.
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Sun 15 Mar 13:26
Quote da no 1
Fair enough and respect to Jim. What's to be gained by you highlighting this on .net though? And I wonder if Jim is glad you did?
Its on the Corona virus thread and highlighted as we don't seem to be that well prepared at the moment
Jim is fine with it
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sun 15 Mar 20:54
What is going on in Lombardy? Over a week since it went into lock down and it's still reporting hundreds of new infections.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Sun 15 Mar 21:04
symptoms apparently appear 2-14 days after exposure so still too early to tell if it has worked or not.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Sun 15 Mar 21:44
The One Who Knocks, Sun 15 Mar 20:54
What is going on in Lombardy? Over a week since it went into lock down and it's still reporting hundreds of new infections.
There are reports of younger folks now being admitted....I guess it sounds plausible that they have taken longer to try and fight off the virus (unsuccessfully, without medical assistance).
Only time will tell when the data becomes available in public (I'm sure the experts will be sharing urgently).
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Sun 15 Mar 23:58
There will be plenty old folks wanting to give him the virus...
Topic Originator: parsmad68
Date: Mon 16 Mar 06:23
Jjonjord, Mon 16 Mar 00:34
Post Edited (Mon 16 Mar 00:35)
Nice description of the measures and how they change the path of the disease. The reality is there are not enough beds in hospitals for the peak illness, so the measures have to implemented as such in the simulations. Wouldn’t it be much better for the news to report this as much as “Happy Birthday twice” or do officials think the general public wouldn’t understand?
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Mon 16 Mar 08:41
This pandemic is eerily reminiscent of a Stephen King novel called "The Stand", in which a virulent strain of flu,highly infectious and for which there is no vaccine, is accidentally released into society.
That maybe where some of the conspiracy theories that China manufactured this virus have originated.
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: parforthecourse
Date: Mon 16 Mar 08:51
GG Riva, Mon 16 Mar 08:41
This pandemic is eerily reminiscent of a Stephen King novel called "The Stand", in which a virulent strain of flu,highly infectious and for which there is no vaccine, is accidentally released into society.
That maybe where some of the conspiracy theories that China manufactured this virus have originated.
Apart from the White Witch, crucifixions and nuclear weapon detonation.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Mon 16 Mar 08:57
Give it time 😉
Topic Originator: Big T Par
Date: Mon 16 Mar 08:58
GG Riva, Mon 16 Mar 08:41
This pandemic is eerily reminiscent of a Stephen King novel called "The Stand", in which a virulent strain of flu,highly infectious and for which there is no vaccine, is accidentally released into society.
That maybe where some of the conspiracy theories that China manufactured this virus have originated.
Anthrax wrote a song based on the book called Among The Living https://youtu.be/Q3UU8QbVhng
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend
Date: Mon 16 Mar 09:49
Let's all head to Boulder
It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Mon 16 Mar 16:38
The Eyes of Darkness by Dean Koontz. A virus called Wuhan 400 originating from Wuhan. Was originally called Gorki 400 before end of cold war
Topic Originator: Andrew283
Date: Mon 16 Mar 17:01
Who is the Man in Black? Dominic Cummings?
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Mon 16 Mar 17:04
[Post Deleted] - Reported as abusive
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Mon 16 Mar 19:46
Don't take Ibuprofen btw all as apparently bad for this virus,Paracetemol ok.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Mon 16 Mar 20:37
My two local Chemists Boots and Fergusons ... No paracetamol ...and the daft bitch in Boots took great delight telling me the next delivery was Tuesday morning but cannot guarantee there will be Paracetamol in the delivery
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Mon 16 Mar 21:05
May argue a bit with you mate but take care and hope you'll be ok.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Mon 16 Mar 22:37
Take care rm hope all goes well for you
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Tue 17 Mar 00:23
donj, Mon 16 Mar 21:05
May argue a bit with you mate but take care and hope you'll be ok.
+1 to this sentiment. When I disagree with anyone on here it's never personal. Stay safe buddy.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Tue 17 Mar 08:25
I am now beginning to worry
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Tue 17 Mar 08:33
Chin up my man....it is possible to take reasonable precautions, even though this will be massively disruptive for us all.
I wouldn't underestimate the ability of the global health community to crack this...there are some super-smart cookies out there.
Please don't sit and worry about stuff, talk it through with someone and focus on what positive steps you can take. The whole globe is going through this. Now that our leaders are starting to look like they are understanding the gravity of what's going on, it will be better.
I've bought some raised beds and am going to start growing my own veg......not to prepare for an apocalypse, simply to give myself something positive to focus on. Well...until I realise that I'm rubbish at gardening.
Topic Originator: Angus_W
Date: Tue 17 Mar 08:41
Small gestures can make a big difference here...…
Smile at people - We are all in this together.
“.........it ain’t over till the Pars score!”
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Tue 17 Mar 08:58
Yeah sorry I didn't really mean to cause worry. I'll think about how I phrase posts more in the future. We do now seem to be moving away from the herd immunity only strategy which should hopefully be a good thing and is closer to the WHO advice and the measures other countries have implemented.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Tue 17 Mar 09:15
Yeah your right guys I have never really been a worrier and I am still reasonably fit for my age with walking the dog and cutting the older neighbours grass etc
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Tue 17 Mar 09:51
ipswichpar - great post, thanks.
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Tue 17 Mar 09:56
Cheers da.
Rm, sorry I'd missed the second half of your post. I'm sure you already are, and I know you've been through the mill recently, but please focus on getting yourself better asap. Take care.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Tue 17 Mar 10:46
Having reread my post earlier it was more meant to be a pop at BoJo rather than we are all going to die. Sorry folks!
Topic Originator: Rusty Shackleford
Date: Tue 17 Mar 11:42
It's a weird dynamic being young (ish) and healthy (ditto) right now as all the evidence points towards there being very little risk. So on a personal level, the majority shouldn't panic.
However, the elderly, vulnerable and short to medium term critically ill for example face catastrophic consequences if we don't collectively deal with this together. Not to mention the strain on the health service. I don't fancy having an accident in the summer for example.
So it's a curious form of controlled panic, I don't have a better phrase for it. But the healthy need to act as if they're sick and protect the people who need protecting.
This is a multi-generational opportunity to introspect for a period of time and revaluate what's important in society. Us young ones would benefit from imagining the kind of society we want to exist when we're old and vulnerable. Pay it forward.
And it's also an opportunity to evaluate how vital "low-skilled" workers are. People who keep the streets clean, who keep buildings open that entertain us, feed us.
Keeping a sense of humour, keeping in touch with people, keeping the heid in general is absolutely vital.
And looking at the positives. You don't have to look far to find the best in humanity. Heroic health care staff on the front line. Tonnes of people mobilising and volunteering to help in communities.
It's scary, of course it is, when social constructs that we take for granted are changed. But we need to keep the heid and look out for each other.
Topic Originator: parfection
Date: Tue 17 Mar 12:24
Rusty - a very fair, compassionate and reasoned summary of where we are right now. I hope as many people as possible heed such advice. Opportunities to pause and take stock of where we are don’t come along, or aren’t thrown into such striking relief all that often, so it would be in the the interests of all to reflect. Stay with it folks - look after those who need you and look after yourselves 😀.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Tue 17 Mar 13:33
Great Post Rusty & parfection
We have quite a few elderly perhaps vulnerable folk around and near us We are phoning them every day now to see if they need anything from the shops chemist etc Although looking at the shelves this morning there is not much left :-(
We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
Post Edited (Tue 17 Mar 16:44)
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Tue 17 Mar 16:07
Interesting that the World Health Organisation says that anyone over 60 is at risk, whilst our esteemed Government says over 70's.
Could be something to do with the Pension acceleration?
Surely not!🐝🐝🐝
Topic Originator: wetherby
Date: Tue 17 Mar 16:52
Some sort of good may come out of this.
We will get to know our neighbours a lot better,we can reconnect with family and friends where we have let matters drift. We are being given an opportunity to re-assess our priorities and focus on what is really important to us.
Perhaps we might become less materialistic and find pleasure in the mundane.
We can ask " what can I do to help" , there will be many community groups , Foodbanks looking for volunteers. Offer to walk an older neighbour's dog if they are unable to do so or get some shopping in for them- give them your mobile number if you think they don't have family or friends nearby.
Read those books you never got around to ( a virtual book club on.net anyone?) , catch up on some music.
Keep in touch with friends, there is no excuse with the technology available.
Even good old .net can be a force for good . While I don't live in Dunfermline I know that if anyone posted a plea for help here there would be no lack of offers.
The next few weeks and months are going to be unlike anything we have ever experienced.
Topic Originator: Wotsit
Date: Tue 17 Mar 19:07
I'd like to see some proactive movement with regard to keeping folk sleeping on the streets safe.
Right now we are seeing services shrink and a population of people who can't exactly keep up with the latest news are being left confused and vulnerable outside closed or restricted services.
Although even with the latest advice it's not going to make any difference if your only option is an emergency night shelter full of other folk with serious underlying health issues.
The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
Topic Originator: Socks
Date: Tue 17 Mar 20:31
Community and voluntary things are all great things to do. The problem though is that these activities can be as risky as any other in terms of having people together.
I normally do a voluntary shift once a week and I'm still happy to do this. What makes it difficult is that by far the majority of volunteers there are retired, and I'd guess most are over 70. I'm not especially concerned for my own welfare at the moment, but the thought of going in there and inadvertently passing this on to one or more of them genuinely worries me. Everyone there genuinely cares about what we do and, given everyone has chosen to do it for no personal gain, motivation is unsurprisingly very high. At a time like this though, that actually becomes a problem because it gives people a real conflict. Nobody wants to get seriously ill, but nobody wants to see the service decline either, especially at a time where demand might well be higher. It's a tough one, and a worry.
Topic Originator: Wotsit
Date: Tue 17 Mar 20:39
Agree completely Socks, which is why it's important to look at new, possibly even significantly more expensive, ways of providing equivalent services in a time of heightened need.
Voluntary and Third Sector organisations are doing a brilliant job but council and government ones (including specialist NHS services, sadly) are failing vulnerable and exposed people.
The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Wed 18 Mar 19:39
Superb gestures from Chelsea and Garry Neville to allow NHS staff to stay free of charge in their hotels during the crisis ...We as a Country in hard times always pull together and help one another.... Stay safe guys and Girls and keep an eye out for us auld codgers :-) Also Crystal Palace will pay full wages to all staff and compensate match day staff ....superb
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Wed 18 Mar 20:03
Lots of good things from people trying to pull together but still some scum trying to make a fast buck.Not nice I know but I hope the scum get it.
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Wed 18 Mar 22:20
I have to say I'm struggling a wee bit tonight. Bombarded with it constantly. Trying hard not to panic buy. Worried about the job I've had for just a few months after being pumped last summer after 30 years with the same company. My girlfriend and my dad both have very weak immune systems so having to distance myself from both of them. And two sons who don't deserve to have to worry about something like this but having spoken with both just don't seem to get how serious this thing is getting.
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Post Edited (Wed 18 Mar 22:21)
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Wed 18 Mar 22:33
Stay strong.
Buy what you need for a few days or a week and there will still be stuff in the shops when you go back.
Control the controllables, and that is reducing your own exposure to protect your girlfriend and your dad.
And remember that all this is temporary and could be calming down in a matter of weeks.
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Wed 18 Mar 22:38
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Wed 18 Mar 22:39
Take a breath please bud. Yes, you have lots to think about but there is a lot you can do to reduce risk and even if you did get it, it might not be as bad as you think. It sounds like you're taking a lot of sensible precautions already.
A lot of the cases are in London and the south east. Even that skew will massively reduce the risk for folks in other areas.
I think we do have another 2 weeks of numbers increasing and this works through until the new strategy works through. At that point, the restrictions will still be in place but the transmission will be significantly reduced outside family units.
Personally, I'd focus on getting enough food to do you for a short period. You dont need weeks and weeks worth. Having something simple like a wee bit of pasta or rice will give you a buffer.
I need to shift a few pounds and this seems like a very good opportunity to do so.....every cloud and all that.
The problem is that if 3 channels and God knows how many social media streams all repeat the same negative crap you suddenly have 3 hours of negative worries. I've got the benefit of recently starting a course so I've got something to focus on.....good excuse to read a book and stretch my brain.
Hope you and yours stay safe.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Wed 18 Mar 22:44
Looking at some positives the supermarkets have always maintained they have enough supplies for everyone and hopefully the restrictions they've put in place will reduce the panic buying so that will hopefully help you on that front. I'm also not panic buying and fighting the urge to do it but have been pretty depressed that quite a few seem to. Some people will have a valid reason to do it but some folk have gone too far.
My girlfriend works at Edinburgh airport so shes in a similar situation on the job front. Hopefully some of the safety packages announced by the Government will be enough to support employers like yours until they're back on their feet.
Sounds like you're doing the right thing by your relatives as well. Every little helps on that front.
Without wanting to scare your sons you could maybe cite Italy and Spain as examples of countries that are further ahead than us in the fight with the virus. Outright panic does nobody any favours but remembering its serious helps people to follow the good habits that help minimise the risk to them and the people around them.
Another plus point is there are more and more articles coming out citing potential vaccines to the virus and although they will be a way off, some progress seems to be getting made.
It's going to get worse before it gets better but hopefully people can stay safe. Theres a Fife Corona Virus Support Group on Facebook where people are trying to help each other so it might be worth looking at that. I'm not a member so not sure how useful it is but it's there anyway.
We'll get through it mate!
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Wed 18 Mar 22:46
"I need to shift a few pounds and this seems like a very good opportunity to do so.....every cloud and all that."
First thing I did when I saw overweight people were at risk was check my BMI 😂
I think I'm in the same boat and looking at it the same way.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Wed 18 Mar 22:48
Forgot to say quite a few of the supermarkets are only letting in the elderly at certain times so if youl have older relatives you were worried about that should hopefully help them stay on top of their shopping as well.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Wed 18 Mar 22:50
another point....Over the last two nights on the BBC there have been two old ladies scared to go out (last night on 10pm I thjnk) and then there was a bunch of students tonight on outside source in the pub saying they weren't bothered.
It is a good contrast if you could get them to watch both one after the other to see if it stirs enough empathy to get a behaviour change for a few weeks.
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Wed 18 Mar 22:52
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Wed 18 Mar 22:54
Folks.....let me be 150% clear I'm ok. Just a worried man. I try hard not to worry about the uncontrollables but you canny change what you are. I have more than enough food to last and was down at my maws for a food parcel tonight as we usually go for Thursday night tea at their house. Didn't cross their threshold though but at least I saw them, they were 2 metres inside their house and I was 2 metres outside! 😁 I suppose we all have our weekly routines and it looks like they're all fkd up for a wee while but if it means those close to us are safe then it's a small price to pay.
Cheers for your take on it all. COYP
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Wed 18 Mar 22:54
Literally just in from Asda.......no more from me I'm off to my pit...Tesco doing the same (but 6 to 7 I think)
Dear Customer,
Since I last wrote to you, it has become increasingly clear to us that we must help to shield the most vulnerable in our communities from this virus.
We want to do all we can to support this effort and so have made the decision that on Friday 20th March, from store opening until 9am, we are going to make our larger stores available for those vulnerable people – and those caring for them, to let them shop and get what they need.
So – if you’re in a vulnerable group and need to get your shopping – or are caring for someone in a vulnerable group, we’ll do everything we can to support you in stores on Friday morning before 9am. You can find out the opening time of your local store by clicking here.
To our other customers, please help us do this by leaving your shopping until later in the day. We’re doing everything we can to keep our shelves stocked and our deliveries coming – and our colleagues are doing an amazing job working around the clock to support you. You can stay up to date on our actions here.
Please let us help you – together, we can look after each other during these challenging times.
Take care, and I will continue to keep you up to date on everything we’re working to do for you and your community.
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Wed 18 Mar 22:56
Have to admit I did buy two cases of Tennents to put in the hut today.Loads there so hardly a panic buy but just a 'in case of emergency break seal' for when they actually tell pubs to close.
My wife has asthma and a partially collapsed lung so I worry for her and I know lots of you in the same position.All we can do is try to carry on but just be careful as we can.Hopefully we all get through it safely.
Post Edited (Wed 18 Mar 23:05)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Wed 18 Mar 22:58
No it doesn't and that is an area the Government should do more in and hopefully they will make sure the money gets to businesswa and people in time for when they need it.
I'm no fan of the Tories as has been documented above but in fairness they've never had to administer schemes like this before so we can't say they've failed in the past. They might surprise me this time 😉
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Wed 18 Mar 22:59
da_no_1, Wed 18 Mar 22:54
Folks.....let me be 150% clear I'm ok. Just a worried man. I try hard not to worry about the uncontrollables but you canny change what you are. I have more than enough food to last and was down at my maws for a food parcel tonight as we usually go for Thursday night tea at their house. Didn't cross their threshold though but at least I saw them, they were 2 metres inside their house and I was 2 metres outside! 😁 I suppose we all have our weekly routines and it looks like they're all fkd up for a wee while but if it means those close to us are safe then it's a small price to pay.
Cheers for your take on it all. COYP
Can I go back to slagging off the Tories then??
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Wed 18 Mar 23:03
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Wed 18 Mar 23:09
EEP, Wed 18 Mar 23:03
So your still a Rasper Da no 1!
Harsh but true 👍
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Wed 18 Mar 23:52
Why didn't the Italian experts act quicker? Or the Spanish or Dutch or French. These are extraordinary events and it's no surprise to see the Guardian using it to have a pop at the government.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: P
Date: Thu 19 Mar 06:59
Or they could just have looked at what happened in all these countries instead of going it alone in approach 🤷🏻♂️
Topic Originator: Big T Par
Date: Thu 19 Mar 07:39
It's actually the editor of The Lancet, that wrote the piece
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Thu 19 Mar 08:19
Australia is closing its doors on all foreigners with effect from tomorrow.
Topic Originator: back oh the net
Date: Thu 19 Mar 11:35
I must say some of the stuff being posted on social media lately is feckin hilarious Sandra from number 22 has heard from her boyfriends sisters cousins dug that Ken’s a cat who frequentes an army barracks that we are going on lockdown tonight at 6pm 😱😱😱😱😱
Best thing that could happen just now is for Facebook and the likes to be put on lockdown for a day or 2 imo
Come on ye pars ⚽️
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Thu 19 Mar 11:43
The panic buying has moved on from bog roll and pasta to...
Yes. You heard it here first (or maybe second or third).
I think I must have missed the eggs part, but it seems that some people have decided that they need their own supply of eggs for these tough times.
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Thu 19 Mar 12:52
Sandra from no.22 is always in the know. She just told me the lock down will now be later as they don't want it ruining peoples' enjoyment of Murder She Wrote on ITV3.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Thu 19 Mar 13:05
aaaaaaaaaargh, Thu 19 Mar 11:43
The panic buying has moved on from bog roll and pasta to...
Yes. You heard it here first (or maybe second or third).
I think I must have missed the eggs part, but it seems that some people have decided that they need their own supply of eggs for these tough times.
Genius. Also affords a plentiful supply of pea and ham.
Topic Originator: Thaipar
Date: Thu 19 Mar 13:15
ipswichpar, Thu 19 Mar 13:05
aaaaaaaaaargh, Thu 19 Mar 11:43
The panic buying has moved on from bog roll and pasta to...
Yes. You heard it here first (or maybe second or third).
I think I must have missed the eggs part, but it seems that some people have decided that they need their own supply of eggs for these tough times.
Genius. Also affords a plentiful supply of pea and ham.
Now that's clever.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Thu 19 Mar 13:39
LOL Ipswichpar
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Thu 19 Mar 15:06
Anyone else heard that Currys have sold out of freezers? I know at least one woman who was taking delivery of one today and yes, she's already got one and it's in good working order. Maybe she just wanted to join the growing band of 2 freezer families?
We'll be given details about the 2 week lockdown tonight, apparently. Two weeks starting this weekend. Oh joy.......
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Thu 19 Mar 15:29
One of my friends on Facebook said she'd heard of people buying additional white goods to stockpile more and I hoped it wasn't true.
Topic Originator: Stoo
Date: Thu 19 Mar 16:03
Is there also a shortage of vinegar?
Folk can only be pickling the eggs. I dont get it.
Topic Originator: dave67
Date: Thu 19 Mar 16:04
And laptops GG
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Thu 19 Mar 16:06
dave67, Thu 19 Mar 16:04
And laptops GG
I've never yet talked to a chicken who could use a laptop.
Out of interest I had a look st Currys. They seem to have freezers left; well, until I bought half a dozen to store my bog rolls in.
Topic Originator: wetherby
Date: Thu 19 Mar 18:05
"And laptops GG"
I'm not surprised Currys are running out of laptops- I ordered a new one on Tuesday and they delivered TWO to-day.
Also my lucky day as I managed to buy 2x4 packs of toilet rolls today.
It was a surreal experience shopping today , in my local supermarket there was little in the way of fresh veg, I bought the penultimate can of shaving foam( ???) there was no bread, no flour, no tinned soup, no baked beans,no tinned fish, no tinned meats,no biscuits and no fresh chicken. ( Note this is not representative of my diet- simply what I noticed walking around the aisles)
But there were toilet rolls 🚽🚽🚽
Topic Originator: P
Date: Thu 19 Mar 20:10
No lockdown after all - folk have been tripping over themselves to show they were in the know for the last 24 hours too
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Thu 19 Mar 20:12
P, Thu 19 Mar 20:10
No lockdown after all - folk have been tripping over themselves to show they were in the know for the last 24 hours too
The videos of the Army "mobilising" on the right hand side of the road FFS......
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: dave67
Date: Thu 19 Mar 20:21
It's not Saturday yet
Topic Originator: back oh the net
Date: Thu 19 Mar 21:34
dave67, Thu 19 Mar 20:21
It's not Saturday yet
Doubt it will happen on Saturday either tbh
Come on ye pars ⚽️
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Thu 19 Mar 22:07
Worth highlighting that when Spain went into "lockdown" you were advised to stay indoors but you could still go to the supermarket for a pint of milk. The lockdown referred to bars, restaurants, venues etc. As far as I'm aware most venues have already closed and the bars and restaurants here are just waiting on the word from the Government.
I really hope people remember to support all the independent shops and restaurants after this is all over. Dunfermline is fortunate to have some gems who will no doubt be significantly affected by all this. Saw that Little Shop of Heroes is taking online orders. Not sure if CCBM and Juniper are doing the same (let's be honest, we all need something to read/drink right now!).
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Thu 19 Mar 23:02
As Jake says, lockdown isn't as bad as it sounds. Even if it does happen in the coming days people will still be allowed to go out to buy food, medicine, etc. They will also allow people to go out together exercise.
I don't think there will be any trouble with food imports. EU producers are working as usual and channel crossings won't be stopped. In fact the food might get to the UK quicker because there will be fewer queues.
Topic Originator: back oh the net
Date: Thu 19 Mar 23:37
renegade master, Thu 19 Mar 22:39
Be warned after a meeting today, and borders closing in Europe and flights grinding to a halt early next week our supply chain using foreign food will run dry.
The government has impounded all imports of food items from Europe to ensure they are available to priority sites first,
Fishermen have been told as of Monday quota catches will not be being checked on landing, preventing dead fish being returned to the sea.
The possibility of navy personnel joining trawlers to staff ships to ensure fish is being caught to supply hospitals, prisons and workplaces has been made available if needs must.
We have suffered hugely with lamb deaths due to the floods, vegetables are not current in the UK. Again stored veg will be made available to essential users first.
Venison is going to be our most plentiful meat and hopefully plenty of fresh fish.
Pubs and Restaurants were not also asked to stop being visited for social contact it was to divert their food supplies to fill requirements in the public sector and then supermarkets, another part reason for school closures.
As for vegans and vegetarians they will struggle more than most as the supply of chemical produced food and fresh imported vegetables starts to dwindle.
If you want to secure fresh veg head to Glasgow fruit market at 4am, best veg best prices!
Here he comes with another look at me post I must have Been seeing things at work today then what with there being 12 bulkers of carrots sitting in our yard and the best part of 150 tonne boxes of turnips in our chill oh and not to mention the ample supply of sprouts and parsnips
Must also have been dreaming when I saw that our order sheets for Tesco m&s and Sainsbury’s had jumped up by 40k compared to sunday
Come on ye pars ⚽️
Topic Originator: stereo
Date: Fri 20 Mar 07:01
RM, you really are an absolute clown.
Admin you should be deleting these utter ramblings.
Topic Originator: Thaipar
Date: Fri 20 Mar 07:07
BA cancelled flight to Thailand. Mate just got a text. He was due to fly back here on 9th April.
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Fri 20 Mar 07:20
The year is 2020. The town is Dunfermline. Despite having a garage full of toilet roll, the people have no food. Supply chains have dried up, the people are hungry. Only one belly remains satisfied - the belly of Renegade Master. Join him as he runs over Muriel from number 8 when she tries to steal a 4 pack of Corale Baked Beans from his book. Look on as he throws roof tiles at the local young team trying to access his vats on hand sanitiser in his shed. Watch as he takes out Graeme from up the road for trying to take the koi carps out his pond. The defender of Dunfermline will never be beaten...or will he?
Topic Originator: allparone
Date: Fri 20 Mar 08:20
Thaipar, Fri 20 Mar 07:07
BA cancelled flight to Thailand. Mate just got a text. He was due to fly back here on 9th April.
I’m not surprised. Loads of flights are being cancelled because not enough people are filling the seats.
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Fri 20 Mar 08:35
aaaaaaaaaargh, Thu 19 Mar 23:02
As Jake says, lockdown isn't as bad as it sounds. Even if it does happen in the coming days people will still be allowed to go out to buy food, medicine, etc. They will also allow people to go out together exercise.
I don't think there will be any trouble with food imports. EU producers are working as usual and channel crossings won't be stopped. In fact the food might get to the UK quicker because there will be fewer queues.
The reality of lockdown in Spain.
"Jogging, going for a walk and going for a drive is all banned here in Spain. Only essential journeys to the supermarket (one person per vehicle, with face mask and latex gloves) or pharmacy. Fines between €1000 and €60,000 may be levied by the Police"
Yeah lockdown sounds ok. Apparently Italy is even worse.
Topic Originator: JohnnyW
Date: Fri 20 Mar 12:17
All due to the type of RUMOUR you are posting above. It doesn't help, it may well come true and we'll have to deal with it as best as possible if it does but that type of post 100% doesn't help anyone IMO.
Best tweet ever:
Post Edited (Fri 20 Mar 12:19)
Topic Originator: Andrew283
Date: Fri 20 Mar 13:40
The way some people are acting we will be back to Hunter Gatherers within a few months.
Topic Originator: wee eck
Date: Fri 20 Mar 13:50
Shocking story of the Coylumbridge Hotel near Aviemore sacking staff and kicking them out of accommodation without notice. Most are foreigners who will have difficulty returning home because of travel bans. Macdonald Hotels have stepped in to offer alternative accommodation though.
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Fri 20 Mar 14:09
Moviescot - Apologies. That doesn't sound good (or even reasonable) at all. France has a better system than that, and Belgium even better. If the UK copies those countries then it will be fairly painless for most. The Spanish system sounds stupid.
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Fri 20 Mar 14:15
To be clear, I wasn't suggesting lock down is a walk in the park but you're still able to go to places you need to like the supermarket.
Not sure the statement about single person by car is universal across Spain. Taxis are still driving people in Málaga.
Topic Originator: parsmad68
Date: Fri 20 Mar 14:19
wee eck, Fri 20 Mar 13:50
Shocking story of the Coylumbridge Hotel near Aviemore sacking staff and kicking them out of accommodation without notice. Most are foreigners who will have difficulty returning home because of travel bans. Macdonald Hotels have stepped in to offer alternative accommodation though.
Agree. I have a booking with The Brittania hotel group and have now decided to cancel on the back of their disgraceful behaviour.
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Fri 20 Mar 14:28
wee eck, Fri 20 Mar 13:50
Shocking story of the Coylumbridge Hotel near Aviemore sacking staff and kicking them out of accommodation without notice. Most are foreigners who will have difficulty returning home because of travel bans. Macdonald Hotels have stepped in to offer alternative accommodation though.
Shocking. Old bridge Inn also stepping up. Not the only place. Pub in Aberdeen sacked all staff with immediate effect.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Fri 20 Mar 14:28
I hadn't seen that and that is absolutely disgraceful. Good man parsmad. Britannia are a terrible chain but we occasionally use them for staying over for cheap accommodation going to the football games but I'll never book with them again for that.
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Fri 20 Mar 14:31
jake89, Fri 20 Mar 14:15
To be clear, I wasn't suggesting lock down is a walk in the park but you're still able to go to places you need to like the supermarket.
Not sure the statement about single person by car is universal across Spain. Taxis are still driving people in Málaga.
That quote I posted was from a resident so I'm trusting him. I think taxis may be allowed to take people to supermarkets and pharmacies but that's it. And it's still one person plus taxi driver allowed.
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Fri 20 Mar 14:32
parsmad68, Fri 20 Mar 14:19
wee eck, Fri 20 Mar 13:50
Shocking story of the Coylumbridge Hotel near Aviemore sacking staff and kicking them out of accommodation without notice. Most are foreigners who will have difficulty returning home because of travel bans. Macdonald Hotels have stepped in to offer alternative accommodation though.
Agree. I have a booking with The Brittania hotel group and have now decided to cancel on the back of their disgraceful behaviour.
Brittania hotels are looking to profit out of this by getting their hotels used as temp hospitals.
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Fri 20 Mar 16:08
Stayed in Colyumbridge hotel 2 weeks ago, pretty dated rooms but cleaner does a good job. Staff were lovely, mostly Eastern European but with a few locals as well, accommodation block was getting work done on it.
Disgusting way to treat their staff, but heard most are getting accommodation at Macdonald's resort.
Other news is that the popular Mountain Cafe is now shut due to lack of customers, we had to queue 2 weeks ago!
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Fri 20 Mar 17:35
If all is true that Boris and Sunak are saying ...it looks like they are stepping up to the plate to help every one affected paying 80% of wages up to £2,500/month and business income.... no vat till end of June ...time will tell but reports are encouraging
Topic Originator: dave67
Date: Fri 20 Mar 17:43
Glad they have said pubs and clubs must close. Otherwise there would still be social gatherings
Topic Originator: red-star-par
Date: Fri 20 Mar 17:47
renegade master, Thu 19 Mar 22:39
Be warned after a meeting today, and borders closing in Europe and flights grinding to a halt early next week our supply chain using foreign food will run dry.
The government has impounded all imports of food items from Europe to ensure they are available to priority sites first,
Fishermen have been told as of Monday quota catches will not be being checked on landing, preventing dead fish being returned to the sea.
The possibility of navy personnel joining trawlers to staff ships to ensure fish is being caught to supply hospitals, prisons and workplaces has been made available if needs must.
We have suffered hugely with lamb deaths due to the floods, vegetables are not current in the UK. Again stored veg will be made available to essential users first.
Venison is going to be our most plentiful meat and hopefully plenty of fresh fish.
Pubs and Restaurants were not also asked to stop being visited for social contact it was to divert their food supplies to fill requirements in the public sector and then supermarkets, another part reason for school closures.
As for vegans and vegetarians they will struggle more than most as the supply of chemical produced food and fresh imported vegetables starts to dwindle.
If you want to secure fresh veg head to Glasgow fruit market at 4am, best veg best prices!
I actually quite believe this one. Pretty frightening
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Fri 20 Mar 17:51
Buspasspar, Fri 20 Mar 17:35
If all is true that Boris and Sunak are saying ...it looks like they are stepping up to the plate to help every one affected paying 80% of wages up to £2,500/month and business income.... no vat till end of June ...time will tell but reports are encouraging
My sister lives in Vienna and the Gov there had implemented the policy there a wee while back. Got to give them credit for this I think it's a good idea.
Topic Originator: allparone
Date: Fri 20 Mar 18:00
londonparsfan, Fri 20 Mar 17:51
Buspasspar, Fri 20 Mar 17:35
If all is true that Boris and Sunak are saying ...it looks like they are stepping up to the plate to help every one affected paying 80% of wages up to £2,500/month and business income.... no vat till end of June ...time will tell but reports are encouraging
My sister lives in Vienna and the Gov there had implemented the policy there a wee while back. Got to give them credit for this I think it's a good idea.
Will the grant need to be paid back? How soon and will it put companies off using it?
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Fri 20 Mar 18:12
My understanding is that it does not need to be repaid....there is a distinction between loan and grant in the terminology that use. This is a grant.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Fri 20 Mar 18:24
No mention of paying back but what is disturbing is the BBC's interpretation of the measures put in place ...One person saying up to 80% the next saying 80% up to £ 2,500 a month I have re watched and it is 80% not up to 80% as some are saying which would be worrying as to the criterion
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Fri 20 Mar 18:27
allparone, Fri 20 Mar 18:00
londonparsfan, Fri 20 Mar 17:51
Buspasspar, Fri 20 Mar 17:35
If all is true that Boris and Sunak are saying ...it looks like they are stepping up to the plate to help every one affected paying 80% of wages up to £2,500/month and business income.... no vat till end of June ...time will tell but reports are encouraging
My sister lives in Vienna and the Gov there had implemented the policy there a wee while back. Got to give them credit for this I think it's a good idea.
Will the grant need to be paid back? How soon and will it put companies off using it?
I havent read the small print actually so I probably should reserve judgement!
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Fri 20 Mar 18:30
Buspasspar, Fri 20 Mar 18:24
No mention of paying back but what is disturbing is the BBC's interpretation of the measures put in place ...One person saying up to 80% the next saying 80% up to £ 2,500 a month I have re watched and it is 80% not up to 80% as some are saying which would be worrying as to the criterion
It was 80% capped at 2.5k/month (the median wage)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Fri 20 Mar 19:00
Thats how I read it Ipswichpar
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Fri 20 Mar 19:23
ipswichpar, Fri 20 Mar 18:30
Buspasspar, Fri 20 Mar 18:24
No mention of paying back but what is disturbing is the BBC's interpretation of the measures put in place ...One person saying up to 80% the next saying 80% up to £ 2,500 a month I have re watched and it is 80% not up to 80% as some are saying which would be worrying as to the criterion
It was 80% capped at 2.5k/month (the median wage)
I heard it as up to 80% and it reminded me of the tactics used by some shops during a sale with the words being miniscule compared to the %age number.
Happy if that is wrong.
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Fri 20 Mar 19:46
Aye GG there seems to be confusion regards the 80% but up till now I think its 80% and not up to
Topic Originator: parsfan
Date: Fri 20 Mar 20:41
It is up to 80%. If you earn less than £2,500 a month you'll get the full 80%. The more above that the lower the percentage.
The universe is ruled by chance and indifference
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Fri 20 Mar 20:56
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Fri 20 Mar 21:10
parsfan, Fri 20 Mar 20:41
It is up to 80%. If you earn less than £2,500 a month you'll get the full 80%. The more above that the lower the percentage.
It's 80% of wages up to maximum of £2500 per month.
Meanwhile, the government said it will pay 80% of wages for employees who are not able to work, up to £2,500 a month.
Post Edited (Fri 20 Mar 21:11)
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Fri 20 Mar 21:27
Anyone else trying to get their kids to understand all this. I've got a 16 year old and he really doesn't seem to care. I hate the stuff he's having to absorb but really can't get through to him. And I bet I'm not alone. I have relatives who fall into the vulnerable category and I cannot go near them for fear of passing it on.
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Fri 20 Mar 21:28
EEP, it might well be a nightmare but then this is the greatest national crisis in our lifetimes. It isn't going to be easy.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Fri 20 Mar 21:34
Topic Originator: Stoo
Date: Fri 20 Mar 22:19
I imagine this crisis to a 16 year old lad is like climate change to the majority of us.
Doesn't feel like its happening to us so its hard to get worked up about it or give a sh*t.
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Fri 20 Mar 22:55
Last night with guys tonight as pub closure announced while were there.Now we feel it's serious I suppose.Mind you we'll just have garden meetings with beer keeping our metre apart lol.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Fri 20 Mar 23:09
I take it you don't believe the government warnings?
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Fri 20 Mar 23:18
I believe that we can have a beer and blether apart from each other in open air.Lots of handwash in kitchen and toilet to wash hands.
I'm not saying its wrong stopping people on top of each other in busy pubs,I said a few of us can have a beer outside on a big patio.
Topic Originator: Kyle DAFC
Date: Sat 21 Mar 04:12
I’m isolating at the moment and only receiving SSP. With the announcement yesterday, does that mean I will still only receive SSP, or will I now be entitled to 80% of my wage for as long as I am off?
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Sat 21 Mar 07:13
londonparsfan, Fri 20 Mar 14:28
I hadn't seen that and that is absolutely disgraceful. Good man parsmad. Britannia are a terrible chain but we occasionally use them for staying over for cheap accommodation going to the football games but I'll never book with them again for that.
Stand down folks! They have rolled out the old "this was due to an admin error" excuse.
I've stayed in a Britannia once....never again. I literally slept with the light on.
I think theyll still be unemployed but might get some time to find a place to stay.
Post Edited (Sat 21 Mar 07:13)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Sat 21 Mar 07:36
I did see that! Looks like the backlash they've had online has miraculously highlighted flaws in their admin processes. Funny how that happens.
Once you've stayed in one you can see how they've won the worst hotel chain of the year award for six years running.
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Sat 21 Mar 08:32
There are shades of the Gerald Ratner speech about this. Remember Ratner's the Jewellers? Idiocy like this has the potential to lead to a group's collapse.
Topic Originator: Thaipar
Date: Sat 21 Mar 10:00
Thailand has 411 reported cases only 1 death reported. Today Bangkok governor has announced closure of all shopping malls and markets.
Only supermarkets, pharmacies and takeaway food places to open. Some others will be allowed for essentials but I think he has done the right thing early as it is only now starting to spread proper in Thailand.
Am pretty sure other provinces will follow Bangkok lead soon.
Lowcost airline Air Asia has also suspended all international flights from Thailand.
Post Edited (Sat 21 Mar 10:01)
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Sat 21 Mar 12:02
Genuine question. Whilst isolating (no symptoms of COVID-19), can we still head out to remote spaces where unlikely to be close to others?
Topic Originator: Thaipar
Date: Sat 21 Mar 12:13
jake89, Sat 21 Mar 12:02
Genuine question. Whilst isolating (no symptoms of COVID-19), can we still head out to remote spaces where unlikely to be close to others?
Yes, but they recommend only for exercise.
Post Edited (Sat 21 Mar 12:14)
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Sat 21 Mar 12:32
Topic Originator: dave67
Date: Sat 21 Mar 12:46
Got phone call from hospital this morning. My diabetic review is cancelled this week. Guessing all non emergency hospital appointments will be cancelled aswell now
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Sat 21 Mar 18:21
I am no expert but it would appear that alcohol is the best sanitiser available
So I am prepared to be a human guinea pig to try and help all mankind
Starting tonight I will drink a half bottle of Aldi Highland Black
I will post regular updates as and when I change the brand and amount
Sanitising from the inside out ....might be the solution ?
Wish me luck ...:-)
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Sat 21 Mar 18:40
Well done risking yourself to save the human race.Also enjoy.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Sat 21 Mar 19:10
Cheers donj a wee bit fun in these uncertain times
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Sat 21 Mar 20:03
Had a bad day and getting pissed as well.Bad day for pubs to close as just found out very good friend only,maybe,months left.Would have been better in pub with our other mates.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Sat 21 Mar 20:15
Sad donj ...thoughts with you, your friend and all his Family and friends
Topic Originator: desparado
Date: Sat 21 Mar 22:17
I find it extremely worrying that the news tonight is telling us that we are only two or three weeks behind Italy . What do they mean exactly? It is not Chronologically that’s for sure. Do they mean two or three weeks away from becoming the worst affected country in the world ?
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sat 21 Mar 22:19
Every country is different. It's all just speculation.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Sat 21 Mar 22:32
The One Who Knocks, Sat 21 Mar 22:19
Every country is different. It's all just speculation.
Parallels are uncanny I'm afraid...
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Sat 21 Mar 22:41
I think it means the rate of spread or confirmed cases
As towk has pointed out we are all different
What is worrying tho is the effect on the old and vulnerable
Italy have a high proportion of old folk and families that live together
It is very worrying for elderly folk and especially those with health problems
Stay safe ... stay at home
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Sun 22 Mar 09:52
It's a good thing if we're only weeks behind with so few deaths. The issue with Italy (and a lot of European nations) is they all live cheek by jowel. Lots of multi-generational households and an large older population.
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Sun 22 Mar 10:45
Italy, Spain, France, and the UK are following almost identical trajectories. Confinement, social distancing, age distributions , family structures, hospitals beds, ventilators and many other factors could influence the progression in the coming weeks but for the moment everything looks the same. If the UK doesn't take social distancing seriously then there is no obvious reason how we will be able to avoid reaching 4000 deaths in two weeks.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sun 22 Mar 10:51
Both Italy and the UK recorded their first cases of corona on the same day, January 31st.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Sun 22 Mar 11:01
See there's a load of dafties heading to holiday homes in Fife and beyond. Honestly, are these people thick? In the likes of Fife the local hospitals have been repeatedly closed or downgraded so as to focus on the Vic. This isn't like being in London when you'll be a few miles away from ICU. Selfish pricks.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Sun 22 Mar 11:03
Personally, I think this is best measured (unfortunately) by deaths as cases is driven by testing and the testing regimes are different.
If you left shift the uk profile(by time) it pretty much matches the Italy profile. A lot of their citizens didnt listen to lockdown instructions either. So, without a behavioural shift, we are likely to end up in a similar position where our healthcare system breaks.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sun 22 Mar 11:27
So both Italy and UK recorded their first cases on the same day, 31st of January.
First Italian death from covid was 22nd of Feb.
First UK death from covid was 5th of March.
By the 5th of March the Italian death toll was 233 which is roughly the number of deaths we are currently on in the UK on the 22 of March.
I have no idea why the socio-demographics of Italy have enabled the virus to spread so viciously but it has obviously taken a grip on Italy far faster and harder than here. That doesn't mean it isn't going to get worse here but it's not a fait accompli that we will suffer as badly as Italy.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Sun 22 Mar 11:37
Italy has the second oldest population seemingly. In the UK it tends to be that kids move out as soon as they can. In Italy they don't.
Density of population is another issue. It's why London is particularly bad. Not helped, of course, by morons ignoring the advice and carrying on as normal. Good ol' stiff upper lip nonsense. Kept the pubs open in wawur. Shut up.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Sun 22 Mar 11:38
And the italian lockdown (in legislation) was 16 days after the first death.
The uk one was 15 days in terms of the press conference. It will be closer to 20 in the uk until it is legislated.
Only time will tell but I feel nature's genie is out of the bottle and our path is now set. Hopefully I am wrong.
Topic Originator: Wotsit
Date: Sun 22 Mar 11:43
You are assuming that the first reported cases were the first actual cases though TOWK.
By your comparison of the death rate we are following a pattern about two weeks behind Italy. Hopefully the social distancing measures help to ease that curve.
It appears as if the plan here is to introduce herd immunity but in phases so that the NHS is more likely to cope, meaning that we should expect our graph to look more like a sine wave than a single peak. That means that social distancing measures will be turned off and on throughout the year.
I don't know nearly enough to know whether or not this is a sensible idea, but it's the only plan we have right now.
The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Sun 22 Mar 11:55
Well, Harvard professors, the WHO and many UK experts have said it is a nuts idea.
Andrew Marr was crediting the bogeyman Cummings with the idea today. I hope he's not mistaken because not even the most horrible person deserves an incorrect accusation of that nature.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sun 22 Mar 12:06
Definetly Wotsit that there would have been cases before the first officially recorded ones but that would surely apply to both countries? We might very well get to the same types of numbers as Italy have but like you said it could be a more gradual incline.
On a different note is anyone's else viewng this thread on their phone having difficulty because of how long it is now?
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: Thaipar
Date: Sun 22 Mar 12:13
The One Who Knocks, Sun 22 Mar 12:06
Definetly Wotsit that there would have been cases before the first officially recorded ones but that would surely apply to both countries? We might very well get to the same types of numbers as Italy have but like you said it could be a moregradual incline.
On a different note is anyone's else viewng this thread on their phone having difficulty because of how long it is now?
I assume you have your settings correct TOWK?
If u open your navigation drawer and go to layout and behaviour you can select how many threads you see per page and also have the ability to go to the last thread you read.
Hope this helps your viewing problem.
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Sun 22 Mar 12:22
The One Who Knocks, Sun 22 Mar 12:06On a different note is anyone's else viewng this thread on their phone having difficulty because of how long it is now?
No problems here on the app.
I did notice the website was slow though
Topic Originator: parsmad68
Date: Sun 22 Mar 13:09
Fife population is similar to that of Lambeth in London. The cases are much higher in Lambeth probably due to the proximity of people, so the virus escalations could be different, but the cases will come unless people change their behaviour.
I would not like to spread rumours but I have heard 3 people died in Kirkcaldy today so the virus is most definitely here.
Topic Originator: Frank Butchers LoveHandles
Date: Sun 22 Mar 14:24
The quicker we go into Lockdown the better in my opinion. Apparent that alot of people are still ignoring advice and instructions.
Awight Pat!
Topic Originator: dave67
Date: Sun 22 Mar 14:36
Seen a post about a pub in paisley staying open owners excuse is until government shut him down he's staying open
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Sun 22 Mar 14:41
TOWK - The small numbers don't really mean anything. A country could have a few cases, manage all contacts, then nothing much happens for a while. Once you have community transmission that is where you can start to compare, and the was much earlier in Italy than in France and the UK (despite the early cases reported in all three countries).
In terms of deaths our last 8 days have matched Italy from February 29th to March 7th and Spain from March 8th to March 15th almost exactly.
I hope that the effects of social distancing and the different demographics and ways of life will mean that the UK slows down quickly and we don't have 300 deaths a day next weekend (like Spain) and 800 a day the following weekend (like Italy) but only time will tell.
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Sun 22 Mar 14:45
dave67, Sun 22 Mar 14:36
Seen a post about a pub in paisley staying open owners excuse is until government shut him down he's staying open
I read somewhere recently that owners who refuse to cooperate will have their booze license taken off them... Which will effectively close them.
Can't remember where I read it
Topic Originator: parsmad68
Date: Sun 22 Mar 15:00
widtink, Sun 22 Mar 14:45
dave67, Sun 22 Mar 14:36
Seen a post about a pub in paisley staying open owners excuse is until government shut him down he's staying open
I read somewhere recently that owners who refuse to cooperate will have their booze license taken off them... Which will effectively close them.
Can't remember where I read it
I cannot disagree with this. Complete lack of care and consideration of the pubs.
I just completed reading a report that gives the stark news.
If there is no ICU available the estimates are that 80%+ of people will die. Our ICU availability is set up for regular quantity of cases meaning that if we get close to hospitalisation rates as suggested, our death toll also will increase rapidly. Take care all and treat this as serious. The numbers are potentially staggering when you read the potential if nothing is done.
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Sun 22 Mar 15:00
People need to stop mucking about and take it seriously. Keep indoors and only go out if you need to. Wash your hands and stop pretending you're invincible. Even if you are, others aren't.
Hope these pubs staying open lose their licences.
The lock downs in Spain are far more restrictive than here and people are acting more sensibly. Here we have folk who can't for a few weekends without the pub and morons from England deciding now is the time to book a cottage in Pittenweem. Utter and complete muppets.
Topic Originator: BigJPar
Date: Sun 22 Mar 17:54
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Sun 22 Mar 17:55
Spain has fines of up to 30,000 Euros for folk breaching their curfews.
Topic Originator: allparone
Date: Sun 22 Mar 19:19
BigJPar, Sun 22 Mar 17:54
Pretty poor from Boris and Nicola today. Why no lockdown?
Yes, the presser was mostly referring to social distancing in parks and outdoor areas. This is extremely important but tomorrow morning public transport will be rammed with people heading to work. Most employers won’t shut workplaces until they are forced to.
Topic Originator: Milos Drizzle
Date: Sun 22 Mar 19:26
The One Who Knocks, Sun 22 Mar 12:06
On a different note is anyone's else viewng this thread on their phone having difficulty because of how long it is now?
Use the Android or iOS app, TOWK, as they page the thread.
This is my signature
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Sun 22 Mar 19:29
Please tell me this is fake news
Flights carrying thousands of passengers from the worst-hit coronavirus areas are still landing in Britain.
Passengers from Italy, China and Iran have arrived a Gatwick and Heathrow this week, even as the UK went in to lockdown, shutting bars, cafes, restaurants and banning mass gatherings.
Planes have arrived in London from Rome, Beijing and Shanghai every day this week. Direct flights from Rome are also still due to arrive next week.
Topic Originator: parsmad68
Date: Sun 22 Mar 19:42
A trip to FlightRadar 24 will show all flights still travelling. I saw a Ryanair flight going to Rome this morning. Could have been a repatriation trip but was definitely travelling to Rome
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Sun 22 Mar 19:47
dave67, Sun 22 Mar 14:36
Seen a post about a pub in paisley staying open owners excuse is until government shut him down he's staying open
There was a pub in Falkirk selling beer at £1 a pint. My daughter's pal's wee brother said it was mobbed......
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Sun 22 Mar 20:35
There was a lot of pubs doing "last night open" deals
Topic Originator: Alf
Date: Sun 22 Mar 20:55
All McDonald's to close from tomorrow 7pm
Topic Originator: parak obama
Date: Sun 22 Mar 20:58
Alf, Sun 22 Mar 20:55
All McDonald's to close from tomorrow 7pm
I wonder if the drive through will be packed with folk that aren't even hungry
Topic Originator: twin par
Date: Sun 22 Mar 21:01
My holiday in cottage in highlands cancelled. Got voucher to rebook for up to a year,fair enough,not complaining.Still miss the break ,but hey ho,some things are more important.
Post Edited (Sun 22 Mar 21:04)
Topic Originator: allparone
Date: Sun 22 Mar 21:08
parak obama, Sun 22 Mar 20:58
Alf, Sun 22 Mar 20:55
All McDonald's to close from tomorrow 7pm
I wonder if the drive through will be packed with folk that aren't even hungry
Drive throughs closed as well. It was their intention to keep the drive through open but they’ve changed their mind.
Topic Originator: Alf
Date: Sun 22 Mar 21:09
parak obama, Sun 22 Mar 20:58
Alf, Sun 22 Mar 20:55
All McDonald's to close from tomorrow 7pm
I wonder if the drive through will be packed with folk that aren't even hungry
Drive through's are closing as well
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Sun 22 Mar 21:21
Topic Originator: BigJPar
Date: Sun 22 Mar 21:24
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Sun 22 Mar 21:35
So where does lockdown extend to.Am I allowed to walk my dog,can I go to collect a prescription,is the government going to cover our divorce court proceedings?
Topic Originator: Frank Butchers LoveHandles
Date: Sun 22 Mar 21:39
donj, Sun 22 Mar 21:35
So where does lockdown extend to.Am I allowed to walk my dog,can I go to collect a prescription,is the government going to cover our divorce court proceedings?
My interpretation of it is one person in your household can go to the supermarket/pharmacist. Not sure about restrictions on dog walking, assuming you can ensuring that you are a 2 metre distance from other people.
Awight Pat!
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Sun 22 Mar 21:39
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sun 22 Mar 21:44
Isn't Sturgeon and the Scottish government not doing the exact same as the UK government only a wee bit quicker?
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: desparado
Date: Sun 22 Mar 21:45
Topic Originator: BigJPar like | nolike
Date: Sun 22 Mar 21:24
EEP, Sun 22 Mar 21:21
Just lock us down for whatever time and all theses wee selfish idiots still found on the streets put in cells.
In 2 weeks time the UK is going to be in the mire like Italy.
The fact we are not in lockdown is negligence of the highest order IMHO.
Johnson and Sturgeon should be made to pay for this big time in the future.
Johnson and Cummings for sure, Sturgeon? Not sure the Scottish Government have the powers to enact emergency legislation the kind the U.K. are planing to enact....might be wrong.
There was uproar when NS announced to the Nation (Scotland) what had been discussed at a Cobra meeting about an hour before the bold Boris addressed the Nation (UK) . If Scot Gov had started acting unilaterally can you imagine the s**t storm ?
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Sun 22 Mar 21:46
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Sun 22 Mar 21:50
I'll bet there's a queue at Maccy D's now. Idiots.
A McDonald's burger is very easy to make...if the shelves still had mince on them!
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sun 22 Mar 21:55
EEP, decided to close the schools.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: BigJPar
Date: Sun 22 Mar 21:55
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Sun 22 Mar 22:02
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Sun 22 Mar 22:10
Why dont you go into lockdown EEP and give us some peace,
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sun 22 Mar 22:21
Has Italy hit the peak? Less deaths today than yesterday.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Sun 22 Mar 22:23
Topic Originator: DulochConvert
Date: Sun 22 Mar 22:37
Anyone know what the doctors situation is?
I have been in lock down since Tuesday with a 38c most day temperature, however it started the week before, before the instructions came out.
My temperature is tonight still 38c, but my 7 day line will run out tomorrow, however I was told not to go to the surgery! How can I get treatment, as it’s a chest infection I need a prescription?
Topic Originator: BigJPar
Date: Sun 22 Mar 22:38
Topic Originator: desparado
Date: Sun 22 Mar 22:39
Topic Originator: EEP like | nolike
Date: Sun 22 Mar 22:02
Sturgeon should go into lockdown for 12 weeks imo.
She doesn’t have a clue what to do.... can you imagine if we were independent in this case?
I’m going and (I can’t believe it) Borris rules.... Sturgeon looks lost.
Jeez what do you want her to,do? The first minister of Wales and NI are doing more or less the same as the U.K. is......because they have been TOLD to. Do you really think U.K. is not pulling the strings here and the devolved nations have been told they better not overstep the mark? They cant do much unilaterally anyway can they? They can’t control the Army or initiate a curfew ...
If we were I dependent we would have these powers and I would trust her or anybody for that matter more than Bojo.
Can’t help yourself having a political dig at NS,Scot Gov or the SNP can you ?
Poor show really, let’s all blame the SNP and Scot gov...FFS....
What an opportunity we missed in 2014.
Post Edited (Sun 22 Mar 22:40)
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Sun 22 Mar 22:48
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Sun 22 Mar 22:50
EEP I meant lockdown from here.
Topic Originator: desparado
Date: Sun 22 Mar 22:56
Topic Originator: EEP like | nolike
Date: Sun 22 Mar 22:48
If we were independent where would the money come from to help us?
I am not going to get into that debate on this subject suffice to say other small European nations with less resources than Scotland seem to be managing their situations reasonably well.
Indy Scotland would be a relatively wealthy nation.
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Sun 22 Mar 23:04
TOWK - I really hope Italy has hit its peak. They had some day-to-day decreases last week but the numbers increased again after. Maybe this time it will happen.
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Sun 22 Mar 23:05
Duloch I'd phone the surgery tomorrow and explain why you need it.I'm pretty sure they would get it done and delivered to the chemist.In your position I would also ask for it to be delivered.You are better staying in.
Topic Originator: DulochConvert
Date: Sun 22 Mar 23:36
Cheers Donj, yeah I get a chest infection every year, pneumonia was my worst year, I just got used to this.
I will phone them tomorrow (have my wife, mother, sister and daughter already at me)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Mon 23 Mar 01:35
EEP, Sun 22 Mar 22:48
If we were independent where would the money come from to help us?
Exactly the same place it's coming from now.
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Mon 23 Mar 07:11
Reading some of the most recent posts on this thread:-
1. I can't understand the attacks on Nicola Sturgeon. I'm not a fan, but she has stepped up really well in this crisis, issuing instructions which are clear and decisive.
2. Johnson is - at last - also issuing instructions which are unambiguous, but you have to conclude that some Brits are either not very bright or complete @rseh0les, going by the swarms pictured in many parks and beauty spots, up and down the land....
3. You can't say Italy has peaked after a slight dip in the number of deaths yesterday. If this becomes a trend in the next week to 10 days, maybe. Fingers crossed.
4. There's a misconception that many Italians live together as extended families comprising 3 or more generations. This may have been the case in southern Italy pre WW2, but is certainly not the case now. Northern Italians have never been as family orientated and perhaps because the North is more prosperous, grandparents tend to live on their own, but close by. There are also far more care homes for the elderly in the North, whereas in the south, they're a rarity. My native village has a population of about 500, with an average age of around 75. A care home was built there 6 years ago. It's still waiting on its first resident as there's a stigma attached to putting your parents in a home and they wouldn't go willingly either. You may think that's selfish, but their attitude is that they cared for their children when they were young and now it's their children's turn.....
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: P
Date: Mon 23 Mar 08:13
EEP, Sun 22 Mar 22:48
If we were independent where would the money come from to help us?
This post is pathetic! This is the time and place for this sort of garbage?
Topic Originator: parsmad68
Date: Mon 23 Mar 08:14
GG Riva, Mon 23 Mar 07:11
Reading some of the most recent posts on this thread:-
1. I can't understand the attacks on Nicola Sturgeon. I'm not a fan, but she has stepped up really well in this crisis, issuing instructions which are clear and decisive.
2. Johnson is - at last - also issuing instructions which are unambiguous, but you have to conclude that some Brits are either not very bright or complete @rseh0les, going by the swarms pictured in many parks and beauty spots, up and down the land....
3. You can't say Italy has peaked after a slight dip in the number of deaths yesterday. If this becomes a trend in the next week to 10 days, maybe. Fingers crossed.
4. There's a misconception that many Italians live together as extended families comprising 3 or more generations. This may have been the case in southern Italy pre WW2, but is certainly not the case now. Northern Italians have never been as family orientated and perhaps because the North is more prosperous, grandparents tend to live on their own, but close by. There are also far more care homes for the elderly in the North, whereas in the south, they're a rarity. My native village has a population of about 500, with an average age of around 75. A care home was built there 6 years ago. It's still waiting on its first resident as there's a stigma attached to putting your parents in a home and they wouldn't go willingly either. You may think that's selfish, but their attitude is that they cared for their children when they were young and now it's their children's turn.....
Hi GG this copies Chinese culture exactly, where the parents have looked after the children and it is now the children’s turn to look after the parents.
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Mon 23 Mar 08:52
parsmad68, Mon 23 Mar 08:14
GG Riva, Mon 23 Mar 07:11
4. There's a misconception that many Italians live together as extended families comprising 3 or more generations. This may have been the case in southern Italy pre WW2, but is certainly not the case now. Northern Italians have never been as family orientated and perhaps because the North is more prosperous, grandparents tend to live on their own, but close by. There are also far more care homes for the elderly in the North, whereas in the south, they're a rarity. My native village has a population of about 500, with an average age of around 75. A care home was built there 6 years ago. It's still waiting on its first resident as there's a stigma attached to putting your parents in a home and they wouldn't go willingly either. You may think that's selfish, but their attitude is that they cared for their children when they were young and now it's their children's turn.....
Hi GG this copies Chinese culture exactly, where the parents have looked after the children and it is now the children’s turn to look after the parents.
It is a culture very much on the way out in Italy though and only still found in some remote rural villages in the South. The point I was trying to make is that the high number of fatalities in Lombardy is not due to grandparents living in the family home, but more about people not heeding the social distancing and self isolation instructions - just like folk have been doing here over the weekend... ☹
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Mon 23 Mar 09:13
Too many f*****s around. Need to enforce lockdown, big fines and a criminal record so there is ongoing stigma.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Mon 23 Mar 10:19
GG Riva, Mon 23 Mar 08:52
parsmad68, Mon 23 Mar 08:14
GG Riva, Mon 23 Mar 07:11
4. There's a misconception that many Italians live together as extended families comprising 3 or more generations. This may have been the case in southern Italy pre WW2, but is certainly not the case now. Northern Italians have never been as family orientated and perhaps because the North is more prosperous, grandparents tend to live on their own, but close by. There are also far more care homes for the elderly in the North, whereas in the south, they're a rarity. My native village has a population of about 500, with an average age of around 75. A care home was built there 6 years ago. It's still waiting on its first resident as there's a stigma attached to putting your parents in a home and they wouldn't go willingly either. You may think that's selfish, but their attitude is that they cared for their children when they were young and now it's their children's turn.....
Hi GG this copies Chinese culture exactly, where the parents have looked after the children and it is now the children’s turn to look after the parents.
It is a culture very much on the way out in Italy though and only still found in some remote rural villages in the South. The point I was trying to make is that the high number of fatalities in Lombardy is not due to grandparents living in the family home, but more about people not heeding the social distancing and self isolation instructions - just like folk have been doing here over the weekend... ☹
I read there was something crazy like over 60,000 penalty notices issued for not adhering to the isolation instruction. Certainly doesn't help things and unfortunately looks like a fair few here would do the same thing.
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Mon 23 Mar 10:25
What would help is being able to mass test to really get on top of it.I'm sure I read somewhere that they were developing some easier and quicker testing.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Mon 23 Mar 10:41
That would be a huge help. The US think they've developed a test kit that works in 45 mins but they had problems with previous test kits so not sure how reliable it will be.
Scientists in Oxford think they have one that works in 30 mins but is still a bit off being approved as an official test.
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Mon 23 Mar 10:54
Is the main problem in Italy not the way the natives greet eachother?
Not being flippant by the way!😎
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Mon 23 Mar 14:29
LochgellyAlbert, Mon 23 Mar 10:54
Is the main problem in Italy not the way the natives greet eachother?
Not being flippant by the way!😎
The kiss on either cheek is the standard greeting when friends/relatives haven't met up for a while, LA.
A more common greeting among younger females is a hug with both giving fresh air kisses while making a lip smacking sound.
I wouldn't imagine either greeting is too popular at the moment.
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: BigJPar
Date: Mon 23 Mar 16:03
Topic Originator: Big T Par
Date: Mon 23 Mar 16:52
Looks like it. There is gonna be a shitstorm of repercussions, if as expected, we follow Italy in the amount of people dying. The tories will never be forgiven if this comes to pass.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Mon 23 Mar 17:02
It's crazy that flights are still coming in from countries with serious infection issues and there is no travel ban or testing/tracing of those flights.
Topic Originator: desparado
Date: Mon 23 Mar 17:23
When this is all over Boris will be made out to be a hero of Churchilian proportions will be given a knighthood and a movie will be made and he will go down as one of the best leaders we have ever had.
The truth is the complete opposite of course.
Topic Originator: Grant
Date: Mon 23 Mar 17:31
Have you never been tempted to live in Italy GG? Hard to judge a whole country by pictures but it looks amazing, my trip around Rome was one of my favourite ever, so much history around the place.
Topic Originator: sammer
Date: Mon 23 Mar 17:38
It's one thing shouting for 'Lockdown' but suppose the cure is more lethal than the disease. Will police want to arrest a pensioner out jogging or simply going for a walk? What happens when they try to raid one of the 'Speakeasys' which will doubtless be springing up. Army on the streets? No thanks. We'll never get them off.
I'm still waiting for reliable figures. Around 1500 people die each day in the UK, on average, many of them from respiratory problems associated with old age. At this time of year the number is normally higher as influenza kicks in. I would like to know two figures. The first one is how many more people so far have died than would normally have been expected as a result of this virus. And secondly, although these could only be projections, how many more people would be likely to die in the months ahead if voluntary, rather than enforced, isolation was the approach.
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Mon 23 Mar 17:46
The people dying aren't all old or people with respiratory issues. The other problem is people who simply get very ill from it. They take up beds. Those beds would normally be for other ill people.
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Mon 23 Mar 18:32
Sammer - There is still a reasonable possibility that you are right and when we look back at it in a year or two we see that, on a global level, it wasn't as bad as we feared.
Unfortunately we are also at the stage where it is possible that this paralyses our hospitals for weeks (or months) and leads to many 'avoidable' deaths.
As with our supermarkets, our hospitals are not magical entities that can conjure up toilet roll or respirators at the drop of a hat.
A 2-week lockdown would make complete sense. The UK could choose a softer lockdown and don't need the army patrolling the streets, but it would be wise to put some strong messages out there instead of the "be good boys and girls or we might need to put you on the naughty step" attitude of our coward of a PM.
Topic Originator: BigJPar
Date: Mon 23 Mar 19:10
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Mon 23 Mar 19:17
If it was only as flu then Vladimir Putin wouldn't be having everyone who comes into close contact with him tested for it before hand.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Mon 23 Mar 19:23
Grant, Mon 23 Mar 17:31
Have you never been tempted to live in Italy GG? Hard to judge a whole country by pictures but it looks amazing, my trip around Rome was one of my favourite ever, so much history around the place.
As a young man, I thought I might go back when I retired, Grant, but it never crossed my mind when I eventually did. Some reasons for this are:-
My children and grandchildren are here and I would miss them too much.
I have a "Scottish mindset" and feel very at home here - the Italian way of doing things often does my head in. Too many Italians are inconsiderate or even selfish, sadly.
Many of my friends and relatives from the village are either in the cemetery or have moved away to find work.
I wouldn't be able to watch my beloved Pars or coordinate the Pars Tackle Health schools community programme.
In short, Scotland is my home now. My family emigrated from Italy when I was a small boy, in the summer of 1960. Hoping to celebrate this "diamond anniversary" in 3 months time, if I can dodge this frigging virus. 😯
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: BigJPar
Date: Mon 23 Mar 19:26
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Mon 23 Mar 19:31
Topic Originator: P
Date: Mon 23 Mar 19:35
You have to be a complete fool not to realise how serious this is by now
Post Edited (Mon 23 Mar 19:35)
Topic Originator: BigJPar
Date: Mon 23 Mar 19:40
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Mon 23 Mar 19:43
You don't need tanks on the streets.
You just need strong government.
Some kind of cockdown with the threat of fines for people being stupid is all that is required. Not everyone will respect it but enough will, and that could be the difference between something unpleasant and something much worse.
Post Edited (Mon 23 Mar 20:38)
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Mon 23 Mar 19:46
If he announces a kockdown I'll have completely lost faith.
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Mon 23 Mar 20:00
Topic Originator: BigJPar
Date: Mon 23 Mar 20:06
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Mon 23 Mar 20:09
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Mon 23 Mar 20:14
Good guidance to keep 2m away out of aerosol range.
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Mon 23 Mar 20:19
Had to laugh today.
Folk waiting on the bus in Rosyth were spread out (as per government advice).
Problem is... Once on the bus they can't possibly keep that far apart.
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Mon 23 Mar 20:24
Went to chemist this morning just to drop a repeat prescription in the box.I would have had to wait in the queue of about 50 people but luckily lady at front of line took it in for me.Bit insane really.
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Mon 23 Mar 20:39
There. I've corrected it.
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Mon 23 Mar 20:43
Actually, with all this talk of cockdowns, people are speculating whether there will be a baby boom in around 9 months or if the opposite will happen because of Netflix and the fact that everyone will be getting on everyone's nerves.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Mon 23 Mar 21:20
Anybody getting pregnant the now is a braver man than me.
Topic Originator: dave67
Date: Mon 23 Mar 21:20
Why do you think they kept chemists open 😀
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Mon 23 Mar 21:24
Yep but probably people will now stockpile condoms so none available lol.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Mon 23 Mar 21:25
Topic Originator: ipswichpar like | nolike
Date: Mon 23 Mar 21:20
Anybody getting pregnant the now is a braver man than me.
Hope you mean woman ipswichpar :-)
Topic Originator: Frank Butchers LoveHandles
Date: Mon 23 Mar 21:27
I'm married barely a week and stuck in doors with her for the forseeable. We will either be divorced or have 14 kids.
Awight Pat!
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Mon 23 Mar 21:28
Buspasspar, Mon 23 Mar 21:25
Topic Originator: ipswichpar like | nolike
Date: Mon 23 Mar 21:20
Anybody getting pregnant the now is a braver man than me.
Hope you mean woman ipswichpar :-)
Science can do wonderful things nowadays!
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Mon 23 Mar 21:29
I am no quite grasping our modus operandi we can't gather more than 2 which I agree with.... but there are still flights coming in to Heathrow from all the major infected Countries ?? And some flying out to China as we speak ??
Topic Originator: parforthecourse
Date: Mon 23 Mar 21:37
Bringing back UK citizens?
Topic Originator: P
Date: Mon 23 Mar 21:44
Repatriation flights, folk abroad have been told to get home.
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Mon 23 Mar 22:04
Trouble with it all is what the rules are seem to be confusing.From Johnsons it looks like people can still work but from Sturgeons it looks like unless a hospital,supermarket or pharmacy then no.So is she closing every business in Scotland apart from those?
Topic Originator: BigJPar
Date: Mon 23 Mar 22:09
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Mon 23 Mar 22:12
Buspasspar, Mon 23 Mar 21:29
I am no quite grasping our modus operandi we can't gather more than 2 which I agree with.... but there are still flights coming in to Heathrow from all the major infected Countries ?? And some flying out to China as we speak ??
I would imagine the vast majority now are uk citizens. Previously it seemed perverse I agree. But they had pretty much given up a long time ago, once they had evidence of community transfer. I would love to find out in the fullness of time why that was the case...I suspect it was purely down to lack of tests and capacity to isolate.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Mon 23 Mar 22:14
donj, Mon 23 Mar 22:04
Trouble with it all is what the rules are seem to be confusing.From Johnsons it looks like people can still work but from Sturgeons it looks like unless a hospital,supermarket or pharmacy then no.So is she closing every business in Scotland apart from those?
I must admit I wasnt listening 100% but it was pretty unambiguous wasnt it?
Topic Originator: KirklistonPar
Date: Mon 23 Mar 22:33
I’m classed as a key worker. It’s a f&@king shambles!!out serving boiler’s is not key to the safety of the country’s people. I’m sure loads of other people were at work today thinking what the hell am I doing.
Topic Originator: DBP
Date: Mon 23 Mar 22:36
My wife works for lloyds in a call centre (debt collection for car finance) and she's deemed a critical worker and has to go in to the office tomorrow - confirmed just after the speeches by Boris me Nicola - complete joke!
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Mon 23 Mar 22:53
Topic Originator: desparado
Date: Mon 23 Mar 22:54
After all the money the Chancellor has found on his magic money tree then debt collection will be deemed essential for a very long time I think...
Sorry for being facetious DBP.
Topic Originator: twin par
Date: Mon 23 Mar 22:54
Yes.Im a cook in a school in rosyth.Had to go in and clean.Teachers on 30 odd grand sent home,joke.Im on on Less than half their wage.
Post Edited (Mon 23 Mar 22:56)
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Mon 23 Mar 23:13
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Tue 24 Mar 00:09
renegade master, Mon 23 Mar 22:22
Planes are flying bringing vital supplies to this country some flights are flying with 1 passenger but a hold of vital food and manufacturing equipment, PPE supplies etc.
We are an island when the ports and airports close we have only what we can produce.
The government have worked very hard behind the scenes to bring as much vital equipment into the country as possible before they called the lockdown tonight.
I dont think anyone is concerned about the freight flights its the passenger flights that are still coming in that seems daft.
Admittedly most if the article is behind the paywall but you get the gist in the first bit.
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend
Date: Tue 24 Mar 00:10
what about Brits trying to get home?
It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Tue 24 Mar 00:32
Where there is a need to bring people home I'd prefer to see that done on a managed charter flight with proper testing/tracing and possible quarantine if needed rather than on open schedule flight where folk just hop off and carry on as they would.
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend
Date: Tue 24 Mar 00:53
I get that, LPF, but no point in shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.
I don't mean that in a negative way, my friend.
An acquaintance of mine has just jetted off to Europe with his lad. Needs his head examined
It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
Post Edited (Tue 24 Mar 05:35)
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Tue 24 Mar 01:23
I know these might seem trivial.points but wondered if anyone can shed any light.....
1/ I've been taking some essentials to my parents (dad is disabled). Am I still permitted to do this, given I don't go inside, just leaving stuff at the front door as a home delivery driver would.
2/ My car MOT is due and I have it booked in for this Thursday. Is this permitted.
Appreciate your thoughts.....
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Post Edited (Tue 24 Mar 01:24)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Tue 24 Mar 01:58
Da my ramblings would be yes to both.
You're really acting as a carer in scenario 1 which is allowed and garages are remaining open and getting your MOT is a legal requirement so I think you're ok on both points.
"I get that, LPF, but no point in shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.
I don't mean that in a negative way, my friend"
Not at all and I absolutely get the point your making and I swithered a bit myself on this point. It does seem a bit futile but then I watched a snapshot of a Channel 4 program interviewing a doctor and he was comparing the r0 (how contagious the virus is) of Corona vs the flu and he gave the example that the common flu had an r0 of 1.3 or 1.4 and the Corona virus potentially had one about 3.
He pointed out that 10 rounds of transmission had the following exponential results of infection:
Flu @ 1.3 = 14 people infected rounded up to nearest whole person.
Flu @ 1.4 = 40 people infected rounded up to the nearest whole person
CV @ 3 = 59,049 people infected.
Those results are from 1 infected person initially. To my mind you have to keep trying to fight the good fight otherwise you're back to letting everyone getting infected. Even if you stop a handful of infected passengers spreading the virus it could potentially stop thousands getting infected.
When you phrase it like that I dont think it's quite as futile as it initially seems even though it does feel like we've missed the boat big time to make a big difference on that front.
Post Edited (Tue 24 Mar 02:18)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Tue 24 Mar 02:18
I hope your daughter and boyfriend get back ok by the way mate.
Topic Originator: parsmad68
Date: Tue 24 Mar 05:42
londonparsfan, Tue 24 Mar 01:58
Da my ramblings would be yes to both.
You're really acting as a carer in scenario 1 which is allowed and garages are remaining open and getting your MOT is a legal requirement so I think you're ok on both points.
"I get that, LPF, but no point in shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.
I don't mean that in a negative way, my friend"
Not at all and I absolutely get the point your making and I swithered a bit myself on this point. It does seem a bit futile but then I watched a snapshot of a Channel 4 program interviewing a doctor and he was comparing the r0 (how contagious the virus is) of Corona vs the flu and he gave the example that the common flu had an r0 of 1.3 or 1.4 and the Corona virus potentially had one about 3.
He pointed out that 10 rounds of transmission had the following exponential results of infection:
Flu @ 1.3 = 14 people infected rounded up to nearest whole person.
Flu @ 1.4 = 40 people infected rounded up to the nearest whole person
CV @ 3 = 59,049 people infected.
Those results are from 1 infected person initially. To my mind you have to keep trying to fight the good fight otherwise you're back to letting everyone getting infected. Even if you stop a handful of infected passengers spreading the virus it could potentially stop thousands getting infected.
When you phrase it like that I dont think it's quite as futile as it initially seems even though it does feel like we've missed the boat big time to make a big difference on that front.
Post Edited (Tue 24 Mar 02:18)
This is the whole point of the lockdown as you have concisely delivered from the doctor.
At the current infection rate our NHS will be overwhelmed.
IF the ICU beds are full then 80% of the the people who would have been admitted to ICU WILL die.
No support from the NHS.
They are condemned.
They cannot be supported by respirators.
It is that clear.
ICU bed rates are set up for the expectation of people who need ICU WITHOUT Covid-19. The race was on to increase the number of ICU beds against infection rates.
These are the true numbers from Italy and something that the government have said, but have sugar coated what they have said.
Personally I would have made the point much more bluntly to those people gathering at parks at the weekend, but I am no politician.
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Tue 24 Mar 06:38
President Trumpet in denial, shock.
Trouble is, if his ''strategy'' is followed many avoidable deaths will follow. Is the economy more important than people's lives?
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Tue 24 Mar 07:36
I think most countries have put automatic extensions on MOTs that are due during the lockdown. People will have a few months after the lockdown to get it done. I assume the UK will do the same.
Topic Originator: P
Date: Tue 24 Mar 08:26
They have backtracked and are not opening now
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Tue 24 Mar 08:36
GG Riva, Tue 24 Mar 06:38
President Trumpet in denial, shock.
Trouble is, if his ''strategy'' is followed many avoidable deaths will follow. Is the economy more important than people's lives?
Just heard that on BBC news, the guy's got his head buried in the sand!😲
Still surprised that he never sent one of the hospital ships to Las Vegas. 😎
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Wed 25 Mar 09:24
Pictures on the bbc news web this morning showing London tube trains packed to the gunwales ??
We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
Post Edited (Wed 25 Mar 09:25)
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Wed 25 Mar 09:29
Apologies for the pedantry ... But as a seaman for 31 years.... And bored out my skull for the last few days... I feel I had to correct this lol.
Anyhoo... Carry on.
Keep safe awbody 👍
Ah... I see you noticed your spelling mistake before I posted.
Good man
Post Edited (Wed 25 Mar 09:29)
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Wed 25 Mar 09:33
They cut the services so less trains.Saw an article and it was a nurse who had to get in to work and was more scared of infection there than at work.
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Wed 25 Mar 09:34
I think people are playing politics and this is not the time to do it.
The government haven't given clear advice about who should be working and who shouldn't. They are delegating responsibility to employers, and they are blaming the tube problems on Sadiq Khan.
I suppose they are all being given their script by Cummings and they are doing a great job of sticking to them.
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Wed 25 Mar 09:39
You can use gunnel as an alternative to gunwale.
Topic Originator: allparone
Date: Wed 25 Mar 09:48
“The government haven't given clear advice about who should be working and who shouldn't.”
They have been extremely clear. “If you cannot work from home you should travel to work. We need to keep the country running” was Hancock’s words last night when he was giving his statement. It may and probably should change to critical services in the next few days but as it stands if you can’t work from home you should go to work regardless of your job. Sturgeon wants certain businesses to close but it appears she hasn’t got the power to do it.
<Coronavirus: Only go to your job if you cannot work from home - Hancock https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-52022417>
Post Edited (Wed 25 Mar 09:51)
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Wed 25 Mar 09:52
allparone, Wed 25 Mar 09:48
“The government haven't given clear advice about who should be working and who shouldn't.”
They have been extremely clear. “If you cannot work from home you should travel to work. We need to keep the country running” was Hancock’s words last night when he was giving his statement. It may and probably should change to critical services in the next few days but as it stands if you can’t work from home you should go to work regardless of your job. Sturgeon wants certain businesses to close but it appears she hasn’t got the power to do it.
They also said essential workers which has muddied the water. They just need to publish a simple decision tree. The reason that they havent done that IMO is either they arent clear or want to eke out a bit more cash.
It isnt a hard message to give if they really wanted to provide it.
Topic Originator: allparone
Date: Wed 25 Mar 09:54
Hancock never mentioned “essential workers” in his statement. I’ve tried to post the link but it doesn’t seem to appear (maybe the app). It was the top story on bbc webpage last night and can be accessed through the top story this morning.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Wed 25 Mar 09:55
Johnson did. You can't set policy by the health secretary standing in the chambers or Gove pontificating on Good Morning Britain.
Post Edited (Wed 25 Mar 09:56)
Topic Originator: allparone
Date: Wed 25 Mar 09:58
Johnson said if it was essential to travel to work you should. It was clarified that this meant if you couldn’t work from home then it was essential to travel to work. It didn’t mean if your work is essential. That’s not our call to make.
He even made it clear that construction workers should go to the building sites but keep 2 metres away from each other lol
<Coronavirus: Only go to your job if you cannot work from home - Hancock https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-52022417>
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Wed 25 Mar 10:02
The use of "absolutely necessary" is completely ambiguous. Does it refer to the travel or the work?
They really have not been clear enough.
Topic Originator: allparone
Date: Wed 25 Mar 10:04
Travel. Also, this wasn’t on GMTV. It was the official statement at tea time yesterday.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Wed 25 Mar 10:09
I know(it was the day before). It really is ambiguous....it could apply to either.Gove was on GMB yesterday talked about divorced parents and got it wrong.
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Wed 25 Mar 10:09
jake89, Wed 25 Mar 09:39
You can use gunnel as an alternative to gunwale.
That's how it's pronounced so yeah
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Wed 25 Mar 10:12
The messages are deliberately ambiguous for a huge chunk of society.
People who can work from home should work from home.
Essential workers should go to work.
Everyone in the middle is left out of the conversation.
Topic Originator: allparone
Date: Wed 25 Mar 10:15
Ipswich, I agree. The initial statement by Johnson on Monday wasn’t clear. It has been cleared up and they’ve changed the wording on the governments site now. The word “essential” has been removed.
You should only leave the house for one of four reasons:
• shopping for basic necessities, for example food and medicine, which must be as infrequent as
• one form of exercise a day, for example a run, walk, or cycle - alone or with members of your household.
• any medical need, or to provide care or to help a vulnerable person.
• travelling to and from work, but only where this absolutely cannot be done from home
Post Edited (Wed 25 Mar 10:16)
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Wed 25 Mar 11:54
It's about time all the parties from Westminster were combined in a "War Cabinet " then we might get sensible decisions being made. There would be opinions from all levels of society and not just Cummings game plan!
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Wed 25 Mar 12:23
The Tories would never accept that because they have seen the end of The Wizard of Oz so they know what would happen.
I wonder if Cummings knows that slogans can only get you so far. We have moved from "take back control" to "get Brexit done", and now he has gifted us with the "protect the NHS".
Moving his government on from saying things to actually doing things might be a good idea.
Topic Originator: wee eck
Date: Wed 25 Mar 14:40
Home testing kits are going to be available 'within days' apparently.
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Wed 25 Mar 16:59
Read up about the home test kit.It detects if you have antibodies which mean that you have had the virus.Remember 80% of cases show very mild symptoms.It could be a game changer.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Wed 25 Mar 17:09
This absolutely is political. This is what Governments do. They run countries which includes health care provision and managing crisis.
There have been pandemics before and there will be again. There were lessons that could have been learnt from other countries. SARS is a Coronavirus.
The Government have run down the number of beds in the NHS and has led to them running constantly at 90% capacity which is recognised as being 20% over capacity.
The Government war gamed a pandemic and found it didnt have enough beds or ventilators and did nothing to change it.
Other Governments stopped flights or travel with infected regions almost immediately. We still have flights with no test arriving from the most infected countries.
Other Governments put in place comprehensive testing, tracing and monitoring programs. We didnt have enough kits so we only test those in hospital (official policy but the reality depends on you status apparently). Who is responsible for buying the test kits?
Front line services dont have enough PPE kit - who is responsible for delivering the kit and ensuring the logistics run correctly?
Social distancing is one of the key areas of WHO guidance on how you limit the transmission of the disease so why were the Government suggesting herd immunity when they had no idea of the number of casualties despite a back of the fag packet calculation throwing up 100s of thousands as the answer.
Who is responsible for the above? It's not bad luck we're in this position.
Post Edited (Wed 25 Mar 17:10)
Topic Originator: wee eck
Date: Wed 25 Mar 18:18
''Topic Originator: renegade master like | nolike
Date: Wed 25 Mar 16:14
It's getting beyond a joke now this is not political. Few basic facts.''
You then proceed to hammer the Scottish government in subsequent posts. So it's not political at UK level but it is at Scotland level?
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Wed 25 Mar 18:35
It is run by supply chain coordination limited isnt it? Isnt it directly reporting into the Secretary of State.
I suspect if it was their job to order, ,that they were waiting for what they ordered which was in alignment with the previous UK guidelines which were in aligned with the WHO guidelines.
They are now being shipped different kit which is less good and in alignment with the new UK guidelines which are much less good than the WHO ones. Thats as far as I understand it, having listened to many doctors on TV and radio who are highly critical of the situation.
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Wed 25 Mar 18:47
No need to stress, folks. President Trumpet will have this virus sussed by Easter and all Americans can get back to their normal daily routine.
All we have to do is ask him how he did it and follow suit.....
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Wed 25 Mar 18:49
South Korea to the rescue
Topic Originator: Wotsit
Date: Wed 25 Mar 19:14
Why was the ppe in warehouses rather than hospitals?
All the hospitals bought ppe at once because the current funding model means that if they had bought (they pay for it from their allocated budget) a large supply before, just in case, then they would have been criticised for wasting money.
Despite the fact that the planning folk at Whitehall must have known for years that there would be a supply chain issue with getting the ppe out to all hospitals.
This is just another flaw in the free market system, and capitalism as a whole, that this situation has highlighted.
It's not the players that are the problem, it's the game itself.
The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Wed 25 Mar 19:32
I'm glad you've recognised that creating the Trusts and creating an internal market was a sub optimal way of administering the NHS. I appreciate that!
Theres more than just debt in the above.
It's not just TRUSTs failed to order them, some TRUSTs had been stockpiling equipment and centrally there hasn't always been enough done.
The aircraft could have operated as freight craft. Passengers could have been prevented from flying. Every other country that implemented travel bans has managed to keep their supply lines flowing.
If you want to put the boot into anything that the SG has done that lies squarely on them feel free. I dont think many European nations have handled this well and that includes Scotland.
I dont think they'll have been able to deviate too much from the Westminster line on this but they probably should have been quicker to req more beds although I dont know if that was tied to more central funding.
No generation has done this in the UK but we've seen Ebola and SARS in recent times and as I pointed out the Gov war gamed this exact scenario,found significant flaws and did nothing to fix it. They simply didnt want to spend the money.
Even after this kicked off there have been countries that have managed this far better than we did. We could have copied them, the Government chose not to.
Post Edited (Wed 25 Mar 19:33)
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Wed 25 Mar 20:29
Politics forum for this pihs
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: wetherby
Date: Wed 25 Mar 22:34
I just heard one of the advisers ( a professor) on the news state that they were optimistic of containing the number of deaths in the U.K. to 20,000
Must admit I was taken aback, I had assumed we would be looking at maybe 5-10,000.
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend
Date: Thu 26 Mar 01:59
londonparsfan, Tue 24 Mar 02:18
I hope your daughter and boyfriend get back ok by the way mate.
Thanks. Back home on Wednesday evening
It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Thu 26 Mar 11:04
This wont be for everyone, but it is a great example of why the testing is so hard. Even with some good quality tests, there's only a one percent chance that someone who is ill tests positive https://youtu.be/pC8yj7FFi-4
Post Edited (Thu 26 Mar 11:05)
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Thu 26 Mar 11:14
So the contract for ventilators goes to Dyson, a company that has never made them before!
You may remember Dyson, an ardent Brexiter that moved his factory to Singapore and is a Tory donor.
Strange decision!🤡🤡🤡💩💩💩
Topic Originator: wee eck
Date: Thu 26 Mar 11:16
They should have put Chris Grayling in charge of procurement!
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Thu 26 Mar 12:04
It's worrying enough that Raab is the designated sub if BJ is out of the game!🤡
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Thu 26 Mar 15:21
Be aware... If you go to the big tesco at duloch with your wife, partner, mistress 🤣, or anyone else etc... Only one of you will be allowed in.
I had to sit in the car while the wife braved the shop.
Topic Originator: parsmad68
Date: Thu 26 Mar 15:54
widtink, Thu 26 Mar 15:21
Be aware... If you go to the big tesco at duloch with your wife, partner, mistress 🤣, or anyone else etc... Only one of you will be allowed in.
I had to sit in the car while the wife braved the shop.
Brave man taking that lot in the car at the same time.
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Thu 26 Mar 15:56
Ha... Well played sir 👏 👏 👏
Topic Originator: BigJPar
Date: Thu 26 Mar 16:17
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Thu 26 Mar 18:09
What are the queues like at Duloch Tesco? Any good times to go? Was planning on trying Aldi tomorrow but may need some bits in Tesco.
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Thu 26 Mar 18:15
Took the wife 5 mins in the queue to get into the store.
This was at about 14:00 ish today
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Thu 26 Mar 18:17
Might try around the same time tomorrow.
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Thu 26 Mar 18:29
No empty shelves she said... But limits on how many items you can purchase at a time.
Eg.. Toilet rolls
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Thu 26 Mar 23:05
When a company that makes approved ones already is cold shouldered by the government for a company that makes vacuum cleaners, beggars belief.
Also UK government did not entertain joining the EU organization for bulk purchasing ventilators, as we have left the EU.
Interesting that G tech have also built a ventilator, funny how their Dysons main rival.
Anyway Dyson and BBC have overstepped the mark as the model has not been approved yet, probably another 2 week wait.
Topic Originator: wetherby
Date: Thu 26 Mar 23:16
Just been watching the film Contagion - absolutely chilling. Pity no one in gov watched it at some point over last 8 years.I read that infact that they had run various scenarios in their disaster planning and it highlighted how unprepared the NHS was for this possibility but obviously decided not to spend any money in remedying the lack of preparation.
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend
Date: Thu 26 Mar 23:47
wetherby, Thu 26 Mar 23:16
Just been watching the film Contagion - absolutely chilling. Pity no one in gov watched it at some point over last 8 years.I read that infact that they had run various scenarios in their disaster planning and it highlighted how unprepared the NHS was for this possibility but obviously decided not to spend any money in remedying the lack of preparation.
Bill Gates 5 years ago
It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
Post Edited (Thu 26 Mar 23:51)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Fri 27 Mar 01:26
"I read that infact that they had run various scenarios in their disaster planning and it highlighted how unprepared the NHS was for this possibility but obviously decided not to spend any money in remedying the lack of preparation."
Correct - I made that point above as well.
Topic Originator: wetherby
Date: Fri 27 Mar 09:03
Thanks for the link LP- interesting watch. No one is really holding the government to account yet but I do get the impression that in the area of emergency planning they have been asleep at the wheel for many years.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Fri 27 Mar 11:22
BoJo apparently tested positive.
Topic Originator: wetherby
Date: Fri 27 Mar 13:07
Hancock the Health Secretary also tested positive for it .
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Fri 27 Mar 13:22
Priti was sitting near him yesterday.
The evil part of my brain is hoping she caught it.
The non-evil part of my brain is also hoping she caught it.
Topic Originator: Thaipar
Date: Fri 27 Mar 14:08
Now is the time to stock up on condoms. One of the leading world manufacturers has been closed for 10 days which has lead to a shortfall of 100million condoms.
They supply the UK NHS also.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Fri 27 Mar 14:16
Or have my face transplanted on to yours Face Off stylee. It also works as a perfect contraceptive.
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Fri 27 Mar 15:10
renegade master, Thu 26 Mar 23:14
Unipart, McClaren, Rolls Royce, JCB are building components for both Dyson and G-Tech in a combined effort it would seem.
Seemingly not!
Topic Originator: wetherby
Date: Sat 28 Mar 14:52
So from the first recorded case in the UK on 31st January to 1,000 deaths eight weeks later. Very sobering.
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Sat 28 Mar 18:10
wetherby, Sat 28 Mar 14:52
So from the first recorded case in the UK on 31st January to 1,000 deaths eight weeks later. Very sobering.
Italy also recorded first case on 31st January. They now have 10000 deaths.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sat 28 Mar 18:33
We've supposedly been two weeks behind Italy for the last month.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Sat 28 Mar 18:52
The One Who Knocks, Sat 28 Mar 18:33
We've supposedly been two weeks behind Italy for the last month.
It was 2-3 weeks from what I remember, and they had 1016 deaths 16 days ago. We currently have 1019.
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Sat 28 Mar 19:09
moviescot, Sat 28 Mar 18:10
wetherby, Sat 28 Mar 14:52
So from the first recorded case in the UK on 31st January to 1,000 deaths eight weeks later. Very sobering.
Italy also recorded first case on 31st January. They now have 10000 deaths.
I'm sure there will be a variety of reasons as to why Italy has had 10× the fatalities in the same time scale, if your figures are accurate.
Some possible causes:-
1. Greater no. of infections.
2. Older average age of infected population.
3. Less heed paid to social distancing advice.
4. Population living in greater proximity.
5. People ignoring travel restrictions.
At any rate, 1000 deaths is regrettable. It will be scant consolation to the families of these victims that far more Italians have died. At the same time, it would be equally wrong to look at countries who have contained the better than the UK and use this as a
stick to beat the Government or the NHS with.
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Sat 28 Mar 19:34
"At the same time, it would be equally wrong to look at countries who have contained the better than the UK and use this as a
stick to beat the Government or the NHS with."
Not often I disagree with you GG but that statement is just wrong. Other countries showed how to contain it and we didnt do it. The buck stops with the Government they made the decisions.
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Sat 28 Mar 19:41
GG Riva, Sat 28 Mar 19:09
moviescot, Sat 28 Mar 18:10
wetherby, Sat 28 Mar 14:52
So from the first recorded case in the UK on 31st January to 1,000 deaths eight weeks later. Very sobering.
Italy also recorded first case on 31st January. They now have 10000 deaths.
I'm sure there will be a variety of reasons as to why Italy has had 10× the fatalities in the same time scale, if your figures are accurate.
Some possible causes:-
1. Greater no. of infections.
2. Older average age of infected population.
3. Less heed paid to social distancing advice.
4. Population living in greater proximity.
5. People ignoring travel restrictions.
At any rate, 1000 deaths is regrettable. It will be scant consolation to the families of these victims that far more Italians have died. At the same time, it would be equally wrong to look at countries who have contained the better than the UK and use this as a
stick to beat the Government or the NHS with.
1. Greater no. of infections
Not sure how that can be proved. It depends on the extent of testing.
2. Older average age of infected population.
This is correct. Italy has an older population demographic
3. Less heed paid to social distancing advice.
UK social distancing failed. On the weekend social distancing in UK was announced there were thousands on beaches. Italians heeded social distancing quicker. Italy have been in lockdown now for 3 weeks. We have barely started.
4. Population living in greater proximity.
London is the most crowded city in Europe. So they live in as close if not closer proximity than most areas of Italy. London is the most infected area in UK.
5. People ignoring travel restrictions.
I think it's safe to say that the UK had until yesterday completely ignored travel restrictions especially in London. Underground still packed even yesterday.
I'm not really sure that we have contained better than Italy so why are we not at the same stage? Why are we supposedly 2/3 weeks behind? Our first case happened at the same time but we don't seem to have followed the same path.
We will just have to wait and see what develops.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Sat 28 Mar 20:09
Starting from date of the first case is the wrong starting point in my opinion that assumes this was being looked for. That being said, I think the first cases in both countries were Chinese tourists. Starting from the date of the first death is more appropriate in my view....the test for death is a little less ambiguous.
Difference between those first deaths was 13 days. We now seem to be 16 days different on equivalent numbers. Not much different IMO.
Time will tell but I can see no reason why we will be materially different but I really hope I'm wrong.
I do not believe the China numbers given the way that this is playing out elsewhere.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Sat 28 Mar 20:27
I read that Italy had experienced a spike in pneumonia cases that were being attributed to their flu season which was more likely to be the coronavirus before they identified their first official case so it makes comparing timelines a bit tricky.
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Sat 28 Mar 20:32
londonparsfan, Sat 28 Mar 19:34
"At the same time, it would be equally wrong to look at countries who have contained the virus better than the UK and use this as a stick to beat the Government or the NHS with."
Not often I disagree with you GG but that statement is just wrong. Other countries showed how to contain it and we didnt do it. The buck stops with the Government they made the decisions.
I should have been clearer, lpf. The initial statement that both Italy and the UK saw their fatality on the same day and Italy has since seen far more deaths is a very crude measurement. What I was trying to convey ( but failed miserably☹) is that there will be any number of variables at play which will determine how quickly the death toll rises. I tried to give some examples, which may or may not be relevant. My list was by no means exhaustive, so we cannot state that one country has done better than another, if we don't have all the relevant information at our disposal.
Eta. Moviescot, you've picked some holes in my argument, but I can get all the national Italian TV channels via satellite and I can reassure you that many Italians are STILL flaunting the lockdown. The main difference is that most of them are wearing cheap little surgical masks which will make little or no difference to their chances of being infected.
Not your average Sunday League player.
Post Edited (Sat 28 Mar 20:37)
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Sat 28 Mar 21:14
GG Riva, Sat 28 Mar 20:32
londonparsfan, Sat 28 Mar 19:34
"At the same time, it would be equally wrong to look at countries who have contained the virus better than the UK and use this as a stick to beat the Government or the NHS with."
Not often I disagree with you GG but that statement is just wrong. Other countries showed how to contain it and we didnt do it. The buck stops with the Government they made the decisions.
I should have been clearer, lpf. The initial statement that both Italy and the UK saw their fatality on the same day and Italy has since seen far more deaths is a very crude measurement. What I was trying to convey ( but failed miserably☹) is that there will be any number of variables at play which will determine how quickly the death toll rises. I tried to give some examples, which may or may not be relevant. My list was by no means exhaustive, so we cannot state that one country has done better than another, if we don't have all the relevant information at our disposal.
Eta. Moviescot, you've picked some holes in my argument, but I can get all the national Italian TV channels via satellite and I can reassure you that many Italians are STILL flaunting the lockdown. The main difference is that most of them are wearing cheap little surgical masks which will make little or no difference to their chances of being infected.
Very true but I can assure you even in deepest darkest Scotland the rules are being flaunted daily.
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Sat 28 Mar 21:17
I've just heard a curious, intriguing stat on an Italian news channel. A little village near Pavia, Ferrera Erbognone, pop. approx 2,000, doesn't have a single case of coronavirus, even though it's just south of Milan in the worst hit province in Italy.
Italian doctors and scientists want to take blood tests of as many villagers as will come forward, to see if they can find a special antibody which is conferring immunity.
It's a long shot, but worth investigating, imo.
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Sat 28 Mar 21:48
renegade master, Sat 28 Mar 21:27
The only thing that beats this is your own immune system.
We are all going to get it how well you can cope with it is going to be down to your own circumstances. Sad Fact.
We are hoping for less than than 20,000 deaths which is a staggering figure to even contemplate. However is going to be driven by stupid ignoring basic advice.
Boost your immune system if you can and stay at home!
People on here will have had it and will be carrying the antibodies and be safe from further infection, but you can still be a carrier on your person this is why the next 3 weeks is so critical.
Stay at Home!
We agree on something 😀
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Sat 28 Mar 22:24
renegade master, Sat 28 Mar 21:27
The only thing that beats this is your own immune system.
We are all going to get it how well you can cope with it is going to be down to your own circumstances. Sad Fact.
We are hoping for less than than 20,000 deaths which is a staggering figure to even contemplate. However is going to be driven by stupid ignoring basic advice.
Boost your immune system if you can and stay at home!
People on here will have had it and will be carrying the antibodies and be safe from further infection, but you can still be a carrier on your person this is why the next 3 weeks is so critical.
Stay at Home!
Do you have a medical degree and can corroborate this statement?
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Sat 28 Mar 22:34
Well I've certainly never read or heard anyone saying that we're all going to get it.. And I know quite a few folk in the NHS.
But maybe RM is "in the know" as they say.
Or maybe he's a scientist... 🤣
Topic Originator: Socks
Date: Sat 28 Mar 23:28
This is the most informative way of presenting the date I've seen, on the FT website.
A lot of info in it, but from that, the UK, France and Italy are pretty much following the same line, in Spain it's going to be absolutely disastrous and the USA is going to catch up with the worst fairly soon.
The government response in this country has obviously been a shambles, just as it has been throughout most of Western Europe.
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Sat 28 Mar 23:33
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Sat 28 Mar 23:35
Possibly yes. There was apparently a weaker strain in December that wasnt as lethal.
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Sun 29 Mar 05:03
EEP, Sat 28 Mar 23:33
Could people have had the virus in December?
I had all the symptoms and was wrecked for 2 weeks(carried on working) then my daughter spent more or less 3 weeks in bed with the same.
As I have already posted on here. In December I spent two full days in bed and about a week after completely out of it. It had all the same symptoms. My wife was ill with a terrible cough and temp for about a week but soldiered on and still went to work. Our daughter was also ill but not as bad as either of us.
As I am in remission from cancer I did get in touch with the hospital. They advised me to come up. They advised me I had a virus and just to take paracetamol. Never found out what the virus was. This all happened from middle of December.
Post Edited (Sun 29 Mar 05:04)
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend
Date: Sun 29 Mar 09:03
What are we to do about China ? It’s being widely reported that “wildlife markets “ are back to normal. These are the places that this virus allegedly started.
It’s time to impose sanctions on a country that continues to allow such wanton actions to continue
And, while I’m here, I don’t believe any of the numbers from China,nor the dates that this allegedly started. No wonder we are seeing other countries crippled. They were warned too late
It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Sun 29 Mar 09:25
Every UK household to receive a letter telling us things to get worse before they get better
What if these letters are contaminated ?? can that happen ??
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Sun 29 Mar 10:02
Buspasspar, Sun 29 Mar 09:25
Every UK household to receive a letter telling us things to get worse before they get better
What if these letters are contaminated ?? can that happen ??
Very unlikely. Virus lives for any 24 hours on paper/cardboard etc. However as the letters will be moving through several kinds of environment, hot and cold it will not be live. The actual virus is sensitive to these changes and cannot survive.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Sun 29 Mar 10:10
Thanks moviescot
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Sun 29 Mar 10:36
Buspasspar, Sun 29 Mar 09:25
Every UK household to receive a letter telling us things to get worse before they get better
What if these letters are contaminated ?? can that happen ??
It's apparently going to cost almost £6m. Is there anybody in the UK who has been living in a cave and doesn't know about coronavirus and will learn about it by letter?
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Sun 29 Mar 10:38
Those were my thoughts as well GG
Also a lot of stamps to lick :)
We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
Post Edited (Sun 29 Mar 10:40)
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Sun 29 Mar 12:11
GG Riva, Sun 29 Mar 10:36
Buspasspar, Sun 29 Mar 09:25
Every UK household to receive a letter telling us things to get worse before they get better
What if these letters are contaminated ?? can that happen ??
It's apparently going to cost almost £6m. Is there anybody in the UK who has been living in a cave and doesn't know about coronavirus and will learn about it by letter?
Least it should resolve the toilet paper shortages!🤔🤔🤔
European contractor doing the printing or a Tory donor whos company is going down the tubes?🤔🤔🤔
Grayling involved?💩💩💩
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Sun 29 Mar 12:12
20k dead is a frightening amount!!😥😥😥
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Sun 29 Mar 12:35
You can't really "boost" your immune system. It needs to be regulated. It's more about maintaining a strong immune system. So stay healthy through exercise and eating the right foods.
The issue I've had recently is getting tomatoes. They're rich in a number of vitamins. Plenty of cans but not sure how well canned ones maintain the vitamins. Might try and grow some in the garden!
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh
Date: Sun 29 Mar 12:51
Apparently tinned tomatoes are just as good.
Anyway, I'm sure tinned tomatoes are better than no tomatoes.
People saying that everyone will get the virus are exaggerating slightly, but they might not be far off. It is likely to infect about 50-70% of the population then come around in small (maybe seasonal) waves in years to come.
Determining which countries have taken the best approach will only be clear in many months, and the best approach for each country won't be the same because it will depend a lot of their healthcare systems. Daily deaths from this virus in the UK are still below peak flu season figures, but we may be only a couple of days away from matching them, and a week or two away from dwarfing them.
Topic Originator: Wotsit
Date: Sun 29 Mar 13:07
Enough of of us will have to get antibodies from somewhere, either through contracting Covid-19 or via a vaccine, to form a herd immunity. We just have to protect the most vulnerable until that happens.
The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Sun 29 Mar 13:56
renegade master, Sun 29 Mar 12:48
Jake correct you can't quickly boost it, but over a month or 2 using supplements you can build up the vital vitamins and minerals that maybe missing from the usual diet, which face it in our busy lives we are probably not always getting sufficient of.
It is a case of getting your own immune system in the best place to fight the virus.
You cannot build up all vitamins. As was said on the most recent medical program I watched. Your body only needs a certain level of vitamins and minerals. Any water soluble vitamins are not stored but expelled in your urine.
Details as follows:-
Water-soluble vitamins (which dissolve in water), such as vitamin C and the B vitamins, are not stored in the body and must be replaced every day. If you consume more than you need, the excess will be excreted in your urine. Vitamin B-12 is an exception; it’s water soluble, but stored in the liver.
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Sun 29 Mar 14:51
My daughter has no immune system, she does a transfusion on a weekly basis so she is an extremely bad situation.
She's a teacher at QAHS and has been on maternity leave so she has managed to avoid the main risks!
Facetimes us on a daily basis, with our 3yr old grandaughter and 8 weeks old grandson, my wife says he will be 5 months old by the time she gets a cuddle off him!😥💔🙏
Topic Originator: Thaipar
Date: Sun 29 Mar 14:56
LochgellyAlbert, Sun 29 Mar 14:51
My daughter has no immune system, she does a transfusion on a weekly basis so she is an extremely bad situation.
She's a teacher at QAHS and has been on maternity leave so she has managed to avoid the main risks!
Facetimes us on a daily basis, with our 3yr old grandaughter and 8 weeks old grandson, my wife says he will be 5 months old by the time she gets a cuddle off him!😥💔🙏
Hope all turns out well LA. Must be painstakingly hard for all of you.
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Sun 29 Mar 16:24
Thanks for good wishes people!❤❤❤
Least her 3yr old is getting some serious potty training, with great success!👍
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend
Date: Sun 29 Mar 17:26
LochgellyAlbert, Sun 29 Mar 14:51
My daughter has no immune system, she does a transfusion on a weekly basis so she is an extremely bad situation.
She's a teacher at QAHS and has been on maternity leave so she has managed to avoid the main risks!
Facetimes us on a daily basis, with our 3yr old grandaughter and 8 weeks old grandson, my wife says he will be 5 months old by the time she gets a cuddle off him!😥💔🙏
Everthing crossed for her 🤞🙏
It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Sun 29 Mar 19:00
Hope all goes well LochgellyAlbert stay safe
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Sun 29 Mar 19:37
Buspasspar, Sun 29 Mar 19:00
Hope all goes well LochgellyAlbert stay safe
x2, especially for you daughter and Her family. You've already lived a good life, mate. 😉
With regards to the vitamin discussion, some of you may not be aware that you can die of vitamin poisoning if you overdosed on supplements.
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Sun 29 Mar 19:53
You and your daughter and all take care.
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Sun 29 Mar 21:57
Topic Originator: sammer
Date: Mon 30 Mar 03:34
I still can’t get the figures I asked for a week ago. I will simplify my request: how many more people are dying each day in the UK than would normally have been the case before this virus took hold? I can work out that around 1600 people would normally die each day in a typical UK year but I don’t know how many more are dying right now. February and March have always been heavy months in that regard.
I have heard different projections- and I accept with a new virus that reliable figures are difficult to establish- but their range is from 5,000 to 500,000 deaths in all, which seems less than helpful. The second figure, more Britons than died in WW2, has disappeared off the radar in the last week.
Until I can receive some reliable figures I have to assume that the government is less concerned about the deaths total- which would be manageable- than the swamping of NHS facilities by those badly enough affected to require medical care and find it missing. So the lockdown of the UK is not so much about saving lives as saving the reputation of government. Not just the UK to be fair- it is the position across most of Europe and beyond in the name of being seen ‘to be doing something.’
But that ‘something’ might result in more deaths than are saved. What would be the benefit then? Lack of social contact is a serious issue, especially for elderly people, and it is hard to imagine that the suicide rate or domestic violence figures will remain what they were. Many people in difficult situations are likely to give up the will to live. But then that won’t be the government’s fault as they are celebrating VC Day on the balcony of Buckingham Palace with our new King William, heralding a glorious new dawn with the Churchillian figure who saved us from extinction.
There are healthy people being put under what is effectively House Arrest. If they can be tested they can either remain there if infected, or start to get society moving again. You can lockdown infected people- who will accept that restriction. But due to lack of testing we are locking down people who are healthy, possibly in the same houses as the infected.
The media are under war time guidelines, so we don’t really know how many virus rebels are out there. At the moment I would hope very few, for the majority will see they have an obligation to bring infection under control. But once the warmer weather comes in no society will be able to stop young people- who can largely recover if infected and have an inbuilt sense of immortality anyway- from gathering in social groups. At that point either the government has to give up the lockdown or start shooting rubber bullets. The better solution is to allow people to know if they are infected or not.
Topic Originator: BigJPar
Date: Mon 30 Mar 05:27
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Mon 30 Mar 07:03
Knowing whether you are infected or not will be pretty pointless for most of society. It will require constant retesting. It will be crucial for the medical community. The important test will be the antibody one.
You are confused in your other question, in my opinion, and are mixing up two fundamentally different questions. The first is....how many deaths do you forecast (ie forward looking) due to coronavirus....that is how many additional deaths will coronavirus cause. The second is how many deaths has coronavirus caused (ie backward looking). Now obviously every case will be different, and it may be that the 85 year old overweight smoker would have died from a heart attack anyway so it is helpful to look at the deaths recorded with coronavirus that have already happened and ask a different question. I'll use Spain.
The question is.....do you think it is coincidence that the number of deaths is growing exponentially?
The top end numbers you refer to are no longer being talked about because of the new public health strategy. Had we continued down that previous crazy route then they would have been relatively towards those higher numbers. At the point that the health service could not cope, the daily deaths would continue to accelerate for weeks or months not days or weeks.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Mon 30 Mar 07:09
Your daughter sounds like a very sensible lady LA. And strong and resilient too. Hope everyone keeps well.
Topic Originator: donj
Date: Mon 30 Mar 08:47
I believe the home test kits,which they said would start being used this week, detects only the antibodies and not if you have it.This could change everything as once you have had it they reckon only a very slim chance of you getting it again.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Mon 30 Mar 11:05
A decent summary of the Government failures in managing this.
Interesting claim about social distancing measures being approved previously and then being vetoed by BoJo.
Seems like we possibly weren't always following the medical advice like a few of us suspected.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Mon 30 Mar 11:40
Rm....I really hope there is an "if" missing from your final paragraph. It would seem a pretty far fetched script for a movie let alone real life.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Mon 30 Mar 13:20
I already have looked and what I saw was indeed nonsense which is why I was interested to see what you had found in case it was any more viable than the stuff I had seen.
I actually try quite hard not to write off a point of view based solely on the source (unless its the Chinese Government in which case I find it very difficult to believe what they say in relation to this).
The fact he is a member of the Green Party and campaigned for extinction rebellion doesn't mean he doesnt make valid points. The only thing he can't substantiate or doesn't have a parallel he can draw against is the allegation about the Chief Medical Officer being overruled.
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Mon 30 Mar 15:24
renegade master, Mon 30 Mar 12:26
Just heard some poor sole jumped from the Dunfermline Wynd Flyover onto the M90 last night.
These are the really really torn soles who are already at their wits end before even having to come to terms with the current situation.
Truly horrific and tragic.
Sad to hear this, think it will be the first of many, some will be under severe financial and mental pressure!😥😥😥
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Mon 30 Mar 17:38
londonparsfan, Mon 30 Mar 12:27
So not a virologist himself but in what way is what he said wrong? And what about his claim that the lead scientist was over ruled by BoJo.
Please do share the China stuff.
Why would he have any inside information? He's not a member of the government and he probably has his own agenda.
These are the sort of idiots that need to be stopped. All this does is make the public panic and only because he as Dr before his name.
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Mon 30 Mar 18:31
Listening to John Beattie on RS this pm and heard a couple of interesting discussions.
1. An audio clip of an NHS nurse asking Teresa May why it was that her salary was the same as it was in 2009. The then PM rebuked her saying that the Government had to be very careful when they set out the public sector budget. "There isn't a magic money tree which lets us print money whenever we want it, you know."
There is now......
2. Someone from the world of sport (Graham someone?) telling us he had recovered from coronavirus after experiencing mild symptoms. He then went on to say that he believed that most people contracting the virus will experience quite severe symptoms.
Wtf? Just ramp up the fear, why don't you?
Eta. John Beattie, to his credit, said he didn't agree with him.
Not your average Sunday League player.
Post Edited (Mon 30 Mar 18:32)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Mon 30 Mar 19:26
renegade master, Mon 30 Mar 18:40
One I have seen today but they are getting harder and harder to find.
FYI I don't support or believe in the report but for those not reading the thread LBF said he was interested in seeing reports where China were being blamed for making Covid 19.
See I dont view that in the same way as the conspiracy theory that I saw on Facebook. It's not saying its been deliberately let loose by China (which the conspiracy stuff did).
The stuff on Facebook was demonstrably untrue whereas this is speculative without much backup but it's not been definitively disproved either.
I'd seen another report that speculated that animals that had been tested on in the facility in the above weren't being disposed of properly as people were taking the animal remains and selling them on the black market in some of the food markets and there had been several lapses. Little evidence it was true but also not completely disproven either.
It also referenced the new directive for biosecurity which could only have been aimed at the Wuhan one.
Topic Originator: DulochConvert
Date: Mon 30 Mar 22:23
Admin, any chance you can fix the length of links as it makes the rest of the posts unreadable due to there tiny text?
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Mon 30 Mar 22:25
Is this on the website or app?
Topic Originator: DulochConvert
Date: Mon 30 Mar 22:50
It’s on the iOS platform, the page is reduced to 1/3 size because of the RM post link
Topic Originator: Milos Drizzle
Date: Mon 30 Mar 23:36
The issue with the long links affects the web version (probably most pronounced on wee phone screens), as the post is widened to accommodate the link. Best to avoid long links if possible! A bigger issue is the length of this thread on mobile browser.. Best use the app, or maybe admin can close and start a new thread?
This is my signature
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Tue 31 Mar 00:17
Good idea Milos.
I'll do that now.
It'll be called Caronavirus pt2.
Will close this thread but it will still be here to read.
Post Edited (Tue 31 Mar 00:37)