Topic Originator: twin par
Date: Thu 6 Aug 22:58
How about, the singing ringing tree,truely ,stuff of nightmares. Don't know they got away with that,although, 60s, stuff was not monitored as of now.Just watched a documentary about this theme, but that program,was disturbing.Shows ,you how old,a git I am.!😄
Post Edited (Thu 06 Aug 23:03)
Topic Originator: KirklistonPar
Date: Sat 8 Aug 06:57
I remember being scared by Doctor Who & Round The Twist. Also my younger sister was too scared to watch Terrahawks.
I had a poster on my wall as a kid of the bull with horns & red eyes from Ghostbusters & I’d fall asleep facing away from it as it scared me.
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Sat 8 Aug 08:17
The thing about programmes like Round the Twist is it would probably be banned due to parental concerns.
Still remember the ghosts in the attic and the haunted dunny. Actually visited the lighthouse a few years ago. No ghosts though I think the old ladies house is still there.
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Sat 8 Aug 18:14
Terrahawks was fantastic...
However... When David Banner changed into the Hulk I was usually hiding behind the couch.
The panto horse in rentaghost also gave me the beebie geebies for some reason
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Sat 8 Aug 18:15
Or heebie geebies even 🙄
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Sun 9 Aug 00:49
The flying monkeys with wheels for feet out of the Wizard of Oz 2 were the scariest baddies in anything ever.
Topic Originator: allparone
Date: Sun 9 Aug 09:23
londonparsfan, Sun 09 Aug 00:49
The flying monkeys with wheels for feet out of the Wizard of Oz 2 were the scariest baddies in anything ever.
That’s exactly what I thought of when I read the thread title. Were they called “wheelers?”
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Sun 9 Aug 12:39
I think they might have been!
"Fly my pretties"
Topic Originator: twin par
Date: Sun 9 Aug 15:28
Although, not particularly scary,but box of delights on bbc was for whatever reason, was banned.Some lilly whites took exception. Thought it was a great series, shown at Christmas time.I have actually got it on dvd.
Post Edited (Sun 09 Aug 21:07)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Sun 9 Aug 18:59
I used to watch Dead time stories with my Granddaughter I think I was more feart than her :)
Topic Originator: Gem 1977
Date: Sun 9 Aug 22:26
This clip has always freaked me out 😂
Here's to the first of the day, fellas! To old D.H. Lawrence.
Neh! Neh! Neh! Fuh! Fuh! Fuh! Indians
Post Edited (Sun 09 Aug 22:36)
Topic Originator: ParfectXI
Date: Mon 10 Aug 17:47
I remember “The haunting of Cassie Palmer” in the 80s, where a kid playing with her mums Ouija board summoned up a scary looking highwayman called Deverill. This was on just after John Cravens Newsround on BBC 1. Way too much for the kids nowadays.
Topic Originator: MDCCCLXXXV
Date: Mon 10 Aug 19:27
The child catcher from chitty chitty bang bang always gave me the shivvers
East End Park is a symbol of all that is DAFC.
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Mon 10 Aug 20:10
Just looked up that Haunting of Cassie one on YouTube. Not sure what's scarier, the programme or the video quality! Actually looks a good watch but the quality is awful. The spirit looks scary.
Topic Originator: average white par
Date: Mon 10 Aug 21:04
Zammo getting hooked on drugs in Grange Hill... put me off drugs for weeks min..
Topic Originator: doctordandruff
Date: Mon 10 Aug 22:32
2nd vote for David Banner. Dont know what it was about that. By that age I was happily watching Poltergeist, but in The Hulk, when the noise came on and his eyes changed I would leg it
Post Edited (Mon 10 Aug 22:32)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Tue 11 Aug 08:56
My Laddie always ran and jumped on my knee when the music for Dr. Who started :)
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Tue 11 Aug 10:46
What about Eerie Indiana? Still remember the episode with the mum who kept the family young by putting them in giant Tupperware dishes every night.
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Tue 11 Aug 10:47
Also the Demon Headmaster - "funny you should feel so tired in the middle of the day..."
Topic Originator: AJ27
Date: Tue 11 Aug 11:10
Thanks for this Twin Par - my daughter moans that whenever I reminisce about my childhood I keep going on about 2 programmes - HR Puffnstuff and a programme I don’t remember the name of that had a bear sitting on top of a cave looking down on a girl - from your description I suspect this was the Singing Ringing Tree - I’m tempted to look it up on Prime but suspect I will be hugely disappointed.
Topic Originator: twin par
Date: Tue 11 Aug 14:10
Aj27,it was the singing ringing tree.That bear guy was creepy!
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Tue 11 Aug 14:19
Our family used to love Round the Twist. It was one of those rare programmes where we all gathered around the telly to watch. I can't remember it ever being scary TBH.
Topic Originator: Thaipar
Date: Tue 11 Aug 14:22
OzPar, Tue 11 Aug 14:19
Our family used to love Round the Twist. It was one of those rare programmes where we all gathered around the telly to watch. I can't remember it ever being scary TBH.
That's because you're a big bloke n nuffiin scares yi 😂
Topic Originator: Parnott
Date: Wed 12 Aug 19:21
Jim'll Fix It & Rolf's Cartoon Club.....😒