Topic Originator: Socks
Date: Fri 10 Sep 12:34
It`s today.
I`m not normally one for promoting the various days each year that mark some particular issue, but because this one is important to me and because we`ve had a number of discussions around this most complex of issues on this forum, I thought it was worth a wee mention here.
The International Association for Suicide Prevention promotes this day every year, and a look at this page on their website is worth a look, including the video there:
The key themes are mentioned, but it can never be said enough that suicidal thoughts are complex, everyone is different, and that often, just showing some understanding and interest in a person`s feelings can be a big help.
Suicide may not be preventable in every case but in some it certainly is. And it might be any one of us who is in a position to help prevent it.
A final extra thought of my own - it would be helpful if we could stop using the phrase `commit suicide`, which implies some sort of crime or offence. As is the case around many complex issues, language matters.
Topic Originator: JTH123
Date: Fri 10 Sep 20:43
Just this morning I was told by a colleague that his brother in law took his own life last night.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Fri 10 Sep 23:00
Should anyone be reading this thread and they are struggling and then the people at breathing space can helphttps://breathingspace.scot/
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: Wotsit
Date: Fri 10 Sep 23:54
Great post Socks
The way we use language is powerful, we're so ascribed to the notion that "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" that we ignore the power of words to devastate or lead folk whose phycological wellbeing is temporarily fragile.
The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
Topic Originator: kozmasrightfoot
Date: Tue 21 Sep 10:55
Not many people know me on here so I can comfortably say that every day is suicide prevention day to me.
That`s not me crying out for help, I`m not suicidal but that`s only because I`ve tried and failed. I`m also too pragmatic to realise that the only ways left could go horrifically wrong, potentially leaving me alive but crippled or a vegetable. So I just plod along with life and get on with it.
This is the first year ever that I`m not putting up any Christmas decorations. I used to love Christmas but now it`s ruined and I`ve zero interest in it. It`s going to be a hard December to get through.
Like the legend Thom Yorke said, "I`m not living, I`m just killing time"
I sometimes sit and think when the last time I laughed or even smiled was. Millions of people having harder times than me though. I really don`t like people who don`t get mental health issues, `oh cheer up` and `get a grip of yourself`. They can all go suck a months out of date egg.
A big online hug to all the others on here suffering similar feelings.
Pars fan.
Magpies fan.
Mens tennis fan.
Alternative rock fan.
Not a fan of much else.
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend
Date: Tue 21 Sep 16:21
Keep your chin up. Good times will follow. Just like the Pars
It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
Topic Originator: kozmasrightfoot
Date: Tue 21 Sep 17:15
Sometimes good times aren`t enough, it`s all about chemicals in the brain being all messed up.
Pars fan.
Magpies fan.
Mens tennis fan.
Alternative rock fan.
Not a fan of much else.
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Tue 21 Sep 22:01
Embrace the music, Kozma. It can be a real help. Also be sure to speak to your GP if you aren't already and make sure you're getting the right prescriptions.
Not sure of your reasons for disliking Christmas but I agree with the sentiment. When I was a child it was a special time when all the family came together. Nowadays we're so connected and people buy presents all the time so it doesn't feel special anymore. Maybe it's age but I now think of the families who really struggle at Christmas. We live in an area predominantly filled with people on "comfortable" incomes but there are still some kids where it's a single income family and I feel for them when our kids probably go into school talking about the new computer game they got whilst other kids probably got far less. I suppose it was the same when I was at school but it seems worse now.