Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Mon 3 Oct 08:24
Big Jim on breakfast tv
Topic Originator: wee eck
Date: Mon 3 Oct 10:07
Will he be meeting the King? If so, that`s another item ticked off on Charlie`s bucket list.
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Mon 3 Oct 11:23
Charlie performing his first bow as he meets Provost Leishman.
Must be odd having the new king of the UK walking round buildings associated with the Kings of Scotland.
Topic Originator: Parboiled
Date: Mon 3 Oct 12:34
Loud boos for Jim when Sturgeon joins in…
And Jake the crowns were United in 1603 so it doesn’t seem odd at all. The novelty has worn off now!
Post Edited (Mon 03 Oct 12:49)
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Mon 3 Oct 14:59
There was one guy who booed.
Interesting handshake by Big Leish 😬
The kings in Dunfermline were of Scotland (pre-union).
Topic Originator: gwh18
Date: Mon 3 Oct 15:23
Wondered if the former Duke of Rothesay knew he alighted his car, where someone got lamped by a dog bowl a couple of weeks ago ?
Topic Originator: gwh18
Date: Mon 3 Oct 15:23
Wondered if the former Duke of Rothesay knew he alighted his car, where someone got lamped by a dog bowl a couple of weeks ago ?
Topic Originator: ParfectXI
Date: Mon 3 Oct 19:17
That’ll give Jim’s ever expanding ego another boost!
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Mon 3 Oct 20:48
It`ll give him more sportsman dinners material.
Topic Originator: twin par
Date: Mon 3 Oct 21:10
Leish,is one of these guys ,that you can`t help laughing, every time you meet him !🤣
Topic Originator: veteraneastender
Date: Mon 3 Oct 21:26
jake89, Mon 3 Oct 11:23
Charlie performing his first bow as he meets Provost Leishman.
Must be odd having the new king of the UK walking round buildings associated with the Kings of Scotland.
Pedant notice - King(s)of Scots.
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Mon 3 Oct 22:10
ParfectXI, Mon 3 Oct 19:17
That’ll give Jim’s ever expanding ego another boost!
Bore off
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: Parboiled
Date: Tue 4 Oct 09:08
Jake, my point was it isn’t odd for post Union ( 1603 Crowns 1707 Parliaments) monarchs to be wandering around sites associated with pre Union(s)Scots monarchs all over Scotland
I assume this isn’t the first occasion the Auld Grey Toun has been so honoured over the centuries?
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Tue 4 Oct 10:04
EastEndTales, Tue 4 Oct 09:30
Didn`t Lizzie open some play park in the Glen?
She did, but I don`t think they then took her up to see the original kings and queens of Scotland.
Must just be me that found it a tad odd.
I`m interested in numbers who turned up. Some suggesting "thousands" but didn`t look much more than a few hundred to me.
Topic Originator: DulochConvert
Date: Tue 4 Oct 14:35
“I`m interested in numbers who turned up. Some suggesting "thousands" but didn`t look much more than a few hundred to me.”
As Saint Nic was also in town I think they use the same machine that counts the people at Independence marches.
They said on the news that QE2 was also in the Abby 50 years before to celebrate the 900th anniversary, so presumably she was shown the old kings also.
Topic Originator: Stanza
Date: Tue 4 Oct 15:21
Many of those old Kings of Scots/Scotland were direct ancestors of Charles lll, so there`s nothing very surprising in his expressing an interest in them.
What might have been more sensitive would have been showing Charles lll the old Palace where Charles I was born, given that he was the last British monarch to be born in Scotland and rather lost his head after going to England ...
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Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Tue 4 Oct 16:19
Stanza, Tue 4 Oct 15:21
Many of those old Kings of Scots/Scotland were direct ancestors of Charles lll, so there`s nothing very surprising in his expressing an interest in them.
What might have been more sensitive would have been showing Charles lll the old Palace where Charles I was born, given that he was the last British monarch to be born in Scotland and rather lost his head after going to England ...
Thanks for clarifying.
Seems Jim`s getting the blame for the booking yesterday. A lot of self-proclaimed in the know Fifers telling Jeremy Vine that people were booing Jim as he`s not liked in Dunfermline. What planet do these idiots live on?
Topic Originator: Parboiled
Date: Tue 4 Oct 19:51
“Jim’s getting the blame for the booking”
That takes me back!
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Tue 4 Oct 20:47
Damned autocorrect! "Booing"!
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Tue 4 Oct 22:15
LochgellyAlbert, Mon 3 Oct 20:48
It`ll give him more sportsman dinners material.
Fank thuk. He could use new material.
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Tue 4 Oct 22:17
Stanza, Tue 4 Oct 15:21
Many of those old Kings of Scots/Scotland were direct ancestors of Charles lll, so there`s nothing very surprising in his expressing an interest in them.
What might have been more sensitive would have been showing Charles lll the old Palace where Charles I was born, given that he was the last British monarch to be born in Scotland and rather lost his head after going to England ...
I think all of them were.
Topic Originator: twin par
Date: Tue 4 Oct 22:18
Charles,dinnae score at ibrox !🤣
Topic Originator: onandupthepars
Date: Wed 5 Oct 04:15
Ref: Stanza
Tue 4 Oct 15:21
Many of those old Kings of Scots/Scotland were direct ancestors of Charles lll...
Direct ancestors of Charles III?
Kings buried in Dunfermline:
Malcom 3rd (Canmore), Duncan 2nd, Edgar, Alexander 1st, David 1st, Malcom 4th, Robert 1st (the Bruce) (1)
I had wondered if the descent might be completely broken by the different royal families, or by a bit of `bumping off` in the old days of barons and nobles, when they were always bashin` each other with this sort of thing:
After a bit of swotting, I think he is probably connected, but not `directly` in the sense of straight down the male line - sometimes it went via a brother, daughter, or backwards to a grandad (2.) I`m not sure that going backwards to a grandad counts as direct, because it seems to be the same situation as the late QE II:
"Queen Elizabeth II is related to Queen Elizabeth I through a common ancestor: King Henry VII`[grandad of Eliz I.] `That means that Queen Elizabeth II is the first cousin of Elizabeth I, either 13 or 14 times removed, depending on whom you ask."
Well that`s about as clear as six feet o` snow!
(2) Scottish Monarchs family tree: https://youtu.be/zaC_J-FNZKY?t=452
(3) https://homework.study.com/explanation/how-is-queen-elizabeth-ii-related-to-queen-elizabeth-i.html
Post Edited (Wed 05 Oct 16:25)