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 South Wales Police
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Tue 23 May 20:43

After openly lied that they were not involved .. they have been nicked .. after cctv footage shows they were very much involved and perhaps a contributing factor into two young laddies deaths .. time will tell

South Wales Police are giving an update now.

Ch Supt Martyn Stone says police are continuing to investigate the crash and disorder in Ely.

He says officers received reports of a crash just after 18:00 yesterday and an electric bike was seized from the scene.

(The word seized is highly inappropriate as the two young kids were both dead at the scene )

IOPC issues statement

The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) has issued a statement after South Wales Police referred itself to the police watchdog.

It says: “We have been contacted this afternoon by South Wales Police to make a referral regarding the circumstances leading up to the fatal collision in Ely yesterday.

"We will be sending investigators to a police post-incident procedure to begin gathering information and to assess whether the IOPC will carry out an independent investigation.”

(This tragic incident has highlighted the pinnacle of police corruption .. look after yer own lads and fek the rest .. they lied .. every man and his dog knows they lied .. what will the outcome be ?? .. Years on the liars will be retired on full pension)

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: South Wales Police
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 23 May 20:48

Is the suggestion that the police knocked the lads off?
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 Re: South Wales Police
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Tue 23 May 20:51

No jake they denied they chased the lads who were both killed when the were hit by a bus

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: South Wales Police
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Tue 23 May 21:32

The suggestion is that they lied about their involvement in a fatal road accident.

Then they got caught because, it would appear, a member of the public`s doorbell filmed them.

My inference from that would be that they felt that their presence was not insignificant to the outcome, or they wouldn`t have tried to cover it up.

But others are coming to other conclusions like "if those children hadn`t been breaking the law..." or "technically the police didn`t actually lie because..."

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: South Wales Police
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 23 May 22:47

The footage I`ve seen shows them being pursued but not at significant speed and at a fair distance with no lights (no audio so can`t tell if the sirens are activated). Clearly this has ended in tragedy but I`m not seeing what alternative the police would have? Disregard the criminal act and risk the same result, or worse that they knock someone down?

The footage also shows they weren`t wearing any form of protective clothing or headwear.

Where there may be wrongdoing is denying they were being pursued at the time of the accident. Reports suggest the footage is from a minute before the accident so they likely WERE being pursued at the time. Whether the pursuit was justified is a matter of opinion but I'm sure the Welsh police can check if it met their own criteria.

Post Edited (Tue 23 May 22:52)
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 Re: South Wales Police
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Tue 23 May 23:35

Yes, definitely not a high speed pursuit.

The accident happened about 1km away, and there are some blocked roads through which the bike could’ve gone and the police van couldn’t have followed. So if they were being chased, it seems unlikely the van was still on their tail at the time of the accident.

Some irresponsible journalists are trying to make it sound like Gene Hackman in The French Connection.

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 Re: South Wales Police
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Wed 24 May 13:33

Too many people have got so used to the police lying that they ignore it now.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: South Wales Police
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 24 May 17:10

Well they`re not ignoring it in Cardiff. Sadly, I expect much of this.is just an excuse for people to act out rather than because they care about what happened. The mum of one boy asked them to stop as it meant she couldn`t see her son. I`m not clear how smashing up other peoples` cars and property helps.
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 Re: South Wales Police
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Wed 24 May 20:07

First they did not
Then they did
But hold on they did not
Lo and behold they did :-

Police have confirmed for the first time that officers were following two boys whose deaths just minutes later sparked a riot in Cardiff.

RIP the two young boys

I am not getting involved in the speed of the chase/follow .. or the tragic circumstances where two young Laddies lost their lives .. My post was to highlight the lying/corrupt state that the police force have been exposed ..yet again

Post Edited (Wed 24 May 20:08)
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 Re: South Wales Police
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Wed 24 May 20:31

Watch the wee video with Rachel Bacon .. Deary me .. Not one condolence or bit of Sympathy .. Rabbit Headlights springs to mind ..Horrid Woman trying to protect her own

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: South Wales Police
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Wed 24 May 22:25

Police lying.. Shock
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 Re: South Wales Police
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Wed 24 May 23:15

The later CCTV footage shows the police van 14 seconds behind the bike. So they had decided not to give chase. As I guessed, they went through the bollards, so the van couldn’t have chased them anyway.

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 Re: South Wales Police
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Wed 24 May 23:37

The Police are never to be trusted, especially when it comes to looking after their own
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 Re: South Wales Police
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 24 May 23:42

In this case it appears there was a pursuit but not at the point of the crash.

If the bike was travelling at speed then it was most definitely either modified or illegal. Standard ones for 14+ are something like a max speed of 15mph.

Whether there was a pursuit or not and whether there was a cover up or not doesn`t change that this was a tragic accident. There`s two families grieving and what they don`t need is a bunch of fandans trashing their community in the name of these kids.
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 Re: South Wales Police
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Thu 25 May 07:26

Neither do they need a bunch of fandans lying about it

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: South Wales Police
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Thu 31 Aug 17:02

From Aunty :-

A police officer driving a van who followed two teenagers before they both died in an e-bike crash is being investigated for dangerous driving.

Kyrees Sullivan, 16, and Harvey Evans, 15, died after the bike they were riding crashed in Ely, Cardiff, in May.

The driver of the police van, along with another officer in the vehicle, had previously been served with gross misconduct notices.

The deaths led to riots which saw 15 officers injured and dozens arrested.

The IOPC confirmed the driver of the police van would now face a criminal investigation.

The police watchdog said the serving of notices and the criminal letter does not necessarily mean disciplinary or criminal proceedings will follow.

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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