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 Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Tue 26 Mar 09:54

A containership collided with a bridge in Baltimore during the night, with the mile-long bridge instantly collapsing into the river below, taking several vehicles with it.

It is too early to assess casualties, but they are thought to be quite high.

The bridge is a critical part of the highway from the northeastern states of America to New York, and Baltimore is America`s 8th largest port. The port will likely be closed to shipping for up to a year as work will be required to salvage the bridge from the water before the shipping channel can reopen.

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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: buffy  
Date:   Tue 26 Mar 10:18

The videos on Twitter are awful. Hope there are survivors from this tragedy.

”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”
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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 26 Mar 10:29

Surely needs assessed how that bridge collapsed so quickly.
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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Tue 26 Mar 11:38

Watched the online collapse with Mrs BPP this morning and we were both shocked and horrified .. All those poor souls .. what must have been going through their minds as the bridge started to fold .. As jake pointed out very quickly .. How did the ship miss the huge middle arch ..

A lot of answers required

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe  
Date:   Tue 26 Mar 11:55

It looks like the ship lost all power which includes steering prior to the collision.
In these cases it can take a large ship a mile or more to come to a halt.
As tragic as it was, it would have been devastating had it happened during the day with 10 times the traffic.

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: d3monstrate  
Date:   Tue 26 Mar 11:58

Would imagine the build of the bridge was to support the weight of traffic, never anticipating a side impact...

Awful stuff

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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Tue 26 Mar 13:38

Did the ship not hit one of the main foundations?

Interestingly the Forth Road Bridge had further protective measures constructed some years ago!
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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 26 Mar 14:12

It lost power and appears to have veered towards a support.
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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Tue 26 Mar 14:44

Not a lot you can do after a ship loses propulsion unfortunately.
Steerage is significantly reduced if not effectively gone if your screw isn`t turning .
Terrible tragedy.

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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Tue 26 Mar 14:54

Tragic .. As AAPS pointed out imagine if it had been rush hour

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Tue 26 Mar 20:56

Very scary how quickly the whole structure went down
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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Thu 28 Mar 08:07

Sleepy Joe Biden ...I thought that surely he can’t dribble nonsense about this, but true to form he recalls travelling over it by rail many times.

He’s got the city or the river or the bridge mixed up or maybe all three!

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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: PARrot  
Date:   Thu 28 Mar 11:28


Parboiled, Thu 28 Mar 08:07

Sleepy Joe Biden ...I thought that surely he can’t dribble nonsense about this, but true to form he recalls travelling over it by rail many times.

He’s got the city or the river or the bridge mixed up or maybe all three!

Sleepy Joe?! Making fun of a guy with a speech impediment due to a medical condition, yet doing a great job.

Do you prefer the guy that`s selling Bibles to pay his legal fees for fraud, rape and shutting up his porn star bit on the side?

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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Thu 28 Mar 11:58

Recently he has confused Egypt with Mexico, Macron with Mitterrand, and his wife with his sister…he doesn’t have a speech impediment , he clearly articulates nonsense

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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Thu 28 Mar 12:27

Trump is little better in that regard. Called his wife Mercedes recently and has often referred to Biden as Obama. Also let`s never forget Trump`s nonsensical ramblings about using disinfectant and ultraviolet light inside the human body to kill corona virus.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: PARrot  
Date:   Thu 28 Mar 13:47


Parboiled, Thu 28 Mar 11:58

Recently he has confused Egypt with Mexico, Macron with Mitterrand, and his wife with his sister…he doesn’t have a speech impediment , he clearly articulates nonsense

Lol. We all do that. We aren`t all in the public eye 24/7, though.

He has a speech impediment. He suffered two brain aneurysms, which affects his speech and possibly memory, but not his intelligence or wisdom.
Trump, on the other hand, is well below average.

He is an expert grifter, though, and as long as fascists bigots and conspiracy theorists, or mega rich tax cut junkies support him, he will be successful at it.
He knows how to play his cult followers, and they just keep giving.

Grifting is the only business he has that turns a profit. He bankrupted everything else, and Truth Social is next.

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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: EastEndTales  
Date:   Thu 28 Mar 14:49

Ah yes Biden or the man who suggested drinking bleach.
Go eat your cereal boiled.

Ep.17 of East End Tales is out now with Andrius Skerla

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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: SusieQ  
Date:   Thu 28 Mar 18:08

Did Trumpity not recently mix up Nanci Pelosi with someone?!

They`re both not immune to these kind of errors - at least Biden doesn`t go off on incoherent rambles despite his occasional stammer.

Think it was Nikki Haley.

Shocking disaster - thankfully at night tho or would have been far far worse.

RIP to the victims.

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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Sat 30 Mar 23:31


Parboiled, Thu 28 Mar 08:07

Sleepy Joe Biden ...I thought that surely he can’t dribble nonsense about this, but true to form he recalls travelling over it by rail many times.

He’s got the city or the river or the bridge mixed up or maybe all three!

Away and lick the pages of your $60 MAGA Bible you
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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: PARrot  
Date:   Sun 31 Mar 09:26


Andrew283, Sat 30 Mar 23:31


Parboiled, Thu 28 Mar 08:07

Sleepy Joe Biden ...I thought that surely he can’t dribble nonsense about this, but true to form he recalls travelling over it by rail many times.

He’s got the city or the river or the bridge mixed up or maybe all three!

Away and lick the pages of your $60 MAGA Bible you

Easier said than done. Apparently, there is a huge issue with the pages sticking together.
His worst grift yet. Guaranteed to lose a lot of support with this one.

Post Edited (Sun 31 Mar 09:27)
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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Sun 31 Mar 10:25

Away and lick yer erses… not difficult, you talk oot them

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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Sun 31 Mar 17:01


Parboiled, Sun 31 Mar 10:25

Away and lick yer erses… not difficult, you talk oot them

You sound mad
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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: EastEndTales  
Date:   Sun 31 Mar 19:37

Idiot came on using this horrific disaster as a terrible political point scoring exercise. What a choob.

Ep.17 of East End Tales is out now with Andrius Skerla

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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: Alter Ego  
Date:   Wed 3 Apr 09:13

Looks like the ship lost power, then generators kicked in as you see smoke coming from the back then looses power again for a short time. Would the sudden movement towards the bridge be caused by the captain dropping the anchor to try and slow it down?

Mon the Pars!
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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Wed 3 Apr 09:45


Alter Ego, Wed 3 Apr 09:13

Looks like the ship lost power, then generators kicked in as you see smoke coming from the back then looses power again for a short time. Would the sudden movement towards the bridge be caused by the captain dropping the anchor to try and slow it down?

I read that they had tried to deploy the anchor but it is unknown if this was successful.
Also read that the movement to the right was most likely caused by trying to suddenly go into full reverse thrust which is known to effect the rudder in a way that would cause this to happen.
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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Wed 3 Apr 12:50

Lots of factors in play here.
I don`t know if she had a clockwise rotating screw or anti clockwise.
Or indeed if she had one screw or two.
Maybe the vessel had variable pitch screw/s.
All react differently while going astern but typically a ship will have a tendency to kick the bow to port or starboard when going astern.

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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Wed 3 Apr 14:28

Generally, fixed-pitch propellers rotate clockwise. The odds are that the Dali would have had one fixed-pitch propeller - one is enough for standard container vessels operating up to 22 knots. Variable-pitch propellers tend to be fitted on vessels requiring high manoeuvrability, such as cruise ships, ferries or tugs.

When a vessel with a fixed-pitch propeller moves forward, and the steering wheel is left midships, a predictable behaviour occurs. The bow tends to drift to the left (port). Conversely, when the vessel moves astern, the bow drifts to the right (starboard). This sideways action, known as transverse thrust, is a reliable characteristic of vessels with fixed-pitch propellers.

The smoke you see coming from the funnel was likely created when the Dali went full astern. It also coincides with the sharp turn to starboard the vessel took. This may have been accentuated by the fact that the vessel was still moving forward at about 7 knots.

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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Wed 3 Apr 14:38

A fellow ex mariner ?
You know your stuff Oz.

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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Wed 3 Apr 14:50

I was a deck officer in my early twenties... nearly 50 years ago. Then, I got married and changed careers.


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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: buffy  
Date:   Wed 3 Apr 17:33

I’ve pictured Oz often in a jaunty sailor’s hat

”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”
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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Wed 3 Apr 17:35

Just the man to answer this question then! How much can anchor slow down a ship of the size that hit that bridge? In comparison to the size of the ships they are anchoring these days they look inconsequential.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Wed 3 Apr 21:32

It is not the anchor but the weight of the chain that holds a vessel in place when the anchor is dropped, TOWK. As a rule of thumb, the length of the chain let out is approximately seven times the depth of water. The material on the sea bed will determine how effectively the anchor flukes grip the ground. Mud is best, while a stony sea bed is worst.

Given the haste with which events developed aboard the Dali, it is a wonder that they managed to drop the anchor at all. However, the ship was still moving forward at speed when it hit the bridge, suggesting the anchor had dragged and not gripped the sea floor.

Doubtless, all the details will come out in the inquiry.

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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Wed 3 Apr 22:10

Fascinating. Would never have occured to me about the chain. Thanks for the insight Oz.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Thu 4 Apr 03:49


OzPar, Wed 3 Apr 14:50

I was a deck officer in my early twenties... nearly 50 years ago. Then, I got married and changed careers.


Ah ... I was a mere deckie , sometimes boatswain with occasional days as skipper on tugs if we were short of crew.
Twin screw tugs mostly.

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 Re: Baltimore bridge disaster
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Thu 4 Apr 03:55

The great thing is that we will forever be brother mariners, widtink.


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