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 Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Wed 29 Nov 18:04

#DAFC are pleased to confirm that work has started at our training facility in Rosyth.

➡️ dafc.co.uk/rosyth-training-facility

c'mon the pars
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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Wed 29 Nov 18:57

But but but but where are the Germans? Wheres all the money? We are skint! We cant sign anyone! This training facility will never open!
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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: LEGEND85  
Date:   Wed 29 Nov 19:14


Dave_1885, Wed 29 Nov 18:57

But but but but where are the Germans? Wheres all the money? We are skint! We cant sign anyone! This training facility will never open!

Have you read the article? Maybe I`m wrong but nae mention of investment from the offshore investors.

Sounds like they`ve had to get help with the funding
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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend  
Date:   Wed 29 Nov 20:11

Still working in the dark around 5pm

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983

Post Edited (Wed 29 Nov 20:11)
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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Wed 29 Nov 20:21

Topic Originator: Dave_1885
Date: Wed 29 Nov 18:57

But but but but where are the Germans? Wheres all the money? We are skint! We cant sign anyone! This training facility will never open!

Think you are being just a little dramatic….

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.
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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Wed 29 Nov 20:33

Superb news

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 29 Nov 20:47

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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Wed 29 Nov 20:48


desparado, Wed 29 Nov 20:21

Topic Originator: Dave_1885
Date: Wed 29 Nov 18:57

But but but but where are the Germans? Wheres all the money? We are skint! We cant sign anyone! This training facility will never open!

Think you are being just a little dramatic….

Waiting for you to click…..😂
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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: RossF  
Date:   Wed 29 Nov 22:35

Great news but I’m surprised to read we required extra funding partners for this to go ahead? I was under the impression this was all covered - unless the owners underestimated the costs? I don’t want to get too excited until the facilities are complete and in use. This could be massive for our future if all goes well. The first phase is due to be completed by March 2024. Projects like this are rarely complete by their due dates but fingers crossed this one will be. I wonder how long they predict it will take until the final phase is complete?

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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: Rigger Al  
Date:   Wed 29 Nov 22:50

Don`t know the full scope of work, but sure they have incorporated bad weather conditions over the winter months into their schedule
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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: buffy  
Date:   Wed 29 Nov 23:49

It was advised at the last two supporters meetings that the costs had spiralled since the initial costing. Suppliers and time delays also taken into consideration as well as a problem with Scottish Water.

”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”
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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: Paralex  
Date:   Thu 30 Nov 00:11

I would assume that tender prices were sought for the full package some time ago and the lowest tender came in over our budget, which delayed the start until the full amount was raised and in the meantime inflation increased the tender figure even further. Now that the contract is agreed and a contract sum and contract period fixed, the project should come in on time and within the contract sum unless there are:-

(a) unforeseen ground conditions.

(b) severely inclement weather.

(c) client initiated variations to the contract.

In view of which extension of time and additional costs may be awarded to the contractor.

But I`m sure Dunfermline Athletic have competent construction consultants who have tied down the contract and allowed suitable contingencies for the imponderables.

Sorry for the indulgence guys, I`m just delighted this is going ahead. Brilliant news for the future of DAFC.

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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Thu 30 Nov 03:04

I would share your opinion, Paralex—very positive news.

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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend  
Date:   Thu 30 Nov 07:40

Can’t get Cammy’s link to work -

Dunfermline Athletic are pleased to confirm that work has started at our training facility in Rosyth.

A breaking ground ceremony took place with Manager James McPake, who was also joined by first team players and academy graduates Matty Todd and Lewis McCann along with Chairman and CEO David Cook.

Local contractor and specialists in the development of sports facilities, Doe Sports, have been appointed to carry out the work. As part of the first phase a state of the art 4g astro, with floodlighting, will be installed along with modular dressing rooms and other amenities to allow full sporting use of the site. With work now underway, the scheduled completion date for this phase of work is end of March 2024.

David Cook, Dunfermline Athletic Chairman and CEO commented, “We are delighted to commence construction work at Rosyth. Alongside the time it has taken to secure planning, we have also had to conclude dialogue with possible funding partners to get to this point. I’d like to thank everyone for their patience during this process. I know this has been a topic that supporters have been keen for updates on and now we are pleased that things can get moving on site.

When the first phase is completed, we will be able to house all of our footballing activities on one site – across first team and academy along with many hours for our Pars Foundation. This is a major milestone for the club as we look to create a centre for sporting excellence. Furthermore, it is great that we can start to modernise the former CSSC site for the benefit of the local community.”

Dunfermline Athletic Manager James McPake added: “I’m delighted to see that work has started on our own training ground at Rosyth. From the development of the young players to preparing for first team games, the training base will be a massive help and further develop this football club.”

Wendy Eley, Chief Operating Officer of Civil Service Sports Council (CSSC) said “We are excited to hear of the progress being made as we know Dunfermline Athletic have worked tirelessly to develop the site, and this is a major first step for them. We look forward to the future and continuing the open, rewarding and respectful relationship between the two organisations”.

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983

Post Edited (Thu 30 Nov 07:41)
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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: Indiapar  
Date:   Thu 30 Nov 08:48

A big step forward. Nothing but good news.

After Covid the costs for construction have risen. Material delivery times have also increased significantly. I also note they are using a specialist contractor that may have taken time to tie into a construction programme.
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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Thu 30 Nov 09:49

Happy to see work commencing, played there for many years and it was sad to see the buildings deteriorating.
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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: shellypar  
Date:   Thu 30 Nov 11:47

This is so positive for the future, better facilites can help young players develop to higher levels than thought possible, everyyhing to do with this new training complex is absolutly brilliant, looking forward to the future

May i add can also help players recovery times and fitness etc

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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: EastEndTales  
Date:   Thu 30 Nov 11:55


shellypar, Thu 30 Nov 11:47

May i add can also help players recovery times and fitness etc

In what way? Genuine query.

Ep.17 of East End Tales is out now with Andrius Skerla

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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: shellypar  
Date:   Thu 30 Nov 14:12


EastEndTales, Thu 30 Nov 11:55


shellypar, Thu 30 Nov 11:47

May i add can also help players recovery times and fitness etc

In what way? Genuine query.

Better equipment, better enviroment to be around, for example if u have all this top equipment, its bound to help, and especially help the young players and youth academy, using the top facilities does players the world of good

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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: Athletico  
Date:   Thu 30 Nov 15:50

It`s a massive, massive thing for us. You can probably count on one hand how many clubs in Scotland have their own dedicated Training and Academy facility. This is part of the long term vision, that quick to judge supporters forget about.

What the board are doing to sustain the club long after they`re gone is far more exciting and massively increases our chances of success on the park than whats happening in Kirkcaldy, they just see Raith and think "why is that not us?" well because, its built on sand - they`ve humped a load of money on players, players well into their prime who have little to no resale value, and no doubt leave for free.

Post Edited (Thu 30 Nov 15:53)
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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: EastEndTales  
Date:   Thu 30 Nov 16:11

Have they really though? It`s not like they`ve a team full of relative superstars for this level. Just a well drilled side with a manager getting them playing well.

Ep.17 of East End Tales is out now with Andrius Skerla

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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: shellypar  
Date:   Thu 30 Nov 16:14


EastEndTales, Thu 30 Nov 16:11

Have they really though? It`s not like they`ve a team full of relative superstars for this level. Just a well drilled side with a manager getting them playing well.

I agree with that, but at the same time they have supposedly chucked silly contracts at the likes of byrne, smith and jack hamilton to name a few in order to convince them to sign, a gamble that could well come to bite them

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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: Athletico  
Date:   Thu 30 Nov 16:26

I never mentioned Superstars... as Shellypar states, they`ve chucked money at players.

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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: Gaz3822  
Date:   Thu 30 Nov 16:46

It`s great having the academy going forward into the future.

I noticed the Rangers team against Aberdeen on Sunday and not one player was an academy player, not one was a Scottish player for that matter, and they`ve got a state of the art academy. I think McCausland was on the bench who`ll be from the academy and is Irish. So academy`s aren`t the be all and end all.

We`re in a different situation to them obviously. Ours will be pretty much filled with young Scottish players, so I hope it works out for us.

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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: shellypar  
Date:   Thu 30 Nov 18:11


Gaz3822, Thu 30 Nov 16:46

It`s great having the academy going forward into the future.

I noticed the Rangers team against Aberdeen on Sunday and not one player was an academy player, not one was a Scottish player for that matter, and they`ve got a state of the art academy. I think McCausland was on the bench who`ll be from the academy and is Irish. So academy`s aren`t the be all and end all.

We`re in a different situation to them obviously. Ours will be pretty much filled with young Scottish players, so I hope it works out for us.

It depends though, teams like rangers want instant success, so are very very unlikely to use lots of academy graduates, however teams like us would be very productive with, maybe finding the next big thing, and having a good conveyer belt of youth, as much as i dont really like them, look at falkirks youth years ago, top top talents coming out of their ranks

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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: pars4life1  
Date:   Thu 30 Nov 20:46

Problem with Falkirks period of selling academy graduates is it got them absolutely no where.

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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: PARadise  
Date:   Thu 30 Nov 21:23

It’s only positive news. But I am interested in what the long term plan is for the academy, will it be to aim for the top level of CAS? I think that has to be the goal but I believe the criteria would cost a lot to meet.

I think tbf to the supporters albeit there has been challenging moments we have been patient enough with Todd, Mcann and Allan to see the benefits and hopefully that works in our favour in the future as well
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 Re: Work started at training facility
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 30 Nov 21:24

I suspect the main benefit is having a dedicated training facility. We can use it as we see fit rather than working round schedules. Also a selling point for potentiak signings.
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