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 Managers interview
Topic Originator: FRED1981  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 17:44

He thought we played some good stuff lol to be fair he also stated the squad was too thin

F muller
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Indiapar  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 17:53

I think his key statement in that interview comes at the end `I know the situation, we just have to deal with it`.

My take from that is that there is no money, we will rely on loans, we will be playing some of the younger players this season.
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Berry  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 17:57

That interview just screams he’s not getting the support from the board.
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: nick_dafc1  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 18:02


Berry, Sat 20 Jul 17:57

That interview just screams he’s not getting the support from the board.

No excuse for his poor tactics and playing players out of position.
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: evo!  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 18:03

Think he sounds a bit fed up

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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Berkey  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 18:08

His number one priority this was was Kane, that’s on him if the boy barely plays.

How many old friends does mcpake need to sign? The tactics and formation are rotten.

The post below replying to me is by one of .nets finest champions of mediocrity!
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: parsfan97  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 18:09

I’m fed up of watching a back 5 and 0 attacking football getting played

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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: RossF  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 18:26

As much as his tactics do him no favours you can tell he’s fed up and clearly not being backed by the club. Can’t see this getting better. I highly doubt they’ll be willing to open the cheque book anytime soon as much as we need it.

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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: AveragePar  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 18:28

Surely we’ve got to a point where we just have to accept he’s not going to get the right support and play to accommodate the players we do have rather than playing whatever we are at the moment.
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: StevenPar77  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 18:33

With the persistence in playing a back 3/5, it suits those playing in those positions, but the other players seem to be square pegs trying to fit in round holes.

It genuinely frustrates me, and I worry that we are going down the John Hughes and Peter Grant route, and we know how that ended.

However, the board must carry some responsibility too. I get and accept the new facilities etc. but that has to be balanced with a squad that should be able to compete in both the league and the cup as another failure to qualify means McPake can`t go to the board and demand additional funds.
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: ParfectXI  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 18:34

AveragePar wrote:

> Surely we’ve got to a point where we just have to accept
> he’s not going to get the right support and play to
> accommodate the players we do have rather than playing whatever
> we are at the moment.

We should have been playing to our strengths from the get go and not the same tactics that got us scraping home last season.

I can sort of accept he’s being hamstrung by the board but playing the same tactic like it’s Groundhog Day and continuously playing players out of position is on him! And for that he must answer!

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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Berkey  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 18:35

It’s nothing to do with the support he’s been given. If we were getting beat but trying to win games that’s down to not having good enough players.

At thw moment we are not even trying to win games, that’s not down to the players, that’s down to how they are set up and the tactics.

The post below replying to me is by one of .nets finest champions of mediocrity!
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 18:38

He`s a crap manager. End of.
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Par  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 18:39

The manager has been hung out to dry by the BoD, although tactics don`t help.

Where has the money gone (Nisbet, season tickets over 2 years, Edwards etc) surely not the Academy or training ground for which they got a grant. Do we have investors or has very little been put into the club. Is it the case we are paying top dollar for people in paid positions that are not delivering.

If we get hammered by Falkirk first home game of the season this will be the final straw for a lot of Pars fans.

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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 18:45


Par, Sat 20 Jul 18:39

The manager has been hung out to dry by the BoD, although tactics don`t help.

Where has the money gone (Nisbet, season tickets over 2 years, Edwards etc) surely not the Academy or training ground for which they got a grant. Do we have investors or has very little been put into the club. Is it the case we are paying top dollar for people in paid positions that are not delivering.

If we get hammered by Falkirk first home game of the season this will be the final straw for a lot of Pars fans.

I believe the Academy gets the Centenary Club money. Might be wrong though.
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: GJS93  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 18:56

^^ it does, for over the last 2 years.

anyway, see you James, off ya go.

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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 19:02

That`s twice in a few weeks the manager and assistant manager have made comments on the squad being thin and playing with a thin squad. We as fans can`t keep accepting the excuse of we put all our money into the rosyth project which needed additional investment to even plant a shovel.

c'mon the pars
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Bannockburn Par  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 19:09

We need the Germans out of our club. This heading in direction…..failure and relegation. They are absolutely clueless and have given the manager limited funds. There will be protests coming if this stays like this.
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 19:15


Par, Sat 20 Jul 18:39

The manager has been hung out to dry by the BoD, although tactics don`t help.

Where has the money gone (Nisbet, season tickets over 2 years, Edwards etc) surely not the Academy or training ground for which they got a grant. Do we have investors or has very little been put into the club. Is it the case we are paying top dollar for people in paid positions that are not delivering.

If we get hammered by Falkirk first home game of the season this will be the final straw for a lot of Pars fans.

Nisbet money has effectively paid for Cooks salary for a year and a bit……..
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Taxipar  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 20:35

Got to agree with Banockburn get the Germans out new investment in. We all know Thomas Meggle is the one pulling the strings. It’s always bad when a director makes a job roll for himself. James has said at supporters meetings he has to phone Meggle on a Friday

A par since 1985
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: gordi-b  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 21:15

Taxipar wrote:

> Got to agree with Banockburn get the Germans out new investment
> in. We all know Thomas Meggle is the one pulling the strings.
> It’s always bad when a director makes a job roll for himself.
> James has said at supporters meetings he has to phone Meggle on
> a Friday
> G.B

Sound like a bit of a dictatorship, Don,t see how Meggle can make decisions when he is rarely on site

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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: nick_dafc1  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 21:49


Taxipar, Sat 20 Jul 20:35

Got to agree with Banockburn get the Germans out new investment in. We all know Thomas Meggle is the one pulling the strings. It’s always bad when a director makes a job roll for himself. James has said at supporters meetings he has to phone Meggle on a Friday

Laughable, who on earth is going to want to invest in us?
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 21:50

Rubbish football for the past 3 seasons - is it the managers or are they bound by the tactics of the Director of Football
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Par  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 21:58

Who is the one constant during this period?

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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Ladswell_Thistle  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 22:02

All the academy teams play the same 3 at the back formation. So they can move seamlessly from academy to reserves to first team.

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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: gordi-b  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 22:13

Ladswell_Thistle wrote:

> All the academy teams play the same 3 at the back formation. So
> they can move seamlessly from academy to reserves to first
> team.

Surely its better to let the young lads express themselves rather than a fixed system that is clearly a failure with the first team,

Post Edited (Sat 20 Jul 23:12)
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Sat 20 Jul 22:19

A new low on this forum

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 06:30


gordi-b, Sat 20 Jul 22:13

Ladswell_Thistle wrote:

> All the academy teams play the same 3 at the back formation. So
> they can move seamlessly from academy to reserves to first
> team.

Surely its better to let the young lads express themselves rather than a fixed system that is clearly a failure with the first team,

Quite a lot of youth teams adopt the same way of playing to the first team for seamless transition to the first team. I think John Tod will turn good if he returns to the same form pre injury. Only issue is we might need him on league 1 if we are hell bent on not signing players.

c'mon the pars
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: 1985Par  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 07:45

On 5/3/2- as a former centre back ( amateur level 🤪) I hated it. Played under a “ coach” once who fancied himself as a tactician and had us playing it. Felt that as one of the wider of the 3 I was trying to do the job of a centre half and full back and doing neither particularly well. It was doable but I never felt it got the best out of me or my team mates. As for the wing backs- if it’s going to work they should primarily be attackers by nature- creative players who are capable of doing something in the final 3rd . We don’t have that- we have Comrie. A good player but a defender- an out and out right back. Now McPake knows more than I ever will about football management but I can say this with certainty- this insistence on playing 3/5/2 or 5/3/2 or whatever is 1) not winning games 2) not creating chances and is 3) awful to watch.

Fit the system to the personnel, not the other way round.

Post Edited (Sun 21 Jul 07:48)
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: YankeeDollar  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 08:35

BoD needs to have a hard look at themselves. In theory, an academy and training facilities looks good on paper. What we`re seeing is a team on the pitch that looks good on s**t paper. I`m at a loss, been watching the Pars since 1970, we`ve seen the many troughs (sp) and not too many peaks. The manager has been giving out wee bits of info regarding lack of quality, the BoD hold the purse strings, fans are being fleeced here, we`ve backed the club to no ends but still no light at the end of the tunnel. We`ve got current players that are injury prone and basically, not good enough for the Championship, simple. Who`s faults that?

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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: The Boss  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 08:50

I agree Yankee, the fans are definitely being fleeced. Especially with our prices in comparison to others. I’m not against the club upping the prices but, I’d to see that being invested into the first team squad. Clubs with less support than ours and charging less have better first team squads. Go figure.

To be fair to McPake, he seems beat. He’s close to losing it. He’d be as well as coming out and just telling the fans that he he’s not getting backed at all. He’ll be the one that will carry the can at the end of the day.

I can’t believe I’m saying it when the league season hasn’t even started but, if we lose the first two games (second home to Falkrik) there will be no way back for McPake.

I like black and white (dreaming of black and white)
You like black and white
Run run away
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: parsmad68  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 08:57


The Boss, Sun 21 Jul 08:50

I agree Yankee, the fans are definitely being fleeced. Especially with our prices in comparison to others. I’m not against the club upping the prices but, I’d to see that being invested into the first team squad. Clubs with less support than ours and charging less have better first team squads. Go figure.

To be fair to McPake, he seems beat. He’s close to losing it. He’d be as well as coming out and just telling the fans that he he’s not getting backed at all. He’ll be the one that will carry the can at the end of the day.

I can’t believe I’m saying it when the league season hasn’t even started but, if we lose the first two games (second home to Falkrik) there will be no way back for McPake.

Is that gross misconduct? If so he would be dismissed and the contract ripped up. If the results go bad, he walks away cash in hand. I know what I would be doing.
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Ahoy!Ahoy!  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 09:53

I think the Falkirk game at East End will be the breaking point for McPake. If we play the way we’re playing currently in our first home game against them, they will absolutely batter us and things will then possibly start turning nasty like the end of AJs reign.

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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: summeragent  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 10:22

Honestly feels like the club doesn’t care if we go down. Maybe if we could sign some better players JM would feel more confident about changing the formation. It’s going to be an awful start to the season in my opinion!

As it is, it’s going to be a depressing, boring season, little attacking football. There will be a big drop in attendance in my view with the resulting lost revenue. It is an entertainment game after all and we don’t do that.

A couple of gripes while we are here - Paul Allan should never have left. Please get of Lewis McCann’s case - he is a honest laddie working hard, doing what he is told and getting no support. I am sure he will come good if things improve.
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Ahoy!Ahoy!  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 10:31

How can McPake say the fans yesterday would have seen the players gave everything out there today.

If that’s there players giving everything then we are in bigger trouble than I already thought.

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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Bannockburn Par  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 10:37


Ahoy!Ahoy!, Sun 21 Jul 10:31

How can McPake say the fans yesterday would have seen the players gave everything out there today.

If that’s there players giving everything then we are in bigger trouble than I already thought.

It’s a manager that knows he is in trouble, some of it is his own doing. The rest is down to the German ownership model. If they are skint it’s time they looked to sell up. The fans don’t want the club entering administration part two.
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: OorWullie  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 11:23

I’ve just listened to the manager and he can’t make it any clearer without actually saying it. He’s hamstrung by lack of options.

He needs more players and soon
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: nick_dafc1  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 13:50


OorWullie, Sun 21 Jul 11:23

I’ve just listened to the manager and he can’t make it any clearer without actually saying it. He’s hamstrung by lack of options.

He needs more players and soon

I think we can all agree we need a stronger squad but that ain`t happening so the manager has the get the most out of what he has.

He has
Defensive minded full backs so that rules out 3 at the back

Our best players:
He has KRH an attacking right winger so would need to play a 442 or 433.
Wotherspoon an attacking midfielder would fit into both of these.

Mccann, Kane, Wighton, Sutherland

These guys aren`t going to hold the ball up from long balls from the back, they need cut backs, crosses into the box.

Forget all that though he will just persist with 3421 at all costs.
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 13:58

I can all but guarantee kane coming back will be the same formation but with kane up top. We will probably beat cove 1 nil. He will only change to 4 at the back once we are 3 or 4 games into the season and on 0 or 1 point. Even then it will be 4-5-1 which in theory should be 4-3-3 in attack but it won`t work out that way.

Someone with common sense would go 4-4-2 v cove with either Kane(if fit) or McCann a wee bit deeper than sutherland or wighton, similar to brewster.

We need wingers with overlapping wingbacks. Supporting 2 up top.
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Gaz3822  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 13:59

For as much as the board are to blame for squad numbers and recruitment, McPake`s tactics and his insistance at sticking with the same system week in week out, is every bit as bad.

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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 14:00

Can`t see us changing to a back 4. We persisted with the back 5 when we had about 3 defenders fit in the entire team.
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Ahoy!Ahoy!  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 14:10

Mehmet (due to lack ok backup)
Comrie Fisher Bene Breen
Hamilton Otoo
Hosler Wotherspoon McCann

Back 4 stay defensive and defend fence Breen as don’t fancy Ngwenya at all.
Hamilton sits and Otoo gets up and down the pitch.
The rest speaks for itself.

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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: JamesAndrew74  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 14:17


Ahoy!Ahoy!, Sun 21 Jul 14:10

Mehmet (due to lack ok backup)
Comrie Fisher Bene Breen
Hamilton Otoo
Hosler Wotherspoon McCann

Back 4 stay defensive and defend fence Breen as don’t fancy Ngwenya at all.
Hamilton sits and Otoo gets up and down the pitch.
The rest speaks for itself.


Comrie Fisher Bene Ngwenya

Hamilton Wotherspoon

Hosler Matty Tod McCann


Sutherland (Completely untested)

16 1st team players effectively is what we have. That’s a shocker at any level

Post Edited (Sun 21 Jul 15:17)
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: DunfyDave  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 14:27

I think Sutherland is away on loan to Cowdenbeath

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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: JamesAndrew74  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 14:28


DunfyDave, Sun 21 Jul 14:27

I think Sutherland is away on loan to Cowdenbeath

The younger Sutherland (Jake)
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 14:29

Have one of the worst injury plagued seasons I can ever remember.

The boards solution? An even smaller squad. Quality stuff

Post Edited (Sun 21 Jul 14:29)
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Ahoy!Ahoy!  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 14:34

I don’t disagree with the team you’ve selected but I purely based it on players available at the moment.

Todd’s out for a while but would definitely be starter and Kane, when ever he’s fit, will likely be first choice. When that is who knows.

As for Ngwenya has been terrible in every game I’ve seen him play. Poor defensively, poor going forward. Don’t really see what he offers.

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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Ahoy!Ahoy!  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 14:40

I don’t disagree with the team you’ve selected but I purely based it on players available at the moment.

Todd’s out for a while but would definitely be starter and Kane, when ever he’s fit, will likely be first choice. When that is who knows.

As for Ngwenya has been terrible in every game I’ve seen him play. Poor defensively, poor going forward. Don’t really see what he offers.

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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: JamesAndrew74  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 14:42


Ahoy!Ahoy!, Sun 21 Jul 14:40

I don’t disagree with the team you’ve selected but I purely based it on players available at the moment.

Todd’s out for a while but would definitely be starter and Kane, when ever he’s fit, will likely be first choice. When that is who knows.

As for Ngwenya has been terrible in every game I’ve seen him play. Poor defensively, poor going forward. Don’t really see what he offers.

We actually have a quite a good 11 and I feel that formation wouldn’t us best, we’re short of 3/4 quality players to compete as starters. The Germans really need to find around £200k and we’d be in with a real shout
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: RhinoPars  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 14:43

Good post 1895Par. Agree with you and others that we need to "Fit the system to the personnel, not the other way round" such as playing KRH on the right wing rather than in central midfield or right wing back. Trying to play the ball out from the back a lot of the time requires players with a certain skill level. We are not Manchester City. Part of the problem with the negative defensive tactics maybe because the manager was a defender. I wonder if there is not some disquiet in the dressing room from some of the players who are continually being forced to play out of position, or in a system they don`t like, or from some who just keep being overlooked. I was not impressed with James McPake`s recent interview as he effectively was belittling the youngsters we have in public. He says he likes to bring young players on; but we have a couple of young players with real promise like Tod and Sutherland and he will hardly play them. How are Sutherland and Tod going to progress if you only give them the odd cameo performance? Part of the reason goal scoring is a problem is we lack creativity and movement up front, and he is not playing some of our potentially more creative players. Tod is someone who can spot and thread a weighted pass, works hard to win the ball back, and if given a run he probably could score a few too (as he has done in the reserves). You can also see the work rate of the youngsters when they come on. Sutherland was one of our better players against Forfar yet gets dropped. It`s frustrating that Kane has only played 45 mins so far and has missed out on getting pre-season and league cup fitness. If he had been fit, then maybe this League Cup campaign may have been different. As for claiming the players gave their all. For me there has been a lack of urgency and not enough tempo in much of our play in recent matches. The amount of movement off the ball when attacking or at throw ins etc. is also limited. For the most part, we hardly press other teams to make it really difficult for them and to force mistakes and turnovers so we can win the ball back. Instead many of our players seem to just stand off a few metres. Maybe I am wrong, but I am beginning to wonder if there might not be some disquiet in the dressing room. Are the players overtired? Are the players getting enough recovery periods built in to their training? or are they not fit enough and undertrained? Why do we keep getting so many injuries? Are players being pushed too hard too soon? We just don`t seem as fit or motivated as other teams which shows in our poor pressing and all too often general slow tempo of our play. For me, that was an interview of a beaten man who is also frustrated with the playing budget he has to work with. Hope I am wrong and things click in the next match and we surprise everyone with a good start to the league.

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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: OorWullie  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 15:30


RhinoPars, Sun 21 Jul 14:43

Good post 1895Par. Agree with you and others that we need to "Fit the system to the personnel, not the other way round" such as playing KRH on the right wing rather than in central midfield or right wing back. Trying to play the ball out from the back a lot of the time requires players with a certain skill level. We are not Manchester City. Part of the problem with the negative defensive tactics maybe because the manager was a defender. I wonder if there is not some disquiet in the dressing room from some of the players who are continually being forced to play out of position, or in a system they don`t like, or from some who just keep being overlooked. I was not impressed with James McPake`s recent interview as he effectively was belittling the youngsters we have in public. He says he likes to bring young players on; but we have a couple of young players with real promise like Tod and Sutherland and he will hardly play them. How are Sutherland and Tod going to progress if you only give them the odd cameo performance? Part of the reason goal scoring is a problem is we lack creativity and movement up front, and he is not playing some of our potentially more creative players. Tod is someone who can spot and thread a weighted pass, works hard to win the ball back, and if given a run he probably could score a few too (as he has done in the reserves). You can also see the work rate of the youngsters when they come on. Sutherland was one of our better players against Forfar yet gets dropped. It`s frustrating that Kane has only played 45 mins so far and has missed out on getting pre-season and league cup fitness. If he had been fit, then maybe this League Cup campaign may have been different. As for claiming the players gave their all. For me there has been a lack of urgency and not enough tempo in much of our play in recent matches. The amount of movement off the ball when attacking or at throw ins etc. is also limited. For the most part, we hardly press other teams to make it really difficult for them and to force mistakes and turnovers so we can win the ball back. Instead many of our players seem to just stand off a few metres. Maybe I am wrong, but I am beginning to wonder if there might not be some disquiet in the dressing room. Are the players overtired? Are the players getting enough recovery periods built in to their training? or are they not fit enough and undertrained? Why do we keep getting so many injuries? Are players being pushed too hard too soon? We just don`t seem as fit or motivated as other teams which shows in our poor pressing and all too often general slow tempo of our play. For me, that was an interview of a beaten man who is also frustrated with the playing budget he has to work with. Hope I am wrong and things click in the next match and we surprise everyone with a good start to the league.

Absolutely spot on. Excellent post
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Foxypar  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 15:46

I wish the guy interviewing would ask McPake why he continues to start with a back 5 because it would appear no one else who watches the team are in favour of it.
Obviously there would be many more questions we would like answered.

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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: DJAS  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 15:48


Foxypar, Sun 21 Jul 15:46

I wish the guy interviewing would ask McPake why he continues to start with a back 5 because it would appear no one else who watches the team are in favour of it.
Obviously there would be many more questions we would like answered.

Guy isn’t there to grill him and would imagine won’t be allowed to either.

Predictor league winner 2012/2013
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: OorWullie  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 16:19

Correct. No manager wants any questions critiquing his tactics/decision making
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 16:53

He will be told that certain questions are taboo….

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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 17:08

I recall Fergie banning a certain newspaper from the pre-match build up.

I recall Rangers banning the BBC

You will not get the club`s own TV channel asking searching questions or being critical in any way. To be fair, that`s the norm for any club, wherever you care to go.

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: bigdonnie  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 17:35

the way he sounds i think hes had enough no money for players board/germans no helping think james is ready to chuck it

donald mcneil
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Berkey  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 20:13

Tbh putting KRH in the middle of the park feels like the move of someone who doesn’t care about the result and is purely trying to prove a point. Especially with another of his favourites chalmers on the bench.

Interesting few weeks ahead.

The post below replying to me is by one of .nets finest champions of mediocrity!
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Ahoy!Ahoy!  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 21:04

We have no left winger or left midfielder at all.

Last season we had Edwards, Summers, Moffat and Jakubiak who all played on the left, all have left and we’ve brought in Ngwenya.

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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: Indiapar  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 22:08

I think if managers want to play trialists in this cup competition it tells you what they really think of it. It suggests to me the focus quite rightly will be the league. Formations and systems are all well and good and have a role to play but ultimately it is about people, morale, and horses for courses. A good system is a purposeful system where everyone is clear about their role within it. The purpose of the game is to win. To do that you have to create chances and score goals.
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 Re: Managers interview
Topic Originator: DA-go Par Adonis  
Date:   Sun 21 Jul 22:08

At this time last season, none of Moffat, Jakubiak and Summers were at the club.

I love it when we go sell Kevin Nisbet,
He's gonna pay for everyone this season.
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