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Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 26 Jul 18:08

They have accepted a bid for a majority shareholding from Seventy7 Ventures, a sports, entertainment and leisure group registered in Windsor.
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: JamesAndrew74  
Date:   Fri 26 Jul 18:17


wee eck, Fri 26 Jul 18:08

They have accepted a bid for a majority shareholding from Seventy7 Ventures, a sports, entertainment and leisure group registered in Windsor.

So there are buyers out there. If the Germans don’t start getting control of this we needn’t be too worried
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 26 Jul 18:24

Be careful what you wish for. It`s a bit like changing managers.
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Fri 26 Jul 18:26

This is good news. I mean, it definitely must be.

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: DA_NO1  
Date:   Fri 26 Jul 18:31

I would be worried if I was an ICT fan …..

"a picture paints a thousand words"
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: ohaye  
Date:   Fri 26 Jul 18:32


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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: JamesAndrew74  
Date:   Fri 26 Jul 18:49


wee eck, Fri 26 Jul 18:24

Be careful what you wish for. It`s a bit like changing managers.

Well this experiment clearly isn’t working
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: Alter Ego  
Date:   Fri 26 Jul 19:00

Nobody would take us over just by looking at the debt….

Mon the Pars!
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Fri 26 Jul 19:07

Who are we in debt to?

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 26 Jul 19:15

Uh oh...
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: Parsweep  
Date:   Fri 26 Jul 19:19


DA_NO1, Fri 26 Jul 18:31

I would be worried if I was an ICT fan …..

Forget ICT .
I`m a worried Pars fan !

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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 26 Jul 19:24


Parsweep, Fri 26 Jul 19:19


DA_NO1, Fri 26 Jul 18:31

I would be worried if I was an ICT fan …..

Forget ICT .
I`m a worried Pars fan !

Our lot may not be working out well but they`ve invested their own money and have a clear plan (albeit one that isn`t working!). These guys look like complete cowboys. Supposedly a group of creatives but have a website using stock imagery. Formed 3 years ago yet don`t appear to have done much. I doubt very much whether any of their own money will go into the club.
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 26 Jul 19:25

I didn`t realise what was happening at EEP was an `experiment`.
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: Rusty Shackleford  
Date:   Fri 26 Jul 19:38


JamesAndrew74, Fri 26 Jul 18:17


wee eck, Fri 26 Jul 18:08

They have accepted a bid for a majority shareholding from Seventy7 Ventures, a sports, entertainment and leisure group registered in Windsor.

So there are buyers out there. If the Germans don’t start getting control of this we needn’t be too worried

ICT fans should be very worried. Bookmark this.
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: 68guns  
Date:   Fri 26 Jul 20:12

A quick look at number of sites will show you what a charlatan this guy is, as well as how little investment he has.
The fact that he has passed any fit and proper scrutiny shows how little the administrators care for clubs outside the big two in Scotland.
A shameful situation that some wish we should follow.
What an insight into the thinking of some people.

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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Fri 26 Jul 20:26


68guns, Fri 26 Jul 20:12

A quick look at number of sites will show you what a charlatan this guy is, as well as how little investment he has.
The fact that he has passed any fit and proper scrutiny shows how little the administrators care for clubs outside the big two in Scotland.
A shameful situation that some wish we should follow.
What an insight into the thinking of some people.

I`ve only done a brief bit of research, but it`s enough to make me very worried on their behalf
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: McCaig`s Tower  
Date:   Thu 29 Aug 22:05

I see former ICT chairman Alan Savage claimed that ICT could be within a week of administration and was asking former directors to stump up some cash.

He appears to hold some of them responsible for poor decision making leading to their financial problems, including reference to an aborted plan to invest in something called a battery farm.

The club were facing a £1.7m loss, but apparently the crisis has been averted with some loans converted to equity. And the proposed link-up with Seventy7 appears to have been abandoned.

I would imagine there is more to come on this story, however.

I’m not sure that football in Scotland is sustainable in its current format. It’s not clear why generations of administrators have allowed this to happen.

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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: saltonsgonagetu  
Date:   Thu 29 Aug 22:27


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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: DunfyDave  
Date:   Thu 29 Aug 22:59


68guns, Fri 26 Jul 20:12

A quick look at number of sites will show you what a charlatan this guy is, as well as how little investment he has.
The fact that he has passed any fit and proper scrutiny shows how little the administrators care for clubs outside the big two in Scotland.
A shameful situation that some wish we should follow.
What an insight into the thinking of some people.

^^^ Administrators only care about one thing and that`s themselves. They can charge already struggling companies £1,000s per hour and ride the clock down to the eventual sale which ultimately generally only ever covers their fees with very little left over for the creditors

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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: Indiapar  
Date:   Fri 30 Aug 08:21

No surprise, really. No doubt many clubs from the championship down will struggle financially without investors with deep pockets or other means of income outside football

I do wonder where we would have been over the last 4 years and through the Covid era without the support and investment of GMBH.

Dunfermline will need a sustainable model and rely on development from within. That was the gist of the GMBH approach. Success on the park keeps supporters on the side, so I hope that the players we have brought in can turn the tide. Irrespective, you have to see our situation through the lens of the financial challenges and the need to keep the club afloat. Otherwise in a couple of years we will be in the same shoes as ICT.
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Fri 30 Aug 08:51

I think if we had seen the full profit loss breakdown, we would be more understanding of the task at hand.

Things like stadium maintenance, match day costs, and, of course, player wages will be eye-watering. Not to mention medical costs, transfer fees/expenses, and training expenses.

It will not be cheap to run a professional club competively.
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 30 Aug 09:18

It will be much harder for clubs like ICT. Low crowds, undesirable location for people in their 20s and a lack of housing means they`re having to pay more for less. Compare with Livingston where they`re central belt, close to the major cities and cheaper housing so can survive with similar crowds to ICT
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: saltonsgonagetu  
Date:   Fri 30 Aug 10:38

Inverness Caledonian Thistle have announced a deal they say saves the Scottish League One club from administration.
The news comes after former chairman Alan Savage revealed the Highlanders were facing a £1.7m loss.
A brief statement read: "Amicable deal has been struck that saves club from administration, all stakeholders should be delighted."
A brief statement read: "Amicable deal has been struck that saves club from administration, all stakeholders should be delighted."
The trio were involved in a battery farm plan, rejected by Highland Council, and property deals near the Caledonian Stadium on land that used to be in the hands of the club.

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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: Luxembourg Par  
Date:   Fri 30 Aug 10:46

I’m intreagued by the concept of making money with a ‘battery farm’…

Do we simply plant AAA Duracells in the dirt during spring, and after a few months of sunlight and rain, they grow into Tesla Powerwalls ready for harvesting?

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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: saltonsgonagetu  
Date:   Fri 30 Aug 10:58

Alan Savage wa is the rights to the battery farm ,put back in the club ,owned by the 3 exdirectors ,also land around the stadium they hold .

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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 30 Aug 11:16

The battery farm was rejected though and unlikely to be overturned.
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Fri 30 Aug 11:17

That statement is 2 days old? Yesterday they announced wage cuts. I`m confused.

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: parsmad68  
Date:   Fri 30 Aug 11:23


Luxembourg Par, Fri 30 Aug 10:46

I’m intreagued by the concept of making money with a ‘battery farm’…

Do we simply plant AAA Duracells in the dirt during spring, and after a few months of sunlight and rain, they grow into Tesla Powerwalls ready for harvesting?

There is a battery farm somewhere between Kirkcaldy and the Ethylene plant. I only recognised it when passing on my bike by the name BYD (major Chinese electric battery car manufacturer).
I suppose they are like big containers that are placed on land near any constant generation sources such as wind turbines to ensure that the power to the grid is supplied when required. It is an odd thing to see and they clearly have hidden this one well. I expect many people will not be too keen to have them near their properties.

It would be interesting if DAFC can sell the stadium roof for power investors in Solar and if the roof can also allow for setup of win turbines as a constant source of income. Of course, you would need investors to get this going…and planning permission…and….and…..
Could we sell electricity to power cars in the car park during the game?…
Many ideas for a changing world.

Post Edited (Fri 30 Aug 11:36)
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: Stanza  
Date:   Fri 30 Aug 11:45


parsmad68, Fri 30 Aug 11:23

It would be interesting if DAFC can sell the stadium roof for power investors in Solar and if the roof can also allow for setup of win turbines as a constant source of income. Of course, you would need investors to get this going…and planning permission…and….and…..
Could we sell electricity to power cars in the car park during the game?…
Many ideas for a changing world.

I`m pretty sure that using the roof for solar etc was considered a decade ago and ruled out on structural (load) grounds.

Of course, technology moves on and the equipment might not now be as heavy.


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Post Edited (Fri 30 Aug 11:45)
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: eastendalloapar  
Date:   Fri 30 Aug 12:10

I don`t know if our roof would be strong enough to take the weight of solar panels.

matt forsyth
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: Berkey  
Date:   Fri 30 Aug 12:30

Big dunc taking a pay cut? He should be paying them!

The post below replying to me is by one of .nets finest champions of mediocrity!
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: NMCmassive  
Date:   Fri 30 Aug 14:02


Berkey, Fri 30 Aug 12:30

Big dunc taking a pay cut? He should be paying them!

You think he regrets turning Real Madrid down yet?

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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: McCaig`s Tower  
Date:   Fri 30 Aug 14:15

The situation at ICT seems quite complex; Alan Savage made various proposals, some of which I think have been actioned, involving a mixture of debt conversion, debt write-off and donations. Duncan Ferguson appears to have taken a pay cut from £100k pa to £60k pa; perhaps others have done likewise. I’m not sure whether Savage’s profit-sharing proposals from joint ventures with the former directors were agreed.

In any event, administration appears to have been staved off for now. This all seems uncomfortably familiar and it is not clear whether this has merely kicked the can further down the road.

By the way, there may be confusion over the use of the word “administrator” which can mean both those who run the game (such as the Neil Doncaster and so on at the SPFL and the SFA) and Insolvency Practitioners such as Bryan Jackson. Basically I’m saying that if the former did their job better (or differently) there would be no need for the latter.

Of course, it’s difficult for a fan to get a good handle on what is actually going on.

Years ago I attended a DAFC AGM and afterwards Bill Hodgins (who was CEO at the time) sent me a spreadsheet giving a breakdown of income, into season ticket sales, walk-up admittance, program sales, hospitality and so on. which was very illuminating. For example, only about a third of our income came from ticket sales.

Two or three years ago I went to another AGM and commented on the paucity of information n the published accounts.

I was told there were 3 (I think) reasons for this:

1. They weren’t obliged to produce fuller information
2. They didn’t want give rival clubs a competitive advantage by publishing more detail
3. Such detail would probably give rise to ill-informed speculation.

Now posters such as wee eck have confirmed the first;

I was surprised at the second excuse because I would have thought that other people in the industry would have had a very good idea of our incomings and outgoings (particular given the number of leaks that seem to emanate from the club).

As for the third, isn’t there plenty of ill-informed speculation anyway?

Wouldn`t a little bit of communication help?

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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: Stanza  
Date:   Fri 30 Aug 14:36

McCaigs Tower is correct - even Gavin Masterton in the fag end of his regime gave out information on the annual budget, outgoings etc.

Ross McArthur gave very detailed information about costs and revenue to various Supporters Council meetings, and it`s a great pity that practice was not continued. Fans would have been better informed and a lot of grief might have been avoided -:or maybe not, it didn`t save Gavin or Ross!


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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: saltonsgonagetu  
Date:   Fri 30 Aug 15:27

If the German investors spoke openly about the finances ,the fans may have given them a break , and even tried to help out, silence is nobody`s friend.

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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: NMCmassive  
Date:   Fri 30 Aug 17:45


saltonsgonagetu, Fri 30 Aug 15:27

If the German investors spoke openly about the finances ,the fans may have given them a break , and even tried to help out, silence is nobody`s friend.


100% correct IMO

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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend  
Date:   Fri 30 Aug 20:44

Let’s hope we can find a buyer and quick

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: Stanza  
Date:   Fri 30 Aug 22:00


Raymie the Legend, Fri 30 Aug 20:44

Let’s hope we can find a buyer and quick

From our POV as Pars fans, I think the quality/suitability of the potential buyer is more important than the timing. Hopefully the views of senior Pars people carry weight in this respect.

But the risk is that the longer GmbH wait for Mr Right, the greater the incentive for them to sell to Mr He`ll Do, and then we could be in ICT territory.


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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: Berkey  
Date:   Sat 31 Aug 07:57

Depending on results between now and Christmas, there could be some pressure to get someone in by the new year.

Surely there is a big difference between the value of the club going into next season in the championship vs league 1? Espech with some big earners who will still be under contract.

The post below replying to me is by one of .nets finest champions of mediocrity!
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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: NMCmassive  
Date:   Sat 31 Aug 20:43


Berkey, Sat 31 Aug 07:57

Depending on results between now and Christmas, there could be some pressure to get someone in by the new year.

Surely there is a big difference between the value of the club going into next season in the championship vs league 1? Espech with some big earners who will still be under contract.

You’d hope any player under contract would have a relegation clause… as we’ve learnt recently we’re no above being relegated from the championship

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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Sat 31 Aug 21:06

Topic Originator: NMCmassive like
Date: Sat 31 Aug 20:43


Berkey, Sat 31 Aug 07:57

Depending on results between now and Christmas, there could be some pressure to get someone in by the new year.

Surely there is a big difference between the value of the club going into next season in the championship vs league 1? Espech with some big earners who will still be under contract.

You’d hope any player under contract would have a relegation clause… as we’ve learnt recently we’re no above being relegated from the championship

It would be utter incompetence if there is no relegation clause in players contracts. I have a suspicion there was none when we went down last time…

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 Re: ICT
Topic Originator: NMCmassive  
Date:   Sat 31 Aug 21:39


desparado, Sat 31 Aug 21:06

Topic Originator: NMCmassive like
Date: Sat 31 Aug 20:43


Berkey, Sat 31 Aug 07:57

Depending on results between now and Christmas, there could be some pressure to get someone in by the new year.

Surely there is a big difference between the value of the club going into next season in the championship vs league 1? Espech with some big earners who will still be under contract.

You’d hope any player under contract would have a relegation clause… as we’ve learnt recently we’re no above being relegated from the championship

It would be utter incompetence if there is no relegation clause in players contracts. I have a suspicion there was none when we went down last time…

I have the same suspicions…

Ended up listening to an interview with one of the old Sunderland owners. They landed in league 1 with about half the squad on EPL wages and the other half on championship wages… that’s enough of a warning right there. That was a club that nearly died

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