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 Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 08:08

So many issues have been raised recently, each expressing concern about our club`s plight. Something doesn`t sit right about all of this.

Everything I have read about the German investors, individually and collectively, suggests that these men are sound. Several are not just quite wealthy but probably very rich. Money should not be an issue!

So why is there reluctance to provide finance for players when we are clearly short-numbered? What is the game plan here? Are we being primed for an asset strip? If so, why? It`s hardly going to be rich returns for the investors. So what is the grand plan?

I feel we are at a crossroads here. There is general but sliding support for the youth academy model, and the goodwill for the German investors is waning because of the many recent issues. Not so long ago, on promotion, things could hardly be better at EEP.

When they came in, they indicated they would outline their plans in more detail as time progressed. We are well into their seven-year plan now, and it is time for them to give the fans an honest appraisal of what has transpired and where they plan to take the club.

These are worrying times. If we lost another million last season, as is strongly rumoured, we have been losing about 20k every week for two years. We need honest answers from the Hamburg board members, the money-men, not platitudes from Mr Cook, their mouthpiece.

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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 08:19

I believe it is wrong to speculate on their net worth.

I also believe they are not interested in subsidising the running of the club on a day to day basis.

Large outlays like pitch maintenance and floodlights, yes. But player salaries should be funded by the club 1st and foremost.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Berry  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 08:30

There’s little to no money to be made in Scottish football which always made the decision to invest in Dunfermline perplexing.

Their reasons at the time were admirable, but still didn’t really see the benefit for them other than an opportunity to tick an item off their bucket list and run a football club.

Putting recent form out the way, if you reflect on their time here, what material difference have they and Cook made?

Are you giving them the promotion that I think everyone would’ve expected regardless of ownership?

Where was the big fan experience improvements that were expected?

All I can recall is a pretty pictured presentation pack telling us to behave and play with integrity.

As for McPake there is no doubt he has made mistakes and will continue to as every manager does. He tried to change up the formation vs Cove and whilst it didn’t work, it did indicate he’s actively trying to fix it, but with the squad so thin. lacking quality, play whatever formation you want and it’s going to come up fruitless.

The boy needs help, sacking him ain’t going to make a difference, there’s no one better out there that can do any better with the squad we’ve got.

Contract Extensions, I don’t know who played a part in the terms but Mehmet and Chalmers tend to be the ones that stand out as stinkers.

There wasn’t that much unrest at the time though on this forum I should add. Chalmers and Mehmet at the time were playing well, McPake said he’d assess them only on what he’d seen and not from previous campaigns, so the extensions whilst disappointing to fans weren’t that surprising other than the length.

What worries me now is the lack of investment and the reliance on the kids, article just out and singing the praises of Andrew Tod, I’ll be blunt, he’s been brutal in his cameo this season so far, especially against Cove.

Only Taylor I think is really ready to take on the challenge of first team football.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 08:42


Berry, Tue 30 Jul 08:30

There’s little to no money to be made in Scottish football which always made the decision to invest in Dunfermline perplexing.

Their reasons at the time were admirable, but still didn’t really see the benefit for them other than an opportunity to tick an item off their bucket list and run a football club.

Their reason to invest in simple :- to run a self sufficient club which has community and youth at its heart.

It`s not about getting the best young kids. It`s about coaching young kids to become the best.

To attempt to make money from scottish football is foolhardy.

"The boy needs help, sacking him ain’t going to make a difference, there’s no one better out there that can do any better with the squad we’ve got"

Mcpake, by in large, is inexperienced. To suggest someone could not do a better job is also foolish. I don`t know who for sure. But the likes of Martindale, Hartley,Scott brown, McColl, petrie, McCabe, Imrie and possible even dick campbell could possibly inspire this squad to at least beat 2 part time teams at home.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: DunfyDave  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 08:56

I don`t believe the owners invested to asset strip. There is very little to strip and their investment in the youth training facilities indicates the opposite.

This could be a simple case of poor business planning which has a knock-on effect all the way down to the team.

I suspect the plan involves the clubs investments to be self-funding and with recent investments in the youth academy the money would have perhaps been drained from the players budget as there was no organic growth elsewhere.

This was perhaps compounded by the manager in how he went about spending this budget.

I suspect there was no major conspiracy. More business naivety.

I assume they will not invest any more of their own cash and we will be looking to loan`ees to make-up the squad numbers.

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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Westies squint kicks  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 09:40

Under previous stewardship-small profit in League 1
Under the current owners a million pound loss.

What is the difference, because that’s what’s restricting the budget and with it any ambition to compete in this league.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 09:45


DunfyDave, Tue 30 Jul 08:56

I don`t believe the owners invested to asset strip. There is very little to strip and their investment in the youth training facilities indicates the opposite.

This could be a simple case of poor business planning which has a knock-on effect all the way down to the team.

I suspect the plan involves the clubs investments to be self-funding and with recent investments in the youth academy the money would have perhaps been drained from the players budget as there was no organic growth elsewhere.

This was perhaps compounded by the manager in how he went about spending this budget.

I suspect there was no major conspiracy. More business naivety.

I assume they will not invest any more of their own cash and we will be looking to loan`ees to make-up the squad numbers.

Would be interesting to see how much of our budget was spent on Rosyth and who contributed in terms of the outside investment and what sort of deal was made with that ? So far it`s an astro with a few portacabins.

c'mon the pars
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Bandy  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 09:47

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.

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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 09:52

Most of the cost of Rosyth came from the UK Government.

I would forget any notion of asset stripping. The only real asset is the land EEP sits on and that`s owned separately. Even if it wasn`t, you`d be playing a VERY long game on the ROI on that! There are far easier ways of making money.

My feeling is they want to make a success of the Pars through long term investments and attracting new fans by making the club have a bit of a vibe. They started well on that with the maroon away strip and really linking the club with Dunfermline. I don`t know what happened last season though. It was like they`d given up and really didn`t capitalise on getting promoted. Communications and marketing have gone downhill IMO.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: DunfyDave  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 10:01


Bandy, Tue 30 Jul 09:47

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.

^^^ Great quote and fitting

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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: TAFKA_Super_Petrie  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 10:44

Two disasters as manager back to back and their subsequent severance pay in the space of a year must be a big reason for the huge losses? Hopefully never happens again.


"People always talk about Ronaldinho and magic, but I didn't see him today. I saw Henrik Larsson; that's where the magic was."

Post Edited (Tue 30 Jul 10:45)
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 10:50


jake89, Tue 30 Jul 09:52

Most of the cost of Rosyth came from the UK Government.

Some did, but I`m not sure if "most" is correct 🤔
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: kelty_par  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 11:34

"They started well on that with the maroon away strip and really linking the club with Dunfermline. I don`t know what happened last season though. It was like they`d given up and really didn`t capitalise on getting promoted."

That`s what I don`t get. Big talk about the community aspect and there`s been nothing really that wasn`t already being done already like GG Riva`s school visits. Made a big thing about the Dt Pauli connection then had the friendly and the SLO went over for a game - nothing since, no link ups, no youth team visits, no visits to see them train, no competitions to go over and see a game, etc. They made a big thing about connecting with the fans and that worked in League One but they haven`t built on it. We had momentum from the League One title win then stalled when a marquee signing, a fast start in the league, a positive kit launch/open day could have really capitalised on that momentum. It`s like they sat back all happy and patting themselves on the back without making that next step un about three or four different ways.

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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 11:49

To be fair, most of the fan fair about St Pauli or the German connection has come from supporters getting carried away with themselves.

Read a post recently about lack of German signings and youth player loans from St Pauli.

I could be wrong, but other the owners nationality and meggle previous experience. They haven`t really mentioned using the German club in any capacity or the European markets for that matter.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 11:51


weemike, Tue 30 Jul 10:50


jake89, Tue 30 Jul 09:52

Most of the cost of Rosyth came from the UK Government.

Some did, but I`m not sure if "most" is correct 🤔

I stand corrected. £725k is total cost, £325k came from the UK Gov.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 11:55

The issue with getting any European players is they need to meet so many points. Points are based on things like the standard of the league, how many games they`ve played etc. so points are going to be lower if we`re looking at a St Pauli reserve or youth player for example.

Dunfermline is a very attractive base for players but I`m not sure if the UK generally is an attractive proposition following Brexit.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Athletico  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 12:26

Frustrating thing is, they seem to be doing right things off the park in terms of our infrastructure and player development, I`m not saying ALL the right things, but its hard to argue against things like; the training ground, academy, new Head of Development, ongoing stadium improvements etc. These are all positives... but there is no point doing these things, if that comes to the detriment of the first team squad.

This squad, as it is will be in a relegation fight. All our shiny new expensive things will look very daft in League 1.

Post Edited (Tue 30 Jul 12:27)
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Parfect69  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 12:31

I don’t know what they expected, investing in the academy to fulfill a dream of developing a few players in a few years time ( which might not happen ) to the detriment of the first team. Fans are mostly interested what happens on Saturday. My fear is this is all going to go t@ts up. Don’t get me started on the match day experience.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 12:43

It`s not just an academy, it`s also a dedicated training facility, something we lacked for a long time. I have mixed feelings about the academy. For too long we haven`t produced enough of our own players and this should help although it may take some time to bear fruit. It will be a false economy though if it is done at the expense of the first-team squad.

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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: KirklistonPar  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 13:03

They can try build great connections with support with the likes of the Euro fan zone, maroon strip, this year’s black strip and the St Pauli friendly with the entertainment beforehand. But unfortunately if the football is mince on a Saturday then no one is really bothered about the rest. Get it right by investing in the team and get us winning games and playing entertaining football. We want our squad running towards the NW stand celebrating goals and victories. That’s what gives us a connection to the club. All celebrating together.

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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: JamesAndrew74  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 13:03

Can someone explain what we’re doing differently now with “an academy” from previous years. The Fife Elite part was brought in house a few years ago and the pathway from the Pars Foundation has always been there.

What and where is this additional spend being used? We’ve replaced Greg Shields on a like for like basis and Bill Hendry has been employed directly for 2-3 years.

It seems that her keep talking about an academy which has been in place already. Same age groups same teams.

Yes, training ground has been leased and a spend only on an artificial pitch, funded by Fife Council and SFA grants?

Genuinely keen to hear what this new academy is
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: steaua  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 13:08

I am a great believer in the Academy, and if some of you had been to that game v Livi when we won the reserve league, I suspect you might have a different opinion. I am happy that our Volunteer/Fans team (DASC DONATION SHOP) are Sponsors for them.
We don`t know the workings of inside the club, but let us be thankful for Rosyth.

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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Athletico  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 14:08

Well, the problem with Fife Elite was the players weren`t ours. We were paying into the academy to coach and prepare players that we had no guarantee would be signed by us.

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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: JamesAndrew74  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 14:46


Athletico, Tue 30 Jul 14:08

Well, the problem with Fife Elite was the players weren`t ours. We were paying into the academy to coach and prepare players that we had no guarantee would be signed by us.

That was 4/5 years ago
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Athletico  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 15:12

3 years ago.

Anyway the point is, the academy players are ours. And we are in full control of the players development, their conditioning, diet and football education etc. Another benefit; say we pick up a Gilmour or Robertson at 12 year old and and they move at 16 and go onto have a successful career elsewhere, we will directly benefit from transfer fees with compulsory FIFA training fees of 5%. That`s ours and not shared with 3 other clubs, or a separate company.

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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 15:44


Athletico, Tue 30 Jul 15:12

3 years ago.

Anyway the point is, the academy players are ours. And we are in full control of the players development, their conditioning, diet and football education etc. Another benefit; say we pick up a Gilmour or Robertson at 12 year old and and they move at 16 and go onto have a successful career elsewhere, we will directly benefit from transfer fees with compulsory FIFA training fees of 5%. That`s ours and not shared with 3 other clubs, or a separate company.

It`s a pretty big IF while our first team doesn`t have a striker apart from Sutherland who is fit enough or good enough to keep us up this year. And we have 1 goalkeeper (also not good enough). We are way to close teams with bigger youth projects than us we are still well down the pecking order even worse if we drop the divisions.

c'mon the pars
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 16:04

It`s a pretty big IF while our first team doesn`t have a striker apart from Sutherland who is fit enough or good enough to keep us up this year. And we have 1 goalkeeper (also not good enough). We are way to close teams with bigger youth projects than us we are still well down the pecking order even worse if we drop the divisions.

The point of the academy is to make kids great at football, not attract the best kids. The cream will always rise to the top with regards to natural ability.

But if you ask any professional who has trained with the best. They are the hardest and best trainers, which means you can train and condition professional footballers with the right mindset.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Westies squint kicks  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 16:11

The best local talent is picked up very early by the Old Firm and Hearts/Hibs. Eventually when they sort out their favourites we’ll get the cast-offs. That’s how it is and whilst we’re a Championship team or worse that’s how it will always be, our “Academy “ won’t change that.

Indeed the message from the last fans group meeting was “re: Rosyth - need to temper fans expectations “
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 16:34

KRH, Fisher, Otoo. All young lads picked up because they wouldn’t make it at their respective clubs.
These clubs footed the bill for their development and we benefit.

That’s the model I would follow

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Playup_Pompey  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 16:39

Similarly Calum Morris/Alex whittle previously coming in from Nike academy.

Pretty sure plenty talent in local EoS etc that could be "worth a punt" in our budget constrainsts etc but our chief scout spends a saturday afternoon in the dugout of the first team

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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 17:06


Raymie the Legend, Tue 30 Jul 16:34

KRH, Fisher, Otoo. All young lads picked up because they wouldn’t make it at their respective clubs.
These clubs footed the bill for their development and we benefit.

That’s the model I would follow

Whilst true, all 3 commanded a fee, and the minimum wage is higher than a youth players 1st deal. Someone who is privy to the numbers will be able to see which is the most cost efficient.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Berry  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 17:25

Think anyone dooming us to relegation before a single ball of the league campaign has even been kicked is going well OTT.

It’s definitely a concerning start, but crikey, let’s not write the season off before it’s started.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: LEGEND85  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 17:36


Berry, Tue 30 Jul 17:25

Think anyone dooming us to relegation before a single ball of the league campaign has even been kicked is going well OTT.

It’s definitely a concerning start, but crikey, let’s not write the season off before it’s started.

OK so be positive and tell us why you think potentially it could be a good season
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Ahoy!Ahoy!  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 17:37

Why shouldn’t we write the season off? Performances have been terrible and that’s being kind, we have 1 keeper, 3 players injured, manager seems to be uninterested as he’s been led a merry dance by the board, we’ve been told there will be no new additions, we’ve lost to 2 part time teams and the season starts on Saturday.

I don’t see how he gets a change out the team we have considering we’ve played the same football since first pre season game at east fife and lack a real killer instinct.

I think most fans are just preparing themselves for a realistic relegation battle this season.

As much as I hope I’m wrong I just cant see a good season ahead.

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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 17:45


Berry, Tue 30 Jul 17:25

Think anyone dooming us to relegation before a single ball of the league campaign has even been kicked is going well OTT.

It’s definitely a concerning start, but crikey, let’s not write the season off before it’s started.

We don’t even have a second keeper and you’re saying fans are being OTT? 🤔😂 lets hope Mehmet makes it to Saturday ok…..
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 17:49


Berry, Tue 30 Jul 17:25

Think anyone dooming us to relegation before a single ball of the league campaign has even been kicked is going well OTT.

It’s definitely a concerning start, but crikey, let’s not write the season off before it’s started.

It most certainly isn`t OTT. If two part time teams can turn us over at home, it is more than concerning. At a bare minimum, it shows a lack of professionalism.

And if we are a youth promoting club, then it makes you wonder what example is being set to the youngsters right now.

I would be very concerned, especially if we are sitting with zero points out of 9 as then low morale sets in, etc.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 17:55

Why shouldn`t we write the season off? Well, maybe because there are 36 games to be played!

We`ve had a gruesome start but this squad have consistently shown resilience in the face of adversity, something a lot of posters on here sadly lack. I don`t think the quality is as poor as some claim. This is the nucleus of the squad that got to 6th last season despite extensive injuries. We have a couple of injuries at the moment but that does not mean we are likely to suffer to the same extent as last year. The Rovers have a 34 year old signing on a three year deal who hasn`t kicked a ball for them yet. Injuries are part of football and have to be dealt with.

It seems a new goalie is imminent and I would prefer another couple of signings and there`s still time for that to happen if we start the League badly.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 18:08


Raymie the Legend, Tue 30 Jul 16:34

KRH, Fisher, Otoo. All young lads picked up because they wouldn’t make it at their respective clubs.
These clubs footed the bill for their development and we benefit.

That’s the model I would follow

That`s the point we keep on pushing Rosyth the issue is we haven`t produced any talent from a youth academy in god knows how long who has gone to play at a higher level than we were. Signing other clubs cast offs had paid off on the past Edwards and nisbet to name a few.

c'mon the pars
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: nick_dafc1  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 18:09

Our academy is never going to be funded with the multi millions needed to create first team players at Scottish Championship level of above, it might benefit young footballers and the community but it won`t give us players.

How many players from the Rangers and Celtic academies make it at these teams?

Most of these end up at our level or below.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 18:15


wee eck, Tue 30 Jul 17:55

Why shouldn`t we write the season off? Well, maybe because there are 36 games to be played!

We`ve had a gruesome start but this squad have consistently shown resilience in the face of adversity, something a lot of posters on here sadly lack. I don`t think the quality is as poor as some claim. This is the nucleus of the squad that got to 6th last season despite extensive injuries. We have a couple of injuries at the moment but that does not mean we are likely to suffer to the same extent as last year. The Rovers have a 34 year old signing on a three year deal who hasn`t kicked a ball for them yet. Injuries are part of football and have to be dealt with.

It seems a new goalie is imminent and I would prefer another couple of signings and there`s still time for that to happen if we start the League badly.

Just a shame the squad couldn`t show resilience in the face of adversity when we got smashed at home against a part time team who finished 7th in league 2 and a league 1 side.

c'mon the pars
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: fcda  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 18:16


Playup_Pompey, Tue 30 Jul 16:39

Pretty sure plenty talent in local EoS etc that could be "worth a punt" in our budget constrainsts etc but our chief scout spends a saturday afternoon in the dugout of the first team

I heard he also does a stint as Sammy the Tammy.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 18:46

Could it be that the Chief Scout`s main function is to find recruits for the academy rather than the first team? Presumably he isn`t the only scout but he will co-ordinate the scouting. I`m sure McPake and Mackay will scout players themselves when the opportunity arises. Football matches don`t just happen on Saturday afternoons.

On the question of `adversity` I`d love to see some of the posters on here motivating a group who are going through a hard time.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Ahoy!Ahoy!  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 18:46

The players don’t seem to showing any resilience at the moment. Losing to Forfar should have been an embarrassment to them and if it was me I’d want to rectify that as soon as possible. Livi was a slightly better performance than Forfar but still never looked like causing any problems at all. Home against Cove, we knew exactly what to expect however we couldn’t brake them down until Sutherland came in and added some presence up front.

I fully expect the same interview with McPake pre match where we will hear how brilliant the players have responded in training and are right up for it, how we plan to get the fans inside and get a positive result, you can just copy and paste the same 4 or 5 interviews so far this season.

Quite why we can’t seem to do in a Saturday what they appear to be doing in training is a cause for concern as it’s the Saturdays that matter the most.

Saying all that I’ll still be there on Saturday hoping I’m proved wrong and we get a result.

It’s the life of a Pars fan.

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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Alter Ego  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 20:00

I am all up for the academy but if it has a structure like Fife Elite then there is no point! Fife Elite let boys go that are now playing at Hearts/Celtic and a lad that has just signed for Rangers that was told he was to big at U13 level by a Fife Elite coach …that’s a fact and I couldn’t believe it when his parent told me…Hearts signed him the next week and now he is representing Scotland and at Rangers.
Plus the FFPA nonesense that was there as no way any up and coming players were getting coached right.
We have an artificial pitch surrounded by portakabins and a boarded up building where our 1st team train each day….how depressing is that going each day into a **** hole and training?
Team wise we are way off the rest of the teams in the league with maybe 13 players and the rest young lads…apart from Sutherland who looks like he can step up…just play him on Saturday and maybe we can score a goal.
We have 1 GK that’s only really good at saving penalties but won’t come out to receive a ball and just flaps at anything…. Surely the GK coaching team have identified this and worked on it…he’s the only GK there in training so the extra practice will do him good😅
Then you have formation…why the fek sign a right winger and don’t play him wide??
I could go on but can’t be ersed with it… Like usual we wil start of ok then it’s all downhill after 2 months.
There’s my honest opinion.

Mon the Pars!
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: DJAS  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 20:37


wee eck, Tue 30 Jul 18:46

Could it be that the Chief Scout`s main function is to find recruits for the academy rather than the first team? Presumably he isn`t the only scout but he will co-ordinate the scouting. I`m sure McPake and Mackay will scout players themselves when the opportunity arises. Football matches don`t just happen on Saturday afternoons.

On the question of `adversity` I`d love to see some of the posters on here motivating a group who are going through a hard time.

We have a head of recruitment scout for the academy.

Predictor league winner 2012/2013
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Berry  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 20:51

I don’t really understand it. Why should we not write the season off?

Because it hasn’t even started yet.

I’m in agreement that the GK situation is a bad one, and the two defeats at home is a stark reality of the work that needs to happen, but to write off the season is bizarre and overly dramatic.

McPake got us promoted in League One, and we won the league with only one defeat.

He has signed KRH, Otoo, Fisher, Hamilton, Benedictus. He brought in MFW, MFH on loan.

All have been/were really positive. When we were plagued with injuries last season, when times were tough and we were getting pumped by Morton and Queens Park at home, he brought in Kane, one of the players everyone seems to be having a go at but his goal to game ratio was pretty good that I recall and helped steer us clear from relegation and we actually had a glimmer (just a glimmer) of hope of actually making the promotion playoffs.

We had hopes for better but think of it as an excuse or not, that injury saga was horrendous and in the end I thought we made the best of the cards we were dealt.

As for positivity for this season, its looking pretty bleak based on preseason and the cup run but it’s going to be the most competitive league it’s been for a while and we’ll hold our own.

The nucleus of a good squad is there, we get Kane back fit, I don’t know his situation, but we get him back he will make a difference and Todd who’s hopefully well onto recovery now. Wotherspoon I still have hopes can turn good.

We still have the loan market which has worked for us recently.

I was at the Forfar and Cove games, and yes the performances were not great, the goals we conceded were just basic errors and sloppy work, nothing that can’t be fixed though.

Attacking is a concern, our pace is rather slow and we miss that link with Kane out the squad, he used to come in pick up the ball and keep things moving, we need that.

Listen you can drench yourselves in negativity all you want- make no mistake I’m not happy with the situation as it stands by any means but no way am I going to mentally throw the towel in and rule out a season that’s not even kicked off yet.

I have faith in the boys that we’ve got, and I trust that they’ll turn this around, a big backing from us fans also will make a massive difference.

I have faith that McPake will turn this around.

I can’t say I have faith with the board at the moment.

Post Edited (Tue 30 Jul 21:11)
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 21:12

Great Post, Berry.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: USMac  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 21:39

Agreed. Also, I don’t equate no new add’ns as no players in on loan. With the current injuries, the early part of the season before bigger clubs make loan moves could be difficult as we have less than 16 healthy outfield players presently. We just have to get through that.

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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Alter Ego  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 22:04

Berry that is a great post to the .net elite but we are kicking off this Saturday against a team that should be finishing top 3?
Tbh we always start strong but I can’t see it this season🤷

Mon the Pars!
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Berry  
Date:   Tue 30 Jul 22:21

I was at the Livingston game as well and to be honest there wasn’t much in it at all, and we had the odd spell.

Livingston didn’t look streets ahead of us and having played them already might work in our favour.

To have Livingston and then Falkirk first two games of the season is going to be defining in one way or the other on here. Let’s hope it’s positive.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Back_oh_the_net  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 01:18

Wow thank god some of you utter panic merchants weren’t alive during the blitz you’d have had us beaten after the first bomb was dropped

Who would have thought a wee provincial football team who has hit some hard times could generate this much panic absolutely comical it really is
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 02:54

It is disheartening that you think that way, Back oh the net. Had there not been a few "panic merchants" around in 2013 to alert us of troubles to come, you may not have had this football club to support today.

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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 07:41


wee eck, Tue 30 Jul 17:55

Why shouldn`t we write the season off? Well, maybe because there are 36 games to be played!

We`ve had a gruesome start but this squad have consistently shown resilience in the face of adversity, something a lot of posters on here sadly lack. I don`t think the quality is as poor as some claim. This is the nucleus of the squad that got to 6th last season despite extensive injuries. We have a couple of injuries at the moment but that does not mean we are likely to suffer to the same extent as last year. The Rovers have a 34 year old signing on a three year deal who hasn`t kicked a ball for them yet. Injuries are part of football and have to be dealt with.

It seems a new goalie is imminent and I would prefer another couple of signings and there`s still time for that to happen if we start the League badly.

Absolute Birthday card p*sh. We are pathetic. We don`t have resilience. Show this team any fight and we have no clue how to respond.

It`s beyond demoralising. Sometimes working most Saturdays is honestly a blessing
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 07:42


Alter Ego, Tue 30 Jul 22:04

Berry that is a great post to the .net elite but we are kicking off this Saturday against a team that should be finishing top 3?
Tbh we always start strong but I can’t see it this season🤷

"the .net elite" 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 (Says the poster with the posh, Latin username.) 😜

Fwiw, I admire the logic and positivity exuding from Berry`s post. It would be completely delusional to conclude that we`ve had anything other than an abysmal start to the season, but to then extrapolate from that that we`re relegation certainties is equally foolhardy and unduly pessimistic

"If you think you can win, you might.
If you think you might lose, you`ve lost."

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 07:44


Andrew283, Wed 31 Jul 07:41


wee eck, Tue 30 Jul 17:55

Why shouldn`t we write the season off? Well, maybe because there are 36 games to be played!

We`ve had a gruesome start but this squad have consistently shown resilience in the face of adversity, something a lot of posters on here sadly lack. I don`t think the quality is as poor as some claim. This is the nucleus of the squad that got to 6th last season despite extensive injuries. We have a couple of injuries at the moment but that does not mean we are likely to suffer to the same extent as last year. The Rovers have a 34 year old signing on a three year deal who hasn`t kicked a ball for them yet. Injuries are part of football and have to be dealt with.

It seems a new goalie is imminent and I would prefer another couple of signings and there`s still time for that to happen if we start the League badly.

Absolute Birthday card p*sh. We are pathetic. We don`t have resilience. Show this team any fight and we have no clue how to respond.

It`s beyond demoralising. Sometimes working most Saturdays is honestly a blessing

Busy Saturday as a motivational speaker, aye?

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 07:47


Back_oh_the_net, Wed 31 Jul 01:18

Wow thank god some of you utter panic merchants weren’t alive during the blitz you’d have had us beaten after the first bomb was dropped

Who would have thought a wee provincial football team who has hit some hard times could generate this much panic absolutely comical it really is

I think you`re being a tad harsh on fans who are rightly concerned by our dismal showing in the League Cup, Botn. Labelling them "panic merchants" can`t be anything other than a provocation and some are biting already. 🙄

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 07:47


Back_oh_the_net, Wed 31 Jul 01:18

Wow thank god some of you utter panic merchants weren’t alive during the blitz you’d have had us beaten after the first bomb was dropped

Who would have thought a wee provincial football team who has hit some hard times could generate this much panic absolutely comical it really is

These same `Panic merchants` were some of those that spoke up and stopped our club being killed by former owners.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 08:14

They must have had a lot more backbone than the whingers on here.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: DBA  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 08:15


Andrew283, Wed 31 Jul 07:47


Back_oh_the_net, Wed 31 Jul 01:18

Wow thank god some of you utter panic merchants weren’t alive during the blitz you’d have had us beaten after the first bomb was dropped

Who would have thought a wee provincial football team who has hit some hard times could generate this much panic absolutely comical it really is

These same `Panic merchants` were some of those that spoke up and stopped our club being killed by former owners.

Comparing this board to 2013 is peak panic merchant tbf.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 08:30


DBA, Wed 31 Jul 08:15


Andrew283, Wed 31 Jul 07:47


Back_oh_the_net, Wed 31 Jul 01:18

Wow thank god some of you utter panic merchants weren’t alive during the blitz you’d have had us beaten after the first bomb was dropped

Who would have thought a wee provincial football team who has hit some hard times could generate this much panic absolutely comical it really is

These same `Panic merchants` were some of those that spoke up and stopped our club being killed by former owners.

Comparing this board to 2013 is peak panic merchant tbf.

Merely pointing out that voicing your displeasure is perfectly valid. Especially under current circumstances.

Never been a fan of sand to want to bury my head in it
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Athletico  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 08:54

Topic Originator: Playup_Pompey
Date: Tue 30 Jul 16:39

Similarly Calum Morris/Alex whittle previously coming in from Nike academy.

Pretty sure plenty talent in local EoS etc that could be "worth a punt" in our budget constrainsts etc but our chief scout spends a saturday afternoon in the dugout of the first team

Our "Chief Scout" is also our Reserve Coach, helps out with First Team training and has a FT normal job as well... and a family.

Post Edited (Wed 31 Jul 08:54)
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 09:00


Athletico, Wed 31 Jul 08:54

Topic Originator: Playup_Pompey
Date: Tue 30 Jul 16:39

Similarly Calum Morris/Alex whittle previously coming in from Nike academy.

Pretty sure plenty talent in local EoS etc that could be "worth a punt" in our budget constrainsts etc but our chief scout spends a saturday afternoon in the dugout of the first team

Our "Chief Scout" is also our Reserve Coach, helps out with First Team training and has a FT normal job as well... and a family.

Great……has he found us a keeper yet?

Post Edited (Wed 31 Jul 09:00)
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Athletico  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 09:02

4 or 5 if you keep up with the local press.

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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Gaz3822  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 09:09

"Our "Chief Scout" is also our Reserve Coach, helps out with First Team training and has a FT normal job as well... and a family"

Jeezo, heaven knows where he gets the time to scout all these top players that we have...

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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Athletico  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 09:26

Folk more than happy to criticise hard working employees and volunteers of the club without having absolutely no idea what they do. Have a word with yourselves. Gary worked his backside off to get where he is now, cut his cloth scouting and coaching youngsters for Fife Elite, and has traipsed up and down the country looking for and finding plenty talent for Fife Elite and us.

Post Edited (Wed 31 Jul 09:26)
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: LEGEND85  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 10:04


Athletico, Wed 31 Jul 09:26

Folk more than happy to criticise hard working employees and volunteers of the club without having absolutely no idea what they do. Have a word with yourselves. Gary worked his backside off to get where he is now, cut his cloth scouting and coaching youngsters for Fife Elite, and has traipsed up and down the country looking for and finding plenty talent for Fife Elite and us.

This is one thing I definitely agree with
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Back_oh_the_net  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 12:17


Andrew283, Wed 31 Jul 07:47


Back_oh_the_net, Wed 31 Jul 01:18

Wow thank god some of you utter panic merchants weren’t alive during the blitz you’d have had us beaten after the first bomb was dropped

Who would have thought a wee provincial football team who has hit some hard times could generate this much panic absolutely comical it really is

These same `Panic merchants` were some of those that spoke up and stopped our club being killed by former owners.

Shut up mate the ones that spoke out at that time were hounded off this forum and while the vast majority of those guys ain’t happy about the way things are just now none of them have smashed the panic button or thrown in the towel before we’ve even played a league game

listen I have seen more bad seasons watching Dunfermline in 28 years than I have good seasons I’m not the least bit phased by the latest instalment of crap football you on the other hand sound like you need a cuddle and to be told it’s not always like this
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Rusty Shackleford  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 12:27

I don`t know if I`m in the "dot net elite" or "happy clappers" club according to some. Personally I prefer thinking about it as a positive but pragmatic outlook.

Suffice to say though I think there are two things that are true that come to mind.

1) we have problems all over the place in terms of confidence, recruitment, lack of energy etc. Some of which are worse than others i.e. having only one goalkeeper who must be rock bottom in terms of confidence.

2) having us relegated and bankrupt before a ball is kicked is beyond parody.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: LEGEND85  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 12:54

folk just need to look at how many tickets have been sold ahead of Saturday it looks a terrible away support for the first game of the season it says it all really.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 12:58

Just thought I`d pop on here for a minute and have a look to get my daily dose of positivity.
Ah .... 😲

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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 13:12


LEGEND85, Wed 31 Jul 12:54

folk just need to look at how many tickets have been sold ahead of Saturday it looks a terrible away support for the first game of the season it says it all really.

Says absolutely nothing really

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: LEGEND85  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 13:22


da_no_1, Wed 31 Jul 13:12


LEGEND85, Wed 31 Jul 12:54

folk just need to look at how many tickets have been sold ahead of Saturday it looks a terrible away support for the first game of the season it says it all really.

Says absolutely nothing really

nae point in your reply
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 13:34


Athletico, Wed 31 Jul 09:26

Folk more than happy to criticise hard working employees and volunteers of the club without having absolutely no idea what they do. Have a word with yourselves. Gary worked his backside off to get where he is now, cut his cloth scouting and coaching youngsters for Fife Elite, and has traipsed up and down the country looking for and finding plenty talent for Fife Elite and us.

Any names of youngsters from Fife Elite that have gone on to play at the top level? 🤔 or been sold for a decent fee from the 4 clubs?
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Athletico  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 13:55

Kieron Bowie immediately springs to mind as someone who has signed for a very top side (Fulham). But the Scottish leagues are full of Fife Elite graduates, as is our squad. Matty Todd, Lewis McCann, Calum Smith, Dylan Tait. Plenty talented FE lads.

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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 14:03


Athletico, Wed 31 Jul 13:55

Kieron Bowie immediately springs to mind as someone who has signed for a very top side (Fulham). But the Scottish leagues are full of Fife Elite graduates, as is our squad. Matty Todd, Lewis McCann, Calum Smith, Dylan Tait. Plenty talented FE lads.

So one player has made a move to a top club, but hasn’t played for them yet 👍🏻
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Athletico  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 14:54

Not really sure what point you`re trying to make, other than coming across as an erse. The point I made is there are plenty talented players in Scotland, plying their trade at all levels of Scottish football, and some in England.

Post Edited (Wed 31 Jul 18:57)
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 16:20


LEGEND85, Wed 31 Jul 13:22


da_no_1, Wed 31 Jul 13:12


LEGEND85, Wed 31 Jul 12:54

folk just need to look at how many tickets have been sold ahead of Saturday it looks a terrible away support for the first game of the season it says it all really.

Says absolutely nothing really

nae point in your reply

Nae point in your post

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 17:27


da_no_1, Wed 31 Jul 16:20


LEGEND85, Wed 31 Jul 13:22


da_no_1, Wed 31 Jul 13:12


LEGEND85, Wed 31 Jul 12:54

folk just need to look at how many tickets have been sold ahead of Saturday it looks a terrible away support for the first game of the season it says it all really.

Says absolutely nothing really

nae point in your reply

Nae point in your post

This is what happens when they can`t add any substance to a conversation legend they just repeat what you say to try and confuse people.

c'mon the pars
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 17:35

I hear the full price for Saturday`s game is £24. Maybe that has something to do with the poor ticket sales.

Post Edited (Wed 31 Jul 17:35)
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: DJAS  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 17:44


wee eck, Wed 31 Jul 17:35

I hear the full price for Saturday`s game is £24. Maybe that has something to do with the poor ticket sales.

Partly that and the fact we are p***.

Predictor league winner 2012/2013
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: Berry  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 18:00

I’d have been in attendance had my boy not have a football festival in Edinburgh.

If you can make it, you should, boys need a backing, they’ll play better the better the atmosphere.
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 Re: Time for some honesty
Topic Originator: parsmad68  
Date:   Wed 31 Jul 18:58

I’m not going. I am a jinx. Whenever I go, we lose. Wait a minute, we lose all the time, the jinx is over.
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