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Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Sun 10 Sep 15:45

Walking down to the local shop I see discarded single use vapes, didn`t know what they were at first but now recognise them due to seeing High School pupils using them.

Scottish Government wants to ban them but there appears to be an incoming veto from Westminster.

Could it be linked to the £350K donation that the Conservative Party have just received from a vape manufacturer?

Surely not!🤔💰💰💰🤣🤣🤣
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 Re: Vapes
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sun 10 Sep 17:55

They`re everywhere and should be banned for environmental reasons if not for health reasons. Every single one has a non-reusable lithium battery and I doubt anyone ever recycles them given the number that are discarded on the pavement by the local cretins.
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 Re: Vapes
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Sun 10 Sep 19:10

Is there anything the Scottish Government doesn’t want to ban?

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 Re: Vapes
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sun 10 Sep 20:07

Let`s leave it to the companies that produce and sell vapes to take action. They`re bound to act in the long-term interests of their customers, just like the tobacco and drinks companies did.
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 Re: Vapes
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Sun 10 Sep 21:03

wee eck wrote:

> Let`s leave it to the companies that produce and sell vapes to
> take action. They`re bound to act in the long-term interests of
> their customers, just like the tobacco and drinks companies
> did.

Well the tobacco companies would also love to ban vapes.

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 Re: Vapes
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Sun 10 Sep 21:24

Well the tobacco companies would also love to ban vapes.

Why would they do that when they are making an absolute fortune off them?

Imperial Tobacco has Blu Bar
British American Tobacco has Vuse
Philip Morris has Veev

Post Edited (Sun 10 Sep 21:31)
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 Re: Vapes
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Sun 10 Sep 22:26


Tad Allagash, Sun 10 Sept 19:10

Is there anything the Scottish Government doesn’t want to ban?

So anything that creates health issues, shouldn`t be banned?

I know of kids that have overdosed after drinking one of the refills!
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 Re: Vapes
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 11 Sep 08:12


Tad Allagash, Sun 10 Sept 19:10

Is there anything the Scottish Government doesn’t want to ban?

Plans to do the same in the rest of the UK and similar plans in places like NZ and Australia, but let`s not let that get in the way of your whine.
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 Re: Vapes
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Mon 11 Sep 09:12

There is a huge car park at meadow mill sport centre and the ground is littered with them ..

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Vapes
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Mon 11 Sep 10:50

Can`t say I`ve ever noticed these devices being left lying on the ground. A far bigger problem I have noticed is small black bags filled with dog mess and of course dog mess itself minus the wee black bag. I know what behaviour I find more reprehensible and disgusting.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Vapes
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Mon 11 Sep 11:59


Tad Allagash, Sun 10 Sep 19:10

Is there anything the Scottish Government doesn’t want to ban?

Heres one back at you - what HAVE the Scottish Government banned?
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 Re: Vapes
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Mon 11 Sep 12:01


Dave_1885, Mon 11 Sep 11:59


Tad Allagash, Sun 10 Sep 19:10

Is there anything the Scottish Government doesn’t want to ban?

Heres one back at you - what HAVE the Scottish Government banned?

Shhh, don`t question his agenda 😂
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 Re: Vapes
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe  
Date:   Mon 11 Sep 12:21

On the wider issue, it’s so bloody easy just to say ban them and hope the problem goes away.
Reality is, kids will just go back to the more dangerous cigarettes or something else.
It’s not a new thing because kids will ALWAYS find a way to get a hit.
Vaping, at least seems to be less harmful.

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
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 Re: Vapes
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Mon 11 Sep 19:32

What HAVE the Scottish Government banned?

Dancing at New Year during COVID;
Plastic cutlery;
Selling a house without interlocking fire alarms.

In the interests of fairness, there are some I agree with such as the ban on GM crops and the proposed ban on snare traps. And I didn’t say the Scottish Government had a monopoly on terrible ideas.

Wotsit, yes fair point- I didn’t realise big tobacco had been buying up the competition. I suspect they’ll welcome more regulation though as large companies can cope with the burden of compliance (and they’ve got decades of experience) whilst the independent vaping companies won’t.

AAPS is right though. Kids used to sniff Evo-stick which was way more dangerous than vaping.

Beware the unintended consequences.

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 Re: Vapes
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Tue 12 Sep 00:13

Big Tobacco is the major player in the vapes industry and are making massive investments in cannabis providers so as it becomes legal in more and more places these companies can continue to profit from human addiction.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Vapes
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Tue 12 Sep 00:18


The One Who Knocks, Tue 12 Sep 00:13

Big Tobacco is the major player in the vapes industry and are making massive investments in cannabis providers so as it becomes legal in more and more places these companies can continue to profit from human addiction.

Considering cannabis isn`t nearly as harmful as tobacco, that`s hardly a bad thing. Fair, I`d rather not continue funding them
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 Re: Vapes
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 12 Sep 07:22

Incredible to see how much someone on this forum can whine about:

1. Public safety
2. A measure adopter across the UK and many other nations (polystyrene takeaway trays also banned now)
4. Something that isn`t true (you can easily sell without them...)

Do people just wait up permanently raging about a political party? If you need to then why not consider who:

Gave contracts to their mates
More than doubled UK debt whilst imposing austerity
Destroyed the economy
Put security risks in the House of Lords
Fail again and again on immigration despite it being a priority in their manifesto
Cancelled school repair contracts
Trashed the NHS
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 Re: Vapes
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Tue 12 Sep 07:31


The One Who Knocks, Mon 11 Sept 10:50

Can`t say I`ve ever noticed these devices being left lying on the ground. A far bigger problem I have noticed is small black bags filled with dog mess and of course dog mess itself minus the wee black bag. I know what behaviour I find more reprehensible and disgusting.

May I politely suggest that you`re not looking very hard, TOWK? Discarded vape devices are a common site wherever Mrs Riva and I venture for our daily walk. Alarmingly, they are more prevalent around our schools - including primaries! I have plenty of connections among primary teachers, and they acknowledge that vaping among their older pupils is an issue. Children who are caught vaping are sent home after their parents are informed, but the practice persists.

The one bit of good news is that the number of discarded cigarette packs and butts, has definitely decreased. Vaping is better than smoking tobacco, perhaps, but breathing clean air is definitely better than both.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Vapes
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 12 Sep 09:20

Most parks are littered with them. Maybe not recognisable if you`ve not seen one before but once you know what they look like they are everywhere. Agree about the dog poo baggers. Why bag it then dump it?!

That`s Westminster given its approval of banning single use vapes. Bloody SNP...
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 Re: Vapes
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Tue 12 Sep 10:00

Who’s raging Jake? Dave asked a question, and I gave an answer.

You made a legit point about the UK government implementing a policy that they know won’t work, and that’s the same with these ‘public health’ policies.

I never mentioned a particular political party - it’s a plague on all their houses. Politicians just want to be seen to be doing something - no one seems to care if policies work or not as long as they can be defended with some plausible BS.

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 Re: Vapes
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Tue 12 Sep 12:23


jake89, Tue 12 Sep 07:22

Incredible to see how much someone on this forum can whine about:

1. Public safety
2. A measure adopter across the UK and many other nations (polystyrene takeaway trays also banned now)
4. Something that isn`t true (you can easily sell without them...)

Do people just wait up permanently raging about a political party? If you need to then why not consider who:

Gave contracts to their mates
More than doubled UK debt whilst imposing austerity
Destroyed the economy
Put security risks in the House of Lords
Fail again and again on immigration despite it being a priority in their manifesto
Cancelled school repair contracts
Trashed the NHS

Thanks buddy 👍🏻😂

One question for Tad - do you really think its a bad idea to ban single use vapes that contain a non reusable battery, are made of plastic and are littered everyone and in the hands of school children?

Yes or no answer please 😁
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 Re: Vapes
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Tue 12 Sep 13:28

But schoolchildren are already banned from vaping (single use or otherwise).

So how are they in the hands of children?

You mean to tell me bans don’t work? 😂

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 Re: Vapes
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 12 Sep 14:01


Tad Allagash, Tue 12 Sept 13:28

But schoolchildren are already banned from vaping (single use or otherwise).

So how are they in the hands of children?

You mean to tell me bans don’t work? 😂

But the ban is for ALL people, not just children? Those who are determined will still go for it, but what they`re doing here is making it less convenient.
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