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 Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Tue 5 Dec 10:04

This Tory Government really is the pits. While it`s difficult to defend illegal immigration, making it almost impossible for legal migrants to come to this country is difficult to fathom.


Make no mistake, this is a backward step. Foreign workers are an invaluable resource in many sectors such as social care and hospitality, which have often proved difficult to recruit for among British citizens. The Tories think that they will be able to "encorage" people into work by reducing benefits. Maybe so, but I wouldn`t bet on it. This could well result in care homes and hospitality venues closing down if they can`t get anyone to staff them.

What the Tories fail to understand is that people who come from abroad to work and settle here enrich British culture. They help the economy by paying tax and shopping in their local community.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Tue 5 Dec 10:40

Exactly that G.G. There is a big enough staff shortage as it is without stopping clever educated people from getting in to the UK

Clutching at straws again .. This will backfire on them

Talking about the pits .. They also tried to vote against the contaminated blood compensation .. They were defeated yesterday only because 22 tory rebels voted against the government .. 246 - 242 shocking really

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 5 Dec 10:54

The immigration proposals seem to be another example of the lack of joined-up thinking by government. They seem convinced that the jobs previously done by immigrants will be gratefully sought after by Brits despite the fact that they have shown no interest in them up until now. Jobs in the NHS and care homes need people with a certain mindset that not everyone has, so many of the available workforce won`t be suited to that type of work.

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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Tue 5 Dec 10:56

Isn`t immigration to the UK at an all time high under this Conservative government? Immigration to the UK is a great resource to the hospitality and care sectors or in other words employers who want to pay their staff the absolute bare minimum that they can get away with.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 5 Dec 11:22

This nonsense will massively impact the care sector. People moan about people from abroad taking these jobs but the reality is that it`s a really exhausting job and many Brits aren`t interested. Carers are paid around what a supermarket worker gets paid so there`s no financial reward for the traumatic experiences they deal with every day.

Sunak probably assumes everyone in the UK is on at least £100k and has offshore investments.
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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: Playup_Pompey  
Date:   Tue 5 Dec 12:53

3 home secraties have now gone to rwanda... 3 more than any "immigrants" that there has been over £100million spent on sending them there

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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: back oh the net  
Date:   Tue 5 Dec 13:42


jake89, Tue 05 Dec 11:22

This nonsense will massively impact the care sector. People moan about people from abroad taking these jobs but the reality is that it`s a really exhausting job and many Brits aren`t interested. Carers are paid around what a supermarket worker gets paid so there`s no financial reward for the traumatic experiences they deal with every day.

Sunak probably assumes everyone in the UK is on at least £100k and has offshore investments.

Not just the care sector Jake I work in a food factory and from about the beginning of October to the end of march we rely heavily on foreign workers from countries like Kazakhstan because that is when the business is at its busiest even more so in the run up to Christmas I can see this move taking a sledgehammer to our ability to fulfill customer orders simply because it nearly impossible to recruit people locally for what ever reason

Come on ye pars ⚽️
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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Tue 5 Dec 13:42

First payment £140 million plus another £15 million today plus all the court case millions plus £169 thousand to send EACH immigrant to Rwanda .. Then there is the £billions wasted on the barge fiasco that is not in the publics interest to disclose .. Add on the £220 million given to the French to stand and watch the boats leave France .. Phew !! PP Thats a lotta lotta money

Post Edited (Tue 05 Dec 15:09)
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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: Playup_Pompey  
Date:   Tue 5 Dec 14:06

"First payment £140 million plus another £15 million today plus all the court case millions plus £169 thousand so send EACH immigrant to Rwanda .. Then there is the £billions wasted on the barge fiasco that is not in the publics interest to disclose .. Add on the £220 million given to the French to stand and watch the boats leave France .. Phew !! PP Thats a lotta lotta money"

aye but the Boris bus told us all about how much the NHS would recieve and currently reclining quicker than ever before.

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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Tue 5 Dec 14:10

Isn’t it ironic that neither Sunak nor Cleverly (nor Braverman and Patel before them) would have been likely to be born in this country if previous governments had decided to bring in these restrictions?

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Tue 5 Dec 15:40

The Bibby Stockholm barge has cost £1.6 billion to an Australian travel firm

Annual cost a minimum of £18,565,500

Nicola David from the NGO One Life to Live has estimated the cost of housing 425 asylum seekers on the barge by looking at publicly available financial information.

According to her calculations, a room on the barge would cost an average of £163.63 per room per day. This compared to an average of £157 per room per day in a hotel.

The figures have been recently updated to take into account changes in the costing of the berthing fee.

It will cost more than £20,000 a day to house 500 migrants on the Bibby Stockholm barge in Portland Harbour, said The Times in April. That includes £4,500 per day to berth it, plus the £15,000 daily chartering fee.

Post Edited (Tue 05 Dec 15:45)
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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Tue 5 Dec 15:48


Buspasspar, Tue 5 Dec 15:40

The Bibby Stockholm barge has cost £1.6 billion to an Australian travel firm

Annual cost a minimum of £18,565,500

Nicola David from the NGO One Life to Live has estimated the cost of housing 425 asylum seekers on the barge by looking at publicly available financial information.

According to her calculations, a room on the barge would cost an average of £163.63 per room per day. This compared to an average of £157 per room per day in a hotel.

The figures have been recently updated to take into account changes in the costing of the berthing fee.

It will cost more than £20,000 a day to house 500 migrants on the Bibby Stockholm barge in Portland Harbour, said The Times in April. That includes £4,500 per day to berth it, plus the £15,000 daily chartering fee.

They could have had one of the new superliners built for the same money!
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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 5 Dec 15:55

At his press conference in Kigali James Cleverly, the home secretary, said the government was not trying to send asylum seekers to Rwanda as a means of gaining “cheap or quick popularity”. He said:

`The UK and Rwanda are working on this because it is important, not because it is necessarily easy or that it buys you cheap or quick popularity.`

Is that an admission that it buys you expensive popularity?

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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Tue 5 Dec 16:00

Could be wee eck .. this from the live feed :-

Cleverly is asked how much extra money UK has agreed to pay Rwanda as part of this treaty. He says there is no funding linked to the signing of the document.

"The funding of the international agreement reflects the costs that may be imposed on Rwanda through the changes that this partnership has created in their systems, in their legal systems and institutions," he says.

The Rwandans did not ask for money for this treaty, nor was any given, Cleverly adds.

OH But Hold Yer Horses then he says this ?? :-

Cleverly said he expects migrants to be heading to Rwanda from Britain in the coming months.

"I can see no reason why that should not happen," he adds.

The home secretary says the Rwandan government will be paid remuneration to "reflect the additional costs that they are bringing on".

So is it just me ? .. or are we paying for this treaty

Post Edited (Tue 05 Dec 16:01)
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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Tue 5 Dec 17:00

It`s like when I told my partner that we don`t have to pay to get a new plasma telly, we just have to compensate Sony for stuff like their factory and distribution costs.

"Who you are and what you feel comes not just from inside you, but from where you are in the power structure"
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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Fri 8 Dec 09:30

OH Jings from Aunty :-

The UK has given Rwanda a further £100m this year as part of its deal to relocate asylum seekers there.

The payment was made in April, the Home Office`s top civil servant said in a letter to MPs, after £140m had already been sent to the African nation.

Sir Matthew Rycroft said another payment of £50m was expected next year.

The revelation came hours after Rishi Sunak vowed to "finish the job" of reviving the plan after the resignation of his immigration minister this week.

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Fri 8 Dec 11:12

£240m sent to Rwanda - not a single assylum seeker sent 🤦🏻‍♂️ the we get onto the cost of the Bibby Stockholm…..when will people realise this government are just throwing money away without a care in the world?
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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: parsfan  
Date:   Fri 8 Dec 12:54

I can`t find it again now but I read earlier today that Braverman has some financial interest in Rwanda. Immigration lawyers or something. So I wonder how much of the £100,000,000 she signed off on ended up in her pockets.

The universe is ruled by chance and indifference

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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Fri 8 Dec 14:37

Home secretary Suella Braverman has been accused of failing to formally disclose links to a charity that trained lawyers in Rwanda. 

Braverman co-founded the Africa Justice Foundation (AJF) in 2010 and used to chair the charity, which trained lawyers in sub-Saharan African countries.

The Independent reported this week that Braverman did not formally disclose her links to the charity when she was appointed home secretary last year. 

According to the Independent, “several people the charity worked with are now key members of president Paul Kagame’s government and are involved in the UK’s £140m deal to send asylum seekers to Rwanda”.

Asked on Friday morning who signed off the extra money, the prime minister’s spokesperson said: “The home secretary.”

Braverman, who was sacked by Sunak last month, was still running the Home Office at the time.

Pressed on whether Sunak had also signed off the cash, the spokesperson said: “No”, adding it had been “an operation decision for the home secretary”.

ETA :-
From this mornings Guardian

The Home Office has been ordered to reveal the full cost of the Rwanda scheme, as costs could exceed £400m, the Guardian reports.

The paper says that the Home Office`s Permanent Secretary, Sir Matthew Rycroft, will face MPs on the public accounts committee on Monday, before Rishi Sunak tries to get court objections to the scheme overturned through the commons on Tuesday.

Post Edited (Sat 09 Dec 09:42)
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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Mon 11 Dec 09:13

But Wait there`s even more money being thrown away

I wonder who the commercial partners will be

From Aunty :-

The Home Office has earmarked at least £700m to manage the arrival of migrants on small boats until 2030, according to previously unnoticed commercial plans.

Officials published the projections online last week, as Home Secretary James Cleverly flew to Rwanda to sign a new treaty to "stop the boats".

They predict the Channel crossings could continue up to 2034.
Under the plans, commercial partners would run extensive services at "permanent" facilities.

A Home Office spokesperson said it would be "inappropriate to comment" on an ongoing procurement project.

But the publicly-available information, on the government`s contracts website, shows that the Home Office wants at least one major partner to help run two large facilities in Kent until at least 2030 - and potentially to 2034.

The invitation to businesses is the clearest public sign yet that officials are planning for the small boats to continue arriving.

They have sneaked this one in !! i love the line .. previously unnoticed commercial plans !!

Post Edited (Mon 11 Dec 09:16)
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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Mon 11 Dec 18:35

From Aunty :-


Will they go ahead with the vote and suffer a humiliating defeat ??

Or will they withdraw the bill and suffer worse humiliation

Meanwhile, the most senior official at the Home Office, Sir Mark Rycroft, told the Public Affairs Committee that Rwanda would not have to pay the UK back if no flights take off

Answers on the back of a fag packet

Post Edited (Mon 11 Dec 20:35)
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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Fri 1 Mar 09:05

National audit office state each immigrant/asylum seekers, will cost UK £1.8million each, to send to Rwanda!

That`s some all inclusive deal!🤔🤬🤬🤬

Meanwhile 21 asylum seekers from Rwanda have arrived in UK, because it isn`t safe for them?

Someone`s pockets are being well lined!🤔
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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Fri 1 Mar 09:16

Have a wee look at the stamps on Cruella`s passport L A

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Fri 1 Mar 09:25

Meanwhile Back at the Office :-

Home Secretary James Cleverly was accused of trying to `bury bad news` as he belatedly published an avalanche of critical reports by a sacked watchdog.

The reports revealed that border posts in the arrivals halls of major airports have been left unmanned, and a flagship humanitarian scheme set up to help Afghans fleeing the Taliban was opened to `individuals who had never been to Afghanistan`. 

The reports also highlighted problems with passport e-gates meant that `protection of the border is neither effective nor efficient`, border Force X-ray equipment failing to detect clandestine migrants hidden in lorries.

On top of this, the report said that British airports have a `lack of anti-smuggling capability`, raising the prospect of contraband and illegal goods getting in in airmail parcels, the Customs channel at East Midlands Airport was left unmanned for two days during an inspection by the watchdog and Immigration officers conducting raids had to rely on Google Maps.

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Fri 1 Mar 09:31

Aye BPP, also the comings and goings on private jets are not being monitored either!

Something that was highlighted by the sacked official 🤔 💰💰💰💰💰

Meanwhile DWP now have free access to claimants bank accounts, shame MP`S financial affairs remain hidden.
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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Wed 13 Mar 09:21

I Noticed from the paper headlines this morning that we are now going to offer each migrant £3000 if they go to Rwanda under a new voluntary scheme drawn up by ministers .. It sounds a good deal as Rwanda looks like a safe haven

On 6 April 1994, the deaths of the Presidents of Burundi and Rwanda in a plane crash caused by a rocket attack, ignited several weeks of intense and systematic massacres.

The killings - more than one million people are estimated to have perished - shocked the international community and were clearly acts of genocide.

An estimated 150,000 to 250,000 women were also raped. Members of the presidential guard started killing Tutsi civilians in a section of Kigali near the airport.

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Johnny Foreigners not wanted here!
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Wed 13 Mar 09:59

I wouldnae go to the USA …their civil war resulted in more American casualties than the total of WW1, WW2, Vietnam and Korea !

Post Edited (Wed 13 Mar 10:00)
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