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Topic Originator: Captain Desmond Fancey  
Date:   Tue 14 May 08:21

Guess this could go on TV or even, given what happened, Politics forum but thought I'd stick it somewhere in the middle.

Anybody else watching this on Sky Atlantic ? Knowing what we know about it all now it's a genuinely haunting watch. The sheer denial and then the attempts to cover things up are just utterly insane.

First episode brilliantly highlighted the bravery of the fire crews who - in probably knowing what fate awaited a lot of them - arrived soon after the explosion.

Second episode was fantastic too, but as a lot of folk wont watch it until tonight I'll hold off on the spoliers ;)

The good old days
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: General Zod  
Date:   Tue 14 May 11:16

I’m recording it all to watch in quick succession. I’m glad it’s as good as I hoped
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Tue 14 May 15:10

1st episode was pretty distressing.

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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: Captain Desmond Fancey  
Date:   Wed 22 May 11:44

Episode 3 the most distressing one so far.

Really well put together program I have to say. Unimaginable what could have happened if it weren't for the heroics of plant workers, firemen and miners.
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Wed 22 May 12:12

I'm enjoying it.
One thing though... Them all speaking English is annoying me... Especially when you can tell where they're from by their voices.
The mining gaffer last night amused me though with his broad Scots accent.
As much as I'm not a fan of subtitles... I think this would have been better in Russian.
It's just a wee gripe... But apart from that I'm enjoying it.

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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Wed 22 May 12:14

P. S....
The coal miners gaffer... Was he not in Eastenders a long time ago?( the working gaffer... Not the minister for coal guy in the suit)


Post Edited (Wed 22 May 12:17)
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: Captain Desmond Fancey  
Date:   Wed 22 May 12:21

He was indeed - he was evil Trevor in it. Was also in River City for a while.

Wasn't expecting him to have his tackle out last night. Easily the most distressing scene so far ;)

I can see where you're coming from with the whole English/Russian thing but I actually think it's working really well in English.

Haven't been this gripped by a program in a while (male nudity aside of course !)

The good old days
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Wed 22 May 12:34

Yeah it's just a small thing (again... Not talking about the coal miners scene lol) that I think would have made it just a wee bit better.

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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: dave67  
Date:   Wed 22 May 12:54

Official figures for dead. Less than 200.
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: Captain Desmond Fancey  
Date:   Wed 22 May 13:09

Wouldn't pay too much attention to anything "official" to do with it to be honest. Had it not been for radiation picked up in Sweden the Soviets were still going to try and pretend it hadn't even happened !

The lowest estimate from WHO comes in at around 4,000 deaths. Although some radiation scientists have forecast that it led to nearer 60,000.

Amazing to think that only 2 were instantly killed by the blast itself though.

The good old days
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: parsmad68  
Date:   Wed 22 May 17:15

Is there any catch up TV on Sky Atlantic. Travel all the time so my life is catch up.
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Wed 22 May 17:24

If you have the SKY GO app you can watch it anytime. I missed it last night so watched it about 10 minutes after it finishedon my phone

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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Wed 22 May 17:25

As long as Sky Atlantic is part of your package

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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: dave67  
Date:   Wed 22 May 17:31

''While there is rough agreement that a total of either 31 or 54 people died from blast trauma or Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS) as a direct result of the Chernobyl disaster (see § Differing direct, short-term death toll counts),[6][7][8] there is considerable debate concerning the accurate number of deaths due to the disaster's long-term health effects, with estimates ranging from 4,000 (per the 2005 and 2006 conclusions of a joint consortium of the United Nations and the governments of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia), to no fewer than 93,000 (per the conflicting conclusions of various scientific, health, environmental, and survivors' organizations)''
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: Parsbilly  
Date:   Thu 23 May 11:58

Finchy from The Office in it as well
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Thu 23 May 12:12

The nuclear physicist (that went to the hospital to take statements and got lifted by the KGB) rings a bell too.
What has she been in?


Post Edited (Thu 23 May 12:12)
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: Captain Desmond Fancey  
Date:   Thu 23 May 12:20

Lots of things...


The good old days
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Thu 23 May 15:55

I believe the worst scenario would have been much more catastrophic, but find the various doomsday guesstimates confusing.
Is there a definitive picture of what would have been the awful consequences if total meltdown hadn’t been prevented?
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Fri 24 May 08:31

If you find this interesting have a read about City 40 / Ozersk which is quite strange in that people really want to live there
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: Captain Desmond Fancey  
Date:   Fri 31 May 09:38

Another fantastic, and heartbreaking, episode this week. In many ways one of the saddest of them all.

You don't realize some of the jobs that some people actually had to do. The scene where they had to shoot the newborn puppies was really horrific.

Noticed that it's now become the highest rated TV series of all time on IMDB at 9.7. It's been worth every single one of those marks.

The good old days
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: Turps  
Date:   Fri 31 May 12:23

Worth a watch for anyone interested;

Chernobyl: Two Days in the Exclusion Zone


Natalia the guide is fantastic.
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: parsmad68  
Date:   Fri 21 Jun 18:53

Got to the trials point in the book where they held the trials.....in Chernobyl!!!!
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: Captain Desmond Fancey  
Date:   Sat 22 Jun 12:42

What book are you reading ?

I just picked up the "Chernobyl History of a Tragedy" one by Serhii Plokhy. It's not an easy read by any means but is really engrossing.

For those still just on council telly, the excellent TV series will be released on Blu Ray next month. Well worth a few £s of anybody's money

The good old days
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: parsmad68  
Date:   Sat 22 Jun 17:26

Captain Desmond, it is the same author but just called “Chernobyl”. One of the most concerning items I learned outside the book is that the core is still active although the risk is much smaller, however the “Elephants foot” continues to cause concern. The reason I was looking at this was to review the peak output of radiation and also whether the core cool down was due to exhaustion of the uranium or whether the physical cooling of the base attributed to this, which is not clear in the book.
The political fallout was immense and I hadn’t realised how much of an impact Chernobyl had caused to all of the Soviet states that ran these reactors. I am finding the book completely riveting.
Also the fact they continued to run the other 3 reactors for many years after the disaster is a fact I wasn’t aware of which is unbelievable after the safety issues

Post Edited (Sat 22 Jun 17:33)
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sat 22 Jun 19:40


Captain Desmond Fancey, Sat 22 Jun 12:42

What book are you reading ?

I just picked up the "Chernobyl History of a Tragedy" one by Serhii Plokhy. It's not an easy read by any means but is really engrossing.

For those still just on council telly, the excellent TV series will be released on Blu Ray next month. Well worth a few £s of anybody's money

Available on all good/bad torrents
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: shrek par  
Date:   Sat 22 Jun 19:55

Fabulous piece of work. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: Hail2Crail  
Date:   Sun 23 Jun 22:14

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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: allparone  
Date:   Sun 23 Jun 22:16


Hail2Crail, Sun 23 Jun 22:14

Shame it was dumbed down for people who can't read subtitles. Would of been a lot better with authentic actors/dialogue.

Yes, the type of people who don’t know the difference between of and have? :-)
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sun 23 Jun 22:47

This ^^
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Thu 22 Aug 13:35

Just managed to binge my way through the series here in Australia. Excellent. Compelling viewing and very moving in parts too.

The manner in which the Soviets were fed a diet of lies by their leaders ultimately led to the disaster. Surely there is a lesson to be learned from this in Trump's America?
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Thu 22 Aug 13:47

Don't use rbmk reactors... Like the Russians did... And still are at different sites apparently.

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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Thu 22 Aug 13:58

I was thinking more about the lying, widdy. The yanks learned their lesson with Three Mile Island back in the '70s.
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Thu 22 Aug 14:03

Governments lie the world over.... This is the way it is unfortunately.

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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Thu 22 Aug 14:10


widtink, Thu 22 Aug 14:03

Governments lie the world over.... This is the way it is unfortunately.

The trick is in the word "government" itself.

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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Sat 24 Aug 01:03

I'd like to see them do Bhopal next - there's a similar story there.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Sat 24 Aug 10:33

Black humour from the Ed Festival :-

“So, guys, why shouldn’t you wear Russian underpants? Chernobyl fallout, that’s why..”
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Sat 24 Aug 10:44

I remember that joke was quite popular when it happened (I was at high school)... But then it kind of faded away.
Nice to hear it again.

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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Sat 24 Aug 11:28

Never mind a bit of fallout, when I was at high school Russian ships were sailing on a collision course with the US navy blockade of Cuba. Thought last Xmas was gonna be the last.
If that give birth to any jokes I ain’t heard them yet!
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 Re: Chernobyl
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Sat 24 Aug 12:29

Neither have I.
Must resist urge to Google "Cuban missile crisis" jokes 🤣

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