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 George Floyd
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend  
Date:   Mon 1 Jun 21:01

This is so huge that it’s knocked coronavirus off the main story.
I can’t believe there is not much talk about this on here.
Tune into CNN to catch up with it all.

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983

Post Edited (Mon 01 Jun 22:06)
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 1 Jun 21:10

Don't agree with the looting but there is definitely something wrong with the police forces in the US. If I was black I would be wearing a bodycam streaming to a server every time I left the house.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend  
Date:   Mon 1 Jun 22:08

So much for the great US of A.?

The Houston chief of police, Art Acevedo, of Cuban descent, spoke so eloquently earlier on

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: Stoo  
Date:   Mon 1 Jun 22:26

Its extremely interesting to watch.

It wont change anything at large. The powers that be will know exactly how to quell this, make it go away and turn the rest of the population against the protesters. They have the looters doing their initial job for them as we speak.

Personally I hope they fight and fight hard rather than return meekly back to being killed in the street like dogs for no reason.

Post Edited (Mon 01 Jun 22:44)
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Mon 1 Jun 22:48

Society...or law....has placed physical, sold things at a higher value than life.
That's why looting happens, it's the only punch some can throw.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend  
Date:   Mon 1 Jun 23:39

The powers that be are making a horlicks of a peaceful protest at Lafayette Park near the Rose Garden
Trump should have been out with a statement 25 mins ago
It’s going to kick off

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Mon 1 Jun 23:55

Maybe time for Tony Blair to get an army raised and invade a failed state which has weapons of mass destruction.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 00:16

I can’t believe what Trump is doing. Anarchy soon. Maybe someone will take him out?

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 02:28


jake89, Mon 1 Jun 21:10

Don't agree with the looting but there is definitely something wrong with the police forces in the US. If I was black I would be wearing a bodycam streaming to a server every time I left the house.

The really scary thing is that none of that would make you any safer and if you were seriously injured or killed by the police there is very little chance of them being prosecuted even with the weight of evidence your camera would have picked up.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: PeachtreePar  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 02:31

Absolute joke as a leader. I will stand in protest with my African American friends and colleagues if he brings the regular military onto the streets. I’m all for law and order but no one is above the law including the President or the Police
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: Stoo  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 09:28

This is why the US citizens have guns right? Its one of the arguments you hear over and over in debates about gun control.

*hick*we may need to fight against the government one day*hick*
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: parsmad68  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 10:22

They do love their guns!
Guy I knew in Concord had a basement he claimed to be his rest room. It did have a pool table and a bar, which was lovely - oh and a massive array of weapons.....
Some were colonial rifles (he claimed to need them for re-enactments) and the rest were semi automatic. When I asked why he needed them. He just laughed “well, you know us Americans, we just love guns..”
No idea when, why or how anyone would need so much weaponry and armour. Maybe he was Bruce Willis?
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 12:06

<<I can’t believe what Trump is doing. Anarchy soon. Maybe someone will take him out?>>

He is just the vilest person imaginable. It is so tempting to say that this cowardly creature needs to be given a very public send-off. If someone feels the need to take him out, then okay. He or she won't get too much criticism from me.

But I would just be happy to see him and his ugly coterie totally humiliated at the November election.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 12:26

It's a very sad state of affairs.

I hope nobody kills Trump. I think that would actually make things worse. Trump might be a very visible idiot, but there are plenty more where he came from and some could be even worse than him.

An election defeat is all we can pin our hopes on, but as TOWK wrote on the Where is Trump? thread, the riots are just making his reelection more likely.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: Johan_Cruyff  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 12:27

The Mayor of Atlanta - Keisha Lance-Bottoms spoke so eloquently and passionately over the weekend. So did the rapper Killer Mike although his choice of T-Shirt with the slogan 'Kill you Leaders' did little to reduce the aggression (IMO)

There is a real tension right now - I am about an hour or so NW of Atlanta and there has been some peaceful protests in my little town but reading through local pages on facebook so could almost feel the blood thirsty excitement of the rednecks ready for it to kick off and bring their guns.

There are so many more black deaths and racial profiling videos by the police doing the rounds right now - I hate to say it seems to be so co-ordinated but....

I have seen videos of people filming peaceful protest sites where pallets of bricks are being dropped and then people show up and start throwing the bricks and all of sudden its a riot. Both Minnesota and Ohio have reported their arrest numbers are high with people residing out of state and travelling in.

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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 12:41

A number of rioters in NYC last night were not even from NYC, which perhaps goes to prove that this there is a fair level of "organisation" going on?

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 12:45

And this is all being done to deflect from Coronavirus...

what a fecking mess.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 12:47

"An election defeat is all we can pin our hopes on, but as TOWK wrote on the Where is Trump? thread, the riots are just making his reelection more likely. "

I actually have the opposite view. I think ( and pray ) he will lose heavily in November.

To disperse the peaceful crowds with tear gas and pepper spray near the White House, so he could have a photo shoot outside the church, holding up a bible, was just sanctimonious garbage and a national disgrace

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983

Post Edited (Tue 02 Jun 12:48)
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 13:09

Wonder which city he'll nuke first!🤔🤔🤔
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: Johan_Cruyff  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 13:10


You have no idea how important that picture is to middle america with his holding the bible - he just secured a bunch of votes with that picture alone.

I dont like to knock religion and believers - I am completely agnostic / atheist whatever term you want to use - but God is central to so many households here in the US - I have been surprised since I moved here

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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: parsmad68  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 13:31

I couldn’t help but think whether the minister actually wanted his church in that picture with Trump.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 13:38

I did make the point, on which Sammer expanded upon, that this was only going to help Trump be reelected. That said its far from a fait accompli. Trump won the last election due to the college voting system and it was only two or three districts in two or three states that swung it for him. It was a victory with the finest of margins. They weren't all swivel eyed loons that voted for him either. Plenty of blue collar types just couldn't bring themselves to vote for Hilary Clinton and Trump's straight talking outsider image probably swayed it for them. They likely thought if he becomes President then he'll become presidential. He can't play that card again and it wouldn't have held much weight against Joe Biden anyway.
However the way I see it, and I'm no expert on anything nevermind American politics, Joe Biden is going to have a big problem on how he handle this. He needs to win back those white blue collar voters who didn't vote for Clinton but many of those white (and even Hispanic) voters rightly or wrongly have a perception of those currently protesting. No right thinking person in America can defend the actions that led to the Floyd's death but I bet plenty don't want to see the root and branch reforms of the law and order institutions that many of the protesters want to see. So Biden has to appeal to both sides. He has to put forward a nuanced argument in an age where its all about soundbites and identity politics. These days if you don't agree with someone on one thing then they think that they can't agree with you on anything.
I hope Trump does get defeated in November but I fear that Biden, in trying to be reasonable, will look weak everywhere and strong nowhere.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 16:14

A whole load of religious leaders in the US have condemned Trump's Bible stunt, accusing him of using their sacred text as a political prop.

Including the Episcopalian Bishop whose diocese includes the church where Trump's performance took place.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 16:52

Glad to hear that, Wotsit

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: parsfan  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 17:21

He's changed his tune about protestors since January:

“To the leaders of Iran - DO NOT KILL YOUR PROTESTERS.Thousands have already been killed or imprisoned by you, and the World is watching. More importantly, the USA is watching. Turn your internet back on and let reporters roam free! Stop the killing of your great Iranian people!"


The universe is ruled by chance and indifference

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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 19:35


Wotsit, Tue 2 Jun 16:14

A whole load of religious leaders in the US have condemned Trump's Bible stunt, accusing him of using their sacred text as a political prop.

Including the Episcopalian Bishop whose diocese includes the church where Trump's performance took place.

Will it stop them voting for him in the Presidential election, though?

A former aide of his was asked on the BBC programme, Hard Talk, why Americans voted for Trump last time, even when they didn't agree with his policies.

"Americans like a man who speaks his mind, even if they don't agree with what he says" was the reply.

Let me read that again..... Nope, still baffled.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: Hail2Crail  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 20:05

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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 20:09

Let's be honest, this country voted in a complete idiot too.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: parsmad68  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 20:23

A friend of mine in England told me his parents voted for Boris because he “would get Brexit done”. When he challenged them to what that actually meant, they repeated the same statement. It was like a mantra, similar to what Trump states for fake news in any dealings he doesn’t like.
This is why I like reading this forum as there are people who are insightful and considerate in their opinions and can challenge opinions reasonably (sometimes not). But at least it is not a stupid Mantra. Not much opinion in mainstream media these days.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 2 Jun 20:30

Well he did get it done. 😂

Thing is, we should really have an election right after we leave to elect who we really want. Unfortunately, despite being shown to be utterly useless, Johnson still leads in the polls.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Wed 3 Jun 06:10


Hail2Crail, Tue 2 Jun 20:05


GG Riva, Tue 2 Jun 19:35


Wotsit, Tue 2 Jun 16:14

A whole load of religious leaders in the US have condemned Trump's Bible stunt, accusing him of using their sacred text as a political prop.

Including the Episcopalian Bishop whose diocese includes the church where Trump's performance took place.

Will it stop them voting for him in the Presidential election, though?

A former aide of his was asked on the BBC programme, Hard Talk, why Americans voted for Trump last time, even when they didn't agree with his policies.

"Americans like a man who speaks his mind, even if they don't agree with what he says" was the reply.

Let me read that again..... Nope, still baffled.

It quite simple. Americans like someone who speaks his mind. Not someone who tries to please everyone with blousey liberal nonsense like that one before him.



So speaking your mind is the top consideration? Ahead of policies? You have to be taking the pith....

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Wed 3 Jun 09:01

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

- Edmund Burke
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: Johan_Cruyff  
Date:   Wed 3 Jun 11:41


Unfortunately Hail2Crail is much more accurate that you would think. Been here 6.5 years now. I am still astounded every week. Even people I have gotten to know and become friendly with will post something on facebook and I'll be amazed to a new level. They are otherwise sound minded rational people

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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: parsmad68  
Date:   Wed 3 Jun 11:54


Johan_Cruyff, Wed 03 Jun 11:41


Unfortunately Hail2Crail is much more accurate that you would think. Been here 6.5 years now. I am still astounded every week. Even people I have gotten to know and become friendly with will post something on facebook and I'll be amazed to a new level. They are otherwise sound minded rational people

Is it a conditioning they have in their upbringing or something happened to them to make them feel like this. The reason I ask is I was at a global company conference in Miami in 2001 and the speaker cracked a racist joke about a black guy. We, the UK unilaterally stood up and left. On the way out I looked around and saw many Asians, Europeans and other nationalities but only at that point did I ever notice there was no one black person in that whole room of senior management. For me, my conditioning was I had never seen or noticed there were no black people, just as I had never noticed Asian race, because for me, it makes no difference. Up until that point in my life I had been sheltered from the preconceptions of other people and their racist views.
I left soon after as I could no longer work in such an environment after i became aware.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Wed 3 Jun 12:17


Johan_Cruyff, Wed 3 Jun 11:41


Unfortunately Hail2Crail is much more accurate that you would think. Been here 6.5 years now. I am still astounded every week. Even people I have gotten to know and become friendly with will post something on facebook and I'll be amazed to a new level. They are otherwise sound minded rational people

I suppose that's why Trump was elected in the first place. He's not frightened to say what he thinks but my point, of course, is that we have to evaluate what someone says, rather than simply resort to fawning admiration.

Unlike Hail2Crail, I believe Obama was a far better American president than Trump.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Fri 5 Jun 06:38

Clive Myrie encapsulates America's deep rooted shame quite eloquently in this report:-


Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Fri 5 Jun 07:35

Yes, that Clive Myrie report is insightful. Racism has a very long history. It is such a tragedy, after what has gone on before, that this should still be happening in the US. Will we ever learn?

But this is not exclusively an American issue.

I am conscious of the fact that here in Australia our behaviour towards the indigenous Aboriginals is equally abhorrent. We welcome with open arms people of every race and creed to Australia, but somehow we can't come to terms with those people who were here long before us.

And in Britain, we saw those same raw racist emotions exposed with Brexit. Also in Hungary and Austria and France and Belgium and Switzerland, as they all frantically tried to close their doors to a wave of migrants escaping violence in Syria and North Africa.

Next, it will be Hong Kong. Will Britain, Australia and Canada open their doors to those people escaping the might of the Chinese Army when they invade their territory in the not too distant future?

It is an oddity that we whites should feel that people of different skin colour should be singled out as somehow being less worthy that those of us who by happenstance are born with pale skin. I don't think I can ever come to terms with that line of thinking.

Trump has exposed a nasty and dangerous underbelly of American society. But as we watch on in horror from afar, we shouldn't get too complacent.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: PeachtreePar  
Date:   Fri 5 Jun 08:21

Unfortunately Trump’s brashness appeals to some folks in the US. I see it some of my own American family and a section of the population have a blind loyalty to him no matter what he does or says. No logical argument in the world will chance their mind.

It would quite shock you the absolute nutters I have been dealing with on my own neighbouhood Facebook group. I’m sure some of them are more reasonable face to face but on social media some people just don’t care what they say or who they offend. Thankfully the moderators have stepped in recently.

There are also quite a few single issue voters who will go with him just because he says he is pro religion or pro life or pro gun. It’s like they can’t see past the one thing. Ask him to quote his favourite verse from the Bible though and he won’t commit to it. Yeah like he ever read it in the first place. As Joe Biden said he should open it and read it, he might learn something.

Seventeen years in America at least I sound like a Fifer. I will be joining a local protest march on Sunday. Peaceful one and thankfully the Police in my local city have a good reputation and being supportive but unfortunately it only takes a few to make it a nightmare and how threatened my African American friends and colleagues feel is very different. Too many good ole boys still and I just cannot fathom this revisionist claptrap that the South fought an honorable war to protect its rights. Yeah to keep slaves! Bloody traitors the lot of the them.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: babs woodhouse  
Date:   Fri 5 Jun 10:20

I wonder how many black lives will be lost to covid 19 as people travel back to their home towns and make contact with at risk relatives
Surely these black lives matter too
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Fri 5 Jun 10:20

Oz - excellent post above.

You're spot on about racism having a long history and it's not even confined to skin colour. In Scotland, we have those who hate the Irish or the English. In Italy, many from the North despise those from the poorer South.

In Australia, nothing encapsulates the attitude to the Aboriginal Australians better than that excellent true story film, "Rabbit Proof Fence" where three siblings were forcefully removed from their mother because they were of mixed race, by a well meaning authority who wanted to train them as domestic servants.

Peachtree - excellent post by you, too. Americans really are different. I said they'd never elect Trump as President, but what do I know? Maybe it was a lack of quality opposition, as happened here with the GE in December. We've now got two cheeks of the same @r$e running the US and the UK. ☹

I'm keeping my thoughts about the forthcoming presidential election to myself, in case I jinx it again.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 5 Jun 11:32

Need to remember we live in a country where two groups of people still argue over something that happened hundreds of years ago. We're just as pathetic a nation as any other in terms of bigotry and racism.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Sun 7 Jun 15:36

What a horrible woman.


Racism will continue to thrive, as long as people like her are given a platform to spout their poisonous p!$h to the easily led.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: Stoo  
Date:   Sun 7 Jun 18:46

Ugh I wouldn't have seen that (or the 10 seconds I could stand of her) if you hadn't posted it here.

My advice, such as it is, is not to spread anything to do with that waste of skin.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Sun 7 Jun 19:04


Stoo, Sun 7 Jun 18:46

Ugh I wouldn't have seen that (or the 10 seconds I could stand of her) if you hadn't posted it here.

My advice, such as it is, is not to spread anything to do with that waste of skin.

Sorry, Stoo. I had a bit of a dilemma. I'd never heard of this evil cow until today, when the link was sent to me by a relative. Two choices; raise awareness or look the other way....

It's deeply saddening that there such nasty people living in a supposedly civilised society, in 2020.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Sun 7 Jun 20:27

Katie Hopkins says what she does for money.

She's professionally controversial and plays to a crowd who think that caring about other people is some sort of personal failure, so even getting pee'ed off by her is playing into her hands sadly.

Like Stoo said, the best thing to do is ignore her.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: Luxembourg Par  
Date:   Sun 7 Jun 22:06

Seen this commentary?

Candace Owens

Witters on a bit - but raises som salient points...

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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: PeachtreePar  
Date:   Sun 7 Jun 23:09

Candace Owens is not exactly representative of your average African American.

Post Edited (Sun 07 Jun 23:10)
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: Luxembourg Par  
Date:   Mon 8 Jun 07:19

Clearly not - but what about her points?

The venerable George Floyd - Career criminal - high on drugs - previous for armed robbery ?

The fact that more whites than blacks are killed by police?
(This indicates a police problem, not a race problem)

The lack of outrage and protests of thousands of 'black-on-black' killings?

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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 8 Jun 08:10

If they looked properly at the data they would see that the issue isn't simply linked to race, it's linked to poverty. You could argue that the police are correct to assume criminal activity as the data shows it, but you also need to question why so few black people "make it".
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Mon 8 Jun 12:40

Clearly not - but what about her points?

The venerable George Floyd - Career criminal - high on drugs - previous for armed robbery ?

Which of those crimes justifies extra-judicial killing? Remind my why that particular police interaction took place by the way?

The fact that more whites than blacks are killed by police?
(This indicates a police problem, not a race problem)

Racist police problem/

The lack of outrage and protests of thousands of 'black-on-black' killings?

How many of those are committed by people paid by the state to protect the public?

Although the current protests are definitely about those too - the systemic causes aren't being ignored. Poverty levels in the black community in the US are high on the protestors' agenda.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: BigJPar  
Date:   Mon 8 Jun 12:54

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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Mon 8 Jun 16:09

"The fact that more whites than blacks are killed by police?
(This indicates a police problem, not a race problem)"

You need to apply context to that and it's interesting that the context frequently gets dropped from the discussion.

Here are the stats on police killings by race:


Here are the stats on the race of Americans:


So black people make up 12% of the US population but when you look at the % of deaths at the hands of the police (I'm using 2019 but it applies across every year) black people accounted for 29% of the deaths where race was known.

Even if you applied the 202 to every other race you would have black people constituting 23% of police killings which is still almost double the % of black people that makes up the US.

White people make up 60% of the US population and account for 46% of police deaths.

There's a stark difference there.

Post Edited (Mon 08 Jun 16:10)
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Mon 8 Jun 16:41

Blacks make up 12% of the population but account for what percentage of crimes committed though? Now that is obviously down to socio economic factors but if blacks are having a disproportionate number of interactions with law enforcement then that would also mean they would also be on the wrong end of a disproportionate number of police involved killings.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Mon 8 Jun 17:02

This topic has surfaced in the recent demonstrations where calls for the US police to be ‘defunded’ have been voiced. This argument holds that the poorer areas are being overpoliced and these areas will traditionally have large black populations. The War on Drugs launched by Richard Nixon must be the most calamitous war ever waged since there is more illegal drug use now than ever before. However it is claimed that the whole point of the long lost drug war is simply to keep pressure on poorer citizens (often black) by legitimising their harassment and on occasion removing their potential leaders.

There’s nothing new in this really. From an early age we are told that the laws are made by the rich so they can stay rich and nothing much in life disproves this old maxim.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 8 Jun 17:19

It all relates to inequalities. Ignore America and consider more locally. Where is crime most likely to take place in Dunfermline? Where are people with drug and alcohol* most likely to be housed? We can all take a guesses.

If you're in a poorer area you are instantly at a disadvantage. Your judged for it and you have less access to education. You may go to the same school as John who lives in a detached house with an internal garage, but John's got a laptop, iPad and an Amazon Prime account for ordering books. Best you've got is a library card, and that library is closed right now.

So many people in these situations will give up. They may not turn to a life of crime but they never leave that place.

*being clear that there are a LOT of people with money who also have drug and alcohol problems.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: BigJPar  
Date:   Mon 8 Jun 18:06

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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Mon 8 Jun 18:55

Examples please.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Mon 8 Jun 19:30

The One Who Knocks wrote:

> Examples please.
> The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.

The use of dehumanising terms like "blacks"

Potentially also dog whistling the argument that people who happen to be black are inherently more criminal and it is therefore perfectly reasonable that they are disproportionately murdered by the state.

In the US people who identify as being white are equally likely to consume illegal drugs as those who identify s being black. However the latter is imprisoned at 5-7 times more often for drug possession than the former.

Did you know that?

If you did then my accusation of dog whistling racist talking points stands, but if not then I will happily change my remark to ignorantly propagating racist propaganda.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: BigJPar  
Date:   Mon 8 Jun 19:45

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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Mon 8 Jun 21:25

Nice one Wotsit.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Tue 9 Jun 00:19

So this is what I wrote;
"Blacks make up 12% of the population but account for what percentage of crimes committed though? Now that is obviously down to socio economic factors but if blacks are having a disproportionate number of interactions with law enforcement then that would also mean they would also be on the wrong end of a disproportionate number of police involved killings."

To which Wotsit derived this from it and made slurs against my character.
"Potentially also dog whistling the argument that people who happen to be black are inherently more criminal and it is therefore perfectly reasonable that they are disproportionately murdered by the state."

I never said people who are black (sorry, people who identify as black) are inherently criminal. See the word inherent would mean that I'm suggesting that a black person has a pre disposed characteristic trait which make that person more inclined to commit crime. I never said that. Not even close. In fact I made the point that the reason that a disproportionate number of crimes in the U.S are committed by (sigh) people who identify as black is because of socio-economic factors. Many of those factors can be directly traced back to slavery and then the discrimination which was prevalent for decades afterwards and continues to this day. That fact though doesn't mean it is right or reasonable for a person who identifies as black to be brutalised or worse by the state or the police but then I never said that it did.
Now you're a clever guy Wotsit so you'll be along shortly to dismantle this post and make me look stupid which is fair enough but don't try to infer that I'm a racist.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Tue 9 Jun 07:35

Do you know what "dog whistling" means TOWK?

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Tue 9 Jun 09:16

Yeah I know what it means. I actually had a longer reply written out but I just deleted it. We have both said our piece so I'm at ease with that.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend  
Date:   Tue 9 Jun 09:22

What chance have you got?


It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Fri 12 Jun 10:52


Wow! Just Wow! I think the autopsy report is the very epitome of obfuscation.

Not your average Sunday League player.

Post Edited (Fri 12 Jun 10:53)
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 Re: George Floyd
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Fri 12 Jun 15:42


GG Riva, Fri 12 Jun 10:52


Wow! Just Wow! I think the autopsy report is the very epitome of obfuscation.

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