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 Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: buffy  
Date:   Fri 18 Aug 15:42

Found guilty

A very sad, and long running, investigation.

”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: charlie1  
Date:   Fri 18 Aug 16:08

Should set her free & let the poor babies relatives get her! She will constantly be a target in prison, deservedly!
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Fri 18 Aug 16:53

In response to the news Janey Godley tweets “ Not a drag queen or a trans person”

Particularly sick even from her

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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Fri 18 Aug 17:02

Yet another catastrophic failure by the police and those in charge of the hospital:-

The senior investigating officer in the six-year probe that led to Lucy Letby today being found guilty of murder has released a statement about how the investigation unfolded.

"We had to go right back to the start, keeping an open mind and being careful not to draw any conclusions," said Det Supt Paul Hughes.

"The last thing we expected to find was a suspect responsible for these deaths and non-fatal collapses. It was a long, drawn-out process but no stone was left unturned. We had to do it right - not rush it.

A fine statement .. where "we fecked it up" would have sufficed

Hospital bosses failed to investigate allegations against Lucy Letby and tried to silence doctors, the lead consultant at the neonatal unit where she worked has told the BBC.

The hospital also delayed calling the police despite months of warnings that the nurse may have been killing babies.

The unit`s lead consultant Dr Stephen Brearey first raised concerns about Letby in October 2015.

No action was taken and she went on to attack five more babies, killing two.
Letby has been found guilty of murdering seven babies and attempting to murder six others in a neonatal unit at the Countess of Chester Hospital, in Cheshire.

The first five murders all happened between June and October 2015 and - despite months of warnings - the final two were in June 2016.

BBC Panorama and BBC News have been investigating how Letby was able to murder and harm so many babies for so long

The concerns and warnings were all there but ignored There are many more involved here who need to be jailed as well .. RIP all the wee braw bairns who never got a chance to enjoy life

eta .. guess who was health Sec back then .. aye Jeremy Hunt

Post Edited (Fri 18 Aug 17:41)
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Fri 18 Aug 22:06

Sod all to with Hunt. Ludicrous.

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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: Neil_Philp  
Date:   Fri 18 Aug 22:43

Horrible story. And as for Janey Godley......I better not write what I think of that woman honestly, but what a disgusting, crass, tasteless tweet from her.

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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Sat 19 Aug 08:29

The senior management who ignored the consultant must be held to account.

He had a meeting with them and flagged up his concerns - apparently after 3 babies had died in a relatively short time, which was way beyond the normal infant mortality rate for such a hospital.

Had they acted several babies would have survived.

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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Sat 19 Aug 10:02

Yes VEE, a lot of dirty washing needs to be aired in public, no matter who it embarrasses or discomfits, and it will be a while for a clear picture to emerge of who raised alarms and who ignored or covered them up.

I see there will now be a review of the records of every baby she was in contact with during her career, and there could me more charges resulting from that

Post Edited (Sat 19 Aug 10:08)
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: Bletchley_Par  
Date:   Sat 19 Aug 12:07

I never thought I would live long enough to experience the dystopia of human life being considered so cheaply. It`s not that I have lived to an old age, it is the hour is much later than I thought it was.


Post Edited (Sat 19 Aug 12:08)
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Sat 19 Aug 14:10


Parboiled, Sat 19 Aug 10:02

Yes VEE, a lot of dirty washing needs to be aired in public, no matter who it embarrasses or discomfits, and it will be a while for a clear picture to emerge of who raised alarms and who ignored or covered them up.

I see there will now be a review of the records of every baby she was in contact with during her career, and there could me more charges resulting from that


I was chatting to a friend in Cheshire this morning - seems Letby trained and served in Liverpool previously and (as you say) there is to be an investigation into infant deaths there during her service.

The media report that I saw online indicated that 4 separate medical figures in the Chester setup had flagged concerns, including the senior consultant.

It beggars belief that managerial level executives took no action earlier.
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Sat 19 Aug 15:03

There is a hell of a lot more to come out of this .. but will it come out :-

Dr Ravi Jayaram, who is a senior paediatrician at the Countess of Chester Hospital, said he warned hospital managers of concerns about Letby months before police were called.

He said he was told to "draw a line" under his concerns and apologise to the 33-year-old in a meeting, according to ITV.

It comes as the government has ordered an independent inquiry into the case to ensure "vital lessons are learned".

Police were only contacted by the hospital trust nearly two years after the first of the baby deaths.

Dr Jayaram said: "It`s a horrible thing to say but I do genuinely believe that there are four or five babies who could be going to school now who aren`t."

He said he was warned that there would be blue and white tape everywhere if he called the police and "it would be really bad for the reputation of the trust" - calling it a "Kafkaesque situation".

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sat 19 Aug 20:15

If you worked in a hospital and you suspected a colleague was killing babies , and you`re doctor so you are approaching this subject with a fair bit of knowledge, what would it take for you to not pursue your suspicions. Would a warning it could be embarrassing for the hospital nbe enough to dissuade you? I don`t blame this doctor though and I don`t pin the blame on the hospital management but I do wonder if there is a rush by some to cover their own backs while the mob is gathering. The person responsible for these tragedies is the person found guilty and she is now in prison.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Sat 19 Aug 20:24

How can the hospital’s senior management escape responsibility ?
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Sat 19 Aug 21:41

Jesus wept towk .. get a fkn grip .. she has not been sentenced yet .. Perhaps you could choose the sentence and /or prison for her .. Hanging by the neck would be my sentence and also all those in charge who ignored the warnings who could have saved all those bonny bairns

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sat 19 Aug 23:48

What are you on about Buspass??

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Sun 20 Aug 00:10

``Hanging by the neck would be my sentence `

Why? And why such a redundant old UK method as perfected by Albert Pierrepoint? Are you a nostalgic for a golden era? Why not electricity or poisoning or a bullet in the back of the head?

in that golden era nurses killed patients the same as today. Jessie McTavish is the best known in Scotland although I should be careful to state she was never actually convicted of the crime. Her alleged victims were people in ill health.

The best remembered infant killer, nurse Beverley Allit, is due for release this year. She was a butch lesbian so any attempt to harass her will be hounded down by the UK state. Rather like the executives in the hospital where Letby worked, the ones who ignored the red flags, their priorities are not what you might assume.

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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: parathletic  
Date:   Sun 20 Aug 00:22

Beverley Allitt was eligible for release in 2021 but its unlikely she will ever be released.She is still locked up in a psychiatric facility.
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sun 20 Aug 00:23

I believe Letby will be given a whole life tariff and deservedly so. Supposedly only two other women currently imprisoned have been given such a sentence so I`m surprised that the vile Allit is soon to be free as I had assumed she was one of the other two.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Sun 20 Aug 19:13

I`m going to go against the flow here and suggest the prosecutions case is extremely flawed.
I recon in 5 to 10 years time this will go down as a miscarriage of justice.

I`m going out just now but will detail why I feel this is a wrongful conviction over the next couple of days.
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Sun 20 Aug 21:51

It may be that.

The judicial process embraces human fallibility, which is my main objection to capital punishment.

But Letby was unable to call any medical practitioner to testify on her behalf. Not one.

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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Mon 21 Aug 10:12


sadindiefreak, Sun 20 Aug 19:13

I`m going to go against the flow here and suggest the prosecutions case is extremely flawed.
I recon in 5 to 10 years time this will go down as a miscarriage of justice.

I`m going out just now but will detail why I feel this is a wrongful conviction over the next couple of days.

How do you explain the hand written note, produced in evidence, where she confessed her guilt ?

Post Edited (Mon 21 Aug 10:13)
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Mon 21 Aug 10:48

Having not followed this case all that closely I`ll rely on the jury who had heard and seen all the evidence. That said the jury also cleared her on two counts of attempted murder and couldn`t reach a verdict on a host of other charges.
VE was this hand written note actually a confession of having done specific wrong doing or was it pondering her guilt on a more general basis?

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Mon 21 Aug 11:38

The note is shown here.

Looks like a clear confession.

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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 21 Aug 12:15


veteraneastender, Mon 21 Aug 11:38

The note is shown here.

Looks like a clear confession.

It depends how you look at it. Her guilt may relate to her feeling she wasn`t a good enough nurse and failed to do her job properly thus she "killed them". Her actions led to their sad deaths but the question should be "Did she intend them to die?". It would appear the jury has decided she did and they`ll have access to far more detail than anyone on this forum will.
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: parathletic  
Date:   Mon 21 Aug 12:50


veteraneastender, Mon 21 Aug 10:12


sadindiefreak, Sun 20 Aug 19:13

I`m going to go against the flow here and suggest the prosecutions case is extremely flawed.
I recon in 5 to 10 years time this will go down as a miscarriage of justice.

I`m going out just now but will detail why I feel this is a wrongful conviction over the next couple of days.

How do you explain the hand written note, produced in evidence, where she confessed her guilt ?

I watched the Panoram documentary last week and there are a few things that are hard to get away from.

She was the only person there when all deaths occurred.Probably classed as circumstantial but the sheer volume points to probability.

The deaths stopped after she was removed to another post.

She showed most emotion in court when talking about her relationship with another doctor and not about the deaths of the children.

All the other paperwork found hidden in a bag under her bed that shouldn`t have left the hospital including gas readings of the victims.

Here are some of the other findings
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: DBP  
Date:   Mon 21 Aug 13:06

Whole life sentence
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: parathletic  
Date:   Mon 21 Aug 13:22


Senior manager now suspendedhttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66569258

Senior manager now suspended.
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Tue 22 Aug 10:43

It looks like this case is going to be a watershed for the accountability (or rather the lack of it) of management senior heirarchy in the NHS.

The insidious practice of marginalising clinical staff who raise concerns up through the chain of command is under close scrutiny.

I suspect Alison Kelly is not the only individual who is facing further action.

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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Tue 22 Aug 16:45

Meanwhile we await with bated breath our resident Sherlock’s big reveal.

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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Thu 24 Aug 08:25

The NHS Trust where serial killer Lucy Letby murdered babies paid over £325,000 for public relations advice on the crimes, Express.co.uk can exclusively reveal.

Analysis of Countess of Chester NHS Foundation Trust supplier payment data shows the health body began paying Lodestone Communications tens of thousands to consult on the child killer case from 2019/20, the period she was re-arrested and charged with murder.

The six-figure costs were listed as an expense related to ‘Operation Hummingbird’-the same name as the police investigation into Letby-and ran for four years. 

Countess of Chester Hospital’s PR spend is more than triple the total amount all the parents of the murdered babies can claim in compensation, claims having been limited to £13,000 per victim. 

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Wed 4 Oct 16:13

From Aunty .. Police now investigating corporate manslaughter :-

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Thu 5 Oct 09:34

At last - senior management become legally responsible for what went down on their watch, long overdue.

Post Edited (Thu 05 Oct 09:35)
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Thu 5 Oct 12:49

This ^^^^

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Thu 5 Oct 17:28

I`ve simply not had time to put together a detailed post on why I think this is a miscarriage of justice.

Here is a website that puts forward a scientific analysis of the evidence presented.
I might put up some other links that I`ve viewed/read. This is a good starting point for calling the verdict into question.
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: donj  
Date:   Thu 5 Oct 19:17

Article I read.https://thinkscotland.org/2023/08/was-the-evidence-against-lucy-letby-really-overwhelming/

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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Thu 5 Oct 22:29

I’ve no idea if she’s guilty or innocent, but the evidence against her seems worthless.

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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Fri 6 Oct 17:05

"I’ve no idea if she’s guilty or innocent, but the evidence against her seems worthless."

In which case she is innocent - and her defence counsel would have ensured that a not guilty verdict was arrived at ?

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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Fri 6 Oct 17:17


Tad Allagash, Thu 5 Oct 22:29

I’ve no idea if she’s guilty or innocent, but the evidence against her seems worthless.

Aren`t there recordings/messages heavily incriminating her?
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Fri 6 Oct 17:35


veteraneastender, Fri 6 Oct 17:05

"I’ve no idea if she’s guilty or innocent, but the evidence against her seems worthless."

In which case she is innocent - and her defence counsel would have ensured that a not guilty verdict was arrived at ?

I think thats why they have pushed for a retrial on one manslaughter charge, to try get one error in there to then challenge the rest.

Thats my thoughts anyway, as she has a life order for the other charges with no appeals pending, so would seem a bit frivolous.
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Fri 6 Oct 17:51

"Thats my thoughts anyway, as she has a life order for the other charges with no appeals pending, so would seem a bit frivolous."

There has been a recent appeal submission.

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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Sat 7 Oct 13:14


Andrew283, Fri 6 Oct 17:17


Tad Allagash, Thu 5 Oct 22:29

I’ve no idea if she’s guilty or innocent, but the evidence against her seems worthless.

Aren`t there recordings/messages heavily incriminating her?


Happy to look at any links you may be able to provide to support your claim.
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sat 7 Oct 18:51

There ARE messages of sort in the form of her written ramblings. It could be her "guilt" relates to her own personal feelings that she could have done more.
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 Re: Lucy Letby
Topic Originator: buffy  
Date:   Sat 7 Oct 20:07

Her notes also include reference to what she had been accused of rather than descriptions of what she may have done.

”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”
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