Dunfermline Athletic

DAFC.net Forum Rules

Date: Saturday, 29th Sep 2007

It is only fair that we have some guidelines for using the Forums as we are trying to be a family web site for all ages of Pars fans all around the world. We also aim to provide a link between Dunfermline Athletic fans and the football club itself.

Each time you use your account you implicitly accept the DAFC.net Forum Rules and agree to be bound by them.

New users, before posting, should spend some time reading current posts to avoid starting posts on subjects that are already being discussed.

One thibnk we would like is people to be constructive and sensible. Please put your point across without disparaging remarks. DAFC.net do not necessairly agree with a users viewpoint, our aim is to support DAFC as best we can.

Unlawful, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, intimidating, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, sexist, racially offensive or otherwise objectionable material is not acceptable. Political propaganda or material will not be housed or promoted on the forum, which is only to be used as a talking shop for discussion.

Each user will be held responsible for any message they post and should any complaints be received DAFC.net will help the authorities trace the offending user. Please help this process by adding your name to any such controversial posts. It is less likely that the post will be deleted if you are prepared to stand by what you have written and not hide behind an anonymous name.

We attempt to remove offending posts as best we can given time, but we cannot be held responsible for any post.

Please use the “Report Abuse” link on each post, or email DAFC.net, if you have a problem with any post.

By posting a message you agree that it may be deleted or amended by admin, at any time, for any reason. Please do not get into a flame war with admin regarding this issue on the Forums, it will likely lead to a yellow or red card. If you really do not know why it was deleted then email DAFC.net and ask.

A yellow card will be issued to anyone continually or strongly breaking the rules. This will run for a period of one week. A second Yellow issued during this period results in a red card that runs for at least a week, during which time the user will not be able to post any more messages. Occasionally it is necessary to issue a straight red card when someone gets completely out of hand.

A black card indicates that the user has been banned and will no longer be allowed to post messages. All previous posts will also be deleted.

Occasionally, whilst not wishing to red card someone, it may be deemed more appropriate to simply limit access for a while. This is currently set at 5 posts in any one thread.

Where it is suspected that a “banned” or "red carded" user has regained access to the Forums using a new user name the new account will be closed.

Inappropriate, offensive, or excessively long user names are not permitted.

Posts that are abusive or insulting towards DAFC players or staff help no one. Any such posts will be deleted.

Rumours that could harm the business of DAFC and/or players or staff will be deleted. Those who continue to post such rumours will be banned from the site.

The quoting of private e-mail in any Forum without the consent of all the quoted author(s) is not permitted.

Please do not post any personal information about yourself or anyone else (e.g. telephone number, home address or email address).

User names can only be changed by emailing DAFC.net.

Private conversations should not be conducted using the Forums. Such posts are likely to be deleted.

Links to live streams to official clubs websites will be allowed, but any unofficial links must NOT be posted in these Forums. Any such links will be deleted. (links to highlights to specific clubs will be also allowed - this has been updated as the statement was previously misleading Feb 2021)

Breaching copyright of DAFC.net photographs or helping to do so will likely lead to a yellow card.

Please do not use "text talk" abbreviations, as they are generally difficult to read and not appreciated by many people who read the forum.

Thank you for reading these simple rules, if adhered to then the forum should be an easier place to post and read all things Dunfermline Athletic.

views: 85,625
Link to DAFC Official website

Link to DAFC Official websiteThe Clubs Official Web Site (COWS) is found at

DAFC Archive site

DAFC Archive siteThe clubs old website of list of archived stories, match reports, fixtures, players, managers are found on this link.
Archive website .

You can also refer to the Dunfermline Athletic Heritage Site. (link below)

Pars TV

Pars TVParsTV stream video and audio of live matches from East End Park and at away grounds (depending on conditions).
ParsTV is found at https://ParsTV.co.uk

Pars Supporters Trust

Pars Supporters TrustThe Pars Supporters Trust is found at http://parssupporterstrust.co.uk/

Dunfermline Athletic Heritage Trust

Dunfermline Athletic Heritage TrustThe Dunfermline Athletic Heritage Trust is found at daht.org.uk

Dunfermline Athletic Supporters Club

Dunfermline Athletic Supporters ClubThe Dunfermline Athletic Supporters Club is found at http://dasc.fife.net

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