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 Israel must stop
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Fri 16 Feb 02:21

This obscenity has to end! We cannot let our political leaders sanction mass murder in our names. Israel must pay for this thoroughly evil behaviour, for this is blood-lust now, nothing less. The fact that something like 96% of Israelis support what is being done to the Palestinians should tell you this is a nation that is sick to its core.


They probably don`t realise it yet, but through these actions, the end of the Jewish State is inevitable. Hopefully, a new state that offers equal rights for everyone can emerge. And if the settlers don`t like that, send them back to Brooklyn, Moscow, or wherever else they come from. They shouldn`t be there in the first place.

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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Fri 16 Feb 03:34

Their grandparents would be disgusted with what Israel is doing. Genocidal murderers
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Fri 16 Feb 08:36

USA Planning to give Israel $14 billion to help them in the war against Hamas

How can this be a war .. Its murder/genocide and we are all standing by watching
Israel achieve their ultimate goal

Post Edited (Fri 16 Feb 09:32)
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Fri 16 Feb 13:16

"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing"

Sometimes this is a criticism that is levelled at those people who kept quiet as the Nazi`s took Jews away on their trains, but it could now be levelled at all of us watching the Israeli state murdering those in Gaza.

I notice the MP Tobias Ellwood was moaning about democracy being at risk after protesters appeared on his doorstep.

It may be the case that MPs need to think about how they reflect the will of the people more closely, or they may find that the people will need to come for them
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 16 Feb 13:37

Come for them how? Like how some pro Brexit English nationalist scumbag came for Jo Cox? If the people that you think Tobias Ellwood isn`t representing properly feel they want their views more correctly reflected then they`ll have a chance in eight months or so to replace him by simply turning up at a temporary closed primary school or community centre and putting a cross in a little box.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Fri 16 Feb 15:40

Aye but you cant talk down Israels actions or you are classed as anti Semitic……

What they are getting away with is disgraceful, but it wont stop.
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Fri 16 Feb 15:44

I doubt if Red Star Par has managed to come for himself yet

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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Fri 16 Feb 18:06


Parboiled, Fri 16 Feb 15:44

I doubt if Red Star Par has managed to come for himself yet

I have people that do that for me
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Fri 16 Feb 19:11


The One Who Knocks, Fri 16 Feb 13:37

Come for them how? Like how some pro Brexit English nationalist scumbag came for Jo Cox? If the people that you think Tobias Ellwood isn`t representing properly feel they want their views more correctly reflected then they`ll have a chance in eight months or so to replace him by simply turning up at a temporary closed primary school or community centre and putting a cross in a little box.

There lies the problem, in-between the GAs the politicians can do as they please.
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Wed 28 Feb 06:56

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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Wed 28 Feb 10:05

Thank you for posting this, Tenruh. It is a stunningly honest, truthful, and very welcome speech. It should be broadcast far and wide.

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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Fri 22 Mar 09:07

Israel must stop or be stopped. We are way beyond the point where an international intervention is necessary. These people blockading the aid trucks are certifiably insane. If I were a Jew, I would be mortified that this was happening in my name.


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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: Back_oh_the_net  
Date:   Wed 27 Mar 04:20


OzPar, Fri 22 Mar 09:07

Israel must stop or be stopped. We are way beyond the point where an international intervention is necessary. These people blockading the aid trucks are certifiably insane. If I were a Jew, I would be mortified that this was happening in my name.


I get what you are saying Oz this is a country that is clearly ashamed of nothing and offended by everything it’s been said time and time again but these cretins are no different to the nazi’s Netanyahu is a war criminal plain and simple if it were carefully targeted strikes they were conducting I’d say good on you for fighting terrorism but it’s not it’s indiscriminate bombing of innocent civilians the vast majority of whom want nothing nothing to do with hammas but the western world are too $hit scared to say enough is enough because they helped create this problem
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Thu 28 Mar 21:16

!00% agree, Back oh the net.

The time for pussy-footing is well past. The United Nations can - and should - apply the screw on Israel directly under what is known as a Chapter 7 resolution, which mandates sanctions and the use of military force on Israel.

If the USA were to apply its veto in the Security Council to counter this, it would leave itself open to international condemnation for supporting genocide. The fact that the USA abstained on the last UN resolution suggests that Biden, at last, realises how considerable the opposition within and without his country is to America`s support of Israel.

If a UN peacekeeping force were installed in Gaza to ensure the supply of aid and the protection of the Gazans, undoubtedly, the situation would be massively improved.

These demonic settlers and the passive IDF soldiers who are disrupting the aid convoy would be well-advised to abandon that tactic if they came up against platoons of, say, Chinese, Russians, or Gurkhas wearing blue helmets. It would not end well for them if they opted to persist.

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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Fri 29 Mar 20:16

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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: hurricane_jimmy  
Date:   Mon 1 Apr 09:55

Agree with you here OzPar. I do actually wonder what the possibility of Irish peacekeepers in Gaza and the West Bank would be considering their stance on the South Africa genocide case. As for Russian and Chinese troops, Russia probably can`t spare them and both them and China have rather incompetent militaries. A Japanese/Korean UN peacekeeping taskforce would be effective as both are very well-trained and have no real manifested interest in the situation there.
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Wed 8 May 18:06

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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Wed 8 May 20:24


LochgellyAlbert, Wed 8 May 18:06


People can`t feed their children in the UK, it`s disgusting that billions from our taxes is being spent by the UK Government to help Israel conduct genocide in Gaza
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Thu 9 May 06:16


red-star-par, Wed 8 May 20:24


LochgellyAlbert, Wed 8 May 18:06


People can`t feed their children in the UK, it`s disgusting that billions from our taxes is being spent by the UK Government to help Israel conduct genocide in Gaza

If this and the other war`s continue it`s not just taxes they`ll be taking.
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Sat 11 May 09:09

America admitting that Israel have used their weapons in a way that may have broken international law and then Israel today tell more people in Raffah to move before another offensive…….

Seriously, when will the West act to stop this?
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sat 11 May 09:30

"Oh no, they keep buying weapons from us to do bad things. If only there was something we could do to stop this? Stop selling weapons? Don`t be daft."
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Mon 13 May 06:57

Gary Lineker articulates how most sensible people feel about this horrendous human tragedy.


I doubt the BBC will suspend him again. It`s hardly controversial.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Mon 13 May 09:20


GG Riva, Mon 13 May 06:57

Gary Lineker articulates how most sensible people feel about this horrendous human tragedy.


I doubt the BBC will suspend him again. It`s hardly controversial.

The BBC may not, but can guarantee he’s being wildly attacked by the right wing rent a gobs on Twitter demanding his sacking etc etc.
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Mon 13 May 12:59

Lineker described it as "the worst thing I`ve seen in my life" .

Given that Lineker was born in 1960, there’s no way this is true.

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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Mon 13 May 14:02

He should stick to blethering about VAR with his fellow footie deep thinking intellectuals.

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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Tue 14 May 03:22

Topic Originator: Tad Allagash
Date: Mon 13 May 12:59

Lineker described it as "the worst thing I`ve seen in my life".

Given that Lineker was born in 1960, there`s no way this is true.


What have you seen that is worse than what is occurring today in Gaza? I was born in 1954, and this is the worst thing I have seen.

Genocides like those in Biafra, Cambodia, and Rwanda primarily occurred out of sight of our media. We grasped the extent of the killings only after the events. Today, the technology is there to live-stream every atrocity into our living rooms, with the highlights transmitted in two-minute bites on TikTok for millions to devour on their telephones later.

Much is said about how the events in Gaza will create a new generation of Hamas fighters seeking revenge for the loss of family members. That is probably true, but my more immediate concern is when many of those IDF fighters you see on TV blowing up buildings and firing indiscriminately into crowds return home to our countries and their jobs in the hearts of our cities.

I find it hard to believe that these evil rabid dogs, who one minute are capable of clubbing to death unarmed civilians, firing rockets into the living rooms of Gazan families, or shooting kids in bread queues, can suddenly transform back into mild-mannered civil servants or accountants, or teachers, on their return to Glasgow or Edinburgh or even Dunfermline after serving their terms of duty for another nation in the Israeli Defence Force.

Rather than putting all our focus on the contents of a few small boats off our shores, we should acknowledge that multiple mass murderers are walking unhindered through passport control every day at airports off El Al flights with seemingly no proper checks and balances in place.

How long before something triggers one of these vile creatures in our midst, and evil suddenly visits us?

Post Edited (Tue 14 May 04:30)
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Tue 14 May 11:02


OzPar, Tue 14 May 03:22

Topic Originator: Tad Allagash
Date: Mon 13 May 12:59

Lineker described it as "the worst thing I`ve seen in my life".

Given that Lineker was born in 1960, there`s no way this is true.


What have you seen that is worse than what is occurring today in Gaza? I was born in 1954, and this is the worst thing I have seen.

Genocides like those in Biafra, Cambodia, and Rwanda primarily occurred out of sight of our media. We grasped the extent of the killings only after the events. Today, the technology is there to live-stream every atrocity into our living rooms, with the highlights transmitted in two-minute bites on TikTok for millions to devour on their telephones later.

Much is said about how the events in Gaza will create a new generation of Hamas fighters seeking revenge for the loss of family members. That is probably true, but my more immediate concern is when many of those IDF fighters you see on TV blowing up buildings and firing indiscriminately into crowds return home to our countries and their jobs in the hearts of our cities.

I find it hard to believe that these evil rabid dogs, who one minute are capable of clubbing to death unarmed civilians, firing rockets into the living rooms of Gazan families, or shooting kids in bread queues, can suddenly transform back into mild-mannered civil servants or accountants, or teachers, on their return to Glasgow or Edinburgh or even Dunfermline after serving their terms of duty for another nation in the Israeli Defence Force.

Rather than putting all our focus on the contents of a few small boats off our shores, we should acknowledge that multiple mass murderers are walking unhindered through passport control every day at airports off El Al flights with seemingly no proper checks and balances in place.

How long before something triggers one of these vile creatures in our midst, and evil suddenly visits us?

You missed out Yugoslavia Oz, a European slaughter house!😮‍💨
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Tue 14 May 12:05


Parboiled, Mon 13 May 14:02

He should stick to blethering about VAR with his fellow footie deep thinking intellectuals.

OK, I`ll bite. Lineker is a former footballer so all his brains are in his feet, right? He should therefore not be entitled to express an opinion on any subject other than football and if he does it should be discounted on the grounds that he is extremely thick. Gotcha.

Perhaps you would care to enlighten us on the illustrious career you enjoyed so we can pass similarly stereotypical judgements about which areas of expertise you may be permitted to pontificate about..... 🙄

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Tue 14 May 12:11


Tad Allagash, Mon 13 May 12:59

Lineker described it as "the worst thing I`ve seen in my life" .

Given that Lineker was born in 1960, there’s no way this is true.

I`m beginning to think you and Parboiled are two cheeks......

How can you possibly know what the worst thing that Gary Lineker, or any other individual, has seen is?

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 14 May 12:30

I`d be interested in what people do for a living as I assume they are only knowledgeable about their job and nothing more.
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Tue 14 May 13:14

My career was one I cannot disclose for security reasons. This incognitoness is a cross I must bear…

Perhaps if I was on the telly every week I too would have millions of folk to preach to

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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Tue 14 May 13:22

Yes, you are correct, Lochgelly. I overlooked the Balkans conflict. It was indeed a slaughterhouse. We should not forget that it prompted a sharp and effective military intervention from Western forces. Where are those same forces today? And where is the humanitarian intervention that is so necessary to stop the killings?

It is tasteless to make comparisons when we are talking about human lives, but even at its worst, the Srebrenica Massacre claimed 7,800 victims. In contrast, Gaza already sits at least five times that currently.

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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Tue 14 May 14:58


Parboiled, Tue 14 May 13:14

My career was one I cannot disclose for security reasons. This incognitoness is a cross I must bear…

Perhaps if I was on the telly every week I too would have millions of folk to preach to


Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 14 May 16:09

It`s OK to buy a TV channel or create one of your own if you you want to get your point of view across of course.

The common factor in all these conflicts is the contemptuous value put on human life. Collateral damage to life and limb of innocent civilians is viewed by the perpetrators as unavoidable and acceptable.

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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Tue 14 May 19:06

“How can you possibly know what the worst thing that Gary Lineker, or any other individual, has seen is?”

Well Lineker had plenty to say about Rwanda, so I know he has heard of it. And as Lineker is one of our most learned, erudite, scholarly, heavyweight public intellectuals, I’m sure he did his research and is familiar with its history.

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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Tue 14 May 19:58


Tad Allagash, Tue 14 May 19:06

“How can you possibly know what the worst thing that Gary Lineker, or any other individual, has seen is?”

Well Lineker had plenty to say about Rwanda, so I know he has heard of it. And as Lineker is one of our most learned, erudite, scholarly, heavyweight public intellectuals, I’m sure he did his research and is familiar with its history.

He did use the word "seen", not "heard." And as Oz explained, we didn`t watch TV pictures of the Rwanda genocide tragedy, as we currently do with Gaza.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Wed 15 May 01:02

‘we didn`t watch TV pictures of the Rwanda genocide tragedy…’

Yes we did. Take a look on YouTube at:

‘Rwanda Emergency DEC Appeal, Helen Mirren, 1994, ITV News’

Helen Mirren also presented a petition to John Major demanding that he act to stop the genocide and led a vigil in Trafalgar Square. John Major and Bill Clinton were well aware but turned a blind eye.

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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Wed 15 May 02:57

Christ almighty! Let`s not argue over minor, utterly unimportant details about how much TV coverage there was of a tragedy 30 years ago. Focus on the EVIL that is occurring right now, and for God`s sake, stand up and fight for justice for the women and children being killed in Rafah as I type this.

98% of Israelis approve of what is going on in Gaza. This demonstrates that it is a sick society that needs to be tackled directly. We cannot sit by and watch this genocide occur doing nothing. For starters, boycott Israel in every possible way you can. There is much that our political leaders can and should do, and we should remind them of this.

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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Wed 15 May 06:07


Tad Allagash, Wed 15 May 01:02

‘we didn`t watch TV pictures of the Rwanda genocide tragedy…’

Yes we did. Take a look on YouTube at:

‘Rwanda Emergency DEC Appeal, Helen Mirren, 1994, ITV News’

Helen Mirren also presented a petition to John Major demanding that he act to stop the genocide and led a vigil in Trafalgar Square. John Major and Bill Clinton were well aware but turned a blind eye.

You seem to want to indulge in petty points scoring, Tad. The TV pictures of the Gaza conflict beamed into our homes on a daily basis are the worst I`ve ever seen, and I`m older than Lineker. Horrible though the images from Ukraine are, those in Gaza are on another level. My memories of the civil wars in Rwanda and Yugoslavia have perhaps been dimmed by time, but let`s not get sidetracked from the real issue of here and now. Millions of civilians are going through absolute hell. No food, no water, no electricity, no shelter, and all the while being bombarded by an arsenal of weapons provided by Western powers who are distancing themselves of any responsibility by wringing their hypocritical hands.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Wed 15 May 20:20

I can`t really understand people like Tad Allagash, must be an absolute shell of a human being, devoid of any compassion.

What Israel are doing is inhuman. Over the last couple of days I have seen on X, Israeli settlers hijack food trucks destined for humanitarian aid and then rejoice in the destruction of the food. I seen a video of what initially appeared to be a doctor holding a child`s face, and then felt the revulsion when it dawned on me what I was seeing was that the face was like a mask, and he was placing it back on the smashed head before zipping up the body bag.
Ive not seen anything worse. I`ve been incredibly disappointed by the reaction of the UK Government, but not surprised. I have also been shocked at the rhetoric coming out from normal Israelis and Jewish people worldwide. They will have to reap what they sow
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend  
Date:   Tue 28 May 20:06

When are countries going to take some action? More innocent people murdered over the last few days

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983

Post Edited (Tue 28 May 20:08)
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Tue 28 May 21:36


Raymie the Legend, Tue 28 May 20:06

When are countries going to take some action? More innocent people murdered over the last few days

They aren’t. The US and UK are complicit in all of this, but they wont step in either.
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 Re: Israel must stop
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Sun 2 Jun 01:55

1. Haifa Massacre 1937
2. Jerusalem Massacre 1937
3. Balad al-Sheikh Massacre 1939
4. Haifa Massacre 1939
5. Haifa Massacre 1947
6. Abbasiya Massacre 1947
7. Al-Khisas Massacre 1947
8. Bab al-Amud Massacre 1947
9. Jerusalem Massacre 1947
10. Sheikh Bureik Massacre 1947
11. Jaffa Massacre 1948
12. Deir Yassin Massacre 1948
13. Tantura Massacre 1948
14. Khan Yunis Massacre 1956
15. Jerusalem Massacre 1967
16. Bahro Al Baquar 1972
17. Sabra and Shatila Massacre 1982
18. Al Aqsa Mosque Massacre 1990
19. Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre 1994
20. Jenin Refugee Camp April 2002
21. Gaza Massacre 2008-09
22. Gaza Massacre 2012
23. Gaza Massacre 2014
24. Gaza Massacre 2018-19
25. Gaza Massacre 2021
26. Gaza Massacre 2023-now


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