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 Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Wed 9 Sep 19:27

New thread created as requested.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Wed 9 Sep 19:43

About bloody time well done towk
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Wed 9 Sep 21:14

Since July :-

"I want to be absolutely clear, these measures are not another national lockdown. The whole point of them is to avoid a second national lockdown," Mr Johnson said in the first Downing Street coronavirus briefing since July.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 09:08

From Aunty :-

Scientists and health professionals have raised doubts about Prime Minister Boris Johnson's "Operation Moonshot" plan for mass coronavirus testing.

The PM hopes millions of Covid-19 tests - including some giving results within minutes - could be processed daily.

But experts say there are issues with laboratory capacity for current tests, while the technology for more rapid tests "does not, as yet, exist".

Making it up as he blunders on
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 09:25

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 09:28

It could cost £100bn! He loves a catchy phrase though. Now we've got 'Operation Moonshot' and 'Rule of Six'.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 10:18

Seems 6 is just a random number, no rhyme nor reason for been set at that!

Maybe 6 sounds better in the propoganda speech?🤔
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 10:23

NHS Scotland's new trace and contact app is now live and available to download. Time to find out who is all talk when it comes down to helping protect the vulnerable.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 10:56


LochgellyAlbert, Thu 10 Sep 10:18

Seems 6 is just a random number, no rhyme nor reason for been set at that!

Maybe 6 sounds better in the propoganda speech?🤔

I think both Scotland and England analyse the data that comes back from their track and trace systems and target the restrictions against gatherings based on what they've seen cause spikes.

I think people then get frustrated at the inconsistencies it throws up. How can you get on a bus with x amount of randoms in a confined space but you can't get extended families together etc..
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 11:34

Could it be because people act differently in different surroundings?
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: parathletic  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 11:46

What I don't get is that if it's so vital why announce it on a Wednesday but not implement it until the following Monday?
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 12:01


wee eck, Thu 10 Sep 11:34

Could it be because people act differently in different surroundings?

It might well be and in fairness to both the UK and Scottish Governments I don't doubt they are trying to react as best they can to the trends they see in the data they collect but I can also understand people getting frustrated at not being able to do some things, that, on the face of it don't seem to have more risk than others.

Using Rasta's example you can go and sit in an office surrounded by far more than 6 people and thats OK but you can't have folk round. They might well have seen more of a trend in house gatherings but to most folk it won't feel like more of a risk and you have to ask yourself - if they had seen an increase in trends of infection rates in offices would they take the same restrictive access or keep the economy moving?

Post Edited (Thu 10 Sep 12:02)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 12:15

The current SG guidance is to work at home if you possibly can. The general public doesn't always understand that the medical and scientific people giving the guidance to politicians have been studying viruses for years and their advice is based on that experience.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 12:27


The end of this smashes it..
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 12:31


wee eck, Thu 10 Sep 12:15

The current SG guidance is to work at home if you possibly can. The general public doesn't always understand that the medical and scientific people giving the guidance to politicians have been studying viruses for years and their advice is based on that experience.

Not everyone can work from home though and there have been outbreaks of the virus at a few food processing companies which hasn't led to wider closures or restrictions other than temporary closures of the factories impacted.

People see the inconsistency between when its apparently safe for you to go to work and compare it to the restriction on seeing people and a lot are going to think its unfair.

Remember construction workers in England were seeing outbreaks when sites in Scotland were closed. The decision isn't always science based there is an economic impact factored into the decision too.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 12:43

You've now switched your argument from offices to factories. Jobs in a factory are unlikely to be capable of being done from home and they're also likely to involve essential products and services. It's not a black and white decision, it involves assessing risk.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 12:49

If there is a balancing act going on I think most reasonable people will appreciate that it might perhaps be slightly weighted towards ensuring the economy can function as much as possible. That way people can work and pay tax that helps to fund the schools, benefit payments, life saving health treatments, etc. Of course the trade off is that for a little while longer we can't get back to full socialising in places where it is difficult to socially distance like people's homes. I don't think if any fair minded person was to look at it objectively they would say it was unreasonable.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 13:16

Sorry I did say offices but I did mean go to work in general so I should have been more specific.

You're right the risks across all of factory/office and construction site are all different and need to be assessed differently but for those that can't work from home in a non essential industry, the Government are still happy for them to go to an office which could have significantly more than six people in them whilst simultaneously imposing restrictions on what can be done outside of work.

There is still risk in going into an office and its hard to see how that is not at least on a par with people meeting in their homes.

I'm all for following the rules by the way and I'm not saying people shouldn't but I can see why people would look at the inconsistent approach to certain aspects of the decisions particularly those that involve spending or generating money and get frustrated.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 13:35

I would reiterate my point that the general public don't have the knowledge or experience to make these value judgements. Everyone's an expert nowadays after they've done a wee bit research on the internet. I would imagine it's easier to impose and monitor the various mitigating measures that are recommended in an office than it is in a private house.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 14:18


londonparsfan, Thu 10 Sep 13:16

Sorry I did say offices but I did mean go to work in general so I should have been more specific.

You're right the risks across all of factory/office and construction site are all different and need to be assessed differently but for those that can't work from home in a non essential industry, the Government are still happy for them to go to an office which could have significantly more than six people in them whilst simultaneously imposing restrictions on what can be done outside of work.

There is still risk in going into an office and its hard to see how that is not at least on a par with people meeting in their homes.

I'm all for following the rules by the way and I'm not saying people shouldn't but I can see why people would look at the inconsistent approach to certain aspects of the decisions particularly those that involve spending or generating money and get frustrated.

Have you been in an office recently. Yes there are people in offices. The ones I have been in are well nigh deserted. About 20% of staff are in. Most on rotas. So maybe a couple of days a week at most. Strict 2m distance must be maintained. Staff in the offices I have visited must put on masks to move around the office but can remove whilst at their desks.

Quite frankly I would rather work from home then have these restrictions imposed. Plus I wouldn't have to use the bus.

Do you think people meeting at home would be happy to follow the restrictions imposed on the office workers? I.e. you can sit on the sofa at least 2m from the next person and if you move put on a mask.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Luxembourg Par  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 15:14

<There is still risk in going into an office and its hard to see how that is not at least on a par with people meeting in their homes.>

I echo Moviescot.

I've been back at the office for over a month.

5 people in the area that accommodated 18 before.
All at least 2m apart
Masks must be worn when moving away from desk, be it to pee, get a cuppa, converse with someone, enter/leave the building.

I can just see people doing that at home... not.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 15:29

No I haven't but the company I work for is a large multinational that's actually quite big on health and safety so staff in our offices in the UK were told to work from home unless it was essential they were in the office before any of the Governments in the UK had put any kind of lock down in place.

A lot of the rest of the mitigating factors you've listed aren't required by law which is kind of the point. Its down to individual companies what the rules are but people that can't work from home will still be expected to turn up. Face coverings aren't mandatory and two meter distancing applies "where possible". So while you're earning money its OK not to have face coverings mandated by law but when you have to get the bus to work you need to wear one.

Just came across this so some experts (Some folk disagree with Ferguson but he's always struck me as being more concerned with people's safety rather than the economic impact) are actually saying there should be a pause in returning to work:


Looks like he sees a risk there..
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 15:48


Luxembourg Par, Thu 10 Sep 15:14

<There is still risk in going into an office and its hard to see how that is not at least on a par with people meeting in their homes.>

I echo Moviescot.

I've been back at the office for over a month.

5 people in the area that accommodated 18 before.
All at least 2m apart
Masks must be worn when moving away from desk, be it to pee, get a cuppa, converse with someone, enter/leave the building.

I can just see people doing that at home... not.

I'm not saying they would. I'm saying what is described in the offices by MS isn't mandated by law and will vary significantly by company. Not everyone will work for companies that seem to be taking the decent precautions as the companies that you and I work for.

It will seem strange to some people that you don't have the legal requirement to have things like face masks at work and be around more than six people but its considered a risk outside of work.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 17:34

It does seem strange that all companies are not following strict guidelines. I thought they had a duty to provide a safe working environment.
What I described seems to me to be as safe as it can be made. If employers are not following at least these guidelines then I would be very unhappy to go back to work.
To be fair I've only been in 3 offices recently but they were all following these guidelines as a minimum. For clarity one was a local company and two were multi national.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 18:01

There are obviously health and safety laws that mean you have to provide a safe working environment but how companies get there is up to them in many cases. If they don't follow guidelines and something goes wrong I'd imagine it would add a negligence angle to their conduct and I do think the majority of companies will try and do the right thing. Its not really that different in respect that some groups of people would go into a house and follow guidelines and others would go into a house and turn it into Lux's meme.

I actually don't disagree with the changes being introduced. Personally I'm on the side of not taking risks with people's lives and possibly on the more risk adverse side of the argument but I do think there are differences in the way risk to people is assessed when money is involved (despite the fact I'm not qualified to make that decision I don't see how it wouldn't be).

I think where those discrepancies in risk tolerance exist (or at least are perceived to exist by unqualified people such as myself) then it makes it harder to encourage people to comply.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 18:42

Don't you think that, to a great extent, people are looking for an excuse not to comply? There's a terrible 'blame' culture in society today and it's easier to blame governments rather than take personal responsibility.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 18:51

There are some complete wallopers out there. Its impossible to avoid them as soon as you look at social media. I don't know to what extent they are a fair representation though compared to folk that may have a more legitimate gripe with the changes.

Depending on what you're looking at on Facebook or Twitter it can feel as many as 100% of them though that would moan for the sake of moaning.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 22:02


wee eck, Thu 10 Sep 18:42

Don't you think that, to a great extent, people are looking for an excuse not to comply? There's a terrible 'blame' culture in society today and it's easier to blame governments rather than take personal responsibility.

When we have one government spending every waking hour of every day blaming another, it's hardly a surprise that the plebs copy them....

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 22:47

''When we have one government spending every waking hour of every day blaming another, it's hardly a surprise that the plebs copy them...''

That's not what's happening though is it and everyone should know by now which government is relevant to them.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Thu 10 Sep 23:04

We'd better hope folk aren't copying the UK Government or their employees as apparently you can pick and choose the laws you abide by!
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 08:24

Half a million downloads of the NHS Scotland trace and protect app in the first 24 hours. Encouraging start.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 10:14

No more daily updates, BBC pulling the plug, go online if you want info!😡
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Parfect68  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 10:46


LochgellyAlbert, Fri 11 Sep 10:14

No more daily updates, BBC pulling the plug, go online if you want info!😡

Made my first ever complaint to BBC today about this. This is not political, this is public health and to deny some people access to key messages is beyond the pale. Not everyone accesses the Internet. News updates are incomplete. Ffs it was being shown in BBC Scotland, at a time when programmes don't normally run so it wasn't interrupting any essential viewing. If someone doesn't want to watch it, dont! But don't hinder one of the key communication tools in this global pandemic.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Parfect68  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 10:52

And for those that think we're over reacting and this is a con, I'll be very happy 12months down the line to look back and say we over reacted but at this point we dont know what we don't know, we're essentially having to react than be proactive, and as we find out more over time the guidance changes to more proactive stance. Be individual, do as you see fit but make that call for yourselves, but ensure that whatever you do doesn't have a negative impact on others....otherwise that is ultimately selfish.

Post Edited (Fri 11 Sep 10:53)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: BigJPar  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 10:57

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 11:06

I bet half the folk moaning about this don't even watch it.

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 11:41

I don't watch it everyday but do tune in once in a while as its an important source of information. The fact its been taken off air simply because it gives an insight into what a semi competent politician actually looks like is a disgrace. Absolute desperation from the Tories and the kind of stunt you would expect in China or Russia.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 12:21

I thought the BBC was supposed to be a Public Service broadcaster?
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 14:28


wee eck, Fri 11 Sep 12:21

I thought the BBC was supposed to be a Public Service broadcaster?

No no you have it wrong. It's Tory broadcaster. The Tories think Nicola is making it to political and using it to criticise Westminster.

I've watched a lot of these and imo she had been quite careful not to criticise any of the UK governments.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 15:57

A lot of the media questions are aimed at trying to get NS to criticise Westminster or create some divide between the two governments. In the main she is too astute to fall into these traps although I think she has admitted that occasionally she has made a political point in her responses. If the Tories have objected to the BBC giving the SNP a platform it's because NS has demonstrated the command of her brief and the political and communication skills and leadership which set her apart from any other politician in the UK.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 17:03

Less and less desire to pay for a TV license if this is what the Tory run BBC are going to get up to. About the only decent things I watch on it are Graham Norton and View from a Terrace and I don't even know if that's coming back this season
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 17:07

Aye the beeb is fair brimming with right wingers.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 18:04

I don't think the BBC is necessarily that biased but this is a poor decision.

On a separate note, I wouldn't be too upset if the BBC went to pay-per-view as it's incredibly rare I watch it. I'm straight onto Netflix or Amazon Prime. The disappointing thing would be for those who can only afford "Cooncil telly" and could be cut off without it.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 18:18

I actually use the BBC services quite often. Less so for the TV but often for their online content and radio.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 18:27

What a state to get in. Do you all stop working to watch this every day?

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 18:29

Oh aye what a state. We're all in a right frenzy over it aren't we.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 18:44


The One Who Knocks, Fri 11 Sep 18:29

Oh aye what a state. We're all in a right frenzy over it aren't we.

Yeah. Other issues are available

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 18:54

Haven't you seen the millions thronging the streets demanding that the Beeb start broadcasting the daily updates again and not just online where so many people now get their news.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: parathletic  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 19:29

Looks like Scotland has the largest estimated R number now unfortunately.Home visits now banned in Lanarkshire meaning that 1.7 million Scots currently under restriction.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 21:00

Yeah she's handled it brilliantly right enough

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 22:18


da_no_1, Fri 11 Sep 21:00

Yeah she's handled it brilliantly right enough

Not that it's a competition, but we'll see what happens elsewhere in the UK in a couple of weeks.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: donj  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 22:24

You mean you think Boris is better then da.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Fri 11 Sep 23:11

No and nowhere have I said that. You do know you can criticise Sturgeon without being a Tory?

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dave67  
Date:   Tue 22 Sep 08:18

Gove on bbc saying bojo will make announcement tonight. Pubs restaurants to close by 10pm. So doesn't sound like it will be a full lockdown
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: BigJPar  
Date:   Tue 22 Sep 10:30

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dave67  
Date:   Tue 22 Sep 11:04

One of the other things he mentioned was fans at sporting events is scrapped.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dave67  
Date:   Tue 22 Sep 12:18

Was over at my local shop. And they can now ask people why they're not wearing masks
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 22 Sep 12:29

There really needs to be a badge or something for those who genuinely can't wear a mask. There's definitely plenty people not wearing who could but it feels a bit tight to be essentially accusing someone who genuinely can't to prove it when they're unlikely to walk about with their medical history.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: BigJPar  
Date:   Tue 22 Sep 12:32

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Tue 22 Sep 13:43

There seems to be a lot of youngsters (late teens/early twenties) who clearly have asthma/panic attacks/anxiety yet have no worries wearing next to eff all, getting sleeve tattoos, their lips done & botox.

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Wed 23 Sep 07:09

This article provides plenty of food for thought, if the stats are factually correct:-


Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh  
Date:   Wed 23 Sep 07:58

The article is probably 99% correct.

I say 99% because there is a mistake at the end where he says a case fatality rate of 0.12% when in fact he is talking about an infection fatality rate of 0.12%.

If this rate it correct, that would mean there have been over 30 million infections in the UK so far (so almost 50% of the population have already been infected). Once you reach these levels, the spread of the virus is automatically slowed because it takes twice as long for it to find someone to infect. This would mean that there will be no repeat of what happened in March and April even if we lift all restrictions immediately. No government will be willing to take that risk, though.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Wed 23 Sep 12:59

He's a junior doctor. Not saying that he is wrong, just that I would want to see his remarks verified by some people with a bit more experienced. This is not the message that has come out of other sources in Sweden lately.

Of course, one should never forget the Emperor's New Clothes. He very well could be the little boy. But then again, he could just be yet another contrarian...
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh  
Date:   Wed 23 Sep 13:32

I don't think he is the little boy from the Emperor's New Clothes because he isn't pointing out deliberate deception by anyone.

Governments who are continuing with lockdown measures are probably doing so because they think they are helping their people or they are scared of the political fallout of another substantial increase in deaths. I don't think they are deliberately misleading people. I just think they are scared.

I think it would be wise for these governments to invest in large T-cell studies to try to have a better idea of what the future holds and whether continuing restrictions will be beneficial or not.

I should point out that I am only talking about governments in countries that have already been hit by a high number of deaths. If Australia lifts restrictions now then this will almost certainly lead to 15 to 20 thousand deaths over the winter.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Wed 23 Sep 14:26

<<I should point out that I am only talking about governments in countries that have already been hit by a high number of deaths. If Australia lifts restrictions now then this will almost certainly lead to 15 to 20 thousand deaths over the winter.>>

TBH, we are not being given that message here in Australia.

Australia is the size of mainland Europe, but has a population of only 25m, some 4m less than the Benelux countries combined. We have 6 states and 2 territories. One of those states, Victoria (where I live), has been in high-level lockdown for 6 months, barring a brief 16-day period in June when we were in partial lockdown.

The so-called second wave in Victoria has lasted three months and is practically extinguished due to the strict measures that have been applied and very largely adhered to in the state. It is anticipated that within 3 weeks the second wave will largely have been seen off.

After that, the high-level lockdown should be removed and less strict measures, like mask-wearing, should remain in force.

There are small signs of a second wave in NSW, but it appears to not be particularly severe at this stage. Elsewhere in the country, case numbers are negligible.

The view here is that very strict border control measures should keep Covid in check in the future.

The UK Government has had representatives down here closely monitoring how Victoria has apparently successfully handled the second wave. It would not be surprising if your government (whether UK or Scottish) chooses to adopt similar methods to those used here to tackle your second wave.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Thaipar  
Date:   Wed 23 Sep 15:08

Sky News: Coronavirus: Austrian government sued for failing to lockdown ski resort during pandemic

Maybe folk in uk should be doing the same thing over Cheltenham races

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Wed 23 Sep 15:48

Another piece of good news for the well-heeled; the new rules in England that face coverings must be worn by passengers in taxis do not apply to chauffeur-driven cars. You wouldn't want an inconvenience like that to spoil your trip to the grouse moors!
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Wed 23 Sep 15:53

Australia's seasons are the opposite of ours, while we move into winter, their summer is on its way.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 23 Sep 16:03


wee eck, Wed 23 Sep 15:48

Another piece of good news for the well-heeled; the new rules in England that face coverings must be worn by passengers in taxis do not apply to chauffeur-driven cars. You wouldn't want an inconvenience like that to spoil your trip to the grouse moors!

Wasn't aware of this but utterly laughable if true.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Wed 23 Sep 16:12

From the Guardian newsfeed, jake89 :-

''Chauffeur-driven cars will be exempt from new laws forcing passengers to wear masks in taxis to slow the spread of coronavirus, Downing Street has said. As PA Media report, Boris Johnson announced that passengers in licensed vehicles would have to wear coverings under new restrictions in England aimed at preventing a resurgence of Covid-19. But No 10 said the measure, to come into force on Thursday, would not include passengers in chauffeur-driven cars, though the driver’s employer would have to ensure they could work safely.''
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh  
Date:   Wed 23 Sep 16:14

When I say "Australia lifts restrictions" I mean no restrictions remaining. No social distancing, no masks, and free movement of people around the country and internationally. This would certainly lead to 20000+ deaths. The lower population density would just mean that it would take longer than in densely packed areas like Benelux.

In reality, even if the government removes most restrictions, people will behave differently and this, along with testing, could keep the R number below 1. The changes to behaviour and the testing would need to continue until an effective vaccine is available.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh  
Date:   Wed 23 Sep 17:08

I think Johnson and co. really think we are all stupid, or maybe they just don't care what we think because they are here for the next 4 years anyway.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: BoAPar  
Date:   Wed 23 Sep 21:40

A lockdown only works if you can then roll out an effective test and trace model afterwards (reaching 80% of close contacts within 48 hours).

The initial lockdown gets the case numbers under control to allow test and trace to be effective.

Once you have an effective test and trace system, you shouldn't need harsh lockdowns, but may need to bring in tougher restrictions for a few weeks (basically what the UK has done now) to get things under control.

If lockdown isn't an effective option, then these restrictions are basically damage limitation (eg keep as much of the country going, while minimising the spread).

If that is the case, then this might be the "new normal" for the UK until a vaccine arrives.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Wed 23 Sep 23:05

Back in the 1830s and 1840s we were burning tar in Dunfermline High Street in an attempt to stop the spread of cholera through purifying the air. It might have done some good but since cholera is transmitted through water, not air, we were barking up the wrong tree.

Our science is more advanced now but while we can assume that transmission through close contact spreads covid there is much still to be discovered about its transmission. We were told that BLM gatherings and teenage rave parties mid summer would lead to a spike in infections but this did not seem to happen. Undeterred , the great modeller Niall Ferguson whose prophecies of doom stretch back over a decade, is still throwing projections of fantastic death rates at the UK public.

Lockdown is a crude method for containing disease and the knock on effects on health in general are still being identified. It may be that the 'cure' is no better in terms of illness or indeed death than the actual disease. Separating the healthy from the sick is the foundation of any medical programme and it seems we are no nearer to achieving this than we were back in March.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: DulochConvert  
Date:   Wed 23 Sep 23:22

The massive increase is all driven by universities returning, freshers flu is a standard situation. Measles had a big infection at my first year at Glasgow, these infectious are rampant during the first few weeks every year.
To use the sudden increase in infections and extrapolate this a pattern has to some of the worst examples of scientific research yet, however it fits our Fuhrer rhetoric and perfect to close places of enjoyment.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Thu 24 Sep 11:04

Bit by bit we'll be left with live to work, no pleasure, no enjoyment..
Of course they won't hang on to all the powers they gave themselves....said no history book...ever.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Luxembourg Par  
Date:   Thu 24 Sep 13:43

Lockdown only works to stop a disease if the vast majority (if not all) of people do as expected, socially distance, wear masks, wash hands etc etc etc

ALL of the time, not just when it suits, or when they can be bothered.

Unfortunately there are far too many people who simply will not do so, if only because they don't want to be told what to do.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Thu 24 Sep 14:20


Rastapari, Thu 24 Sep 11:04

Bit by bit we'll be left with live to work, no pleasure, no enjoyment..
Of course they won't hang on to all the powers they gave themselves....said no history book...ever.

I don't live to work. I live to have fun. Always have always will. Fortunately, having fun doesn't mean going to the pub to get pissed or to sporting events. I can have a great time without either. And as for visiting other folks houses. No thanks. Rather stay in mine.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Thu 24 Sep 19:34


moviescot, Thu 24 Sep 14:20


Rastapari, Thu 24 Sep 11:04

Bit by bit we'll be left with live to work, no pleasure, no enjoyment..
Of course they won't hang on to all the powers they gave themselves....said no history book...ever.

I don't live to work. I live to have fun. Always have always will. Fortunately, having fun doesn't mean going to the pub to get pissed or to sporting events. I can have a great time without either. And as for visiting other folks houses. No thanks. Rather stay in mine.

Jeez, what do you do for fun?
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Thu 24 Sep 20:14


red-star-par, Thu 24 Sep 19:34


moviescot, Thu 24 Sep 14:20


Rastapari, Thu 24 Sep 11:04

Bit by bit we'll be left with live to work, no pleasure, no enjoyment..
Of course they won't hang on to all the powers they gave themselves....said no history book...ever.

I don't live to work. I live to have fun. Always have always will. Fortunately, having fun doesn't mean going to the pub to get pissed or to sporting events. I can have a great time without either. And as for visiting other folks houses. No thanks. Rather stay in mine.

Jeez, what do you do for fun?

Wind people up. 😀🤣😀
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Fri 25 Sep 09:30


moviescot, Thu 24 Sep 20:14


red-star-par, Thu 24 Sep 19:34


moviescot, Thu 24 Sep 14:20


Rastapari, Thu 24 Sep 11:04

Bit by bit we'll be left with live to work, no pleasure, no enjoyment..
Of course they won't hang on to all the powers they gave themselves....said no history book...ever.

I don't live to work. I live to have fun. Always have always will. Fortunately, having fun doesn't mean going to the pub to get pissed or to sporting events. I can have a great time without either. And as for visiting other folks houses. No thanks. Rather stay in mine.

Jeez, what do you do for fun?

Wind people up. 😀🤣😀

I feel a little bit sad for you, how lacking.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sat 26 Sep 20:24


Rastapari, Fri 25 Sep 09:30


moviescot, Thu 24 Sep 20:14


red-star-par, Thu 24 Sep 19:34


moviescot, Thu 24 Sep 14:20


Rastapari, Thu 24 Sep 11:04

Bit by bit we'll be left with live to work, no pleasure, no enjoyment..
Of course they won't hang on to all the powers they gave themselves....said no history book...ever.

I don't live to work. I live to have fun. Always have always will. Fortunately, having fun doesn't mean going to the pub to get pissed or to sporting events. I can have a great time without either. And as for visiting other folks houses. No thanks. Rather stay in mine.

Jeez, what do you do for fun?

Wind people up. 😀🤣😀

I feel a little bit sad for you, how lacking.

Aww diddums. How lacking - what sort of rubbish is that. It's that supposed to mean something.

Don't you dare feel sad for me. You have no right. You don't know me, you will never know me and I've no inclination to know you.

Just you mind your own little life. Stop feeling sad for people you don't know. Feel sad for yourself if you want.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Sun 27 Sep 21:22

The worst thing about Covid is one person telling the next how to live.

Its 150 million times worse than Indyref2 or Brexit.

I would gladly cut off my left baw to go back to the days when all we had to worry about was Nigel Farage

We're aw fcuked

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"

Post Edited (Sun 27 Sep 21:24)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: JTH123  
Date:   Sun 27 Sep 22:01

Permission to panic Captain Mainwaring?
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sun 27 Sep 22:06


JTH123, Sun 27 Sep 22:01

Permission to panic Captain Mainwaring?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Mon 28 Sep 01:44


JTH123, Sun 27 Sep 22:01

Permission to panic Captain Mainwaring?

Stupid boy

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Mon 28 Sep 16:46

Here'.s an idiot proof, step by step, guide for those of you who aren'.t smart enough to follow the Covid self testing guidelines, set down by the Westminster government:-


Eta. Can some please help me with this link? When I add before and after, the link disappears from my post.

I promise you it'.s worth the effort. ☺ Thanks.

Eta again to say that the symbols either side of the link don'.t appear. Is this another glitch for Milos to fix on the new server?

Doesn.t work editing from a PC either... :-(

Post Edited (Mon 28 Sep 20:29)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Mon 28 Sep 17:30

Tried it G.G. same here :(

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Mon 28 Sep 18:47


GG Riva, Mon 28 Sep 16:46

Here's an idiot proof, step by step, guide for those of you who aren't smart enough to follow the Covid self testing guidelines, set down by the Westminster government:-

Eta. Can some please help me with this link? When I add before and after, the link disappears from my post.

I promise you it's worth the effort. ☺ Thanks.

Eta again to say that the symbols either side of the link don't appear. Is this another glitch for Milos to fix on the new server?

Weird - worked on the preview but not the actual post!

Post Edited (Mon 28 Sep 18:48)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Wed 30 Sep 20:21

Wonder when the circuit breaker will be announced?

In plenty of time so families can get a refund in part.

Or at the last minute just to p1ss folk off even more.

Watch this space

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 30 Sep 20:23

School holidays most logical. Parents would already have childcare arranged so less of a burden. Not so good for places like Glasgow and Edinburgh where they don't get a fortnight.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: JTH123  
Date:   Wed 30 Sep 22:33

It's already too late to be done in plenty of time.
Is 2 weeks break even enough time to make a difference?
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Wed 30 Sep 22:45


JTH123, Wed 30 Sep 22:33

It's already too late to be done in plenty of time.
Is 2 weeks break even enough time to make a difference?

Fk knows JT

All I know is they're not just aware, they're ACUTELY aware.

And they cannot, will not, indeed should not take any chances.

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"

Post Edited (Wed 30 Sep 22:46)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 30 Sep 22:55

Anyone infectious with COVID would be beyond the infectious period after 2 weeks. Remember, this is about control rather than irradiation. If we wanted completely rid of it you'd not be allowed out your house and the army would be dropping off rations at doors.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Thu 1 Oct 06:10

People really need to wake up to what is going on the government are stripping us of all our rights and freedom because of a so called virus .Bringing in the army down south to do door testing on healthy people so they can manipulate the results so more positive tests n more fear across the country. Tobias Elwood said in a speech he d have to also use the army to move the vaccine supplies across the country ( is it all ready to go ?) no travel abroad if you don’t get vaccine!!

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Thu 1 Oct 06:54


jake89, Wed 30 Sep 20:23

School holidays most logical. Parents would already have childcare arranged so less of a burden. Not so good for places like Glasgow and Edinburgh where they don't get a fortnight.

Nicola Sturgeon already mentioned in a daily brief a fortnight ago, if you are thinking of going abroad during the school holidays to think carefully about not going.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Thu 1 Oct 07:34


dander par, Thu 1 Oct 06:10

People really need to wake up to what is going on the government are stripping us of all our rights and freedom because of a so called virus .Bringing in the army down south to do door testing on healthy people so they can manipulate the results so more positive tests n more fear across the country. Tobias Elwood said in a speech he d have to also use the army to move the vaccine supplies across the country ( is it all ready to go ?) no travel abroad if you don’t get vaccine!!

They are not stripping us of our rights at all. Absolute nonsense.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Thu 1 Oct 07:56


Tenruh, Thu 1 Oct 06:54


jake89, Wed 30 Sep 20:23

School holidays most logical. Parents would already have childcare arranged so less of a burden. Not so good for places like Glasgow and Edinburgh where they don't get a fortnight.

Nicola Sturgeon already mentioned in a daily brief a fortnight ago, if you are thinking of going abroad during the school holidays to think carefully about not going.

Yeah but a few weeks ago we were encouraged to enjoy a staycation, which millions of people have arranged to do.

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 1 Oct 08:59

The picture changes daily.

It's also not about stripping rights. People worried about mass testing probably don't worry that they surf the internet without a VPN or scan their clubcard in Tesco revealing many lifestyle choices. Probably the same people who give out all their personal data on Michelle's "things about you" quiz on Facebook.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Thu 1 Oct 13:55

It can’t be denied that rights have been removed. The right to free assembly and the right to travel freely throughout the UK are fundamental to an open society and were not curtailed in such a way even during war time. At present these restrictions still enjoy the support of the majority of citizens who believe that lockdown procedures are saving lives.

There are a number of arguments against these government diktats. One is that although limiting contact slows the spread of the virus, it only delays the inevitable. Another is that the collateral damage done to health by limiting human association outweighs any benefits. The third argument is the one voiced by Dander Par, whereby citizens are allowing a government to rule by emergency decree and that by complying with laws never scrutinised by parliament they are handing over precious freedoms which may not be easily retrieved.

The 10pm closing time for pubs is an interesting example of this last point. Until WW1 pubs could stay open as long as they had customers, but due to fears of drunkenness amongst munitions workers, the 10pm closing time was introduced. The war ended in 1918 but it took until the 1980s before the 10pm ‘swill’ was eventually taken off the statute book. And now we have it back again.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 1 Oct 14:29

If you're talking about outdated rules, lots of shops in England still close incredibly early on a Sunday because some people believe a being created the earth in 6 days and chilled on the Sunday.

Is there a reason for any pub, restaurant or shop closing time? They're just arbitrary times given by licensing boards.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 1 Oct 16:43

It would be great if everyone could just do as they pleased but the result would be chaos surely? Imagine the roads without traffic signs, speed limits, the Highway Code etc. Where do you draw the line with government intervention?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Thu 1 Oct 18:14

Should have read a lot of our rights . You can go to a pub sit with friends. But can’t have family in your hom . No peaceful protests like one in Trafalgar Square last week police waded in and broke it up .

Post Edited (Thu 01 Oct 19:03)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Thu 1 Oct 19:04

Perfectly awake ta. You don't have to go the pub...actually logically you shouldn't. And those protests weren't safe or peaceful.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Thu 1 Oct 19:15

What a reply you don’t need to go to pub ( you a good laugh). Perfectly peaceful protest until dr heiko schoening started to speak. Then police moved in . Imagine if that was a blm protest would they have taken the Knee

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Thu 1 Oct 19:20


dander par, Thu 1 Oct 19:15

What a reply you don’t need to go to pub ( you a good laugh). Perfectly peaceful protest until dr heiko schoening started to speak. Then police moved in . Imagine if that was a blm protest would they have taken the Knee

Lol. Funny you find it so hard to understand.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Thu 1 Oct 19:46

Don’t understand what you mean ?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Thu 1 Oct 21:33

You're correct......you don't have to go to the pub. There's not much we, as humans, "have" to do. We could all just sit on our hands breathing in and out as required, eating and drinking occasionally and going for a sh1t now and again. In fact, some of you gobots are already there.

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Fri 2 Oct 06:46

Ipswich par
Do you really believe that Doris Johnson is looking after the interests of the British people or is he just a puppet to bill gates n co ?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Fri 2 Oct 07:04


dander par, Fri 2 Oct 06:46

Ipswich par
Do you really believe that Doris Johnson is looking after the interests of the British people or is he just a puppet to bill gates n co ?

Jeez. I think boris is doing a crap job but I'm not bought into this conspiracy nonsense.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 2 Oct 08:07

Donald Trump has just discovered it.s not a hoax.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Fri 2 Oct 08:27

Bill Gates - wHat abOUt tHe 5G’s anD iLLumINAti 😂😂😂

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Fri 2 Oct 15:05

Not forgetting Pizzagate.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Fri 2 Oct 19:04

I.m lost for words :-

edited to say no attachment about M Ferrier ...silly Hoor

Post Edited (Fri 02 Oct 20:43)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Fri 2 Oct 22:31

Post Edited (Sat 03 Oct 09:03)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Sat 3 Oct 22:49

This Nonsense from the Beeb

Dominic Raab has said he was "really worried" the PM could have died from Covid-19 after he was admitted to intensive care in the spring.

The foreign secretary stood in for Boris Johnson during his time in intensive care and while he recovered.

Speaking to the Conservative Party conference, Mr Raab said the virus "nearly took the life" of the PM.

Mr Raab also said he worried for the PM.s fiancee Carrie Symonds but "always had faith" he would "pull through".

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Sun 4 Oct 11:48

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: JTH123  
Date:   Sun 4 Oct 13:25

5 classes from Carnegie Primary School now to stay off and isolate following 3 positive cases as per NHS Fife yesterday on Twitter.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Sun 4 Oct 14:04

The Times reporting that wealthy areas being spared lockdown....shocker eh.
All in it together though, all about keeping you plebs safe😂

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Thaipar  
Date:   Sun 4 Oct 14:33

Not an expert opinion here but my wife has informed me today that the wearing of masks has greatly reduced the spread of influenza. Here in Thailand folk have been diligent in the wearing of masks since March. We are nearing the end of our rainy season which would normally trigger mass outbreaks of the common cold. This year apparently syrup sales are below 50% of normal sales. Do masks help prevent the common cold? Looks like it.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Sun 4 Oct 18:05

schoit hits fan

Trying to add a link from the Independent

Ach weel I am sure Brian will sort out the wee hiccups

Post Edited (Sun 04 Oct 18:06)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Sun 4 Oct 18:06

Quite a few diseases have been reduced not just from wearing of masks but other measures such as social distancing etc

Edited as I forgot to pop the link up

Post Edited (Sun 04 Oct 18:25)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sun 4 Oct 18:25


Rastapari, Sun 4 Oct 14:04

The Times reporting that wealthy areas being spared lockdown....shocker eh.
All in it together though, all about keeping you plebs safe😂

I know it's not the same, but the latest data suggests the wealthier areas of Dunfermline are worse hit than a lot of the poorer areas. COVID-19 doesn't check your postcode. Rich or poor - follow the rules!
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Sun 4 Oct 18:26

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Sun 4 Oct 18:30

Did it the auld fashioned way :-

Coronavirus: Amnesty demands immediate inquiry into care home residents ‘abandoned to die’

Report finds human rights of older people were violated by ‘shockingly irresponsible’ government decisions

The human rights of older people have been violated in England’s care homes because of a series of “shockingly irresponsible” government decisions in response to the coronavirus pandemic, a report has found.
Human rights campaigners Amnesty International demanded an immediate independent public inquiry, after a report by the group’s crisis response team found that thousands of older people were effectively “abandoned to die”.
The report found that the death toll in England’s care homes was “entirely avoidable” and that residents’ rights to life, health and non-discrimination were violated. 

It raised particular concern about the misuse of “do not attempt resuscitation” (DNAR) orders, after witnesses gave evidence that local GPs and clinical commissioning groups had requested their insertion into residents’ files on a blanket basis.

interviews with care home managers and staff uncovered accounts of a “complete breakdown” of systems in the first six weeks of the crisis, with the government ordering the discharge of 25,000 people from hospitals into homes in order to clear NHS beds, including some who were infected with Covid-19.
Care homes reported delays in receiving guidance, difficulties sourcing personal protective equipment (PPE) and an inability to access tests, despite having to manage infected patients released from hospital.

The report - entitled As If Expendable: The UK Government’s Failure to Protect Older People in Care Homes during the Covid-19 Pandemic - found that between 2 March and 12 June some 28,186 “excess deaths” were recorded in care homes in England, with over 18,500 residents confirmed to have died with coronavirus during this period.
Amnesty International UK director Kate Allen said: “The government made a series of shockingly irresponsible decisions which abandoned care home residents to die.
“Discharged without being tested, thousands of older people were sent to care homes at great risk to themselves and other residents and to staff.

“The appalling death toll was entirely avoidable - it is a scandal of monumental proportions.
“As the country faces a second wave of coronavirus, we urgently need a full independent public inquiry into the care home scandal, so that lessons can be learned and lives protected, before any more lives are lost.”

Edit to say that the Tory Government said that the risk of Covid in care homes was minimal ...:(

Post Edited (Sun 04 Oct 21:25)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Mon 5 Oct 06:49

The government must be held accountable for this .its in the plan of bill gates (got politicians in his back pocket £££).Also Boris spoke about it years ago.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: CAPar  
Date:   Mon 5 Oct 13:26

Has Bill Gates published a copy of this plan anywhere? I'm sure it would make interesting reading
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Mon 5 Oct 14:30

Did amnesty have anything to say about Scottish care homes or are we no a big enough target to bother about?

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Mon 5 Oct 17:26

Never noticed Scotland get a mention Towk I will have a look and see if there is any info

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 10:36

Interesting seeing all the outbreaks in high schools now. With a third of Beath High being told to self isolate, do you think the young people may take things a bit more seriously? All for getting things back to "normal" but we're never going to get there while people refuse to follow simple rules.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 12:53


jake89, Tue 13 Oct 10:36

Interesting seeing all the outbreaks in high schools now. With a third of Beath High being told to self isolate, do you think the young people may take things a bit more seriously? All for getting things back to "normal" but we're never going to get there while people refuse to follow simple rules.

I don't want to tar all young people with the same brush, but from memory, my circle of friends and I thought we were pretty much immortal in our late teens and early 20s. Maybe nothing much has changed in the last 50 years or so?

It's easy to condemn the younger generation as reckless and irresponsible, but deep down many of us older folk will know that we'd be behaving in much the same way if we were their age. The fact that Covid-19 poses little or no risk to the young and healthy and that this has been widely publicised by every section of the media, has hardly helped to curb their exuberance......

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 13:24

I.m just a bit disappointed by the anti-scientific nonsense being spouted in the media about coronavirus cases.

Everything is being linked to behaviour when this might be only one factor driving the current numbers.

It probably isn.t a coincidence that many of the areas and age groups that are currently experiencing the most cases are those that were affected the least in March and April. Likewise, some areas in the south-east of England with low numbers of cases are being congratulated for following the rules when they could just be .lucky. that they were hit so hard earlier in the year and are approaching local herd immunity.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 15:33

Seem to making quite a few assumptions there Arrghhh which may not be backed up by the science. Would really need the data that the sage advisors have to know.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 17:02

True enough, GG. Though I don't recall a global pandemic when I was their age (thankfully!).

I suppose part of the problem is parents can't control what their kids do when they go out. I'll bet all those wee neds in the woods and parks after hours have said they're going to see a single friend in the same way everyone going to a house party in my day told their parents they were going to a "stay over at such and suches house".
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 17:08

People really need to wake up there has been 15 so called cases at Beath high and now 450 have to isolate on there 2 week holiday. This is imprisonment just cause a child has been in the area of the positive kids . Even after they get a negative test still not allowed out they are trying to break them mentally for the future . A suggest you join the Scottish people’s forum on Facebook to see what is really going on with this virus/scamdemic

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 17:13

Just heard a friend of mine has died yesterday from Covid.
Only in his 40s.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 17:14

What's the suggested alternative, dander?
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 17:22

Sorry to hear that sandine. The virus is definitely out there but the way the governments of the world are using it to collapse economies . Destroying people’s livelihoods without a care is disgusting all because they are being puppets to the world banks .
The kids are getting tested because they have a slight cough and it’s comi back positive. Pcr test it’s not meant to test for viruses. Have a look at Alex bell field n Carl Vernon on You tube they will wake you up.

Post Edited (Tue 13 Oct 17:30)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 18:11

Nobody has ever claimed the tests test for the virus.
This is Conspiracy theory nutcases spreading misinformation.
Every single test for any virus ever, tests for the RNA of dead virus, not the virus itself or tests for antibodies.
This is why you can have it and not test positive as your body has not started fighting it yet so no virus cells have been killed.

I'm sick of anti mask covidiots and now I've lost a friend. I'm gutted and so angry. I feel like kicking the proverbial out of the next clown who comes near me without a mask.

Post Edited (Tue 13 Oct 18:14)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 18:27


dander par, Tue 13 Oct 17:08

A suggest you join the Scottish people’s forum on Facebook to see what is really going on with this virus/scamdemic

I'm stunned and reeling after reading this pearl of wisdom.

The only way anyone could top dander's advice would be to suggest that we should all follow The Donald and believe every word he speaks and writes.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 18:31

Sorry to hear about your mate SIF.

People just aren't getting it. The longer people act the goat and have wee parties because they want to give the finger to the government then the longer we'll have stricter lockdowns. Pray for an effective vaccine in a couple of months
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 18:32

Boris said it a few months ago.
I understand your frustration at losing a friend but it’s not the anti mask people’s fault (I am one as have asthma) it’s the governments fault 100. . They had the chance to close borders right from the start and choose not too .allowing people from around the world into uk without any checks and putting people out of hospitals into care homes “criminal”. Now they have closed pubs etc they are allowing people into care homes which again is criminal. They are gaslighting the British public. They have you wondering if your coming or going so they can put in other agendas

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 18:41


There was a global pandemic during GG.s and my teenage years, but nobody seems to remember anything about it. Hong Kong flu, between1968 (a vintage year!) and 1970, killed between 1 to 4 million people worldwide and an estimated 50,000 in the UK. One third of Paris’s transport and postal workers fell sick, London hospitals were overrun, whilst in Berlin they had to store unburied corpses in the subways.

None of this was big news at the time so far as I can recall. The word ‘lockdown’ had not been coined so we could still go to watch the Pars play West Brom at EEP in a crowd of around 25,000. There didn’t seem to be much social distancing at the Woodstock Festival in autumn 1969 either. Masks were worn though, as the photo at the top from a London office shows, and the one at the bottom is from a Moscow Hotel in January 1969. Apart from that, the war time slogan of ‘Business as Usual’ was pretty much the order of the day.

It may be that governments were blasé back then and too willingly accepted civilian deaths as part of keeping society ticking along. Or it may be they were more hard headed and accepted their limitations. I hope I’ll still be around in ten years time when history starts to judge.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 18:43

You can’t honestly be screaming for a vaccine from bill gates /WHO . They have an economy to collapse 1st . Take away our human rights wait they already have.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 18:51

Where does Donald Trump stand in all this, dander par? He doesn.t want to trash the US economy because he thinks it will cost him the presidential election. Is he the only leader we can trust?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 19:21


dander par, Tue 13 Oct 18:43

You can’t honestly be screaming for a vaccine from bill gates /WHO . They have an economy to collapse 1st . Take away our human rights wait they already have.

An anti vaxxer as well. Who would have thought it?
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 19:41

I fully expect Gates or one of his clones to administer the dose.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 20:18

There’s not even a successful vaccine to the flu . So bash on with the coronavirus one when it comes sadindie.look at the strict lockdowns in England mostly in labour held constituencies. Time to wake up before it’s too late

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 20:45


sammer, Tue 13 Oct 18:41


There was a global pandemic during GG.s and my teenage years, but nobody seems to remember anything about it. Hong Kong flu, between1968 (a vintage year!) and 1970, killed between 1 to 4 million people worldwide and an estimated 50,000 in the UK. One third of Paris’s transport and postal workers fell sick, London hospitals were overrun, whilst in Berlin they had to store unburied corpses in the subways.

None of this was big news at the time so far as I can recall. The word ‘lockdown’ had not been coined so we could still go to watch the Pars play West Brom at EEP in a crowd of around 25,000. There didn’t seem to be much social distancing at the Woodstock Festival in autumn 1969 either. Masks were worn though, as the photo at the top from a London office shows, and the one at the bottom is from a Moscow Hotel in January 1969. Apart from that, the war time slogan of ‘Business as Usual’ was pretty much the order of the day.

It may be that governments were blasé back then and too willingly accepted civilian deaths as part of keeping society ticking along. Or it may be they were more hard headed and accepted their limitations. I hope I’ll still be around in ten years time when history starts to judge.

A teenager myself in those years, totally unaware of that pandemic.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 21:07


dander par, Tue 13 Oct 20:18

There’s not even a successful vaccine to the flu . So bash on with the coronavirus one when it comes sadindie.look at the strict lockdowns in England mostly in labour held constituencies. Time to wake up before it’s too late

Look I've just lost a pal to this. I don't have the patience to deal with a conspiracy clown right now without losing it completely.
If I'm wrong about this we have the inconvenience of restrictions.
If you are wrong and people listen to you people die.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 21:45

Condolences sadindiefreak!💔
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 21:45


sadindiefreak, Tue 13 Oct 21:07


dander par, Tue 13 Oct 20:18

There’s not even a successful vaccine to the flu . So bash on with the coronavirus one when it comes sadindie.look at the strict lockdowns in England mostly in labour held constituencies. Time to wake up before it’s too late

Look I've just lost a pal to this. I don't have the patience to deal with a conspiracy clown right now without losing it completely.
If I'm wrong about this we have the inconvenience of restrictions.
If you are wrong and people listen to you people die.

Actually there are flu (not a coronavirus) vaccines. You have one every year. They cover all flu strains known at the time. Unfortunately the flu will mutate each year so it doesn't cover all flu strains.
We don't have a vaccine for the cold which is also a coronavirus.

To think that vaccines do not work is a stupid mistake. We have vaccines which have more or less wiped out measles, polio etc.

The SARS vaccine (another coronavirus) which never came on stream was within days of being ready but the virus dissipated before it was needed. This is the only coronavirus vaccine ever developed and it took 10 years to get it to a testing stage.

A covid vaccine may appear but it could well be years in development.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Tue 13 Oct 22:42


If the option was as clear cut as you present it then you would have few people disagreeing. But I don’t think it is.

We assume that masks, social distancing and lockdowns help stop the spread of the virus but how effective they are is open to question. Thus far the main factor in spreading infection seems to have been seasonal: there have been spikes in the late spring and late autumn yet lower reported rates when people were socialising freely (sometimes on the government tab) in late summer. Claims that BLM demonstrations and statue protests would lead to a hike in infections were not realised. Sweden, which has remained maskless and declined to lockdown, has a lower death rate per capita than the UK. By Professor Ferguson logic, Sweden’s population should have been near to decimated. Perplexingly, some areas which lockdown actually see an increase in the number of infections and although this could be explained in a number of ways, I doubt if irresponsible party animals is one of them.

What you call ‘restrictions’ are severe impositions on civic freedom and were not employed by 20th century UK governments even in time of war. (I will add the rider that the UK was never invaded during that time, which may have altered the situation.) These restrictions, even if they are effective, carry side effects some of which were obvious from the outset. others may become more apparent in the years ahead. One indirect effect has been death itself amongst people failing to be treated for existing health problems. It’s not alarmist to suggest the suicide rate will have increased greatly in the last six months either. Whether we let the virus rip or impose stringent lockdown, there will be deaths as a consequence.

So far the rising rate of infection (partly due to more widespread testing I would assume) has not been reflected in the number of deaths. Of course all that might change, but it appears that the virus killed off a fair number of people in March/April that would likely have died later in the year.

I’m not prepared to denounce healthy people who want to go out and socialise and breathe fresh air through their nostrils. I would however support any government which restricted the movement of people suffering from the virus through force of law if necessary. Until the government has the capacity to distinguish between the healthy and the sick, its policy of assuming we are all sick/at risk will continue to be challenged on good grounds.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: BoAPar  
Date:   Wed 14 Oct 05:07

"We assume that masks, social distancing and lockdowns help stop the spread of the virus but how effective they are is open to question. Thus far the main factor in spreading infection seems to have been seasonal"

It.s not open to question. If you minimise contact with others (lockdown), avoid close contact where possible (social distancing) and wear a mask when necessary, you are starving the virus of opportunities to transmit.

If it was seasonal, there would have been bigger outbreaks in the southern hemisphere over May-August. There wasn.t, for the same reason there wasn.t in the northern hemisphere - lockdowns had helped to cut the spread of the virus in March and April.

Lockdown is an effective initial strategy to get the virus under control, so that you can then establish a proper test and trace programme, which then means you don.t need harsh lockdowns (as you keep the virus under control with test and trace).

But the UK government botched the first lockdown, by not locking down hard enough, reopening too early and failing to develop an effective test and trace system.

For another lockdown to be effective, they.d have to do the same as earlier in the year, but harder. They won.t - that option isn.t viable anymore.

As a consequence, the UK will now be stuck in a cycle of public restrictions until there is a vaccine (or the virus burns itself out).

It.s not a conspiracy to control the population, it.s government incompetence (and greed) on a grand scale.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Wed 14 Oct 06:36

Well said sammer boApar .least you both seem awake that this is not just about a virus . Healthy people being put under draconian measures and human rights gone under a coronavirus act. Just watched a video baroness mone has been awarded a £122 million contract for her company Medpro .its only 7 weeks bloody old 😡😡

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Wed 14 Oct 07:44


dander par, Wed 14 Oct 06:36

Well said sammer boApar .least you both seem awake that this is not just about a virus . Healthy people being put under draconian measures and human rights gone under a coronavirus act. Just watched a video baroness mone has been awarded a £122 million contract for her company Medpro .its only 7 weeks bloody old 😡😡

Got a link to that please?
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Wed 14 Oct 08:00

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Wed 14 Oct 08:29

Copied from above ....This sickens me to the core

A firm that was set up by a former secretary of Baroness Mone has been awarded a £122 million contract to supply PPE to the NHS – just 44 days after it was set up.

PPE Medpro was started by Anthony Page on the day he quit as the secretary of the company that deals with the Tory peer’s “brand”, a Mirror investigation has revealed.

Just 44 days later it had won a Department of Health contract – not advertised to other bidders – to supply 25 million gowns for health workers.

Jolyon Maugham of The Good Law Project, told the Mirror: “Another hugely lucrative PPE contract has been awarded to a firm with no obvious qualification beyond links to very substantial donors to the Conservative Party.”

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Wed 14 Oct 08:36


Buspasspar, Wed 14 Oct 08:29

Copied from above ....This sickens me to the core

A firm that was set up by a former secretary of Baroness Mone has been awarded a £122 million contract to supply PPE to the NHS – just 44 days after it was set up.

PPE Medpro was started by Anthony Page on the day he quit as the secretary of the company that deals with the Tory peer’s “brand”, a Mirror investigation has revealed.

Just 44 days later it had won a Department of Health contract – not advertised to other bidders – to supply 25 million gowns for health workers.

Jolyon Maugham of The Good Law Project, told the Mirror: “Another hugely lucrative PPE contract has been awarded to a firm with no obvious qualification beyond links to very substantial donors to the Conservative Party.”


Eta. This is the sort of thing that makes me despise the Tory Party. I know there are some decent people who vote for them but the UK is governed by some horrible, odious individuals.

Not your average Sunday League player.

Post Edited (Wed 14 Oct 08:46)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: BoAPar  
Date:   Wed 14 Oct 08:45

"Well said sammer boApar .least you both seem awake that this is not just about a virus . Healthy people being put under draconian measures and human rights gone under a coronavirus act."

It.s entirely about a virus and I.m fully supportive of Draconian measures to bring it under control if they make sense.

As above, lockdown makes perfect sense if you have a strategy (aka test and trace) once it.s over.

The UK had no strategy and now no party has the guts to stick their hand up and tell people the truth that there are now 3 options:

1) Another (proper) lockdown for a couple of months, followed by a proper test and trace system to contain the virus. Do it properly and life will go back to some kind of normal.

2) Ongoing rolling restrictions until there is a vaccine (or the virus burns itself out). This is basically where the UK is now.

3) Let the virus run rampant, killing millions of elderly and vulnerable people (about 25. of the population are in these categories) and probably causing the NHS to collapse. Which is probably the government.s original preference.

The tinfoil brigade blabbering about conspiracies, 5g, bill gates, human rights or anything of their other brainless nonsense is great for the government, as it means people aren.t paying attention to them making a complete mess of the response.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Wed 14 Oct 10:42

I agree that lockdown without the ability to identify who is actually infected can be no more than a stop gap solution. As you state, the UK government has had since March to prepare itself and failed badly.

Even as a stop gap solution lockdown can be questioned. I mentioned the large demonstrations in late summer which seemed to have little effect on the infection rate, as well as the outlier that is Sweden. When an area within the UK enters lockdown and the infections continue to rise, the tabloids print photos of northern girls in mini skirts and high heels parading down some street with the suggestion that they are to blame for this. If they were carrying the virus they certainly would be but neither we, nor presumably them, know if that is the case.

I doubt that your figure of millions dying from the virus can be correct. Even Professor Ferguson, who has produced frightening figures over the years, opted for 500,000 if herd immunity was followed. At present the Covid death rate is estimated at less than 50,000 and, as yet, has still to return to the very high numbers seen in March and April.

I don’t see Human Rights as a brainless issue in any context. Life without liberty is not worth living so we must always be alert when their relationship becomes unbalanced. The word ‘lockdown’ has its roots, I would imagine, in the US penal system so that should be warning enough.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 14 Oct 13:24

I've been told off for calling the Tories scum in the past. Whilst I'm sure there are some perfectly reasonable and kind Tory voters, the party itself is rotten to the core. They don't give two hoots about your well-being.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Wed 14 Oct 17:24

I don.t think any political party, as a collective, care about the people. To paraphrase Lord Varys, they.d see the country burn if it meant they could rule over the ashes.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Wed 14 Oct 17:52

Looking for a bit of advice.

Anyone else planning anything during the October holidays? In July, when case numbers were heading the right way, I booked a log cabin down in Northumberland (40 miles from Newcastle) for the 19th October (next Monday). Leave Monday, return Wednesday. It.s self catering, in the middle of a forest and there would be no need to mix with anyone except our household. Just us & the dogs.

I.m past the point where I would get any sort of refund. The money.s gone. The question is should we go? I can.t see any statements banning travel to that area but I just wondered what you all think?

I really could be doing with getting away from my bedroom for a 72 hours.....working from home isn.t all it.s cracked up to be when your desk is 8 feet from your pillow.

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: BigJPar  
Date:   Wed 14 Oct 18:07

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Wed 14 Oct 18:33

Not sure why you would feel that the denizens of Dotnet are best placed to offer you the most sage advice, da.no.1

At the end of the day (it gets dark) and you alone will have to decide. I'm not sure about the legalities of your proposed trip, but putting those to one side, is your wee break potentially any more dangerous than going to your local supermarket, where some customers are not wearing face masks?

Just putting it out there, your honour, not leading the witness. 🙂

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Wed 14 Oct 18:39

Can.t see any reason why you shouldn.t go. It.s prebooked and you can.t cancel it without cost so the government guidelines allow you to go.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Wed 14 Oct 18:45

If you're going to check your eyesight out, no problem!

They say there's a good opticians down Durham way.🤔👍
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Wed 14 Oct 19:51

Definitely no prohibition on travelling down there at the moment, you just need to comply with the rules when you're down there.

You get a breakdown of the requirements here:


From the post code checker it looks like all of Northumberland is on a high level of restriction which is the 2nd tier but from what you've described it probably wouldn't impact you if you're bot going out eating and drinking.

I'd assume they are doing some form of enhanced cleaning to comply with Covid guidelines so not much of a reason not to go.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Wed 14 Oct 21:40


"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Wed 14 Oct 22:10

I would see no reason not to go. It will have all been cleaned before you arrive, and you will be pretty safe there by the sounds of it. After working from home for the last 6 months myself, I reckon the health benefits of a break away from home will far outweigh any potential risks. Just use common sense and it'll be okay. Enjoy the countryside walks, breath the clean air, listen to the birdsong, and see the dogs loving their walks. Hope you have a good time
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 14 Oct 22:52

And because you'll be in England you can ask Brian for a discount on ParsTV 🙊
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Wed 14 Oct 23:29


red-star-par, Wed 14 Oct 22:10

I would see no reason not to go. It will have all been cleaned before you arrive, and you will be pretty safe there by the sounds of it. After working from home for the last 6 months myself, I reckon the health benefits of a break away from home will far outweigh any potential risks. Just use common sense and it'll be okay. Enjoy the countryside walks, breath the clean air, listen to the birdsong, and see the dogs loving their walks. Hope you have a good time

Cheers man. I promise to return a better, less argumentative person......🤪🙈

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Wed 14 Oct 23:47

To be honest, I have been a right miserable, argumentative old git lately. I blame been couped up 7 hours a day for six months working from home. I will make a conscious effort to snap out of it
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Wed 14 Oct 23:54

I know......and folk say working from home is the best!!

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: parsmad68  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 06:43

Remember the postcards!
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 08:34

You all seen the bit where the inventor if the tests say they are not for that purpose?
Or were you applauding the sheer a.out of cash the Tories are stealing from there friends.
Or the bit where undertaker are saying no one's died of anything else since March.
The wildest bit for me is everyone believing Fairie Tories.
Questioning the exploitation of the situation is not denying the virus exists.
The roughly 400 people who will die of cancer today I bet would love to be up and about taking their chances with the 99.86 survival rate but you won't hear about them and they'll be buried largely alone....and probably with covid on their death certificate.
I'm sure the their families will enjoy getting together for good day of grouse shooting in remembrance.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 09:33


Rastapari, Thu 15 Oct 08:34

You all seen the bit where the inventor if the tests say they are not for that purpose?
Or were you applauding the sheer a.out of cash the Tories are stealing from there friends.
Or the bit where undertaker are saying no one's died of anything else since March.
The wildest bit for me is everyone believing Fairie Tories.
Questioning the exploitation of the situation is not denying the virus exists.
The roughly 400 people who will die of cancer today I bet would love to be up and about taking their chances with the 99.86 survival rate but you won't hear about them and they'll be buried largely alone....and probably with covid on their death certificate.
I'm sure the their families will enjoy getting together for good day of grouse shooting in remembrance.

Your Conspiracy nonsense debunked.


I tried looking for the undertaker and all I found was saying they are under pressure with number of bodies. Where do you think these extra deaths are coming from?
Provide link to your undertaker please so I can investigate.

Mortality rate also much higher than your claim. https://fullfact.org/health/covid-ifr-more-01/
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: JTH123  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 09:39

Cheers man. I promise to return a better, less argumentative person......🤪🙈

If that's what 3 days is going to do for you, I'd suggest a week 😅
Have a good one mate. And give me a call when you're back. We need a catch up when we cannae meet in the Norrie.

Post Edited (Thu 15 Oct 09:39)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 12:20


JTH123, Thu 15 Oct 09:39

Cheers man. I promise to return a better, less argumentative person......🤪🙈

If that's what 3 days is going to do for you, I'd suggest a week 😅
Have a good one mate. And give me a call when you're back. We need a catch up when we cannae meet in the Norrie.

Will do JT

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 12:22

For those who think all deaths certificates simply say ‘Covid’ regardless of cause of death within this story is a description of the completion of the death certificate process

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: MDCCCLXXXV  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 12:41

da no1, my niece has just returned from a week away in Northumberland, Its was just my niece, her husband and the dog.
She loved it, saying it was so relaxing and said they spent more time walking as they weren't sitting in pubs or clubs all day.
Enjoy yer trip mate

East End Park is a symbol of all that is DAFC.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 15:38

1,500 Booking requests !!!!

Fans gathering or travelling to England to watch Saturday.s Old Firm game would be "completely irresponsible", says SPFL chief executive Neil Doncaster.

With pubs in Scotland.s central belt closed until 25 October, Cumbria Police said it believes Celtic and Rangers fans plan to travel there to watch.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon urged fans not to visit places like Blackpool for fear of spreading Covid-19.

"They put themselves and loved ones at increased risk," Doncaster said.

Pick your combined Old Firm XI
A Rangers pub in Blackpool - the Gallant Pioneer - has announced it will close on Saturday after receiving more than 1,500 booking requests.

With Scotland.s lower leagues and SWPL also returning to action this weekend, Doncaster pleaded with fans to follow the guidelines.

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 15:41

And thats just one pub.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 15:50

At FMQs today an MSP suggested Sky should make the match free-to-view to encourage fans to watch it in their own homes, an idea supported by NS, but it will be Sky.s decision of course.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 19:06

This is going to be hard for some to accept but people ARE dying with COVID. If you want it in simplest terms, look at the excess deaths. This is essentially the number above what we'd normally expect to see. So people will always die of age, cancer, accidents, heart attacks etc. Each year this figure is monitored. So all you need to do is a comparison to see the difference.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 19:08


wee eck, Thu 15 Oct 15:50

At FMQs today an MSP suggested Sky should make the match free-to-view to encourage fans to watch it in their own homes, an idea supported by NS, but it will be Sky.s decision of course.

Sturgeon is an idiot. The game is available for under a tenner. So anyone travelling to Blackpool or watching round a friend's house is probably spending more than that on travel and beer.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 19:32

Would be a tremendous gesture by sky, especially like as you say Jake people are dying with covid, but there is profit to be had and sky have just had great advertising for their now TV day pass.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 20:03

Topic Originator: jake89 like | nolike
Date: Thu 15 Oct 19:08


wee eck, Thu 15 Oct 15:50

At FMQs today an MSP suggested Sky should make the match free-to-view to encourage fans to watch it in their own homes, an idea supported by NS, but it will be Sky.s decision of course.

Sturgeon is an idiot. The game is available for under a tenner. So anyone travelling to Blackpool or watching round a friend.s house is probably spending more than that on travel and beer.

Mmmm think you will have to explain that in more detail for an auld man like me Jakey
Are we allowed to visit a friends house ?
Sturgeon is certainly no Idiot
You have obviously done your sums on return travel to Blackpool plus an average beer consumption and Aye it would cost more than under a tenner :) Sheesh

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 20:36

I.m not sure what point jake89 was making either, Bpp, other than taking a cheap shot at NS.

Predictably perhaps, Neil Doncaster said it was unfair to ask Sky to make the game free-to-view considering the investment they had made in Scottish football. I can.t see it happening. I can.t imagine Sky subscribers would be too pleased if it were shown for free.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 20:45

It doesn't take a mathematical genius to work out that a trip to a pub in Blackpool costs more than a tenner even if you live in Blackpool. Sturgeon is being polite here. They can definitely afford it but the reality is they fancy a wee night out in Blackpool. They're idiots but she doesn't want to say that out loud.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 20:55


wee eck, Thu 15 Oct 20:36

I.m not sure what point jake89 was making either, Bpp, other than taking a cheap shot at NS.

Predictably perhaps, Neil Doncaster said it was unfair to ask Sky to make the game free-to-view considering the investment they had made in Scottish football. I can.t see it happening. I can.t imagine Sky subscribers would be too pleased if it were shown for free.

I realise this forum is the Nicola Sturgeon fan club but let's look at what she's done here.

She has placed large areas under lock down. This means you can't go round to your pal who has the full Sky package because his wife works in the call centre.

You can still watch it at your own house for £9.99.

On hearing that large numbers of idiots are planning to visit Blackpool to watch the game in pubs she has responded by saying the game should be provided for free.

So, let's look at the issue here:

- She is assuming this is about money. It's £9.99. Even your jakiest Rangers/Celtic fan can afford that.

- She is attempting to appease people who are seeking to break the rules she set.

- She is missing that the real reason is the fans want to be together for a big game.

Why is football still being played behind closed doors when people can visit indoor venues for films, bowling, bingo, exercise?
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 20:56

Then why say she is an idiot? The fact is pubs in Blackpool already have been asked for bookings by OF fans and some have turned them down because they don.t want trouble. She was suggesting a possible solution to that problem.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 20:56

Also, let's be honest, you can get the Sky stream for free 😉
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 20:57


wee eck, Thu 15 Oct 20:56

Then why say she is an idiot? The fact is pubs in Blackpool already have been asked for bookings by OF fans and some have turned them down because they don.t want trouble. She was suggesting a possible solution to that problem.

Because it won't change things. This isn't about £9.99.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 21:09

She should have just said it how it is for once in her career.

Old Firm fans are all absolute dicksplats 😁

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"

Post Edited (Thu 15 Oct 21:10)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 21:15

I own a pub in Blackpool and I would welcome as many sons of William that want to visit for the day

I also have 5 rooms to let if the necessity should arise

I trust my protestant brothers and will shake their hand accordingly

I know they will cause no bother, trouble or damage to my fellow English customers or my premises

Shame I.m fully booked :)

From the Blackpool Observer

Post Edited (Thu 15 Oct 21:42)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 21:51


Buspasspar, Thu 15 Oct 21:15

I own a pub in Blackpool and I would welcome as many sons of William that want to visit for the day

I also have 5 rooms to let if the necessity should arise

I trust my protestant brothers and will shake their hand accordingly

I know they will cause no bother, trouble or damage to my fellow English customers or my premises

Shame I.m fully booked :)

From the Blackpool Observer

The sarcasm here is too much.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 15 Oct 22:42

So first Sturgeon.s an idiot, then OF fans are idiots and now Sturgeon.s an idiot again. She was asked a question and answered it in a way any responsible politician would.

I suspect the reason football grounds are still closed compared with other venues is that football fans tend to behave in a different way from visitors to these other venues.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Fri 16 Oct 06:34

Listen to it on the wireless
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Fri 16 Oct 06:49


wee eck, Thu 15 Oct 22:42

So first Sturgeon.s an idiot, then OF fans are idiots and now Sturgeon.s an idiot again. She was asked a question and answered it in a way any responsible politician would.

I suspect the reason football grounds are still closed compared with other venues is that football fans tend to behave in a different way from visitors to these other venues.

Not just football grounds it covers others such as rugby but volume and the nature of sports attendance seems to be the difference

English view but sure it applies here

“It is the Government's belief that no matter how safe it is inside a stadium, the process of getting supporters to and from a stadium, and where there are areas they may congregate in numbers, is where the risk is too great to take.

Travelling of fans who will congregate in areas away from stadia and outside their sphere of influence is a concern, as is fans meeting up in numbers for a drink at a pub or a bite to eat at a cafe.

Where it differs from theatregoers, for example, is the sheer numbers.

The behaviour of some supporters towards the end of last season during Project Restart also concerned the Government's medical advisors greatly as they saw large numbers of fans congregating in small areas against Public Health England advice and despite warnings from clubs, police and government.

This played a part in discussions that led to the advice to government to postpone the return of fans from October 1.”

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 16 Oct 07:58

For clarity - both idiots.

OF fans for breaking rules and Sturgeon for failing to understand the reason why.

Though surely Sturgeon has advisors?
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Fri 16 Oct 08:17

Would making the game a 9am kick off helped the situation ?
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Thu 22 Oct 16:58

What’s folks thoughts on this coronavirus-controlvirus now still no one woken up ?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Thu 22 Oct 21:03


dander par, Thu 22 Oct 16:58

What’s folks thoughts on this coronavirus-controlvirus now still no one woken up ?

Woken up to what? The fact you are an idiot.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Fri 23 Oct 07:01

So your following government guidelines in this plandemic . Think it’s you that’s the idiot . Hardly anyone is dying and we are having our freedoms taking away from us . Full lockdowns coming for what ? Hospitality industry closedown for what ? Cancer patients not getting treatment for what reasons? Wake up before it’s to late . Please reply sadindie

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dd23  
Date:   Fri 23 Oct 08:17

Danderpar, why would the government attempt to control us with lockdown and wreck the economy by doing so. What’s in it for them?
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: CAPar  
Date:   Fri 23 Oct 09:09

It's all part of Bill Gates plan apparently
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Fri 23 Oct 09:13

Its so Bill Gates can implant microchips in everyone in the world and track us. Its a huge conspiracy where every government across the planet despite opposing politics and ideologies has come together as one to do the bidding of their puppet master (despite same governments being unable to do simple things such as timely implementation of a track & trace app that works).

To prevent anyone leaking a word of this global conspiracy requiring hundreds of thousands to be in the know 5G’s have been rolled out to control their brainwaves and stop them talking - even in places with no 5G

Wibble wibble suchlike hatstand froob

Waken up sheeple!

Sent from my iPhone - with GPS and find my phone switched on 😂

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Fri 23 Oct 12:04

In other news the Oxford vaccine appears to work!
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: CAPar  
Date:   Fri 23 Oct 13:05

It doesn't really. They're in on Bill's plan and are just making us think it works so they can inject us with it and change our DNA, so we all become obedient sub-human drones.

Or something like that.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 23 Oct 15:58

The rugby match between England and the Barbarians scheduled for Sunday has had to be cancelled because 12 of the Barbarians squad broke the coronavirus protocol by going out to a restaurant for a meal. All the apologies to the people who worked hard to make the match happen ring rather hollow. The 12 included ex-England captain Chris Robshaw and current Scotland international player Sean Maitland so this wasn.t a bunch of callow youths.

It.s not just footballers who are as thick as mince apparently.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Fri 23 Oct 16:25

Very disappointed with all concerned in that debacle wee eck... All the planning and effort that went into making it happen buggered by stupidity

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 23 Oct 18:22

St Mirren v Hamilton is off tomorrow as Saints have only 11 registered fit players available after more positive Covid tests.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Fri 23 Oct 18:28

Debt free countries (great reset)

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Fri 23 Oct 21:16


LochgellyAlbert, Fri 23 Oct 12:04

In other news the Oxford vaccine appears to work!

Not a sad story. Delete

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Tue 27 Oct 09:58

Here.s a good news story for once...

Tomorrow, the state of Victoria in Australia comes out of lockdown after firmly defeating the second wave of COVID-19.

Apart from a brief 16-day period of respite in June, the state has been in full lockdown since early March. For the bulk of this period, people have not been allowed to travel more than 5 km from home and then only to visit a supermarket, a medical facility or 1-hour outdoor exercise.

It has been enormously costly. The first wave took fewer than 50 lives, the second took close to 800. At this stage, it is impossible to assess the economic damage, but just looking around locally I would estimate that 30 percent of businesses no longer exist. That figure may be higher.

The state government has taken a very tough line on policing the lockdown rules. It was their mistake in failing to properly police the quarantine hotels that brought us the second wave. So that is why they have been so tough since.

Without doubt, it has been a success. They have resisted and overcome enormous pressure and criticism, particularly from the Murdoch press, and have conclusively proved that until we get a vaccine, strict well-policed measures are the best means of bringing COVID-19 under control.

The rest of Australia is relatively clear of the virus. All up, we have had 905 deaths throughout the country. With the Victorian outbreak under control, we are now safe to adopt a coordinated national approach to COVID-19, with the control effort switched to our borders.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Tue 27 Oct 17:06

^^^^^^ That's very uplifting and encouraging news, Oz. ^^^^^^^

A rather more disturbing development in the UK, IF TRUE.

A relative of mine who is on Facebook (I know, I know, that's why I've added the rider before my post) told me about a man, Luke Pompey, who bought two nasal swab kits and sent them away to be analysed. He had no symptoms but wanted to test the system, apparently, so he used one kit but the second he just sent in without using it.

They both came back positive, allegedly. His posts on Facebook and Twitter have now been taken down, again allegedly. Pompey challenges anyone who doesn't believe him to do as he did.

I normally dismiss unsubstantiated claims on social media, but this made me pr*k my ears up because a national Italian TV channel broadcast a recording of a private, Covid testing company where an employee was clearly heard bragging that he wasn't testing any of the swabs coming in and just returning random results back to the public. The company is charging €80 per test and there are strong suspicions that it is linked to organised crime.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Tue 27 Oct 17:35

It’s corrupt to the core what they are doing to scare the public into taking this vaccine that we keep on hearing about.Hundreds of people have been do this to see what results come back.Its ready(bill gates )to go as the public will be begging for it so they can get on with there lives .honestly people need to wake up. Look at the protests in Italy this is never about a virus. Get yourselves to holyrood on 7 th November

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: CAPar  
Date:   Tue 27 Oct 18:02

Oh here's the Bill Gates stuff again. Care to elaborate on any of this?

What's his supposed plan? What's the benefit to it? What's his end game here?

Can you supply links to anything approaching proof?
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Tue 27 Oct 18:10


dander par, Tue 27 Oct 17:35

It’s corrupt to the core what they are doing to scare the public into taking this vaccine that we keep on hearing about.Hundreds of people have been do this to see what results come back.Its ready(bill gates )to go as the public will be begging for it so they can get on with there lives .honestly people need to wake up. Look at the protests in Italy this is never about a virus. Get yourselves to holyrood on 7 th November

Dander, you're right about the protests in Italy, in the sense that a significant proportion of those out in the streets are not peaceful protesters but thugs and thieves, attacking the police, smashing shop windows and looting these shops. Again, these may be organised crime gangs using the Covid protests as a cover to get some overtime in.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 27 Oct 18:27

Is Bill Gates funding all the different vaccines that are being developed in various locations throughout the world? How naive do you have to be to believe this sort of nonsense?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 27 Oct 18:41

Yeah, but Australia is an island and we're...oh...

Own view is that what is and isn't open is now daft. Can watch football in a cinema or theatre but can't watch in an open air stadium. Can drink myself stupid in a pub with 100 people but can't drink with a single friend in the house.

The only reason we reopened pubs and restaurants was bowing to pressure.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Tue 27 Oct 20:36

If a government wants to control its citizens then a vaccine will be the last thing it wants. This Covid panic has allowed the UK government to restrict freedoms in a way never experienced at any time in the 20th century when we were engaged in two major wars. Far from rebelling against these freedoms being removed, at present the public supports politicians such as Nicolas Sturgeon who advocate tighter restrictions. Those who wish to rally in protest are subject to fines and arrest.

In terms of social control, The War against Covid has been more successful than either The War Against Drugs or The War Against Terror. (since renamed ‘’The War On Terror’ due to the unfortunate acronym.) These wars continue without victory, as could have been forecast from the start. The war against Covid is likely to follow a similar path, in fact the term ‘long covid’ has already been entered into the language. If a vaccine does emerge then we may find the crafty virus has mutated to Covid 21 and the fight will go on.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 27 Oct 21:01

So have all the leaders of the world, regardless of their politics, colluded in this pandemic as a means of controlling their citizens at the expense of their economies? I have a healthy scepticism of politicians but this doesn.t make sense. If your theory about Covid 21 is right does that mean these leaders want to exert this control indefinitely and to hell with the economies? What happens if there.s a change in leader as may happen next week in the US? Incidentally, I don.t think Trump wanted to trash the US economy did he?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Tue 27 Oct 21:11

Off course bill gates is funding all this he’s top of the tree of the who. The bill and Melinda gates foundation gave polio to Africa and India with horrendous consequences. Now he is at the forefront of this vaceeen which is ready and he wants to look like the saviour when in fact he ll be killing a lot of people. YouTube n type bill gates vaccine.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Tue 27 Oct 21:12

Wee Eck nail on head . Unless Biden wins

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: CAPar  
Date:   Tue 27 Oct 21:46

Dander Par, with all due respect, I'm not about to You Tube 'Bill Gates vaccine' to watch some conspiracy theory nut job on video trying to convince me that Bill is somehow out to turn us all into mindless drones that will bend to his will and do his bidding.

These theories are absolutely baseless as is any indication that all of the world's governments, who are often in conflict with one another, are all suddenly in perfect harmony in order to subjugate the world's population.

Again, who do all these restrictions benefit? What are governments gaining here? Trashed economies, companies going out of business, the world almost grinding to a halt. Yeah, sounds like a great idea.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 27 Oct 23:18

Word is the vaccine is ready to go. Immunisations to start in December.

I heard it's filled with Bill Gates nano bots. It's going to assimilate us all so we go and buy more Windows laptops with Office 365 subscriptions.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: parsmad68  
Date:   Wed 28 Oct 05:27


jake89, Tue 27 Oct 23:18

Word is the vaccine is ready to go. Immunisations to start in December.

I heard it's filled with Bill Gates nano bots. It's going to assimilate us all so we go and buy more Windows laptops with Office 365 subscriptions.

Knowing windows it probably has a virus
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Wed 28 Oct 05:41

Capar it comes from the horses mouth on YouTube. The reason around 179 nations are in on it is the IMF are going to make all these nations debt free (check who owns IMF ) in return for there compliance in future. Vaccine will have nanotechnology in it . You tube n type freedom day Victoria n Italy riots this is people who have woken up to the government s bs . Only trying to wake people up before it’s to late

Post Edited (Wed 28 Oct 05:46)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Wed 28 Oct 07:33

Covid was not, I believe, let loose in a ‘wet market’ in China, nor concocted in a high tech laboratory to allow Bill Gates to market a vaccine. It follows in a long train of viruses that have been around most of our lives, some of them poorly understood. Many of us on this site will have lived through pandemics known as the Asian ‘flu of 1957 and the Hong Kong ‘flu of 1968/9.

What has changed with Covid is the decision to lock down society in response. Previously governments took an entirely different approach and allowed the viruses to run their course. Is this because Covid is more contagious or more lethal than previous viruses? Possibly, but so far there is conflicting evidence on that score. HK ‘flu had an R rate of 1.8 for example.

So why did all governments adopt a relaxed approach in the past but a more hands-on policy today? I think the answer reveals more about governments than it does about the virus. Any government’s greatest fear is not war, plague or famine but its own people. World opinion moves faster and further than it ever did before so the pressure is on governments to act, even when they don’t know what to do. They have to be seen to be doing something, in much the same way as some tribal witch doctor might carry out a rain dance or cast out evil spirits. That way, governments are seen to empathise both with their people and the gravity of the situation. It’s the safest route to maintain power.

Wrecking lives and economies might be a collective suicide note for some, but not for those who wield power and influence. In keeping with the trend of the last 40 years, the Covid crisis is making the rich richer and the poor poorer. Shops will close and online shopping become the norm. The European Football League will be up and running before long. And most important of all, governments are in the process of carrying out a social experiment and discovering, by accident but to their great delight, that the majority of perfectly healthy citizens are willing to surrender their liberty in a way unthinkable even a year ago.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Wed 28 Oct 08:22


dander par, Wed 28 Oct 05:41

Capar it comes from the horses mouth on YouTube. The reason around 179 nations are in on it is the IMF are going to make all these nations debt free (check who owns IMF ) in return for there compliance in future. Vaccine will have nanotechnology in it . You tube n type freedom day Victoria n Italy riots this is people who have woken up to the government s bs . Only trying to wake people up before it’s to late

What a load of conspiracy bull. That looks like it was written by a 3 year old.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Wed 28 Oct 09:04

It’s not much of a deal Dander Par.

A slave owner tells his slaves he will free them from their shackles in return for future obedience. In which case he won’t need the chains of course. The minute they try to rebel he will clap them in irons again.

You would have thought 176 countries might have spotted a catch somewhere.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Wed 28 Oct 09:19

Where do the medical and scientific communities stand in this bid to control the populace, sammer? The vast majority of them see lockdown as a crucial component in controlling the spread of the virus and governments respond to their advice. Have they been bribed or persuaded in some other way by governments to recommend restrictions to reduce liberty? There are a few exceptions but I haven.t heard any of them suggest that the various restrictive measures adopted are simply a ploy by governments to control the population. You would have thought that, if this was all a conspiracy, there would have been a few reputable individuals prepared to expose it rather than just a few cranks posting on the internet.

The same thing happened when Boris Johnson was ill. If he hadn.t been ill the extent of collusion necessary by medical staff to convince people he was would have been impossible to maintain without somebody spilling the beans.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 28 Oct 10:34

So debt free in return for a few people dying and mind control of the entire population, including the people.making the decision, their family, their friends and colleagues? 100% happened.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Wed 28 Oct 10:58

While I’ve often disagreed with Sammers thoughts on the subject his 733 post is pretty reasoned and logical. It doesn’t suggest conspiracy but does give decent reasons for government response which I tend to agree with - they are defo acting to be seen to do something when clearly they have no plan.

Damder on the other hand seems the sort of fella who will be cutting a deal with a Nigerian prince for a £100m personal investment and will be delighted when he checks his junk mail to find out there are scores of local women desperate to sleep with him.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Wed 28 Oct 14:03

Sammer is saying governments are advocating lockdown as a means of controlling the population regardless of the effect on their countries. economies. What is reasoned and logical about that? The reason lockdown is a major component of most countries. strategy is that it slows down the spread of the virus and gives time to develop treatments and possibly a vaccine and protects hospitals from being overwhelmed. His alternative seems to be to let the virus run its course. At what cost to the population? Would that really be politically acceptable?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 28 Oct 16:43

This is a wild idea...but are government's simply performing a balancing act between keeping economies running whilst also keeping vulnerable people safe?

You can imagine the headlines if Sturgeon said to get back to normal. She'd be accused of murder.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: parathletic  
Date:   Wed 28 Oct 16:56

.Conspiracy theories are about accusing powerful people of doing terrible things,the theories are basically the same, just the names change.Before Bill Gates, it was George Soros and the Koch brothers and the Rothchilds and the Rockefellers. While the majority of conspiracy theories disappear the ones that endure are those that offer big villains and address issues that people care about..

Joseph Uscinski-American political scientist

To be fair with these individuals it was only a matter of time anyway but Bojo and Trump have lost credibility amongst their respective electorate for the way they have handled the virus to the point where it now looks probable that Trump won.t get a second term-the conspiracy theory in this instance would be tantamount to professional suicide.According to Forbes Trump.s personal wealth has also dropped by over $600 million as he has huge amounts of hotels and resorts.

I notice some people have used Sweden as an example of why a lockdown wasn.t required.They are apparently now reaching critical point and my calculations say they have had more deaths as a percentage of population to Scotland

With regards to testing, I had 2, both at the same location-Leys Park Road. I had the test on consecutive days. The set up was a bit of a shambles and I did a walk up test. The first day it was pouring with rain and I was standing outside. I got the results in less than 24 hours and it was no surprise to me that it came back inconclusive as it clearly wasn.t the correct conditions to be carrying out a scientific test. That test was 1pm, got the results at 8am the following day, went for another test on that day and thankfully it came back negative the following morning.

Up until recently I hadn.t heard of anyone locally who had tested positive but I know of at least half a dozen people who have done so in the last fortnight. The way it has been handled is shocking. A member of staff at wee ASDA(managerial level) was off work after displaying symptoms, they eventually got tested and it came back positive.10 days after the individual had shown symptoms the rest of the staff who had been in contact with that individual were told to self-isolate-talk about after the horse has bolted and this in a supermarket!

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Wed 28 Oct 16:57


wee eck, Wed 28 Oct 14:03

Sammer is saying governments are advocating lockdown as a means of controlling the population regardless of the effect on their countries. economies. What is reasoned and logical about that? The reason lockdown is a major component of most countries. strategy is that it slows down the spread of the virus and gives time to develop treatments and possibly a vaccine and protects hospitals from being overwhelmed. His alternative seems to be to let the virus run its course. At what cost to the population? Would that really be politically acceptable?

Nowhere in the 733 post does he say anything about controlling the population nor does he offer an alternative approach. You have inserted that narrative based on his previous posts - which I already said I did not agree with.

The post recognises that government fear public opinion which could lead to them losing power and giving an impression of empathy that does not really exist and that pretty much sums up the present Tory government

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Wed 28 Oct 17:20

I indulged in poetic licence when comparing lockdown strictures to a rain dance. I accept the scientific and common sense view that restricting human interaction must help in suppressing transmission, although it does not seem we fully understand how the virus is transmitted at the moment. But once country A imposes lockdown it is very hard for country B not to, lest its citizens accuse it of being uncaring.

It is indeed a question of balance and those who shout for security and damn freedom are as short sighted as their polar opposites, self indulgent revellers at an illegal rave. No government will ever pass up the opportunity to strengthen its powers as former law lord, Lord Sumpton (I think his name is,) outlined in an article today.

We are six months into this virus and still struggling to distinguish between the healthy and the sick. Lockdowns- which effectively lock up the healthy on suspicion- were supposed to be a temporary infringement until this was done or a vaccine was developed. Now lockdown has become the answer.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Wed 28 Oct 18:15

Now where did I put my Gunners club membership card ?

An apparent loophole in government rules has caused confusion over whether social clubs are subject to tier three Covid restrictions on serving alcohol.

In areas placed in tier three, pubs and bars must close unless they are serving substantial meals.

But some social clubs are continuing to serve alcohol to members without a substantial meal after their local councils told them it was permitted.

What a fekin mess :(

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Wed 28 Oct 19:04

What a constructive reply moviescot
Sammer - countries will be debt free and African coutntries will get a share of the wealth again after years of being shafted by yours truly.
You just have to watch the bbc news at 6 full on scaremongering in hospitals interviewing an ill person . Then 5 minutes of black voters in America which in my opinion is just trying to cause divide ie blm
Jake 89 Sturgeon will be guilty of murder even the Tories are saying that . Putting Covid patients into care homes and they killed vast amounts
Buspasspar look up the word gaslighting this is exactly what they are trying to confuse the s**t out o people so they just comply . Covid s definitely out there so be safe.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 28 Oct 19:29

So Sturgeon should have locked us down more then? I'm confused. Let me understand what you're suggesting:

The virus is being used to destroy economies to write-off debt in return for mind control of humans.

A few questions:

What about all other coronaviruses? Were they simply failed attempts?

Who is writing off all the debt? Bill Gates is wealthy but World-debt is enormous and far exceeds his wealth.

Why would world leaders sign up to this given many have very low levels of debt. I take it only countries like the USA and China were asked?

Out of interest, what shape do you believe the Earth to be?
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Wed 28 Oct 20:05

On sturgeon all I’m saying is she allowed Covid patient to free up hospital into care homes which ravaged them . You were calling to protect the vulnerable.

Never looked into them as this is the 1st in my lifetime I’m only 3 😂

Debt gets written off by IMF
USA / China question don’t know
Never looked what shape the flat earth is

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Wed 28 Oct 20:21

Quote - Jake 89 Sturgeon will be guilty of murder even the Tories are saying that . Putting Covid patients into care homes and they killed vast amounts

What do you mean EVEN the Tories are saying that as if they would normally defend her???!!!

So you.ve come to a completely different conclusion from the independent expert report just published on the subject of the release of patients into care homes. Just another example of fake news I suppose.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Wed 28 Oct 21:19


dander par, Wed 28 Oct 19:04

What a constructive reply moviescot
Sammer - countries will be debt free and African coutntries will get a share of the wealth again after years of being shafted by yours truly.
You just have to watch the bbc news at 6 full on scaremongering in hospitals interviewing an ill person . Then 5 minutes of black voters in America which in my opinion is just trying to cause divide ie blm
Jake 89 Sturgeon will be guilty of murder even the Tories are saying that . Putting Covid patients into care homes and they killed vast amounts
Buspasspar look up the word gaslighting this is exactly what they are trying to confuse the s**t out o people so they just comply . Covid s definitely out there so be safe.

At least my comment made sense and was written in English. You really need to be seeing a doctor. Are you hearing voices in your head. Are they telling you things
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 28 Oct 22:08

Why would the IMF agree to write-off the debt? What's in it for them? It would destabilise the entire world economy to do this.

I'm not being funny, but if Bill Gates wanted to control our minds then he'd buy shares in Google and Facebook. Fairly easy to control people without the need for a creating a virus that kills millions so you can give people mind controlling vaccinations.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Wed 28 Oct 22:10


moviescot, Wed 28 Oct 21:19


dander par, Wed 28 Oct 19:04

What a constructive reply moviescot
Sammer - countries will be debt free and African coutntries will get a share of the wealth again after years of being shafted by yours truly.
You just have to watch the bbc news at 6 full on scaremongering in hospitals interviewing an ill person . Then 5 minutes of black voters in America which in my opinion is just trying to cause divide ie blm
Jake 89 Sturgeon will be guilty of murder even the Tories are saying that . Putting Covid patients into care homes and they killed vast amounts
Buspasspar look up the word gaslighting this is exactly what they are trying to confuse the s**t out o people so they just comply . Covid s definitely out there so be safe.

At least my comment made sense and was written in English. You really need to be seeing a doctor. Are you hearing voices in your head. Are they telling you things

Might want to take that comment back mate. Bit insensitive. Just because he doesnt toe the party line like you doesn't mean he's mentally unstable

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Wed 28 Oct 23:34

Agreed, the men in Black suits have clearly been keeping him informed on the situation with Bill Gates and El Grande Conspiracy.

Are these people gullible, Trumpian people?

No, it's the Scientific community who are wrong!
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Thu 29 Oct 07:05

Jake 89 . Your just no getting it the IMF are writing of debts it’s in the great reset (google it ) countries will never be able to get out of debt at this rate . So they agree to this.
The scientific community are definitely wrong as they’re the ones going to make a lot of money out of the Vaceeen. Bill gates is controlling our minds saying take the vaceeen n you will get back to normal if not no travel etc. Nanotechnology (google it)
Moviescot keyboard warrior with no contribution.ul probably come on n say I can’t even spel .
Youtube is showing a lot of the truth

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Thu 29 Oct 07:26

To be fair, if you spent a little less time on Google and YouTube and lot more time on Spellcheck, your posts might make a lot more sense.


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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: parsmad68  
Date:   Thu 29 Oct 08:00

Some of the nonsense on YouTube is incredible. Someone once pointed me to an “interview” with David Ike. Utter dross. I would rather watch Dumpton than watch that nonsense.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Thu 29 Oct 08:58

And you wonder why it's rampant down South!
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Thu 29 Oct 09:54

Thanks for sharing LA

It is a shocking read and the last line sums it up for me

"This is what you get from a government that values money above human life".

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: parathletic  
Date:   Thu 29 Oct 11:55

Topic Originator: dander par like | nolike
Date: Thu 29 Oct 07:05

Jake 89 . Your just no getting it the IMF are writing of debts it’s in the great reset (google it ) countries will never be able to get out of debt at this rate . So they agree to this.
The scientific community are definitely wrong as they’re the ones going to make a lot of money out of the Vaceeen. Bill gates is controlling our minds saying take the vaceeen n you will get back to normal if not no travel etc. Nanotechnology (google it)
Moviescot keyboard warrior with no contribution.ul probably come on n say I can’t even spel .
Youtube is showing a lot of the truth

The .Great Reset. was a book written in 2008 on the back of the global financial crisis. Surprisingly it never materialised, it has resurfaced and been adapted to support COVID conspiracy theorists.

.The scientific community are definitely wrong as they.re the ones going to make money out of it.. Wow that.s a big umbrella you have put that group under. Is every scientist on commission when a successful vaccine becomes available?Logic would suggest that many are going to throw resources at it that are never recovered-how many vaccines are we needing?

.Bill Gates is controlling our minds.-speak for yourself. Is every scientist and doctor who will be administering such a vaccine in on the nanotechnology and will be made to keep quiet? I.ve no doubt Gates is a clever man but to think he has the ability to outwit the worldwide scientific and medical profession is just bonkers imo.

If Bill Gates has a vaccine where is it? Why run the risk of letting one of the many other clever people out there come up with it and roll it out first?

You are unable to answer the fundamental questions above like why would countries with low levels of debt agree to this reset or why there were previous examples of other similar diseases like MERS and SARS?

The only thing your posts highlight is how dangerous it can be to get your news from youtube. Plenty of theory but not one piece of scientific evidence to back it up.


Got to love this newsreader.s honesty on Sky News in Australia.Certainly no impartiality shown here :)


Post Edited (Thu 29 Oct 12:04)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Thu 29 Oct 15:23

Bill gates clever you really need to look into this evil cant.
He is the main funder of WHO and our politicians. Will make a lot of money when the vaceeen comes out . Will you be taking it?. Suppose most on here would sit n listen to valance Whittey and Johnson with there scaremongering then watch bbc news n believe they’re bs.
Sky news Australia are brilliant on this Covid fiasco . So right to the point n no bs .Where I stay is going into tier 3 n not one mention of that. If folk are just going to accept it and comply with government. We re falkirked.
Cmon ozpar that spellcheck thing is for people who don’t contribute but have to get there Neb in.

Post Edited (Thu 29 Oct 15:34)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Thu 29 Oct 15:42

No he's not he's second:

Welcome back though Shakey 😉
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Thu 29 Oct 15:42

Ok so you are saying that Bill Gates motivation is to make money out of his nefarious and frankly impossible plan?

The man is already worth £115billion and is giving away 95% of that. Stepping back from nonsense on YouTube what human motivation do you think he has to need more money when he has more wealth than is possible to spend and which he is getting rid of it anyway?

Or is he a lizard like the royal family so motivations are different?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Thu 29 Oct 16:47


dander par, Thu 29 Oct 07:05

Jake 89 . Your just no getting it the IMF are writing of debts it’s in the great reset (google it ) countries will never be able to get out of debt at this rate . So they agree to this.
The scientific community are definitely wrong as they’re the ones going to make a lot of money out of the Vaceeen. Bill gates is controlling our minds saying take the vaceeen n you will get back to normal if not no travel etc. Nanotechnology (google it)
Moviescot keyboard warrior with no contribution.ul probably come on n say I can’t even spel .
Youtube is showing a lot of the truth

When your posts start to make sense and are written in English maybe I will engage with your paranoia. Until then. Bleh bleh bleh. Dry your eyes.....
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Thu 29 Oct 17:00

I do wonder if the conspiracy against Gates and his vaccine projects are grounded in racism. I.m not suggesting that Dander is engaging in the conspiracy for those reasons, more likely he has just been taken in by the propaganda and has went down the rabbit hole. No the reason I think the Gates vaccine conspiracy maybe originates from racist and possibly extreme right minds is that the people who stand to gain the most from his inoculation efforts are people with black and brown skin. It.s in those nations, expecially sub saharan Africa that the greatest gains can be made and whole societies can be lifted out of poverty with the greater life expectancy that vaccinations provide. I.d imagine that could be pretty galling to some.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 29 Oct 19:05

Would be quicker to put nanobots in an existing vaccine like the TB or HPV vaccine.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Thu 29 Oct 22:11


jake89, Thu 29 Oct 19:05

Would be quicker to put nanobots in an existing vaccine like the TB or HPV vaccine.

Or just put it in the measles vaccine. Long term project as all children will get it. Then put another lot in the flu vaccine. Sure that would cover most of the UK population.

No no, create a whole new disease, kill off thousands then come to the rescue with a vaccine. What a load of absolute tosh.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 29 Oct 22:30

Could just add it to the water supply. I've been worried about it for years, which is why I filter my water 🤣
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Thu 29 Oct 23:39

You fool Jake. You.ve been taken in by Big Water Filter Inc.s propaganda.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Thu 29 Oct 23:52

[Got to love this newsreader.s honesty on Sky News in Australia.Certainly no impartiality shown here :)]

Nobody with any sense in Australia watches Sky News. Its audience level is usually less than 80,000, often struggling to get 50,000.

Its presenters are a collection of bitter and twisted has-beens and five-star nut jobs who have been sacked by other media. Australians generally give the channel a very wide berth.

However, it has gathered undue attention on YouTube where saddos seeking reinforcement of their ugly prejudices find a comfortable home.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Fri 30 Oct 06:26

So the general consensus on here is
1 .you think the government are doing a good job and lockdowns are justified?
2. You would take the vaccine too get back to normal?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: parathletic  
Date:   Fri 30 Oct 12:15

No and yes to answer the first question.Even opposition to the government accept that at times lockdown has been necessary.Even the governments worldwide who initially opposed lockdown have accepted this eventually.

If a vaccine was properly tested I wouldn.t t be first in the queue but if my doctor advised me to then I would if the alternative is winning a Darwin award and dying.I.ve had measles, malaria jabs etc and managed to evade being infiltrated with this Nanotechnology nonsense up until now.

Post Edited (Fri 30 Oct 12:46)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Thaipar  
Date:   Fri 30 Oct 12:46


parathletic, Fri 30 Oct 12:15

No and yes to answer the first question.Even opposition to the government accept that at times lockdown has been necessary.Even the governments worldwide who initially opposed lockdown have accepted this eventually.

If a vaccine was properly tested I wouldn.t t be first in the queue but if my doctor advised me too then I would if the alternative is winning a Darwin award and dying.I.ve had measles, malaria jabs etc and managed to evade being infiltrated with this Nanotechnology nonsense up until now.

Are you sure? There might be somebody reading and listening to your every thought 😂😂

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Fri 30 Oct 12:49

I don't know how you've reached the conclusion for number 1 as I don't think I've seen anyone say that either the SG or WM have handled this well. That's borne out by the excess death figures both sides of the border.

The lockdowns are a blunt tool designed to try and keep people safe. If we'd been properly prepared and acted at the right time I don't think the prolonged lockdowns would have been needed although even the countries that have handled it relatively well have introduced curbs on normal activities at some point. When we needed leadership though BoJo was twaddling some guff about us tackling the virus by putting on a superman cape.

Implementing a proper track and trace system would have helped immensely but we've got issues with the testing accuracy and the actual tracing part so the overall program has been a shambles at huge cost to the tax payer. We could have looked to places like Taiwan, New Zealand, Singapore or South Korea and taken the things they'd done well and used them ourselves but we didn't so we're now left with very few alternatives other than lockdowns and the haphazard way they seem to get cobbled together.

On point 2 I'm not anti vac by any stretch but ill be adopting a wait and see approach to any vaccination. I'm always slightly cynical about anything that gets rolled out under time and political pressure and will generate significant revenues for those that are first to market. I don't think I'm going to get infected with nanobots but I do think a combination of corporate greed, streamlined regulatory approvals and political pressure are rarely a good combination when the laws are also looking at being amended to remove legal liability for anyone involved in the production and roll out of a vaccination program. I'll hang fire there and hope I'm being unduly suspicious and it works perfectly well and keeps people safe.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Thaipar  
Date:   Fri 30 Oct 13:22

If u look at my post regarding the Cheltenham Festival way back I said then u should put a bet on it bring cancelled. But UK government thought it better to let 200,000 people mix well aware that the UK was about 2 weeks behind what was going on in Italy at that time. The UK government should be getting slaughtered for corporate manslaughter as they had the prior knowledge to close down but refused.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Fri 30 Oct 14:33

Certain names involved in the Jockey Club and all heavily linked to the Tory party!

Try the head of test and trace!
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Fri 30 Oct 15:26


dander par, Fri 30 Oct 06:26

So the general consensus on here is
1 .you think the government are doing a good job and lockdowns are justified?
2. You would take the vaccine too get back to normal?

1) Not particularly. Full lockdown - yes. Partial stuff - no

2) no. Just no really. No other comment to make. Just as I won't take a flu vaccine.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Fri 30 Oct 18:21

We won’t be able to get the vaccine straight away anyway as it will be given to the most vulnerable first so will be well and truly beta tested in the real world with the weakest before the more health get it. I also wouldn’t be rushing to the front of the aw but if the elderly and infirm get it and don’t drop like 9pins I think I will see it as being pretty safe by the time I can get it.

If it is unsuccessful and starts killing or adversely affecting those that take it then there will be more to worry about than imaginary conspiracies

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Sat 31 Oct 11:44

What’s folks thoughts on humza yousaf s hate crime bill in east Germany a mean Scotland?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sat 31 Oct 12:08

What.s that got to do with Coronavirus? Why not start a thread on the Politics Forum if you want to discuss it? Too many threads get hi-jacked on here and end up all over the place.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Sat 31 Oct 12:11

Seeing reports that England is going into lockdown for a month on Monday. Will football be affected?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: allparone  
Date:   Sat 31 Oct 13:29


OzPar, Sat 31 Oct 12:11

Seeing reports that England is going into lockdown for a month on Monday. Will football be affected?

Not sure. Tam Cowan said earlier on OTB that the Bundesliga will be stopping during Germany’s lockdown but I can’t find anything on line about it.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Sat 31 Oct 20:24

Lockdown: Premier League and elite sport to continue in England -https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/54765522

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Sun 1 Nov 09:52


dander par, Fri 30 Oct 06:26

So the general consensus on here is
1 .you think the government are doing a good job and lockdowns are justified?
2. You would take the vaccine too get back to normal?

1) Not particularly. Full lockdown - yes. Partial stuff - no

2) no. Just no really. No other comment to make. Just as I won.t take a flu vaccine.

Why won.t you take the flu vaccine out of interest?

I take it every year because I think it.s the responsible thing to do. whilst I don.t enjoy having flu I will most likely live, unlike many of the people with whom I interact every day - so I have the vaccine for their sake.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sun 1 Nov 11:03


Wotsit, Sun 1 Nov 09:52


dander par, Fri 30 Oct 06:26

So the general consensus on here is
1 .you think the government are doing a good job and lockdowns are justified?
2. You would take the vaccine too get back to normal?

1) Not particularly. Full lockdown - yes. Partial stuff - no

2) no. Just no really. No other comment to make. Just as I won.t take a flu vaccine.

Why won.t you take the flu vaccine out of interest?

I take it every year because I think it.s the responsible thing to do. whilst I don.t enjoy having flu I will most likely live, unlike many of the people with whom I interact every day - so I have the vaccine for their sake.

I had blood cancer in 2013 from which I am currently in remission. I had a full stem cell replacement. After my first year I was obviously offered the flu vaccine. I spoke to my cancer consultant and asked if I should get it

He said the flu vaccine does not cover you for the flu which will emerge in the current year. It covers previously years flu strains but flu can mutate every year. He asked if I'd ever had flu and I told him I hadn't. He then told me it was highly likely I had been exposed to the previous versions of flu and never caught it. He said that it was likely I could only catch this year's mutation for which the vaccine does not provide protection.

He basically ended by saying that there was no point in me taking it although it was my decision.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sun 1 Nov 11:30

Full lockdown is unattainable. It would mean no shops, no transport, no deliveries, no schools etc. Every lockdown involves compromise which is why factional interests, whether geographical or economic, complain of unfair treatment leading to governments being accused of incompetence, poor communication etc. The best we can hope for is some sort of consistency in their approach.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sun 1 Nov 11:37

I believe, and I might be wrong, that it is not so much that they are vaccinating against last years flu strains but that they use data from the southern hemisphere, when flu season is at its peak during our summer, to establish which current strains are likely to be most prevalent during the northern hemisphere winter.
Below are the strains of flu virus currently being inoculated against in Europe for this coming winter.
Guangdong-Maonan/SWL1536/2019 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus. Hong Kong/2671/2019 (H3N2)-like virus.
Washington/02/2019 (B/Victoria lineage)-like virus.
Hawaii/70/2019 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus.
an Hong Kong/45/2019 (H3N2)-like virus.
a Washington/02/2019 (B/Victoria lineage)-like virus.
Next year it will likely be a different range of strains that are in the vaccine.

Post Edited (Sun 01 Nov 11:38)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 6 Nov 15:51

Health experts said plans to screen the population of Liverpool for coronavirus were not fit for purpose.
A group of academics said plans to test asymptomatic people in Liverpool went against SAGE advice to prioritise testing for those who were displaying symptoms, PA Media reports.
In a letter sent to the city’s MPs they said “Searching for symptomless yet infectious people is like searching for needles that appear transiently in haystacks.
“The potential for harmful diversion of resources and public money is vast.
“Also of concern are the potential vested interests of commercial companies supplying new and as yet inadequately evaluated tests.”

Couldn.t time and resources have been saved if this advice had been sought before testing started?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Fri 6 Nov 17:10

Sounds like they are back tracking. Sh*ting bricks

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: DulochConvert  
Date:   Sat 7 Nov 20:51

Looking like Fife will be moving up to T3, that’s our numbers over 100 per 100,000 or 0.1% with a virus that has over 99.9% survivor rate!

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sat 7 Nov 22:15

Maybe my maths isn`t up to scratch but if it had a 99.9% survival rate how come we have almost 3000 deaths in Scotland? Assuming everyone in Scotland had the virus (and that`s nowhere near the case) then a 0.1% fatality rate would mean 5,500 deaths if we take Scotland`s population as 5.5m.
Or is my maths out (and it may well be)?

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sat 7 Nov 23:19

I think DulochConvert is getting confused by how much bacteria is killed by new Flash Ultra. 😉

The tiers aren't related directly to the overall figures. They look at proximity of cases too. It's why Edinburgh has been tier 3 for a while despite having similar figures to Fife.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Sun 8 Nov 09:56

Seems the Vic is at full capacity, opening a second ward up, restrictions regarding visits!

Shame that there isn't a second hospital they could use!🤔
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sun 8 Nov 11:35


LochgellyAlbert, Sun 8 Nov 09:56

Seems the Vic is at full capacity, opening a second ward up, restrictions regarding visits!

Shame that there isn't a second hospital they could use!🤔

Don't be daft. Next you'll be telling me the second hospital would be in the biggest town in the region. Crazy talk!
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: parsmad68  
Date:   Mon 9 Nov 13:47

BBC reporting that pfeizer have a successful vaccine for over 90%. Oh how welcome this would be. Apparently the UK government have ordered 30m of the vaccine so the question is, who is first.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Mon 9 Nov 14:26

Pfeizer have a mixed record and I think the 90% success rate is being claimed by them alone, at present. I will quote LPF`s comments from last week:

``but I do think a combination of corporate greed, streamlined regulatory approvals and political pressure are rarely a good combination when the laws are also looking at being amended to remove legal liability for anyone involved in the production and roll out of a vaccination program.``

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Mon 9 Nov 14:46


parsmad68, Mon 9 Nov 13:47

BBC reporting that pfeizer have a successful vaccine for over 90%. Oh how welcome this would be. Apparently the UK government have ordered 30m of the vaccine so the question is, who is first.

If you read the details, it's been piloted in 6 different countries, on 43,500 people, but they've based their extrapolations on only 94 people, which is a very small sample. On top of that, there's no way of knowing how long the vaccine will confer immunity once it's been administered.

It's definitely good news, but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh  
Date:   Mon 9 Nov 15:48

Spot on, GG.

This is a good start, but it is only a start at the moment.
Only once they have more data from more subjects will they know how well the vaccine works.

The other important thing to take into account is that their study is showing efficacy against symptomatic COVID only at the moment. They will need more data to see if it is effective against severe cases (which could reduce deaths) or very mild or asymptomatic cases (which could reduce transmission).

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Mon 9 Nov 17:30

Only 12 weeks or so after Russia`s vaccine started to be administered.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Mon 9 Nov 18:13

It seems that these vaccines will require two doses with 21 to 28 days between each dose. It then takes another 14 days to be protected so it`s not going to be an instant fix.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: JTH123  
Date:   Mon 9 Nov 18:42

Wow, orders for 30m (& that's just us) based on a sample of 94. That's incredible.
The scramble to get to the front of the queue will be unedifying.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 9 Nov 19:18

It's because 1. If they didn't buy now then they'd be accused of being asleep at the wheel and 2. They need things back to normal asap. Even if it's not as effective as hoped, they'll push people back into offices and advise on caution like continuing to wash hands etc.

Problem is we all know how tinky some folk are. They'll be licking doorknobs in no time.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: parsfan  
Date:   Mon 9 Nov 19:36


The One Who Knocks, Mon 9 Nov 17:30

Only 12 weeks or so after Russia`s vaccine started to be administered.

How's that working out for them?

If we do get a vaccine, I hope we're not still posting record daily infection rates 12 weeks later.

The universe is ruled by chance and indifference

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Mon 9 Nov 19:47

A Tory donor selling them?🤔🤬🤬🤬
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Mon 9 Nov 20:18

Parsfan I think LPF answered your concerns last week.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Mon 9 Nov 20:20

In Moscow masks are still expected to be worn in supermarkets and the metro, and when you go to the bar to order a drink. I haven’t heard anybody talk about the vaccine in anything other than the future tense.

Sputnik and Pfizer make good headlines but the public may be more sceptical. A recent poll indicated at least 50% of Muscovites would not take the vaccine even if it was readily available and free.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Mon 9 Nov 20:23

If it is 90% effective then that is incredibly good. That`s a far higher number than the flu vaccine.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Mon 9 Nov 20:33

I wonder how long it would take to vaccinate 40 million? Using my back of a fag packet calculations if we could inoculate 1000 people every minute it would take 28 days to reach 40 million. That`s every minute of every day.
I also wonder how many doses can be manufactured and how fast the chickens can lay the eggs!

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: donj  
Date:   Mon 9 Nov 21:25

Boris will give the contract to do it to a private company so I`d reckon we might get one by 2023.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Mon 9 Nov 21:32

Medical, essential workers and the elderly will get the vaccine first. After that, you would imagine it would become more generally available.

That is bound to take a few months at least. Much will depend on the uptake.

I understand that anti-vaccers are to be transported to a remote base in Antarctica that is devoid of electricity and any means of communication.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Mon 9 Nov 23:28

I certainly wouldn't be rushing out to get a vaccine
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: charlie1  
Date:   Tue 10 Nov 14:47

Fife in level 3 from Friday. Was inevitable . Loads living in South Fife commute to Lothians. North Fife commute to Tayside!
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Playup_Pompey  
Date:   Tue 10 Nov 15:09

and moving to tier 3 doesnt change that happening in any way.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Tue 10 Nov 17:43

90% effective on what was it 43000 tested n only 158 had Covid . Cmon they’ve been putting figures out like this since March . Gaslighting the nation. A vaccine rushed through in 6 months by Pfizer. Who kill bill gates has big shares in. Surely vaccines of this nature whole populations take years to do n animal testing first n see what side effects there is . All for a virus with a 99.6% survival rate .

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Tue 10 Nov 18:32

Would that not make it 99.7% effective?
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: DA-go Par Adonis  
Date:   Tue 10 Nov 20:36

When dander par, with his extensive knowledge of the medical testing procedures, speaks out, that's when I sit up and listen.

Equal rights and justice in this time
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 10 Nov 20:54

I thought the rules on tier 3 were that those in tier 3 weren't to leave and those outside weren't to travel in?
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 10 Nov 21:00

You can move between different tiers for work or if you are caring for someone.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Tue 10 Nov 21:33

Bring on the jag. I'll have 2 doses please.

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 10 Nov 22:17

Cheers wee eck. I know my workplace has very strict guidelines so would hope others would be the same. Not sure the same can be said for public transport. Just like how someone will park beside you in an empty car park, it seems people are determined to sit beside you on an empty bus!
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Thu 12 Nov 03:38

Comments on here relating to the vaccine(s) point to what is clearly going to be a major issue - how many people will refuse to take a vaccine? In all likelihood, there is going to be as much controversy about this as there has been about masks.

So, is a vaccine going to be the magic bullet that we all hope?

Well, without universal vaccinations, COVID-19 is going to hang around for a very long time indeed.

The only way this virus will properly be brought under control is for each country to employ a combination of mass testing, mask protection, travel and gathering restrictions, and rigorously policed border control measures.

Once all these factors have been satisfied, then perhaps life can return to some form of normality.

But for those unprepared to get vaccinated, I guess they are going to have to accept that they will never get to leave their country of residency ever again.

Like it or not, "no vaccination certificate-no travel" is probably going to be the new norm.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Thu 12 Nov 09:05

I don`t quite get what you are meaning Oz. Yes there will continue to be all sorts of restrictions until a vaccine is rolled out but after that, assuming the vaccine is effective, then normalcy will return promptly. Now if I wasn`t to get vaccinated (I will though) but 90% of Australia was vaccinated then it really won`t matter if I`m walking around Bondi Beach as the vast majority of those around me will be immune. I think you`d only need a certificate to travel to a nation that hasn`t achieved a high vaccination threshold.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Thu 12 Nov 09:43

TOWK, my point was that if, say only 50 or 60 percent of the population chooses to get vaccinated, then the virus will still be highly active in the population. Normalcy will not return.

On international travel, let us assume that Australia (having already just about eliminated the virus) has a high uptake of the vaccine and the UK for one reason or another has a 50 percent uptake. In those circumstances, you can guarantee that Australia will only accept visitors who have a vaccination certificate.

The same restrictions would apply in New Zealand and most of the Asian countries, who largely have successfully tackled the virus.

But this is nothing new.

Between the ages of 17 and 24, I spent about 75 percent of my time outside of Scotland travelling around Africa, the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent. I was obliged to carry valid vaccination certificates for yellow fever and smallpox. Had I not, I would not have been allowed into most of the countries that I visited, including of course my own, the UK, when I returned!

I would be astonished if the same arrangement was not imposed by border authorities with Covid-19.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Fri 13 Nov 10:47

Let's play a game, complete the sentence, there won't be many if any takers😂
Go on, have a go...

"I trust my government and Pfizer because......."

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Fri 13 Nov 11:19

This just in - the Tories aren`t vaccinating the whole world. Happy to help

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Fri 13 Nov 13:24


da_no_1, Fri 13 Nov 11:19

This just in - the Tories aren`t vaccinating the whole world. Happy to help

This just in, not talking about the whole world, happy to help.
So you not going to finish the sentence? 😂
Speaks volumes.
Willing lab rat Da?

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 13 Nov 15:02

It`s not a case of just trusting the government and Pfeizer. Any vaccine has to be independently tested before it is authorised. I suppose all the testers will be in on the conspiracy as well though.

I`ve lost count of the number of vaccinations I`ve had. I`ve never had any serious side-effects and I`ve never contracted any of the diseases I`ve been vaccinated against.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Fri 13 Nov 15:07


wee eck, Fri 13 Nov 15:02

It`s not a case of just trusting the government and Pfeizer. Any vaccine has to be independently tested before it is authorised. I suppose all the testers will be in on the conspiracy as well though.

I`ve lost count of the number of vaccinations I`ve had. I`ve never had any serious side-effects and I`ve never contracted any of the diseases I`ve been vaccinated against.

Bless you really don't know how these things work do you?
Remember you all laughed at vaccination passports?
Difference is wee eck those vaccines would have been tested properly.
Do how a vaccine is tested "independently"?
Well, do you?
Not as "independent" as you clearly assume.
When companies sort there legal indemnity before their cure, you crack on, the world needs willing lab rats like you, so Pfizer, they love it.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Fri 13 Nov 15:11

And our wonderful queen god bless her greedy pig soul, not getting special treatment and will have to wait until she gets her vaccine.....really, the Queen, in the tight age group...but no priority?
Sounds to me ol' lizard liz doesn't want it.
She'll let the rats go first😂

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Fri 13 Nov 15:49


Rastapari, Fri 13 Nov 13:24


da_no_1, Fri 13 Nov 11:19

This just in - the Tories aren`t vaccinating the whole world. Happy to help

This just in, not talking about the whole world, happy to help.
So you not going to finish the sentence? 😂
Speaks volumes.
Willing lab rat Da?

Maybe edit your original post then lad. Make yourself clearer.

And FWIW yeah I'll take the vaccine. No problem at all with it. Stop being a big bloody jessie and take the needle 😁👍

Rasta when you get ill, do you visit a doctor?

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"

Post Edited (Fri 13 Nov 15:54)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 13 Nov 16:07

It`s always interesting watching Rasta answer his own questions which is much better than actually having a discussion. Why are some folk so susceptible to conspiracy theories? Why have they become much more pervasive with the availability of the internet?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Thaipar  
Date:   Fri 13 Nov 17:19


wee eck, Fri 13 Nov 16:07

It`s always interesting watching Rasta answer his own questions which is much better than actually having a discussion. Why are some folk so susceptible to conspiracy theories? Why have they become much more pervasive with the availability of the internet?

Like i said a few years ago. Stay clear of Rasta he can't be trusted. I think we should have a whip round so he can maybe see people whe needs to see.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Fri 13 Nov 17:23

I'd like to think I'm not susceptible to conspiracy theories but my family has a military background and although my family weren't directly affected there are a lot of servicemen affected by vaccinations administered pre Gulf War:

I don't doubt that was administered to service personnel with the absolute best of intentions but its always had an impact in my thinking towards vaccinations in general and I'd prefer to avoid putting anything in my body thats not absolutely necessary (excluding junk food and alcohol of course!).

In terms of certification, the Boeing Max aircraft were certified as safe to fly by the FAA. If you read into the deficiencies in the approval process and consider those deficiencies can be magnified where there are pressing time and cost requirements then you can see how corners might be cut. That's not to say its necessarily the case with any of the vaccines but it does temper my reliance on believing official certifications and the Boeing example is only one example, there are examples of things being officially certified and failing.

Edited as I forgot to do the long way to a clicky link.

Post Edited (Fri 13 Nov 17:24)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: EEP  
Date:   Fri 13 Nov 19:51

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Fri 13 Nov 20:56


Thaipar, Fri 13 Nov 17:19


wee eck, Fri 13 Nov 16:07

It`s always interesting watching Rasta answer his own questions which is much better than actually having a discussion. Why are some folk so susceptible to conspiracy theories? Why have they become much more pervasive with the availability of the internet?

Like i said a few years ago. Stay clear of Rasta he can't be trusted. I think we should have a whip round so he can maybe see people whe needs to see.

I'd love you to illustrate that😂
Can't be trusted, thaipar, do we need to bring up how you make your money again😂

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Fri 13 Nov 21:00


wee eck, Fri 13 Nov 16:07

It`s always interesting watching Rasta answer his own questions which is much better than actually having a discussion. Why are some folk so susceptible to conspiracy theories? Why have they become much more pervasive with the availability of the internet?

It was a conspiracy theory when I mentioned vaccination passports....and look where we are.
It was a conspiracy when I said the numbers were being fudged...and here we are with nearly every death...and all flu classed as covid...based on a test not designed to look for a live virus.
It was conspiracy when I said this wouldn't end this year or next....and we're seeing that now.
What is it that makes people believe utter crap from a Tory government and pharmacy corporations?
The internet? Stupidity? Fear?

You're all quick on the insults, not so much with salient argument.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.

Post Edited (Fri 13 Nov 21:01)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Fri 13 Nov 21:16

Rasta time for bed mate.

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Fri 13 Nov 21:24


da_no_1, Fri 13 Nov 21:16

Rasta time for bed mate.

That's the best you have?
Ok we'll try something else, how many billions have Pfizer paid out in damages and what were the illegal experiments with children about?
Go Da, give it a go😂
Or are you going down the glib route as usual?

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.

Post Edited (Fri 13 Nov 21:26)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Fri 13 Nov 21:38


Rastapari, Fri 13 Nov 21:24


da_no_1, Fri 13 Nov 21:16

Rasta time for bed mate.

That's the best you have?
Ok we'll try something else, how many billions have Pfizer paid out in damages and what were the illegal experiments with children about?
Go Da, give it a go😂
Or are you going down the glib route as usual?

I've no idea I'm away to watch Iron Man. No time to trawl the internet desperately searching for stuff to get angry about. Show me the NEEDLE 😁

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Fri 13 Nov 21:50


da_no_1, Fri 13 Nov 21:38


Rastapari, Fri 13 Nov 21:24


da_no_1, Fri 13 Nov 21:16

Rasta time for bed mate.

That's the best you have?
Ok we'll try something else, how many billions have Pfizer paid out in damages and what were the illegal experiments with children about?
Go Da, give it a go😂
Or are you going down the glib route as usual?

I've no idea I'm away to watch Iron Man. No time to trawl the internet desperately searching for stuff to get angry about. Show me the NEEDLE 😁

Well that's you outed.
No substance, like I said, you first😂

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Fri 13 Nov 22:29

Anyone else going to have a go at the Pfizer challenge?
Come on tell me why you trust them😂
Or why you trust the Tories😂😂

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Fri 13 Nov 22:31


Rastapari, Fri 13 Nov 22:29

Anyone else going to have a go at the Pfizer challenge?
Come on tell me why you trust them😂
Or why you trust the Tories😂😂

Other governments are available

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: EEP  
Date:   Fri 13 Nov 22:51

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Fri 13 Nov 22:54

I'm siding with Rasta on this one. Getting everyone so cheesed off that they beg for an untested vaccine was the plan all along. I'll wait a while I think
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Fri 13 Nov 23:36


red-star-par, Fri 13 Nov 22:54

I'm siding with Rasta on this one. Getting everyone so cheesed off that they beg for an untested vaccine was the plan all along. I'll wait a while I think

Plan? There's a plan?

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 01:19

Rasta is claiming, with some justification, that he warned of compulsory vaccination.

We were initially told that lockdown would be a severe, but temporary, measure back in the Spring. Two weeks from memory.
We were told that government was following the science.
We were told that the aim was to take the pressure of the NHS and flatten the curve of infection.

None of the above have been followed through. We are struggling to relate the rate of infection with the `extra` numbers of deaths and the scientists themselves, the ones selected for their wisdom, have been presenting misleading figures to the public. After nearly 9 months we do not yet have reliable figures as to how much more, if any, this Covid is than annual flu.

So I think Rastapari is correct to be sceptical of the silver bullet that has magically appeared, via Americo/German pharmacy- which has a mixed reputation historically- to kill a vampire that we are not yet sure exists in the form we thought it did.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 03:27


londonparsfan, Fri 13 Nov 17:23

I'd like to think I'm not susceptible to conspiracy theories but my family has a military background and although my family weren't directly affected there are a lot of servicemen affected by vaccinations administered pre Gulf War:

I don't doubt that was administered to service personnel with the absolute best of intentions but its always had an impact in my thinking towards vaccinations in general and I'd prefer to avoid putting anything in my body thats not absolutely necessary (excluding junk food and alcohol of course!).

In terms of certification, the Boeing Max aircraft were certified as safe to fly by the FAA. If you read into the deficiencies in the approval process and consider those deficiencies can be magnified where there are pressing time and cost requirements then you can see how corners might be cut. That's not to say its necessarily the case with any of the vaccines but it does temper my reliance on believing official certifications and the Boeing example is only one example, there are examples of things being officially certified and failing.

Edited as I forgot to do the long way to a clicky link.

I was offered the Anthrax vaccination before I went to Iraq.
I did some research and found that the issues were arising when we were taking Nerve Agent Pre-treatment (NAPS) tablets and getting the Anthrax vaccine.
The vaccine had proven to be very successful but when mixed with NAPS was linked to Gulf War Syndrome.
I weighed up the chances of an Anthrax attack and the risk involved with the vaccine and decided against it.
The Covid vaccine is entirely different though. It's not just about me it's about the whole community. I most likely would agree to this.
I will thoroughly research it though before deciding.
By research I mean I will find the papers that are published into the trials and make an informed decision.
Research does not involve watching conspiracy videos on youtube.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 06:31

In some countries it`s mandatory for military personnel to receive the covid vaccination.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 07:32

100% with rastapari on this . You guys just knock us down are you scared to research or just listen to MSM? Bill gates has maimed millions in Africa and India. FACT
And you trust this guy who has big shares in Pfizer and wants to depopulate the world.
A vaceeen that has been brought out in 6 months . It takes years to make vaceeens . Tested on who and what about side effects. It’ll take away your ability to think . Mon guys your no that deluded

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 08:13

I take it you have the same concerns then over the Russian vaccine that came out even quicker?

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 10:04

Where's the evidence of nasty Bill Gates doing bad things in Africa? Anyone able to share a link? No links to Facebook groups admined by anyone called Karen, Susan or Kevin.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 11:10

Rasta, there is a point when you have got to stop and take account of things. I have lost count of the number of completely unfounded claims you have made on here that have repeatedly been debunked.

This latest one can easily be checked and found to be nonsense...

I would urge you to consciously make an effort to get away from some of the websites that you are visiting as they are taking you down dark paths and distracting you from living a far less anxious life.

Be well mate.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 13:31

Check out what the British Medical Journal says about the politicising of "the science".

Edit, won't let me post the link...

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.

Post Edited (Sat 14 Nov 13:33)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 13:34

How long do vaccines usually take?
How long has this one taken, you're not really debunking anything.

And it's The British Medical Journal website I've been viewing, so no need for the condescension.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.

Post Edited (Sat 14 Nov 13:35)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 13:36


The One Who Knocks, Sat 14 Nov 08:13

I take it you have the same concerns then over the Russian vaccine that came out even quicker?

Of course, what's your point?

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 14:14

Ok sceptics let's try my little game again.

Finish the sentence.

I trust my government and Pfizer because....

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 14:31

What planet are you living on that makes you think that governments all over the world and health authorities nationwide would let companies produce vaccines that do more than good in this instance? You've been pretty clear in the past you've had issues in the past. Like others have said you really do need to take a break from the internet mate.

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"

Post Edited (Sat 14 Nov 14:31)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 16:10

Topic Originator: Rastapari like | nolike
Date: Sat 14 Nov 14:14

Ok sceptics let`s try my little game again.

Finish the sentence.

I trust my government and Pfizer because.... They are wasting billons of tax payers money,......Are dishing out ppe contracts to their pals,...Are bordering on genocide in care homes,...Are prepared to fast track the vaccine without proper testing,...Are charging 3 times the price to a similar vaccine that does not need to be stored at -70

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 17:20


Rastapari, Sat 14 Nov 14:14

Ok sceptics let's try my little game again.

Finish the sentence.

I trust my government and Pfizer because....

I trust my government and Pfizer because I will research and check it out myself.

Happy now.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 17:22


Buspasspar, Sat 14 Nov 16:10

Topic Originator: Rastapari like | nolike
Date: Sat 14 Nov 14:14

Ok sceptics let`s try my little game again.

Finish the sentence.

I trust my government and Pfizer because.... They are wasting billons of tax payers money,......Are dishing out ppe contracts to their pals,...Are bordering on genocide in care homes,...Are prepared to fast track the vaccine without proper testing,...Are charging 3 times the price to a similar vaccine that does not need to be stored at -70

AHH. Behind the curve. Apparently the vaccine does not need to be stored at -70 degrees. That was a precautionary measure as it was originally produced at that level. They now believe it can be stored in a standard freezer unit at around -10 to -5.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 17:30


dander par, Sat 14 Nov 07:32

100% with rastapari on this . You guys just knock us down are you scared to research or just listen to MSM? Bill gates has maimed millions in Africa and India. FACT
And you trust this guy who has big shares in Pfizer and wants to depopulate the world.
A vaceeen that has been brought out in 6 months . It takes years to make vaceeens . Tested on who and what about side effects. It’ll take away your ability to think . Mon guys your no that deluded

In several viral tweets last week, Candace Owens, an author and conservative provocateur, accused Gates and the World Health Organization of experimenting with vaccines on children in Africa and India.

The claims have also made their way into Facebook groups where anti-quarantine protests have been organized. 

The “academic review” linked to in Owens’s tweet is titled “Accountability of International NGOs: Human Rights Violations in Healthcare Provision in Developing Countries and the Effectiveness of Current Measures” and is authored by Sharmeen Ahmed, who was at the time the a student at the Golden Gate University School of Law. The article was published by The Annual Survey of International & Comparative Law, a journal published by Golden Gate students and faculty. 

The article’s introduction reads: “Critics have shared concerns on the Gates Foundation and potential policies on population control.” The basis for these “population control” concerns is a TED talk Bill Gates gave in 2010, which featured a comment that was taken out of context and has been debunked by fact-checking website Snopes. Gates explained that his approach to vaccines is based on data indicating a declining death rate leads to a declining birth rate. In countries where childhood mortality is high, Gates wrote in a Gates Foundation letter, “parents choose to have enough kids to give them a high chance that several will survive to support them as they grow old. As the number of kids who survive to adulthood goes up, parents can achieve this goal without having as many children. … When health improves, people have smaller families and the government has more resources per person, so improving nutrition and education becomes much easier.” Vaccines lower childhood mortality rates, and thus reduce population growth, but not in the malevolent way Gates’ 2010 comments were interpreted by his critics.

Ahmed’s article explores three Gates Foundation-sponsored vaccination programs, one in India and two in Africa. The programs were part of partnerships with the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) and the World Health Organization, among other organizations. Starting in 2009, the program in India delivered human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines to 23,500 girls. Contrary to Owens’s assertion, both vaccines used during the distribution in India had previously received FDA approval--Gardasil in 2006 and Cervarix on October 16 2009. Cervarix had been approved by other countries years before, with both Australia and the European Union approving the vaccine in 2007. The purpose of the HPV program in India was not, as Owens and others have implied, to experiment with untested drugs on impoverished children, but to “assist India’s public health system in identifying the most effective and affordable strategies to help prevent cervical cancer, a disease that kills an estimated 143,000 Indian women every year,” according to former PATH President Dr. Christopher Elias. The project was carried out in partnership with the Indian Council of Medical Research, an organization funded by the Indian government, and the state governments in the areas in which the vaccines were being delivered. 

Post Edited (Sat 14 Nov 17:34)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 19:06

Quote:- moviescot

AHH. Behind the curve. Apparently the vaccine does not need to be stored at -70 degrees. That was a precautionary measure as it was originally produced at that level. They now believe it can be stored in a standard freezer unit at around -10 to -5.

Christ moviescot if you had posted that 3 days ago we could have saved many thousands on the pre-ordered special freezers at £5000 a unit :(

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 20:45


da_no_1, Sat 14 Nov 14:31

What planet are you living on that makes you think that governments all over the world and health authorities nationwide would let companies produce vaccines that do more than good in this instance? You've been pretty clear in the past you've had issues in the past. Like others have said you really do need to take a break from the internet mate.

You haven't read what the British Medical Journal has said have you?
Straight to rage mode as per....
So questioning a rushed vaccine, from a company with multiple malpractice lawsuits to the tune of billions backed by shareholder Matt Hancock is grounds to cast up previous mental health issues?
Classy, but hey, you first citizen.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 20:46


moviescot, Sat 14 Nov 17:20


Rastapari, Sat 14 Nov 14:14

Ok sceptics let's try my little game again.

Finish the sentence.

I trust my government and Pfizer because....

I trust my government and Pfizer because I will research and check it out myself.

Happy now.

Try start with the BMJ's take on it or are they not reputable enough?

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 20:58


Rastapari, Sat 14 Nov 20:46


moviescot, Sat 14 Nov 17:20


Rastapari, Sat 14 Nov 14:14

Ok sceptics let's try my little game again.

Finish the sentence.

I trust my government and Pfizer because....

I trust my government and Pfizer because I will research and check it out myself.

Happy now.

Try start with the BMJ's take on it or are they not reputable enough?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 21:04


moviescot, Sat 14 Nov 20:58


Rastapari, Sat 14 Nov 20:46


moviescot, Sat 14 Nov 17:20


Rastapari, Sat 14 Nov 14:14

Ok sceptics let's try my little game again.

Finish the sentence.

I trust my government and Pfizer because....

I trust my government and Pfizer because I will research and check it out myself.

Happy now.

Try start with the BMJ's take on it or are they not reputable enough?


British Medical Journal.
Big article about the politicising of the science, you know, like when Matt Hancock et al buy up lots of shares in a company and push their product...
But hey, as you are willing, you go first, I hope your not a victim of the legal indemnity Pfizer were given on a plate.
Hey I've always said, you think I'm nuts you are at liberty (irony) to stick your arm out.
Vaccine passports and our children muzzled was nuts 6 months ago....and yet here we are.
Edit: you mock me but have no idea what the BMJ is🤔
You thought I was reading Qanon didn't you?
Tsk tsk...bit arrogant.
Further edit: 45k doctors now put their name to ending lockdowns....they all nuts too?

You seemingly have an answer or insult for everything, let's have it.

I await .nets expertise in taking on and publishing what they have to say with interest.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.

Post Edited (Sat 14 Nov 21:46)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 22:13


Rastapari, Sat 14 Nov 21:04


moviescot, Sat 14 Nov 20:58


Rastapari, Sat 14 Nov 20:46


moviescot, Sat 14 Nov 17:20


Rastapari, Sat 14 Nov 14:14

Ok sceptics let's try my little game again.

Finish the sentence.

I trust my government and Pfizer because....

I trust my government and Pfizer because I will research and check it out myself.

Happy now.

Try start with the BMJ's take on it or are they not reputable enough?


British Medical Journal.
Big article about the politicising of the science, you know, like when Matt Hancock et al buy up lots of shares in a company and push their product...
But hey, as you are willing, you go first, I hope your not a victim of the legal indemnity Pfizer were given on a plate.
Hey I've always said, you think I'm nuts you are at liberty (irony) to stick your arm out.
Vaccine passports and our children muzzled was nuts 6 months ago....and yet here we are.
Edit: you mock me but have no idea what the BMJ is🤔
You thought I was reading Qanon didn't you?
Tsk tsk...bit arrogant.
Further edit: 45k doctors now put their name to ending lockdowns....they all nuts too?

You seemingly have an answer or insult for everything, let's have it.

I await .nets expertise in taking on and publishing what they have to say with interest.

Very touchy. Why would I know what BMJ was Could easily have been Big Man Jogging. You gave no context. You just threw three random letters at me. And for extra context who in their right mind would ever read Qanon far less believe any of it.

Sorry but I'm going to ignore all your insults which were very good and well thought out and not respond in kind.

I will however, if I can spare the time look into what you have said. I'm in no hurry though so don't wait up. Even if I was thinking of taking the vaccine I will be well down the queue. So plenty of time to form a considered view.

Post Edited (Sat 14 Nov 22:15)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 22:15

Raatapari’s last post is a bit wild and wonderful, full of assertion rather than argument. But how many of us on this site ever expected to have a second lockdown in early winter after what we were being promised last March? We were being softened up, back then, for a short sharp shock. Now, with the promise of a magic potion, we are being softened up for a lockdown stretching into next March. With the government sanctioning a breather for a pagan festival appropriated by Christianity notwithstanding. How long is this going to go on?

The average casualty age for Covid is 82. We have to protect our elders but not at the expense of our children. The response to Covid which, despite attempts to silence the debate, is a severe form of ‘flu, has been out of proportion and at times hysterical.

I am, on balance, with Rastapari on this one, as with the erratic danderpar. The human rights conceded by citizenry in the last 9 months are breathtaking, particularly since the ‘enemy’ is so little understood.

So I will ask Rastpari’s question in a different form: Are you happy to secure your medical security (as an OAP) at the expense of your children and grandchildren’s political liberty?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: JTH123  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 23:08

All I can recall being promised last March was an absolute health catastrophe if lockdown hadn't happened.
I don't think anyone would say the governments of the land have done brilliantly e.g. not locking down earlier in March (ironically maintaining our liberty for longer than they should have) or by allowing students to go back in September.
The only certain thing throughout has been uncertainty.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sat 14 Nov 23:30

I think most of us favour the `c*ck-up` theory of government rather than the `conspiracy` theory. I don`t understand why so many governments would deliberately restrict their citizens` freedoms. Then there`s the theory that a billionaire wants to control the planet by injecting everyone with a vaccine. What`s he going to do with us?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 00:32


wee eck, Sat 14 Nov 23:30

I think most of us favour the `c*ck-up` theory of government rather than the `conspiracy` theory. I don`t understand why so many governments would deliberately restrict their citizens` freedoms. Then there`s the theory that a billionaire wants to control the planet by injecting everyone with a vaccine. What`s he going to do with us?

I dont know but in the forthcoming movie Nicolas Cage is played by Rasta

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 05:10

Sadly Sammer I did predict and expect a further lockdown. I told all my friends that the lockdown would work but as soon as it was eased we would be back in danger.

I never expected the government to ease restrictions so quickly. And then to encourage people to eat out to help out, now that was a disaster waiting to happen. One of the worst ideas ever. Giving everyone a false impression of how covid was going to operate.

The current vaccine is being seen as the answer to all our problems. I doubt that's the case. I'm not sure how long it will take to roll out. In the roll out period we are likely to see a further spike in cases which could easily still see us back into a third wave of lockdowns.

Everyone is working towards getting some sort of normality by Christmas. Can't see that happening or if it does it will again be a catalyst for the spike in cases.

Sadly the UK government really is completely useless and do not have a clue what to do.

Prepare for a long hard winter, Spring and summer everyone. It's gonna be a blast

Post Edited (Sun 15 Nov 05:13)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 06:53

Sammer . You are nearly there with the same thoughts as Rasta and myself. We will get called conspiracy theoriests to me us look stupid but in reality the truth is out there.Do some RESEARCH. This is 100% not about the China virus it’s good v evil. Can anyone tell me one person who can put an end to this?

Post Edited (Sun 15 Nov 09:00)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 08:14

Dander Par...please don't lump me in with "dark web" never visited never will....thank you.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.

Post Edited (Sun 15 Nov 08:15)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 08:26

Not allowed to post the link I see, tried numerous times,I think the content is locked, it does state "for medical proffessinals" but is a pretty easy read, the British Medical Journal is the go to resource for health professionals in the uk, of course you all "research" so you'll already know that (except da no 1,moviescot, Ozpar) and no it's not on the "dark" web.
The editorial you are looking for is easy found and called Covid 19: Politicisation, "Corruption" and the suppression of science.

Of course you won't read it, just hurl more mental health insults and go back to hanging of the Tories every word and bricking from what you hear from Dr Hillary.
Anyone going to read?
I doubt it.
What sad sad individuals would try and humiliate a man to mask their own fear of being shown up for falling for Fairie Tories.
You want sources, there's a source.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.

Post Edited (Sun 15 Nov 09:28)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 08:31


Rastapari, Sat 14 Nov 20:45


da_no_1, Sat 14 Nov 14:31

What planet are you living on that makes you think that governments all over the world and health authorities nationwide would let companies produce vaccines that do more than good in this instance? You've been pretty clear in the past you've had issues in the past. Like others have said you really do need to take a break from the internet mate.

You haven't read what the British Medical Journal has said have you?
Straight to rage mode as per....
So questioning a rushed vaccine, from a company with multiple malpractice lawsuits to the tune of billions backed by shareholder Matt Hancock is grounds to cast up previous mental health issues?
Classy, but hey, you first citizen.

I wasn't having a go FFS. I had a break from .net in March and I think you should do the same that's all

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 09:07


da_no_1, Sun 15 Nov 08:31


Rastapari, Sat 14 Nov 20:45


da_no_1, Sat 14 Nov 14:31

What planet are you living on that makes you think that governments all over the world and health authorities nationwide would let companies produce vaccines that do more than good in this instance? You've been pretty clear in the past you've had issues in the past. Like others have said you really do need to take a break from the internet mate.

You haven't read what the British Medical Journal has said have you?
Straight to rage mode as per....
So questioning a rushed vaccine, from a company with multiple malpractice lawsuits to the tune of billions backed by shareholder Matt Hancock is grounds to cast up previous mental health issues?
Classy, but hey, you first citizen.

I wasn't having a go FFS. I had a break from .net in March and I think you should do the same that's all

I've hardly been on, and I'm calling backtrack, you used my past mental health honesty to discredit a post, pathetic and low, at least own it.
I'm not even agitated at you, I feel kinda sad for you.
Be well, stay well.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 09:15

This it?


Post Edited (Sun 15 Nov 09:20)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 09:23

Yaaas only got involved to see if I can make links work which is a whack of a pfaff.

Rasta in case your interested link should be preceded by ;

Post Edited (Sun 15 Nov 09:27)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 09:28

Then after the link you have

These groupings replace the old

I had to do it over two posts as it kept creating links 😂
What a pfaff

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 09:29


Rastapari, Sun 15 Nov 08:26

Not allowed to post the link I see, tried numerous times,I think the content is locked, it does state "for medicalnproffessinals" but is a pretty easy
sy read, the British Medical Journal is the go to resource for health professionals in the uk, of course you all "research" so you'll already know that (except da no 1,moviescot, Ozpar) and no it's not on the "dark" web.
The editorial you are looking for is easy found and called Covid 19: Politicisation, "Corruption" and the suppression of science.

Of course you won't read it, just hurl more mental health insults and go back to hanging of the Tories every word and bricking from what you hear from Dr Hillary.
Anyone going to read?
I doubt it.
What sad sad individuals would try and humiliate a man to mask their own fear of being shown up for falling for Fairie Tories.
You want sources, there's a source.

Once you told me what BMJ meant I read the like. Quite interesting.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 09:35


P, Sun 15 Nov 09:28

Then after the link you have

These groupings replace the old

I had to do it over two posts as it kept creating links 😂
What a pfaff

That is it, thank you, I did not realise the "url" bit, thank you, there won't be any takers though.
I do look forward to the usual .net intelligencia rubbishing the source and picking apart the contributors.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 09:38


moviescot, Sun 15 Nov 09:29


Rastapari, Sun 15 Nov 08:26

Not allowed to post the link I see, tried numerous times,I think the content is locked, it does state "for medicalnproffessinals" but is a pretty easy
sy read, the British Medical Journal is the go to resource for health professionals in the uk, of course you all "research" so you'll already know that (except da no 1,moviescot, Ozpar) and no it's not on the "dark" web.
The editorial you are looking for is easy found and called Covid 19: Politicisation, "Corruption" and the suppression of science.

Of course you won't read it, just hurl more mental health insults and go back to hanging of the Tories every word and bricking from what you hear from Dr Hillary.
Anyone going to read?
I doubt it.
What sad sad individuals would try and humiliate a man to mask their own fear of being shown up for falling for Fairie Tories.
You want sources, there's a source.

Once you told me what BMJ meant I read the like. Quite interesting.

Very honest of you, I appreciate it.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 09:47


Rastapari, Sun 15 Nov 09:07


da_no_1, Sun 15 Nov 08:31


Rastapari, Sat 14 Nov 20:45


da_no_1, Sat 14 Nov 14:31

What planet are you living on that makes you think that governments all over the world and health authorities nationwide would let companies produce vaccines that do more than good in this instance? You've been pretty clear in the past you've had issues in the past. Like others have said you really do need to take a break from the internet mate.

You haven't read what the British Medical Journal has said have you?
Straight to rage mode as per....
So questioning a rushed vaccine, from a company with multiple malpractice lawsuits to the tune of billions backed by shareholder Matt Hancock is grounds to cast up previous mental health issues?
Classy, but hey, you first citizen.

I wasn't having a go FFS. I had a break from .net in March and I think you should do the same that's all

I've hardly been on, and I'm calling backtrack, you used my past mental health honesty to discredit a post, pathetic and low, at least own it.
I'm not even agitated at you, I feel kinda sad for you.
Be well, stay well.

Dont you dare waste any energy feeling sorry for me man

Anyway I know what my post meant. You disagree. I'm not going to argue with you so I'm away to read your link. Won't be answering your posts aimed at me so don't bother.

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"

Post Edited (Sun 15 Nov 10:04)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 10:27

Da.....you should not have made the assumption mental health had anything to do with what I post....it hasn't, that is on you.
With that I'll respond to what I want when I want, you do what pleases you but keep people's mental health out of it.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 10:58


wee eck, Sat 14 Nov 23:30

I think most of us favour the `c*ck-up` theory of government rather than the `conspiracy` theory. I don`t understand why so many governments would deliberately restrict their citizens` freedoms. Then there`s the theory that a billionaire wants to control the planet by injecting everyone with a vaccine. What`s he going to do with us?

How many times have you cocked up and earned millions?
Try thinking.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 11:09

If the BMJ says that a vaccine is safe then I assume we will all be taking one now that we`ve established that the BMJ is a source we can all trust.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 11:31

Rasta, you might get a bit more sympathy on this forum if you stopped insulting anyone who disagrees with you - something you`re quick to accuse your own critics of. It would also help if you didn`t accuse these same people of being `Tory lovers`. Your reference to `lizard liz` is a bit of a giveaway as well, suggesting you`re a bit more aware of and susceptible to conspiracy theories than you claim to be.

I`ve read the BMJ article and understand its general scepticism about politicians` attitude to science. I noted that it wasn`t particularly specific in its criticism though.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 11:31


The One Who Knocks, Sun 15 Nov 11:09

If the BMJ says that a vaccine is safe then I assume we will all be taking one now that we`ve established that the BMJ is a source we can all trust.

Did you read or skim?
I think skim.
So TOWK about that Medical corruption, no?
You too scared to debate that bit?
Down you sit, you're another one that chucks out casual mental health references to deflect you sad little man, but you're a good little obedient citizen....so, be a lab rat, get there first, be the hero.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.

Post Edited (Sun 15 Nov 11:40)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 11:56

Come on then Rasta, quote me where I have thrown out casual mental health references. Not that having mental health issues is something to be ashamed about nor should it be used as a shield to deflect criticism. I mean you just called me a `sad little man`. Imagine for a minute I am suffering from mental health issues and for no reason whatsoever you`ve hurled that sort of insult at me. What do you think that would do to my mental health because I had the temerity to suggest I have a different opinion than one that you hold.
Still in not going to get angry and insult you, you just keep me being you, but maybe just take a second and pause before hitting the post button next time huh?

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 14:24

It's virtually impossible to have a debate on here when he's hanging around. If he disagrees with your opinion, you're hit with his favourite little phrase, try thinking, which I think is the single most annoying thing someone can say on a forum, obviously he knows this. You're then accused of being, amongst other things, an obedient little lab rat or worse still, a tory lover. He could honestly pick a fight in an empty room, slinging insults around left right and centre to all. Obviously the elephant in the room always makes an appearance like Groundhog Day. It's all very very boring

Anyway, if he doesn't want his jag can I get his. Bring it on

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"

Post Edited (Sun 15 Nov 14:25)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: EEP  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 15:34

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 17:18


EEP, Sun 15 Nov 15:34

I’ll take the jag if it means that life can get back to a more normal.
Mind you I was in the small Asda yesterday and the amount of elderly not wearing the mask right was getting a bit annoying covering their mouths and not their noses.

My wife works in a pharmacy. They are situated near a sheltered housing area. She gets so annoyed with the number of older 75+ people that come in unmasked. Also the ones that come in with masks on then remove them to speak to her or her colleagues.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 18:24


EEP, Sun 15 Nov 15:34

I’ll take the jag if it means that life can get back to a more normal.
Mind you I was in the small Asda yesterday and the amount of elderly not wearing the mask right was getting a bit annoying covering their mouths and not their noses.

I was in B&M yesterday and every member of staff on the tills had a mask covering their mouth but not nose so it's not just older people.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 18:27


moviescot, Sun 15 Nov 17:18


EEP, Sun 15 Nov 15:34

I’ll take the jag if it means that life can get back to a more normal.
Mind you I was in the small Asda yesterday and the amount of elderly not wearing the mask right was getting a bit annoying covering their mouths and not their noses.

My wife works in a pharmacy. They are situated near a sheltered housing area. She gets so annoyed with the number of older 75+ people that come in unmasked. Also the ones that come in with masks on then remove them to speak to her or her colleagues.

Your wife's annoyance is understandable, moviescot, but it's highly likely that a proportion of these senior citizens will not be all that with it, due to some form of dementia.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: EEP  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 18:59

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 20:04


GG Riva, Sun 15 Nov 18:27


moviescot, Sun 15 Nov 17:18


EEP, Sun 15 Nov 15:34

I’ll take the jag if it means that life can get back to a more normal.
Mind you I was in the small Asda yesterday and the amount of elderly not wearing the mask right was getting a bit annoying covering their mouths and not their noses.

My wife works in a pharmacy. They are situated near a sheltered housing area. She gets so annoyed with the number of older 75+ people that come in unmasked. Also the ones that come in with masks on then remove them to speak to her or her colleagues.

Your wife's annoyance is understandable, moviescot, but it's highly likely that a proportion of these senior citizens will not be all that with it, due to some form of dementia.

Actually they are not dementia patients. These are completely normal people who once it is pointed out apologise profusely. What's really annoying is they are all regular patients/customers.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 21:53

I've taken it tight from most of you at some point, you know it, you owe me nothing and I owe you a lot less.
I post what I post, you post what you post.
I seek no approval, on the contrary.

Most of you believed Masterton....history shows that....rinse and repeat.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: EEP  
Date:   Sun 15 Nov 22:06

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Mon 16 Nov 07:13

My mother-in-law, Sheila, died on Saturday night in a care home in Glasgow. She had been diagnosed with Covid-19 and passed away without her family around her.

Yes, Sheila was elderly, but she had her wits about her, and was generally quite fit and alert for her age. She was a qualified psychiatrist and had enjoyed a long and successful career.

I am letting you know this because it is so easy to make glib and dismissive comments about who is getting hit most by this virus, as if they are no longer relevant.

Each and every person who dies from Covid-19 is a life that`s taken before its time. Many have an extended family who are impacted by the loss. This is not just about statistics.

With or without a vaccine, we have to defeat this virus and the only way to do it is to stick rigidly to the lockdown rules. Here in Victoria we have defeated the second wave through a strict lockdown and, with the right attitude, Scotland can do it too.

For the record, Victoria is the size of Britain and has pretty much the same population as Scotland, give or take a million.

You can do it without a vaccine!

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Mon 16 Nov 07:39

Sorry to read about your loss OzPar. Condolences to you and your family.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Mon 16 Nov 10:46

Sad news Oz, every victim has a family!😥❤
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Parfect68  
Date:   Mon 16 Nov 11:15

Sorry for your loss OzPar xx
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Mon 16 Nov 11:45

On Saturday, for the first time since this pandemic started, I heard of the death of someone I knew from Coronavirus. He was an acquaintance rather than a friend but there`s no doubt it did bring home to me the realisation that every death isn`t just a statistic but someone`s relative or friend. Not so long ago I saw on TV an interview with a family in Wales who had lost their mother and her two sons to the virus within days of each other. Devastating, especially for the surviving husband/father who could hardly talk about it. For some reason they`d suffered abuse on social media too. Unbelievable.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Mon 16 Nov 17:26

Thoughts and sympathy OzPar

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 16 Nov 17:46

Sorry for your loss, OzPar.

I'm sure there will be plenty of lessons learned about how this outbreak has been handled, but that's of little consolation to those who have lost family and friends.

It's good to see there seem to be three potential vaccines now. Each to their own on debating whether there's conspiracies behind all this. It does seem suspect that a solution has been found so quickly, but it's also easy to use conspiracy theories to explain things.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Tue 17 Nov 16:58

Another Scary article on the Governments irresponsible waste of taxpayers money
Not sure if the link will work


We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Tue 17 Nov 17:05


Buspasspar, Tue 17 Nov 16:58

Another Scary article on the Governments irresponsible waste of taxpayers money
Not sure if the link will work


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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Wed 18 Nov 09:01

I mention travel bans and checkpoints, not far away eh.
Still more will die from neglected cancer and suicide today, still their deaths will be ignored.

"If we do this just for a short while"

How many time does this get rinsed and repeated before you realise it's just an incremental doing you're taking?

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.

Post Edited (Wed 18 Nov 09:04)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Wed 18 Nov 09:37

What would your solution have been, Rasta?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Wed 18 Nov 12:27

Who actually cares if you need a vaccination certificate to travel? This is not a new concept in the tiniest bit as these have existed before or was that ok as it was before we became so important that the government is only interested in controlling us?

On the flip side (when it comes) who wants to travel on a plane with someone not vaccinated or to have those who are not vaccinated entering the country. Remember the furore about the airports being open.

I’m not so self involved that I believe anyone gives two hoots how I live my life.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 18 Nov 13:27

You already need evidence of vaccination before travelling to large parts of the world.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Wed 18 Nov 15:14

Thats actually a really good point.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Wed 18 Nov 16:54


jake89, Wed 18 Nov 13:27

You already need evidence of vaccination before travelling to large parts of the world.

Correct, plus often the first thing you would do before travelling to many parts of the world is check what vaccinations you should have.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Wed 18 Nov 20:21

Not really relevant if you're happy spending the rest of your life in your front room mashing your keyboard in a permanent state of rage

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 08:12


da_no_1, Wed 18 Nov 20:21

Not really relevant if you're happy spending the rest of your life in your front room mashing your keyboard in a permanent state of rage

But they're right. Think about all these people who did a gap year in Thailand. They're already having their minds controlled by a billionaire. The fools!
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 08:41

I can meet my at risk parents in a cafe with strangers but fined 2 hundred quid fife meeting them in the safety of their own home....sciency as ****.
Standing, dangerous, sitting, not dangerous.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.

Post Edited (Thu 19 Nov 08:48)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 08:42


wee eck, Wed 18 Nov 09:37

What would your solution have been, Rasta?

With a 99.8 survival rate, live with it.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 09:42

That`s the overall survival rate, for large swathes of the community it is a far more lethal proposition.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 09:46

Brave words. If countries throughout the world had followed your advice I wonder what the death toll and the aftermath would have been .

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 09:50


wee eck, Thu 19 Nov 09:46

Brave words. If countries throughout the world had followed your advice I wonder what the death toll and the aftermath would have been .

How did Sweden do?
What life for our children if we invoke medical tyranny for so few?
Why is there no meaningful discussion on how to protect the vulnerable instead of banning all but work for everyone.
I want the freedom to see my family, in their home...that's wrong now?
This is about selling vaccines and making snouts richer.
So answer my question, I can meet my vulnerable parents in a crowded cafe but not in their home, why?

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 10:13

If you don`t agree with any restrictions then you`re going to make these comparisons. Every day you hear about factional interests complaining about restrictions being `unfair`. The point is there have to be certain `trade-offs` to allow society to function in essential areas like transport, schools, health services, etc.

I don`t think people would have accepted a policy of letting the virus run its course. I don`t think Sweden`s policy has been an unqualified success. People are going to make money out of vaccines of course but the idea that the whole pandemic was created so a few could prosper is fanciful.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 10:13

How did Sweden do? Absolutely terribly in comparison to the nations around it.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 10:22

Its also not done.

They're continuing to fare much worse than their neighbours and are increasing their restrictions.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 10:25

So, you're avoiding the bit about having to take my vulnerable parents out to a crowded cafe but cannot visit their home.
Just one of you explain that logic, give it a try.
Or, try the bit about why you trust Hancock et al with your health.
I'll wait.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.

Post Edited (Thu 19 Nov 10:26)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 10:43

I'm not arguing the point that some of the restrictions appear contradictory. I made the same point in part 3 of the discussion.

I also think it makes it far harder for people to buy into when they see apparently contradictory information.

My understanding is the "logic" behind the restrictions is based on analysis of the data they have to hand. The data apparently show transmission of the virus is more likely to occur in your parents home rather than in a cafe.

It seems counter intuitive and whether or not you agree with the analysis is another thing but that's the rationale for the difference in where you can meet.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 10:45

Because if you meet up with your parents in a cafe you will have to wear a mask until you are seated. You will be spaced out around the table at a suitable distance. There will be a degree if social pressure to act in a manner which won`t spread any potential virus you might have.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: parsmad68  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 11:33

Hello Rastapari, I wanted to pick up a general comment you made earlier regarding the NHS and cancer not being treated. My brother has cancer and is weeks away from death. He has been treated with the utmost dignity, promptly and with great professionalism. I would suggest that what you maybe referring to is not the patients currently in care or diagnosed, but rather those who have not been seen, assessed or otherwise.
This is the great unknown for all. The NHS insist this is not happening and patients will be seen. I have no reason to doubt this based upon what I have witnessed.
As you are very vocal on the COVID situation, I would suggest speaking with your local MP to get salient facts for the questions raised here. I am sure he or she would be very willing to provide the facts you require.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 11:40

I think the whole world has lost a lot of perspective during this pandemic. I just hope we haven`t screwed things up too much for the younger generations.

I don`t agree with Rasta about many things, but the 99.8% survival rate (for those who are infected with SARS-CoV-2) is probably about right.

Just to put that into perspective, the annual death rate in the UK is just over 1% at the moment, so technically the survival rate for `being alive` is actually below 99%.

It is also true that the survival rate of SARS-CoV-2 infection older age groups is lower, but annual death rates are also very high in these populations regardless of whether or not they are infected so this also needs to be put into perspective.

I think that measures to protect the health services from being overwhelmed this year were necessary, but I would put more of the blame on decades of under-investment than this virus.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 15:22

The 99% is overall. The rate is far lower for older people and people with health conditions. This is why those people are to be vaccinated first. This is no different to the approach to flu vaccinations.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 15:39

"It is also true that the survival rate of SARS-CoV-2 infection older age groups is lower, but annual death rates are also very high in these populations regardless of whether or not they are infected so this also needs to be put into perspective."

You can put that into perspective by looking at the excess mortality rates which are through the roof for the year.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 16:40

Excess deaths remain low in England, with 112 observed in the most recent week reported – one percent higher than expected. Across the regions, excess deaths do not show a consistent picture.

In terms of death by an underlying cause, ischaemic heart disease and stroke continue to show excess deaths, and diabetes mellitus has seen excess deaths in all 29 weeks of the PHE reporting window. In contrast, Dementia and Alzheimers have seen deaths lower than expected for 19 consecutive weeks with 139 (12%) fewer deaths than expected this week. There are also notably fewer deaths for chronic lower respiratory conditions, other respiratory conditions and acute respiratory infections.

Deaths in own homes have seen an excess of 23,619 since week 14, a similar number to the 23,005 excess deaths in care homes. Both far exceed the excess noted in hospital. While the majority of COVID-19 deaths have occurred in hospitals (n=32,275), the excess is only 8,486 or 7% higher than what would be expected.

The deaths of people in their own homes are predominantly due to other causes: 2,421 (roughly 10%) are COVID-19 deaths. In care homes, COVID-19 deaths make up 65% of the excess (n= 14,999).

While the number of COVID-19 deaths may be high, particularly in the hospital setting, the analysis of excess deaths is a crucial consideration for assessing the impact of covid. The data suggest that mortality has shifted from hospital to home, especially for deaths not associated with COVID-19. This “displacement” may be due to the reluctance of individuals to receive treatment in hospital or of clinicians to admit non-covid patients.

The PHE methods use an estimate of the number of deaths we would expect on each day in 2020. This contrasts with the Office for National Statistics method, which uses a simple five-year average.

Conclusion: a significant amount of displacement has occurred that is reflected in the lower than expected deaths in older age groups and Alzheimer and dementia deaths through the summer. In-hospital deaths with a positive covid test are the highest for any setting; however, they contribute much less to the overall excess in deaths. Deaths in the home remain persistently high, and yet they receive little attention.

excess deaths by date of registration, England.

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 16:52

Agree with using excess deaths as and indicator but the unknown is the excess deaths rate if no action was taken.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 18:44

I'm not sure why meeting in your home is less safe.

All I can currently say is that cafes are cleaned regularly and with the correct equipment. I see this every day.

Now Rasta I'm not saying your parents house is not clean. However, it won't be as clean as the cafe table your sitting at. Your parents also presumably go out and about which bring extra risk into their home.

I'm not sure if this is the reason but it may play a part. Cafes are probably generally safer.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: EEP  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 19:04

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 19:59

Rasta . Go outside n bang your head against a wall . They just won’t answer your questions. They just keep changing the subject. One day they Ll see the light and realise they ve just been royally sh*fted by their own government. They ll probably think joe Biden is next US president as well.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 19:59


jake89, Thu 19 Nov 16:52

Agree with using excess deaths as and indicator but the unknown is the excess deaths rate if no action was taken.

You can compare that with the 5 year average to give you a guide as to how many people roughly would have died. You obviously still need to be tracking causes of death to make sure there aren't any other spikes causing you problems.

The FT do a good job of tracking where the peaks have been vs the average.

Its also interesting that the lockdown measures have reduced road traffic deaths, flu deaths, suicides and STDs along with a few other categories.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 20:00


dander par, Thu 19 Nov 19:59

Rasta . Go outside n bang your head against a wall . They just won’t answer your questions. They just keep changing the subject. One day they Ll see the light and realise they ve just been royally sh*fted by their own government. They ll probably think joe Biden is next US president as well.

Erm both TOWK and I have answered the question...
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 20:29

LPF, I meant comparing excess deaths with lockdown Vs excess deaths without lockdown.

People are saying it's only a few extra thousand but that's thousands WITH a lockdown. What would it be without? Could be millions or it could be half a dozen more.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 20:43

Ah sorry mate completely got the wrong end of the stick there.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 20:49


EEP, Thu 19 Nov 19:04

From what I take from it going round to a family members house you are more likely to not obey the 2mtre rule, hug a family member and forget the rules.
I still say it’s the brats at high schools that’s spreading the virus.
You see them all at lunch times in big groups outside chippys and cafes etc not giving a toss then come home to their family.
I was at a property in tier 4 today and the owner of the house has not been anywhere apart from walking her dog in a field since March. Everything has been ordered online.... felt sorry for her as she is scared to go out anywhere.

And yet my daughter's school had been open from after the summer holidays. They have had one case of covid. It was a teacher who came back from Spain. No pupils have shown any symptoms. Not sure it is the pupils spreading it.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 21:11

It`s so easy to sit on the sidelines and complain about particular decisions. For example, during the summer when there was a rumour that schools would not be opening for the new academic year and that the norm would be `blended learning` there was an uproar insisting that children should not be deprived of face-to-face teaching as it would affect their development and life-chances etc. I`m sure the opposition parties were claiming credit for forcing Swinney to change his mind, even although he hadn`t actually committed himself. Now there seems to be a growing movement advocating blended learning whilst the government is prioritising keeping schools open!

I`m not having a go at anyone on here btw, just making a general point about the fickleness of opinion whilst the government has to show some kind of consistency in its approach.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 21:13

It’s the media that’s the virus . Spreading fear amongst the nation got people scared to leave there house . Wee hitler won’t allow folk to go to ikea from Edinburgh from 24 th . If this isn’t tyranny someone tell me what is . It’s a virus with a 99.7% survival rate . A vaceeen that has been made up in 8 months with 40 million doses available. If this is not part of the NWO Agenda.then what is it ?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 21:32

I find it quite difficult to decode your posts, dander par, but are you saying that Nicola Sturgeon is part of the New World Order that wants to rule the world? If so, that puts a completely different slant on things for me. I thought she was just trying to limit the damage from this virus, which seems to be quite unique in many respects, until a vaccine could be developed to protect us from it.

There seem to be so many governments that are party to this conspiracy. Which one is actually going to rule?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 21:38


I don’t think there can be an answer to your question of how many deaths the lockdowns have saved. We’ll still be arguing about that in years to come.

However, to put in some kind of perspective, who here remembers the carnage of 1977 and 1978? In those years the mortality rate for the UK was 11.9 persons per 1,000 citizens which remains the highest post war. As of late September 2020 the mortality rate in the UK is 9.4 persons per 1,000 citizens, on course for 684, 878 deaths in 2020 if present trends continue. To reach the 1978 figure there would have to be 800,000 deaths this year.

I’m sure the lockdown supporters will claim that figure would have been reached, indeed superseded, had action not been taken. I remain sceptical and having survived whatever was going on in 1978 feel that overreaction, tinged with hysteria, has created a fear beyond what is reasonable. The Swedish example suggests lockdown makes far less difference than we are generally led to believe. According to SAGE the Swedish population should have been decimated by now, so they take comfort claiming it is doing poorly by comparison with its neighbours. So far that may be true, but their figures are still inexplicably better than our experts forecast and, needless to add, better than the UKs. When we eventually assess the overall damage done by lockdown we will have to factor in more than crude body counts.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 21:53

Wee Eck
100% only guy who can get the free world out of this is Donald trump.
United Nations = one world communist government

Post Edited (Thu 19 Nov 21:59)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 21:55


wee eck, Thu 19 Nov 21:11

It`s so easy to sit on the sidelines and complain about particular decisions. For example, during the summer when there was a rumour that schools would not be opening for the new academic year and that the norm would be `blended learning` there was an uproar insisting that children should not be deprived of face-to-face teaching as it would affect their development and life-chances etc. I`m sure the opposition parties were claiming credit for forcing Swinney to change his mind, even although he hadn`t actually committed himself. Now there seems to be a growing movement advocating blended learning whilst the government is prioritising keeping schools open!

I`m not having a go at anyone on here btw, just making a general point about the fickleness of opinion whilst the government has to show some kind of consistency in its approach.

It amazes me these people who advocate blended learning in schools. My daughter and I went from March to July doing online learning. She put in a full school day every single day. And work from every teacher each day.

What she didn't get was any feedback from 8/10 of these teachers. Work submitted on time or early but nothing. I wrote to several of these teachers and got no response. I finally wrote to the head teacher who finally apologised. Teachers were too busy to mark.

Online learning did not work and when she went back to school she did it all again. Of the 30 pupils in her various classes only 5 did any work from March to July. They were written to by teachers but nothing else came off it.

I know blended learning will encompass school with home but unless the pupils are motivated it will not happen. Children need to be in school not part time but full time.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 22:00

Not getting to go to IKEA is tyranny? Brilliant - definitely a parody account 👏🏼👏🏼😂

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 22:27


dander par, Thu 19 Nov 21:53

Wee Eck
100% only guy who can get the free world out of this is Donald trump.
United Nations = one world communist government

What does that mean?
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Thu 19 Nov 23:46

I think that's a wind up.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 06:48

Movie Scot
Read wee ecks post to me I’ll make it easy for you
1. Is Nicola sturgeon part of NWO ? 100% along with 179 other nations (apart from America-Donald trump)
2.is she trying to limit the damage ? No she is going along with the NWO agenda of ruining the economy. Getting people compliant with government rules - communism . Alias the GREAT RESET.
3.until a vaccine that can protect us from it ? No this vaccine designed by bill gates . Will cause sterilisation, depopulation (look at Africa and India)
4 . One world government? United Nations led by ccp.
This is really the biggest wake up call in our lifetime.

Wee eck - my posts are coded just like trumps . So people can do research and find the truth . Not conspiracy.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 07:21

Trump has just lost an election by nearly 5 million votes. His statements on Covid ranged from it being a hoax to his having overseen the defeat of the virus. Such contradictions were a feature of his presidency, a millionaire who claimed to speak for the underdog. I hold out little hope of Bomber Biden being much of an improvement but at least his statements will be more coherent.

If there is a Communist conspiracy to take control of world government it is being kept secret from the Communist Party in Russia and any other country for that matter. No respectable Communist would ever contemplate employing Nicola Sturgeon in any role, including that of useful idiot (a phrase coined by Lenin himself.)

The United Nations has repeatedly failed to answer to its own remit over the years in matters such as Palestine and American wars of aggression. Given its weakness in enforcing its own resolutions, it is quite a leap of imagination to imagine the UN suddenly acquiring world hegemony.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 07:26

Dander par, shakey, whatever you choose to be called this week, you have been poisoned by murderous grifters in the right wing media, Qanon and the dark web. You have become blind to the reality of what is going on around you. You live in a dark fantasy world of someone else’s making. In short, you are a gullible idiot.

I have yet to read a comment from you on the Pars or even football in general. Could you be an imposter?

Take your filth elsewhere and leave us alone.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 07:45

Sammer - trump HAS not lost this . The MSM have Biden as winner . Watch this space
Oz par . That’s a shocking post telling me basically to get to Falkirk . If a wasn’t such a good guy I’d go away crying to admin. I’m not an imposter supported the pars for over 30 years . You must be loving it down under with the Andrews government. Poor post oz

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 08:34

Okay you are a pars fan, dander. Sorry. I just wish you would focus on that rather than the crap you are posting on off topic. I am sick to death of everything around Trump. Like the majority of people (note: majority) I want him and his incompetent crew out ASAP. To see you perpetuate the Trump mythology is annoying, to put it mildly.

And for the record, I have no issue with Premier Andrews. I didn’t vote for him but I think he has handled the virus well.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 08:53


OzPar, Fri 20 Nov 08:34

Okay you are a pars fan, dander. Sorry. I just wish you would focus on that rather than the crap you are posting on off topic. I am sick to death of everything around Trump. Like the majority of people (note: majority) I want him and his incompetent crew out ASAP. To see you perpetuate the Trump mythology is annoying, to put it mildly.

And for the record, I have no issue with Premier Andrews. I didn’t vote for him but I think he has handled the virus well.

Ok. We ll agree to disagree
Why do you hate trump so much ? He has done more for America in four years than any other president brought down unemployment. Stopped a few wars by talking to so called enemies. I personally think most people hate him because of how the MSM portray him . Watch this space . You ll be in for a shock with MSM soon.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 09:05

He was an @rsehole way before he got involved in politics and that's nothing to do with how the media presents him. You can watch him being an @rsehole in his own words as he's that fond of his own voice there are plenty of interviews out there. If you don't fancy an interview you can always check his Twitter feed for further confirmation, the guy is indeed, an @rsehole.

Looking forward to him leaving the Whitehouse so he can face all his pending legal cases.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 09:42


londonparsfan, Fri 20 Nov 09:05

He was an @rsehole way before he got involved in politics and that's nothing to do with how the media presents him. You can watch him being an @rsehole in his own words as he's that fond of his own voice there are plenty of interviews out there. If you don't fancy an interview you can always check his Twitter feed for further confirmation, the guy is indeed, an @rsehole.

Looking forward to him leaving the Whitehouse so he can face all his pending legal cases.

He ll be in for four more years . Watch this space
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 10:24

Four weeks more like 🤣

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 10:48


widtink, Fri 20 Nov 10:24

Four weeks more like 🤣

Am that confident he ll be in av got £400 on with four different mates 👍.
Anyone on Parler will see the truth being spread not twatter

Post Edited (Fri 20 Nov 10:50)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 10:52

Four more years in prison maybe. Any credibility you had, dander par, was shredded when you mentioned Trump.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 11:03

You'd have been better having a punt with the US bookies on Melania divorcing him after the election. I think it was either 2 or 3 to 1.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 12:22


dander par, Fri 20 Nov 06:48

Movie Scot
Read wee ecks post to me I’ll make it easy for you
1. Is Nicola sturgeon part of NWO ? 100% along with 179 other nations (apart from America-Donald trump)
2.is she trying to limit the damage ? No she is going along with the NWO agenda of ruining the economy. Getting people compliant with government rules - communism . Alias the GREAT RESET.
3.until a vaccine that can protect us from it ? No this vaccine designed by bill gates . Will cause sterilisation, depopulation (look at Africa and India)
4 . One world government? United Nations led by ccp.
This is really the biggest wake up call in our lifetime.

Wee eck - my posts are coded just like trumps . So people can do research and find the truth . Not conspiracy.

Omg. That post makes less sense than the one I queried. You need to go and have a lie down in a darkened room for a while.

Bill gates is some guy. 18 potential vaccines l to come on stream and Bill has nano chipped them all. What a load of dark web crap.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 12:50

Whilst this communism take over is in progress we're seeing some of the most overt examples of disaster capitalism we've seen for years.

Fire in the big share price increases for the pharma companies creating the vaccines and the rank cronyism in dishing out PPE contracts and Communism is playing a belter at disguising itself as the worst of Capitalism (vaccines not produced for free at the States request for the comrades?).

I almost don't feel so bad about being duped now.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 13:18

Folk are still responding to this guy? Been screaming troll account going by the absolutely delerious pihs that he's been spouting since he emerged...
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 13:24

Shakey used to post quite a bit before. Its not a wind up just someone with a significantly different view point from most of us on here.

Most of which I don't agree with tbf.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 13:33


dander par, Fri 20 Nov 08:53


OzPar, Fri 20 Nov 08:34

Why do you hate trump so much ? He has done more for America in four years than any other president brought down unemployment.

I actually thought this was a fantastic achievement by Trump until I did a bit of research on it.
Unemployment figures in the US are those who are "actively seeking work"
The truth is that under Trump large swathes of the population have given up. They see no opportunity for themselves.
That means these people no longer count as unemployed.
A better measurement of Trumps success or failure would be the number of people who are in full time work. If it had gone up he could rightly be considered to have done well in that area.
As of last month there were 124.17 million.
There were 123.76 million 4 years ago.
To be completely fair to him numbers had been steadily increasing and were at 130.6 million until Covid struck. However these numbers had been increasing steadily since 2009 and there was no rise in the rate of increase. Since 2016 the US population has increased by 10 million and the numbers in full employment has increased by a fraction of that.
So while he has not done badly until this year it is not the astounding success he claims it is.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 15:58

Trump has definitely had a lot to deal with from the lefty’s. A virus that came from wuhan n designed to ruin western world economy (agenda) . And also to get voters going against trump as there was nothing he could do about the virus . I don’t come on here to cause arguments . Just because my opinion is different from most .it doesn’t mean I’m wrong I just think that it’s not right that a virus with 99.7 % survival rate and look at what is happening economy collapsed. Full lockdowns from livi to Greenock. So been looking into this for months. Most of you on here will probably be saying it’s definitely not right but can’t put your finger on it . One day it ll be clear as day to us all . Only here to help

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 16:22

So China created this virus to destroy the economy of the west and all the western leaders bar Trump colluded with them. What was in it for them?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 16:24


wee eck, Fri 20 Nov 16:22

So China created this virus to destroy the economy of the west and all the western leaders bar Trump colluded with them. What was in it for them?

No 1 superpower
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 17:24

And Trump allowed this to happen on his watch. Thank goodness then he`s only got weeks left on the job. What a disastrous tenure to oversee this hammer blow to his country`s standing.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 18:06


The One Who Knocks, Fri 20 Nov 17:24

And Trump allowed this to happen on his watch. Thank goodness then he`s only got weeks left on the job. What a disastrous tenure to oversee this hammer blow to his country`s standing.

Yes he had to show how corrupt the world really is . Don’t worry it’s about to get interesting. MSM will try their best to block all this out
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 21:10

``Yes he had to show how corrupt the world really is``

By losing an election? On that basis Kinnock and Corbyn would be visionaries.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 23:16


sammer, Fri 20 Nov 21:10

``Yes he had to show how corrupt the world really is``

By losing an election? On that basis Kinnock and Corbyn would be visionaries.

He’s NOT lost .
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 23:27

BBC News - Can Trump overturn the election result? ¬https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-us-2020-55020428
Seems to suggest that Trump has a slight chance of overturning the result..... But it is only a slight chance .... And diminishing rapidly

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 23:41

Ti`s over Widders, the man`s is bowing out as loser and a bad one at that. In many ways it`s quite reassuring to see democracy in action in America. Judges that Trump appointed are upholding the law and making judgements against him. Could you imagine that happening in some nations where a would-be authoritarian leader is faced with losing power? Checks and balances working as they were designed to.

Post Edited (Fri 20 Nov 23:43)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Aylesbury_Par  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 23:45

How ***** are Chinas virologists if the best virus they can come up with to destroy the western world has a 99.7 % survival rate!

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Fri 20 Nov 23:55

Good point 🤔

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Sat 21 Nov 06:40


Aylesbury_Par, Fri 20 Nov 23:45

How ***** are Chinas virologists if the best virus they can come up with to destroy the western world has a 99.7 % survival rate!

Your just not getting it . The virus has been man made in Wuhan. Look at Wuhan now party central.Then spread to Italy/ Spain . Then it appears hear in Uk and America. Then the government’s propaganda machine kicks in and spreads fear . Nearly every death certificate has died with Covid on it . It’s all part of the great reset by klaus scwab. Bring Western world to its knees n start again with governments who agreed at world economic forum in davos . Except for trump who isn’t going along with it . And they need to get rid of him for it to work.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Sat 21 Nov 10:49

"Nearly every death certificate has died with Covid on it"

Sorry mate but thats demonstrably not true:

The number of deaths registered in England and Wales in the week ending 6 November 2020 (Week 45) was 11,812; this was 925 more deaths than in Week 44.

In Week 45, the number of deaths registered was 14.3% above the five-year average (1,481 deaths higher).

Of the deaths registered in Week 45, 1,937 mentioned "novel coronavirus (COVID-19)", accounting for 16.4% of all deaths in England and Wales; this is an increase of 558 deaths compared with Week 44 (when there were 1,379 deaths involving COVID-19, accounting for 12.7% of all deaths).

You can access the complete list and reasons for death on the spreadsheet.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Sat 21 Nov 11:08

Klaus Schwab is an 82 year old uber capitalist with links to not just West Germany (as was) but Switzerland and the USA where he has also worked. If he is an undercover Communist he must be the most successful the world has ever known. I have no doubt Schwab is a millionaire many times over and it would be odd for a man in that position to want to reset any economic system which was serving him and his WEF so well.

The Trump form of ‘argument’ is to make an allegation without any evidence, but not so specific so it might be termed libel. For example Trump has alleged Democratic states of cheating when counting votes but he is careful never to mention any particular voting booth or person. This is the classic tactic of smearing opponents. I would be interested Danderpar in how you have been able to make the claim that Covid was man made in Wuhan. Would you be confident of arguing that case in a Chinese court or even international court of law? Likewise with your knowledge of a meeting in Davos without presumably having seen the minutes taken.

Schwab and his Bilderburg group- and that is indeed a very secretive group- are partly the reason we have had to endure the politics of recent years. They were instrumental in setting an agenda of global capital which collapsed in 2008, and the response to that was to indemnify the bankers for gross dereliction of duty. There should have been a type of Nuremburg trial for bankers to cleanse the system of its failings much as Germany was de-nazified, but this never done. The result has been a collapse in trust of governments, particularly in the west, and TV celebrities and journalists like Trump and Johnson have been able to present themselves as being some kind of non political answer.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sat 21 Nov 11:26

Think the virus has spread to Dander's spell checker...
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sat 21 Nov 11:41

It`s quite scary what Trump is trying now. As I understand it he`s trying to persuade representatives from certain `swing` states to ignore the counts of votes which gave a majority to Biden and give the electoral college votes to him! It`s not certain that this is illegal apparently but it`s unlikely to succeed. To even try it speaks volumes about the man.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sat 21 Nov 14:46


jake89, Sat 21 Nov 11:26

Think the virus has spread to Dander's spell checker...

I find it very hard to read his posts. They have little or no grammar, very poor spelling and the use of incorrect words. It actually just makes me ignore the posts.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Sat 21 Nov 15:41


moviescot, Sat 21 Nov 14:46


jake89, Sat 21 Nov 11:26

Think the virus has spread to Dander's spell checker...

I find it very hard to read his posts. They have little or no grammar, very poor spelling and the use of incorrect words. It actually just makes me ignore the posts.

Lol . Tell me how u want it put for your 3 year old
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Sat 21 Nov 15:47

Not looking like it was written by a 3 year old would be a start 🤦🏻‍♂️

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sat 21 Nov 19:58


P, Sat 21 Nov 15:47

Not looking like it was written by a 3 year old would be a start 🤦🏻‍♂️

Yeah. That would help a lot. My 13 year old would be embarrassed by the syntax, grammar and spelling of your posts. I can send her down to give you some lesson if you like Dander. She loves correcting people.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Sat 21 Nov 20:33


moviescot, Sat 21 Nov 19:58


P, Sat 21 Nov 15:47

Not looking like it was written by a 3 year old would be a start 🤦🏻‍♂️

Yeah. That would help a lot. My 13 year old would be embarrassed by the syntax, grammar and spelling of your posts. I can send her down to give you some lesson if you like Dander. She loves correcting people.

. Typical . Net grammer polis or folk who r no aloud to talk in hoose . Folk who do this just don’t like to look for facts as it’s a conspiracy so the government says .

Post Edited (Sat 21 Nov 20:46)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Sat 21 Nov 21:20

Need to delete this thread admin

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Sat 21 Nov 21:38


dander par, Sat 21 Nov 20:33


moviescot, Sat 21 Nov 19:58


P, Sat 21 Nov 15:47

Not looking like it was written by a 3 year old would be a start 🤦🏻‍♂️

Yeah. That would help a lot. My 13 year old would be embarrassed by the syntax, grammar and spelling of your posts. I can send her down to give you some lesson if you like Dander. She loves correcting people.

. Typical . Net grammer polis or folk who r no aloud to talk in hoose . Folk who do this just don’t like to look for facts as it’s a conspiracy so the government says .

Facts like Covid death certificate reporting?
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Sat 21 Nov 21:47


Buspasspar, Sat 21 Nov 21:20

Need to delete this thread admin

Don't really see the need.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion however it comes across to others.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Sat 21 Nov 22:02

Well said widtink . If we all had the same opinion we’d get nowhere in life
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Sat 21 Nov 22:24

Na . Covid is going nowhere with the compliance of the people. Comply n we will dictate is the government’s motto
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: EEP  
Date:   Sat 21 Nov 23:30

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Riquende  
Date:   Sun 22 Nov 00:31

As someone who has spent the last months:

Unable to see his dying father (died in July, didn`t get to see him until he was barely still conscious)

Stuck 400 miles away from his partner* (basically have had to go 2 month periods apart)

In an area of local goverment employment under constant assault by the Tories (education)

It`s been a rough 2020! But at least I`m not some conspiracy theory loon espousing dangerous nonsense. Wear masks, people. Don`t crowd in. And stop touching everything.

* Stuck in Luton of all places. England`s bottom -zit.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sun 22 Nov 01:16

[Post Deleted] - Reported as abusive
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Sun 22 Nov 12:43

The coronavirus pandemic 'great reset' theory and a false vaccine claim debunked . On bbc news page under ‘why did the great reset go viral this week’
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Sun 22 Nov 13:59


dander par, Sun 22 Nov 12:43

The coronavirus pandemic 'great reset' theory and a false vaccine claim debunked . On bbc news page under ‘why did the great reset go viral this week’

I'm thinking you have not read the BBC news page you refer to and falsely believe the headline backs your tin foil hat wearing Conspiracy bull💩.

It does quite the opposite.
Here is the article in question. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/55017002
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Sun 22 Nov 17:36


sadindiefreak, Sun 22 Nov 13:59


dander par, Sun 22 Nov 12:43

The coronavirus pandemic 'great reset' theory and a false vaccine claim debunked . On bbc news page under ‘why did the great reset go viral this week’

I'm thinking you have not read the BBC news page you refer to and falsely believe the headline backs your tin foil hat wearing Conspiracy bull💩.

It does quite the opposite.
Here is the article in question. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/55017002

That’s actually going to happen.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Sun 22 Nov 17:49


dander par, Sun 22 Nov 17:36


sadindiefreak, Sun 22 Nov 13:59


dander par, Sun 22 Nov 12:43

The coronavirus pandemic 'great reset' theory and a false vaccine claim debunked . On bbc news page under ‘why did the great reset go viral this week’

I'm thinking you have not read the BBC news page you refer to and falsely believe the headline backs your tin foil hat wearing Conspiracy bull💩.

It does quite the opposite.
Here is the article in question. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/55017002

That’s actually going to happen.

The article you quote debunks it. 🤡
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sun 22 Nov 17:54

Dander wrote;
" The coronavirus pandemic `great reset` theory and a false vaccine claim debunked. "

Fair play to you Dander on admitting that it`s been debunked. If you keep that mindset you`ll also discover that the other theories that you subscribe to can also be debunked. You just need to be ready to see it.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sun 22 Nov 18:53


moviescot, Sun 22 Nov 01:16

[Post Deleted] - Reported as abusive

Interesting yet the post I commented on was worse.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Sun 22 Nov 19:19


moviescot, Sun 22 Nov 18:53


moviescot, Sun 22 Nov 01:16

[Post Deleted] - Reported as abusive

Interesting yet the post I commented on was worse.

Toys oot the pram . It was tongue in cheek a guy that was going to send his 13 year old daughter to mines to learn me how to spell.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sun 22 Nov 20:14

Dander, why wouldn't the likes of Bill Gates just put his nanobots in an existing anti-biotic and sell it slightly cheaper to get it distributed? That's what I'd do.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Sun 22 Nov 22:58


jake89, Sun 22 Nov 20:14

Dander, why wouldn't the likes of Bill Gates just put his nanobots in an existing anti-biotic and sell it slightly cheaper to get it distributed? That's what I'd do.

Cause it's not true.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Mon 23 Nov 07:00


sadindiefreak, Sun 22 Nov 22:58


jake89, Sun 22 Nov 20:14

Dander, why wouldn't the likes of Bill Gates just put his nanobots in an existing anti-biotic and sell it slightly cheaper to get it distributed? That's what I'd do.

Cause it's not true.

Who says is not true MSM. There will be nanocrystals in the vaccine to track everyone
Have you done any research on bill gates . Africa/India. Talking about depopulation. He’s trying to play the saviour with this vaccine when it will maim and sterilise millions in his depopulation quest . The man is a ****. Bash on with it if you feel you ll get your life back
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Mon 23 Nov 09:27


dander par, Mon 23 Nov 07:00


sadindiefreak, Sun 22 Nov 22:58


jake89, Sun 22 Nov 20:14

Dander, why wouldn't the likes of Bill Gates just put his nanobots in an existing anti-biotic and sell it slightly cheaper to get it distributed? That's what I'd do.

Cause it's not true.

Who says is not true MSM. There will be nanocrystals in the vaccine to track everyone
Have you done any research on bill gates . Africa/India. Talking about depopulation. He’s trying to play the saviour with this vaccine when it will maim and sterilise millions in his depopulation quest . The man is a ****. Bash on with it if you feel you ll get your life back

Unlike you I have actually done research into Bill Gates and his involvement in vaccination in Africa.
His "depopulation quest" is based on the fact that currently people in Africa have 7 or 8 kids in the hope 1 or 2 make it to adulthood.
With vaccination the odds of survival increases resulting in people having fewer children.
The same thing used to happen in the UK.
There is nothing sinister going on here other than in your twisted mind.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Mon 23 Nov 10:49

I have always found it odd that racists so often complain about the population in Africa. They paint a picture of a continent overflowing with people when in truth it is nothing of the sort.

The population density of Africa`s most populous country - Nigeria - is considerably less than Britain and is actually less than half that of Holland.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Mon 23 Nov 11:14


OzPar, Mon 23 Nov 10:49

I have always found it odd that racists so often complain about the population in Africa. They paint a picture of a continent overflowing with people when in truth it is nothing of the sort.

The population density of Africa`s most populous country - Nigeria - is considerably less than Britain and is actually less than half that of Holland.

I sincerely hope you are not calling me racist.

I became vegetarian in 1995 because people in Africa were dying because we eat meat.
So very racist of me.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Mon 23 Nov 11:54

SIF, I was actually backing up your comment, which I fully agreed with.

I was directing the racist remark at those who perpetuate the myth that Africa is filled to the gills with black malcontents seeking a new life elsewhere. You don`t have to look too far on the internet to find those folk lurking about. You might even find them in your local pub.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Mon 23 Nov 12:55

It is hoped that Australians will start getting free vaccines for the potentially deadly coronavirus from March next year, according to the Federal Government.

Under the plan, healthcare workers and vulnerable people, older people and others with autoimmune issues would get the jab first, and the rest of the community potentially by the end of 2021.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Thaipar  
Date:   Mon 23 Nov 13:23


OzPar, Mon 23 Nov 12:55

It is hoped that Australians will start getting free vaccines for the potentially deadly coronavirus from March next year, according to the Federal Government.

Under the plan, healthcare workers and vulnerable people, older people and others with autoimmune issues would get the jab first, and the rest of the community potentially by the end of 2021.

That puts you as 1 of the front runners 😂😂😂

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Mon 23 Nov 17:38

There`s an interesting article on the BBC News website explaining how the Oxford vaccine was developed in 10 months compared with the norm of 10 years.

Post Edited (Mon 23 Nov 18:37)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Tue 24 Nov 06:09


dander par, Fri 20 Nov 10:48


widtink, Fri 20 Nov 10:24

Four weeks more like 🤣

Am that confident he ll be in av got £400 on with four different mates 👍.
Anyone on Parler will see the truth being spread not twatter

Trump eventually accepts his fate, both he and you lose all credibility ,remember and pay your mates....
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Tue 24 Nov 06:45


Tenruh, Tue 24 Nov 06:09


dander par, Fri 20 Nov 10:48


widtink, Fri 20 Nov 10:24

Four weeks more like 🤣

Am that confident he ll be in av got £400 on with four different mates 👍.
Anyone on Parler will see the truth being spread not twatter

Trump eventually accepts his fate, both he and you lose all credibility ,remember and pay your mates....

Am a man of my word . No way will Biden get away with this voter fraud
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Tue 24 Nov 12:53

Well Trumps commenced his transition.

Btw if you’re keen on research you should have a look at the ‘evidence’ presented by Trumps team (so not influenced by any nefarious outside group) for so called voter fraud as you will see there is nothing, nothing of value at all.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Tue 24 Nov 13:21

Well, it has been confirmed that the airlines have agreed that the only way any of us are going to get to travel abroad in the future is if we receive the vaccine injection. It is going to be a case of no vaccine, no travel.

Alan Joyce, the chief executive of Qantas, said today that once a Covid-19 vaccine is a readily available, proof international travellers have received the jab will be a non-negotiable condition of flight.

“We are looking at changing our terms and conditions to say for international travellers, that we will ask people to have a vaccination before they can get on the aircraft,” he said.

“I think that’s going to be a common thing, talking to my colleagues in other airlines around the globe. What we’re looking at is how you can have the [proof of] vaccination in an electronic version of a passport that certifies what the vaccine is, if it’s acceptable in the country you’re travelling to.

Mr Joyce said there’s a lot of logistics, a lot of technology that needs to be put in place to make this happen, so it may be a wee while before any of us get to see another country.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Tue 24 Nov 13:33

So airlines are in on it too!
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Wed 25 Nov 17:49

My 10year old grandaughter just been sent home from school after a pupil in her class has confirmed Covid.

What happens about her 7yr old sister?

This is going to be fun over the next 4 days!
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Wed 25 Nov 20:22

Oh look, they've granted us a short window to see our families.
Everything taken away with the heavy price laid out beforehand.
Not Orwellian at all.
Some of you seriously need to read 1984.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Wed 25 Nov 21:07

Is that the one where the populous had the greatest luxuries, comforts, technologies and wealth in the history of mankind but weren’t allowed to go to the pub and the fitba’ for a few months. A real dystopian horror story 😱

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 25 Nov 21:57

1984 comparisons are almost always lazy and incorrect.

1984 suggested so much that obviously some of it has ended up being true. For example, the media is filtered for us so we only really see the side they report. However, nothing is stopping me calling my friend in Beijing and asking what's going down in China or my friends in Australia and asking them.

Orwell suggested things like constant monitoring. Yes, we have that but it's largely through choice. Noone forces you to be recorded but many are happy to share their web logs and their camera feeds. They leave location on their phones and use loyalty cards. But equally you can avoid this fairly easily.

We don't have rationing, we don't all have to wear the same clothes (unless we want to) we don't all work for the government.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: JTH123  
Date:   Wed 25 Nov 22:03

That's the thing about all these claims that a vaccine will have nano tracking technology in it. It doesn't need it. The large proportion of the population are paying handsomely for the privilege of carrying a phone that does that already.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 25 Nov 22:14

I remember arguing with a man who was querying why I wanted his information (I was working for a bank at the time). I pointed out to him that it's the same information he gives out when he enters a tombola. People give their data out every day without even thinking, especially on the internet.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Wed 25 Nov 22:56

Correct. The Orwellian concept of personal monitoring came by choice in the modern era. It was not enforced by government, but offered through private corporations who share that information with government. The rest has been a tidying up exercise. Slavery, of a sort, is the inevitable outcome.

Danderpar is all over the place, but he is at least aware of the freedoms which have been jettisoned. My obligation to my ancestors is more than life, but also the freedoms they fought so hard for, day in, day out. The NHS, which was ridiculed by Johnson`s party in its infancy, is one of them. The Tories loathe the NHS same as they loathe the BBC, since these are vaguely socialist, but the Tories are pretending to love it for the time being.

They also loathe Scotland and Liverpool, where of late they have employed 300 army troops. The Liverpudlian response has been from Apocalypse Now as voiced by Marlon Brando, the famous speech when he describes the result of a vaccination programme in Vietnam. The last place in the UK the army should ever be sent is Liverpool, unless the class war ids be fought to a finish.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Thu 26 Nov 02:09

Twenty years ago, here on dotnet, we were having rowdy discussions about the issuance of ID cards...


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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Thu 26 Nov 09:14


This is exactly the kind of issue I was talking about that crops up when there are time/political/financial pressures at stake.

Even the lead on the project alludes to it:

"It's the Goldilocks amount that you want, I think, not too little and not too much. Too much could give you a poor quality response as well," she said. "So you want just the right amount and it's a bit hit and miss when you're trying to go quickly to get that perfect first time.""

Hopefully more hit than miss as AZ have apparently obtained legal protection for any failings in the vaccine which would extend to it not being that effective (if that's how it turns out).


Its no surprise that there were a series of other test results published after Pfizer became the first to release their results. It will be interesting to see what the peer reviews say about the effectiveness of the drugs and the underlying test methodologies.

Post Edited (Thu 26 Nov 09:15https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/11/26/manufacturing-error-clouds-oxfords-covid-19-vaccine-study-results/

This is exactly the kind of issue I was talking about that crops up when there are time/political/financial pressures at stake.

Even the lead on the project alludes to it:

"It's the Goldilocks amount that you want, I think, not too little and not too much. Too much could give you a poor quality response as well," she said. "So you want just the right amount and it's a bit hit and miss when you're trying to go quickly to get that perfect first time.""

Hopefully more hit than miss as AZ have apparently obtained legal protection for any failings in the vaccine which would extend to it not being that effective (if that's how it turns out).


Its no surprise that there were a series of other test results published after Pfizer became the first to release their results. It will be interesting to see what the peer reviews say about the effectiveness of the drugs and the underlying test methodologies.

Post Edited (Thu 26 Nov 09:15)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh  
Date:   Thu 26 Nov 09:40

The AstraZeneca mistake doesn`t surprise me. When you try to do things quickly these kinds of things happen easily.

The Pfizer vaccine is being checked by the FDA just now and they will have a meeting (VRBPAC) on December 10th to discuss if it meets the requirements for emergency authorisation. This will probably be available to the general public on YouTube if you are interested in sitting through a few hours of technical discussions about vaccines.

I think the peer reviews of these studies will agree that they are generally well done and the efficacy is high for all of them. There are still a lot of unanswered questions, and we won`t know more for a few months or years.

The vaccines appear to be effective against symptomatic infection, and they also appear to be effective in the over 65s which is the most important age group. What we don`t know is how long the protection will last and if the vaccines will substantially reduce transmission.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Thu 26 Nov 10:40

I've done a bit of reading but I'm definitely not equipped to sit through the hours of technical discussions on vaccinations so I'll give that a miss 🙂

Hopefully they do work to a decent standard and do cover the over 65s. The control group that had the higher success rate in the AZ testing apparently didn't have anyone over the age off 55 in it and its quite a drop in success rate when you look at the other group although I appreciate testing is still ongoing so they may get better results.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Playup_Pompey  
Date:   Thu 26 Nov 11:29

"That`s the thing about all these claims that a vaccine will have nano tracking technology in it. It doesn`t need it. The large proportion of the population are paying handsomely for the privilege of carrying a phone that does that already."

and those shouting about refusing a vaccine rend to be the ones shoving white powder cut with sawdust etc up there noses every weekend or smoking plants etc as a "stress relief"

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Thu 26 Nov 12:15


Playup_Pompey, Thu 26 Nov 11:29

"That`s the thing about all these claims that a vaccine will have nano tracking technology in it. It doesn`t need it. The large proportion of the population are paying handsomely for the privilege of carrying a phone that does that already."

and those shouting about refusing a vaccine rend to be the ones shoving white powder cut with sawdust etc up there noses every weekend or smoking plants etc as a "stress relief"

So The British Medical Journal snorts coke and smokes weed?

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Thu 26 Nov 13:20


Rastapari, Thu 26 Nov 12:15


Playup_Pompey, Thu 26 Nov 11:29

"That`s the thing about all these claims that a vaccine will have nano tracking technology in it. It doesn`t need it. The large proportion of the population are paying handsomely for the privilege of carrying a phone that does that already."

and those shouting about refusing a vaccine rend to be the ones shoving white powder cut with sawdust etc up there noses every weekend or smoking plants etc as a "stress relief"

So The British Medical Journal snorts coke and smokes weed?

Your BMJ article does not say anywhere that anyone should refuse a vaccine - is there a different article that does? I suspect that is highly unlikely

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Thu 26 Nov 14:33


Rastapari, Thu 26 Nov 12:15


Playup_Pompey, Thu 26 Nov 11:29

"That`s the thing about all these claims that a vaccine will have nano tracking technology in it. It doesn`t need it. The large proportion of the population are paying handsomely for the privilege of carrying a phone that does that already."

and those shouting about refusing a vaccine rend to be the ones shoving white powder cut with sawdust etc up there noses every weekend or smoking plants etc as a "stress relief"

So The British Medical Journal snorts coke and smokes weed?

Well said rasta . A vaccine that gives Pfizer (bill gates ) no liability for side effects.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Playup_Pompey  
Date:   Thu 26 Nov 15:09

and what does Bill gates get out of the AstraZenica vaccine?

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Thu 26 Nov 15:27


Playup_Pompey, Thu 26 Nov 15:09

and what does Bill gates get out of the AstraZenica vaccine?

He ll have his fingers in Astra too no doubt but my main concern is his Pfizer which the Uk will be the guinea pig for his dosage. No for me though
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Playup_Pompey  
Date:   Thu 26 Nov 15:37

"no doubt"... plenty doubt when you are making things up and not able so support your point with facts/articles to remove the ambiguity/doubt.

The UK will push through the AZ given much less complexity about storage temperatures and the cost per dose being a fraction of the price of the Pfizer one and the one we have bought the most doses of.

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 26 Nov 19:25

Dander is at it. It's blatant.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Thu 26 Nov 19:30

Canny wait for coronavirus (part5).......how about it Admin min :)

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Thu 26 Nov 19:47

OK will do 👍

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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Thu 26 Nov 20:51


jake89, Thu 26 Nov 19:25

Dander is at it. It's blatant.

At what telling the truth about the scamdemic
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: JTH123  
Date:   Thu 26 Nov 21:13

The truth about something is all the facts about it, rather than things that are imagined or invented.

Verbatim from the Collins dictionary.
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Thu 26 Nov 21:45


JTH123, Thu 26 Nov 21:13

The truth about something is all the facts about it, rather than things that are imagined or invented.

Verbatim from the Collins dictionary.

So you think this is all about a virus
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: JTH123  
Date:   Thu 26 Nov 21:58

Didn't voice any opinion at all. You are using the word truth in your posts. Just thought it might help you to see the actual definition. I thought it was interesting that it referred to things that are imagined or invented as not being true.

Post Edited (Thu 26 Nov 21:59)
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: dander par  
Date:   Thu 26 Nov 22:26


dander par, Thu 26 Nov 21:45


JTH123, Thu 26 Nov 21:13

The truth about something is all the facts about it, rather than things that are imagined or invented.

Verbatim from the Collins dictionary.

So you think this is all about a virus

Absolute joke this leftist government( china’s bitch) Guy who’s bank card was used to buy bomb making equipment that killed 22 in Manchester giving community service suppose this is acceptable in our so called free society (communism) .
Next you’ll be all for George soros antifa n blm .
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: back oh the net  
Date:   Thu 26 Nov 22:29


dander par, Fri 20 Nov 16:24


wee eck, Fri 20 Nov 16:22

So China created this virus to destroy the economy of the west and all the western leaders bar Trump colluded with them. What was in it for them?

No 1 superpower

Genuine question here are you on drugs?

Come on ye pars ⚽️
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 Re: Coronavirus (part 4)
Topic Originator: JTH123  
Date:   Thu 26 Nov 23:03

If someone goes off at a tangent, they start saying or doing something that is not directly connected with what they were saying or doing before.

Collins again.
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