Topic Originator: NiallDAFC
Date: Thu 26 Sep 20:09
DAFC Club Statement: North West Stand
Dear Pars Fans,
Following last Friday night`s match against Raith Rovers we are writing to you as a season card holder in the North West stand. The atmosphere has continued to be fantastic and we have never taken this support for granted. Friday`s match epitomised the positive effects of a vociferous support, pushing the squad over the line for an important three points. Likewise the Tifo celebrating the life of Sol Bamba highlights the togetherness of the Pars family, with friends and family of Sol reaching out to the club thanking the support for their thoughts and prayers.
For all this good, we do unfortunately have to highlight several recent issues that has led to the football authorities and Police putting severe pressure on the club.
In the home end last Friday night thousands of pounds of damage was caused, with many seats broken along with the metal backings that fix the seats to the concrete stand. Not only does a replacement seat and backing cost £130 per unit but supporters, in numbers, standing on their seats poses a significant safety risk to the individual supporter and all around them. We would like to reiterate supporters should sit in their allocated seat and not move to other areas of the stadium.
Going forward, supporters who are identified as breaking/damaging their seats will be charged for this and could face club bans. A number of season card holders who`s seats were broken at last Friday night`s match have been written to as we seek explanations on why this occurred.
Despite the club warning, we continue to see pyrotechnics used at KDM Group East End Park. This is against the law and the Police are reviewing CCTV to identify any supporters who have brought in or participated in the use of pyrotechnics. We have also been challenged by both the Police and the SPFL on whether we are doing enough to prevent these incidents.
Most seriously, during last Friday night`s match the assistant referee in front of the North West stand was struck by an object, with further objects thrown in his direction during the course of the match. Regrettably this is the third consecutive game that the assistant referee in question has officiated at KDM Group East End Park and has been struck by objects. Due to the regular frequency of these incidents, assistant referees are now receiving briefings ahead of games to warn them of the likely behaviour of our fans in the North West stand and to be on guard for missiles.
This is wholly unacceptable and damages the club. DAFC are now being challenged by the authorities to take much stronger action against `unacceptable conduct` that has stemmed from a small group of supporters in the North West stand, tarnishing the reputation of our largely fantastic backing.
If objects continue to be thrown at officials the only next step available to us is to close down the North West stand for some competitive matches. Whilst we know that this will punish many supporters who have had nothing to do with these incidents, we have exhausted all other measures in dealing with unacceptable conduct in this stand.
The football authorities have put us on our final warning around this topic and everyone at KDM Group East End Park would like to reiterate that supporters should refrain from throwing any objects on to the pitch at any time.
We look forward to welcoming you on Saturday for another hugely important match as we take on Queen`s Park. Your support is never taken for granted and we hope collectively we can help push James and the squad on for another positive result.
Topic Originator: kelty_par
Date: Thu 26 Sep 20:12
It`ll be fine until the next "big" game when the idiots return. Either that or something gets thrown on Saturday and there will be the usual moans about it being unfair when the stand gets closed.
Topic Originator: red-star-par
Date: Thu 26 Sep 20:17
Just close it already, there`s plenty of room in the Norrie for the folk that go to this stand.
They have had as many warnings, damaging our own seats is well out of order.
Topic Originator: PARadise
Date: Thu 26 Sep 20:19
Totally reasonable statement. As someone who enjoys the North West and the great atmosphere it has now brought to EEP it’s incredibly frustrating when you see missiles being thrown, the regulars when someone throw pyro/missiles onto the pitch are always challenged and told where to go but it’s impossible to micro manage these situations realistically.
The main issue is there are too many people in the one section for to identify these guys, they need to make it bigger to weed out the clowns. As for closing it down for a few games it’s understandable the club could get pushed to that but there needs to be a balance that the vast majority are well behaved and call out this behaviour when it happens
Topic Originator: NiallDAFC
Date: Thu 26 Sep 20:34
My ST seat is towards the top of that section and whenever the rovers or Falkirk are in town I don`t get anywhere near my seat. Stewards don`t care so I don`t even attempt it and just find one of the many empty seats further along.
Might have to be a bit more strict going forward if there`s a chance I`ll get fined for some wee fud who shows up for 4 games a season to get me into bother with the club.
Anyone who sees someone throw anything towards the pitch should identify and slap the wee tit before handing them over to the relevant authorities with a sore puss. It`s either going to result in the stand being closed or having to watch games through a mesh net like they do across Europe. Neither of these options are acceptable, the guys who run SNW need to spend less time on Tifos and more time advising the group that throwing objects towards officials is not acceptable, it`s been going on for too long and nothing changes.
Topic Originator: Dave_1885
Date: Thu 26 Sep 20:41
Close the stand. About time the harshest punishment was brought in for this behaviour. Imagine breaking seats at your own ground during a game you’ve won 🤦🏻♂️ embarrassing
Topic Originator: parsloyal98
Date: Thu 26 Sep 20:43
A statement that should come to the surprise of nobody. The state of the NW after the Rovers game was shocking with all the broken seats.
I’m all for atmosphere and think what SNW - for the most part - does make a difference but breaking our own seats? Probably doesn’t help it’s 3 to a seat on most of the big games.
Pyro is very much a part of the global fan culture these days and there’s many countries and clubs who have ways of allowing this and making it as safe as possible. As a country, it probably should be looked in to but ultimately nothing will come of it.
Safe standing would make perfect sense in that section but appreciate that comes at a cost.
We love Dunfermline We do!
Topic Originator: parsfan97
Date: Thu 26 Sep 20:50
Hardly a surprise. Wee fuds that can’t behave themselves. More surprised it hasn’t been shut down yet
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend
Date: Thu 26 Sep 20:50
Not that this should be deemed necessary, but could the linesmen not swap sides, so that we have one at the north east and the other at the main west?
It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
Topic Originator: Rigger Al
Date: Thu 26 Sep 21:06
change the sides for assistan the asst ref ,away from the idiots throwing misiles ,if possible
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Thu 26 Sep 21:07
It`s a minority of the fans in the stand. Moving them doesn`t solve the issue. If the club have CCTV in place it shouldn`t take much to start identifying and banning any idiots bringing in pyros or throwing objects. Whilst I`d agree it`s unacceptable to damage seats, I could almost accept it if it`s accidental as a result of overzealous celebration. Pyros and throwing things though are pre-meditated. Ban a couple and the message should get through.
Topic Originator: Dave_1885
Date: Thu 26 Sep 21:07
Raymie the Legend, Thu 26 Sep 20:50
Not that this should be deemed necessary, but could the linesmen not swap sides, so that we have one at the north east and the other at the main west?
Is it not a standard throughout football that they are on those sides? I may be wrong mind you.
On the safe standing bit - are you not still allocated one seat? Wouldn’t stop the overcrowding in the area.
Topic Originator: P
Date: Thu 26 Sep 21:26
It may well be a minority but until they are policed by the majority it will continue to happen. Clearly the minority feel they are in a safe space to do whatever they want without consequences and the silent majority enable them and probably think it’s a big laugh since we’ve been around this loop so many times.
Topic Originator: veteraneastender
Date: Thu 26 Sep 21:47
Dave_1885, Thu 26 Sep 21:07
Raymie the Legend, Thu 26 Sep 20:50
Not that this should be deemed necessary, but could the linesmen not swap sides, so that we have one at the north east and the other at the main west?
Is it not a standard throughout football that they are on those sides? I may be wrong mind you.
On the safe standing bit - are you not still allocated one seat? Wouldn’t stop the overcrowding in the area.
It’s not written in stone, unless a change has slipped under my radar, but it’s the normal procedure.
If you look at the footage of the famous win over Everton the linesman who OK’d the late winning goal operated on the alternative side.
That’s not really the issue here though - changing a linesmen’s traditional beat would be tantamount to allowing the NW clowns to set the agenda.
Post Edited (Thu 26 Sep 21:48)
Topic Originator: Connor560
Date: Thu 26 Sep 21:51
EDIT - just seen this point made above.
There are clearly many issues here, all which the club has highlighted well.
I know this is the smallest of them, could the assistant referees not switch sides? So run along the empty part of the west stand with the one nearest the norrie on front of the main stand?
As above, know this doesn`t fix the issues or behaviour of our support but for safety reasons of the officials, it could work.
C'mon Ye Pars!
Post Edited (Thu 26 Sep 21:52)
Topic Originator: Pars Athletic
Date: Thu 26 Sep 22:06
As others have said get assistant refs to change sides. It gives the club 1 less problem to sort. Absolute clowns destroying your own stadium.
Topic Originator: Underpars
Date: Thu 26 Sep 22:20
Unfortunately kids have turned a bit feral these days, the bus station is another area where they have no fear or won’t respect authority.
We need to integrate them with adults so - shut the section down so we can police them properly I’m sorry to say. It’s not going to improve in future.
Topic Originator: Paralex
Date: Thu 26 Sep 22:21
"Get the assistant refs. to change sides?"
Absolute nonsense. Totally unacceptable that we should have any tolerance for items being thrown at officials. Identify the culprits and ban them from the games. We`ll have our linesmen needing riot gear with tin helmets soon. So much leeway has been given to them because they have had a positive effect on the atmosphere but now they`re taking advantage of the indulgence.
Topic Originator: Jeffery
Date: Thu 26 Sep 23:29
Who on earth pays in to watch a team they supposedly support and smashes their own seats up?!
I noticed a big group of what looked like teenagers before the game, dressed head to toe in black, hoods up and scarfs over their faces. Apart from this obvious attempt to hide their identity, it seemed strange that there was no obvious pars gear amongst them. Wondering now if they were involved and maybe weren`t regular fans.
Topic Originator: thebear
Date: Fri 27 Sep 00:25
Good and correct statement, surprised it`s taken this long.
Good video coverage will id mist of them, who must be banned
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend
Date: Fri 27 Sep 00:47
Paralex, Thu 26 Sep 22:21
"Get the assistant refs. to change sides?"
Absolute nonsense. Totally unacceptable that we should have any tolerance for items being thrown at officials. Identify the culprits and ban them from the games. We`ll have our linesmen needing riot gear with tin helmets soon. So much leeway has been given to them because they have had a positive effect on the atmosphere but now they`re taking advantage of the indulgence.
You’ve missed my point. Not condoning anything and not saying we shouldn’t endeavour to root out the culprits, but until we do, it would seem to be a sensible safety measure?
It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
Topic Originator: SusieQ
Date: Fri 27 Sep 06:27
Here we go again and a completely new level of neanderthal behaviour.
They need to close the stand tbh - a shame for the decent fans who sit in there but it`s now beyond ridiculous. Breaking seats in your own stadium during a win.
Start with closing for the Raith & Falkirk games & if the behaviour persists in other games, get it shut permanently. No other option - self policing if it exists in there obviously doesn`t work, neither does repeatedly telling the idiots to stop their crap.
Every big game now - beyond disgusting.
Topic Originator: kelty_par
Date: Fri 27 Sep 06:33
Can you imagine if Rangers or Celtic fans came out with stuff like "have the lineman move to the other side"? What a total lack of responsibility, lack of humility, lack of common sense. And yes, the linemen always run the same sides at all levels and in every country - England used to be different until fairly recently - and so referees who train to patrol "the diagonal" while their assistants watch the other corners of the pitch are drilled into knowing where their assistants will be in relation to their own position on the pitch. "Have the linesman move to the other side" - get that nonsense right into the bin and look at the actual issue ffs.
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Fri 27 Sep 06:48
Raymie the Legend, Fri 27 Sept 00:47
Paralex, Thu 26 Sep 22:21
"Get the assistant refs. to change sides?"
Absolute nonsense. Totally unacceptable that we should have any tolerance for items being thrown at officials. Identify the culprits and ban them from the games. We`ll have our linesmen needing riot gear with tin helmets soon. So much leeway has been given to them because they have had a positive effect on the atmosphere but now they`re taking advantage of the indulgence.
You’ve missed my point. Not condoning anything and not saying we shouldn’t endeavour to root out the culprits, but until we do, it would seem to be a sensible safety measure?
I tend to agree with Paralex. This is similar to victims of bullying at a school being advised to move to another school. The bullys feel empowered to carry out even more bullying. Referees are used to running in a diagonal that allows them to stay close to the part of the touchline not patrolled by an assistant. i.e. close to the NE and SW stands. It would be quite hard for refs to change a long established habit whenever they have a game at EEP.
The problem needs to be addressed at its root cause.
Not your average Sunday League player.
Post Edited (Fri 27 Sep 06:50)
Topic Originator: dafc-chris1
Date: Fri 27 Sep 07:41
The club need to close the stand
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Fri 27 Sep 07:47
dafc-chris1, Fri 27 Sept 07:41
The club need to close the stand
For how long? With respect, that doesn`t really address the problem and it punishes everyone who likes to sit in the NW.
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Fri 27 Sep 08:03
Surely it depends? If immediate action is needed then closure is the only option? If it can continue a bit longer the solution would be to use the cameras to identify the "fans" and ban them.
Topic Originator: veteraneastender
Date: Fri 27 Sep 08:34
SusieQ @ 06:27 and GG Riva @ 06:48 are on the money.
Changing the linesmens patrol beat would be similar to re-arranging the deckchairs on the Titanic - and I doubt the SFA/SPFL would countenance such.
As Jefrey alluded to @ 23:29 last night - it seems we have a bunch of wee neds who collude in an organised group to cause bother at certain matches.
They are generally conspicious by their abscene at "normal" games from what I`ve noticed........with numerous empty seats in the NW.
Topic Originator: weemike
Date: Fri 27 Sep 08:38
Close the stand while the club organises additional security measures/repairs the costs of which should be reflected in the season ticket price for next season.
Maybe section off that portion of the stand and use the north east gate to access the other half of the North West up to the halfway line.
If they wanna behave like they should at least pay the costs. Be it financial or otherwise.
Topic Originator: rikaka
Date: Fri 27 Sep 08:50
They will need to invest in the CCTV some of the tech out there now used at football grounds is unreal. You`d have the culprits id no bother
Topic Originator: Wotsit
Date: Fri 27 Sep 08:53
So the club should close the stand where hundreds of innocent people much prefer to sit because a few morons who go to a max of four games a season can`t behave, but moving the linesmen would be pandering?
Surely the most sensible solution would be the one that impacts the fewest non-morons?
The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
Topic Originator: RMGpar
Date: Fri 27 Sep 09:03
Are the people saying close the stand from that stand?
I have paid for 4 season tickets in this stand so I wont be moving stands. Close that section if it causes problems. Even my kids were asking why people throw things onto a pitch.
Topic Originator: Buster_Brown
Date: Fri 27 Sep 09:03
As someone who has stood and subsequently sat "in the cage" since 1987 and cause no damage and never thrown anything onto the pitch, other than constructive criticism (haha), I really hope the club do not close the stand. I totally understand the position the club are in and I don`t like it, however punishing people like myself is not the answer.
Although there are idiots within the section, it`s also easy to tarnish all with the same brush in a "fly with the craws get shot with the craws" scenario and again, that`s also not fair on the decent young lads that come along, get behind their team and provide a good advert for the club.
The only way to deal with this properly is to identify the culprits and to issue fines and bans, so I hope the good people amongst the section, come forward with a couple of names and maybe do a bit of self policing. Fingers crossed anyway, but the answer isn`t simply "shutting the stand" imho.
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Fri 27 Sep 09:09
Closing the stand will achieve nothing. Hopefully the club agree.
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: parsfan
Date: Fri 27 Sep 09:23
If they shut the stand would they not just move 20 feet to the bottom corner of the Norrie and chuck stuff from there?
Is the appetite for collective punishment strong enough to shut the whole ground? It`s the only way to be sure.
How about they start stewarding it properly?
Don`t let them stand three to a seat.
Film them, yes CCTV can be expensive but there are much cheaper options.
No face coverings. Hide your face, get thrown out.
It`s not sold out this year, so stop
public sale for the problem games.
Hold up a TIFO-like obstruction infront of that section until it`s one person seat.
Turn a hose on them.
The universe is ruled by chance and indifference
Topic Originator: pars no1
Date: Fri 27 Sep 09:25
Im not sure who runs/organises the NW group. But they could be doing more on social media to help this. they are very good at drumming up support and asking for donations. but very little if any is mentioned about damaging your own stadium breaking laws ect. It always going to be a problem when you call yourself an "ultra" its like it gives folk a green light to be a thug. it is embarrassing seeing the TIFO paper being thrown on the pitch and floating about for the whole game.
On the moving the linesman the areas of the pitch are astro turfed and if it is not the whole line then that`s an extra expense for the club to sort out. On the human side of it, how can you throw an item at a human being on purpose.
Thankfully this thread has not had the idiots defending the section. maybe they are ashamed to be called out for their behaviour?
Topic Originator: weemike
Date: Fri 27 Sep 09:36
The whole stand is not the problem. It is the section nearest the corner flag. They could close that section and allow the rest of the stand to come in via the North East gate.
Sort our security/safety issues, make it safe standing, put netting up, etc. camera`s and reopen it as the designated ultras area. The costs of which will be reflected in the season ticket price for that area.
While all this goes on. That section can be closed to give the ultras time to actually be organised and regulated.
Or else we are just going to have the same issues arise 3 or 4 times a season.
Topic Originator: hudza
Date: Fri 27 Sep 09:54
Good statement by the club but will be a matter of time before they shut it at this rate.
Which is a shame as these guys generate a class atmosphere but it’s being undone by a minority of fuds.
Topic Originator: SusieQ
Date: Fri 27 Sep 09:55
Not sure closing the section would solve the issue - they already moved from under the tv gantry so prob just move along the stand again.
It is a shame for the fans who behave but at the end of the day, it IS now costing the club money, so something has to be done (the wee neds ain`t gonna pay up for their damage / fines)
Edit - maybe as someone else suggested, they just don't sell NW walk up tickets for these games so the other fans aren't "punished"
Post Edited (Fri 27 Sep 10:22)
Topic Originator: dafc
Date: Fri 27 Sep 10:14
Any broken seat must be paid for by season ticket holder, sure it’s part of season ticket agreement?
Obviously so self policing goes on to identify such culprits but hopefully CCTV can.
Shame to close it for a likely a few individuals, but responsibility does lie with the majority to sort it, or authorities will.
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe
Date: Fri 27 Sep 10:18
SusieQ, Fri 27 Sep 09:55
Not sure closing the section would solve the issue - they already moved from under the tv gantry so prob just move along the stand again.
It is a shame for the fans who behaved but at the end of the day, it IS now costing the club money, so something has to be done (the wee neds ain`t gonna pay up.for their damage / fines)
When they move to the Norrie and do it all over again (as happened last time NW was shut) will you be calling for the whole of the Norrie to be shut down also?
Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
Topic Originator: Westies squint kicks
Date: Fri 27 Sep 10:23
An excellent well considered statement from the club with the right tone.
I really hope this is a kick up the erse for those out of line because undoubtedly when they behave they create a great atmosphere.
Topic Originator: SusieQ
Date: Fri 27 Sep 10:27
Pretty hard to hit the linesman from the Norrie, I`d think lol.
Same old tired excuses AAPS - what`s the answer? It can`t continue.
It happens every single "big" game now - then we get told it`s not Pars fans. It was a sold out ST stand last year, so who is it exactly?!!
Not selling walk up tickets / closing the stand for certain games / permanently are the only answers as nothing else seems to get through to the idiots, minority or not!
Innocent fans are impacted of course, but surely even they don`t want the club wasting money on repairs and fines when we`re skint as it is!!
Post Edited (Fri 27 Sep 10:28)
Topic Originator: Socks
Date: Fri 27 Sep 10:33
So closing one section doesn`t make sense because they`ll move elsewhere, but closing the whole stand and have them move elsewhere does make sense? That`s not really logical.
I`m annoyed at both the wee fannies causing the problems and the club`s response. If they just stopped chucking stuff at the linesman and opposing players, there would be far less of an issue. It`s not on, at all.
However, the club and Police have not handled this well over the years. At every game with a bigger crowd, it`s an absolute joke getting into the NW. Two turnstiles, nobody managing the queue. Friday night games are particularly bad as you always get loads of wee kids totally out of it on drink or whatever else. You get loads of wee fannies trying to skip the queue, nobody is there to control it. Nobody is there to challenge folk who are out of it and who should not be allowed into the ground in the first place. Police often stand by watching all this happen and do nothing. Under 12s are not meant to be allowed in without an adult, but they always are. It all just adds to the feeling that folk can do whatevef they want.
I`ve said before that unstaffed turnstiles are pointless, and this is another reason why. The one steward standing outside the turnstile can`t really do anything on their own and I don`t fault them at all.
I also don`t understand why it`s so difficult to identify those chucking stuff on the park. If the CCTV isn`t good enough to do that, then it really isn`t fit for purpose. Imaging technology has generally come down in price and far more capable than it used to - is CCTV really that expensive? Is it more expensive than the cost of repairing last week`s damage?
I`m entitled to be critical of the club and police, but the folk causing the problems should not feel that it isn`t their fault. It is. Just stop chucking stuff on the park and, if you can`t do that, just don`t go. If you are someone who does this, just stop being a wee fanny. I`ve been going in the NW since before these folk were born with the exception of the season we got chucked out of there when we were last in the SPL. That season just about finished me as a fan and I really do not want to have that again. Sadly however, it seems like a matter of time.
Topic Originator: Dave_1885
Date: Fri 27 Sep 10:41
Can the club suspend season tickets? If so, maybe thats the approach to take?
Suspend the STs for the section/sections, for a game v Rovers/Falkirk, then allow them back post this?
Will help two fold - weeds out any wee @rseholes that do have an ST in that section but will also encourage any non complicit ST holder in there to actually speak up and name and shame culprits.
One of the big issues these days is the whole “snitches get stitches” and “grassing” culture where nobody will name them in fear of retribution. Also, need to go back to the days of large police presence at these games I think.
On a side note, with the Health Secretary pushing for the return of alcohol to Scottish grounds, I cant see us being involved until this all stops.
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Fri 27 Sep 10:46
How much would a good quality CCTV system cost? If the club can`t/won`t pay for the upgrade in either that or the increased security costs maybe Section NW could organise a crowdfund rather than the TIFO for a few games.
It does look like this is only going to end one way so anything we as supporters can do might be the only way to avert it.
Just a thought.
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: SeasonedPar
Date: Fri 27 Sep 10:50
Very considered but also very sad the club needs to put out a statement like that.
On the day it’s announced 94% of staff in Fife schools have been physically or verbally - or both - assaulted, this is clearly a wider societal problem. However. The anger at these “wee fannies” on this thread is real and a lot of sense talked by GG, Socks, etc.
What a reputation for Pars fans! This will be in the media, and takes a bit of the shine of what was a great night for the club. Solutions cost money, money better spent on players wages.
There’s some decent suggestions made here, and the club will do well to consider them all. Increase in stewarding and police, stewards enforcing sitting in the seat your ticket is for, no walk up sales - and no entry to the NW unless season ticket holder - better CCTV, warning signs to reinforce the letter, but most of all the majority of decent fans refusing to accept moronic behaviour and self policing to weed out what’s clearly not genuine Pars fans.
Rant over.
Post Edited (Fri 27 Sep 10:56)
Topic Originator: doctordandruff
Date: Fri 27 Sep 11:12
Having netting up like they have in Europe would stop it, but not sure if that`s allowed here due to the post-hillsborough laws
Topic Originator: red-star-par
Date: Fri 27 Sep 11:22
RMGpar, Fri 27 Sept 09:03
Are the people saying close the stand from that stand?
I have paid for 4 season tickets in this stand so I wont be moving stand.
Aye you will
Topic Originator: FRED1981
Date: Fri 27 Sep 11:27
I know it shouldn’t happen but to help the problem get the linesman to run the north east line .
F muller
Topic Originator: Rigger Al
Date: Fri 27 Sep 11:35
Socks, Fri 27 Sep 10:33
So closing one section doesn`t make sense because they`ll move elsewhere, but closing the whole stand and have them move elsewhere does make sense? That`s not really logical.
I`m annoyed at both the wee fannies causing the problems and the club`s response. If they just stopped chucking stuff at the linesman and opposing players, there would be far less of an issue. It`s not on, at all.
However, the club and Police have not handled this well over the years. At every game with a bigger crowd, it`s an absolute joke getting into the NW. Two turnstiles, nobody managing the queue. Friday night games are particularly bad as you always get loads of wee kids totally out of it on drink or whatever else. You get loads of wee fannies trying to skip the queue, nobody is there to control it. Nobody is there to challenge folk who are out of it and who should not be allowed into the ground in the first place. Police often stand by watching all this happen and do nothing. Under 12s are not meant to be allowed in without an adult, but they always are. It all just adds to the feeling that folk can do whatevef they want.
I`ve said before that unstaffed turnstiles are pointless, and this is another reason why. The one steward standing outside the turnstile can`t really do anything on their own and I don`t fault them at all.
I also don`t understand why it`s so difficult to identify those chucking stuff on the park. If the CCTV isn`t good enough to do that, then it really isn`t fit for purpose. Imaging technology has generally come down in price and far more capable than it used to - is CCTV really that expensive? Is it more expensive than the cost of repairing last week`s damage?
I`m entitled to be critical of the club and police, but the folk causing the problems should not feel that it isn`t their fault. It is. Just stop chucking stuff on the park and, if you can`t do that, just don`t go. If you are someone who does this, just stop being a wee fanny. I`ve been going in the NW since before these folk were born with the exception of the season we got chucked out of there when we were last in the SPL. That season just about finished me as a fan and I really do not want to have that again. Sadly however, it seems like a matter of time.
Some very good valid points there .
A valid statement from the club,but they also have to be responsible and have a Duty of care /Safety for supporters in their stadium.
Unfortunatly due to the circumstances carried out by a small group of fans the club needs to take the corrective measures to manage this at the entrance ,If anyone is under the influence or not meeting the rules as mentioned under 12 on their own.Stop it there . The atmosphere created by the lads is amazing but this should not give the green light to damage our clubs property or endanger fans ,players and officials
Topic Originator: wee eck
Date: Fri 27 Sep 11:37
Any `solution` that punishes innocent bystanders rather than the culprits should be avoided in my opinion.
I wonder if this recurring issue is a contributory factor in the German investors` decision to move on? It`s all depressingly predictable that a minority will spoil things for the vast majority who behave themselves.
Why is the club statement not on COWS, by the way?
Topic Originator: weemike
Date: Fri 27 Sep 11:45
We have to work with the ultras as they bring atmosphere, and if we don`t, we will just alienate them and push them away.
They need their own official designated area designed for them. They also need representation and made aware of the costs of unacceptable behaviour.
We are just going to go round in circles, fines, closures, bans, etc.
There is a happy medium for all concerned. What it is I don`t know.
Topic Originator: P
Date: Fri 27 Sep 11:46
As has already been said ST holders should be held to account for damage to their seats, might focus their mind on shifting folk out of them and not encouraging their mates to squeeze in
Ban TIFO’s for the time being as it is just ammunition for getting lobbed forward, it might just be paper but it’s shows they can’t be trusted
Hanging a net from the stand roof for that section cannot be expensive even to do so in a safe way to meet any safety requirements.
Allocate more Steward resource to that area which needs it and less to areas that don’t need it.
And keep the stand open
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995
Date: Fri 27 Sep 11:46
You can see the end is only rammed when we play our rivals. If people can`t behave and damage our own stadium someone must know who they are and have to be held accountable. David cook said at a previous supporters meeting that the section could be closed if they keep causing bother.
c'mon the pars
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995
Date: Fri 27 Sep 11:47
P, Fri 27 Sept 11:46
As has already been said ST holders should be held to account for damage to their seats, might focus their mind on shifting folk out of them and not encouraging their mates to squeeze in
Ban TIFO’s for the time being as it is just ammunition for getting lobbed forward, it might just be paper but it’s shows they can’t be trusted
Hanging a net from the stand roof for that section cannot be expensive even to do so in a safe way to meet any safety requirements.
Allocate more Steward resource to that area which needs it and less to areas that don’t need it.
And keep the stand open
All of which costs the club money. It`s not hard to go the football and not behave like a moron.
c'mon the pars
Topic Originator: Wotsit
Date: Fri 27 Sep 12:14
There are posts on this thread where folk are saying that they can`t get near their ST seat on bigger match days. Are we really suggesting that they be fined if the fandan who stole their seat breaks it?
The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
Topic Originator: P
Date: Fri 27 Sep 12:27
Wotsit, Fri 27 Sep 12:14
There are posts on this thread where folk are saying that they can`t get near their ST seat on bigger match days. Are we really suggesting that they be fined if the fandan who stole their seat breaks it?
I have never found it difficult asking folk to get out of my seat and it doesn’t seem a problem to do so anywhere else. Increased stewards in the area would help enforce it. If it’s a bigger game I would expect most ST holders to be there to move on said fandan who might damage the seat. Beats standing back and getting the stand closed no?
Let’s not kid ourselves on here either, it’s not the Maracanã in its heyday we are talking about, it’s a tiny wee section of a very small stand with a few of fandans where the majority not only tolerate but encourage them by giggling like schoolgirls while they are behaving as they do
On stewarding cost the club must have some burden of responsibility for H&S around selling tickets to fill a seating area and not allowing excess of that capacity
Post Edited (Fri 27 Sep 12:37)
Topic Originator: P
Date: Fri 27 Sep 12:27
cammypar 1995, Fri 27 Sep 11:47
P, Fri 27 Sept 11:46
As has already been said ST holders should be held to account for damage to their seats, might focus their mind on shifting folk out of them and not encouraging their mates to squeeze in
Ban TIFO’s for the time being as it is just ammunition for getting lobbed forward, it might just be paper but it’s shows they can’t be trusted
Hanging a net from the stand roof for that section cannot be expensive even to do so in a safe way to meet any safety requirements.
Allocate more Steward resource to that area which needs it and less to areas that don’t need it.
And keep the stand open
All of which costs the club money. It`s not hard to go the football and not behave like a moron.
It clearly is for that area as none of this is even remotely new news
Topic Originator: buffy
Date: Fri 27 Sep 12:34
I think Stenny play behind netting?
”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”
Topic Originator: Pibroch
Date: Fri 27 Sep 13:02
Hamilton also has nets in front of the away stand
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995
Date: Fri 27 Sep 13:02
P, Fri 27 Sept 12:27
cammypar 1995, Fri 27 Sep 11:47
P, Fri 27 Sept 11:46
As has already been said ST holders should be held to account for damage to their seats, might focus their mind on shifting folk out of them and not encouraging their mates to squeeze in
Ban TIFO’s for the time being as it is just ammunition for getting lobbed forward, it might just be paper but it’s shows they can’t be trusted
Hanging a net from the stand roof for that section cannot be expensive even to do so in a safe way to meet any safety requirements.
Allocate more Steward resource to that area which needs it and less to areas that don’t need it.
And keep the stand open
All of which costs the club money. It`s not hard to go the football and not behave like a moron.
It clearly is for that area as none of this is even remotely new news
Absolutely, just shut the north west. If that bothers the season ticket holders who this will impact then come forward with names of the fandans causing bother near you as I`m positive they will know who they are. It`s not "being an ultra" it is being an erse I would doubt some of the biggest ultras won`t damage their own stadium.
c'mon the pars
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe
Date: Fri 27 Sep 13:06
I’ve mentioned the netting before to stop objects getting thrown.
As for the broken seats perhaps the young lads who don’t want to have the stand closed should organise a crowdfund to pay for the broken seats and try to appease the board somewhat?
It may have been over exuberance after beating the Rovers that caused it rather than malice.
It would be totally wrong for the whole stand to close as a result of a few idiots. The club really need to up their game and start identifying people with CCTV instead of just putting out ridiculous statements like this one and instead have a grown up discussion.
Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
Topic Originator: saltonsgonagetu
Date: Fri 27 Sep 13:20
Aberdeen have the Red shed , Cellic the green brigade area , we can`t get a dozen teenagers to behave , self police is the way ahead .
Topic Originator: KAPP-Par
Date: Fri 27 Sep 13:29
Hopefully they find and punish the individuals. Closing the north west isn’t the answer. Moving people to the norrie isn’t fair on people there who have season tickets with family and friends and then find themselves in a singing section. Maybe 30 years ago 😀
Topic Originator: pars4life1
Date: Fri 27 Sep 13:32
`Aberdeen have the Red shed , Cellic the green brigade area , we can`t get a dozen teenagers to behave , self police is the way ahead .`
You`re not seriously suggesting these fan groups successfully self police? Green brigade cause issues every single week for example.
This is really not an issue that we are only facing, it goes on throughout football, in Scotland and further afield. We seem to be the only ones who don`t deal with it in house.
Topic Originator: veteraneastender
Date: Fri 27 Sep 15:02
saltonsgonagetu, Fri 27 Sep 13:20
Aberdeen have the Red shed , Cellic the green brigade area , we can`t get a dozen teenagers to behave , self police is the way ahead .
Hasn’t worked, if it had the club wouldn’t be experiencing a problem.
Topic Originator: Socks
Date: Fri 27 Sep 15:32
"Absolutely, just shut the north west. If that bothers the season ticket holders who this will impact then come forward with names of the fandans causing bother near you as I`m positive they will know who they are."
That`s just a stupid comment. How do you expect people who might be 40 or 50 yards away at the other end to know who is causing trouble in the corner? Too many people seem to confuse `the NW` with the section in the corner that covers less than half the stand.
It`s also not appropriate to suggest that people are responsible for their `own` seats. We all pay to get in and see the game, we don`t pay to stand guard over a seat. What if someone behind you attacks `your` seat? Or what if you don`t attend and someone damages it? There`s no way you can hold the person who has that season ticket responsible for that. However, the approach taken of writing to those whose seats are affected to find out what happened is appropriate.
As for the `that all costs money` comments - well, the club have been pretty reluctant, to put it politely, to spend any money on the NW for a long time. As I and others have mentioned before, the toilets are a disgrace, having only one cubicle in the male toilets that is almost permanently occupied by a number of wee fannies at any one time. Entry is ridiculous - last Friday we had two turnstiles for about 1000 people while the Norrie had 6 turnstiles open for what I`d guess was about 1800. The tannoy is utterly inaudible.
In order of priority, this is what I`d do:
1. Get the area covered by CCTV of a suitable standard that can actually identify people chucking stuff on the park, and ban them from the ground.
2. Consider free-hanging netting in front of that section. It would hang down from the roof and not be fixed to the wall so as to still allow means of emergency escape. It might not be straightforward as might involve administrative work, but feasibility should be considered if it hasn`t been already.
3. Open a third entrance for busier games, whether a permanent turnstile or one with handheld scanners as used to happen 2-3 years ago
4. Put up temporary barriers at the entrances before busier games to make sure everyone queues normally to get in, rather the current shambolic free for all.
5. Have a steward at the entrances for busier games to manage the queue.
6. Staff the entrances - either before the turnstiles or in the walkway before getting there, and refuse entry to people who are in no fit state to be in the ground
Do all or most of that, and I honestly think you get rid of at least 90% of the issues, without doing anything that ruins things for those who have dont nothing to cause issues.
If a third turnstile is made available, it might even be possible to have a dedicated turnstile for that section. It might not be possible but would be worth investigating feasibility.
Topic Originator: Malcolm Canmore
Date: Fri 27 Sep 15:44
A very well balanced statement from the club.
“Supporters” bringing pyros to the games, in contravention of the law.
“Supporters” setting off pyros at games, in contravention of the law.
“Supporters” damaging club’s property, in contravention of the law.
The club has CCTV but that can’t do much against hoodies and scarves used as masks.
The football authorities owe a duty of care to their employees (match officials) and are right to put pressure on the club.
The club owes a duty of care to those match officials and to players and supporters attending the games.
Most of us like to think of it as “our club”. Well maybe we should all do a bit more to call out the scum. Self-policing can work but it will take time.
My dog eats meat
Topic Originator: Par4ages
Date: Fri 27 Sep 15:46
Why not just allocate a section of the east side of the NW stand the other side of the tv gantry a big enough section to get them all allocated seats with CCTV and a warning that if an object is indentified as being thrown from their seat the ST holder will be banned. The issue at present is that the idiots that are throwing things can’t be identified as they are three to a seat and as for someone else further along in the stand identifying them unfortunately we tend to be watching the game not the stand, so not a sensible idea even though I would love to be able to point them out.
Topic Originator: goldensixties
Date: Fri 27 Sep 15:53
The statement points out that the club is being challenged by the authorities to take much stronger action against unacceptable conduct. If objects continue to be thrown at officials the only next step is to close down the North West stand for some matches. The football authorities have put us on our final warning. The message seems to be very clear.
Topic Originator: Par4ages
Date: Fri 27 Sep 16:04
On the option of closing the stand surely if that happened the match would then be treated like a cup match with a sit wherever you want policy because if someone from the NWS has no right to a seat they have paid for then no one has a right to a allocated seat.
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995
Date: Fri 27 Sep 16:23
I`m not sure why it has to be someone yards away to point them out ? Most people will know who they were sitting next to. If the guy is a fandan point them out to the stewards or police at the high priority game.
The section is only ever an issue against Raith and Falkirk as it`s pretty empty at other games. Dortmund fans self police the yellow wall it really isn`t that difficult if you`re serious about sorting out the issue. As a club who has made a fairly significant loss for at least the last 2 seasons we probably aren`t in any position to sort the issue socks pointed out in his post as most are pretty easy enough to do so other than money I don`t see what else is stopping the club doing the above suggestions.
c'mon the pars
Topic Originator: DunfyDave
Date: Fri 27 Sep 16:40
What next for linesmen? Combat helmets and armour vests?
I applaud the statement and agree that this has to stop and the club needs our help in doing so.
I appeal to those whom broke the seats to do the right thing and come forward and offer to pay for the damage. It`s the honourable thing to do and it won`t hurt your club financially.
I appeal to all other fans, when they can, to educate and mentor any young fan at the damage such behaviour has financially to our club and ultimately players budget. If you fail in your efforts, shop them to the Stewards or Police and note the time and seat number to submit to the club.
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe
Date: Fri 27 Sep 17:09
Socks, Fri 27 Sep 15:32
"Absolutely, just shut the north west. If that bothers the season ticket holders who this will impact then come forward with names of the fandans causing bother near you as I`m positive they will know who they are."
That`s just a stupid comment. How do you expect people who might be 40 or 50 yards away at the other end to know who is causing trouble in the corner? Too many people seem to confuse `the NW` with the section in the corner that covers less than half the stand.
It`s also not appropriate to suggest that people are responsible for their `own` seats. We all pay to get in and see the game, we don`t pay to stand guard over a seat. What if someone behind you attacks `your` seat? Or what if you don`t attend and someone damages it? There`s no way you can hold the person who has that season ticket responsible for that. However, the approach taken of writing to those whose seats are affected to find out what happened is appropriate.
As for the `that all costs money` comments - well, the club have been pretty reluctant, to put it politely, to spend any money on the NW for a long time. As I and others have mentioned before, the toilets are a disgrace, having only one cubicle in the male toilets that is almost permanently occupied by a number of wee fannies at any one time. Entry is ridiculous - last Friday we had two turnstiles for about 1000 people while the Norrie had 6 turnstiles open for what I`d guess was about 1800. The tannoy is utterly inaudible.
In order of priority, this is what I`d do:
1. Get the area covered by CCTV of a suitable standard that can actually identify people chucking stuff on the park, and ban them from the ground.
2. Consider free-hanging netting in front of that section. It would hang down from the roof and not be fixed to the wall so as to still allow means of emergency escape. It might not be straightforward as might involve administrative work, but feasibility should be considered if it hasn`t been already.
3. Open a third entrance for busier games, whether a permanent turnstile or one with handheld scanners as used to happen 2-3 years ago
4. Put up temporary barriers at the entrances before busier games to make sure everyone queues normally to get in, rather the current shambolic free for all.
5. Have a steward at the entrances for busier games to manage the queue.
6. Staff the entrances - either before the turnstiles or in the walkway before getting there, and refuse entry to people who are in no fit state to be in the ground
Do all or most of that, and I honestly think you get rid of at least 90% of the issues, without doing anything that ruins things for those who have dont nothing to cause issues.
If a third turnstile is made available, it might even be possible to have a dedicated turnstile for that section. It might not be possible but would be worth investigating feasibility.
Socks talks common sense and I agree 100% with what he said here.
Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
Topic Originator: NMCmassive
Date: Fri 27 Sep 17:43
Par4ages, Fri 27 Sep 16:04
On the option of closing the stand surely if that happened the match would then be treated like a cup match with a sit wherever you want policy because if someone from the NWS has no right to a seat they have paid for then no one has a right to a allocated seat.
You should have read the terms and conditions on your ST
Topic Originator: Dave_1885
Date: Fri 27 Sep 18:38
As shown by the comments on social media, the folk that sit in the section don’t really seem to care that much about it. Some even find it amusing.
Not much of a surprise that they are clad in Stone Island and Burberry and sporting CSS flags in their profiles 😂
Doubt anything will change at our next big game, so no doubt the police/SFA will force a closure by end of season.
Post Edited (Fri 27 Sep 18:38)
Topic Originator: Bamba-Daft
Date: Fri 27 Sep 18:56
Every single game against rovers last season, the rovers game this season & the Falkirk game.. all had Pyro in the away end & objects being thrown at players. Will the club shut the away end for these games? Or is it only our fans we police? Happy for the wee Fannies throwing stuff to get a ban, but it must be the same rule for all.
Surely in this day and age a half decent camera being fixed on that one area wouldn’t be too costly?
Topic Originator: fcda
Date: Fri 27 Sep 19:08
How about a TIFO in the main stand that says, "Stop chucking stuff on the pitch ya fannies"?
Topic Originator: DunfyDave
Date: Fri 27 Sep 19:12
fcda, Fri 27 Sep 19:08
How about a TIFO in the main stand that says, "Stop chucking stuff on the pitch ya fannies"?
^^^ Not a bad idea 🤔
Topic Originator: Back_oh_the_net
Date: Fri 27 Sep 19:16
weemike, Fri 27 Sep 08:38
Close the stand while the club organises additional security measures/repairs the costs of which should be reflected in the season ticket price for next season.
Maybe section off that portion of the stand and use the north east gate to access the other half of the North West up to the halfway line.
If they wanna behave like they should at least pay the costs. Be it financial or otherwise.
What so you are saying I should pay more for my season ticket In the north west next season because some wee F@nnys have broke seats you can ram that up your hoop mibby it’s time the stewards and the police actually started doing their job a wee bit better than they clearly have been doing
Why should fans who have sat in that stand for years be made to fork out more money just because someone has broke a seat?
Topic Originator: weemike
Date: Fri 27 Sep 19:36
Back_oh_the_net, Fri 27 Sept 19:16
weemike, Fri 27 Sep 08:38
Close the stand while the club organises additional security measures/repairs the costs of which should be reflected in the season ticket price for next season.
Maybe section off that portion of the stand and use the north east gate to access the other half of the North West up to the halfway line.
If they wanna behave like they should at least pay the costs. Be it financial or otherwise.
What so you are saying I should pay more for my season ticket In the north west next season because some wee F@nnys have broke seats you can ram that up your hoop mibby it’s time the stewards and the police actually started doing their job a wee bit better than they clearly have been doing
Why should fans who have sat in that stand for years be made to fork out more money just because someone has broke a seat?
That`s not what I`ve said,
If you wanna sit in the North West by the corner flag, then it should cost more due to the extra costs to the club.
That whole corner needs renovated to accommodate that section of support. Safe standing, nets etc.
Topic Originator: Back_oh_the_net
Date: Fri 27 Sep 19:42
weemike, Fri 27 Sep 19:36
Back_oh_the_net, Fri 27 Sept 19:16
weemike, Fri 27 Sep 08:38
Close the stand while the club organises additional security measures/repairs the costs of which should be reflected in the season ticket price for next season.
Maybe section off that portion of the stand and use the north east gate to access the other half of the North West up to the halfway line.
If they wanna behave like they should at least pay the costs. Be it financial or otherwise.
What so you are saying I should pay more for my season ticket In the north west next season because some wee F@nnys have broke seats you can ram that up your hoop mibby it’s time the stewards and the police actually started doing their job a wee bit better than they clearly have been doing
Why should fans who have sat in that stand for years be made to fork out more money just because someone has broke a seat?
That`s not what I`ve said,
If you wanna sit in the North West by the corner flag, then it should cost more due to the extra costs to the club.
That whole corner needs renovated to accommodate that section of support. Safe standing, nets etc.
So that is what you have said then because that’s exactly where my seat is second row in the wee section right next to the wall and tbh I pay enough for my season ticket in a stand that’s for want of a better term falling to bits so again if you think I should pay more then you can poke it up your farter you mentioned nothing about renovating the NW until someone called out your post
Could the option of making that section of the stand over 18s because I know for a fact the ones throwing stuff are under 16 never mind under 18 as for the pyro again mibby the police and g4s need to start doing their job a wee bit better as clearly they ain’t as it’s still getting in
Post Edited (Fri 27 Sep 19:51)
Topic Originator: weemike
Date: Fri 27 Sep 19:43
Anymore of It and you`ll be sitting in the norrie.
Topic Originator: Back_oh_the_net
Date: Fri 27 Sep 19:57
weemike, Fri 27 Sep 19:43
Anymore of It and you`ll be sitting in the norrie.
Anymore of what?
Topic Originator: DunfyDave
Date: Fri 27 Sep 20:12
Oh dear!
.net is about to blow 🌋
Topic Originator: JimDAFC
Date: Fri 27 Sep 20:15
I used to go in the north west stand just because it was easier for me to get a quick getaway from the match but as I am not a season ticket buyer the option of getting into the NW stand is no longer available to me as when I ask to get a ticket I am told it is sold out, so i dont know how some of the posters are suggesting it could be the walk up supporters that may be the problem.
Topic Originator: weemike
Date: Fri 27 Sep 20:27
Back_oh_the_net, Fri 27 Sept 19:42
weemike, Fri 27 Sep 19:36
Back_oh_the_net, Fri 27 Sept 19:16
So that is what you have said then because that’s exactly where my seat is second row in the wee section right next to the wall and tbh I pay enough for my season ticket in a stand that’s for want of a better term falling to bits so again if you think I should pay more then you can poke it up your farter you mentioned nothing about renovating the NW until someone called out your post
If you read later on in the thread, I have clarified my position.
If there is any more of the unruly behaviour, then your seat will be in the norrie even though you had nothing to do with it.
We have to work with the young team and the ultras, give them a section of the ground (they seem to have chosen that area), and make it safe standing. Put nets up, cctv, extra security. And if they still choose to be in that area, the season ticket price will reflect that.
The fact that you are currently sitting there is unfortunate in this concept, and for that, I apologise.
Anything else we do... we are just going to end up back here in 6 months time.
Topic Originator: par58
Date: Fri 27 Sep 20:51
This statement from the club long overdue.
Topic Originator: Back_oh_the_net
Date: Fri 27 Sep 21:08
JimDAFC, Fri 27 Sep 20:15
I used to go in the north west stand just because it was easier for me to get a quick getaway from the match but as I am not a season ticket buyer the option of getting into the NW stand is no longer available to me as when I ask to get a ticket I am told it is sold out, so i dont know how some of the posters are suggesting it could be the walk up supporters that may be the problem.
The north west didn’t sell out by the end of the renewal period the seats left over then went on general sale and when the league season kicked off they then went on sale on a walk up basis so it’s entirely possible that it’s folk don’t go every week
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995
Date: Fri 27 Sep 21:13
Back_oh_the_net, Fri 27 Sept 21:08
JimDAFC, Fri 27 Sep 20:15
I used to go in the north west stand just because it was easier for me to get a quick getaway from the match but as I am not a season ticket buyer the option of getting into the NW stand is no longer available to me as when I ask to get a ticket I am told it is sold out, so i dont know how some of the posters are suggesting it could be the walk up supporters that may be the problem.
The north west didn’t sell out by the end of the renewal period the seats left over then went on general sale and when the league season kicked off they then went on sale on a walk up basis so it’s entirely possible that it’s folk don’t go every week
I guarantee there will be plenty of spare seats in the section tomorrow.
c'mon the pars
Topic Originator: istvan kozma
Date: Fri 27 Sep 22:39
Why not run the linesman down the other side of the park from the North West stand?
Topic Originator: Rigger Al
Date: Fri 27 Sep 23:10
istvan kozma, Fri 27 Sep 22:39
Why not run the linesman down the other side of the park from the North West stand?
I thought about this also but thats givingbinto the idiots throwing misiles Im sure the club is getting pressure from the police and football authorities .
why not manage and control at the turnstiles ,if it takes police and added stewards so be it.
Topic Originator: Bamba-Daft
Date: Sat 28 Sep 00:05
istvan kozma, Fri 27 Sep 22:39
Why not run the linesman down the other side of the park from the North West stand?
Sure that’s been highlighted before and there was a reason for it. The linesman has always been on the northwest side.
Topic Originator: veteraneastender
Date: Sat 28 Sep 09:17
There is nothing in the Laws of the Game as far as I see that stipulate which side of the pitch an assistant referee must run along.
In fact ARs are not compulsory - although they have been used at higher grades of the game since Adam was a laddie.
It was Sir Stanley Rous in his refereeing days that devised the modern “diagonal” style of officiating.
That’s all academic - the SFA etc. are not going to permit a change of normal practice because of a wee bunch of morons at EEP, rightly so.
Topic Originator: NMCmassive
Date: Sat 28 Sep 11:08
fcda, Fri 27 Sep 19:08
How about a TIFO in the main stand that says, "Stop chucking stuff on the pitch ya fannies"?
Someone should start a go fund me…
I’ve got to be honest, it’s a bunch of teenagers. It’s not like we’re dealing with a mob of hardened Eastern European men. I’m pretty certain simple things like anyone under 16 should be accompanied by an adult. No more than 3/4 per adult. Ban balaclavas or at the very least make them look at the cameras as they come in. I don’t know how good the CCTV is at EEP but if we need to update them, then the club might just have to do that. It would probably cost a small fortune but it may also help cut out the idiots.
Btw I can understand why they want to bring in pyro. I actually like a wee bit of pyro-it can really add to the atmosphere BUT I don’t want someone being hurt or the pyro being thrown on the pitch. Football authorities world wide turn a blind eye to it then condemn anyone caught with it. I don’t see how they couldn’t set up an area where at the start of the game you can set your pyro off there then stick it in that bucket of water when it’s done. Maybe modern day H&S gets in the way 🤷🏻♂️
Topic Originator: Rigger Al
Date: Sat 28 Sep 11:15
NMCmassive, Sat 28 Sep 11:08
fcda, Fri 27 Sep 19:08
How about a TIFO in the main stand that says, "Stop chucking stuff on the pitch ya fannies"?
Someone should start a go fund me…
I’ve got to be honest, it’s a bunch of teenagers. It’s not like we’re dealing with a mob of hardened Eastern European men. I’m pretty certain simple things like anyone under 16 should be accompanied by an adult. No more than 3/4 per adult. Ban balaclavas or at the very least make them look at the cameras as they come in. I don’t know how good the CCTV is at EEP but if we need to update them, then the club might just have to do that. It would probably cost a small fortune but it may also help cut out the idiots.
Btw I can understand why they want to bring in pyro. I actually like a wee bit of pyro-it can really add to the atmosphere BUT I don’t want someone being hurt or the pyro being thrown on the pitch. Football authorities world wide turn a blind eye to it then condemn anyone caught with it. I don’t see how they couldn’t set up an area where at the start of the game you can set your pyro off there then stick it in that bucket of water when it’s done. Maybe modern day H&S gets in the way 🤷🏻♂️
whether we like the pyros or not its against the law ,and the club are being directed by the police and football governing body to sort it out or face consequences .Whats difficult to understand
Topic Originator: Pars11
Date: Sat 28 Sep 12:02
Rigger Al, Some Pyros are classed as explosives, all Pyros smoke can cause breathing difficulty in an instance. Apart from being illegal to be in possesion of at all football grounds they are simply dangerous. DAFC is right to sort this out, pity other clubs ignore the issue and do nothing to erdicate them. Breaking seats, Pyro throwing onto the pitch and throwing objects at officials is going to cost the club big money and may see Assistant Referees swapped over to remove the personal threat given to them. Simply sad people in a sad situation.
Bluebell Polka
Topic Originator: Rigger Al
Date: Sat 28 Sep 12:16
Pars11, Sat 28 Sep 12:02
Rigger Al, Some Pyros are classed as explosives, all Pyros smoke can cause breathing difficulty in an instance. Apart from being illegal to be in possesion of at all football grounds they are simply dangerous. DAFC is right to sort this out, pity other clubs ignore the issue and do nothing to erdicate them. Breaking seats, Pyro throwing onto the pitch and throwing objects at officials is going to cost the club big money and may see Assistant Referees swapped over to remove the personal threat given to them. Simply sad people in a sad situation.
im agreeing ,Some posts defending having them as it brings atmosphere and saying the club are being over reactive ,My point was defending the club stance and that they are against the law
Topic Originator: NMCmassive
Date: Sun 29 Sep 11:38
Rigger Al, Sat 28 Sep 12:16
Pars11, Sat 28 Sep 12:02
Rigger Al, Some Pyros are classed as explosives, all Pyros smoke can cause breathing difficulty in an instance. Apart from being illegal to be in possesion of at all football grounds they are simply dangerous. DAFC is right to sort this out, pity other clubs ignore the issue and do nothing to erdicate them. Breaking seats, Pyro throwing onto the pitch and throwing objects at officials is going to cost the club big money and may see Assistant Referees swapped over to remove the personal threat given to them. Simply sad people in a sad situation.
im agreeing ,Some posts defending having them as it brings atmosphere and saying the club are being over reactive ,My point was defending the club stance and that they are against the law
Well I hope that both of you will write to the club and tell them that they should not be using any footage of pyro being used in the stands to promote the club. I also hope that while you are at it you send a similar email to the SFA, UEFA, FIFA, BBC, SKY, TNT and anyone else who uses the imagery created with pyro being used in the stands to promote football clubs, competitions, programming or anything football related as for the reasons stated above. Better than that, tell them they won’t see your money unless it ends as let’s be honest, thats the only way it will be stopped.
Otherwise you’d all be complicit in blatant hypocrisy.
I don’t know who you think is saying the clubs over reacting, I think the clubs looking foolish not being able to stop the same thing happening over and over. Look back at my post for my opinion on that.
Topic Originator: Stanza
Date: Sun 29 Sep 19:54
There have been some decent ideas put forward on the thread, I`ll.offer a couple of suggestions I haven`t seen mentioned. Hopefully someone from the club is noting all the ideas to consider their feasibility.
1 Make the corner section of the NW Stand a standing area, admission by ticket or token only so numbers are limited.
The young lads in that section do NOT want to sit for 90 minutes, whatever the club says, and they will just ignore the warnings. They want to stand, to bounce around, and generally to burn off energy. They will stand and jump on seats, and climb over and break them at the end of the match - but they wouldn`t if the seats weren`t there!
It wouldn`t be cheap to alter the terracing in that section, but neither are fines or closing the whole stand.
2 To reduce the chance of flares etc being brought into the ground, the stewards should use hand-held security scanners like the Queens Park stewards use at Hampden.
This would either be for the whole stand or just for the corner section, as the current system is ineffective, relying as it does on the honesty of the fans to admit they are carrying prohibited items!
Support Dunfermline Athletic Disabled Supporters` Club (DADSC) when you shop online with one of 8000 firms:https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/dadsc[
Post Edited (Sun 29 Sep 19:56)
Topic Originator: Alter Ego
Date: Sun 29 Sep 20:08
Tbh the club won’t need to worry about a bunch of teenagers causing bother now as the NW looked empty yesterday. Another example of the club turning fans away.
Mon the Pars!
Topic Originator: Andrew283
Date: Mon 30 Sep 03:33
Alter Ego, Sun 29 Sep 20:08
Tbh the club won’t need to worry about a bunch of teenagers causing bother now as the NW looked empty yesterday. Another example of the club turning fans away.
The idiots only turn up for the bigger games anyway.
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995
Date: Mon 30 Sep 05:57
The club won`t bother paying money for a safe standing section for the raith and Falkirk home games. We saw that on Saturday that the only time there is bother are these games they aren`t interested in other games. It has nothing to do with our form as we have seen with the guys recently who have had their day in court they are not local. Now youngsters have their free bus travel they can go anywhere that has a big game to show off to their mates.
c'mon the pars
Topic Originator: 45YearPar
Date: Mon 30 Sep 22:49
Make them sit in their seats. If they don`t, stop the match until they do.
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Tue 1 Oct 07:01
45YearPar, Mon 30 Sept 22:49
Make them sit in their seats. If they don`t, stop the match until they do.
🤣😂🤣 We`d never even get the game started. Would folk have to put their hands up and ask the stewards if the could go to the toilet?
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: wee eck
Date: Tue 1 Oct 08:19
The Courier has finally picked up on the story, virtually reproducing the entire club statement. Our sports scientist is facing disciplinary proceedings.
Topic Originator: NMCmassive
Date: Tue 1 Oct 13:32
Alter Ego, Sun 29 Sep 20:08
Tbh the club won’t need to worry about a bunch of teenagers causing bother now as the NW looked empty yesterday. Another example of the club turning fans away.
Tbf if they’re going to smash up £130 seats… are they actually fans?
Topic Originator: Back_oh_the_net
Date: Tue 1 Oct 13:43
wee eck, Tue 1 Oct 08:19
The Courier has finally picked up on the story, virtually reproducing the entire club statement. Our sports scientist is facing disciplinary proceedings.
For putting Lewis Vaughn on his erse?
Topic Originator: DunfyDave
Date: Tue 1 Oct 15:43
The seats should not be vandalised in any way but is it just me or is £130 for a plastic seat a little expensive?
Topic Originator: Wotsit
Date: Tue 1 Oct 15:46
I expect that`s also the cost of labour to fit it.
The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
Topic Originator: NMCmassive
Date: Tue 1 Oct 16:52
DunfyDave, Tue 1 Oct 15:43
The seats should not be vandalised in any way but is it just me or is £130 for a plastic seat a little expensive?
That £130 will be costs all in. Materials labour everything else. When you start totalling it up £130 isn’t that much
Topic Originator: DunfyDave
Date: Tue 1 Oct 17:59
I have just checked online to purchase stadium seating and they are averaging £29.99 including delivery.
Would labour really cost the remaining £100 per seat?
Obviously I am in the wrong business 🤔😁😂
Topic Originator: saltonsgonagetu
Date: Tue 1 Oct 18:04
DunfyDave, Tue 1 Oct 17:59
I have just checked online to purchase stadium seating and they are averaging £29.99 including delivery.
Would labour really cost the remaining £100 per seat?
Obviously I am in the wrong business 🤔😁😂
Does that price include the metal fixing brackets
Topic Originator: saltonsgonagetu
Date: Tue 1 Oct 18:09
Video footage of the broken seats on Footie Aventures episode on the Pars Rovers Derby
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995
Date: Tue 1 Oct 18:24
parathletic, Tue 1 Oct 18:09
These ones are £208.Maybe £30 if you are buying from Amazon.Presumably, there is a cost for removing the remainder of the previous seats too.
Either way the NW was empty as most said it would be as they only turn up for the big games. They aren`t obviously Dunfermline supporters if they turn up to the big game sand trash the stadium which is meant to be their home.
c'mon the pars
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Tue 1 Oct 18:41
The concrete foundation also needs fixed as they`ve smashed them out the concrete. That will need properly patched before they can even think about fitting a new seat. It`s a faff and unnecessary.
Topic Originator: KnebworthPar
Date: Tue 1 Oct 18:46
These morons need banned. Folk will know who they are and who did it. Get rid, what an absolute joke they are. Scumbags.
Topic Originator: NMCmassive
Date: Tue 1 Oct 21:23
DunfyDave, Tue 1 Oct 17:59
I have just checked online to purchase stadium seating and they are averaging £29.99 including delivery.
Would labour really cost the remaining £100 per seat?
Obviously I am in the wrong business 🤔😁😂
I’m sure when they built the stadium they went on Amazon/Ebay to find the cheapest Chinese seats available irrespective of size/fitting type/availability etc etc
Topic Originator: veteraneastender
Date: Tue 1 Oct 21:54
There will be industry specs for stadium seating - you can’t go looking for Arthur Daley and Del Boy stuff.
Topic Originator: Par
Date: Sat 2 Nov 04:51
I notice no tickets are on sale on line for the end sections where the Section NW congregate for all upcoming home games. Is this because that area is now limited to season ticket holders.
That along with asking everyone, not just the kids to show their ticket at the top of the stairs to these sections seems to be the club trying to clamp down on the problems in this area.
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Sat 2 Nov 07:51
Apparently a Raith fan got duffed up by a couple of "fans" again. Perhaps related to this?
Topic Originator: Dave_1885
Date: Sat 2 Nov 08:03
jake89, Sat 2 Nov 07:51
Apparently a Raith fan got duffed up by a couple of "fans" again. Perhaps related to this?
We weren’t playing Raith last night 🤔😂
Topic Originator: Back_oh_the_net
Date: Sat 2 Nov 08:08
jake89, Sat 2 Nov 07:51
Apparently a Raith fan got duffed up by a couple of "fans" again. Perhaps related to this?
Nah the guys that gave him his tatties sit in the main stand
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Sat 2 Nov 08:13
Dave_1885, Sat 2 Nov 08:03
jake89, Sat 2 Nov 07:51
Apparently a Raith fan got duffed up by a couple of "fans" again. Perhaps related to this?
We weren’t playing Raith last night 🤔😂
Didn`t say we did? It`s from the victory a few weeks ago and is being reported now because the two people who did it are getting done for it. No idea which stand these "fans" sit in but it`s potentially linked?
Topic Originator: Back_oh_the_net
Date: Sat 2 Nov 08:40
Or the more logical explanation is they want to keep tabs on who is sitting in their allocated seat and who isn’t for example I know for a fact that a good few of the wee f@nnys have their seats along closer to the cage beside their parents who then let them go and sit in the two end sections and to be totally honest the north west should have remained season ticket holders only for this season but it went back to walk up sales once the season had started
If it’s true about another raith fan getting a hiding then sorry but that’s a matter for the police to deal with then for the club to issue bans to the pair of them any other suggestions is just pure fantasy stuff and if the sections have been shut then I want to know why given that in a season ticket holder in that part of the stand I haven’t been notified
Topic Originator: DJAS
Date: Sat 2 Nov 08:59
jake89, Sat 2 Nov 08:13
Dave_1885, Sat 2 Nov 08:03
jake89, Sat 2 Nov 07:51
Apparently a Raith fan got duffed up by a couple of "fans" again. Perhaps related to this?
We weren’t playing Raith last night 🤔😂
Didn`t say we did? It`s from the victory a few weeks ago and is being reported now because the two people who did it are getting done for it. No idea which stand these "fans" sit in but it`s potentially linked?
It wasn’t again. It was from the incident in January that was widely reported at the time.
Predictor league winner 2012/2013
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Sat 2 Nov 10:57
Apologies. Didn`t realise as D-press have it paywalled.
Topic Originator: NMCmassive
Date: Sat 2 Nov 10:57
Back_oh_the_net, Sat 2 Nov 08:08
jake89, Sat 2 Nov 07:51
Apparently a Raith fan got duffed up by a couple of "fans" again. Perhaps related to this?
Nah the guys that gave him his tatties sit in the main stand
The behaviour of the main stand these days is a growing concern
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Sat 2 Nov 11:23
NMCmassive, Sat 2 Nov 10:57
Back_oh_the_net, Sat 2 Nov 08:08
jake89, Sat 2 Nov 07:51
Apparently a Raith fan got duffed up by a couple of "fans" again. Perhaps related to this?
Nah the guys that gave him his tatties sit in the main stand
The behaviour of the main stand these days is a growing concern
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe
Date: Sat 2 Nov 11:29
Regardless of views on the few numpties who caused it, the atmosphere in the NW is greatly diminished now.
A real shame as the players loved that corner.
Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
Topic Originator: JoshPars4life
Date: Sat 2 Nov 11:40
NMCmassive, Sat 2 Nov 10:57
Back_oh_the_net, Sat 2 Nov 08:08
jake89, Sat 2 Nov 07:51
Apparently a Raith fan got duffed up by a couple of "fans" again. Perhaps related to this?
Nah the guys that gave him his tatties sit in the main stand
The behaviour of the main stand these days is a growing concern
Think the only solution is to ban the main stand, if they can`t stop someone attacking a Raith fan clearly they can`t all be trusted. Only fair for the club.
Topic Originator: saltonsgonagetu
Date: Sat 2 Nov 11:57
AdamAntsParsStripe, Sat 2 Nov 11:29
Regardless of views on the few numpties who caused it, the atmosphere in the NW is greatly diminished now.
A real shame as the players loved that corner.
There was no problem with the corner of the North West except for throughing stuff on the pitch and at the linesman , pyros put them on the concrete bit just at the barrier or running track, and keep your vapes and coins in your pockets ,no problem, through stuff at folk on the pitch see ya
Post Edited (Sat 02 Nov 11:58)
Topic Originator: Buster_Brown
Date: Sat 2 Nov 12:31
AdamAntsParsStripe, Sat 2 Nov 11:29
Regardless of views on the few numpties who caused it, the atmosphere in the NW is greatly diminished now.
A real shame as the players loved that corner.
100% this, hope they can give us our atmosphere back!!
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Sat 2 Nov 12:58
AdamAntsParsStripe, Sat 2 Nov 11:29
Regardless of views on the few numpties who caused it, the atmosphere in the NW is greatly diminished now.
A real shame as the players loved that corner.
The atmosphere has been diminished because the team has been p*sh
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: NMCmassive
Date: Sat 2 Nov 13:03
da_no_1, Sat 2 Nov 12:58
AdamAntsParsStripe, Sat 2 Nov 11:29
Regardless of views on the few numpties who caused it, the atmosphere in the NW is greatly diminished now.
A real shame as the players loved that corner.
The atmosphere has been diminished because the team has been p*sh
This is a large part of it!
I do wonder if section north west should be Season Ticket only in that area 🤷🏻♂️
Topic Originator: NMCmassive
Date: Sat 2 Nov 13:06
JoshPars4life, Sat 2 Nov 11:40
NMCmassive, Sat 2 Nov 10:57
Back_oh_the_net, Sat 2 Nov 08:08
jake89, Sat 2 Nov 07:51
Apparently a Raith fan got duffed up by a couple of "fans" again. Perhaps related to this?
Nah the guys that gave him his tatties sit in the main stand
The behaviour of the main stand these days is a growing concern
Think the only solution is to ban the main stand, if they can`t stop someone attacking a Raith fan clearly they can`t all be trusted. Only fair for the club.
The main stand mad lads really need to be searched upon entry into the stadium.
I’ve seen far too many werthers originals launched from the masses
Topic Originator: buffy
Date: Sat 2 Nov 13:20
Yer no taking ma tartan blanket away fae ma knees I can tell ye!
”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”
Topic Originator: Dave_1885
Date: Sat 2 Nov 15:24
Turned up in their numbers again today……only the 30 empty seats in thensection and not a single song so far
Post Edited (Sat 02 Nov 15:25)
Topic Originator: Buster_Brown
Date: Sat 2 Nov 21:07
Dave_1885, Sat 2 Nov 15:24
Turned up in their numbers again today……only the 30 empty seats in thensection and not a single song so far
Think there were 2 over the 90 minutes 🙁
Topic Originator: parsfan
Date: Sat 2 Nov 21:31
Buster_Brown, Sat 2 Nov 21:07
Dave_1885, Sat 2 Nov 15:24
Turned up in their numbers again today……only the 30 empty seats in thensection and not a single song so far
Think there were 2 over the 90 minutes 🙁
And how many from the other stands?
The universe is ruled by chance and indifference
Topic Originator: the saline hill puma
Date: Sat 2 Nov 21:45
parsfan, Sat 2 Nov 21:31
Buster_Brown, Sat 2 Nov 21:07
Dave_1885, Sat 2 Nov 15:24
Turned up in their numbers again today……only the 30 empty seats in thensection and not a single song so far
Think there were 2 over the 90 minutes 🙁
And how many from the other stands?
Out sung by the village people in the away end. Shambles
Topic Originator: Alter Ego
Date: Sat 2 Nov 21:45
Club is to blame for anything these young fans want to bring to the game….
Mon the Pars!
Topic Originator: Buster_Brown
Date: Sat 2 Nov 22:46
parsfan, Sat 2 Nov 21:31
Buster_Brown, Sat 2 Nov 21:07
Dave_1885, Sat 2 Nov 15:24
Turned up in their numbers again today……only the 30 empty seats in thensection and not a single song so far
Think there were 2 over the 90 minutes 🙁
And how many from the other stands?
None, but that’s not my point. As I said in this thread earlier in the week, we need a vibrant North West Stand.
I know there’s an apathy and not a lot to sing about, but we need the ultras finding their mojo again.
Topic Originator: Dave_1885
Date: Sat 2 Nov 23:01
Alter Ego, Sat 2 Nov 21:45
Club is to blame for anything these young fans want to bring to the game….
They never show up unless its a “big game” 😂 and when they do they decide to launch coins and lighters at officials and players……clubs got no blame in this at all
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995
Date: Sun 3 Nov 07:32
Alter Ego, Sat 2 Nov 21:45
Club is to blame for anything these young fans want to bring to the game….
The club can`t force them to turn up? The only games the section is full are the rover and Falkirk games. If previous games are to go by I`m fine with them staying away as all you get from them is stuff thrown on the park.
c'mon the pars
Topic Originator: veteraneastender
Date: Sun 3 Nov 09:09
"They never show up unless its a “big game” 😂 and when they do they decide to launch coins and lighters at officials and players……clubs got no blame in this at all."
You forgot pyro being thrown on to the playing surface.
All the above contributes to the "atmosphere" and their "fan experience" - you really are a spoil sport.
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995
Date: Sun 3 Nov 10:24
veteraneastender, Sun 3 Nov 09:09
"They never show up unless its a “big game” 😂 and when they do they decide to launch coins and lighters at officials and players……clubs got no blame in this at all."
You forgot pyro being thrown on to the playing surface.
All the above contributes to the "atmosphere" and their "fan experience" - you really are a spoil sport.
And problems for the club. I`m sorry but I can`t accept the only way to add atmosphere to a game is throwing stuff on the pitch and generally being a wee f@nny.
c'mon the pars
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Sun 3 Nov 11:36
And still things being thrown yesterday!
Topic Originator: NMCmassive
Date: Sun 3 Nov 12:37
LochgellyAlbert, Sun 3 Nov 11:36
And still things being thrown yesterday!
What was thrown yesterday?
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Sun 3 Nov 16:45
NMCmassive, Sun 3 Nov 12:37
LochgellyAlbert, Sun 3 Nov 11:36
And still things being thrown yesterday!
What was thrown yesterday?
Don`t know what, but something landed on pitch and later something onto running track.
Topic Originator: Alter Ego
Date: Sun 3 Nov 20:19
Did you see the pyros at both semi finals at Hampden yesterday/today..and the club make such a big thing about folk in the NW having a few flares…imo it’s the club trying to shift blame onto fans and deflecting how a **** state the actual team/management is in…
Mon the Pars!
Topic Originator: wee eck
Date: Sun 3 Nov 20:33
Isn`t it against the law to set off flares at a football match?
Topic Originator: NMCmassive
Date: Sun 3 Nov 20:39
wee eck, Sun 3 Nov 20:33
Isn`t it against the law to set off flares at a football match?
If you’re no sure, google it
Topic Originator: Alter Ego
Date: Sun 3 Nov 20:40
Yes but supporters still do it but we seem to be the only club driving supporters away while the others just carry on as normal….Imo the flares etc look great and just look at the teams in Europe with their fans and atmosphere with the build up to games…
Mon the Pars!
Topic Originator: wee eck
Date: Sun 3 Nov 21:24
Cheers, fcda. It`s always good to know the facts.
Topic Originator: veteraneastender
Date: Mon 4 Nov 09:22
Alter Ego, Sun 3 Nov 20:19
Did you see the pyros at both semi finals at Hampden yesterday/today..and the club make such a big thing about folk in the NW having a few flares…imo it’s the club trying to shift blame onto fans and deflecting how a **** state the actual team/management is in…
So it’s OK for pyro because other clubs fans do it ?
The two wrongs make a right logic is trying to defend the indefensible.
Incidentally, for the avoidance of doubt, it is illegal for minors to purchase and/or possess "adult" fireworks - so anybody under 18 who does so is breaking the law even before they enter a stadium.
Post Edited (Mon 04 Nov 09:39)
Topic Originator: saltonsgonagetu
Date: Mon 4 Nov 17:33
Alter Ego, Sun 3 Nov 20:40
Yes but supporters still do it but we seem to be the only club driving supporters away while the others just carry on as normal….Imo the flares etc look great and just look at the teams in Europe with their fans and atmosphere with the build up to games…
Our supporters throw the pyros on the pitch ,and or vapes coins ,that is the problem ,if you can`t come to football without throwing objects on the pitch ,then I`m afraid spectator sports are not for you .
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Mon 4 Nov 19:30
saltonsgonagetu, Mon 4 Nov 17:33
Alter Ego, Sun 3 Nov 20:40
Yes but supporters still do it but we seem to be the only club driving supporters away while the others just carry on as normal….Imo the flares etc look great and just look at the teams in Europe with their fans and atmosphere with the build up to games…
Our supporters throw the pyros on the pitch ,and or vapes coins ,that is the problem ,if you can`t come to football without throwing objects on the pitch ,then I`m afraid spectator sports are not for you .
I`ve said it many times, but where else is the behaviour observed at football matches considered acceptable? Throwing objects, spitting, xenophobic/homophobic/bigoted chants and shouts...
The club gets fined for this behaviour so every time you see it, imagine someone burning a load of £50 notes. These guys aren`t fans and they aren`t creating atmosphere.
Topic Originator: Alter Ego
Date: Mon 4 Nov 20:51
Tbh it doesn’t matter now as the NW looks empty.
So just don’t throw objects onto the pitch but still keep the pyros on as they look decent from where I sit in the norrie…no pyro…no party..
Mon the Pars!
Topic Originator: veteraneastender
Date: Mon 4 Nov 21:02
Since 6th June 2023 it`s been a criminal offence to posses pyrotechnics in football grounds - regardless of age, without reasonable excuse.
I doubt pleading "no party, no pyro" would satisfy such exemption.
Topic Originator: Buster_Brown
Date: Mon 4 Nov 21:51
veteraneastender, Mon 4 Nov 21:02
I doubt pleading "no party, no pyro" would satisfy such exemption.
Would be a giggle though 😂😂
Topic Originator: Alter Ego
Date: Mon 4 Nov 21:54
Ohhhh….who cares…EEP is like a morgue now.
Mon the Pars!
Topic Originator: pars4life1
Date: Mon 4 Nov 22:25
Surely folks aren`t just deciding what`s right and wrong based on what the government has told them on that particular day?
Pyro is here, it`s popular enough that it`s not going away quickly and just screaming `but it`s illegal` isn`t going to convince anyone who is involved with it to not too.
Topic Originator: John-Boy
Date: Mon 4 Nov 23:41
pars4life1, Mon 4 Nov 22:25
Surely folks aren`t just deciding what`s right and wrong based on what the government has told them on that particular day?
Pyro is here, it`s popular enough that it`s not going away quickly and just screaming `but it`s illegal` isn`t going to convince anyone who is involved with it to not too.
It ‘may’ add to an atmosphere if there is singing from the crowd/ a whole load of other factors like importance of the game, opposition etc.
But the atmosphere is honking because the football is.
Sort the football out, get the supporters excited again and the atmosphere (and indeed the section) will return pyro or not.
And if the echelons of Scottish Football didn’t want Pyro - they would stop showing it on TV and adverts.
A total hypocritical stance from them.
As always.
Do you think I'm the man?
A) Yes, B) A or C) B
Topic Originator: Bamba-Daft
Date: Tue 5 Nov 12:19
jake89, Mon 04 Nov 19:30
The club gets fined for this behaviour so every time you see it, imagine someone burning a load of £50 notes. These guys aren`t fans and they aren`t creating atmosphere.
How much have they been fined? And when?
Topic Originator: Back_oh_the_net
Date: Tue 5 Nov 13:20
NMCmassive, Sat 2 Nov 13:03
da_no_1, Sat 2 Nov 12:58
AdamAntsParsStripe, Sat 2 Nov 11:29
Regardless of views on the few numpties who caused it, the atmosphere in the NW is greatly diminished now.
A real shame as the players loved that corner.
The atmosphere has been diminished because the team has been p*sh
This is a large part of it!
I do wonder if section north west should be Season Ticket only in that area 🤷🏻♂️
Not sure if it’s been posted already but the whole of the NW was season ticket holders only last season no idea why the club thought it was a good idea to change it for this season
Topic Originator: DJAS
Date: Tue 5 Nov 13:21
Back_oh_the_net, Tue 5 Nov 13:20
NMCmassive, Sat 2 Nov 13:03
da_no_1, Sat 2 Nov 12:58
AdamAntsParsStripe, Sat 2 Nov 11:29
Regardless of views on the few numpties who caused it, the atmosphere in the NW is greatly diminished now.
A real shame as the players loved that corner.
The atmosphere has been diminished because the team has been p*sh
This is a large part of it!
I do wonder if section north west should be Season Ticket only in that area 🤷🏻♂️
Not sure if it’s been posted already but the whole of the NW was season ticket holders only last season no idea why the club thought it was a good idea to change it for this season
Was that not because it sold out last year but this year it didn’t?
Predictor league winner 2012/2013
Topic Originator: Back_oh_the_net
Date: Tue 5 Nov 13:26
veteraneastender, Mon 4 Nov 09:22
Alter Ego, Sun 3 Nov 20:19
Did you see the pyros at both semi finals at Hampden yesterday/today..and the club make such a big thing about folk in the NW having a few flares…imo it’s the club trying to shift blame onto fans and deflecting how a **** state the actual team/management is in…
So it’s OK for pyro because other clubs fans do it ?
The two wrongs make a right logic is trying to defend the indefensible.
Incidentally, for the avoidance of doubt, it is illegal for minors to purchase and/or possess "adult" fireworks - so anybody under 18 who does so is breaking the law even before they enter a stadium.
Can we no aw club together and buy them some kiddies fireworks instead then that way no laws are being broken on that front?
Topic Originator: red-star-par
Date: Tue 5 Nov 13:29
Back_oh_the_net, Tue 5 Nov 13:26
veteraneastender, Mon 4 Nov 09:22
Alter Ego, Sun 3 Nov 20:19
Did you see the pyros at both semi finals at Hampden yesterday/today..and the club make such a big thing about folk in the NW having a few flares…imo it’s the club trying to shift blame onto fans and deflecting how a **** state the actual team/management is in…
So it’s OK for pyro because other clubs fans do it ?
The two wrongs make a right logic is trying to defend the indefensible.
Incidentally, for the avoidance of doubt, it is illegal for minors to purchase and/or possess "adult" fireworks - so anybody under 18 who does so is breaking the law even before they enter a stadium.
Can we no aw club together and buy them some kiddies fireworks instead then that way no laws are being broken on that front?
Maybe the wee dafties in the North West want to behave like bairns they would prefer sparklers? They will just need to watch not burn their wee fingies
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Tue 5 Nov 20:08
Bamba-Daft, Tue 5 Nov 12:19
jake89, Mon 04 Nov 19:30
The club gets fined for this behaviour so every time you see it, imagine someone burning a load of £50 notes. These guys aren`t fans and they aren`t creating atmosphere.
How much have they been fined? And when?
Stated in the last update from the club that we are on our "last warning". I assume that means a fine?
Furthermore, as these idiots can`t control their behaviour it means more stewards and potentially policing. This all adds cost to the club, and that`s before the cost of repairing all the damage these morons have done to the stand. The last update suggested this had cost thousands of pounds. It truly is pathetic that people, including many adults, have to resort to smashing things and throwing objects. Perhaps a money maker for the club could be to put up a glass frame and advertise it as a primate exhibition?
Worth noting that part of the reason the club is in such a state now is the result of the behaviour of an abusive minority of "fans" who basically hounded Ross McArthur out the door by shouting and spitting on him.
Would these people go to work and act this way?
Topic Originator: Alter Ego
Date: Tue 5 Nov 21:19
I highly doubt the state of the club is in is the abuse Ross Mcarthur took all those years ago… it’s the state our German investors have left the club in and wanting to sell up. Their strategy has not worked or their investment leaving us with an absolute joke of a training academy. Well done our German friends👏
Mon the Pars!
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Tue 5 Nov 21:26
The Germans really invested in McArthur. He left, they had to hire a replacement. More money down the pan. Others left and had to be replaced.
Even if disagreeing with that premise, you can`t disagree that fan behaviour is costing the club much needed cash. You may spend £24 to get in but that goes down the pan when the club is paying over a hundred quid to fix the seat you smashed and putting on additional security because you`re too thick to keep your vape in your pocket.
Topic Originator: NMCmassive
Date: Tue 5 Nov 21:27
jake89, Tue 5 Nov 20:08
Bamba-Daft, Tue 5 Nov 12:19
jake89, Mon 04 Nov 19:30
The club gets fined for this behaviour so every time you see it, imagine someone burning a load of £50 notes. These guys aren`t fans and they aren`t creating atmosphere.
How much have they been fined? And when?
Stated in the last update from the club that we are on our "last warning". I assume that means a fine?
Furthermore, as these idiots can`t control their behaviour it means more stewards and potentially policing. This all adds cost to the club, and that`s before the cost of repairing all the damage these morons have done to the stand. The last update suggested this had cost thousands of pounds. It truly is pathetic that people, including many adults, have to resort to smashing things and throwing objects. Perhaps a money maker for the club could be to put up a glass frame and advertise it as a primate exhibition?
Worth noting that part of the reason the club is in such a state now is the result of the behaviour of an abusive minority of "fans" who basically hounded Ross McArthur out the door by shouting and spitting on him.
Would these people go to work and act this way?
Why would you act the same way at the football as you do at work? 🤷🏻♂️
Nothing wrong with going to the football and singing/shouting/cheering
And whoever said about the hypocrisy of pyro - I’m 100% with you! Huge complaints about the pyro before the semi finals… just wait until they’re advertising the final 👍🏻
Actually Aberdeen tbf to the club, decided to put on their own pyro pre-match against Rangers and I don’t recall their being any other issues with pyro on the night 🤔
What I would say is EEP under the lights is something else and the nights we have a bouncing NW stand really add something. Surely the club could set off a bit pyro as the players leave the dressing room 🤷🏻♂️
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Tue 5 Nov 21:34
NMC, perhaps work isn't a great example but consider it "acceptable behaviour" in the context of where you are. It`s all outlined on the club website. Come along and sing, chant, do whatever. Just don`t lob coins, vapes, cups or whatever at players and officials, set off pyros or smash seats/toilets/signs etc. That isn`t normal behaviour. If you lose your **** that much over a game of football then you could probably do with some counselling.
I DO like the idea of a club organised display but I'd guess it needs a licence and the residents of Halbeath Road might not appreciate it.
Post Edited (Tue 05 Nov 21:36)
Topic Originator: Alter Ego
Date: Tue 5 Nov 21:57
Club organised display on match days😅
Mon the Pars!
Topic Originator: veteraneastender
Date: Wed 6 Nov 09:26
"I DO like the idea of a club organised display but I`d guess it needs a licence and the residents of Halbeath Road might not appreciate it."
The club would require a licence from the local authority otherwise they`d be breaking the law.
That requires staff doing professional training in the safe handling etc. of fireworks/pyrotechnics.
I can`t see DAFC going down that road, even in Fife Council were amenable which it won`t be for a variety of reasons.
Topic Originator: NMCmassive
Date: Wed 6 Nov 13:17
I don’t think you need much training to hold a pyro. I’m pretty sure the training received when going through the official training for holding sparklers would suffice.
Jesus Christ on a bike btw! The 16 year old apprentice at work could use pyro and no burn himself or others.
I know he could, he’s up and down the country every weekend at the moment doing it 😂😂
If you’re going to ask the club for a prematch fireworks display then they’ll say no but perhaps you might get some pyro set off in front of the north west or something 🤷🏻♂️