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 Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Thu 9 Nov 18:41

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Thu 9 Nov 21:28

Wonder who claimed the highest expenses in the Scottish Parliament?🤔

A wee clue....DR💰💰💰
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 9 Nov 22:06

Christ almighty we really do scrape the barrel in this country when it comes to accurate reporting.

This is a parliamentary IT failure rather than a ministerial one. The tablet was still using an old SIM card. Furthermore, the provider didn`t give any alerts. I expect there will be a considerable refund but that won`t be reported as it`s not newsworthy, a bit like this story!
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 9 Nov 22:08


LochgellyAlbert, Thu 9 Nov 21:28

Wonder who claimed the highest expenses in the Scottish Parliament?🤔

A wee clue....DR💰💰💰

Stuart McMillan (SNP)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Thu 9 Nov 23:03


jake89, Thu 9 Nov 22:08


LochgellyAlbert, Thu 9 Nov 21:28

Wonder who claimed the highest expenses in the Scottish Parliament?🤔

A wee clue....DR💰💰💰

Stuart McMillan (SNP)

I was looking at the comparison between the opposition leaders, agree that McMillan leads the field!

Post Edited (Thu 09 Nov 23:03)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 9 Nov 23:48

It`s strange that having the highest expenses is apparently considered to be a `badge of shame`. Couldn`t it indicate the MSP/MP is extremely active in visiting constituents and/or looking after their interests?

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 10 Nov 08:06

Jake I don`t see what`s wrong with the reporting of this story. Everything you say the article also states although that it wasn`t Matheson`s fault is still unclear to me. I do have some doubts that you could rack up an 11k data bill on an iPad unless you were perhaps streaming Netflix, YouTube or Spotify etc

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Fri 10 Nov 08:32

Is it possible to look at the history in the iPad to see how much constituency work he was doing ?

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Fri 10 Nov 08:39

Moved to WhatsAppening thread

👍 Wee Eck

Post Edited (Fri 10 Nov 10:39)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 10 Nov 09:47

What have WhatsApp messages got to do with Michael Matheson`s iPad? It`s a bit much when the person who started the thread can`t keep to the subject.

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Fri 10 Nov 10:13


wee eck, Fri 10 Nov 09:47

What have WhatsApp messages got to do with Michael Matheson`s iPad? It`s a bit much when the person who started the thread can`t keep to the subject.

Back on track..
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 10 Nov 18:58

He`ll pay it out his own pocket. Assume other politicians will do similar? Yes?
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Fri 10 Nov 20:36


jake89, Fri 10 Nov 18:58

He`ll pay it out his own pocket. Assume other politicians will do similar? Yes?

Anyone who thinks he would have paid for it without the outcry is seriously naive.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 10 Nov 21:52


Tenruh, Fri 10 Nov 20:36


jake89, Fri 10 Nov 18:58

He`ll pay it out his own pocket. Assume other politicians will do similar? Yes?

Anyone who thinks he would have paid for it without the outcry is seriously naive.

He shouldn`t have paid it. It was the fault of the parliament.

When`s Tory Peer Mone paying back the MILLIONS of taxpayers money she stole?
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 10 Nov 22:38

Jake I`m not getting where you are seeing this as not being his fault? All the reports I have read is that he was told to change the SIM card over a year ago but seemingly didn`t. What especially makes me doubt it wasn`t his fault because , and I might be wrong, how much data could you consume doing constituency work for seven days in Morocco (and it wouldn`t be a full seven days overseas). Yet that`s what he said he used data on. Wasn`t watching Netflix or listening to Spotify while lounging by the pool. Nope he ran up 11 thousand pounds worth of data charges by replying to emails.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 10 Nov 22:45

The SIM in the tablet isn`t his responsibility to change. I`d also expect there should have been data use warnings, which is a failing of the provider.

If this had been anyone else they`d have Martin Lewis on the case to get the charges canceled.

Nice little distraction I suppose.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 10 Nov 23:00

I`d also expect the provider to have issued a data warning, I think I`ve always had one when being abroad, and I`d also expect the user of the mobile device to heed such a warning. Failure to heed such a warning is perhaps why the mobile company have declined to waive the charges.
Again though that`s almost irrelevant now. He said this bill was incurred only by doing constituency work online but I`m not sure I believe it would be possible to rack up that size of a bill doing that kinda of work for a week.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Sat 11 Nov 06:48


The One Who Knocks, Fri 10 Nov 23:00

I`d also expect the provider to have issued a data warning, I think I`ve always had one when being abroad, and I`d also expect the user of the mobile device to heed such a warning. Failure to heed such a warning is perhaps why the mobile company have declined to waive the charges.
Again though that`s almost irrelevant now. He said this bill was incurred only by doing constituency work online but I`m not sure I believe it would be possible to rack up that size of a bill doing that kinda of work for a week.

It's total deflection TOWK, who gives a toss what Johnson and Mone gets up to.Different County different mind-set.
What happened to the "Show we can govern and the people will support us " Actions like Mathesons (£129,000 per annum) blows the trust right out the water.
And the thing is there's no way of removing them. Remember guys to keep the gravy running "both votes SNP"

If a cabinet minister is not prepared to take responsibility what does that say to the others in the parliament? Wha's like us ? 25 years and corruption has taken hold.

Integrity is doing the right thing when nobody is looking NOT after looking at the public reaction to this!
( stolen from FB)

Post Edited (Sat 11 Nov 07:39)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sat 11 Nov 09:02

The Scottish Parliament (different from the Scottish Government) investigated the matter and were happy with his explanation. In light of what happened they reviewed their policy and made changes to their procedures to ensure it couldn`t happen again. That sounds like an admission the system was at fault although he did himself no favours by ignoring reminders his SIM card needed to be replaced.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Sat 11 Nov 09:45

The system was working fine if it reminded him to SIM card needed to be replaced.
In fact the scheme seems foolproof apart from this one eejit

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sat 11 Nov 10:17

Well why are they changing it? A `foolproof` system wouldn`t need to be changed.

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sat 11 Nov 11:16

Again, it would not be Mathieson who would be changing the SIM. If anyone thinks MSPs are trusted to sort their IT then they`re mistaken. If the contracts had been correctly cancelled, that SIM wouldn`t have even worked.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sat 11 Nov 11:25

The email that is sent to msps to remind them of their responsibility states;
FOR ACTION: Are you intending to travel outside the EU with your parliamentary phone or iPad?

If so, please phone the IT Helpdesk on 0131 34 (86100) to advise where and when you are travelling. EE offer competitive rates for using mobile data and voice abroad, but we have specify the dates the daily rate is applied.

Where possible you should turn off data roaming unless you absolutely require it (settings, mobile data, mobile data options, roaming off). Please note that BIT will only cover roaming costs up to £200, and the individual will be responsible for anything beyond this.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sat 11 Nov 11:44

Based on my experience of contacting MSPs, including Matheson, they don`t read their emails. They are read by their private secretaries. It`s probably someone different now, but Matheson had a really good PS when he was responsible for Transport. He had to deal with my regular complaints about ScotRail and public transport routes.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sat 11 Nov 12:09

The fact is Matheson has agreed to pay these charges regardless of who was at fault or the fact that the Scottish Parliament accepted his explanation. Compare this with a certain ex-PM who milked the system for what he could including legal expenses incurred in defending himself against charges that he lied to MPs in the House of Commons. I wonder how much he cost taxpayers during his tenure?

Of course we`re not supposed to mention this because it`s `whataboutery` which is just another way of dismissing inconvenient exposure of the gaping holes in the UK constitution.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Sat 11 Nov 13:36

Brilliant. Matheson tries to dodge accountability and the nuSNP apologists support him to the max.
Welcome to Scottish politics in the 2020s
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sat 11 Nov 14:09

Unionists must love guys like you, Tenruh, obsessing over relatively trivial matters whilst ignoring the bigger picture. You seem to spend as much time as your Unionist pal Parboiled hunting down any dirt you can throw at the SNP in the hope some of it will stick.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sat 11 Nov 14:12

This will be awkward for you Tenruh - I`ve never voted SNP in my life 😂

I don`t align with any party, which I feel is a far healthier position to take than spending my days being a political fanboy posting daft cartoons and making up silly names for politicians. I also definitely wouldn`t be berating people on this forum on Alba fan sites.

Best of luck keeping Hanvey representing your area. Sadly, I suspect it`ll be Labour.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Sun 12 Nov 06:49


jake89, Sat 11 Nov 14:12

This will be awkward for you Tenruh - I`ve never voted SNP in my life 😂

I don`t align with any party, which I feel is a far healthier position to take than spending my days being a political fanboy posting daft cartoons and making up silly names for politicians. I also definitely wouldn`t be berating people on this forum on Alba fan sites.

Best of luck keeping Hanvey representing your area. Sadly, I suspect it`ll be Labour.

So you're the sleakit Unionist voter in there quick to defend nuSNP because you know they're offering independence but have been delivering devolution.

Yip Kirkcaldy is going to most probably fall to an English based unionist party which in the long term if it keeps a Scottish based devolutionist party off the gravy train lying that they`re fighting for independence sadly that`s a victory for the independence movement...

Post Edited (Sun 12 Nov 07:53)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Sun 12 Nov 07:02


wee eck, Sat 11 Nov 14:09

Unionists must love guys like you, Tenruh, obsessing over relatively trivial matters whilst ignoring the bigger picture. You seem to spend as much time as your Unionist pal Parboiled hunting down any dirt you can throw at the SNP in the hope some of it will stick.

NuSNP Scotlands devolutionist party have no intention in delivering independence so they`ll love you. Open your eyes because you`ll never see independence in your lifetime. You`ve been lied to since 2014 .

Doesn`t take much hunting down to find dirt to throw at the cabel at the top of the nuSNP. It`s everywhere.....in some instances, they`ve even tried and jailed innocent individuals....beat that England 🇬🇧. Isn`t it ironic that that`s the flag that appears when you type England ?

Keep voting nuSNP and vote for more devolution, independence isn`t what you`re voting for.

Post Edited (Sun 12 Nov 07:03)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sun 12 Nov 09:02

I`ve got news for you -- I`ve been lied to ever since I was old enough to vote. Of course it`s easy to find dirt on the SNP; the media is controlled by people who don`t support independence.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sun 12 Nov 09:47

Incorrect again, Tenruh. I voted Green at the last GE. Who did you vote for?

I have to say you`re not doing much to improve the perception of Alba here. You`re like the foaming at the mouth nat/britnat posting constant drivel on their Facebook hoping people will notice. Unbeknownst to them, their pals all mute them. Unfortunately, there`s no mute button on this site.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Sun 12 Nov 10:09


jake89, Sun 12 Nov 09:47

Incorrect again, Tenruh. I voted Green at the last GE. Who did you vote for?

I have to say you`re not doing much to improve the perception of Alba here. You`re like the foaming at the mouth nat/britnat posting constant drivel on their Facebook hoping people will notice. Unbeknownst to them, their pals all mute them. Unfortunately, there`s no mute button on this site.

SNP. Never again, if there`s not an abstentionalist party I won`t vote.

Whether there`s 1 or 57 Independence MPs it won`t make a blind bit of difference who Scotland sends down.
Certainly not voting for a candidate to sit down there lining their pockets .
That said it`s a great job if you could get it.

The Greens, the party with no red lines, you`ll get the chance voting Green to indirectly vote English Labour into power in 2026.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sun 12 Nov 10:17

So SNP to Alba? Interesting.

So what will Alba do differently if they become the majority independence party?
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Sun 12 Nov 10:26

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Sun 12 Nov 21:00


Tenruh, Sun 12 Nov 10:26


So what is their legal route to Indy?
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Mon 13 Nov 06:31


Dave_1885, Sun 12 Nov 21:00


Tenruh, Sun 12 Nov 10:26


So what is their legal route to Indy?

Is there one Dave ? We all thought Sturgeon had a secret route ? Some still believe she did.

Post Edited (Mon 13 Nov 06:33)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Mon 13 Nov 08:51

So Alba doesn`t have one either?

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 13 Nov 12:47


Wotsit, Mon 13 Nov 08:51

So Alba doesn`t have one either?

And this is what MPs should be questioning every day. It`s illegal.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Mon 13 Nov 13:21

You`re right, jake, It`s scandalous that there is no legal, democratic route to independence that doesn`t require the consent of a unionist party but don`t expect the Scottish media to make a fuss about it. They`d rather dish the dirt on the SNP.

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 13 Nov 14:19

And regardless of who you vote for, this doesn`t appear possible to be changed. If this is truly the case, surely it`s one for an international court?
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Mon 13 Nov 16:15

Cheer up chaps, Hamza Half Wit’s Minister for (snort) Independence is about to launch a paper on Indy Scotland rejoining the EU!

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Mon 13 Nov 19:42


Tenruh, Mon 13 Nov 06:31


Dave_1885, Sun 12 Nov 21:00


Tenruh, Sun 12 Nov 10:26


So what is their legal route to Indy?

Is there one Dave ? We all thought Sturgeon had a secret route ? Some still believe she did.

So if Alba dont have the answer to Indy, why should someone change vote for them? Their only real policy is illegal…
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Wed 15 Nov 20:26

Matheson making statement tomorrow. No doubt to explain why the highest usage on his IPad was 2 January, not a busy day for constituency business - was there any footie on?

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Wed 15 Nov 20:59


Parboiled, Wed 15 Nov 20:26

Matheson making statement tomorrow. No doubt to explain why the highest usage on his IPad was 2 January, not a busy day for constituency business - was there any footie on?

This is obviously a pressing matter for you Parsboiled. I`m more concerned about the 170million down the drain with this Rwanda nonsense, but yeah, let`s concentrate on an 11k bill.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Wed 15 Nov 22:12


red-star-par, Wed 15 Nov 20:59


Parboiled, Wed 15 Nov 20:26

Matheson making statement tomorrow. No doubt to explain why the highest usage on his IPad was 2 January, not a busy day for constituency business - was there any footie on?

This is obviously a pressing matter for you Parsboiled. I`m more concerned about the 170million down the drain with this Rwanda nonsense, but yeah, let`s concentrate on an 11k bill.

That will be £170m well spent when they remove us from the ECHR…..mind you the billions that will then be required on a new war in Ireland may not be worth it…
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 15 Nov 22:53

Hate to break it to the foaming at the mouth Daily Mail readers on here, but that data use is almost certainly from Teams or Zoom video calls.

Amazing how much detail we`re able to get on an MSPs tablet usage but are still waiting for more detail on a Tory Peer defrauding the taxpayer of hundreds of millions of pounds.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Thu 16 Nov 07:18


Parboiled, Wed 15 Nov 20:26

Matheson making statement tomorrow. No doubt to explain why the highest usage on his IPad was 2 January, not a busy day for constituency business - was there any footie on?

Keeping well Parbo ?

£7000 of data used that day the day Celtic played Newgers.

The Scottish Parliament will lead the way in honesty and transparency, pass the redacter pen John

Post Edited (Thu 16 Nov 07:19)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Thu 16 Nov 08:20

“Teams or Zoom video calls” ...on a day when nobody is working?

Only a total Zoomer could come up with that!

Anyway he must be resigning. Unless it’s Westminster’s fault...

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 16 Nov 08:43


Parboiled, Thu 16 Nov 08:20

“Teams or Zoom video calls” ...on a day when nobody is working?

Only a total Zoomer could come up with that!

Anyway he must be resigning. Unless it’s Westminster’s fault...

Again, at risk of blowing your mind, people DO make business calls at the weekend and on holidays. I`ve already had a call with one of my team and neither of us are officially on the clock yet. 🤯

Labour anti-Semitism, Tory fraud and Parboiled`s obsessed with an £11k phone bill the minister has offered to pay himself 🤦‍♂️
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Thu 16 Nov 08:52


jake89, Thu 16 Nov 08:43


Parboiled, Thu 16 Nov 08:20

“Teams or Zoom video calls” ...on a day when nobody is working?

Only a total Zoomer could come up with that!

Anyway he must be resigning. Unless it’s Westminster’s fault...

Again, at risk of blowing your mind, people DO make business calls at the weekend and on holidays. I`ve already had a call with one of my team and neither of us are officially on the clock yet. 🤯

Labour anti-Semitism, Tory fraud and Parboiled`s obsessed with an £11k phone bill the minister has offered to pay himself 🤦‍♂️

Jake, you'll no catch the auld yin with comments so obvious.

🎣 🎣 🎣 🎣 🎣

Post Edited (Thu 16 Nov 08:56)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Thu 16 Nov 09:42

From an article in The Herald;

"The EE statement suggests that the minister`s £10,935.74 bill was for using roughly 7GB of data between December 28 and January 3.

The bill does not reveal the websites visited or the apps used.

The breakdown shows Mr Matheson incurred the highest charges on December 28, where 1.26 GB of data cost £2,249.17, and January 2, where 3.89GB of data cost £8666.39.
Mr Matheson has always insisted the costs related “solely to parliamentary and constituency-related work” that he carried out during the trip.

However, there are questions over what amount of work he was doing to use so much of data.

According to EE, sending 175 emails every day for a month would use 2GB.

Using twice that in a day, as he did on January 2, would be more in line with streaming films or TV shows or football matches.

One Tory MSP pointed out that Celtic were playing on the two days with the most data used.

"The 28th Dec and the 2nd Jan, are both notable for significant football matches: Hibs v Celtic and Celtic v Rangers. A coincidence? We need the full truth," Stephen Kerr wrote on X, the site formerly known as Twitter."

As is so often the case it`s not the original misdemeanor that`s the problem it`s the attempt to cover it up. If he just said from the start `I messed up and didn`t realise I was running up such a high bill while using the parliamentary tablet for personal use during my down time. I will of course reimburse the full amount due.`, that would have been that and it while it would have raised a snigger it wouldn`t have raised an eyebrow.
But no, he had to go with the line that it was constituency work and only constituency work that racked up such a bill.
As that saying goes, `you don`t need a good memory if you always tell the truth`

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Thu 16 Nov 11:29

If he had come clean in January and paid the bill he would certainly have been applauded for his honesty , but to have us pay the bill then wait till the publics reaction 10 months later then try backtracking was stupidity.

Just tell the truth at the the earliest opportunity.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 16 Nov 11:58

It will be interesting to hear what he has to say. There are a lot of unanswered questions.

Why has it taken so long to come to public attention?

Why didn`t the Scottish Parliament IT expert insist on seeing the browser history?

Couldn`t the SP have taken more forceful action to switch the SIM card?

There is also a curious statement included in the BBC report when the story first broke :-

`The £11,000 bill is more than the total of all MSPs` mobile phone, business line, tablet and staff phone bill expenses claimed in 2022/23 combined. The total for all phone-related expenses last year was £9,507.`

Isn`t that figure incredibly low?

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Thu 16 Nov 12:01

Must have been a rotten holiday sitting in a room watching films and the ugly sisters!

Has he not heard about a VPN?

Post Edited (Thu 16 Nov 12:02)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: parsfan  
Date:   Thu 16 Nov 13:15

Sounds like he`s about to blame his family.

The universe is ruled by chance and indifference

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Thu 16 Nov 13:28

“ more has been discovered” says Hamza at FMQ’s..

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Thu 16 Nov 14:48


parsfan, Thu 16 Nov 13:15

Sounds like he`s about to blame his family.

Bang-on....got to secure the £50,000 per year demotion would bring..

Who believes him ?

So why didn't he cough up in January.....

Post Edited (Thu 16 Nov 14:49)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Thu 16 Nov 16:11

Has claimed his kids were watching the football on it 🤦🏻‍♂️ what a shocker
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Thu 16 Nov 19:23

He has to resign .. Lie after Lie until he was caught and still Lied ..

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 16 Nov 19:37

How old are his sons? If he wasn`t watching the football with them didn`t he ask them later how they`d been spending their time? If the family are all football fans it`s hard to believe they didn`t discuss these matches later in the day.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Thu 16 Nov 19:44


wee eck, Thu 16 Nov 19:37

How old are his sons? If he wasn`t watching the football with them didn`t he ask them later how they`d been spending their time? If the family are all football fans it`s hard to believe they didn`t discuss these matches later in the day.

Teenagers.....regarding an Apple device, the one I`m presently using has security that only allows access to me....how did the kids on more than one occasion manage to access a works one ?
Matheson has no shame blaming his teenage sons to keep slurping.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Thu 16 Nov 19:45

Teenagers apparently wee eck .. embarrassing grovelling .. He has to go

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Thu 16 Nov 19:50

It would be good to get to see the browsing history of all Parliamentarians, maybe like the Tory that was watching porn in the House Of Commons. Kerr and Ross are kicking up a stink, what`s on their browsing history. I`m sure they won`t be in a rush to show it off, as it will likely involve wee boys
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 16 Nov 19:57

The story didn`t rate a mention on C4 News tonight.

All these `scandals` involving politicians demonstrate a lamentable lack of judgement and integrity which is quite worrying regardless of which party they represent.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Thu 16 Nov 20:03

This ^^^^

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Thu 16 Nov 21:37

Wee DRoss kicking off about a 11K mobile bill, the guy that forgot to declare £30K in earnings!

Didn`t even blush🤔☺️🥳💰
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend  
Date:   Thu 16 Nov 22:25

He has to go, it’s that simple. Are there any good, honest politicians out there ?
I’m about to watch question time. No doubt the Tories will trot out another no mark to slaver the awfiest pihs

Well it’s the odious Rees-Mogg. Let’s see what this titt has to say

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983

Post Edited (Thu 16 Nov 22:46)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Fri 24 Nov 09:34

He`s been on the gravy train so long He`s not going to go willingly.

He will go though.....

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Wed 29 Nov 19:03

So an IPSOS poll says that Matheson should resign over this misdemeanours, question slipped in beside an indepence and Westminster voting intention.

Did they not ask whether DROSS should go after his financial juggling?🤔😲🤬🤬🤬
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Wed 29 Nov 22:03


Tenruh, Thu 16 Nov 19:44


wee eck, Thu 16 Nov 19:37

How old are his sons? If he wasn`t watching the football with them didn`t he ask them later how they`d been spending their time? If the family are all football fans it`s hard to believe they didn`t discuss these matches later in the day.

Teenagers.....regarding an Apple device, the one I`m presently using has security that only allows access to me....how did the kids on more than one occasion manage to access a works one ?
Matheson has no shame blaming his teenage sons to keep slurping.

They didn`t use the device itself. They used their own device but used the ipad as a hotspot.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Sat 2 Dec 09:11

I’ve heard that it was an iPhone used to watch the football, although I assume it was via the non personal SIM card ?

That becomes a secondary consideration because the Minister did not tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth when the issue first came to light.

I listened to Keith Brown trying to defend Mathieson on BBC Radio Scotland a few days ago - entirely unconvincing. Basically let’s wait and see what the official investigation comes up with.

He bodyswerved the key questions that Gary Robertson asked.

This matter still has a way to go.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Sat 2 Dec 09:14

Resign before sacked best outcome

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sat 2 Dec 09:26


veteraneastender, Sat 2 Dec 09:11

I’ve heard that it was an iPhone used to watch the football, although I assume it was via the non personal SIM card ?

That becomes a secondary consideration because the Minister did not tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth when the issue first came to light.

I listened to Keith Brown trying to defend Mathieson on BBC Radio Scotland a few days ago - entirely unconvincing. Basically let’s wait and see what the official investigation comes up with.

He bodyswerved the key questions that Gary Robertson asked.

This matter still has a way to go.

The iPhone was accessing the internet through a hotspot on the iPad. He was unaware of this.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Sat 2 Dec 12:05

"He was unaware of this."

He was aware of the misleading explanation he gave after the issue came to light.

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sat 2 Dec 12:20

When I set up a hotspot on my android no one else can access it without the password I give it.

Is this not the case with apple hotspots? Surely it must be. So he`s either left it open (a conscious choice) or he`s given the children the password.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Sat 2 Dec 12:33

The daily charges have been flagged online - nearly £7 grand for 2nd January which "just by chance" happened to be the date of the Celtic v Rangers game.

The Minister tells Holyrood the device was used for official business over that period.

Meanwhile, back in the real world........................

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sat 2 Dec 13:24

Surely the administrators at the Scottish Parliament should have done more at the time to challenge these charges? If his computer was being used as a hub would the details of the sites visited have shown up in his browsing history (which for some reason the SP didn`t ask to see)?
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: DBP  
Date:   Sat 2 Dec 13:55

I don’t think that’s how hot spots work?
If I use my wife’s iPhone connection when we’re out, which Apple seems to let me do without asking her, what I view doesn’t appear on her phones browser history
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: arpar  
Date:   Sat 2 Dec 19:44

When you set up a hotspot your device is acting as a router. You will have a password to stop anybody connecting to your device. Your internet usage won`t show on the browsing history of the hotspot device but it will be accessible to the internet provider.

Post Edited (Sat 02 Dec 19:45)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: DBP  
Date:   Sun 3 Dec 07:52

But the internet provider won’t just give you that info, and that’s assuming the kids weren’t using a vpn to pretend they were in the uk to access sports channels - if they were using a vpn then my understanding is the internet provider will only see that connection registered and won’t know what websites they visited through the vpn

Edited to say that I’m pretty sure I didn’t put a password in fire my wife’s iPhone internet - I’m sure Apple has ‘linked us’ as a family in some way, the hotspot was offered to my phone (wife didn’t do anything on her phone) and I connected - when I did connect a little icon went green on her phone on the status bar but that was it

Post Edited (Sun 03 Dec 07:55)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Sun 3 Dec 13:23


DBP, Sun 3 Dec 07:

Edited to say that I’m pretty sure I didn’t put a password in fire my wife’s iPhone internet - I’m sure Apple has ‘linked us’ as a family in some way, the hotspot was offered to my phone (wife didn’t do anything on her phone) and I connected - when I did connect a little icon went green on her phone on the status bar but that was it

I`m sure that`s the case but your wife could have put a password on her device to prevent access. Surely with a device that is used for government business it should always be password protected.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Wed 7 Feb 12:07

Holyrood report into attempted theft of £11k from the public purse/ serious lapse of memory due any day.
Cops or doctor?

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Thu 8 Feb 11:57

Gone but not sacked …

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Thu 8 Feb 13:39

Honey I shopped the kids.....
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Thu 8 Feb 16:39

A meer drop in the ocean compared to Gove`s misdemeanours!
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 8 Feb 16:53

Neil Gray has been appointed Health Secretary in his place.

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Thu 8 Feb 19:12

So he is no longer in the job? Good. Moving on…when will Gove resign?
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Fri 9 Feb 11:25

So who`s next in line?


Too many being ignored, yet Sunak to appear on GB TV next week!
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: TAFKA_Super_Petrie  
Date:   Fri 9 Feb 16:03

If they were in Morocco then i`m assuming the only `legit` access they`d have to OF games is SKY which in turn would be blocked abroad (SKY Go).

Whilst it`s not as tricky to get around as BBCiPlayer is in terms of footering about with a VPN it`s not that straight forward, albeit I may be doing his son(s) a diservice to their IT knowledge.

Which makes me think they`ve maybe accessed it via IPTV or another 3rd party and the subsequent enquiry has laid this bare and he`s been advised as such before it`s made public, hence resigning.

You know the tabloid in the Sun & Record and even more so opposition MP`s would gave a field day with the headlines about a government device being used to facilitate illegal / pirated material even if it was 2nd or 3rd hand via a hotspot.

Just a theory of course, maybe reading too much into into it.


"People always talk about Ronaldinho and magic, but I didn't see him today. I saw Henrik Larsson; that's where the magic was."

Post Edited (Fri 09 Feb 16:03)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Fri 9 Feb 18:25


TAFKA_Super_Petrie, Fri 9 Feb 16:03

If they were in Morocco then i`m assuming the only `legit` access they`d have to OF games is SKY which in turn would be blocked abroad (SKY Go).

Whilst it`s not as tricky to get around as BBCiPlayer is in terms of footering about with a VPN it`s not that straight forward, albeit I may be doing his son(s) a diservice to their IT knowledge.

Which makes me think they`ve maybe accessed it via IPTV or another 3rd party and the subsequent enquiry has laid this bare and he`s been advised as such before it`s made public, hence resigning.

You know the tabloid in the Sun & Record and even more so opposition MP`s would gave a field day with the headlines about a government device being used to facilitate illegal / pirated material even if it was 2nd or 3rd hand via a hotspot.

Just a theory of course, maybe reading too much into into it.

After sitting tight for 3 months why the dash to the exit door ?

The parameters inquiry he asked for into the issue is due to report their findings imminently .
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Fri 9 Feb 21:01

I wonder why he decided to quit on a Thursday just after 11am, an hour before First Ministers questions. He could have quit at any time over the months since the scandal was raised. Labour would have been in for a kicking at that Parliamentary session over their recent change of heart over their funding pledges for green issues, but instead he quit just before leaving the First Minister to take a kicking. He must have known what he was doing by picking that moment to resign?
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Thu 22 Feb 07:24

Today is the deadline for Matheson to respond to the Parliamentary report on his attempted expenses fiddle. Rumour is that is even more damning than what is already known.
He’s had it two weeks, still stalling.

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Fri 23 Feb 06:23

And he`s getting a £12,000 payment from us as a sweetener for dropping down to a mere MSP.

Wonder why he`s asked for an extension ?

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Fri 23 Feb 10:30

To put his affairs in order?

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Thu 7 Mar 09:51

So the Secretary of State for Science has been sued for slander, and has had to pay £15K in damages.

She has made the taxpayer pay the penalty, in a day dominated by the budget, she thinks she`s getting away with it!
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Thu 7 Mar 13:21

So Matheson was granted a 10 day extension to respond to the parliament authority’s report into his expense claims. That was 15 days ago..

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 7 Mar 13:43

Michelle Donelan`s false accusation that a Heriot-Watt professor was a supporter of Hamas was actually made in a letter so it was libel rather than slander. In mitigation for her damages being paid by the taxpayer Penny Mordaunt, the Leader of the House of Commons, has pointed out that Donelan did not take £16,000 of severance pay she was entitled to when she resigned as Education Secretary in Boris Johnson`s government. What she did not point out was that she only served for about 36 hours after changing her mind about serving under Johnson!

Anyway, shouldn`t she have resigned after libelling someone whilst a Government minister?

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Thu 7 Mar 14:53


wee eck, Thu 7 Mar 13:43

Anyway, shouldn`t she have resigned after libelling someone whilst a Government minister?

She should have resigned, and if not, she should have been relieved of her duties. She should also have paid this out of her own pocket. Politicians of all sides need to start raising their game
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 7 Mar 16:55

Further justification that the taxpayer should foot the bill :-

The government has said that Michelle Donelan, the science secretary, received official legal advice about the message she posted on X that led to her department paying damages to an academic. This point has been made to explain why it has been decided she should not have to personally pay the £15,000 being paid out in damages.

If so, the advice was clearly flawed, because Donelan has now retracted what she said.

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Fri 8 Mar 09:11

Liz Truss and her entourage of 12 officials wracked up a £15k bill on in-flight food and drink whilst travelling to Australia.
A trip to the Far East 3 months earlier ran up a bill of £12,700, the equivalent of £1300 per head.

Taxpayer funded of course!🤬🤬🤬
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Fri 8 Mar 12:40

Gone very quiet on Matheson…

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Thu 14 Mar 15:41

What a bloody fool .. from Aunty :-

Former Scottish health secretary Michael Matheson has been found to have breached the MSPs code of conduct in relation to a £11,000 bill he racked up on a parliamentary iPad.

Mr Matheson stepped down from his cabinet post last month, citing the investigation as the reason.

The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB) published its findings on Thursday.

Holyrood`s standards committee will now decide if he should be sanctioned.

The iPad charges, initially paid out of the public purse, were incurred during a family trip to Morocco in late 2022.

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Thu 14 Mar 22:51

Would you through your kid`s under a bus to save your skin ?

It`s not just Tory scum cheating us.

The third paragraph suggests there's going to be a bit redacting by honest John .

Calls for him to resign as a MSP now.



Post Edited (Fri 15 Mar 08:18)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Fri 15 Mar 09:46

So under those circumstances should Ross not resign over his £30K that he forgot about?
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Fri 15 Mar 09:55


LochgellyAlbert, Fri 15 Mar 09:46

So under those circumstances should Ross not resign over his £30K that he forgot about?

Come on! Hes not a nuSNP member; Tenruh wont be outraged by this!
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Fri 15 Mar 10:44


Dave_1885, Fri 15 Mar 09:55


LochgellyAlbert, Fri 15 Mar 09:46

So under those circumstances should Ross not resign over his £30K that he forgot about?

Come on! Hes not a nuSNP member; Tenruh wont be outraged by this!

Exactly Dave, not interested in English registered parties or Parliament.
It`s hard enough keeping the Scottish devolutionist parties honest.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Fri 15 Mar 14:10

There’s a difference.
No financial gain for Ross, he wasn’t trying to defraud the public purse.

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Fri 15 Mar 16:06

So Matheson was trying to defraud the public purse, even though he paid it back?🤔🙈
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Fri 15 Mar 16:53

I think you missed a bit…the bit when he tried to get away with it

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Fri 15 Mar 16:58


Parboiled, Fri 15 Mar 14:10

There’s a difference.
No financial gain for Ross, he wasn’t trying to defraud the public purse.

I mean, he was, and then back tracked when he was caught…..
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Tue 19 Mar 09:48

As Sunak gets an RAF helicopter to fly 245 miles from Northolt to his home in Yorkshire so he can fly 145 miles to Coventry for a 7 minute speech!

Really taking the p*ss!

Thought MOD armed forces were skint?
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Thu 21 Mar 07:14

Hey Parbo that`s Mike on the sick now, and next week the Easter break, probably that`ll stretch it out until June time.

He`s apparently trying to have the report (John Swinnied) redacted, so there`s more chance that the first flight ✈️ to Rwanda will take place before this comes to a conclusion.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Thu 21 Mar 10:02

Kind of seems insignificant compared to other expenses?🤔😲💰💰💰

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Thu 21 Mar 10:40


LochgellyAlbert, Thu 21 Mar 10:02

Kind of seems insignificant compared to other expenses?🤔😲💰💰💰


This is the problem, to many Scots are consumed by what`s going on in a foreign parliament which we have no say in and our politicians are screwing what they can from our parliament.
And throwing their kids under a bus to keep on troughing

Post Edited (Thu 21 Mar 10:42)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Thu 21 Mar 16:05


Tenruh, Thu 21 Mar 10:40


LochgellyAlbert, Thu 21 Mar 10:02

Kind of seems insignificant compared to other expenses?🤔😲💰💰💰


This is the problem, to many Scots are consumed by what`s going on in a foreign parliament which we have no say in and our politicians are screwing what they can from our parliament.
And throwing their kids under a bus to keep on troughing

A foreign parliament? 🤔 eh?
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: DBP  
Date:   Fri 22 Mar 07:35

There’s probably two potential answers why you could view Westminster as a foreign parliament.

1. Scotland is a country, and as a country has entered into a political union, where the meeting place of the Parliament of that union is located in another country of that union
2. Scotland as a country has essentially no influence on that parliament. Given the imbalance of the union, every vote cast in Scotland is overshadowed by over 10 votes in England, ergo decisions made and focus is rightly given to the larger population - so when you have no real influence, and at best only get what you want because you happen to go along with the people who actually make the decisions, it’s natural to become disenfranchised and see Westminster for what it really is, primarily answering to and serving a different country within the union
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Fri 22 Mar 09:43

Whitaboot poor English folk - Gordon Brown ran (ruined) their economy as Chancellor and PM for 13 years and raided/wrecked their occupational pension schemes.
Nobody doon there voted the door doomster into Parliament!

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 22 Mar 10:39

I thought Brown saved the world from financial disaster......and then he saved the Union?

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Fri 22 Mar 11:04

Jeremy Vine thought Brown caused the global financial crash!

Good old Tory mantra?🤔🤭
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 22 Mar 11:14

People talk about Brown selling off gold etc but he did less damage in many years than a Tory achieved in a few weeks. This notion of things being more stable under the Tories is an absolute fallacy. The reason the country was in a bad way when they took over was a result of a global banking crisis. Their supposed austerity to reduce debt has had the opposite effect and will continue to have an effect long after they`ve left. I don`t think it can be emphasised enough just how much they have screwed this country over. Yet idiots will still vote for them because they don`t like Labour 🤦‍♂️
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 22 Mar 13:15

The Tories supposed austerity seen the country continue to borrow 10 billion pounds every month. And now the tax take is the highest it`s ever been though not necessarily coming from those who can most afford it.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 22 Mar 14:13

But they`re the party who can balance the books whilst reducing the tax burden for the working man...and how dare you suggest we shouldn`t be throwing billions of pounds at defending these isles.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: DBP  
Date:   Fri 22 Mar 16:18

Brown may have been a Scottish person, but he was part of a uk party that got in power from being voted in by England and cared much more about serving them - remember he was a complete turncoat to try and be liked by those that put his party in power - remember his favourite goal stunt to try and be liked by them! He should still be hanging his head in shame over that!
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 22 Mar 16:31

Wee Team supporter who sold off Dunfermline BS when it could easily have been saved with only a few million quid.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Fri 12 Apr 18:30


LochgellyAlbert, Thu 7 Mar 09:51

So the Secretary of State for Science has been sued for slander, and has had to pay £15K in damages.

She has made the taxpayer pay the penalty, in a day dominated by the budget, she thinks she`s getting away with it!

Total now £34K and still in post, but but Rayner`s council house?????

Bamford has disappeared as well, £500,000,000 tax!🤔💰💰💰💰
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 12 Apr 19:04

Don`t know if I should be giving kudos to Rayner or not for saying that if she has committed a crime she`ll step down. It`s only in recent times that such an action wouldn`t have been immediate.

Post Edited (Fri 12 Apr 19:08)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Tue 16 Apr 11:54

Matheson still there? Will he turn up today or is he on a permanent sickie?

Post Edited (Tue 16 Apr 15:59)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 16 Apr 20:40


Parboiled, Tue 16 Apr 11:54

Matheson still there? Will he turn up today or is he on a permanent sickie?

Nicely edited. I think everyone saw your critique of the good people of Falkirk.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 16 Apr 21:01

I saw it. It made me wonder whether the next Tory policy would be to deny the vote to the unemployed, assuming none of them vote Tory.

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Tue 16 Apr 21:20

Funnily enough 25% of Weegies didn’t even vote in 2014..nobody stopped them.

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 16 Apr 21:45

So they didn`t support the Union?

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 16 Apr 22:29

Matheson is MP for Falkirk West. What has Glasgow got to do with it?
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Sun 12 May 12:33

It’s a long and winding one

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Thu 23 May 13:32

Suspended for 27 days and docked 54 days of pay.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 23 May 13:43

I wonder how they came up with those numbers?

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Thu 23 May 14:00

Yeah he got off quite lightly considering

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Thu 23 May 14:05

Getting the dirty linen out the way as quickly as possible.

6 weeks is a long time in politics.

He should be jailed and sacked. In any other career you`d be labelled a thief.

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 23 May 14:19

`as quickly as possible`? It`s hardly been quick!

So the Committee comprised 2 Tories, 2 SNP MSPs and the chairman who was a Labour MSP. He had the casting vote in deciding on the 27-day suspension. They were unanimous in agreeing on the 54-day loss of salary. I`m still curious how they came up with 27/54.

Post Edited (Thu 23 May 14:22)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: McCaig`s Tower  
Date:   Thu 23 May 14:33

I think the committee makes a recommendation to the parliament. John Sweeney indicated that he will ignore the recommendation and vote for his pal.

I think 54 days` salary is the equivalent of the amount he tried to stiff us for (£11k odds, wasn`t it)?

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 23 May 14:51

I think Swinney`s point was that a member of the Committee, Annie Wells, had already made prejudicial comments about Matheson before the Committee met so the process was unfair.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Thu 23 May 15:23

He`s a thief who initially told a pack of lies and eventually throw his children under a bus to save his own skin...the situation he finds himself in is his own doing.
And Swinney supports him.....Get them out...stealing from the public....
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 Re: Road to Moroccoould
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Thu 23 May 15:31

How will the Greens vote I wonder…
Fiddling expenses or attempting to, for a lot less cash than that would have been a sackable offence back in my MOD days, along with abusing flexi, false overtime claims etc.
I can recall a few cases when that happened, everybody was well aware of the consequences.

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 Re: Road to Moroccoould
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Thu 23 May 16:54

Interesting that 2 separate interviews have appeared on Twitter/X, one with BBC and another with STV.

They contradict eachother , then again DROSS never was truthful about the 30K he forgot!

Straight out of the Sunak/Johnson/Hancock/Gove/Zahawi/Vennels handbook!🤔💰💩
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 Re: Road to Moroccoould
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Thu 23 May 19:18

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 Re: Road to Moroccoould
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Fri 24 May 06:25

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Fri 24 May 12:04

Ross didn’t declare some outside earnings, he wasn’t attempting to steal from the public purse. Ludicrous comparison.

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Fri 24 May 12:48

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Sun 26 May 15:04

Swinney handling this wonderfully.

Wish I’d seen him on his tour of No voting Fife yesterday, I would have kissed his baldie napper!

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Tue 28 May 19:03

SNP attempts to lessen the punishment for Matheson look doomed to fail as the Greens refuse to back the Scottish Government in their fight against the Scottish parliament. What a hill for Swinney to die on in the midst of a general election campaign.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Tue 28 May 21:17


The One Who Knocks, Tue 28 May 19:03

SNP attempts to lessen the punishment for Matheson look doomed to fail as the Greens refuse to back the Scottish Government in their fight against the Scottish parliament. What a hill for Swinney to die on in the midst of a general election campaign.

Just over 2 weeks in and Swinney backs Matheson when he should have sacked him this won`t reflect well for the SNP with just 40 days off a GE
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: McCaig`s Tower  
Date:   Tue 28 May 22:06

There are reports tonight that Swinney will u-turn on this.

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Tue 28 May 23:32

Think you`ll find that Annie Wells is the problem, woman with a big gob, no brains, and unelected!🤔😡
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Wed 29 May 06:43


LochgellyAlbert, Tue 28 May 23:32

Think you`ll find that Annie Wells is the problem, woman with a big gob, no brains, and unelected!🤔😡

Matheson is the problem.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Wed 29 May 06:47

They`re all over the place..Swinney was crappie between 2000 and 2003 and he`s still crap.

Keep this up and they`ll be lucky to get 20 MPs elected.

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Wed 29 May 07:51

That old Sinatra song comes to mind...

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Wed 29 May 09:17


Tenruh, Wed 29 May 06:47

They`re all over the place..Swinney was crappie between 2000 and 2003 and he`s still crap.

Keep this up and they`ll be lucky to get 20 MPs elected.


Dunno why your moaning then, youd be delighted with that result!
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Wed 29 May 12:23


Dave_1885, Wed 29 May 09:17


Tenruh, Wed 29 May 06:47

They`re all over the place..Swinney was crappie between 2000 and 2003 and he`s still crap.

Keep this up and they`ll be lucky to get 20 MPs elected.


Dunno why your moaning then, youd be delighted with that result!

Not really, ideally. I`d like what happened to the Labour Party in 2015 happen to the SNP .

Post Edited (Wed 29 May 13:34)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Wed 29 May 13:25

Swinney crooning Fly me to the moon…you’re already there baldy!

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Wed 29 May 14:08

Do you employ the same witty repartee in real life or do you reserve it for the anonymity of the internet?

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Wed 29 May 14:16


wee eck, Wed 29 May 14:08

Do you employ the same witty repartee in real life or do you reserve it for the anonymity of the internet?

It`s OK he`s on the NHS waiting list!🤭🤣
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Wed 29 May 14:23

I did wonder which part of his anatomy needed fixing but thought it would be rude to ask.

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Wed 29 May 14:41

Baldy now u turns on his u turn…give that man a free spit and polish!

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Wed 29 May 16:40

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Sat 1 Jun 07:49

It`s not going away.


Post Edited (Sat 01 Jun 07:51)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sat 1 Jun 08:26

Well I`ll be fair here and say on the face of it that`s a disgrace if the police are truly looking into this again. They`ve looked into it once and if they couldn`t find anything illegal first time round then they shouldn`t be wasting their resources going over it all again. It`s really an internal matter between an employee and their employer.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Sat 1 Jun 09:07


The One Who Knocks, Sat 1 Jun 08:26

Well I`ll be fair here and say on the face of it that`s a disgrace if the police are truly looking into this again. They`ve looked into it once and if they couldn`t find anything illegal first time round then they shouldn`t be wasting their resources going over it all again. It`s really an internal matter between an employee and their employer.

As a public servant is he not accountable to us ?

Post Edited (Sat 01 Jun 09:07)
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sat 1 Jun 09:35

And `us` will have a chance to answer that question at an election. I`m not believing for a second that this expenses claim reaches the threshold of criminality, especially when it has already been investigated once and been dealt with by his employer (the Scottish parliament).

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sat 1 Jun 10:13

Police Scotland need to find something else to fill their time now that their almost 3-year investigation into SNP finances is coming to an end! 😊😊😊

Doesn`t someone have to lodge a complaint to trigger an investigation? I wonder who that could be?

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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 4 Jun 21:48

No further police action planned following investigation.
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 Re: Road to Morocco
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Wed 5 Jun 13:33

He’ll be going around whistling that Billy Joel song…

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