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 Next UK PM
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Sat 9 Jul 12:41

Here`s the bookies early odds:-

I can`t say anyone on that list would have me dancing in the streets. Rishi Sunak is the early favourite, but will the Tory MPs vote for a man with a different skin tone? đŸ€”

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Sat 9 Jul 12:47

I’m sure Westminster has a broader rande of skin tones tHan than any European equivalent!

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sat 9 Jul 13:19

There`s an awful lot of self-promotion going on at this stage. Some aren`t even legends in their own households. Putting themselves forward immediately raises questions about their judgement.

I don`t think I`ve ever seen Keme Badenoch being interviewed anywhere (interesting surname by the way) and know absolutely nothing about her.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Sat 9 Jul 13:59

Sunak`s tax affairs are dodgy, especially his wife`s, involved in the financial crash, 12 houses and a new swimming pool, that costs thousands to heat.

They`re all Tories with grubby dealings, the Education secretary that only lasted hours has connections to dodgy PPE contracts.

So the winner will be Liz Truss, the new Thatcher that spent half a million flying in a private plane to Australia.

God help us!
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Sat 9 Jul 14:13


Parboiled, Sat 9 Jul 12:47

I’m sure Westminster has a broader rande of skin tones tHan than any European equivalent!

That might have much to do with chickens from the former British Empire coming home to roost. It`s one thing for the British electorate to vote for an MP with foreign roots, especially in a constituency with many voters of a similar ethnic origin, but quite another for Tory MPs to bite that particular bullet.

I think Rishi Sunak is a strong contender, unlike Zahawi or Javid, but who knows whether Tory MPs will be willing to risk losing the considerable number of votes from the Little Englanders among their ranks? We`ll find out later in the year, I suppose.

I never thought the USA would ever elect a black president in my lifetime, so you can never tell.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Sat 9 Jul 14:30

In his resignation statement to the Commons Javid boasted “I’m not a quitter”

Eh? One more and that’s a hat trick mate!

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend  
Date:   Sat 9 Jul 17:34


It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Sat 9 Jul 18:20

Lets face it .. Its not a great list of applicants is it

Imagine trying to run a successful business and looking for a CEO and this lot sent their CV`s in .. ooer Mrs

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Sat 9 Jul 19:40

Rumour is that BJ is going to fling his hat into the ring!đŸ˜ČđŸ’©đŸ’©đŸ’©

Pity it wasn`t his head!
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh  
Date:   Sun 10 Jul 14:10

Buspasspar - Never mind a successful business. This shower would struggle to organise a birthday party for a 3-year-old.

Johnson was a disaster and should never have been allowed near number 10, but Liz Truss in charge of a country sounds like some kind of sick joke.

In the past the party usually tried to select two of the least bad candidates before opening up the vote to the racist nans, but they will struggle to find even one this time. I predict Sunak v Truss, then the outcome will be inevitable...

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Mon 11 Jul 15:29

Who are these racist nans? Are they out to curry favour?

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 12 Jul 11:11

Truss is being backed by Rees-Mogg and Dorries. With friends like these...

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 12 Jul 12:46

And Shapps is a faller at the first fence!!!

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Tue 12 Jul 17:56

Everyone one of them are crooked, corrupt, totally out of touch and bare face liars. Not an ounce of empathy between them.
Regardless of who it is, the U.K. will lurch further to the right, become an even bigger laughing stock. Working class people and indeed middle class ( if there is such a class ) will be further penalised for U.K. Govs fiscal incompetence and peoples rights and working conditions will be eroded further.

All of the above will help secure Scottish independence for no one in their right mind will want to be part of the inevitable s**t storm that is coming our way.

Unless of course Labour win the next election and save us allâ€Šâ€ŠđŸ˜”â€đŸ’«đŸ€Ł

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Tue 12 Jul 19:27

The fact that 8 Tory MPs received 20 or more votes suggests that there is no outstanding candidate for the job.....

I fully endorse that view.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: moviescot  
Date:   Tue 12 Jul 21:23


GG Riva, Tue 12 Jul 19:27

The fact that 8 Tory MPs received 20 or more votes suggests that there is no outstanding candidate for the job.....

I fully endorse that view.

"Outstanding". There`s no decent candidate.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh  
Date:   Tue 12 Jul 21:30

When the best (= least awful) candidate is Jeremy Hunt then it is clear that the UK is in for at least another 2 miserable years.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Wed 13 Jul 16:56


moviescot, Tue 12 Jul 21:23


GG Riva, Tue 12 Jul 19:27

The fact that 8 Tory MPs received 20 or more votes suggests that there is no outstanding candidate for the job.....

I fully endorse that view.

"Outstanding". There`s no decent candidate.

I fully endorse that view, too. 🙂

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: pacifist  
Date:   Wed 13 Jul 17:18

We are coming to the stage that it`s dodgy to expect any of them to serve a full term. That suggests they are split all over the place, as is labour. All of them saying Scotland can`t have another referendum. Seems to me Scotland puts more into the union than anyone is admitting.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Wed 13 Jul 18:36

If we were of no benefit to them pacifist they would have ditched us long ago

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Wed 13 Jul 19:58

Remember at Burntisland shows .. When you had to put yer ball in the moving clowns mouth

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Wed 13 Jul 22:37

I wouldn’t swap Angela Constance (Highest drugs deaths in Europe)
Lorna Slater (Bottle return shambles), Himza ( fall aff my scooter) Yousaf, Angus Robertson ( census shambles rest of UK managed it on time despite covid), Neil Gray ( Ukraine refugees stick them on a cruise ship f**k up because they haven’t been matched with people willing to take them), or Jenny Gilruth ( who?) for any of them ...

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Thu 14 Jul 10:19


Parboiled, Wed 13 Jul 22:37

I wouldn’t swap Angela Constance (Highest drugs deaths in Europe)
Lorna Slater (Bottle return shambles), Himza ( fall aff my scooter) Yousaf, Angus Robertson ( census shambles rest of UK managed it on time despite covid), Neil Gray ( Ukraine refugees stick them on a cruise ship f**k up because they haven’t been matched with people willing to take them), or Jenny Gilruth ( who?) for any of them ...

Keep the cringe coming
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: parsfan  
Date:   Thu 14 Jul 12:08


Parboiled, Wed 13 Jul 22:37

I wouldn’t swap Angela Constance (Highest drugs deaths in Europe)
Lorna Slater (Bottle return shambles), Himza ( fall aff my scooter) Yousaf, Angus Robertson ( census shambles rest of UK managed it on time despite covid), Neil Gray ( Ukraine refugees stick them on a cruise ship f**k up because they haven’t been matched with people willing to take them), or Jenny Gilruth ( who?) for any of them ...

I`m sure they`d all take that as a huge complement.

It says a lot when even the most fervent Tory would rather have the SNP in Holyrood than any of the contenders for leadership of his own party.

The universe is ruled by chance and indifference

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: McCaig`s Tower  
Date:   Thu 14 Jul 12:49

One difficulty all the candidates have is they have to appeal to 3 different electorates – the parliamentary party, the party membership and the country as a whole, who might have different views on what they want.

A second problem is they have had very limited time to differentiate themselves from the others, and there is the risk that if they do so too early they will might get picked off. I get the feeling that there is a lot of second guessing going on, with people trying to think one or two rounds ahead and trying to ensure their candidate is facing the “right” opponent. But party elections are what political hacks live for, and those “in the bubble” will be enjoying all the hoop-la enormously.

As a whole, the Tory party has largely become a nationalist and populist party which would traditionally mean proposing simplistic solutions and blaming others; it has lost many “One Nation” Tories, and Boris Johnson, as is typical of a weak leader, has filled his cabinet with yes men and women which IMO is never a recipe for competent government.

With any top job one might be looking for a candidate with character, vision, experience and intelligence.

Sunak might have been a shoe-in a couple of years ago after his handling of the pandemic, but the rest seem to be ganging up on him with regard to his tax-rises.

Mordaunt has risen slightly without trace – I expect her to be targeted by the other candidates, at least indirectly.

Truss has had her eye on the top job for ages, and is suddenly having to come up with some sort of “economic policy” that is different to Sunak’s. She seems to have a tendency of swaying with the wind.

Badenoch is a complete surprise, and at a glance her campaign seems to be based largely on a catchy slogan.

Braverman seems ambitious but slightly dim, and the sort of person who manages “up the way” rather than “down the way” in that she seems to do what her bosses want, not what might be right, or best for those she’s managing.

Tugendhat is an interesting character. A few years ago, I asked a Labour peer of my acquaintance who was one to look out for in terms of a future Tory leader. A year or so later I asked a Lib Dem peer the same question – both independently named Tugendhat. A bit of an outsider, he’s putting a lot of his chips on his defence experience.

The surprise for me has been the poor showing of Javid (and to a lesser extent Hunt and Zahawi) all of whom must have been secretly planning this for years, and have been bombed out already. It does show how random the process can be.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Thu 14 Jul 14:26

Since you brought it up, why do you think Scotland has the highest rate of drugs deaths in Europe Parboiled? I`ll pass it on to the folk doing the consultation - I`m sure they would be delighted to receive your wisdom on the matter.

Interestingly though, the best response has been from Labour, with John Sweeney in particular pushing forward some new, to Scotland, ideas like safe consumption rooms (which they call "overdose prevention centres")

There are also ongoing plans to completely reorganise the Scottish Drugs Death Forum which has been rightly criticised for failure to take into account the views of those with lived experience.

So there`s definitely space for people to get involved with that particular issue. Parboiled is right to point out that the SG`s response so far has been poor so it is important that the consultations on how the new response will work gets it right and doesn`t descend into political squabbling this time, because people are dying at an alarming rate.

EDIT: Paul Sweeney, Not John Swinney!!

Post Edited (Thu 14 Jul 14:31)
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Thu 14 Jul 15:28

I don’t know why Scotlands drug deaths are the highest in the Uk.
Or alcohol deaths the same.
Or smoking the same
Or why two ferries are rusting away before they have carried any passengers.yet we build all the Royal Navy’s frigates and destroyers plus the two biggest aircraft carriers the UK has ever had. So the skills are there, as long as these eejits in scotgov are not involved
Or why we alone could not do a census last year because of Covid, yet England, Wales and NI managed fine with a higher compliance rate. Just to be different?
Or why we grandstand as a super sponsor for Ukrainian refugees then have to suspend it when it descends into a farce with them getting offloaded onto a cruise ship that will cost a fortune to hire.

Do you?

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 14 Jul 19:30

Smoking, drugs and alcohol deaths are all strongly linked with deprivation levels. I`d argue the Scottish Government has tinkered around the edges with things like free school meals but there needs to be massive change to lift people out of deprivation and reduce health inequalities.

The Ferries debacle is another massive failure. One I believe is a direct result of clueless people within the SNP (not the Scottish Government) advising what they want.

One thing to remember, the SNP would not be the ruling party in an independent Scotland. They, along with Alba, would instantly become irrelevant.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Thu 14 Jul 20:53

I`m not sure the SNP will become irrelevant when independence inevitably does happen, Jake. In Nicola Sturgeon they have leader who is not just streets ahead of anyone in Scotland but on a different level to anyone in the UK Government as well. They have done well in running the Scottish Government (with both hands tied behind their backs by Westminster) and that`s obviously recognised by the public who keep voting for them in greater and greater numbers
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 14 Jul 21:17

The stock Tory answer to any talk of a referendum is drugs, education and ferries. For a while Johnson was claiming NHS Scotland was a disgrace with no evidence to back it up but I notice he didn`t mention it yesterday, maybe because, despite its shortcomings, it consistently outperforms the NHS elsewhere in the UK. A recent analysis by a coalition of poverty charities concluded that child poverty in Scotland was the lowest in the UK but it was hardly reported in MSM.

Are the education stats as bad as is implied and isn`t drugs policy only partly devolved? On ferries maybe the SNP should have consulted Chris Grayling who famously awarded a ferry contract to a company with no relative experience at all.

The performance on devolved areas in other parts of the UK is never mentioned when police and health are discussed yet the Met police is a shambles and there have been numerous hospital scandals down south.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Thu 14 Jul 21:34


red-star-par, Thu 14 Jul 20:53

I`m not sure the SNP will become irrelevant when independence inevitably does happen, Jake. In Nicola Sturgeon they have leader who is not just streets ahead of anyone in Scotland but on a different level to anyone in the UK Government as well. They have done well in running the Scottish Government (with both hands tied behind their backs by Westminster) and that`s obviously recognised by the public who keep voting for them in greater and greater numbers

Streets ahead you seriously believe that.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Thu 14 Jul 21:43

Double post

Post Edited (Thu 14 Jul 21:55)
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Thu 14 Jul 21:55

I understand the desire to compare the performance of the Scottish Government with that of Westminster, but we should be aiming higher than that. The Scottish Government has sold itself on being innovative and socially progressive and yet we are no further forward in dealing with issues such as addiction and inequality.

Health, and therefore addiction, are devolved matters and the Scottish Government is tasked with dealing with them.

I get that are legacy issues which predate devolution and were therefore caused by decades of Westminster neglect, but they have now been SNP government responsibilities for quite some time and, as a frontline worker faced with the realities of this I can say with no doubt that there is no light at the end of this tunnel: Scotland will be winning this sad race for some time to come as things stand.

Fake Valium ( street benzos) are the death trap of choice amongst the deprived and socially excluded in Scotland these days. The pills are often made in a council flat in some wee town using a psychoactive powder imported form China and using pill presses bought off Amazon. The deadly aspect is a mix of the fact that they take a while to kick in (meaning new folk take more because they assume it didn`t work (I did that with acid once...)) and the way it`s made which can lead to lumps of active ingredient in one pill which lead to a scenario where there is essentially one or two fatal pills in each batch of ten or twenty thousand.

There is definitely a cultural aspect to it though - especially in Edinburgh where injecting is the done thing so legal highs were a bigger deal here because they were being smoked everywhere else but injected in Edinburgh.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 14 Jul 22:40

I defer to your knowledge on drugs policy, Wotsit, but I thought there were aspects of it that came under Westminster control. I can`t imagine it`s an area where outcomes are going to improve quickly but, if child poverty in Scotland is now the lowest in the UK, hopefully this will be reflected in improvements in health and drugs addiction in years to come.

I think it`s perfectly legitimate to compare performance in devolved responsibilities with other parts of the UK. It provides some context to see how we`re doing compared with others in similar situations. I wouldn`t be too happy if one of my neighbours criticised the state of my garden if I knew his own garden was an absolute tip.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 15 Jul 08:54

The Scottish Government can tinker on things like drugs but couldn`t, for example, decriminalise drugs, which is exactly what should happen.

Nicola Sturgeon is a very good politician. That doesn`t mean she`s very good at leading Scotland though. Politicians are effectively just mouth pieces. My experience of Scottish ministers is that they`re a pain in the backside. They`re not really that interested in the report or policy unless it strongly evidences something they`re saying.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 15 Jul 10:29

I don`t understand your last two sentences, jake. Are you referring to direct experience of dealing with Scottish ministers or are you just basing your observations on what you see and read in the media? Are you saying that these faults are unique to Scottish ministers?

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Fri 15 Jul 14:01

I posted about Portugal`s success on tackling drug deaths ages ago and there`s a good update on what they did here:


Much of that is what the SNP would like to do but some of it is illegal under UK law. If anyone really cares about drugs deaths as much as they claim to then independence is the only way to give the Scottish Government the powers they need to save lives.

On the boats front..

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Fri 15 Jul 14:34

The Scottish Government can do much more than they are doing. They could be crying from the rafters about the need to decriminalise or legalise drugs but they don`t want to do that. They have not made any statement regarding their support of legalisation so it has to be assumed that their preferred option does not include changes to the legal status of any substances.

They could also have long ago instigated some of the policies which are only now being offered as options.

Finally, the SG operates within the same legal framework as all other UK regions, with an additional degree of freedom not afforded most areas of the UK, and yet we are, by a long way, doing worse than anybody else. Westminster definitely has to shoulder some of the blame, but so does the SG.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 15 Jul 15:57

Working with them, wee eck. I`ve no experience of ministers in other countries so can`t compare, but our ones are not as competent as I`d hope.

Judging based on what I see in the media, I`d suggest most of the main people in Westminster appear to be utterly hopeless. Perhaps it`s just politicians in general?
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 15 Jul 16:20

Interesting; I`ve always been surprised at how often ministers are moved from one cabinet post to another. It`s as if they are merely figureheads rather than being particularly expert in their field. I suppose communication is a big part of their job.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Fri 15 Jul 16:44

Don`t know why TV companies are going overboard in their coverage of this "contest "it`s not as if the general public are going to have their say!
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 15 Jul 16:54

It`s quickly overtaken the cost of living crisis, Ukraine and Covid as the top story - all these matters which had to take precedence over a second referendum on Scottish independence.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 15 Jul 17:02


wee eck, Fri 15 Jul 16:20

Interesting; I`ve always been surprised at how often ministers are moved from one cabinet post to another. It`s as if they are merely figureheads rather than being particularly expert in their field. I suppose communication is a big part of their job.

I think that`s part of the issue - making decisions on things they have little experience of. My impression is they have quite set attitudes and attempt to skew the information provided to suit their own narrative.

My understanding is the ferries decisions were made despite advisors being clear they were ordering the wrong type of ferry.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: McCaig`s Tower  
Date:   Fri 15 Jul 18:26

Don`t know why TV companies are going overboard in their coverage of this "contest "it`s not as if the general public are going to have their say!

One might have thought that the identity of the next PM would be a matter of some interest, particularly when there is not a lot else happening on the political front, and there are dozens of hacks who have column inches or broadcast minutes to fill. There will be plenty of time to cover other issues later.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 15 Jul 18:47

`Now is not the time` - unless it relates to the continuance of the `precious union`.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Fri 15 Jul 19:06


McCaig`s Tower, Fri 15 Jul 18:26

Don`t know why TV companies are going overboard in their coverage of this "contest "it`s not as if the general public are going to have their say!

One might have thought that the identity of the next PM would be a matter of some interest, particularly when there is not a lot else happening on the political front, and there are dozens of hacks who have column inches or broadcast minutes to fill. There will be plenty of time to cover other issues later.

Ain`t of any interest to me, all cheeks af the same erse!
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh  
Date:   Fri 15 Jul 19:08

I have absolutely no idea why they are broadcasting these debates. Only 358 people are allowed to vote for them. That`s about the same as the home attendances of Edinburgh City, and I didn`t see broadcasters falling over each other to show their matches live during the pandemic.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 15 Jul 20:13

Sorry but MT nails it. This is going to decide who is the next Prime Minister of the country we live in. Why wouldn`t they broadcast these debates? Its ultimately going to be the 180 thousand plus members of the Conservative Party that decide winner not the 300 odd mps.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 15 Jul 20:27

It`s quite entertaining watching Tories have a pop at each other!

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh  
Date:   Fri 15 Jul 22:45

I understand that it is the tory members that will choose, but surely they could have waited until Wednesday when they will be down to 2. Or even better they could just wait until September 7th and broadcast PMQs.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Fri 15 Jul 22:53

160,000 members will select the next clown for PM, that is 0.3% of the UK electorate!
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 15 Jul 23:30

Scotland, Wales and N Ireland didn`t rate a mention at all in tonight`s debate. There were a few `I love my country` statements though so presumably we`re part of that.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Sat 16 Jul 08:22

On the other hand oor Elsie never shuts up aboot England and Wales at FMQ’s!

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sat 16 Jul 09:46

No apostrophe is required in a plural. No doubt you`ll be telling us it`s down to the poor standard of your Scottish education.

Where did the nickname `Elsie` come from by the way? Unionists seem to love making them up, just like schoolkids in the playground.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Sat 16 Jul 10:49

Well spoted, mist apillowgise, my use of apothecary’s is usually unpeckible.

I had an excellent schooling ta, this was in the days when Scottish education was highly regarded world wide. We don’t know how it is rated now in international terms as we have pulled out of some of the international surveys. Having said that, kids seem happy enough and don’t get leathered for forgetting a bit of homework or because the teacher has a hangover.

As for Elsie, as in Elsie the Selfie , this is derived from her penchant for elbowing herself into the personal space of the great and the good for self promoting snaps.
She also employs the fallback position that anything that goes wrong is invariably the fault of someone “elsie”.

Take your pick.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sat 16 Jul 11:38

Thanks for the information. If `Elsie` rhymed with `Selfie` I might have guessed it. I thought a `selfie` was a photo you took of yourself, sometimes in the company of others. All participants are usually complicit in the exercise. With these two reservations, I applaud your ingenuity.

Do you have any nicknames for unionist politicians?

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh  
Date:   Sat 16 Jul 13:19

I`ve got one that`s even better than Elsie the Selfie.
Mark Francois the Utter C*** of a Man.

It nearly rhymes, and it`s clever because it combines the fact that he is a man with the fact that he is an utter c***.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sat 16 Jul 14:01

To be fair, most unionist politicians don`t need a nickname. For example, DRoss speaks for himself.

I see `Elsie` is at the Open today. I feel for all these unsuspecting punters who are going to be forced into taking a selfie with her.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Sat 16 Jul 15:01

No need to applaud my ingenuity, I’m not clever enough for that. Dross is masterful btw.
Anyway she will right at home in St Andrews. A hotbed of anti UK insurrection.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Mon 18 Jul 12:17

There`s now talk of cancelling the next debate on Sky after last night`s blood-letting. I wonder if there was as much argument as that during Johnson`s Cabinet meetings.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Mon 18 Jul 12:59

Sky debate cancelled!

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 18 Jul 13:48


wee eck, Mon 18 Jul 12:17

There`s now talk of cancelling the next debate on Sky after last night`s blood-letting. I wonder if there was as much argument as that during Johnson`s Cabinet meetings.

What happened? I`ve been ignoring it as I don`t see how any of them would be any better than the guy they`re replacing. All Tories.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Mon 18 Jul 15:53

It`s all documented in the media, jake, and is why they have cancelled the scheduled Sky debate. My favourite moment was when Sunak questioned Truss`s credentials by asking her which she regretted most in her personal history, being a Liberal or being anti-Brexit. Truss gave quite a good answer saying she`d been on a `journey` and (unlike him) hadn`t been born into the Tory party. Her parents had been left-wing activists, she had gone to comprehensive schools and had become aware of the lack of opportunities some kids experienced (some ex-schoolfriends have disputed this perspective). She seemed to be implying that Sunak, the son of a GP and a pharmacist, who won a scholarship to Winchester had enjoyed some privileges others hadn`t.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 18 Jul 20:31

They cancelled a debate because they had a tiff on national TV?

Why are these being broadcast anyway? The public doesn`t vote on the leader.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Mon 18 Jul 20:46

Correct Jake

I think Sky cancelled to save the general public from watching the snake, weasel, mongoose, deer in the headlights, and scorpion make a complete Erse of themselves yet again

I`ll let you make your own mind up as to who is who :-)

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Wed 20 Jul 21:54

So it`ll be either Rishi Sinai or Liz Truss and the bookies have made her favourite. Now it`s gone to the " members" the Little Englanders will win the day. They`ll vote for a woman before voting for a man with the wrong skin tone, I believe.

What a mess. Still, it`s an ill wind though and it could well blow the UK apart when Indy2 takes place......

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Wed 20 Jul 22:39

Indy2 will not be allowed by either Sunak or Truss. Or Starmer for that matter. It will be deemed illegitimate. If it goes ahead, then there could be prison sentences for those who organised it.

That will be the moment when we discover if Scotland is prepared to be an independent country. If the people are strong, when the paramilitary police and perhaps the British army occupy the streets, then we will achieve it. We need numbers on the streets.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 20 Jul 23:05

At least we can assume Truss knows where Darlington is...
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Wed 20 Jul 23:51

Topic Originator: sammer
Date: Wed 20 Jul 22:39

Indy2 will not be allowed by either Sunak or Truss. Or Starmer for that matter. It will be deemed illegitimate. If it goes ahead, then there could be prison sentences for those who organised it.

That will be the moment when we discover if Scotland is prepared to be an independent country. If the people are strong, when the paramilitary police and perhaps the British army occupy the streets, then we will achieve it. We need numbers on the streets.

There will be a vote one way or another.

SC may rule in favour of Scot gov.

If not then it makes a mockery of this so called Union of equals.

If so then it’s the next GE.

Not sure why Scot gov can’t have a vote of no confidence in themselves, dissolve Holyrood, recall all MP’s from WM and have a Scot gov election.

Majority vote for pro Indy parties

 job done.

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 21 Jul 00:37

It has hardly been reported but the Supreme Court has rejected the UK government`s claim that they should not even consider the proposed Scottish government legislation because it`s a Bill rather than an Act. Many commentators were expecting the SG`s case to be dismissed at this first hurdle.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Thu 21 Jul 00:59


I don`t see a General Election as any answer at all. The UK state can claim, with some justification, that every vote was a vote for the legitimacy of the Westminster parliament. Much as Johnson claims he had a mandate of 14 million votes. It`s a dead end.

Any subsequent Scottish government election would not be recognised by the UK state. I`m not sure how the EU would respond.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Thu 21 Jul 10:38

So we`ve got Truss who thinks she`s Maggie Thatcher and Sunak who lives in a world totally detached from the common person on the street.

God help us!đŸ˜±đŸ˜«đŸ™ˆđŸ™
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Thu 21 Jul 11:24

Let be honest, almost every political leader is detached from the problems of those they wish to lead.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 21 Jul 16:25

The next two months are going to be a continuous `Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Conservative and Unionist Party`.

However, `Now Is Not The Time` for another divisive Independence Referendum whilst there are such urgent priorities as the cost of living, Ukraine, Covid, climate change etc. which the public expect us to deal with.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Thu 21 Jul 16:34

I loved the Mirrors headline this morning summing up the candidates :-

Out of the lying man and into the Dire

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Thu 21 Jul 21:58

The Tory Party has always been diverse to be fair.

They had Benjamin Disraeli as their leader in 1868.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 21 Jul 22:13

What was diverse about Disreali?! Wealthy white guy from London.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Thu 21 Jul 22:32

He was of Sephardic Jewish heritage.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Fri 22 Jul 12:36


Tad Allagash, Thu 21 Jul 21:58

The Tory Party has always been diverse to be fair.

They had Benjamin Disraeli as their leader in 1868.

The Tory Party "members", who`ll choose the next PM, are not that diverse, tbf.

Mostly, white, male, wealthy, middle class little Englanders, who are not at all keen on these damn Johnny Foreigners. Rishi doesn`t quite fit the mould, so the bookies have made him 2nd favourite in a 2 horse race. Fancy that, eh? đŸ€”

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Fri 22 Jul 13:34

But the point is, Richie is the ‘posh’ candidate in this contest. He’s far more middle class than Liz Truss and - as Wee Eck pointed out - Liz Truss tried to use that to her advantage in the debate, painting him as an expensively schooled toff whilst she was some sort of scrappy underdog that used to live in Paisley.

Social class is more important than race/religion in England - hence Disraeli.

The real reason he may be unpopular with the membership is that he just got rid of the PM that the members overwhelmingly voted for just 3 years ago. However, the membership must surely realise that Liz Truss isn’t exactly a vote winner, and her remain voting past may haunt her. So it’s not a foregone conclusion.

I suspect you’re right that the membership is not diverse, but this is true of all political parties. What sort of weirdo joins any political party?

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: McCaig`s Tower  
Date:   Fri 22 Jul 14:18

The Tory Party "members", who`ll choose the next PM, are not that diverse, tbf.

Mostly, white, male, wealthy, middle class little Englanders, who are not at all keen on these damn Johnny Foreigners.

Have you any evidence GG?

How diverse is the Tory Party membership compared with the country as a whole or with the parliamentary party? Or with other parties?

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 22 Jul 14:24

C4 News did a bit of a hatchet job last night on Sunak`s attempts to portray himself as the outsider who overcame the odds to establish himself as probably the wealthiest member of the cabinet. He didn`t win a scholarship to Winchester, his parents paid the fees (probably more than the average wage in the UK at the time), his first venture in the London property market was financed by `the bank of Mum and Dad`, and part of his remuneration when he worked in the States consisted of assets held in a tax haven. There was no suggestion this was illegal but it`s a bad look for an ex-Chancellor/prospective Prime Minister.

I`ve no idea what the major consideration of Tory party members is in choosing a leader but, from past experience, I`d say winning a General Election is paramount and that probably means they will favour Truss as they will think her more `sellable` to the electorate.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Fri 22 Jul 15:49


McCaig`s Tower, Fri 22 Jul 14:18

The Tory Party "members", who`ll choose the next PM, are not that diverse, tbf.

Mostly, white, male, wealthy, middle class little Englanders, who are not at all keen on these damn Johnny Foreigners.

Have you any evidence GG?

How diverse is the Tory Party membership compared with the country as a whole or with the parliamentary party? Or with other parties?

Here you go, MT :-

Tory membership isn`t very diverse and neither is that of other political parties apparently, but that`s irrelevant in this instance since it`s only the Tory members who`ll be voting.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: DBP  
Date:   Fri 22 Jul 16:36

I’d like to see that study including into the greens. I know all my kids who vote x3 and most of their friends allvote Green as they like, not only their Indy position for yes but also their environmental focus.

It feels like it should be a younger more diverse demographic. but maybe they’re not?
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 22 Jul 17:37

I`m not in the younger group (under 40 but I don`t consider myself young!) but I vote Green. Still things I disagree with in their manifestos but they feel a better option than Labour or the SNP. Couldn`t pay me to vote Tory. Scum of the Earth IMO.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Fri 22 Jul 18:22

You vote Green and complain about petrol prices? I’m confused.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 22 Jul 22:00


Tad Allagash, Fri 22 Jul 18:22

You vote Green and complain about petrol prices? I’m confused.

Yes, because I am effectively forced to drive as consecutive governments have failed to adequately invest in public transport infrastructure. Believe me, I much preferred taking the bus to work when I lived in Edinburgh than I do having to drive in Fife. The bus service is appalling and is worse now than it was when I was a kid.

The green party aren`t banning cars. They`re promoting active travel and improved public transport. Also reforming planning policy to encourage sustainable communities rather than the current nonsense of building massive housing estates with no local facilities.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sat 23 Jul 00:04

Jake I`m not being argumentative here but is the bus service really worse now than you were a kid? You wouldn`t have been taking the bus to work as a kid so how would you know?
I`d love it if public transport was in such a good state that it took me from near my house to near my work and back again at the unsocial hours I work. Alas it would be bus doing a trip where I`d probably be the only person on board. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your circumstances) once the electric car revolution takes hold private transport will only be for the middle classes with easy access to home charging points. I dread to think how the masses will do a supermarket shop when they have to rely on public transport. Hauling half a dozen packed `bags for life` to the bus shelter while those more deserving breeze past in their Teslas.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sat 23 Jul 08:29

My mum didn`t drive so I remember it well. I also got the bus to school each morning (not the school bus). In the area I was brought up it went from coming right round the estate every 15 minutes to only going down the main road every half hour. It was also cheaper (even taking into account inflation) than it is now.

I`ve obviously been spoilt by experiencing years of Lothian Buses (publicly owned) where you could have infinite travel anywhere in Edinburgh for ÂŁ50-60p/m. New buses and extensive routes.

The service to some of the villages around Dunfermline is appalling despite being heavily subsidised. I imagine an issue is lack of use, but that lack of use comes from poor timetabling and cost. A bus that gets in at 9:05 when most people start at 9:00 is hopeless.

Take a look at the plans for North Dunfermline. The first priority isn`t making safe areas with local shops (for local people) or ensuring easy access to facilities. The first priority is building a road that will cut through the top of Townhill, through the loch and across Kingseat Road. This is effectively a bypass. The worst bit is that a lot of it will be built over an existing off-road cycling and walking route. Fife Council are bonkers. If you enjoy walking round the loch with your kids then good luck when the equivalent of Halbeath Road is running through it.

Edited to add - I'm far from convinced that electric cars are the solution to environmental issues. I'm not one to hark to the past, but there was a time where having two (or more!) cars on the driveway was a luxury. Now it's the norm. Electric cars just move the pollution elsewhere. They're still using a finite resource (lithium) and the pollution still exists albeit at a power station rather than the exhaust pipe. They still have a carbon footprint like all cars do. All those electrics, metal, plastic, glass. I'll bet there are plenty of perfectly good cars being scrapped to encourage people to buy newer cars to keep the industry going too.

Post Edited (Sat 23 Jul 08:37)
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: McCaig`s Tower  
Date:   Sat 23 Jul 12:26

Thanks for the link GG – interesting data although a little light on attitudes to “Johnny Foreigner”

Back to the election – I agree that there will unquestionably be a lot of second guessing going on. Selectors may personally prefer one candidate but think that the less enlightened will need the election of other candidate to be persuaded to vote the right way in a later election. There seems to be a little bit of an obsession with the “Red Wall” which may not be so relevant in 2 year’s time.

In a cabinet determined principally on loyalty neither candidate has had much opportunity to differentiate themselves hitherto.

Thus I would expect them to project a simplified version of themselves, generally highlighting two or maybe three characteristics at least one of which will be thinly disguised as meaning “different to the other guy”.

For Truss these may be “Gets things done”, “Will cut taxes” “Ordinary” (i.e. not a posh boy).

Sunak may go on “Prudent Financial management” “controlling borders” “true blue Thatcherite. ”. We shall see – however, it may be a couple of years before the next election and there is an argument that whoever takes over has some time to turn things round and de-Borisify the party.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Sat 23 Jul 13:02

I don’t do Twitter, but I’ve been told Stagecoach do updates on cancelled services for East coast. Lack of drivers, staff off sick etc., quite a daily toll and not just local routes, also x55: x52, 747 and so on.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Sat 23 Jul 14:00

So the vote is open to Conservative party members that live abroad, time for a General Election!!!
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Sat 23 Jul 14:36

General elections are also open to UK citizens living abroad though.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Sat 23 Jul 15:04


McCaig`s Tower, Sat 23 Jul 12:26

Thanks for the link GG – interesting data although a little light on attitudes to “Johnny Foreigner”.

Perhaps I should have used The term, "ethnic minorities" rather than "Johnny Foreigners".

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Sat 23 Jul 17:48


Tad Allagash, Sat 23 Jul 14:36

General elections are also open to UK citizens living abroad though.

As long as they were on the electoral register within the last 15 years.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Sat 23 Jul 20:36

The idea that currently unused public transport routes would remain unused if the service were to improve does not stand up to scrutiny.

Take somewhere like Switzerland, a mountainous nation where about 50% of the population lives in village sized communities. A place with extensive, reliable, affordable and fully integrated transport which efficiently gets the Swiss population to and from work every day.

People also talk about the freedom of a car, but I know for a fact that I`d feel more free if I was casually reading the football in the Metro of a morning than I would if I was fighting Edinburgh traffic.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sat 23 Jul 21:53

We seem to have two threads running in parallel here!

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Tue 26 Jul 09:33

Well, any Tory party Par`s supporters (apart from Ruthy) going to tell us which way it`s going to go?

Hopefully it`ll be a draw and be decided by pistols at dawn, where they`ll both kill each other!

Anyway, what a *hitfest!đŸ™ˆđŸ’©đŸ’©đŸ’©

I blame Joe Chalmers!đŸ€Ł
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Tue 26 Jul 23:20

Truss is 1/4 with the bookies which is a pretty strong favourite odds wise and I wouldn`t be surprised if she got in. Hopefully she`s out again before she does too much damage.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Wed 27 Jul 16:57


londonparsfan, Tue 26 Jul 23:20

Truss is 1/4 with the bookies which is a pretty strong favourite odds wise and I wouldn`t be surprised if she got in. Hopefully she`s out again before she does too much damage.

I`m thinking Sunak might make a better fist of the job than the imbecile currently in post, so it might be better for Truss to get in and prove so hopeless that the Tories will lose the next election. 🙂

Eta. How can any right minded individual believe she is PM material? The bookies must know the Tory members will never vote in an ethnic minority candidate.🙁

Not your average Sunday League player.

Post Edited (Wed 27 Jul 17:00)
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Wed 27 Jul 19:49

I`d hope you`re right mate but the jingoism she peddles appeals to quite a few folk unfortunately.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Socks  
Date:   Wed 27 Jul 22:44

I`m not entirely sure if Truss is genuinely as stupid as she comes across, or if there is actually a capable person behind the wooden exterior.

I watched a bit of the BBC thing from a couple of days ago - it seemed to be quite poorly chaired, with Sunak given license to trample over her, really just because he`s more comoftable in that setting. While I`d prefer him to win as he seems the more competent of the two, he was very irritating to the point of being unpleasant.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Wed 27 Jul 23:25

I dislike them both immensely. That whole cabal are nothing but a bunch of self serving corrupt goons.

They have completely forgotten that they actually work for us.

LT said recently that she was against the NI increase and argued against it but when push came to shove she voted for it
..why? Because she is a very loyal person..’.her words not mine.

So she is loyal to her party/government first and foremost and to hell with the consequences her constituents might suffer
.the very people who elected her.

Her loyalty is misplaced then but it sums her and the rest of them up.

They don’t care a jot for the majority of people in the country but only for themselves and their wealthy friends and Tory party donors.

I hope Truss wins though as she will be worse than Boris, the cringe factor and the comedy value will be immense and I am convinced she will push up support for independence which is sitting at 58% according to GB news.

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Thu 28 Jul 07:34

Even Neil Oliver is sporting Saltire earrings now!

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Thu 28 Jul 09:52

Labour sacking an MP for going on a picket line???

Sarwar won`t know which way to look!

Does Starmer not realise he`s supposed to be the opposition?đŸ€”đŸ€ŹđŸ€ŹđŸ€Ź
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Thu 28 Jul 12:27

Starmer is an establishment plant. Blair was too. It does not mean that Labour cant win the next election but it makes it nigh on impossible. Imagine having a Sir as leader of the opposition.

Starmer is a red tory. There is no Labour party anymore. In name only but it means nothing.

We will have Tory rule for years and years to come. Possibly forever.

Think of the damage they will do if they have another ten years.

Unions will be completely neutered. Right to withdraw Labour will be outlawed.
Fire and re-Hire will be the norm.
Zero hour contracts/gig economy will be the norm.
Protest will be outlawed.
NHS will be more or less gone.
Gap between rich and poor will increase further.
Poverty will increase
Workers rights will be...well gone. All the rights gained by people power/protest, workers going on strike to demand better pay and conditions, rights gained by being in the EU.......All of them will be gone by the end of this decade. They will have taken back control..as they promised.
Scotland`s parliament will be neutered.....without consulting our democratically elected MSP`s or indeed the people.
UK Gov will centralize power and roll back devolution without our consent.

Scotland better get out of this s#*t show soon.......... or it is goobye Scotland and hello Scotlandshire.....

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Thu 28 Jul 12:43

Labour record over last eleven General Elections - lost, lost, lost, lost
Blair, Blair, Blair, lost, lost, lost, lost. Blair, who never cosied up to the TUC, would have likely won a fourth if he hadn’t been stabbed in the back by Brown.

Starmer isn’t daft, he won’t win folk over by standing on a picket line with honking hypocrites who purport to be standing up for the working class while ruining their fellow workers’ holidays, disrupting their commute to place of employment, leisure activities, hospital visits, etc etc.

Post Edited (Thu 28 Jul 12:46)
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Thu 28 Jul 13:03

Desperado, that’s some Doomsday list mate!

Meanwhile in the real world, we again have just announced the worst drug deaths in Europe with the same preventative powers that England has, cannae build two basic ferries, and hire a ferry because Sturgeon invited unlimited Ukraine refugees with no plan to house them, and Edinburgh authorities are tearing their hair out over how to school the kids, provide GP care, etc

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 28 Jul 15:39

Meanwhile, south of the border, everything`s tickety-boo!

NHS Scotland has its shortcomings but it consistently outperforms the NHS in other parts of the UK. A recent survey by a charity coalition concluded that Scotland had the lowest rate of child poverty in the UK and I saw an editor of a Lancashire newspaper on TV the other night lamenting the fact that NW England had the highest rate. Scottish universities always feature prominently in tables of tertiary educational establishments but that`s never mentioned when education is assessed.

The SNP has few friends in the Scottish media and that`s reflected in the coverage it gets.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Thu 28 Jul 16:13


desparado, Thu 28 Jul 12:27

Starmer is an establishment plant. Blair was too. It does not mean that Labour cant win the next election but it makes it nigh on impossible. Imagine having a Sir as leader of the opposition.

Starmer is a red tory. There is no Labour party anymore. In name only but it means nothing.

We will have Tory rule for years and years to come. Possibly forever.

Think of the damage they will do if they have another ten years.

Unions will be completely neutered. Right to withdraw Labour will be outlawed.
Fire and re-Hire will be the norm.
Zero hour contracts/gig economy will be the norm.
Protest will be outlawed.
NHS will be more or less gone.
Gap between rich and poor will increase further.
Poverty will increase
Workers rights will be...well gone. All the rights gained by people power/protest, workers going on strike to demand better pay and conditions, rights gained by being in the EU.......All of them will be gone by the end of this decade. They will have taken back control..as they promised.
Scotland`s parliament will be neutered.....without consulting our democratically elected MSP`s or indeed the people.
UK Gov will centralize power and roll back devolution without our consent.

Scotland better get out of this s#*t show soon.......... or it is goobye Scotland and hello Scotlandshire.....

Sturgeon is also an establishment plant .

What has she done to bring Independence over the last 8 years ?

Post Edited (Thu 28 Jul 16:14)
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Thu 28 Jul 17:27

Well 2 years ago, Nicola said she was close to eliminating Coronavirus from Scotland, so that will relieve the pressure on the NHS. Any day now I expect 😂😂😂

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 12:08

Topic Originator: Parboiled
Date: Thu 28 Jul 13:03

Desperado, that’s some Doomsday list mate!

Meanwhile in the real world, we again have just announced the worst drug deaths in Europe with the same preventative powers that England has, cannae build two basic ferries, and hire a ferry because Sturgeon invited unlimited Ukraine refugees with no plan to house them, and Edinburgh authorities are tearing their hair out over how to school the kids, provide GP care, etc

Care to bet that almost everything on that list will come to pass ?

Tell me what`s is on the list that you are confident will not happen......

Ah the ferries.. again. Scot gov does not build ferries mate........fabrication yards do. Scot gov have certainly made errors here, however they did save a yard from going bust and save hundreds of jobs. So its not all bad news. Basic ferries ? Are they designed to run on hydrogen ? Sure I read that some where. The design was changed time and time again and FM just kept agreeing - no Variation orders. The cost spiraled and they went bust.

A quick google shows that the UK has taken in 95000 Ukranian refugees and Scotland has taken 7000 - that looks pretty close to a population share.

So are you advocating that we don`t take our fair share ?

You and your kind bang on and on about a couple of hundred million, meanwhile UK gov has squandered billions on the Ajax personnel carriers, destroyers whose engines don`t operate in warm water, Carriers with no aircraft......billions wasted and that`s before we add on the billions more wasted during the covid pandemic.

Drug deaths are terrible....I am obviously no expert but it is not as simple as laying all the blame at Scot gov`s door. I read a report recently that explained the many complex reasons why Scotland has this particular problem.....it goes back decades. Safe consumption rooms would help but UK gov don`t want to do anything to help as they see it as another political football to kick SNP with.

Drug deaths and alcohol related deaths are rocketing in England too by the way.
Stabbings and violent crime rocketing in England. Fallen dramatically in Scotland since SNP came to power

You are always on here banging on about SNP Scot gov whilst conveniently ignoring the most corrupt incompetent government in history that reside in WM .A government that you would be more than happy to make all our decisions for us whilst we just sit meekly back and keep our fingers crossed hoping that they really do care about Scotland and the well being of our citizens.

Anyone who has been paying attention realizes that they don`t care a jot.

Post Edited (Fri 29 Jul 12:15)
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 13:09

Let`s be frank - no avoidable death is acceptable, but the level of drug deaths in Scotland is a disgrace and has gone up each year under the SNP. I`m not suggesting it`s down to them, but they`ve been ineffective in making a difference.

Safe consumption rooms are one way of helping reduce the rates but that doesn`t tackle the route cause, which is usually related to poverty and the environment people live in. Drug use isn`t much different to smoking or alcohol in that you need to understand WHY people abuse substances in order to then discourage these behaviours in the first place.

I`m no expert but I`d imagine the awful mental health support in Scotland isn`t helping in terms of drug deaths either.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 13:41

Angela is the Minister for Drugs policy.

In a party littered with thickos she’s one of the dimmest. Recall seeing her being interviewed by Gordon Brewer on the Sunday Morning politics show. She realised an answer she gave was incomprehensible and and asked for a re run
the penny dropped “ oh wir oan live Gordon?”

Yes dearie been like that for years!

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 13:47

If you want to personalise it, Dorries could give her a run for her money.

Post Edited (Fri 29 Jul 13:49)
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 13:55

Dorries has writed books. Constance cannae read an auto cue..

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 14:04

Dorries decided to go on `I`m a Celebrity...` when she should have been in parliament representing her constituents. She`d probably have difficulty reading an autocue too as she`s dyslexic but that doesn`t excuse a lot of her gaffes.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 15:19

It`s not like dotnet to veer so far off topic. 😃

I wonder why someone who has consistently polled fewer votes than her opponent be such a strong favourite with the bookies?

I`d be delighted to hear any plausible explanation not involving race or skin tone.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 15:20

Dorries getting an honour in BJ`s retiral list, moving to the House of Lords and BJ getting her safe seat.

Building up to another attempt as PM!

Where does this hell lead?
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 17:53

GG - your original post suggested that the MPs would never vote for Sunak. That’s been proved wrong, and now the goal posts seem to have moved to the membership.

No one is talking about skin tone. A more plausible explanation is that he is a young metropolitan politician with fancy designer suits responsible for the furlough scheme. Tory members (and voters) tend not to be metropolitan. And the furlough scheme was the least conservative policy ever offered by a Tory chancellor.

I suspect the bookies are right, but they also had Hillary Clinton to beat Trump and Remain to beat Leave, so I’ll still wait and see.

The pars are the bookies’ favourites for League 1. I’m not celebrating just yet!

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Fri 29 Jul 19:18


Tad Allagash, Fri 29 Jul 17:53

GG - your original post suggested that the MPs would never vote for Sunak. That’s been proved wrong, and now the goal posts seem to have moved to the membership.

No one is talking about skin tone. A more plausible explanation is that he is a young metropolitan politician with fancy designer suits responsible for the furlough scheme. Tory members (and voters) tend not to be metropolitan. And the furlough scheme was the least conservative policy ever offered by a Tory chancellor.

I suspect the bookies are right, but they also had Hillary Clinton to beat Trump and Remain to beat Leave, so I’ll still wait and see.

The pars are the bookies’ favourites for League 1. I’m not celebrating just yet!

160,000+ mainly white, middle-class 50+ males, voting for a candidate from an ethnic minority group? Maybes aye, maybes naw. The bookies aren`t always right, but they usually are. Clinton did poll more votes than Trump, but they did get Brexit horribly wrong. There`s always an exception that proves the rule.

Thing is, I could understand it if LT was a credible candidate, but she could end up being even worse than Johnson and that`s saying something. She doesn`t come across as being especially smart - happy to be proved wrong, mind you. The last thing the UK needs is another clueless, out of touch PM.

The goalposts have moved to the membership because it's they who are voting now. Perhaps the MPs were happy to vote for Sunak because they know the members will eliminate him in the final round?

Not your average Sunday League player.

Post Edited (Sat 30 Jul 08:24)
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sun 31 Jul 23:34

Dorries has shown her complete lack of tact and judgement again by posting an image of Sunak wielding a knife behind Johnson`s back.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Tue 2 Aug 17:38

Nice to see Liz Truss increasing the will for independence!đŸ€”đŸ˜ŽđŸ‘
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 2 Aug 17:50

Goodness knows what Truss was thinking of when she said she would have regional pay councils so that public services wages in different parts of the UK would be related to the cost of living in different areas. How would that be compatible with the much-vaunted `levelling-up`?

She seems to be an outright opportunist who will say anything she thinks a particular audience wants to hear with no regard for the repercussions elsewhere. This u-turn and her comments about Nicola Sturgeon have maybe given her potential supporters pause for thought and it seems already that Sunak`s campaign has benefited. Neither of them will be acting in the best interests of working people.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 2 Aug 18:05

Any regional differences would effectively be "London" and "Everyone else".

Truss is clueless. Saying things for the sake of saying them.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 2 Aug 18:48

Do they still have `London weighting` for public service salaries? I`m sure when my sister moved from Fife to London in the 60s with the Civil Service there was a higher rate for the job to reflect the higher cost of living there.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 2 Aug 19:40

I don`t know if it`s all civil service jobs but I saw one recently (may have been HMRC) and there was a supplement if choosing to be based in London rather than Leeds.

I always find this London weighting thing a bit odd as it doesn`t actually solve the issue. It would be like me getting paid more to choose a base in Edinburgh rather than Glasgow as Edinburgh is a lot more expensive for housing.

How would Truss work it? What if I live somewhere like Milton Keynes but my base is London? Or what if I live in London but my base is Milton Keynes?

This is just an excuse to cut wages and doesn`t solve any problem. Right now anyone applying for a civil service job knows the pay. If they felt it wasn`t enough, why would they apply?

Truss knows she needs to cut the number of civil servants back, but that`s because numbers went up a lot during COVID. Most of these will be temporary/contract roles so it shouldn`t be a significant issue. It sounds to me that she`s using this as an excuse to screw civil servants and then public sector employees.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 2 Aug 19:43

Should also say there is no real reason to have civil servants based in expensive places like London whereas medical professionals have little choice. There was supposed to be decentralisation in public/civil but both Westminster and Holyrood appear to have let things slide back to the main cities. Recent examples being HMRC centralising to Edinburgh (previously Edinburgh, West Lothian and somewhere outside Glasgow) and Scottish Water moving from Dunfermline to Glasgow.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend  
Date:   Tue 2 Aug 22:15

Truss gives me the fear. Talking through her backside

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Tue 2 Aug 22:19

Firefighters in London are paid more, given because of high housing costs.
Some were living in the North of France and travelling in by Eurotunnel, staying in rented accommodation between shifts. The accommodation was used24/7 by other Firefighters on different shifts (4 on 4 off)
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 2 Aug 22:30

Not having a go at fire fighters, but surely subsidising jobs in order to afford London simply makes the problem worse? This country needs rent control and to stop this obsession with property price rises. Of course, nothing will be done as it benefits the wealthy who use property as nice little investments.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Tue 2 Aug 23:28

Civil Service had London rates away back in the 60`s.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Wed 3 Aug 13:44

From the Guardian :-

`A YouGov poll conducted for The Times found that Conservative party members still believe Boris Johnson would make a better prime minister than the two leadership contenders, Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss.

Asked who they thought would make the better prime minister, Truss leads Sunak by 58% to 29%. But throwing Boris Johnson into the ring shows him winning, with 40% saying he would make the best PM, to Truss’s 28% and Sunak’s 23%.

Those who intend to vote for Truss are divided, with 49% backing Johnson compared with 45% who think Truss will be an improvement. By contrast, few Sunak voters are deterred: 76% think the former chancellor would be the better PM, with only 18% switching their vote over to Boris.`

That suggests Truss supporters approve of Johnson`s style of leadership and see her as the obvious candidate to continue it. How depressing.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Sat 6 Aug 16:33

Robin Hood robbed the rich to fund the Poor
Rishi Sunak robbed the poor to fund the Rich (admitted it himself)

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Sun 7 Aug 20:21

Liz V Richie :-

The foreign secretary had said she would focus on "lowering the tax burden, not giving out handouts".

Rishi Sunak, her leadership rival, said she was "simply wrong" to rule out more cost of living payments.

Mr Sunak has said the tax proposals would not be a significant help for "people like pensioners or those on low incomes who are exactly the kind of families that are going to need help".

Instead, the former chancellor said he would give more direct help to those hardest hit by inflation.

Question from the audience .. Excuse me Mr. Sunak .. are you now saying the very people you denied aka the pensioners by suspending the triple lock pledge made by your own lying Government are now the very people you are concerned about ?? .. You are a bigger lier than The Brave One

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend  
Date:   Sun 7 Aug 21:53

I think Sunak would be better than Truss. ?
More u turns than you’d find driving in Paris

For avoidance of doubt, it’s not a great choice but that Truss talks out of her backside a little too much, even for a slimy MP

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983

Post Edited (Sun 07 Aug 21:54)
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Tue 9 Aug 06:11


Raymie the Legend, Sun 7 Aug 21:53

I think Sunak would be better than Truss. ?
More u turns than you’d find driving in Paris

For avoidance of doubt, it’s not a great choice but that Truss talks out of her backside a little too much, even for a slimy MP

It would be hard for anyone to be worse than Truss, Raymie, although I thought it would be impossible for the Tories to elect someone worse than the Blustering Buffoon....... Sunak would be better, but the Tory Party members are not going to vote for him in sufficient numbers. (He doesn`t look very "middle English", does he?)

We can only hope she lives down to all expectations and loses the Tories the next General Election.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Wed 10 Aug 11:21

So Liz Truss, who is long odds on to succeed Johnson, doesn`t believe in taxing us so that she can give the money to those most in need? She wants to bring in tax cuts so folk can spend their savings as they see fit.

Better to make tax cuts for all, so that the richest in society will benefit most and those who most need it during the current crisis won`t benefit at all?

What exactly makes anyone vote Tory?

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: parsfan  
Date:   Wed 10 Aug 11:35


GG Riva, Wed 10 Aug 11:21

So Liz Truss, who is long odds on to succeed Johnson, doesn`t believe in taxing us so that she can give the money to those most in need? She wants to bring in tax cuts so folk can spend their savings as they see fit.

Better to make tax cuts for all, so that the richest in society will benefit most and those who most need it during the current crisis won`t benefit at all?

What exactly makes anyone vote Tory?

Greed and selfishness.

The universe is ruled by chance and indifference

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 10 Aug 11:47

Could be worse, the current PM could be offering seats in the Lords.

Why does the Lord`s still exist? Unelected job for life where you get paid hundreds of quid per day just for turning up. Joke.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Wed 10 Aug 11:51

It`s a question I`ve often pondered. I think the answer is in the name - conservative. Some people like things the way they are because they work in their favour. Others are seduced by the notion that they can join the elite simply by working hard.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Wed 10 Aug 15:50

Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s first minister, has revealed that, when she met Liz Truss at the Cop26 climate crisis conference in Glasgow last year, one of the main things Truss was interested in was how to get featured in the fashion magazine Vogue. And when Truss learnt that Sturgeon had appeared in it twice already, Truss “looked a little bit as if she’d swallowed a wasp”, Sturgeon said.

She was speaking in a Q&A with the broadcaster Iain Dale, and responding to a question about Truss dismissing Sturgeon recently as an “attention seeker”. The comment attracted considerable controversy, partly because it was a slur against an elected head of government, and partly because Truss is not exactly publicity shy herself.

Sturgeon said when she initially heard about the comment, she thought “it was made up, it was a spoof.” Then she said she met Truss at the Cop26 summit last year, shortly after being interviewed by Vogue. Sturgeon went on:

`That was the main thing she wanted to talk to me about, she wanted to know how she could get into Vogue - and she calls me an attention-seeker. I said to her they came and asked me. I didn’t really mean to do this, but I said to her it hadn’t actually been my first time in Vogue, it had been my second time. It looked a little bit as if she’d swallowed a wasp. I’m sure she’ll be in Vogue before too long.

`I remember it because there we were at the world’s biggest climate change conference in Glasgow, world leaders about to arrive. That was the main topic of conversation she was interested in pursuing. And once we’d exhausted that it kind of dried up. I’m sure we’ll have many more conversations about many more substantive things.`

Asked about her dealings with previous Tory leaders, Sturgeon said:

`I think, perhaps uncharitably, I described my conversations with Theresa May when she was prime minister as being soul destroying. I look back somewhat fondly now on that. At least May took the job of being prime minister seriously,` Sturgeon said. By comparison, dealings with Boris Johnson were “one long bluster”, she said. `You know, he was a third prime minister I’ve dealt with as first minister. It was literally like nothing I’ve ever dealt with before in terms of any senior politician. You know, I’m going to be blunt here, he was a disgrace to the office of prime minister.`

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Sat 13 Aug 23:02

So all I get from that post Wee Eck is that Nicola Sturgeon likes to boast about being in Vogue magazine. Cringeworthy - Trump level narcissism.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sat 13 Aug 23:39

You see what you want to see, I suppose. You spoiled it by comparing her to Trump though.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Sun 14 Aug 01:26

She travels in a helicopter with her own name on it. The comparison with The Donald seems fair.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sun 14 Aug 07:34

She got a fish named after her too. What a cow.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Sun 14 Aug 10:03

And a moon - is there no end

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Sun 14 Aug 12:56

Tad Allagash seems familiar. I strongly suspect that he is one on a line of right wing nutjobs named after characters from 1970s-80s youth TV/cinema.

These individuals are usually very similar in their opinions and in their method of presenting said opinions, to the extent that one might be tempted to surmise that they are secretly all the same person.

But why would this person keep making new accounts with different user names?

If memory serves, one of the first guises (The Third Doctor) of this person disappeared after there was backlash to them reveling that they were a political organiser for the BNP, whilst the others basically flounced off after decrying DotNet as a den of Marxisim and iniquity.

Either way, it`s nice having a Tory or two here lest it ends up like the stadium scene from Life of Brian.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Sun 14 Aug 13:30

Not true Wotsit.

This is the only account I’ve ever had on this forum.

I’ve no idea who those ‘right wing nutjobs’ are. Actually, I’ve no idea who anyone is on this forum in real life.

The account is not named after youth TV - it is 80’s though to be fair.

Criticising Nicola Sturgeon doesn’t make me a Tory in the same way criticising Celtic doesn’t make me a Rangers fan and vice-versa.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sun 14 Aug 17:34

Whilst I disagree with some comments made, it annoys me no end that some people refuse to accept criticism of the SNP and start all this Tory name-calling at anyone who does. You can want independence but still think the SNP have caused serious issues.

You can also NOT want independence and criticise the SNP.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sun 14 Aug 18:30

Everyone`s responsible for their own views and how they express them of course but the way our political leaders express themselves doesn`t help.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: hurricane_jimmy  
Date:   Mon 15 Aug 13:25

Kinda interesting though that Mario disappears and then Parbroiled appears. Now Parbroiled disappears and Tad Allagash appears. All three seem to write in a similar style as well.

SNP should not be immune from criticism, particularly on education. I can`t be arsed with some of the dafties in the Independence movement that are ignorant of history, economics and wider geopolitics but often Unionists really struggle to accept the fact that momentum is against them and that their ideology is just outdated.
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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Mon 15 Aug 15:34

By ‘Parbroiled’, I assume you mean ‘Parboiled’ Jimmy?

Parboiled hasn’t disappeared - they posted about the Dundee Utd game the other day.

I can confirm I’m not Parboiled or anyone else who’s ever posted on here.

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 Re: Next UK PM
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 15 Aug 22:33

Weird how we never see you both in the same room? It`s like a budget version of Hannah Montana.
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